Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

Wow, my 10 heroic tokens was a mixed bag for me, really:

Red X-force Wolverine :shock:

Green Invisible Woman :whistle2:o

Yellow Black Panther :cool:

Black hulk :hot:

Black Dr Doom :cold: (only because I already have 5 for him)

Blue 2* Cap, Red 2* Hawkeye  :roll:  Since Im rebuilding these guys I do technically need the covers

Then the worthless stuff Blue Bagman, Purple Dake, & Green classic storm.

All in all I had better pulls with 10 single heroics than the 10 pack. It was a 50% return on 3* or better. :applause:

I got nothing good from my single token packs. Only thing usable was one black (two star) daken cover.

Everything else I sold. At least I got OBW up to 85 finally. Now working on leveling up X force wolvie. He can go up to 95.

Good work, CAGSual Slacks'ers, our Alliance was in the top 50,000 for Season 1! :whistle2:

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Oh man, so I have not touched the Sentry sub event at all and figured I would try last minute.

Well I jumped in with 2.5 hours left in it on the commute up to work. I scored a quick 7500 points and am now sitting comfortably at #2! hahaha I love it.

Also my luck has been too good lately, I am worried it will soon take a turn for the worst. My Sentry Token gave me a Ragnarok and then my Recruit Token just scored me another 3* Iron Man. 

You guys make me hate this game, with all your awesome pulls. Out of the 10 heroic tokens that I had garnered, I got 2 3*, and 1 2* that I could use. My Ares is finally getting to a usable level, and Yellow Steve and Patch are nice, but those aren't guys I wanted to build my team around.

You guys make me hate this game, with all your awesome pulls. Out of the 10 heroic tokens that I had garnered, I got 2 3*, and 1 2* that I could use. My Ares is finally getting to a usable level, and Yellow Steve and Patch are nice, but those aren't guys I wanted to build my team around.
I got my ass HANDED to me by two different Patch teams in the last Tourney.

That being said it seems like the good luck goes in spurts in this game. Give it time I am sure soon enough I will be swimming in Yelenas and you will be on top of the mountain with 3 stars! haha : )

My Lvl 125 Thor and 68 Mag is hammering Daken for around 1k each round.
I'm sure he likes it. With only passive attacks, this game is painting quite the obvious picture that Daken's an aggressive power bottom.

You guys make me hate this game, with all your awesome pulls.
Yeah our luck has been good this week, but remember what we've had to go through. I had almost 2 weeks worth of bullseye covers, and only the black one. If I was lucky, it was purple. This was also the first time in a long time that I got something other than a 1* from a standard token. Luck really does come & go in this game.

Having said that, in the prodigal sun event I'm not trying for the prodigal sun tokens. Sure decent drop rate on daken but huge drop rate on dark avengers. I'll just get a heroic for a better rate on covers I may need.

Lastly, what's up with the artwork? Daken & sentry, those profiles man... Didn't realize daken had some jacked up teeth. And sentry: is he constipated? Did someone fart? Is the void stuck up his ass? He's got the look on him like something regarding someone's bowels are occurring.

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I've been going through that since I started playing this game... the first day it came out. All that time, and the highest level character I have is 89. My luck has never actually arrived. Sorry for being a downer. Just very frustrating.

And since the new update, any time I need to put the game in the background (to take a call, send a text, etc.), any time I come back, the game fuck ing restarts. Half health, gone. Match almost won? fuck you. Start over, for less points. I remember going through that with my old phone, but not since January. Now I have to set up a reject call message that says "In the middle of a Marvel Puzzle Quest battle. I'll return your call momentarily." The wife will LOVE that.

Edit: Final sentence removed. 

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Oh man, so I have not touched the Sentry sub event at all and figured I would try last minute.

Well I jumped in with 2.5 hours left in it on the commute up to work. I scored a quick 7500 points and am now sitting comfortably at #2! hahaha I love it.

Also my luck has been too good lately, I am worried it will soon take a turn for the worst. My Sentry Token gave me a Ragnarok and then my Recruit Token just scored me another 3* Iron Man.
I have 2000 more points than you, and I'm at #25. Ugh.

My luck has never actually arrived. Sorry for being a downer. Just very frustrating.
It will happen, one day you'll get those covers from that pull or be first in a bracket and get that 4* cover & all the rewards.

As for the last sentence, its something in the water. Ive been in the process of a divorce for a while now, not because of MPQ but had she known how much I played it.... Some things Id rather not think of.

Do you have another device to play MPQ on? I know I have spare phones & tablets laying around. Maybe a change of scenery for your game is whats needed. That way if someone calls you dont have to worry about it. But really you use your phone to talk? Wow....

I have 2000 more points than you, and I'm at #25. Ugh.
I've got 6800 points (maybe 7000?) and I'm at like #110. (for the sub event) So that's even worse.

At least I'll get one token.

I really don't have time to play and build up for both the Psylocke tournament and the Sentry sub events. I haven't even started the Psylocke tournament yet, and there's 12 hours to go. Don't see how I can rack up enough points in order to nab another Daken cover.

And now in the Prodigal Son events, we don't get to see where we finished. That's annoying. Although I'm certain I got bumped out of the top 10 in the last few minutes. Cost me 50 hp. The ever valuable HP.

And oh fun... now we have 2 PS events to focus on at the same time. And they have the stupid point total meter again. 

I really don't have time to play and build up for both the Psylocke tournament and the Sentry sub events. I haven't even started the Psylocke tournament yet, and there's 1 day and 12 hours to go. Don't see how I can rack up enough points in order to nab another Daken cover.

It will happen, one day you'll get those covers from that pull or be first in a bracket and get that 4* cover & all the rewards.

As for the last sentence, its something in the water. Ive been in the process of a divorce for a while now, not because of MPQ but had she known how much I played it.... Some things Id rather not think of.

Do you have another device to play MPQ on? I know I have spare phones & tablets laying around. Maybe a change of scenery for your game is whats needed. That way if someone calls you dont have to worry about it. But really you use your phone to talk? Wow....
The 4 star covers are fun to pull, but they don't interest me that much, because I can't get them to that high of a level. I can get my X-force to 128... but his powers aren't anything special. I'd rather save that iso for Hulk or Pun to get to 141 when I pull those covers a year from now.

We have an ipad air at home, but the resolution on MPQ makes the game look like shit, and it's hard to focus on the whole board when all the tiles are so huge. I have my old Photon, but the game runs so damn slow on it, it makes me want to punch things. I currently play it on a Note 3, and prior to the last update, there was no better way to play it. Super sharp, super fast, and just the right size to hold in your hand and ignore the rest of the world while you play (which is EXACTLY why this game was invented).

Ltrain, you were in my bracket and finished right next to me. I was at #32 and you were #31

Not bad for both of us having started that just right before the ending!

I would recommend that you save up all your HP we get from the events and just outright buy a move you want for a 3*. I know others will argue against it, but I have done that on a couple occasions now and you know... I am the best : P

Also, I didn't realize how close we are to scoring the Sentry Alliance Reward cover.

I know I have been keeping that event on the backburner and if anyone else has been we should try to do a nice push now to get us into the top #100. I know I won't score an individual reward of it but getting at least one move will likely help later when he is a featured character!

Ltrain, you were in my bracket and finished right next to me. I was at #32 and you were #31

Not bad for both of us having started that just right before the ending!

I would recommend that you save up all your HP we get from the events and just outright buy a move you want for a 3*. I know others will argue against it, but I have done that on a couple occasions now and you know... I am the best : P

Also, I didn't realize how close we are to scoring the Sentry Alliance Reward cover.

I know I have been keeping that event on the backburner and if anyone else has been we should try to do a nice push now to get us into the top #100. I know I won't score an individual reward of it but getting at least one move will likely help later when he is a featured character!
HP - This was my plan all along. Black Hulk. I had a pile of HP saved up (1800ish) that I finally decided I was going to use for just that purpose. My 2.5 year old son loves all the comic figures (especially Doctor Doom), so he used to love scanning through my roster and pulling up all the characters. Great, no prob. He'd done it a ton of times before with no issues. Then one day, I got up to get a glass of water... to come back to 125 HP. He bought me as many heroic tokens as he could. I just about cried. I couldn't get mad at him, since it was my own fault, but I wanted to cry. Then, just last week, my 6 year old son wanted to try the game. He won a prologue match or 3, so I figured he knew what he was doing. Until he gave the game to my 2.5 yr old again. 750 more HP down the tube. That would have me a level 128 Hulk with 4 in black for the time being. And a team that a lot of people run away from in tourneys. I want to cry right now just thinking about the possibility.

HP - This was my plan all along. Black Hulk. I had a pile of HP saved up (1800ish) that I finally decided I was going to use for just that purpose. My 2.5 year old son loves all the comic figures (especially Doctor Doom), so he used to love scanning through my roster and pulling up all the characters. Great, no prob. He'd done it a ton of times before with no issues. Then one day, I got up to get a glass of water... to come back to 125 HP. He bought me as many heroic tokens as he could. I just about cried. I couldn't get mad at him, since it was my own fault, but I wanted to cry. Then, just last week, my 6 year old son wanted to try the game. He won a prologue match or 3, so I figured he knew what he was doing. Until he gave the game to my 2.5 yr old again. 750 more HP down the tube. That would have me a level 128 Hulk with 4 in black for the time being. And a team that a lot of people run away from in tourneys. I want to cry right now just thinking about the possibility.

Well, you saved that much up before, you should be able to again! Especially with us consistently getting solid rewards as an Alliance too!

Needless to say, MPQ is no longer one of the apps I allow on KIDOZ (an alternate android OS that prevents kids from opening apps they aren't supposed to, has ad block, blocks IAP, has time limit settings).

Echoing Broly's thought on the alliance, being just a single hair off of a dangling acorn sack away from getting the ever-powerful yellow Sentry power. Let's get that bad boy. Season rewards are dumb anyway (Daken covers aside).

EDIT: When is the Amazon app store going to get MPQ? I would put that version on my other phone SOLELY to use all my built up Amazon Coins to buy HP. 3600+ coins with no where to go...

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EDIT: When is the Amazon app store going to get MPQ? I would put that version on my other phone SOLELY to use all my built up Amazon Coins to buy HP. 3600+ coins with no where to go...
How long did it take them to get candy crush? Can you even imagine if you could use Amazon coins for this game. I think if that happened MPQ would give them the dumbed down old version that couldnt incorporate Facebook saves just to avoid all the boosting.

I didnt realize how close we were to the sentry alliance reward. I guess I'll start playing it more now.

How long did it take them to get candy crush? Can you even imagine if you could use Amazon coins for this game. I think if that happened MPQ would give them the dumbed down old version that couldnt incorporate Facebook saves just to avoid all the boosting.

I didnt realize how close we were to the sentry alliance reward. I guess I'll start playing it more now.
We still have almost a week left with it so no intense rush. Just something to keep in mind.

I am debating getting rid of my 2 star Wolverine and Captain America... I will very likely get rid of at least one if we get the Sentry cover to make room and score some ISO but really even now I feel they are leaning towards powered up three star characters, of which I have ample supply of. I would much rather have 12500 ISO to rack up my main 3*s than to keep a character on my roster just in case I need them for an event down the road.

Both of the opening matches in the events net me less than 80 points each. Afraid to start, thinking that they won't get any better throughout the event... which wouldn't help my overall ranking at all.

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Both of the opening matches in the events net me less than 80 points each. Afraid to start, thinking that they won't get any better throughout the event... which wouldn't help my overall ranking at all.
I am probably going to play through one now and leave the other to play the last hours it is open. The only reason I will even play the one is because I am still holding out on Season 2 for a good bracket and so there is nothing else to play haha

The LA event is based on point collection, its not timed. Whats up with all the agents of SHIELD looking asian.

I would much rather have 12500 ISO to rack up my main 3*s than to keep a character on my roster just in case I need them for an event down the road.
My thoughts exactly. After looking at it, yes I know I wasted x amount of Iso to get y to max level, but getting $30+ of iso all at once back to get Z 3* up to level 141; I'll gladly take the cut. Maybe Im just used to it after so many years of trading in games.

Plus as you said, they're just sitting there taking up roster space. With the increase in 3*s they're pushing them more anyways. Why bother with a 2* powered up cap for an event, when 3* steve rogers is an essential node character. Its making less sense to keep certain 2*s anymore, just like its pointless to keep all but 2 of the 1*s. Sure I did sell off my 1* Iron man and Storms, funny thing is Im already back to 13/13 powers for IM & its been less than a week.

The LA event is based on point collection, its not timed. Whats up with all the agents of SHIELD looking asian.
Well we were just in China, so maybe they migrated?

Oh crap its point based again? Did they not learn the last time? The main event has a time limit. If people dont get enough points for the sub event to end they will inflate the points to speed it up. It was a disaster in the last event. I didnt even think about it until you just mentioned it like that. Hopefully they have this planned out....oh wait only 80 points for the first node? Nice, seems they didnt.....80 points is going to move that bar slowly & Sub events usually last 1-2 days like a tournament. Should I call it now or lets just see how it plays out?

The LA event is based on point collection, its not timed. Whats up with all the agents of SHIELD looking asian.

I just checked and they are all timed based though...?

My thoughts exactly. After looking at it, yes I know I wasted x amount of Iso to get y to max level, but getting $30+ of iso all at once back to get Z 3* up to level 141; I'll gladly take the cut. Maybe Im just used to it after so many years of trading in games.

Plus as you said, they're just sitting there taking up roster space. With the increase in 3*s they're pushing them more anyways. Why bother with a 2* powered up cap for an event, when 3* steve rogers is an essential node character. Its making less sense to keep certain 2*s anymore, just like its pointless to keep all but 2 of the 1*s. Sure I did sell off my 1* Iron man and Storms, funny thing is Im already back to 13/13 powers for IM & its been less than a week.

Really I dont see a need for Thor either since my 3* dominates him. I wouldnt mind selling Wolverine, Thor and Captain America; leaving OBW as my only 2 star left haha

But yeah 35k ISO (my capt is only lvl 75 so I only get about 10k) would boost my Hulk to about 100 or get my Thor to 141....

I really want to sell them now haha

You guys need to convince me what I should do!

Yeah both sub-events showed times remaining and point targets, so I'm not sure what's going on.  I guess I should play through those first so I don't get completely hosed if they end before the time limit.

I just checked and they are all timed based though...?


Really I dont see a need for Thor either since my 3* dominates him. I wouldnt mind selling Wolverine, Thor and Captain America; leaving OBW as my only 2 star left haha

But yeah 35k ISO (my capt is only lvl 75 so I only get about 10k) would boost my Hulk to about 100 or get my Thor to 141....

I really want to sell them now haha

You guys need to convince me what I should do!
Get your Thor to 141. No questions asked. Yeah, MN Thor may be boosted in an event, but a fully leveled LT will still be better than a boosted 2* Thor. Sell Cap and Thor for sure. Steve is better at even lower levels. Personally, I like having Wolverine for his strikers, but that was only because I had a crappy Ares. A decent Ares does so much more damage for 6 green. No strike tiles, but the strike tiles are red-dependent anyway. Shit, sell Wolvie too. I just talked myself into almost selling mine.

Yeah both sub-events showed times remaining and point targets, so I'm not sure what's going on. I guess I should play through those first so I don't get completely hosed if they end before the time limit.
The d3p forums are thinking that a new node with a nice bonus will pop up if the target is hit inside the time limit.

A decent Ares does so much more damage for 6 green. No strike tiles, but the strike tiles are red-dependent anyway. Shit, sell Wolvie too. I just talked myself into almost selling mine.
THIS! A decent Ares will take over for 2* Wolverine & Thor anytime. Save up enough Green & you can 1 hit kill a hulk (done it).

Once you get a lvl 141 Punisher, Wolverine is out the door period! I mean no comparison, Wolvies red is good but Punishers can 1 hit kill. Greens both make strike tiles, although Wolvies does more damage, its dependance on red & the lower strength make it hard to control. Then whats better matching yellow for healing or black for enemy team damage & a countdown tile that makes attack tiles? Combine that with the strike tiles, thats just lots of free damage.

So yeah, sell 2* wolvie & if you have a punisher he basically takes his spot.

I'll probably do the same once I get a few more covers for my three star thor. Sell the two star version, and use that ISO to level up the three star game. Same goes for my new Daken as well, no point in leveling both versions up.

It's  the equivalent of how you fuse lower level monsters in order to create higher level ones in games that have monster collecting as a mechanic.

I've also about to craft my 4th Epic Boss Armor in Knights and Dragons and hopefully upgrade my town hall to level 7 in Clash of Cans (although I can't seem to move up out of the silver bracket). Mobile gaming is going well.

I pulled the trigger.

I sold my 2 star Thor, Captain America and Wolverine!

The only 2 star character I have is OBW and everyone else is a 3 star!

That also means I have three open slots in my roster so I can save up HP and now worry about needing to buy new slots for a while, at least a month I would imagine. One obviously will be for Sentry but then after that I am good for two more new characters.

Also then, I split the ISO between Thor and Hulk a bit. Thor is at 130 and Hulk is at 94. Once I get Hulk to hit 100 I will focus back on Thor I think.

I sure know if I were to see my team in a tournament, I would skip 'em! Haha Let's hope that most everyone I run into feels the same : P

Talk about not reading power descriptions.  Since Daken is extremely buffed during this event, Im using him more.  Im trying not to match any of the yellow tiles so his "heat" healing powers will always be positive.  I shouldve read that 3* Daken gets healed by the amount of BLUE tiles on the board, not yellow like the 2*.  I was wondering why I kept losing health to the point Daken commited suicide.  Also has not been helping me that the boards Ive been playing on are having a blue deficiency as well.

I did that, too.

I guess it fits the whole Heat idea, but his new power self-cannibalizes. Match blue to power the only direct attack, but reduce your health in the process. Use that power? Remove some strike tiles. I guess you're supposed to feel better getting some more green on the board?

In general I like the new SHIELD character art. But what is up with that Commander? She looks like she had a fear-induced "accident" and is barely keeping it together. Everyone else has a "just another day fighting super villains for my top secret paramilitary job" look.
But what is up with that Commander? She looks like she had a fear-induced "accident" and is barely keeping it together. Everyone else has a "just another day fighting super villains for my top secret paramilitary job" look.
She's got the same constipation from eating whatever sentry had. It's passing around. Black panther has it too but you can't see it because of the mask.
She's got the same constipation from eating whatever sentry had. It's passing around. Black panther has it too but you can't see it because of the mask.
No one's replying to your in-game chats because it's not even cool to tell people that you pulled a Spidey from a recruit token. I don't care if he's been nerfed. Still not cool.

No one's replying to your in-game chats because it's not even cool to tell people that you pulled a Spidey from a recruit token. I don't care if he's been nerfed. Still not cool.
So thats what it is. I dont even know what the nerf was about since in game chat thats all pork chop has been complaining about. Im just saying that if you complain to your game and tell it you only want bullseye covers it does what it thinks will piss you off. In my case, not giving me anymore bullseye covers. The AI has obviously not been programmed for reverse psychology; or has it, since its doing the opposite of what I want? Anyways I want some 3* Thor covers, everyone else has been getting those, thats not cool either (to me.)

Entered the Psylocke tournament last night, this is a clear case of how dependant and reliant people are on OBW. Clearly she is NOT someone you want on a team with Psylocke. Ive had psylocke for a while, so I can understand people who are getting to test drive her fresh. However 2 powers Blue & Black are shared with OBW & because psylocke is buffed, they will default to psylocke. This means all you have is purple for espionage, which is good since you can activate aggressive recon but still. Ive been in multiple battles with people who are using the base Psylocke just so their level 85 OBW will have board dominance. I look at that strategy as highly ineffective. Why cripple yourself with a lower level psylocke with limited powers just to have the extra hit from espionage?

Im very glad they're holding the psylocke tournament again, just for the sheer fact I can get away from the Required character/OBW/Ares or Thor team I usually run with. So far Ive been using a Psylocke (duh)/Hulk or Punisher/ Black panther team. Having Psylocke/Punisher/Black Panther team is fun to make strike tiles out the ass. However I hate using Psylockes red for strike tiles when Pun does the 1 shot death. Which is why I use Hulk more than Pun. Plus Hulk is higher on green, so I can always throw him out for defense for his black passive.

Is everyone running the same teams or trying something different? Just curious due to my paragraph above on the OBW/Psylocke synergy.

Still using OBW and Ares, but my Psylocke only has two powers at 1(blue and black), so she is almost useless even boosted except I do get to use her black power every so often.  I started last night, and someone in my bracket is already at 1100.

I will gauge once I hop in tonight in the 11th hour. 

I am thinking I will test out using Thor and Hulk now that they are leveled so much. Either way like I said I hope it acts as a deterrent for other players which should hopefully allow me to hold my ranking a bit more easily.

DS, you said you have played with a Thor/Hulk team before, what do you think about them paired with Psylocke?

DS, you said you have played with a Thor/Hulk team before, what do you think about them paired with Psylocke?
About the only thing you're missing is a purple, but thats meh at best anyways. Synergy wise not the best pairing but far from being the worst. The issue comes down to hulk & Thor. Green is usually the dominant color on the board. Having Hulk higher in green will allow you to keep him up front for his passive black. Having Thor being more powerful it will default to him taking more of the damage. If you have a low level Psylocke though, hulk may just cover the tiles that use her power. Point is defensivley, you want hulk in front as much as possible since he's got the highest hit points and that passive black to make the greens. Remember dont put 5 in black for hulk, I just had a hulk battle where he suicided because of the black.

Offensively the pairing can be a total power house depending on how you use them. Thor makes greens with his yellow, thats a given. This leads you to how to use the green. Team damage or board clearing; your call. If the opponents team is making too many special tiles, you have the board clearing option with hulk. Red use for strike tiles only, sure 3 yellow from thor may help, but Psylockes strike tile push her attack tiles to almost Dr. Doom attack tile levels. Plus black does decent damage before leaving the attack tile, made better with those strike tiles. Lastly if you have blue it will be a mixed bag, bewilder will steal from the opponent. Most times you will get a dead color no one can use, usually purple. However most people dont use yellow or black either so you have a high chance of gaining those to use for Thor or Psylocke.

Thats my breakdown of that team, it gets hard to pair so many of the heavy hitters because of that green reliance. It can work you just have to play smart and think how you want to use their powers. I have played against that team as well & I can tell you, it is an annoying team to fight. I almost lost too, thankfully I had punisher during that battle. His hulk was at 2k & my punisher was down to 200 Hit points, you never know how much Punisher's red at 5 is worth until you're in that situation.

*NOTE* I am basing the above on the 2* Thor that Ive used and played against.

Hm yeah my one downside is that my Thor right now at level 130 has a good chunk more health than Hulk. Thor is over 8k health whereas I think my Hulk only has 6.5k. Also then my Thor's green is still more powerful than Hulk's. I just need more ISO dammit! 

So thats what it is. I dont even know what the nerf was about since in game chat thats all pork chop has been complaining about.
Spidey was amazing (heh) with a full power set, especially with a 5 in blue. Being able to stun with only two blue that gets better over time, create a defense tile on any purple match, and being one of only two healers was pretty overpowered. Getting more blue Spidey covers was second to my desire for more black Hulk covers.

As for the tourney, my Psylocke sucks (only two blue), so it doesn't really matter which one I use besides the slightly higher health. My 3* Thor is under-covered, too, so not him. I'm making a conscious effort to try and avoid OBW in PvP, so I've been running Ares/Hulk or Punisher/Hulk. Not the detriment it was compared to the last tournament, lost 100 points overnight. It also requires some secondary healing - they don't tend to die, but they usually can't go right back into the battle.
bread's done