Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

Bahaha I just checked and my Psylocke is 0/1/2!

I definitely thought she was better.

I did look though and my Thor and Hulk have the same values for green despite the 36 level difference. Perhaps if I can get Hulk a level or two higher he will surpass Thor's green values.

Also, another Heavy Metal tournament is now up with even more Daken rewards; they are really pushing him hard! Pun intended!

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Also, another Heavy Metal tournament is now up with even more Daken rewards; they are really pushing him hard! Pun intended!
Daken is not amused by your intended pun....




I will stick with his Uncanny Avengers Horseman of Death outfit.

(sorry for the huge image I was far to lazy to find a smaller one or to rescale this one haha)

I will stick with his Uncanny Avengers Horseman of Death outfit.
Whoa I just got caught up on Uncanny Avengers too & I didnt even think about that outfit. Although not in the dark reign story line. If we're using Marvel Now stuff Id like to see what they do with the Superior Spider-man since they recently nerfed Amazing Spiderman. Which is kinda funny since he's back to being amazing again in the comics.

Ugh, 2 black Bullseyes and 2 blue CStorms for my tokens. Pretty sure they fuck it up too, as I got a Heroic token for top 100 in LA.
This is why I prefer heroics over the prodigal sun tokens, less chance for dark avengers covers. Looks like you caught the black bullseye bug from me now, good luck beating my record. I think in total in 2 weeks I got 6 black bullseyes and maybe 3 purples.

First token I get gave me a....Blue storm, then another storm....yellow this time...then a 2* wolvie and hawk guy. All in all, maybe I shouldve just waited to redeem my tokens but Ive had good luck for a bit, time to fall short again.

Speaking of falling short, this event man. I just dont have the patience. Maybe Ive focused more on the tournaments and season 2. Just more interesting getting a 10 pack than sentry. After test driving him Im just not sure what to think. Can we have iron patriot instead? Better yet the dark x-men? with everyone else from the cabal in the game its only a matter of time for Emma frost or Namor to show up. They were both in the Cabal and the dark X-men. The other thing Im curious about, & this is so left field, is a new loki skin. Loki was a female (dont ask) for much of dark reign. Im wondering if theyve thought of making another Loki, since it would tie into the story.


I can't even set up a tank team because all the matches I am paired with are ALL OVER 100. 

Bah humbug. Stupid tournaments suck now for me. That Psylocke one I hopped in with an hour left was freaking ridiculous. I didn't know there even were so many people with that many high level teams! Hahah ugh. Ugh. ugh. Ugh..

Evertything is messed up this morning. I played a few matches in Heavy Metal, then thre was only one opponent. I beat them and was locked out of the event. Then, it was grayed out and says season I at the top. I exited and re-entered the game and now all the events are missing. I hope I didn't lose all the points I earned this AM. I played through all the Daredevil nodes too.
I'm not having any luck in the Heavy Metal tournament. I was playing distracted last night and lost a couple easy matches. Plus by this point, I figure everyone has an insurmountable lead on me. I think I'll just concentrate on the Sentry events for now. (All nodes seem to be about 150 max)

I think I just caught a glitch but unsure if its just me.

Ares green, onslaught is supposed to grant the enemy team x amount of green when used.  Playing against Ares, my opponents have used onslaught against me, and I never recieve any green.  I noticed this because I had punisher & he only needed 1 more match to activate his green power.  Usually Ares green grants 1 green AP for every 2 used, so at 6 he'd give me 3.  After using onslaught on me I didnt see any gain in green AP. Didnt think much of it as I won the battle.

I played against another Ares team and noticed it again, this time I watched.  I played with Ares & used onslaught against my opponent.  When I launched my attack, after it was done a little pop up went on his side & he gained 5 green AP, since I used 10. He then turned right back around and used Onslaught on me, I watched this time.  His green AP depleted by 6, so I should get 3 back.  Yeah that never happened.  After a couple more times of watching the enemy team use that attack on me, he never once gave me any green AP back.  Just wanted to know has anyone else noticed that too? 

I've seem that too Tigger, didn't know if the pop-up didn't show or I didn't get the green because I didn't know my levels. It didn't seem like I get them though.
I did nothing in the Heavy Metal tournament.  Did make it into top 30 for one of the sentry events. The Wash DC had pretty low point totals. I didnt do anything w/ it till the last hour, but still got 100 or so.

After playing with a boosted Ares, I do see his potential. I should get mine up to 85 now. But I'm just so used to using Thor! I don't want to toss him aside for this new guy.

I've seem that too Tigger, didn't know if the pop-up didn't show or I didn't get the green because I didn't know my levels. It didn't seem like I get them though.
Other people have noticed too, seems Ares is one of the buggy characters. I havent had my Ares die in a while but his other bug was sunder (yellow) even if he suicided the yellow countdown tile would stay on the board. This Ive seen too. Someone posted that even if there's no pop up you still get the green. In my observation that wasnt the case. Wondering if I should report it.

After playing with a boosted Ares, I do see his potential. I should get mine up to 85 now. But I'm just so used to using Thor! I don't want to toss him aside for this new guy.
Well when you get a 3* thor both those 2*s will get thrown to the side anyways. So thats food for thought. I have and will keep both of them in my roster. Though they have the same power colors, they both play differently. I look at Thor for his team attack, since his Green does more team damage than Ares red. When it comes to single enemies, thats where I use Ares. As you've played him, you see how he is boosted. His green single attack, when enough green is saved, is quite devastating even non boosted. The only issue I have now is my 2* Thor is on the second page of my roster. I have OBW & Ares after all my level 100 3*s so I choose them first. I always forget I have Thor as my backup, same with classic storm, she gets very little play anymore.

I did nothing in the Heavy Metal tournament. Did make it into top 30 for one of the sentry events. The Wash DC had pretty low point totals. I didnt do anything w/ it till the last hour, but still got 100 or so.

After playing with a boosted Ares, I do see his potential. I should get mine up to 85 now. But I'm just so used to using Thor! I don't want to toss him aside for this new guy.
I really like Ares better than Thor, but I still use Thor some times, especially against Daken. If I use Ares, he floods the board with strike tiles before I can get enough to KO him.

I pulled a yellow Invisible Woman and a red Daredevil from my 5 Heroic/Prodigal Sun tokens this afternoon. After messing around a bit, it seems like stocking up on tokens then pulling works best for me. 10 standard or 5 2 star or better and I usually get at least one 3 star. That makes sense, since it's in line with the drop rates.

I pulled a yellow Invisible Woman and a red Daredevil from my 5 Heroic/Prodigal Sun tokens this afternoon. After messing around a bit, it seems like stocking up on tokens then pulling works best for me. 10 standard or 5 2 star or better and I usually get at least one 3 star. That makes sense, since it's in line with the drop rates.
Im not even mentioning my drops anymore, since I dont want to upset anyone. :oops: I will say this: Ive always had better luck saving up tokens, then redeeming them. I always have 5-10 standard tokens saved up before I redeem them. I know some have said that it really doesnt matter but as for my pulls I always get something decent. I have had the occasions that 10/10 tokens will be 1*s, but usually at least 2-3 will be 2* & maybe 1 will be a 3*. With my pulls lately after the long dry spell of only 1*s, I think they've upped the amount of better covers in the standard token draw.

Im not even mentioning my drops anymore, since I dont want to upset anyone. :oops: I will say this: Ive always had better luck saving up tokens, then redeeming them. I always have 5-10 standard tokens saved up before I redeem them. I know some have said that it really doesnt matter but as for my pulls I always get something decent. I have had the occasions that 10/10 tokens will be 1*s, but usually at least 2-3 will be 2* & maybe 1 will be a 3*. With my pulls lately after the long dry spell of only 1*s, I think they've upped the amount of better covers in the standard token draw.
I actually just got a Blue Psylocke from a Recruit Token ltrain sent my way! Hahah thanks bud : P

I pulled an Invisible Woman green, my first one of that color, with one of my 4 heroic-level tokens today (heroic-level, because that's basically what the Prodigal tokens are). Only one that was worth anything. She's at level 54 for me now... a level where she actually becomes useful if she's boosted. Also glad I didn't spend a bunch of my iso (60k-ish) to boost my IM40 for that tourney. Apparently everyone has a leveled-up one, from when he was actually good.

As for the prior round of Prodigal Son... I hate playing against Falcon. Hate. HATE. If he ever does that purple move to me again, I'll crush him in real life. He is real, right?

It's a sign, Ares is telling you that you need to level him up. He wants you, he needs you and he's never letting you go!
He's already leveled up, though I wish I could get him buffed to Prodigal Son levels. They seriously need to do something about repetitive covers, but I don't hold out much hope for that. They seem to be having a hard time just keeping the game running.

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I pulled a yellow Invisible Woman
I pulled an Invisible Woman green
Is Invisible woman now the M Hawkeye of 4* Tokens? I also got a IW cover as well, but mine was blue. Looks like we all got one of each color now, cool. I have been receiving more of her lately, so I wonder if they're slowly pushing more of her covers out there for an upcoming event?

After sentry is released, Id like a slow down on characters. We dont seem to have any time to build up the new ones we've been getting. Human Torch and Falcon have already been pushed to the side for Daken. Psylocke finally got another tournament as well as the Emphasis on IM40. Lets not even go into Daredevil. Id just like a chance to build up some of the guys I have, instead of rushing to get 1 cover for points in 1 node which will get me 1 cover for another new character that I already dont have space in my inventory for. (HOLY Run on sentences Batman!)

You guys get my point, I want to focus on the guys I have sometimes. Just thought of a great idea, this will blow the pvp mechanic and offer a change in tactics. Fusion attacks! Just thought about that from Marvel ultimate alliance. Oh god that would break up some of the OBW/Thor/Ares teams so hard. Would something like that be hard to implement though, hmmm....

They seem to be having a hard time just keeping the game running.
Im sorry I didnt read that last part in detail. Actually.......

I have a degree in marketing, so I actually find business stuffs interesting. Albert Reed, Demiurge Studios CEO, did an 8 part write up for Venture beat on the whole business of MPQ and the changes theyve made to increase revenue. Its an 8 part series and some of it is fairly interesting.

I skimmed through it, but nothing grabbed me. I find my interest in the game waning. I'm probably going to stick to events like Prodigal Son and only participate in tourneys with rewards I want. Take Fatal Attraction for example. (By the way, didn't we just have one of these?) The only thing that interests me is a Psylocke cover as mine is only 2/1/1. The 600 progression is CStorm and ranks 51-200 get a green Wolvie - neither of which I can use. I haven't put much time into it, but my bracket is even more brutal than Heavy Metal. It just doesn't seem worth my time.

Of course, I would like to get Season 2 points, but these tourneys are a real grind.

I skimmed through it, but nothing grabbed me. I find my interest in the game waning. I'm probably going to stick to events like Prodigal Son and only participate in tourneys with rewards I want. Take Fatal Attraction for example. (By the way, didn't we just have one of these?) The only thing that interests me is a Psylocke cover as mine is only 2/1/1. The 600 progression is CStorm and ranks 51-200 get a green Wolvie - neither of which I can use. I haven't put much time into it, but my bracket is even more brutal than Heavy Metal. It just doesn't seem worth my time.

Of course, I would like to get Season 2 points, but these tourneys are a real grind.
I like the events, too, but I find the PvP to be getting progressively more of a pain in the a$$ than anything. I spend more iso trying to find a match that I can actually win than I do actually winning, and that's no way to build up a character. Then since I do win most of my matches, they get harder and harder because there's nothing to bring my MMR down anymore. I usually try to hop in during the last hour or so, hope I get into a brand new bracket, and play until it's over. This usually nets me a recruit token at 300 points, and if I get lucky with the brackets, I can snag a good prize. Take the event before Heavy Metal (blanking on it). I scored just over 400 points and finished 9th in my bracket to score 2 covers. Those point totals don't help my season score at all, but those rewards are sh*t anyway, since my cover luck is horrid.

Interesting strategy. I will try that in the less interesting tourneys. I jumped in at the beginning of Fatal Attraction so I could knock down the cream puff seed teams for the easy points, recruit token, and 500 ISO. Since they've done away with tanking, I guess there's no point to jumping in at the start.

You can still get the seed teams if you go into the tourney page as close to when it starts as possible and check your opponents. They'll be there and they won't change until you beat them or skip them, but you won't set your scoring bracket until you actually play a match.


I keep getting gold covers that I already have : /

I am sitting on a Black Hulk and a Black Punisher.

My Punisher is already 4/4/5 and my Hulk is 5/4/4 

I am pretty sure I should sell both but want everyone's opinion here before I do so! I hate selling 3* covers : (

In terms of my thoughts.

I only use Hulk really for his health and black ability. I occasionally use his red if possible and green if I can utilize it instead of Call the Storm with Thor. The fact that you hurt yourself though sucks, but it is such a small amount anyway, plus you are hurting the other team by double.

Punisher I have no idea. I still hate using him I have him leveled up pretty well but I just dont like him and almost dont even care. I ONLY use his red and black unless for some reason my team he is on does not have a usable green. That is the main reason I was thinking perhaps 5/3/5 and just neglecting green altogether. Bah idk..

I need to keep them good for teams but at the same time I enjoy having multiple high level characters like this so I can cycle through them and last a long time in events and what not so in that case they need to be strong on their own too.

Help meeeeeeee

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I keep getting gold covers that I already have : /

I am sitting on a Black Hulk and a Black Punisher.

My Punisher is already 4/4/5 and my Hulk is 5/4/4

I am pretty sure I should sell both but want everyone's opinion here before I do so! I hate selling 3* covers : (

In terms of my thoughts.

I only use Hulk really for his health and black ability. I occasionally use his red if possible and green if I can utilize it instead of Call the Storm with Thor. The fact that you hurt yourself though sucks, but it is such a small amount anyway, plus you are hurting the other team by double.

Punisher I have no idea. I still hate using him I have him leveled up pretty well but I just dont like him and almost dont even care. I ONLY use his red and black unless for some reason my team he is on does not have a usable green. That is the main reason I was thinking perhaps 5/3/5 and just neglecting green altogether. Bah idk..

I need to keep them good for teams but at the same time I enjoy having multiple high level characters like this so I can cycle through them and last a long time in events and what not so in that case they need to be strong on their own too.

Help meeeeeeee
For Hulk, I like the 5 green tiles at 5 black, and I don't mind the self damage, because you're hurting the other team a lot more with that damage and the 25% better chance of a green match. If you're pairing him with LThor, you can't tell me you wouldn't want those extra greens for The Storm A'Callin'.

Also, if you never use Punny's green, definitely add the black. It decreases the countdown to 2 for generating that attack tile.

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I seem to be having trouble with the tournaments lately too. I'm just not advancing up as fast as I used to. Getting the cover rewards for anything above 50 is way too much work (even with 600+ points I still seem to be in the 100s). 

I've already gotten all those Wolvie covers. Hell, I'm trying to build up my 4 star X force Wolverine.

there's usually more ISO to be gained easily from the Sentry events. It takes more grinding however. Fighting the same level 40 generic shield mooks is tiresome.

Me too. I could even give enough iso to get them both to 141.
It is funny how we are all on two opposite ends I feel like.

You guys have poop tons of ISO and nothing to use it on. I on the other hand have ZERO ISO and have so many characters that need it!


Also, someone should buy that last #20 slot for the Alliance. I have put in over 3k HP of my own into the Alliance and I hate knowing we still arent maxed out in number.

Just saying.

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It is funny how we are all on two opposite ends I feel like.

You guys have poop tons of ISO and nothing to use it on. I on the other hand have ZERO ISO and have so many characters that need it!

Yours is the preferable position to be in. Those extra covers offer such a huge boost to those powers that the measly level gains can't even touch.

Yours is the preferable position to be in. Those extra covers offer such a huge boost to those powers that the measly level gains can't even touch.
Yeah I definitely cant argue there. I just really want Hulk higher to be an effective tank. Thor still is stronger with a few matches and has more HP. Either way though between just the two of them there is over 15k health which is a bear to pick away at plus whoever I have as a 3rd.

Yeah I definitely cant argue there. I just really want Hulk higher to be an effective tank. Thor still is stronger with a few matches and has more HP. Either way though between just the two of them there is over 15k health which is a bear to pick away at plus whoever I have as a 3rd.
So once your Classic Mags is buff enough, you'll be set?

Magnetized Projectile

Magnetic Field

Magnetic Translocation

Call the Storm

Thunder Strike


Plus Thor would take Red (Mags most important color) and Yellow, leaving Mags to only have Blue and Purple. Hulk matches green (THE most important color for this team) and black.

So once your Classic Mags is buff enough, you'll be set?

Magnetized Projectile

Magnetic Field

Magnetic Translocation

Call the Storm

Thunder Strike


Plus Thor would take Red (Mags most important color) and Yellow, leaving Mags to only have Blue and Purple. Hulk matches green (THE most important color for this team) and black.
I didn't even think of him being the third! Oh man seriously that will be amazing. Too bad my Mags is TERRIBLE! I Actually get a daily reward of him in a couple of days.

He is 2/2/0 at level 28 and has a soft cap at 38 right now. His blue is my Resupply in 4 days so then he will be 3/2/0 which is still a LONG way away. Especially because all 3* Villains have the worst drop rates ever : /

I have 700 HP saved up at the moment though and already have three empty roster slots so I was thinking of just buying another cover outright. I originally planned on buying another Blue for Doom since I finally got the first one but having Classic Magneto will be much better in the long run!! Now to somehow focus on those covers...

I didn't even think of him being the third! Oh man seriously that will be amazing. Too bad my Mags is TERRIBLE! I Actually get a daily reward of him in a couple of days.
Spidey would be the other option for healing, stunning, and protection (which would actually probably minimize Anger), but apparently, he's been completely ruined by the Nerf N-Strike arrow.

Spidey would be the other option for healing, stunning, and protection (which would actually probably minimize Anger), but apparently, he's been completely ruined by the Nerf N-Strike arrow.
I still haven't even gotten a single Spiderman cover anyway hahah

I would like to take credit for everyone's great pulls. I haven't gotten a 3* from a token in over two weeks, so I must be helping out with the bell curve. Can't even pull one I don't need.

And yes, Spidey got nerfed pretty hard. He was overpowered before and needed it, but it seems to have gone too far in the other direction, especially if you don't have full covers. Without any way to do direct damage and low health, the stun was really key to his survival. The protect tiles are nice, but they don't stop power damage.

Still, he's one of two healers and can still stun, so he's not completely useless.
Like I said (seems like the third or 4th time) I like using my Marvel Now Mags with Hulk. Both can really clear the board.  On those battles against just Shield Agents I can get buy without taking any damage. If that classic Mags was beefed up (I only have one or two covers for him) I'd be a real player.

I need more covers and ISO!

Classic mag, def should be one of those guys on every team. Once you level him up, his blue and purple take over for what Widows was.  But thats the problem blues for 3* villains are like the rarest of the rare.  How often do you get a Hood, Classic Mags, or Dr Doom blue cover? You're probably more likely to get a 4* Invisible woman cover before that.

The only thing is what do you do about that black?  Thats why I prefer punisher, hulk is great defensively, but as far as active powers they're just kinda meh.  (BTW prodigal sun token gave me a black hulk, yay its at 4 now!)

As far as using Punisher, it really depends on how you felt about astonishing wolverine.  How active did you use him? Pre nerf he was awesome. Post nerf hurt him A lot, so most people dont use him as much.  Punisher came in & became what Wolverine was just without the healing.  Hulk has the green for board clearing, then there's the red which is more useful on anyone else.  Just throwing classic mags into this but his red, though does little damage, is annoying as hell.  Thats why I use him, at 5 he takes 2 red for a small cascade, so after 2 red matches you can do this 3 times.  Usually it created a cascade & he gets more red.  He almost creates a modern storm loop like when she's in the desert levels. 

Urgh I got off track, sum it up, Hulk and punisher play two totally opposite ways. Punisher is offense and hulk is defense.  You wont really see much of a difference until you get them to level 100 though. So it depends on your play style, which to level up and use. I run an offensive team mostly, so I kill the opponent quickly & move on.  WIth a good offensive team Ive learned I can push my guys to about 1500 Hit points before I have to use some health packs. Most are capped at ~5k, so maybe 3-4 battles between healing if I dont have an OBW on team.

Now you wanna talk about crap teams? Another Daken Tournament right? I wonder how far Id get with a Psylocke/Daken/OBW team. All 3 are heavy in purple/blue/black. At least Psylocke has that red, but with Dakens strike tiles being red she wont create any after 3. That cant end well & wont strike fear into anyone.  Anyone notice the AI instinctively goes after blue more when Daken is in your party? I found that very interesting, like they knew how to slowly kill him. 

Easy fight they said, that team sucks they said, Look at those points they said.....Never listening again.

Too be honest I didnt think that high of a level Daken would matter &, because I was cocky, I went in with only half health.

Serves me right.


Easy fight they said, that team sucks they said, Look at those points they said.....Never listening again.

Too be honest I didnt think that high of a level Daken would matter &, because I was cocky, I went in with only half health.

Serves me right.

I can only imagine how much damage Daken's blue was doing with all those strike tiles on the board. One purple from Mags and he could run it back twice... probably hitting you for 3k plus each time.

Hahah dayummm yeah that sucks DS.

You never gave your recommendation on my two black moves though!

ltrain said go all the way. What do you think?

You never gave your recommendation on my two black moves though!

ltrain said go all the way. What do you think?
Oh yeah, its up to you, I think your guys are fine the way they are. Id sell the black moves off personally.


5 in black for hulk, minor damage to you and to the enemy team. Just not worth it to me, may save your ass once in a blue moon. Will that 5th tile really help you? What if you're in a situation where hulk cant be the defender? Then whats it worth? You can try & just respec him later if it doesnt work out.

5 in black for Punisher: reduces countdown for the attack tile generator. Computer AI usually puts countdown tiles as a priority to get rid of. Having 1 less turn wont change the fact you may not get a attack tile created. Use it for a team attack & attack tiles as an added bonus. Plus you have multiple blacks you'll create multilple countdown tiles, 1 of them is bound not to get destroyed before some attack tiles are placed. Id say not even worth dropping any other power to even try out.

bread's done