Make $20-30+ Month of Amazon Gift Cards/Cash Easy ~ Gift Hulk Code Drops

So...Wii U officially announced for November 18th launch, so now I've got a goal of $350 and two months to earn as much as I can. I've got $5 so far! Yay.

Time to start doing surveys for some quick cash. I recommend Survey Savvy, I just had $10, $8, and $5 surveys waiting to be done. About 20 minutes per. (I didn't qualify, but maybe you will) Easy money if you're looking for straight cash.
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Just looked at my Prize Rebel profile. I'm coming up on $500 earned, I'm at $480 right now. That's not too shabby. I hope in the next two months I can break $500 and then some. I've got $13 in my account right now, so that's a few pennies to go into the Wii U pot. Every dollar earned is one less to put towards the new system.
Closing in on 3000 SuperPoints. Almost $25. I don't like that the site changed, but I understand why they had to do it. It was great for the past year, but it is what it is now. Hopefully, they can figure out another way to make it great again.

For the record, I haven't had a win greater than 10 points in a month or so. Slim pickings for me.
Saw a fairly easy goal on Gift Hulk, earn 75 coins on the offer wall and get a permanent key, so I watched a bunch of videos and did a survey. Now I have an extra key and enough to cash out for another $5 gc. Go me!
I did my first redemption at Gift Hulk on Wednesday and I got my $5 Amazon code this morning as promised.

There is one small problem I have with Gift Hulk:

When I did a search and win a few times, it asked me to fill in the captcha to get my points. The only problem is there was no captcha on the screen so I couldn't get points that I should have. I reloaded the page, clicked the front and back arrows, and nothing happened.

Maybe next time it happens I should click on the "share with Facebook" link?
I've had that happen a couple of times. Worse yet, I had a win and clicked the share with Twitter, and before they had it set up so that you would share and then come back and enter then the captcha, well, I think I accidentally closed the window, so I didn't even get the coins. Congrats on the first redemption. You may begin to see them coming in faster now that you know what to do and if you've gotten any permanent keys.
Just got an email for a $15, 18 minute long survey from, I did not qualify, but that's good money for a little bit of time.

Also, have enough Gift Hulk Coins for a gc, but I'm going to see if I can get a store discount to make my next redemption even easier.

By the way, Rewards1 is having a 50% referral bonus for the month of October. That's crazy, they're going to be paying out a bunch, so if you haven't joined and want to, now is a great time. Sign up, recruit your friends, get free stuff. Full of win.
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Please use the bonus invite above before it expires.

Edit: This one:

Also, on their Twitter page it says stay tuned, they've got some big news that they're going to be revealing soon. I'm not sure what it could be, but I have points from friends who I'm almost positive reached their cap a long time ago, so maybe they're raising the 1000 point friend cap or removing it all together? That would be the best. Either way, I hope it's something good. If they remove the cap at least it'll make getting those more expensive rewards easier.
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So, the SuperPoints $25 Amazon gift card is a total rip. It's 3150 points vs 3000 for five $5 Amazon gc's. Why would people do that? For $50 it's 5950 points, which at least makes sense. It's only a few points saved, but at least they're not wasted like they are with the $25 gc. Anyway, I'm not wasting points on a $25 card, I'll wait it out until $50. I'm at 4050/5950, which I guess isn't bad. Still a long way to go, but I've got time and patience. Maybe the next gc's go towards a new camera or some Wii U games/accessories? I don't know.

In other news, 800 Gift Hulk coins. Almost enough to get two $5 gift cards. Yay! Can't get that store discount, but maybe I'll get lucky soon. I've got patience this time around.
Use that bonus invite, please. I'm 1600 points away from earning a $50 gift card. Yay!

Up to 850 Hulk Coins @Gift Hulk that's enough for two $5 gift cards, or at least close enough.
1500 points away from that $50 gift card on SuperPoints. Should be another 2 weeks or so, right about Wii U launch time, so maybe I'll use that money to grab a game or something.

And, I still can't get that Gift Hulk store discount. Sitting on $10 worth of gc's, too. Just wanted to get that discount to score the next gc easier, but that may not happen.
I came home to this message and was more than disappointed because I was about to hit $50 and the fact that they gave no notice was craptastic. So, now I have nothing and just judging from the message it doesn't look like they're going to come back again. I hope they do, but it doesn't look good.

So, that leaves me with Gift Hulk, SwagBucks, Prize Rebel, and Points2Shop as my main sources of supplemental income.
This feels like Gaming Lagoon all over again. I was close to cashing out $20. :(

How are you doing with Irazoo? I average $5 a month with them.
Yeah, I had $20 at Gaming Lagoon, too. Makes me want to just do what so many other people do and just get the least amount possible so as not to risk losing any of it. Something to consider anyway.

I did write an email to SuperPoints support ([email protected]) asking them to give me what I had earned. We'll see if anything comes of it, there's probably a lot of people asking them for the same thing, so I won't hold my breath.

I haven't been on iRazoo in a while, I've been way busy with all sorts of stuff going on at home and work. What time I've had has been used on Gift Hulk because of the Treasure Box.
Gift Hulk must have heard about Superpoints and sent out a "we're stronger than ever" email with a code. Their click button was better than Superpoints anyway.
You're not using Gift Hulk enough then, I think it's easier than SwagBucks and you don't have to bother with those code hunts, just a few searches a day and hitting that Treasure Box daily, and maybe the occasional video should be enough for at least a $5 gift card a month for the first couple of months and then it gets way easier. I thought about it yesterday and tried not to get mad because of all the money I was making from SuperPoints, at its height $50 a month and after the big change about $15-20 or so. It's going to be hard to make that money up so easily.

Anyway, just out of fear I cashed out $20 from Prize Rebel. I'll probably request $10 from Points2Shop soon for the same reason.
Redeema is right about Gift Hulk. I only go on their offer wall whenever I get a "get x% extra on offers wall for x amount of hours" win from searching or the treasure box. There is also a daily poll and Fountain of Youth codes that also give out points. I've been a member for around 3 months and I already make $10 a month with them.

It's funny. I think I get $20 a month from all the sites I go to (excluding surveys) yet it usually took 6 months at Superpoints to get enough for a $25 Amazon card. I always cash out $5 from the points I make so when an email arrives with a $5 card, I order another $5 so I always have something to look forward to.
Thanks for seconding the thought. Here's a Gift Hulk code to help you out: 5yh923qpk

Good luck and enjoy. I've got at least one more, I'll give it up to anyone who 5 star rates my thread. I've got 16 so far, so I'll know if you do or not.
Thanks Redeema for the codes. I am at 177.5 Gift Hulk points already. I miss my superpoints, but this will do! :) My only issue is superpoints I was able to do at work, how do you get so many gift hulk points?
It's a slow build up. Here are some basic Gift Hulk tips:

1. You need to do the Treasure Box daily and use all your keys in hopes to win permanent keys. The more permanent keys you have the easier it will be to gain more coins. As far as I know there is no limit on how many keys you can have. I have 29 right now, so I get that many chances at free coins, etc.
2. Use the search plug in for a free coin daily and chances to win more permanent keys, coins, etc.
3. Every now and then I do a survey when they have an attainable goal like 'Earn 75 coins via offers and get a permanent key'. I'll watch as many videos as I can and do a survey to hit the goal. Surveys can be good for 60 coins or so.
4. Check the newsletter for a free Fountain of Youth code worth 5 coins. They send them out about once a week.
5. Also, like Cage said, when you get that bonus % for the offer wall, use it, if only to watch a few videos for easy coins. You can get an easy 10-20 daily alone from those videos.

That should help you get at least one gift card every 2-3 weeks at first and then they should come a little faster with luck and persistence.
Today's bonus on GifT Hulk should be an easy enough goal, 75 coins for a permanent key. That's a few videos and a survey. Only takes 20-30 minutes (or less) to get a key that will pay you over time. Plus, you'll have 75 more coins.

I was dumb, I should've used up all my coins for gift cards last week to have money for Black Friday.

Edit: Nevermind, it looks like they just announced they will pay out on Friday if you redeem prior to the 23rd. They're doing a Black Friday promo and giving out instant gift cards via search and the Treasure Box, it'll be worth it to have those extra keys now.
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Requested $5 from Points2Shop and probably going to cash out from Prize Rebel too. It's a good time to have Amazon credit. Bad time to be poor.
It's also a bad time to be at Gift Hulk apparently. I just got a one day ban because I didn't click on any search results while searching. I would be okay with this except for one thing: There were no search results to click on, only paid results that had nothing to do with the keywords (the "image" and "video" buttons also gave no results). Treasure keys also did nothing. Of all days, this is how Gift Hulk rewards me?

I am very disappointed in them and sent a support ticket to see if they can fix this issue which I have never experienced before.
That sucks. I was watching a commercial for the Life of Pi movie and did a search and got the same thing. I just wanted to know what the movie/book was about not find out where I could buy the audiobook. I know their search engine has broke down a couple of times before, hopefully, they don't hold this against you for any reason or count this as a strike.

Also, to show thanks for everyone who has helped me make a few bucks here's a Gift Hulk Fountain of Youth code: oxa55bb2l
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Got the two gift cards I requested late last night from Gift Hulk, figured I might want something from Amazon, but I ended up changing my mind because I'd prefer to save up for a DSLR camera. I'm $50 in, so I've got a long way to go and no SuperPoints will make this take longer, but those are the breaks. Time to get back to work.
Did anyone instantly win gift cards on Gift Hulk on black Friday? I had to work, so I burned through my keys in under an hour, also couldn't use search to boost my chances.
[quote name='Redeema']That sucks. I was watching a commercial for the Life of Pi movie and did a search and got the same thing. I just wanted to know what the movie/book was about not find out where I could buy the audiobook. I know their search engine has broke down a couple of times before, hopefully, they don't hold this against you for any reason or count this as a strike.[/QUOTE]

I actually got a response rather quickly and the ban was lifted. They did remind me that searching without clicking any of the results is a no-no and results up to a permanent ban. I've had no problems since.

No instant cards for me.
Good news about the ban.

I see that Gift Hulk is giving out a permanent key for every daily survey completed, so 50 coins and a permanent key that will pay more over the long term. Pretty good deal if you have the time and patience to do them.
bread's done