Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

I just can't compete in the current PvP format. I don't have the time to cycle through 340 iso worth of matches to find one that I MIGHT be able to win without using boosts, and even then, if I get hit with even a moderately bad cascade (2 4x purple matches, aggressive recon, game over), a majority of my health packs are gone. Between this and Hearthstone, my frustration factor is at unchartable levels. I love both games, but because I have such shitty luck with getting cards/covers that I actually need, I am quickly being phased out and passed over. I am literally no help in the alliance toward season points, because I'm getting my a$$ kicked before I can even get going in the tournaments. Without 1 high level character to be able to even have a chance against the line-ups I'm seeing, it's an exercise in futility.

Don't let the game stress you. Just play in the Simulator room. I'm finding 40-50 point matches pretty frequently. Plus I've gotten a few 250 ISO bonuses. I'm not playing Fresh Cut either for the reasons you cited. The Simulator event starts today (was supposed to be yesterday). Should be good for a lot of points without the stress.

Don't let the game stress you. Just play in the Simulator room. I'm finding 40-50 point matches pretty frequently. Plus I've gotten a few 250 ISO bonuses. I'm not playing Fresh Cut either for the reasons you cited. The Simulator event starts today (was supposed to be yesterday). Should be good for a lot of points without the stress.
I was actually going to consider just making myself a gun-for-hire for the PvE events until I had my team where they needed to be, but I don't want to miss out on the camaraderie of the CAGvengers during that time. It would be better for me and the teams I was helping, obviously, but it would put this team, my team, at a disadvantage greater than the PvP sinkhole I'm creating right now. I really need some Magneto covers, so I'm not done yet... but it's going to be a huge uphill battle. So Broly, DS... go crack 1000 and get us that purple CMags.

Spidey has a really good roster though at least. Haven't checked his scores in events though.

And ltrain I COMPLETELY feel you on that front.

Seriously like wtf. All I face are 141 teams. That is it. I occasionally get the random 85 Widow but even finding her is way less prevalent. 

I did somehow pull a game out of my ass though literally as I walked to work. On the train I finally started Fresh Cut and was doing alright, though each fight was against max level characters like I said. I was using Widow and Thor. I wanted to end with Hulk and Thor though as my defending team. So I cycled through 300+ ISO and then actually ran out of ISO. I picked the lesser of the three evils and was super determined to win so I didnt even stop playing when walking around the city, I was that guy this morning haha)

EIther way then I was like okay I can take this team, but I want some boosts to be sure. It was a 141 Hulk, 141 Grey Suit Widow and then a 120 Psylocke..... vs my boosted to like 60 Psylocke, 130 Thor and 110 Hulk...

Well as I was walking I spaced and forgot to add any boosts... and I nearly pooped my pants I was so mad hahah. Luckily though since they were all so strong, they initiated Hulk's Anger pretty often, but that meant he died super early in the game. I managed to expertly take down the two female characters, leaving only the enemy Hulk at 4k health. I unfortunately was down to Psylocke with only 1.5k health and then a Thor with 950 health...

BUT I EFFING WON STILL. I had no AP really except for just enough to pull Bewilder. I guarded that countdown like crazy while trying to match greens only. Thor was down to 100 health when Bewilder went off and capped off my green and BAM I called the damn storm and knocked out Hulk and won the match by the extreme skin of my teeth. Hahah It was such an awesome match.

It made me really proud of my team in a cheesy way hahah.

Plus it looks like I got into a pretty decently low bracket, or at least I hope so, and so even without playing much at all tonight I may still be able to score at least one Magneto cover!! 

I was actually going to consider just making myself a gun-for-hire for the PvE events until I had my team where they needed to be, but I don't want to miss out on the camaraderie of the CAGvengers during that time. It would be better for me and the teams I was helping, obviously, but it would put this team, my team, at a disadvantage greater than the PvP sinkhole I'm creating right now. I really need some Magneto covers, so I'm not done yet... but it's going to be a huge uphill battle. So Broly, DS... go crack 1000 and get us that purple CMags.
I have a bunch going on tonight and will only be able to really have random bathroom breaks at work haha.

I have a workshop today with the Stoyboard Artists from Adventure Time in the middle of the day (taking an extremely extended lunch break) and then afterwards at 6 they have a Panel Discussion which I of course am going to after work. Then my buddy and I are hustling back to my apt in the burbs to rush to Best Buy and pick up my Mario Kart before they close and then play it and eat dinner finally!

By the time all that is said and done even if once I get the game I ignore my buddy and MK that still will only give me like an hour for a final push in the event.

I am somehow in the top 50 already in my bracket from just this morning playing and so I am hoping to get to like 650 before the Panel today and then shield up and hopefully rock it out in the last hour and ramp up to at least 850 or so. The positive about having all really intense enemies to fight is that I have had a few matches now that have granted me about 50 points each!

But yeah I dont even have a purple move at all for my Magneto so that would be AMAZING to get but I doubt it. I may pull the ole' "boot all the randoms with low tournament scores and keep cycling until we get some heavy hitters" hahah

Fingers crossed though either way!!

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Hopefully I'll get a Magneto cover from this event. Just keep knocking down those 85 Thors and random character.  Seeing alot more Dakens in this tournament. The original two star version.

Looks like the Sentry tournament just started and will have some overlap as well. Sadly, he's not a reward in that event.

Black Panther rewards in the simulator, and it looks like the top 250 alliances get top cover rewards now.

Hopefully trying to level the playing field a little bit.

Black Panther rewards in the simulator, and it looks like the top 250 alliances get top cover rewards now.

Hopefully trying to level the playing field a little bit.
I have a decent Black Panther already actually so a few more covers will be great for him... BUT THEN I JUST NEED ISO AS USUAL haha : P

I only have 1 BP cover and it's one of my oldest 3* covers. I don't know why he has eluded me. Sneaky bastard.
Just checked because I was curious and dang he is pretty good in terms of powers. I never use him so I pay him no mind.

Mine is 3/2/4 right now and has a soft cap of 89 but I only have him at 34 haha

Like I said I always have plenty of covers but no ISO!

There's also a Sentry event in Season 2 with Patch as the rewards.  Not my most wanted 3 star, but I'll take whatever I can get at this point.

Just checked because I was curious and dang he is pretty good in terms of powers. I never use him so I pay him no mind.

Mine is 3/2/4 right now and has a soft cap of 89 but I only have him at 34 haha
BP is a good support character, I try to swap him out for OBW when I can. Mines at 105 though, so He's a little beefed up on my team.

As I said though, he's on my rainbow dream team: Hulk, Classic mags, Black Panther. I know, "Shut up DS, not everyone has the covers or iso to have a roster like that!"

Im just saying, they're a good team & thats who I run with in the simulator. Its catching on though, Ive now run into some teams using that same set, which I never had before. Fresh cut Im running with Hulk, Psylocke, and OBW. I wish I could get away from OBW more, but until Hood's leveled up good, she's in for the stealing, healing, wheeling and dealing...aint that appealing? See how Im feeling? Im a poet and I dont even know it, even though my feet show it. Hey, why don't I just go eat some hay, make things out of clay, lay by the bay? I just may! What'd ya say? Ok Im done, for real.

O'doyle, I mean Cagvengers, rules!

Started playing Fresh Cut earlier today. I'm winning, not getting attacked, and my rank is dropping. What's wrong with this picture?

Also, sucks they put The Simulator on the story/prologue/whatever they're calling it this week side.

EDIT: Looks like we had at least 1 more defector. You guys aren't playing hard enough! =P

EDIT #2: Uh oh, we got problems. Someone named 1234567891018 is in our alliance. When you look at his shitty roster he shows as belonging to the SadPandas alliance and there is no option to boot him. Looks like a cheater/hacker.

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Started playing Fresh Cut earlier today. I'm winning, not getting attacked, and my rank is dropping. What's wrong with this picture?

Also, sucks they put The Simulator on the story/prologue/whatever they're calling it this week side.

EDIT: Looks like we had at least 1 more defector. You guys aren't playing hard enough! =P

EDIT #2: Uh oh, we got problems. Someone named 1234567891018 is in our alliance. When you look at his shitty roster he shows as belonging to the SadPandas alliance and there is no option to boot him. Looks like a cheater/hacker.
I took a nap looks like I missed some stuff...

-Its the weekend, your bracket may be filled with people who are just now playing & getting into the game. Remember that 1 guy who's always in the top 25 unshielded the last 15 minutes of the game who never gets attacked & climbs up to the top 5? Maybe youve got a whole bunch of those in your bracket. I know how you feel. I play at 3-4am, with only 100 points I'll be in the top 5, by 10am I'll be 200. Its not you, its the points everyone else is getting

-We seem to have lost Buerze, I think that was his name, if not close enough. Funny he was an original CAGvenger and a random. I talked with Broly about kicking him, but his scores were decent. Sad to lose a decent consistent player but he was average, never too high, never really low. In honesty, we can and have found better people.

-Also as for "defectors" yeah we do have some people not playing hard enough. You know who they are, we all do. When you get those daily rewards & you see a - by someones name instead of a +10 for iso, we feel you. Broly & I cant do much with some people, so is the issue when we had people buy their slots.

-Seems 12345 wanted to join the alliance but never did, which is why he was on sad pandas. We're private now, so idk what happened. We've had people try this before. Offer coins for slots, so yeah we know the scam.

-Guys you've somehow screwed your MMR. This is something we need to fix & idk if tanking is an option anymore. I know what Broly did, he pushed himself too hard to get his thor covers. Ltrain, I dont even know what you did. Too Damn high, I think you're in as good of a position as I am. Im not having much trouble finding opponents who are giving 30-40 pts per battle. Most are decent & teams I can beat. Usually they will have only 1 3* at lvl 141 if that. Mostly its either 2 2*s at 85 or 2 3*s in the 100s. There is no reason to be wasting ISO to find a beatable team. I know, your MMR is screwed, like I said, we need to fix it.

Reading over how PVP is matched its supposedly has do do with your roster, current levels, and battles won. This cant be correct as most of you are having more trouble finding a decent battle & are still progressing most of your 2*s. I played on my alternate account (steam) and experimented with some PVP. Since I never play pvp on that account I blew away a lot of competition. I was still playing against 1-2*s with levels in the 20s. Which is why it cant be based on roster and character levels.

Suggestion, try the sentry event & see if tanking works.

-Once again we've got too many events all at once. Fresh cut ends tonight. I'll play some, not doing too hard on it. I cant get into the top 10 for a blue, just wont happen & I dont need another red c mags. Sentry Event I do need black and yellow for my B panther. I already have blue maxed. Then there's the simulator which is in story mode. This is getting damn confusing. Anyways after Psylocke tourney is over how long will it be before the C Mags tourney starts? Focus on what you want, they now dropped covers to the top 250 alliances, we always place that, so we'll be gold now!

No, there was some weird stuff going on. The SadPanda dude was in our alliance. You can see he posted in chat. I guess he left and when he did I made the alliance private.

I see you've met "The Tigger" so you know what I'm talking about. I sent a ticket in on this, but didn't even get the auto reply. Looks like the game has been hacked.


I see you've met "The Tigger" so you know what I'm talking about. I sent a ticket in on this, but didn't even get the auto reply. Looks like the game has been hacked.
OK now I see 12345 was part of our alliance for a bit. like I said, he came and went so I didnt even know.

Yeah that "Tha Tigger" guy what an asshole. Thats what I get for playing on steam, thats my alternate account btw.

I wish theyd sync steam and facebook so I can play on my computer when I want.

I was wondering if tanking didn't work anymore for sure. I am completely screwed now too. All my opponents have 1-2 level 141 characters, and some have Psylocke boosted to the 200s. My highest character is level 89 Loki. :(
I have to ask, how the hell did that happen? I mean most people dont have the covers for Loki to get him that high, or the iso to spend on leveling him.
Unfortunately I had the covers, fortunately I had the Iso. I think it happened when he was boosted for something, I had around 40-50k Iso and figured why not. I've landed a smattering of three stars, so I have several at 66 I think, but Loki is leading the race.

Also, I have some boosts, but I blew through a bunch to make sure I landed the second Sentry, so I don't know if I have enough.
why cant they all be like this?


*EDIT* I just went to check, if i retaliate the guy who attacked me I only get 4 pts even though I lost 30? His team? a level 45 Psylocke, Lvl 85 OBW & Storm....someone's boosting.

*Edit 2* Attacked again for another 30 point loss, retaliation points? 4 again? They really dont want you retaliating do they?

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I experienced the exact same thing multiple times. One was a 40 point hit, I got 7 if I retaliated, and he had the better team.

I finished 51. It's like a punch in the gut.

I think I finished in the 30s or 40s. (Hopefully. I shielded with 30 mins left when I had 800 or so and was 34)

Most of my opponents  are two stars in the 60s-80s giving me about 20-30 points each. I almost never see any three stars or anyone giving me 40 point rewards.

-Guys you've somehow screwed your MMR. This is something we need to fix & idk if tanking is an option anymore. I know what Broly did, he pushed himself too hard to get his thor covers. Ltrain, I dont even know what you did. Too Damn high, I think you're in as good of a position as I am. Im not having much trouble finding opponents who are giving 30-40 pts per battle. Most are decent & teams I can beat. Usually they will have only 1 3* at lvl 141 if that. Mostly its either 2 2*s at 85 or 2 3*s in the 100s. There is no reason to be wasting ISO to find a beatable team. I know, your MMR is screwed, like I said, we need to fix it.

Reading over how PVP is matched its supposedly has do do with your roster, current levels, and battles won. This cant be correct as most of you are having more trouble finding a decent battle & are still progressing most of your 2*s. I played on my alternate account (steam) and experimented with some PVP. Since I never play pvp on that account I blew away a lot of competition. I was still playing against 1-2*s with levels in the 20s. Which is why it cant be based on roster and character levels.

Suggestion, try the sentry event & see if tanking works.
I literally couldnt do anything this Psylocke tourney. The LOWEST leveled teams that I am matched up with are 115, 141 and 141.


What. The. Fu##$.

At one point I spent over 600 ISO skipping and still kept getting the SAME SHIT.

Blah. Ugh. Poop.

*Edit 2* Attacked again for another 30 point loss, retaliation points? 4 again? They really dont want you retaliating do they?
It looks like point values are strictly based on how many points they had when they attacked you. So someone just starting their bracket will get massive points from you if you're over 300, but you'll get almost nothing from them because they are at 47 or whatever. Retaliation points only seem worth it when someone in your same point range attacks you.

It's why you can shoot up to the mid tier quickly if you start later (or even top tier if a good bracket), and have the potential to lose a lot if not shielded towards the end. A 40 point match to someone trying to rush the last hour is too attractive. It's a mechanic that really needs some work to factor in the team you actually have to fight.

My MMR is borderline difficult. I seem to be in the late 2-3* transition band, so I usually get teams I have good odds against in a few skips, but I'm also seeing 141 3* Thors and such. I usually win about 90% of my matches without boosts, but healing in the prologue is almost required.

At this point, unless someone finds a method that works, I think the only way to reduce your MMR is to avoid PvP altogether for an extended period and let the scale move past you. That assumes there isn't some kind of MMR limit, in which case, you're just screwed.
I installed a new update for iOS this morning, now I'm getting internet connection errors quite often. Usually after completing a battle, but it has also happened after leveling up a power. Anyone else seeing this?
I literally couldnt do anything this Psylocke tourney. The LOWEST leveled teams that I am matched up with are 115, 141 and 141.


What. The. Fu##$.

At one point I spent over 600 ISO skipping and still kept getting the SAME SHIT.

Blah. Ugh. Poop.
Yeah, but isn't your team composed of mostly three star 141 level characters? It's only fair that you should be facing foes of your own caliber.

Don't go picking on us lowly two star level 85 guys!

Yeah, but isn't your team composed of mostly three star 141 level characters? It's only fair that you should be facing foes of your own caliber.

Don't go picking on us lowly two star level 85 guys!

My Thor is 131 and my Hulk is 110 and then all of my powered up characters in all of the events have been like under 60.

That means the other teams have cumulative levels of somewhere around 400 whereas my team is around 300.

: /

I don't see how I can compete in the Simulator mode w/o having the Sentry. His nodes give about 2700 points, while everyone else's give around 900.

I'll play for a while to earn some ISO, but that's it.

Maybe I should work towards getting the 10 Heroic Token reward in Season 2.

Wow. I like the No Holds Barred event in theory, but in practice my day is going to be too busy to try and get top two in my bracket for a guaranteed 3*. Heck, even top 20 isn't too bad for two heroic tokens, and some ISO and HP.

I guess worst case you're converting 50 HP into 250 ISO when buying a Heroic using the daily deal.
Wow. I like the No Holds Barred event in theory, but in practice my day is going to be too busy to try and get top two in my bracket for a guaranteed 3*. Heck, even top 20 isn't too bad for two heroic tokens, and some ISO and HP.

I guess worst case you're converting 50 HP into 250 ISO when buying a Heroic using the daily deal.
I want to hop in there but I do not have the time today to be able to get sucked into the game haha

Looking at the No Holds Barred event. Seems like a 1 day thing, the deterrent being the 150 HP.  It looks good in theory but only 50 people per bracket? idk you may get a really good bracket but why do I have tha feeling not.  Most low level players wont wasted the HP on that, so I see only hard core of high level players being involved.  The type of people you try to skip during regular matches.

Simulator, I dont get it, I dont get how points are distributed, I just dont.  I have played the sentry only nodes.  Im 17 on hard but 100+ on normal.  Rubber banding is in full effect on this, but that normal mode always messes me up.  I know if I play all the regular non sentry essential node I'll be at a better rank, but just odd how in 1 sub event I can be so high without playing as much. Plus level 40 enemies right now in hard, scaling hasnt hit, so its not what I call a hard mode.

Back to MMR, I think losses do still count in dropping MMR.  Once again I have a theory.  You guys win what 90% of the matches you try to play? You search for matches you know you can win correct?  If you're losing a battle have you sat there and lost or tried to retreat? 

As always I use Broly as the example because I know what he did. I think it also take factor into the skill level of your opponents you face.  By always attacking high level opponents or those with a high rank (ie. give you more points) you throw yourself into the computer algorithm that you can move up into a higher MMR.  Which then it determines hey x can deafeat y level opponents, so you move up in rank.

Also Im wondering if MMR is also calculated by MSPG (Money spent per game), by this I mean how many HP do you spend per tournament?  You all have seen my roster, you know my scores usually net me at least 1 3* (when I try) per event. As its been pointed out the rich keep getting richer.  How does this tie into HP or MSPG? I buy at least 1 shield per tournament. At the minimum I buy a 75, 3 hour shield at some time.  Im wondering if the computer recognizes that & thows certain opponents my way.  Also, though its not technically tanking, Im wondering if shielded battle losses help drop your MMR better than regular tanking.  Once again the computer registers those losses more since you've paid money for the shield.  Its just a theory but I see how people who spend money (HP) are better rewarded than the people who are strictly F2P.

Its food for thought since I should be at a higher cumulative score (level) than most of you & I dont seem to face the opponents that you guys do.  Case in point this is what I saw when I opened up my game.  Obviously Im at a lower level than some to gain points like this with my defending team. 


Looking at the No Holds Barred event. Seems like a 1 day thing, the deterrent being the 150 HP. It looks good in theory but only 50 people per bracket? idk you may get a really good bracket but why do I have tha feeling not. Most low level players wont wasted the HP on that, so I see only hard core of high level players being involved. The type of people you try to skip during regular matches.

Simulator, I dont get it, I dont get how points are distributed, I just dont. I have played the sentry only nodes. Im 17 on hard but 100+ on normal. Rubber banding is in full effect on this, but that normal mode always messes me up. I know if I play all the regular non sentry essential node I'll be at a better rank, but just odd how in 1 sub event I can be so high without playing as much. Plus level 40 enemies right now in hard, scaling hasnt hit, so its not what I call a hard mode.

Back to MMR, I think losses do still count in dropping MMR. Once again I have a theory. You guys win what 90% of the matches you try to play? You search for matches you know you can win correct? If you're losing a battle have you sat there and lost or tried to retreat?

As always I use Broly as the example because I know what he did. I think it also take factor into the skill level of your opponents you face. By always attacking high level opponents or those with a high rank (ie. give you more points) you throw yourself into the computer algorithm that you can move up into a higher MMR. Which then it determines hey x can deafeat y level opponents, so you move up in rank.

Also Im wondering if MMR is also calculated by MSPG (Money spent per game), by this I mean how many HP do you spend per tournament? You all have seen my roster, you know my scores usually net me at least 1 3* (when I try) per event. As its been pointed out the rich keep getting richer. How does this tie into HP or MSPG? I buy at least 1 shield per tournament. At the minimum I buy a 75, 3 hour shield at some time. Im wondering if the computer recognizes that & thows certain opponents my way. Also, though its not technically tanking, Im wondering if shielded battle losses help drop your MMR better than regular tanking. Once again the computer registers those losses more since you've paid money for the shield. Its just a theory but I see how people who spend money (HP) are better rewarded than the people who are strictly F2P.

Its food for thought since I should be at a higher cumulative score (level) than most of you & I dont seem to face the opponents that you guys do. Case in point this is what I saw when I opened up my game. Obviously Im at a lower level than some to gain points like this with my defending team.

I have put far more real money into the game so I doubt the money spent has a factor though I have thought about this before because the times I spent money and then opened up a 10 pack or whatever my luck was insanely good

I don't see how I can compete in the Simulator mode w/o having the Sentry. His nodes give about 2700 points, while everyone else's give around 900.
I'll play for a while to earn some ISO, but that's it.
Maybe I should work towards getting the 10 Heroic Token reward in Season 2.
You didn't get a Sentry? The last stage of the last event had a guaranteed Sentry cover. I think the boosted 1 cover is even level 100-105 for this event.
You didn't get a Sentry? The last stage of the last event had a guaranteed Sentry cover. I think the boosted 1 cover is even level 100-105 for this event.
Yeah... we talked about it a couple times on here too.. Hah no one to blame but yourself for that one! : P

I have put far more real money into the game so I doubt the money spent has a factor though I have thought about this before because the times I spent money and then opened up a 10 pack or whatever my luck was insanely good
I guess my point was, where you spend the money. As you said if you spend money on cover packs, youre more likely to have better luck with cover pulls. I spend 100-300 on covers sometimes, so that may boost my luck with standard token draws.

Where as you spend money on tournaments, shielding, heathpacks may give you an increase in "luck" on tournaments.

So not how much money you spend on the game, but WHERE you spend that money. Because in reality, the season events, cumulative scores of all tournaments for a period of time; just another way they're tracking your gameplay. The computer AI is tweaked to adjust to your performance. There is no problem adding a couple variables to that based on your money spent per tournament.

The Sentry node was only open for maybe 10 hours. People who were at work missed it.  If you're going to give a cover away, leave the node open until the end of the event so everyone can get it.

They also gave everyone 100 hp & 2000 iso too. I know they're trying but a lot of these things are burning out people, new and old.

Entered into the No Holds Barred Event, current 7-10, it fluctuates.  I really hope they dont move further with an event like this. Because basically Im looking at it like this, I do good, I get 2 heroics. I do bad, well I couldve just spent 100 HP for the daily deal on heroic covers.

Also as we talked about MMR, this event like all, is broken.  Im not fighting anyone in my bracket.  The person in #1 is the only person in the top 10 with any 3*s with levels in the 100s. Everyone else is playing with 2* lvl 85s.  The opponents Im facing, which I know the other guys arent, would decimate them.  If you're going to have a no holds barred event, people should be fighting against the people in their own bracket.

Was attacked on the simulator again. I really need to know what my defending team is.  Obviously it must kick ass & look really weak. My victory netted me 42 points this time.

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I'm willing to 'buy' into what you spend affects your luck. I busted through the last two hours of the No Holds Barred event, and just didn't have the time to get one last high point match to put me top 2. Was kinda hoping #2 was going to get hit with loses last minute, but I only got attacked once all day. Came in #3. My tokens? Crappy 2*s, again. Didn't spend any real money, didn't spend any HP except to enter.

I will say, however, that I was fighting higher caliber opponents - very few non-100s in my rotations. So either I crossed over the MMR gap or none of the broke folks in my band played. The nice thing is that it at least reduces the OBW/Thores teams you see. A lot of different team combinations. I skipped a bunch, though - who wants to fight Spidey, Hulk and Magneto all at level 141? Not me. (Although I did fight a Hulk with 5 Black that suicided the last little bit of health because of it. Definitely going to avoid going higher than 4.)

As for what happens when I'm losing, I usually play to team wipe. Most of the time I just outright forget I can retreat. Other times, the match is close enough that I convince myself one lucky cascade will save me. Rarely happens.

As for reducing MMR, I guess it might be worth roster wiping a few times if the reward is of low interest. Unfortunately, it's not like there is some number you can look at to see where you stand, so you would only be able to tell in another event.
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You know what I realized last night after the No Holds Barred tourney? I don't need any 2* covers. No, I don't have them all, but I have all that I will use.

I'm hoping that the slot I bought for Sentry will be the last I buy for a long while. I'll be using my HP to buff the powers of the 3 stars I have, and keeping my fingers crossed in the token lottery. My last 3 (including the 2 from NHB) have been 2* Thor. :???:

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bread's done