Make $20-30+ Month of Amazon Gift Cards/Cash Easy ~ Gift Hulk Code Drops

This invite is still good for a couple more days.
Take it if you want it. That's what it's there for.

Also, I just about forgot about iRazoo, but started using it again because they still have instant $5 gift card wins and you can rack up quite a few points daily. It takes 3000 to get a gift card and you can get a couple hundred or so a day if you're lucky, if not more, plus whatever your friends win up to the first 3000. Maybe just as good as SwagBucks.
I signed up for IRazoo over the weekend. It seems like way too much work to get points. I got tired of typing captchas every time I clicked yes or no for a site. How long as a member of the site did you start getting the hang of it?
The captchas suck, but I won three times over the weekend for about 60 points in addition to voting for a few sites and watching some of the videos, so in total I made a few hundred points. I just put it up there with the sites that you can do daily to just chip away at free gift cards. Plus, I like that they're among the last sites to do the instant gift card win, Blingo is about the only other one I know of and I've only won once, though they have way bigger instant win prizes.

I just do a little math when I look at these sites, if you max out the 100 points from recommending pages on iRazoo and win just twice that's about 150 (you can win ten times a day, so you could easily double or triple that number) and that's 20 days for a gift card and I'm being very conservative because I only did about 8 searches and won twice. There's also the treasure hunt (their version of swag codes), offers, tasks, surveys, and more. Tell your friends and the amount of time to a gift card goes down exponentially. Plus, I think they still do the whole if a friend wins a gift card you win as well. Always a bonus.

That's just the way I look at it. I'm just making suggestions to get free stuff. The people can do as they please.
Been having little to no luck on SuperPoints. I'm stuck around 13700. Not that it's a bad number, but I've noticed the button gives out more frequent winners, but not as many points. Back to really nickel and diming my way to more gift cards. Oh well, free is free and I'm still playing and of course while typing this I won 5 points.

Here's a new invite if you need it:

Also, if you're into search and win check iRazoo, SwagBucks, and Blingo (no longer a friends program, I guess). Now, I've only won on Blingo once before for a $5 gift card, but I don't use it everyday like I probably should and I did see someone on these forums who won $750 from them, so while you won't win everyday when you do win it could be huge. If you know of any others I'm game to check them out.

Edit: Of course I nag about not getting anything and I win a 50 point bonus so here's a 50 point invite if you want it:

Please validate your email so we can both get the points. Thanks so much.

Double Edit: Just watched 25 SuperPoints worth of videos. Nothing to it when you're watching TV or playing. Easy points and they're adding them once a week if not more often.
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[quote name='Redeema']Been having little to no luck on SuperPoints. I'm stuck around 13700. Not that it's a bad number, but I've noticed the button gives out more frequent winners, but not as many points. Back to really nickel and diming my way to more gift cards. Oh well, free is free and I'm still playing and of course while typing this I won 5 points.

Here's a new invite if you need it:

Also, if you're into search and win check iRazoo, SwagBucks, and Blingo (no longer a friends program, I guess). Now, I've only won on Blingo once before for a $5 gift card, but I don't use it everyday like I probably should and I did see someone on these forums who won $750 from them, so while you won't win everyday when you do win it could be huge. If you know of any others I'm game to check them out.

Edit: Of course I nag about not getting anything and I win a 50 point bonus so here's a 50 point invite if you want it:

Please validate your email so we can both get the points. Thanks so much.

Double Edit: Just watched 25 SuperPoints worth of videos. Nothing to it when you're watching TV or playing. Easy points and they're adding them once a week if not more often.[/QUOTE]

Took the second link. Thanks Redeema.
No. Thank you. Ever so kindly. Hope you decide to stick with it. It really is nickle and diming at first, but eventually you'll break through and that's when it begins to pay dividends. Plus, even if you're only making $5-10 a month that's a good chunk off of a game at Amazon (assuming you're getting amazon gc's), plus when you combine this with SwagBucks you're getting a game every other month or so for free. Dig that.
[quote name='Redeema']No. Thank you. Ever so kindly. Hope you decide to stick with it. It really is nickle and diming at first, but eventually you'll break through and that's when it begins to pay dividends. Plus, even if you're only making $5-10 a month that's a good chunk off of a game at Amazon (assuming you're getting amazon gc's), plus when you combine this with SwagBucks you're getting a game every other month or so for free. Dig that.[/QUOTE]

Well from all the websites I have been getting cash/ amazon gift cards, I have been pretty much been spending it on deals that I see often on this website. Its too addicting haha.
That's how it goes, I could easily spend every single penny I've got tied up in a few of these sites right now. If it's not some sort of Limited Edition it's a new system bundle, controller, or older game to throw on my backlog. The free gift cards only help though, I don't have to keep wondering how I'm going to pay for things. They're always taken care of by the gc's.
It looks like they revamped the iRazoo website, it seems cleaner except that it took me a couple minutes to figure out how to do a simple search. I did break 2100/3000 points to get a gift card, though. Maybe another week or so and I should have enough between that and Swagbucks to earn more GC's.
While I still think Swagbucks is better, I'm starting to get the hang of iRazoo. If I knew earlier that adding a comment would give you an extra 5 points I would probably have a lot more.
I'm not gonna argue with whatever works for anyone. I think you can probably mess with all of these sites daily if you really made an effort and make yourself an easy $20-30 a month fairly easy. And I just mean these 'search and win' sites including SuperPoints. I used to make $15/month by myself on SwagBucks, so that number, I think is accurate. Of course you can make a ton more doing the offers, surveys, tasks, and other things involved, but I mainly stick to search, videos, and the basic daily stuff.
Easy come, easy go. Just bought some new snowboard boots, so I'm going to need to take a break from buying stuff or work on getting more for free. Probably going with the second option, so time to step up the earning. Luckily I'm almost to gift cards on iRazoo and SwagBucks, and there's still my $140 on SuperPoints. Makes it easier to buy certain things and save money that I would otherwise be spending or worse yet, not even have to spend. Best of both worlds.
Completely forgot to use my clicks last night and let 91 of them go to waste...That was at least a few points missed out. Ah well, I'll have to remember to hit the SuperPoints before midnight, so that I don't lose them. Protip: The one thing you need to do if you want to maximize your winnings: Play everyday.
Got my SuperPoints up to 4500 or so, not bad as I close on $50 and sit waiting for $100. Can't complain about free money for a few minutes of time every day.

Also, close to $50 on Prize Rebel. Thinking of grabbing that Gears 3 controller with these points/cash.
Got my $100 Amazon gift card from SuperPoints yesterday! Happy that it only took a few days. Happier that I'm half way to another $100 gift card if I'm interested. Now I could pick up Gears 3!
I'm stuck at 14 points on Rewards1, but I did break 50 on Prize Rebel. The sites seem to alternate, so it's all gravy right now. I can't complain about free money.

Watched some videos on iRazoo to push me closer to a $5 gift card (2500/3000). Also got my Swagbucks gift card today and picked up a few more SB's to try and grab another gift card.
Here's a couple invites for SuperPoints if you want in:

By the way, here's my last Amazon gift card as proof:
Broke 5100 SuperPoints, not too shabby. Hoping to hit 10k before cashing out again...maybe. There's a lot of games coming soon that I'm hoping to pick up on the free.
Have you noticed any patterns with the SuperPoints button where you get more points than others on certain days? I got home from work early and noticed I'm getting more points this past hour than usual.
No, the only things I have noticed is that sometime around 9:40 PM PST the button stops giving out points until it hits 10PM and that the damn thing gives out points like every minute and I haven't gotten anything over 10 points in like two weeks, though I do win maybe 30-50 points on a good day.

Congrats on your 200 point win yesterday. Send me your link and I'll post it on my site if it helps.
Thanks, but I didn't get a 200 point win yesterday. But I'm close to 2,000 points in total.

Any idea what's going on with Gaminglagoon/ The only change I'm seeing is a "completed offers" link that blinks .... and goes nowhere.
I don't know what's going on with, I tried checking their forums, but it was a dead link. Also, I could've sworn you won. I'm confuzzled.
I noticed there was another user with a shortened version of my name on there ( no "ie") so that may have been the person who got the points for you.
I 'misremembered' your user name. Apologies.

Broke 5600 SuperPoints yesterday, the wins have been the same or more than a couple of months ago, but the points are less. Still, though, on an average day I'm around 100 points in wins. I try and check the offers page frequently for videos, too. Easy points.

Invite if you need it.
So bummed that somehow I've dropped out of the top 5 SuperPoints members, I have more points than a couple of those people and more friends, so I don't know how they work that out. Plus, the number two person doesn't even participate anymore. Bah.

I've made a few hundred bucks from SuperPoints this year, so if people have made more than me in less time some of them are bringing in some serious cash. I need to step my game up.
Thanks for mentioning their Facebook page. Last week I got enough points for an Amazon card. How long does it usually take to receive an email from them with the code?
Thanks, no. It's been a while since I got a gift card from them, I don't really remember, but judging from their FB comments it's a couple of weeks to a month. I just cashed out a gc from them and SwagBucks. Yay freebies.
Thanks for mentioning the Facebook code. Looks like recommendations don't work with points anymore. Do you notice any increases with points when it comes to searches?

Also, I finally reached 2,500 points on Superpoints so I can redeem a $25 gift card now. I want to say it took six months of mostly button clicking to get there.
Were you watching videos as well? They're easy points. You can find them under a couple different categories and you have to work a little for them, but after doing that a couple times you'll know exactly how to dig them up and the free points are definitely a nice bonus. I look for new ones at least once a week. Congrats on the $25. You should see that a lot sooner than you will the iRazoo gc. After the first one can't you cash out at 500 points?
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