Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

My phone has a whole page dedicated just to games. I only play three or 4 of them consistently.

I think the number of alliance members isn't as important as the points they generate. If you've got 20 members but they're all only generating 400 points. That's 8000. If you have 10 members who each generate a 1000 points, that's 10,000.

#6 in Top Gun with two and a half hours to go, so I threw up a shield.  Now to watch my rank slowly drop.  I'm not sure if anyone else saw this, but the description for Top Gun, it says something about fly into the danger zone.  :rofl:

#6 in Top Gun with two and a half hours to go, so I threw up a shield. Now to watch my rank slowly drop. I'm not sure if anyone else saw this, but the description for Top Gun, it says something about fly into the danger zone. :rofl:
Haha I didn't notice that, that is great! : D

I got all the way up to #2 and threw up my shield with about 2 hours left. I would have played longer but I ran out of both time and health packs and I was not going to risk a crazy drop while at work this morning. I really hope I stay in the top #5 just because I really need the ISO! Judging by my bracket though, there should be no problem with me at least staying in the top #10. Now my Punisher will have all 13 power points used up and still only be like level 55 : P

#6 in Top Gun with two and a half hours to go, so I threw up a shield. Now to watch my rank slowly drop.
Funny how the separate brackets work sometimes. You guys have less points than me and are either higher or the same rank as I am.

As I slowly climbed up to #6 & saw my points fluctuating I also ran out of healthpacks and made the decision to shield and sit. Worst part was before I shielded I didnt realize my team had one last fight in them, oh well where I was at 1 fight wouldnt have made me move any.

Anyone notice how the points do fluctuate? I play opponents based on the points they give. Sometimes after the fight the points will scale or adjust. I wonder why that is. Say I have 175 points & fight a 25 point opponent after I win it will give me my point award. Sometimes it will scale during the fight & I win say 26 points. However when I head back to the opponent select screen the points will adjust again to say 199, just one shy of 200 & 2 shy of the extra point it said I won. Ive noticed this on more than a couple occasions. Sometimes even when I havent lost a battle, I notice my points dip. I'll head to the main select screen then go back into the tournament to see if a battle loss will pop up. The reason I caught it today was because it was noticeable. I think I lost 5-10 points while just sitting there trying to choose an opponent.

Note on Modern Hawkeye, you gotta know how to play him. I was down to Modern Hawkeye and my opponent had a hulk left. Because of Hawkeye's avoid power, he was at decent health, maybe over 2K but my opponents Hulk was still at about 5K. I had him on my team for a useable blue, since Psylocke's bewilder is ok some of the time, anyways she was dead, so didnt matter. Stored up enough blue for an electric arrow, stunned hulk, took half his health. Saved up another set of blues, electric arrow, stunned him again. He's down to his last couple hundred hp & so is my hawkeye. One more hitt & Id have lost. Oh yeah, forgot I placed a red blast arrow down. What happened? countdown went off & with a couple hp to spare Hawkeye beats hulk. Once again last man standing, you just gotta give it up for Hawkeye sometimes!

Anyone notice how the points do fluctuate? I play opponents based on the points they give. Sometimes after the fight the points will scale or adjust. I wonder why that is. Say I have 175 points & fight a 25 point opponent after I win it will give me my point award. Sometimes it will scale during the fight & I win say 26 points. However when I head back to the opponent select screen the points will adjust again to say 199, just one shy of 200 & 2 shy of the extra point it said I won. Ive noticed this on more than a couple occasions. Sometimes even when I havent lost a battle, I notice my points dip. I'll head to the main select screen then go back into the tournament to see if a battle loss will pop up. The reason I caught it today was because it was noticeable. I think I lost 5-10 points while just sitting there trying to choose an opponent.
I have noticed this too. I have no idea what is up with it and frankly just took it as part of the mechanics whether it was supposed to do that or not haha

I forgot about this crappy Falcon tourney ending this morning, so thanks for posting about it. I was sitting at just over 300 points with 45 minutes left, and got up to around 650 and grabbed a punisher cover. Should've been higher but fuck ed up and forgot to heal before getting the red match I needed for Wolvie's slash, and fuck ing Thor hit me with the Storm. Cost me about 55 points in the grand scheme (would've won 21, and lost 34 instead), and knocked me back to that 650-ish. Ah well. 

I forgot about this crappy Falcon tourney ending this morning, so thanks for posting about it. I was sitting at just over 300 points with 45 minutes left, and got up to around 650 and grabbed a punisher cover. Should've been higher but fuck ed up and forgot to heal before getting the red match I needed for Wolvie's slash, and fuck ing Thor hit me with the Storm. Cost me about 55 points in the grand scheme (would've won 21, and lost 34 instead), and knocked me back to that 650-ish. Ah well.
At least you got something!

Everyone needs to work overtime now that we have 18 people; we can totally get that Fury cover in a few weeks.


Well my next season 1 progression reward is a...wait for it....Heroic 10 pack! :shock: Not 1, but 10 HEROIC TOKENS!

Lol as excited as I am to see that, Hulk was a pain to get & I have 1500 more season 1 points to get.  No problem if you factor in another tournament, but I want it now..... Im gonna sing that willy wonka song soon.

Then I took a look at the drop rates, by looking at that no wonder drops are horrible.  Im surprised we get as many 3* covers as we do.  Its funny to look that a 4* has a higher drop rate than most 3*'s do as well.  Although I do think the drop rate for Modern Hawkeye and Daken are not correct.  Most villians (aside Ares) have lower drop rates, but I swear if I get a villain cover its usually Daken

Crazy that 2*'s have such a high probabilty, I understand it, but if you really want people to spend money up the percentage of 3*'s a little bit.  There was a chart going around, which is probably outdated, but it says a majority of people spend hero points buying new covers.  With this tactic I guess its like slot machines, you put in hoping for a great payout.  This is probably why I only play the quarter slots and under when I go to casions....well that and Im a CAG.

I assumed the minor difference in points had to do with an opponent gaining or losing points from the time the showed up on your screen to the time you actually fought them.  So if an opponent has 200 points when you first have the option to face them, but loses a match or two before you defeat them, they will lose some points and you will gain fewer points for defeating them.

I saw the drop rates earlier and it made me glad I haven't tried to buy any covers.  Even when there is a featured event cover, the rates are terrible, and only slightly better when you buy a ten pack.

I assumed the minor difference in points had to do with an opponent gaining or losing points from the time the showed up on your screen to the time you actually fought them. So if an opponent has 200 points when you first have the option to face them, but loses a match or two before you defeat them, they will lose some points and you will gain fewer points for defeating them.

I saw the drop rates earlier and it made me glad I haven't tried to buy any covers. Even when there is a featured event cover, the rates are terrible, and only slightly better when you buy a ten pack.
I am no longer buying daily deals or anything. The amount I have spent on them is ridiculous and my return is not even face value. I need to just focus on earning each new move from events and then just using HP to buy the moves directly. Like seriously, Doom has the LOWEST drop rate. I have all of his black but NONE of his blue. If I would at least get one blue I would be all over dumping my HP into him.

My thing is that by buying the daily deals and stuff your team is based on luck. But if you can at least get the base moves, then YOU craft your team just how and who you want.


With all that ISO from Top Gun, my Thor is just a few hundred ISO shy of hitting 110!

I am so stoked to finally have a character at such a high level.

That being said, my Punisher is now power maxed (though now as I would like) he is 3/5/5 when I would prefer 5/3/5 but either way if I had the ISO he could be at 141! First time I maxed out the moves on a 3*.

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That being said, my Punisher is now power maxed (though now as I would like) he is 3/5/5 when I would prefer 5/3/5 but either way if I had the ISO he could be at 141! First time I maxed out the moves on a 3*.
Why do you want to spec Punisher that way? Since Ive got him in the hundreds now Ive been playing him more. Still learning his move set to try and determine how to move forward with him. He gets high praise by everyone, but Im still not seeing it. I hold more value in my Psylocke than him but she's got at least 20 levels above him. With todays wins I have him at a nice 4/4/4 so 1 more cover & his power set is maxed. This is also great since I can have 1 cover in any power to get him to max then respec him later.

As for point scaling, I take that into consideration. I understand people lose point standing depending on their ranks as well. What I dont understand is the adjustment AFTER you win a battle. Say the opponent is worth the 25 points, during the battle it scales and the points increase by 2 points and your ranking shows the increase by the 2 extra points. Hit ok, get your rewards, then go choose another battle. The battle has ended, your points should not adjust again, yet they have. I dont understand the play mechanics but sometimes with how close the rankings are those extra points make a difference.

Anyways my experience today was I was in a battle, the opponent mustve scaled up as I received an increase in points at the end of the round. However after I received the reward I noticed my score had not increased to the full amount shown on the points screen. It was actually 5 points less than what was calculated after the battle. Its weird and obviously not a fluke as you guys have seen it, but just odd how all the battles and scaling affect everything. Just like shielding, which I am happy with, but you win a battle you get points, you lose a battle and no points are deducted. Why not be shielded & just not be attacked at all? Yes winning while defended has helped me too, but originally thats what shields were supposed to do; keep you invisible from attackers.

PS, simulator, really? Blah.

Because I HATE his green move. And I have other characters I would use him with that have better green anyway.
But it crashes a random block of tiles which gives you no AP & makes 3 strike tiles! 3.....Mutha fuckin 3!!!!!!!!

Who's gonna do better than that with green and strike tiles....Any of the Wolverines? oh Hell Yah!

That reminds me of the Wolverine nerf and how patch was introduced. The Argument was that Wolverine was too powerful and made too many strike tiles. Which was true I mean only 3 green and youd make at least 2. Well patch comes along and as I remember someone's comment was along the lines of: "Oh you like strike tiles, you like wolverine so much? Well fine now you've got wolverine making strike tiles for everyone, so Qwitcherbichin!" I never understood why he made strike tiles for the enemy too, but apparently it was to make it fair & stop people from spamming strike tiles. *cough* Daken *cough* Ahem, something must be in the thread. Anyways thats probably why Patch is also the least used Wolverine skin....although he has dat pre-nerfed healing factor. X-force wolvie is a 4* he should have that healing factor & patch should have the countdown tile, just saying.

But it crashes a random block of tiles which gives you no AP & makes 3 strike tiles! 3.....Mutha fuckin 3!!!!!!!!

Who's gonna do better than that with green and strike tiles....Any of the Wolverines? oh Hell Yah!

That reminds me of the Wolverine nerf and how patch was introduced. The Argument was that Wolverine was too powerful and made too many strike tiles. Which was true I mean only 3 green and youd make at least 2. Well patch comes along and as I remember someone's comment was along the lines of: "Oh you like strike tiles, you like wolverine so much? Well fine now you've got wolverine making strike tiles for everyone, so Qwitcherbichin!" I never understood why he made strike tiles for the enemy too, but apparently it was to make it fair & stop people from spamming strike tiles. *cough* Daken *cough* Ahem, something must be in the thread. Anyways thats probably why Patch is also the least used Wolverine skin....although he has dat pre-nerfed healing factor. X-force wolvie is a 4* he should have that healing factor & patch should have the countdown tile, just saying.
Yeah I hate how shitty Patch is. Wolverine in general is just so weak in comparison to everyone else I feel now.

Also back to Punisher's moves, how many 3 or 4* characters actually have usable (not passive) blacks that are worth while?

Punisher, Doom and Torch are the only ones that come to mind

Punisher, Doom and Torch are the only ones that come to mind
I actually love my Psylockes black move over punisher's. Sure he can do low team damage and then leave a countdown tile which makes attack tiles, but sometimes that thing gets matched.

As of right now my Psylocke does about 800 damage with her black and each attack tile does 100+ per turn. Sure she only makes 1 tile at a time, but it only costs 6 black. After 2 matches rinse and repeat. She's got some decent strike tile creation abilities too, so that makes them even more powerful.

Honestly if you use Psylocke properly she's pretty badass. And even though Im not happy I have her blue power at 5, it still has some great uses. If I dont need healing, or dont have OBW in my team I save up blue for psylocke. Most times Im lucky enough that she drains the enemies black, since bewilder steals the color the enemy team has the most of. As its been said, how many have really useable black skills, on crappy battles I'll steal purple or yellow. Anyways with bewilder at 5 I can steal a max of 19 of one color. Her black takes 6 tiles, so thats skill gets used 3 times. If anyone is left the leftover attack tiles usually mop them up. And naturally thats paired with her strike tiles, since she can only place 3 on the board. So extra power there.

Black panther's black is probably the only reason people would use him, probably why they hardly ever give that cover out. Thinking about those drop rates its crazy to think about the individual drop rates. Like some covers hardly ever get dropped from tokens, most notably black. I think I predominantly get red or green covers before anything else. Oh and blue, I always get freaking blue....which takes us once again back to black Panther and Psylocke....

Loki and Hood both have usable black moves though they are more support. In the right situation though, both are amazing.

What game is that downsouth on your XBL profile? The most recently played game. It looks so familiar but I cannot put my finger on what it is...

Ive been playing Mars: War Logs. The controls and camera are clunky, but the story is pretty interesting.  Honestly wouldve been a better movie than a game.  I really dont even know why thats the icon for it, I havent run across any symbols like that or is that on the logo of the title. 

Lol Herp a derp, If you look at my recently played on my raptr gamercard, damn thing is small but you can see the word Mars. Why they didnt use that I'll never know since thats the logo.

This scaling is really starting to get to me, I had a hell of a time getting the progression reward on the simulator today.  I was at 1582, so naturally only 18 points nets me the next progression reward.  I find an opponent for 20 points, beat them, screen pops +20 total points 1602.  I get to the battle screen wait for progression reward to pop up, doesnt.  I look at the points 1599! WTF really? Fight another opponent lose, drop score.  Have to fight 2 battles to get back, win, once again point value says above 1600, ok, done!  Get back to battle screen, no reward pops, once again Im shy but this time by 5.  I found an opponent with 11 points, won AND FINALLY made it over 1600 points.  What shouldve been only 18 points was in actuality at least 50.  I think this game really wants me to start hating it or it doesnt want me to get that heroic 10 pack as Im only 37xx/5000 so far and its going SLOWLY! I know about ~1k of that will be from the punisher tourney, so at least that will help.

Anyways so we done with black moves? Can we talk about yellow or blue now? Like what up with that, how come all the good attacks are just red and green?

Took this to PM. If anyone else is interested in Hearthstone, let Broly or I know and we can invite you into the convo. There is actually a CAG thread for it, but it's mostly dead air. Nothing like the MPQ village we've started.
Include me.

Took this to PM. If anyone else is interested in Hearthstone, let Broly or I know and we can invite you into the convo. There is actually a CAG thread for it, but it's mostly dead air. Nothing like the MPQ village we've started.
As the disappointed creator of said "daid air" CAG thread, I'd love to be included in the convo. Thanks in advance.

Man, I am not doing well right now in Marvel. I haven't had much time to play and it shows. I have like nothing in the Simulator right now and am only like #110 in the Punisher tourney right now!

I am hoping you guys are doing better than !

I was #1 in my bracket for a hot minute last night. Got 300 points for the full clip token called it a night. I guess around 3am no one plays cause I woke up & was 139. Oh well I think I'm in the 30s again now.
As for the season I'm in the 40a I think. 7XX points & I'll have my heroic 10 pack! I'm so excited for what ultimately will be a huge disappointment.

*edit* I'm 18 in the punisher tournament & 27 for the season, just did a quick check... Still haven't started the simulator yet, which ends tonight. Have I really been playing the season stuff that much?
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[quote name="downsouthtigger" post="11728400" timestamp="1398968182"]I was #1 in my bracket for a hot minute last night. Got 300 points for the full clip token called it a night. I guess around 3am no one plays cause I woke up & was 139. Oh well I think I'm in the 30s again now.
As for the season I'm in the 40a I think. 7XX points & I'll have my heroic 10 pack! I'm so excited for what ultimately will be a huge disappointment.

*edit* I'm 18 in the punisher tournament & 27 for the season, just did a quick check... Still haven't started the simulator yet, which ends tonight. Have I really been playing the season stuff that much?[/quote]
I have played like two matches in the easy simulator and that is it haha class got cancelled tonight so I may have time to actually get a worthwhile reward in at least one
Went 1 round through both simulators, Im in the top 25 on both. Do I push for more?  idk the simulator event isnt as fun for me as the tournament has been.  I guess since my MMR is at a decent level & now that Im transitioning into 3*'s Im having a better time with it.  I mean obviously since my scores are pretty decent in the season 1 tournaments.

Still getting cheesed with the point adjustments, as they are getting more and more noticeable, but I have to go for higher scoring enemies to make up the difference now.

OK someone give me a heads up: Daken and Wolverine teams, Whats up with that?  I see those & the mn magneto/classic storm teams & just beat the crap out of them.  Defensively they have no power, which I dont think people realize. It seems like for me, as well as some other people, that a good all around team is Punisher/OBW (given)/Thor or Ares.  I wish I had a good 3* Thor, that would completely dominate with my Punisher. 

I think Im starting to feel good about my transition into 3*'s, my roster's first page is now mostly 3* covers that are all over level 85.  Pretty crazy not to see my level 85 2*'s there anymore.  Its different scrolling to the next page over to find my 2* Thor or Wolverine. 

And just because you guys cant get enough of her


Must remember to use photon blast more....oh baby! =P~

And just because you guys cant get enough of her


Must remember to use photon blast more....oh baby! =P~
Her outfit is so ridiculous. Like of course they over sexualize characters (especially females) in comics but this one is just absurd. She literally has an outfit that is painted on rather than actually wearing it.

That being, said in the post above mentioned wanting a 3* Thor... you mean.... like mine?


That being, said in the post above mentioned wanting a 3* Thor... you mean.... like mine?
Nah, I want one specked properly, a real thor at 3/5/5, not some bastardized wannabe not even a full set of 13 covers Thor like you have. You know like my Level 120 Psylocke, whose power set IS capped. :p

lol how about that for a kick right in the Daken, its ok, redeem your highly trained tokens and go play with your moonstones.

Once again love the nonsensical pairinings. Punisher, well given for the tournament, but with an OBW and Daken? Fine whatever easy points. Hmm an increase in classic magnetos, thats new.

Oh dat one node doe.....OBW and Ares, wow that one was a bitch. Not hard, but damn why you use my team against me? I forgot who I used but Im like crap those two are in my team and now I cant use them? Shit!

PS. Y U make me use falcon so much? Redwing is a meh ability at best! Oh Fuk, look redwing swooped out of the sky & left a countdown turd on the board. Lets protect it & see what it does! Counts down, disappears, then NOTHING!!!!!! Well at least it took out that one crappy daken strike tile.....

Here's what I think Redwing's ability should be:

Redwing swoops down and takes a dump on the enemy team. In shock and disgust at being shit on by a bird the enemy team is stunned for 5 turns. Literally they are stunned at WTF a bird is doing as an attack.... period! Due to hilarity of attack, the team has renewed vigor in the battle. As spirits are raised, so is health by 10%.

Now thats an ability; its like Black widow original & modern all in one. Hell I'd use falcon a shit ton if he had an ability like that. I mean not that theyd ever really use a description like that, but still imagine the possibilities.

I was in the top 10 of both simulators when I went to bed.  I woke up in the top 50 of each.  Two highly trained tokens, my first Patch Wolverine and another 2-star Wolverine, but not the color I need.  So I dumped another 1-star character for Patch, and now I have another level 15 one color 3 star.  I guess that's progress?

On the plus side, Loki is the featured cover for this round of the simulator, so I dumped my Iso to power him up.  Also, fully leveled my Moonstone at the start of last round, though she only gets used when I can't use Black Widow.

Nah, I want one specked properly, a real thor at 3/5/5, not some bastardized wannabe not even a full set of 13 covers Thor like you have. You know like my Level 120 Psylocke, whose power set IS capped. :p
YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I was going to buy his remaining moves to get him maxed at 3/5/5 but you know what I did instead??!?!


I played 3 fights in each simulator only hahah I got top 100 for both though so not bad for not playing them at all. I really want the Loki covers from the Punisher Tournament since I only have one Loki so far. I have stopped leveling my Thor up at 110 now to focus on my lowly 60 something Punisher haha I figured a well rounded 3* team is better than one great 3* and two other average leveled ones

You all shut up with your lucky a** cover drops. This game is really starting to bum me out. I haven't pulled a 3* in more than a couple weeks. The only ones I get are from events. Makes it pretty difficult to pump anyone up without the covers to do it. If X-Force Wolvie wouldn't be so damn useless, I could get him up over 100, but I can't envision a scenario where I would ever use him. He's never featured for events, he's never even featured for sub-events (Loki's role in the current simulator). He just takes up collection space until I can get him to level 230. Then he might be worth something.

You all shut up with your lucky a** cover drops. This game is really starting to bum me out. I haven't pulled a 3* in more than a couple weeks. The only ones I get are from events. Makes it pretty difficult to pump anyone up without the covers to do it. If X-Force Wolvie wouldn't be so damn useless, I could get him up over 100, but I can't envision a scenario where I would ever use him. He's never featured for events, he's never even featured for sub-events (Loki's role in the current simulator). He just takes up collection space until I can get him to level 230. Then he might be worth something.
I actually haven't gotten any lucky pulls in quite a while. I got a few from the Hunt but that was ridiculous luck but with people I don't even use anyway. Other than that though I have had nothing. I have been buying the Thor moves with HP directly

I have stopped leveling my Thor up at 110 now to focus on my lowly 60 something Punisher haha
Oh so you can have a punisher like my level 110, who doesn't have 5 covers in green? Lol
*insert trollface here*

Speaking of trolling, even the game is doing it. Close to the progression reward in the punisher tournament for his cover. What color is it? Green! And it would max his skill set so I could level him to 141. Why are black covers so hard to get?
Oh so you can have a punisher like my level 110, who doesn't have 5 covers in green? Lol
*insert trollface here*

Speaking of trolling, even the game is doing it. Close to the progression reward in the punisher tournament for his cover. What color is it? Green! And it would max his skill set so I could level him to 141. Why are black covers so hard to get?
My level 110 Thor would obliterate your 110 Punisher.


OK Im out of bed and at my computer instead of on my phone. Thanks to the Loki tournament I now have only 150 points left to eagerly hasten my disappointment when I redeem my 10 pack of heroics.  But right now I want to talk about something other than the pulls we've been getting and the levels of our teams.

I want to talk about defense strategy in tournaments.  We all know that the last team that WINS a battle is the team that your opponent will face when you leave the game.  Most people try to put up a team that they feel is very defensive.  On the other hand other people just use the team that they've been using as their attack team because its been working.  

Most defensive teams have a storm or OBW in them, which makes sense.  Storm has a great counter attack and OBW heals.  On the offense when you play against a defensive team like that, who do you take out first? Either storm or OBW right? Always take out the weakest or the biggest annoyance.  The team you have on defense, your opponent is thinking the same thing. So even though having OBW or storm DEFENSIVELY is a great idea, offensively you're going to get hurt.

I propose trying to leave an Offense heavy team before you leave the game for a while and see how that runs.  I have a couple reasons for this, which was fueled by what happened in the Loki tournament.  I had a psylocke/Ares/Loki team up.  Loki of course isnt a heavy hitter but he's powered up in the tournament & forced on you, so disregard him.  Anyways I was attacked & won the battle, not really a big deal it happens. However the amount of points I won was 30, which means a person with a higher level MMR attacked me & lost.  Usually the people who I fight/find that give 30+ points are the level 100 Punisher, Magneto, Hulk 3* teams.  I rarely fight or find an OBsThormVerine team thats over 20+ points.

But why an offensive team rather than a defensive team? We've played against the computer, we know how the AI works, which is another reason to choose a more offensive team.  AP, the computer will almost always choose the lowest attack that it has the colors for.  If you have a Thor/Punisher team, how many times have you noticed the computer use that Punisher skill over Thor's?  The only time this will happen is if Punisher is eliminated before Thor.  (Also side bar this is why I target the heavy hitter 1st now.  Ive been in battles & taken out Punisher & OBW only to have thor dominate me with his green & wipe my team by himself.)  Has anyone noticed the increase of classic magneto?  If you have his red to level 4, it only takes 3 reds to set off his power.  Yes its weak, but it's hella annoying when the enemy team is pumping them out left & right.  Take the loki tournament, Loki is required, but people will still have OBW on their team. Which purple takes less AP? Loki's, so defensively the computer is going to make loki do that purple shuffle more than widow stealing colors. 

Second reason for placing your heaviest hitters out front on an offensive team, THEYRE FULLY HEALED! The people attacking you are fighting opponents that are at 100% HP.  So as you struggle using your healthpacks, if you have a good team, you couldve just let opponents attack you & you win instead.  Of course you'll still lose from time to time, but we all do when choosing our opponents sometimes too.

Just food for thought, since we know how we play, we dont take in consideration the computer AI is actually the one controlling us when we get attacked.  All those critical tile/extra turn matches you would have made, the computer AI is programmed to go for 4 matches instead.  So when it comes down to defense the only thing you really have for protection, aside from shields, is a heavy offensive team with low AP costs. The more attacks you can spout off cheaper, the more likely you will win defensively.

Those are all REALLY valid points and definitely something worth exploring. I don't really have anyone else though to fill in for an offensive team myself. All my other strong 3*s are only in the 60s and I am not going to put in Wolverine with my Thor because then the AI will almost never use Call the Storm.


Those are all REALLY valid points and definitely something worth exploring. I don't really have anyone else though to fill in for an offensive team myself.
Look at who you have available 1st & what powers they have at what cost. When I play, yes, I want to make that rainbow team, but in playing against the computer I just picked up on some things I noticed. Computer is low cost and cheap, always goes for easy matches & always seems to target your special tiles.

If you want to hit fast & hard, here's what I suggest from what I know.

Psylocke- 6 black AP, decent damage leaves attack tile.

Ares- At level 5, 5 green AP decent/high attack but will give opponent green AP

Classic Magneto- Red at Level 5 only costs 2 AP, low attack but low costs

Astonishing Wolverine- 6 green AP low attack strike tile generation

Modern Storm- At level 5 Red only costs 5 AP, low damage but great for cascades & gain of environmental tiles (USE ONLY IN DESERT OR JUNGLE STAGE!!!!)

Ragnarok- 6 Red AP, produces green tiles, low attack

Those are the only ones I really know or use that can attack in 2 motches, in Magnetos case 1. Its an interesting theory for sure, I definitely one that needs to be explored


I did not include Loki's purple. Although low cost, the percentage of times it will make a match or high damage cascade are VERY low.

Did not include Human Torch, covers are few and far between for him to be effective unless you directly bought powers. Green attack costs low AP, but still requires 1 green AP per turn. If you have no green AP the green countdown tile will not attack.

If anyone notices anything I missed just let me know!

Look at who you have available 1st & what powers they have at what cost. When I play, yes, I want to make that rainbow team, but in playing against the computer I just picked up on some things I noticed. Computer is low cost and cheap, always goes for easy matches & always seems to target your special tiles.

If you want to hit fast & hard, here's what I suggest from what I know.

Psylocke- 6 black AP, decent damage leaves attack tile.

Ares- At level 5, 5 green AP decent/high attack but will give opponent green AP

Classic Magneto- Red at Level 5 only costs 2 AP, low attack but low costs

Astonishing Wolverine- 6 green AP low attack strike tile generation

Modern Storm- At level 5 Red only costs 5 AP, low damage but great for cascades & gain of environmental tiles (USE ONLY IN DESERT OR JUNGLE STAGE!!!!)

Ragnarok- 6 Red AP, produces green tiles, low attack

Those are the only ones I really know or use that can attack in 2 motches, in Magnetos case 1. Its an interesting theory for sure, I definitely one that needs to be explored


I did not include Loki's purple. Although low cost, the percentage of times it will make a match or high damage cascade are VERY low.

Did not include Human Torch, covers are few and far between for him to be effective unless you directly bought powers. Green attack costs low AP, but still requires 1 green AP per turn. If you have no green AP the green countdown tile will not attack.

If anyone notices anything I missed just let me know!
Of all of those, my Torch is actually my most powered one hahah

Other than Wolverine, I dont really have any of those above characters at a usable level : /

Oh yeah and my results on the heroic 10 pack.  I got a Green Human Torch Cover and a Yellow Iron Man 40 cover.  I havent seen an Iron Man 40 cover in a LONG time.  Of course I finally come across one and naturally its not blue.  So now I have once again another 3* with their worthless move up to 5.  Any color Human Torch was welcomed. 8/10 pulls were 2*s so hopefully you guys get better than 20% 3*s when you get your 10 packs. I know some of you are very close.

Also noticed that the 10 pack spit out doubles of the 2*s I got.  Daken, Thor, Magneto, and Ares.  (Or maybe I had an Ares in reserve from progression rewards. It was yellow I think that was a progression reward in something. I had a red cap in there too, dont recall if he was a progression reward or pull from token. )  Anyways, it was interesting that it wasnt a wider variety of covers I got. Based on that drop chart I as expecting separate heroes as opposed to the bunching.  Oh wells free is free.

I bought a Highly trained 10pak today, hoping for a Loki drop so that I could do the simulator.  As luck was with me today, I got 2 loki purple covers,   Also got obw black, moonstone black, daredevil purple, falcon purple, 2 cap modern blue and 1 cap modern yellow, and mnthor green, which I already have maxed out.  Very happy with results

Somehow made it #1 in the Loki Tournament. Not sure if  I'll be able to hold on to the top spot over the next day. OBW and Thor do seem to make a good combo. Wish I could get her up to level 85. 

Ooops. Really should have shielded myself. Dropped 300 points and down to 30th place over night. Back up to 17 now.

Somehow made it #1 in the Loki Tournament. Not sure if I'll be able to hold on to the top spot over the next day. OBW and Thor do seem to make a good combo. Wish I could get her up to level 85.
That has been my team for a long time now in pretty much every tournament! A maxed 3/5/5/ OBW is a very powerful thing!

It's really amazing how much you can drop in the last half hour of the tournament. I timed my break at work so I could unshield and hold on to my 15th place at least. 

Instead, I got attacked left and right. After winning a battle for 30 points, I was informed I was attacked 3 or 4 times and lost 80 points. Each time I tried to build my score back up, I'd get knocked down. How can I be attacked numerous times during one battle?

Is there some ghost version of my team floating around?  How can 4 different players select me at once?

I ended up finishing in the 50s and missing out on that Doom cover. Such major sadness.

The end of a tournament is the last time that you want to play if you have a lot of points. The more points you have, the more points others get if they beat you. So let's say you have about 700. If someone is just starting out, trying to get a last hour push and is sitting at 300, your team would be worth about 40 points to them. No way they're skipping that battle.

As for ghost teams, yeah. Everyone you beat on the way to where you are could have your team sitting in their queue, and they just haven't gotten to it yet. That's apart from all the teams that could have you randomly pop up on their selection screen. And if a majority of the other players are shielded, the odds of your team showing for someone else are even greater.

I did what you did once... unshield to try and move up a rank or 3. Lost about 20 spots in 10 minutes. Haven't done that again since.

Instead, I got attacked left and right. After winning a battle for 30 points, I was informed I was attacked 3 or 4 times and lost 80 points. Each time I tried to build my score back up, I'd get knocked down. How can I be attacked numerous times during one battle?

Is there some ghost version of my team floating around? How can 4 different players select me at once?
To Kind of piggyback on what ltrain has already said, I'll throw in some things too.

The ghosts of you out there, when you're active that makes you more visible to enemies, Especially if you're a high rank or unshielded the last hour of a tournament. Plus anyone you have defeated could have you in their retaliation screen & they havent fought back yet.

So yes there are multiple yous out there, you dont have just the one team you're attacking with. So take that into consideration, also the team they're attacking is the last team you won a battle with. SO if you've changed heroes to attack another team, the opponent is beating your old team.

My advice is to get where you think you want to be, then shield. This loki tournament, I have 5 black in doom already, no blues. All I wanted was a blue cover, so I fought my way up to the top 10. With an hour left I sat and shielded. Why the top 10? I knew everyone would make their last pushes & Id drop into the top 25, which was fine, I didnt need that black. Since everyone else is fighting that last hour, which is the worst thing to do, you will usually only fall about 1 tier.

The one thing that does get me is how there's always that 1 person in the top 10 who sits unshielded. Ive never understood how I break my shield and like you, am hit by at least 4-5 people & drop 100 points. However that 1 person can jump from rank 10 to 5, and never seems to be targeted. Ive watched this as a person who was ahead of me by 1 point unshielded. I was waiting for them to be attacked to push me into the top 10. They never did & I was dropped into 11th place. How the hell do some people have all the luck?

Match making rank is an unfair thing for sure. The best thing to do is when a new tournament starts, have a tank team in place. What Im finding a better solution is, is to get your team to 300 points for the special token within the 1st day of the tournament. Then you're sitting at a decent spot & just tank. The more points you have the more you get attacked. I've placed a tank team with the seed teams at the beginning of the tournament & you dont get attacked as much. Get back into the game 12-24 hours before the tournament ends. By then you've tanked enough to get lower ranked opponents. Just make sure to skip any 100+ 3*s you may still have in your queue. Get to where you want & shield. Usually I go with the 3 hour shield as its the cheapest and its not a really good idea to shield for 8+ hours, unless you just have a huge lead over everyone.

Oh yeah and these randoms we're getting.  Ive had to kick a couple, but there was one that came in last night who I guess left us.

He had the highest score out of our alliance for the simulator.  His roster was decent but he obviously played a mess out of the game.  Now it seems we're teetering out of the tier for the falcon cover. This will be the 2nd great random that has actually left us instead of us kicking.  Are they really checking other alliances and how the hell do they switch to another one so quick?  I mean how do they even know they're getting into a better alliance?

OK having said that, anyone have any opinion on who we should let go in the alliance?  Im talking about randoms. 

Go look at the alliance scores in the simulator, look to see who's at the bottom. Compare the points.  I want opinions please.  I look at these rosters and they have potential, but whats the point if they're not going to use them? So take a look, any person you sit and go who the hell is that, just let us know & we'll take a look and see where to go forward with it. We've got 19 people & we're still not up to the next tier. Makes me wonder if 20 will actually make a difference for us.

So what's the quickest way to get to that 3000 points for the black Hulk cover? 

Just do a bunch of shield simulator matches over and over and over?

I can tell the 1,000+ point battles in the Easy/Hard simulator don't count towards the Season 1 total.

Like the other said, the end of the tournament is the worst time to play.  Once I get to a comfortable spot, I will lock in a shield to carry me through to the end, usually the three hour one.  Usually, it's fairly quiet with 3-6 hours left, or at least quiet enough that you can still gain points without losing them too fast.

As far as the unshielded people who don't seem to get hit, could they just have a strong team, or at least a team people would skip in favor of other opponents?  At that point, you would think they would be higher than 9 or 10, but who knows?

Oh yeah and these randoms we're getting. Ive had to kick a couple, but there was one that came in last night who I guess left us.

He had the highest score out of our alliance for the simulator. His roster was decent but he obviously played a mess out of the game. Now it seems we're teetering out of the tier for the falcon cover. This will be the 2nd great random that has actually left us instead of us kicking. Are they really checking other alliances and how the hell do they switch to another one so quick? I mean how do they even know they're getting into a better alliance?

OK having said that, anyone have any opinion on who we should let go in the alliance? Im talking about randoms.

Go look at the alliance scores in the simulator, look to see who's at the bottom. Compare the points. I want opinions please. I look at these rosters and they have potential, but whats the point if they're not going to use them? So take a look, any person you sit and go who the hell is that, just let us know & we'll take a look and see where to go forward with it. We've got 19 people & we're still not up to the next tier. Makes me wonder if 20 will actually make a difference for us.
I may or may not have randomly kicked that person. I kicked someone this morning who had a terrible roster, so it may have been after the person you are referring to left.

I am sorry again for not playing the game at all the past few days. Like I said in chat I am super pissed about missing a Blue Doom, though I somehow just got 2 Red Torches and then a Yellow Panther all essentially in a row from tokens.

I am not sure exactly who to kick, especially since my current score is so low hahaha

Random, but this weekend two friends and I started a quick animation at 1am on Saturday and finished it up around 9pm that very day. It is super rough but here it is. Our theme was 'Mystery Date' but we made it like a superhero date (the fruit)

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