Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

It's possible they join, then see that we're not as highly ranked as we should be, then they move on to greener, sub-100 ranked pastures.

So what's the quickest way to get to that 3000 points for the black Hulk cover?
Just do a bunch of shield simulator matches over and over and over?
As some of the other guys & I will tell you, there is no quick way. Gets worse when you get the 5k heroic 10 pack progression reward.
Easiest thing to do is play tournaments. I average about 800 pts per tournament, each tournament lasts about 2 days. The other thing is to play the simulator/training battles. Target opponents who give 20-30 points anything under is a waste. It's a grind for sure but it lasts the rest of the month. So it's up to you on how quick you finish.
I may or may not have randomly kicked that person. I kicked someone this morning who had a terrible roster, so it may have been after the person you are referring to left.

I am not sure exactly who to kick, especially since my current score is so low hahaha
Yeah I guess they did leave, oh that really sucks. I looked and out of all of our team this random was #1 in our alliance for the simulator. Pushed us up to almost the top 100. I was very excited, then I look this morning and was like who is this? 1 page roster with 1* and a bagman, Im thinking oh someone just started playing this game.

As for who to kick, I guess I'll just say it, Earl. I dont know if he's a random or a CAG, but he's in he simulator with 126 points. Does anyone realize how low that drops our score? I mean I play 1 essential node & thats 1k points right there, no reason to only have 126 and we're on the 3rd round of simulators with a day left. He said he was busy with work, but really, you can play a round on the toilet & get a couple hundred more points, just saying.

*EDIT* Well we have a decent one right now, Evilzin. Not as good as the guy last night, but he's holding our simulator score well in Falcon range. We should keep him for now. His season 1 score is a little low though, but I dont think he's a tournament player.

It's possible they join, then see that we're not as highly ranked as we should be, then they move on to greener, sub-100 ranked pastures.
I can see that but my question is how and also why. I look at other alliances to compare. Ive done the searches to see who is open and available. Even before I click a 19/20 member alliance, the roster its filled. I dont see why take a chance on jumping to another alliance when the possibilities are unknown. Plus Ive seen some 20 member alliances that are worse than us. When you think about it realistically, the chances of jumping onto an open spot in a top 100 alliance are pretty damn slim. Once you leave an alliance you cant go back and rejoin either. Last point, getting into a top alliance those people kick more folks than we do. Ive seen them actively recruit on the MPQ forums and some always have openings since they're like a revolving door.

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PS. Y U make me use falcon so much? Redwing is a meh ability at best! Oh Fuk, look redwing swooped out of the sky & left a countdown turd on the board. Lets protect it & see what it does! Counts down, disappears, then NOTHING!!!!!! Well at least it took out that one crappy daken strike tile.....
Redwing is not like every other countdown - you want to remove it as soon as you can. If you do, the power can kick off again.

I really find it odd that they are pushing Falcon heavily in the rewards. I'm still sitting with only one or two covers for a bunch of the other newer 3*s like Black Panther and Psylocke. Depending on how well you and your alliance do in the next two days, you could end up with six covers for him.

Not that it will matter much - hurting for ISO at the moment to level up Doom and Spidey.

And 40x cover packs? Jumpin' Jiminy, thas alotta scratch.

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Good God...even with my tank team I'm getting attacked by maxed 3 stars. Gonna be a lot of skippin' once I jump back into this Doom tourney.

EDIT: P.S. I hate that fuck dinosaur!

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cant do much in the simulator. sold off my ragnarok a while ago.
attempting to tank (w steve rogers ans falcon) in doom tourney
I got one Rags cover from the daily reward. Only time since I've been playing that I've been offered one. Still maintaing my streak of not selling any 3 star covers.

Man they REALLY want you to use Rags, mine has a level cap at 53 but he's buffed to 143 during the simulator.  People must not use him that much anymore, which Im glad, he was a pain in the ass!

I did not know that about redwing, I was sitting there trying to protect the tile thinking he would come back again & take another opponent special tile. That never happened & I dont think I ever set him off again, so I was like this is a waste.  Still they really are forcing him down our throats.  LIke he really is being thrown as a reward left and right.  The way he's just being given away youd swear he was a 2 star.  Given his abilities & character from the comics, he shouldve been.  I mean as a support character goes, hes still not as good as OBW.

Im glad nick fury is being given a card with the bio on it.  Now it clears up how we're not in the ultimate universe.  I do however hate the tie in as to why there's a black Nick Fury, as this was a way to relate him to the non ultimate (regular?) marvel universe.

Here's the story on who he is, I may read this later.  Battle scars

Oh and he's not actually director of SHIELD but an Agent, so that part is a little off. Either way doesnt matter, Ive never been a nick fury fan, Black, White, or LMD.

So they now have 40 packs to buy but I do not see the point...

I would MAYBE be somewhat remotely intrigued if the rates were drastically increased but they arent. The Heroic ones are but every other one is the same as the 10 pack. If I could get the Doom 40 pack and have like a 15% chance of getting Doom, they would have my attention, and likely my money : p

I wonder if it will stay like this? It is technically a better deal than the 10 pack per cover but still... are that many people going to be dropping 15k HP in one go?

Good God...even with my tank team I'm getting attacked by maxed 3 stars. Gonna be a lot of skippin' once I jump back into this Doom tourney.

EDIT: P.S. I hate that fuck dinosaur!
I knock out the Assassin first so the green stops autogenerating, makes the fight a little easier. Speaking of, I really wish they would upgrade the interface for the nameless opponents to not only tell you how much each one is contributing to the pool, but also identify which timer belongs to which enemy.

So they now have 40 packs to buy but I do not see the point...

I would MAYBE be somewhat remotely intrigued if the rates were drastically increased but they arent. The Heroic ones are but every other one is the same as the 10 pack. If I could get the Doom 40 pack and have like a 15% chance of getting Doom, they would have my attention, and likely my money : p

I wonder if it will stay like this? It is technically a better deal than the 10 pack per cover but still... are that many people going to be dropping 15k HP in one go?
I can't imagine ever buying one. Even the Heroic one, the cheapest, is looking at over $50 in real money, or a long time stockpiling, with no assurance you will get anything useful.

I get if you have a way to get credit for the platform of your choice at a discount/free, but still, pretty blatant pay-to-win/winners-keep-winning.

I knock out the Assassin first so the green stops autogenerating, makes the fight a little easier. Speaking of, I really wish they would upgrade the interface for the nameless opponents to not only tell you how much each one is contributing to the pool, but also identify which timer belongs to which enemy.
If you touch/click the tile you're wondering about, it usually says in the description which character it belongs to. The negative is that if there are more than one of an enemy, you're still guessing. "The Hitman fires a lethal shot, dealing 2816 damage to the current target." Which Hitman, g'dammit? WHICH HITMAN??

If you touch/click the tile you're wondering about, it usually says in the description which character it belongs to. The negative is that if there are more than one of an enemy, you're still guessing. "The Hitman fires a lethal shot, dealing 2816 damage to the current target." Which Hitman, g'dammit? WHICH HITMAN??
Yeah, that's my point. If I've got a knockout attack ready to go, it's 50/50 (or even 33/33/33) to get the right one. Nevermind the ones that refer to something that you aren't even fighting (the HAMMER Lieutenant and Commander purple both refer to 'Agent').

I knock out the Assassin first so the green stops autogenerating, makes the fight a little easier.
Thats a good point, I always target the damn dinosaur first since he makes the turns.I'll do this from now on.

I didnt realize or remember the hitman and assasin both had sniper rifles. I was getting hit back to back with green and blue sniper shots & was getting pissed. Im so used to mafia bosses and goons leaving blues that make strike tiles it didnt even register.

As for the who does what, its been asked and talked about forever. Its just one of those things, how would you really implements it? I guess no way really. Yes it would be nice to know so youd know who to target but at this point most times you have an idea. The only time it really gets to be a problem is when you have 2 of the same enemy. Even then, if you can remember, its usually the first enemy on the screen who does the attacking. Ive noticed this when I dont switch opponents & just kill them in the order they fight. When I kill the 1st one it usually knocks down all the countdown tiles. Unless its something special like yellow or purple, just generally attack the 1st enemy on the screen. Once they're down most of the main attack countdown tiles will be gone.

As for the who does what, its been asked and talked about forever. Its just one of those things, how would you really implements it? I guess no way really.
Just call them Thug A/B/C, 1/2/3, Mario/Luigi/Guido whatever. There's already something tying the countdown to the specific enemy, so adding another attribute wouldn't be difficult from a generic database perspective. Wouldn't even need a lot of logic, just give the ID based on where in the trio sequence the character lies (ie, you would fight Thug A, Assassin B and Thug C). Throw the ID in a corner somewhere when touching/clicking the countdown.

But fixing this is lower priority than spiffy award animations, obviously. ;)

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But fixing this is lower priority than spiffy award animations, obviously. ;)
Seriously, we can get neato reward animations but still have to settle for weak power animations. Really, Thor's call the storm. You're just going to give us a picture of a hammer, but yet when we get a crappy 1* from a token that gets a cool little animation. Or the 20 ISO: zip, pow, flash, YOU WIN.....20 iso....but it looks cool right?

Seriously, we can get neato reward animations but still have to settle for weak power animations. Really, Thor's call the storm. You're just going to give us a picture of a hammer, but yet when we get a crappy 1* from a token that gets a cool little animation. Or the 20 ISO: zip, pow, flash, YOU WIN.....20 iso....but it looks cool right?
Coming from an animator, the amount of work they likely put in to making these new effects is EXTREMELY minimal.

Most of the additions could have been completed in a day or two. Whereas new character attacks and actual animations would obviously require a much greater deal of work.

I am not saying I don't want to see some awesome attacks, I am just pointing out the additions they have made probably cost them very little money as opposed to the price of adding new attack animations.

Since we're on the topic of fixing things, why can't they get rid of the delay between the tile match and dealing of attack tile damage? I seriously hate playing against MStorm because of this. Sure, they don't deal a whole lot of damage, but the match takes 3 times as long because there are so damn many of those attack tiles laying all over.

I know the damage is a separate amount, and it's nice to see what it is, but can't that almost be simultaneous with the end of the turn? I'm by no means a programmer, so I'm not sure if this is viable, but I would love that to be a seemless transition between turns.

Since we're on the topic of fixing things, why can't they get rid of the delay between the tile match and dealing of attack tile damage? I seriously hate playing against MStorm because of this. Sure, they don't deal a whole lot of damage, but the match takes 3 times as long because there are so damn many of those attack tiles laying all over.

I know the damage is a separate amount, and it's nice to see what it is, but can't that almost be simultaneous with the end of the turn? I'm by no means a programmer, so I'm not sure if this is viable, but I would love that to be a seemless transition between turns.
I enjoy that they are separate actually, though the time between definitely needs to be hastened.

I have a base technical issue in that many times tiles move incorrectly in my game. I will move them one way yet they go the other and it completely screws up my turns. You would think it is my phone, though no other applications have every run into that issue.

I for some stupid reason decided to log into Facebook on Family Guy quest for stuff. It completely erased my game data and I have to start over. Naturally no one plays that game either. I now hate that game.

Moving on, I know its all done on the minimal, honestly this game has more animations in it than the original puzzle quest. So thats saying something.  The game on a whole has some slowdown problems in general.  There are times where Im unsure if its my phone memory or the internet connection but there is noticeable lag and delays. Has anyone run into a ghosting type effect where not all frames load at once.  Like say you enable an attack and the attack goes off, however there was no animation that accompanies it. Or you load up a new battle and you begin, but your characters and enemies wont show up until a minute or so later.  Then there's move registering.  Most times I'll be lucky & get the "not a match" but sometimes it will make a 3 match instead of the critical tile/extra move that I was going for.  That is extremely pissy.

As for attack tiles, I just try & kill ModStorm first, she's annoying as hell anyways. Its little damage but that black is a pain, for the delay and other reasons.  I shudder to think if they ever do a 3* of her, people want it & have been asking. Im on the fence, she'd be over powerful if they 3*d her. Speaking on that, whens 3* Daken coming? Thats been hinted at forever now it seems.

Side note on the lazy 3*s; why are they what shouldve/couldve been? Playing aound with them more makes their 2* counterparts complately worthless & a waste of roster space.  2* Thor was virtually that powerful pre nerf & Steve Rogers is everything 2* Cap shouldve been.  His skillset is actually fairly powerful especially with the color return. I fought a level 100+ Steve rogers and was amazed at how well he took out my team.  I had actually left him for last since I as so used to 2* cap being pathetic, my mistake right there. 

About kicking people, that earl guy still has 120 points in Simulator and nothing in the current Season 1 tourney. Don't know if he's CAG, but he isn't participating.
About kicking people, that earl guy still has 120 points in Simulator and nothing in the current Season 1 tourney. Don't know if he's CAG, but he isn't participating.
We dont know either & I think its been said about his participation. He has a pretty good roster but he's not using it. So I dont know why we're keeping him honestly. I think I said it best earlier:

As for who to kick, I guess I'll just say it, Earl. I dont know if he's a random or a CAG, but he's in he simulator with 120 points. Does anyone realize how low that drops our score? I mean I play 1 essential node & thats 1k points right there, no reason to only have 120 and we're on the 3rd round of simulators with a day left. He said he was busy with work, but really, you can play a round on the toilet & get a couple hundred more points, just saying.
Yep, I said that, & I stick by it. Even if we kick him & get someone who only has 1k points, we'd move up in rank.

I dropped earl, we went from #218 to #196 with whoever filled the slot, not a big jump, but yes it made a difference. And yes I did kick him before the simulator ended, Im sorry if that was shitty but 120 point this whole time? Im not into giving free rides for a cover the alliance worked hard for.

I dropped earl, we went from #218 to #196 with whoever filled the slot, not a big jump, but yes it made a difference. And yes I did kick him before the simulator ended, Im sorry if that was shitty but 120 point this whole time? Im not into giving free rides for a cover the alliance worked hard for.
I don't think it was bad to kick him before the end. If anything, he put in one match to get whatever alliance rewards he could and I don't think we want people like that. Especially when he has a better roster than many of us. I ended up in the top 50, so I landed three Falcon covers. I could see him being useful in certain situations, especially against the teams that flood the board with strike tiles (Daken, Wolverine). Of course, he's only at level 30 for me with 1/2/1.

Is anyone else seeing a really hard tourney for the current Doom/Shield round? The worst teams I'm seeing have level 85 OBW and Ares or Thor, which sucks since I use OBW & Ares. I think I've managed to scrape together about 400 points so far, but I had managed top 50 in each other round of the Shield tourneys.

Up over 600, and I'm barely above 100.  I looked at the top of my bracket, and all 10 are over 1000.  Looks like another Daken I don't need.

I apologize for not being all that active lately in the game guys or here. I still try and play but I have just been pretty busy and exhausted and find myself sleeping on the train rather than playing Marvel!

Also I have no idea what is wrong but since the last update I cannot type any text in the game, whether I search for an Alliance or try and write on our Alliance Board it just doesn't let me. Each new letter I type it deletes the previous one so my messages can be all of 1 character long.... So yeah I went to comment on there a few times but can't : /

Also I back up your decision with Earl by the way. I haven't been able to police the crappy randoms lately so I hope you have been a bit as I am sure you have downsouth.

Have any of you paired Wolverine with Falcon? I played the first round of the Simulator with those 2 and OBW and it was pretty effective. Falcon's Inspiration boosts Wolvie's attack tiles. If you can get a few (or a lot) of "Feral Claw" attack tiles on the board then make a few yellow matches, you'll chew through the enemies. Maybe this is common knowledge, but I figured it was worth mentioning.

Have any of you paired Wolverine with Falcon? I played the first round of the Simulator with those 2 and OBW and it was pretty effective. Falcon's Inspiration boosts Wolvie's attack tiles. If you can get a few (or a lot) of "Feral Claw" attack tiles on the board then make a few yellow matches, you'll chew through the enemies. Maybe this is common knowledge, but I figured it was worth mentioning.
I like Falcon, but I think that's colored by the fact that he's been boosted in so many recent events - it'll take a lot of ISO to get him to this point naturally. That being said, it was fun to pair him with Spidey and spam protect tiles, then boost them..

Yeah I've been policing, lots of people coming & going. I was really upset over earl. He really had a great roster, I definitely could kick some ass with the covers he had.

So now I'm redwinged out the ass with falcon. Sure only 3 blues but when you only have 1 in the other 2 colors it seems like a lot. Still not too sure about his skill set, gets hard to have him & obw on a team. 2 support characters & only 1 attacker is a bit tough.

Speaking of teams, obw & Ares/Thor, that's the staple huh? Gets boring in tournaments fighting them all the time. Yes I use them too but I also have level 100 punisher & psylocke team that I leave up for defense. Need more hulk covers as I'd love to leave him for defense. Finally have enough black panther covers to level him up to 100, guess I'll do that & see how he plays.

Err not Tony, I mean Umm Broly! Ur Alliance wubs yooooo! (not really)

I reached enough points for the heroic ten pack.  My haul: Daken (black), Falcon (yellow), OBW (purple), Bagman (purple), 3 star Cap (red), 3 star Spidey (blue), OBW (purple), OBW (black), 2 star Wolvie (red), 2 star Cap (yellow).  Three 3 stars I can use, my first blue Spidey and my first 3 star Cap at all.  I could use the black OBW if I want to re-spec, but I'm not sure which power to drop down.  I could also use the Bagman, but I would need another slot, and I've sold him so many times I don't think I should bother.

I reached enough points for the heroic ten pack. My haul: Daken (black), Falcon (yellow), OBW (purple), Bagman (purple), 3 star Cap (red), 3 star Spidey (blue), OBW (purple), OBW (black), 2 star Wolvie (red), 2 star Cap (yellow). Three 3 stars I can use, my first blue Spidey and my first 3 star Cap at all. I could use the black OBW if I want to re-spec, but I'm not sure which power to drop down. I could also use the Bagman, but I would need another slot, and I've sold him so many times I don't think I should bother.
3/5/5 is ideal for OBW. You will not regret it. That is the BEST. Stealing is good, but actually by having it at 3 it costs less and many times when you steal the team doesnt even have 4 of each to be stolen. The extra damage you do with her black at 5 is better than anything her purple move could offer. And of course you want healing maxed too for obvious reasons.

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I think I have my Purple at 5 and the Black at three. Maybe I should switch it?

I'm playing more of the Shield Simulator than the tournament lately. I'm racking up some easy points by taking down one star teams for 30 each.

I reached enough points for the heroic ten pack. My haul: Daken (black), Falcon (yellow), OBW (purple), Bagman (purple), 3 star Cap (red), 3 star Spidey (blue), OBW (purple), OBW (black), 2 star Wolvie (red), 2 star Cap (yellow). Three 3 stars I can use, my first blue Spidey and my first 3 star Cap at all. I could use the black OBW if I want to re-spec, but I'm not sure which power to drop down. I could also use the Bagman, but I would need another slot, and I've sold him so many times I don't think I should bother.
Congrats on getting some good stuff (jealous of both the Red Steve and Blue Spidey - My Heroic ten pack was essentially 2500 ISO). I concur on the 3/5/5 OBW. The only time her black isn't so good is when you pair her with someone that does better with her colors, like the boosted Doom from the last tournament.

I've tanked so well in the Falcon tourney I am in last place in my bracket. Now to see if I can turn this around tonight well enough to get some Patch covers, I only have two for him at the moment.

Yep OBW 3/5/5 we're all doing it! When you think about her purple being at 5 to steal....purple, it kinda looks pointless for the amount of AP it costs anyways.  Stealing 4 as opposed to 3 isnt as big of a deal in the long run. Although some people argue that the blue isnt worth healing up to 5, I have to disagree. Being able to always heal, thats a plus!

As for Bagman, yes there are times when he's useful.  Also put him on a tank team, people will always target a bagman.  I have to admit even though I despise wasting ISO to level him up, against enemies he's really great.  His yellow is low cost and extends the countdown on those tiles you sometimes cant get to. His purple is great for setting up combos, since you get to pick which tiles to swap.  The only color I dont like is his blue, those web cocoons make no sense to me.  So you lock a tile, sure it doesnt work while its in the coccoon, but once you match it, it works again.  I guess thats why my bagmans specs are 5/3/5. Basically if you're playing against goons and hammer agents, Bagman is a good filler to have while your other characters are recharging.

As for the tournament, I dont know where I am anymore.  The opponents Im facing are now mostly level 85 OBW/Thor/Ares with the occasional Storm/MN Mags/Daken tossed in somewhere for fun.  If I get ANY  3*, aside from Falcon of course, its Classic Mags, Punisher, Hulk with a random Patch thrown in for fun.  There's little to no variety in my opponents or levels anymore. Trying to tank to change that but I think those are just the teams people use now.  They need another tournament with random powered up heroes forcing us to use characters we never do. NOT another Dark Avengers Tournament though, I dont want to see everyone with a Ares, Ragnarok, Moonstone, Daken team left and right. Also the people with the Bullseye/Venom/Yelena/Daken teams get tired of having their asses handed to them.

Im just going to get up to the top 50 to get the red patch cover, thats the only power I dont have right now. Yet I have 2 in green & Yellow, how the hell? OH wait my 3* Thor is like that too, no red..... Yet I can be blued out the ass in 3* covers (Psylocke, Black Panther, Falcon)

Well, looks like 3* Daken is the reward for the new Heroic mode. They have his powers set to "Classified" in the description (hope that's not a trend). Based on the Level 2 text, looks like purple and black are similar, and the new blue clears strike tiles? I guess it gives him something that causes direct damage.

Apparently there's a chance to get a cover each match in multiplayer now? Assuming that's not a glitch, I've only seen ISO rewards so far. Even if it's something you don't need, a cover is better than the 70 ISO award.

EDIT: Guess it's not a glitch, just got a Juggernaut cover for winning a match.

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Well, looks like 3* Daken is the reward for the new Heroic mode. They have his powers set to "Classified" in the description (hope that's not a trend). Based on the Level 2 text, looks like purple and black are similar, and the new blue clears strike tiles? I guess it gives him something that causes direct damage.

Apparently there's a chance to get a cover each match in multiplayer now? Assuming that's not a glitch, I've only seen ISO rewards so far. Even if it's something you don't need, a cover is better than the 70 ISO award.

I hate dealing with 2* Daken as it is haha now 3* ones?!

Finally happened with the 3* Daken huh? This I have to see.....

I see the covers, wow, thats just....idk what to say.  All my opponents are giving me 2* covers, so I think depending on your MMR you'll see a difference. I guess thats a good thing, guaranteed 250 ISO, since I have everyone the way I want I think?

If you ever wanted to get a full set of bagman powers, I guess you can easily now....

*edit* ok WTF, I just look and now it went from 2*s to 1* covers and iso. Once again WTF?!?!?

*Edit 2* And its stupid Mohawk Daken, I cant stand that dumbass haircut... At least he doesnt have a gay power.

Lol team him up with Venom and Bullseye for an extra X% of damage lol!


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So played some of the lightning round, those covers must be for display or something as Im still only winning ISO.  I got one cover & it was a modern storm.  I dont see why they would give away so many "good" 2* covers anyways.

It almost seems like they replaced the standard recruit token prize with the chance to win any of the covers (minus the 3*) it would have given. I'm just getting iso anyway...

I've got the same problem broly has with alliance chat... It just doesn't work anymore. I'm playing on an S4 if that makes a difference.
It almost seems like they replaced the standard recruit token prize with the chance to win any of the covers (minus the 3*) it would have given. I'm just getting iso anyway...

I've got the same problem broly has with alliance chat... It just doesn't work anymore. I'm playing on an S4 if that makes a difference.
Whatever Broly caught is spreading like wildfire. I think it's herpes. I got it, too.

One character at a time. Note 3 here.

Whatever Broly caught is spreading like wildfire. I think it's herpes. I got it, too.

One character at a time. Note 3 here.
But..but.. but I wore protection : (

Yeah seriously it is annoying though I feel so disconnected not being able to chat!

I am on a RAZR Maxx HD or whatever the random capitalization that Motorola decided to use on that name haha

I am focusing a bunch on the Simulator this time around and wont be playing much at all of the Season stuff this week. I really want to score all 3 of Daken's moves and that means we as an Alliance need to be top 100.... so yeah lets kick some ass : D

LTrain is ahead of the game with like 7k already somehow seemingly as soon as the event freaking started hahah keep it up!

I am focusing a bunch on the Simulator this time around and wont be playing much at all of the Season stuff this week. I really want to score all 3 of Daken's moves and that means we as an Alliance need to be top 100.... so yeah lets kick some ass : D

LTrain is ahead of the game with like 7k already somehow seemingly as soon as the event freaking started hahah keep it up!
Yeah, but now the most I can score on any round is 377, so I have to wait it out until my point totals get bumped a bit.

I am focusing a bunch on the Simulator this time around and wont be playing much at all of the Season stuff this week.
We are sitting just outside the 250 mark on Top Gun, if anyone wants to throw a couple of between-reset points in getting to the 500 ISO at the 50 level. Heck, get to 100 and throw a tank team out.

We are sitting just outside the 250 mark on Top Gun, if anyone wants to throw a couple of between-reset points in getting to the 500 ISO at the 50 level. Heck, get to 100 and throw a tank team out.
When does that event end?

I can play a quick match or two before I go take a nap during my lunch break hahaha

bread's done