Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

In terms of tanking, how do you do that when your defending team is determined by the last team you have won with... yet all the opponents you face are so extremely leveled up that you need your strongest characters to win?

In terms of tanking, how do you do that when your defending team is determined by the last team you have won with... yet all the opponents you face are so extremely leveled up that you need your strongest characters to win?
Assuming tanking still works, the easiest way is to open the event as soon as it goes live so you get the seed teams as opponents. I usually leave the easiest one available, and use my best team to get up to about 100 points for whatever reward that is. Also, you are a points target for anyone just starting in their bracket. Then use your tank team to defeat that easy seed (usually two 1*s and the featured character). If the event is already in full swing, there's no easy way I know of - unless you have a team that can take down the enemy when you play, but the AI doesn't know how to play right.
Assuming tanking still works, the easiest way is to open the event as soon as it goes live so you get the seed teams as opponents. I usually leave the easiest one available, and use my best team to get up to about 100 points for whatever reward that is. Also, you are a points target for anyone just starting in their bracket. Then use your tank team to defeat that easy seed (usually two 1*s and the featured character). If the event is already in full swing, there's no easy way I know of - unless you have a team that can take down the enemy when you play, but the AI doesn't know how to play right.
Yeah, figured that was the way but didn't know if you guys had any secrets if you missed the seed teams haha.

I dont even want to participate in tournaments it is so bad for me now because there is almost no way I can ever score a new cover from them.

So I need to drop my MMR somehow or just wait until I have at least 2x 141s!

When I start the tournament my first few opponents are always someone's tank teams. (one star, level 1, worth about 30) It almost don't seem fair to fight them.

Then as I move up in the ranks it's a mix of of one and two star's. Once I break 100th place I start seeing the 85 characters.

Then if I make it up past 50, it's almost all level 85 teams. And rarely a three star character (but not fully leveled).

I'm guessing if I got up into the top 10 it'd be all three star level 141 teams. 

Which seems fair, somewhat. Those guys should all be up at the top 10. (Of course, it does make it hard for mid tier players to move up and become top level....)

Yeah, figured that was the way but didn't know if you guys had any secrets if you missed the seed teams haha.
Open up any opponent team, use your crappiest characters, then immediately retreat. Repeat until characters die & replace team. You'll lose points & characters health slowly. In using your crappy characters, since you didn't win a battle, they won't be your feeding team. Also by just using a shitty team you won't use your main team when you actually do attack. People always forget retreating lowers mmr, maybe moreso than losing a battle since that's more proactive.
I tried retreating a bunch of times and will try and set up a shit team in the next tournament with the seed teams then and hopefully will have some positive effect!

I just realized that if I got top 50 in the Simulator and we hold our 250 rank as an Alliance then I will be just one cover away from maxing out Black Panther!

Ahhhhhh damn ISO deficit haha


: P

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I just realized that if I got top 50 in the Simulator and we hold our 250 rank as an Alliance then I will be just one cover away from maxing out Black Panther!

Ahhhhhh damn ISO deficit haha


: P
You and me both BroHam, 1 yellow, 1 black, and my BP is ready to take on the world. Lucky for me I have 5 in blue so I dont have to shoot too hard for a top spot.

After Hulk, Thor, and Punisher, he should be your next one to level up. Good luck!

So I managed to score FOUR simulator tokens!

I placed 1st in my hard bracket and 8th in the normal one.

And of course I got 3 lame 2*s that I instantly sold and then another Red Punisher who I not only have his Red at 5 but his moves maxed and speced how I want them already anyway.


I got to use the ISO though and have been focusing on Thor, he is now 140!!! I am so excited to almost have a maxed 3*.

This new Patch tournament I jumped in right away. I played the seed teams up until 275 points and then played the one I had saved with my garbage team of Sentry and Daredevil. I already lost literally just a few moments after setting that team hahah it is great. My fingers are crossed that I can at least tank, if even a little!

Plus I have 1350 HP saved up so I can buy any cover outright. I am just going to hoard it all for now until I decide to focus on a specific character next after my current 3*s or maybe keep saving for some sort of 10 pack.

So pissed at myself right now. I had it all set up, ready to go, for all the event finales around 11 CST. Kids were in bed by 9 pm, and I had my entire hubby-do-list done by 9:30. Talked to the wife on her break, sat down in the recliner to do that, hung up the phone... and WOKE UP AT 12:30 AM!!


Just my made push to the top 50 in the Sim that much more difficult.

I did some experimenting with tanking yesterday.  I was consistently getting opponents with 2 characters in the 100's, most with them at 141.  So i went in to the Starfall round, and rather than burn the iso, I just battled with the provided Sentry and two lowest characters I had.  Went in, retreated, and then repeated.  When those two were down, I went with the next two, and so on.  I did notice I eventually started seeing some opponents with level 85 2-stars.  I also started doing it in the Season II Shield Simulator.  Now the Cage Match started up, and I see three opponents with one level 141.

I think tanking works still, but it might not be as drastic as it used to be.  I'm going to try it at the outset of the cage match when I start, and hopefully I can manage to offset the wins I get somewhat.  Maybe I can get back in the top 50 for a PvP.

So pissed at myself right now. I had it all set up, ready to go, for all the event finales around 11 CST. Kids were in bed by 9 pm, and I had my entire hubby-do-list done by 9:30. Talked to the wife on her break, sat down in the recliner to do that, hung up the phone... and WOKE UP AT 12:30 AM!!


Just my made push to the top 50 in the Sim that much more difficult.
Damn, I know the feeling. I did that a couple months back : /

Like I said above I got 8th in Normal and 1st in Hard and sold all four of the covers I got from my Simulator Tokens anyway : /

I did some experimenting with tanking yesterday. I was consistently getting opponents with 2 characters in the 100's, most with them at 141. So i went in to the Starfall round, and rather than burn the iso, I just battled with the provided Sentry and two lowest characters I had. Went in, retreated, and then repeated. When those two were down, I went with the next two, and so on. I did notice I eventually started seeing some opponents with level 85 2-stars. I also started doing it in the Season II Shield Simulator. Now the Cage Match started up, and I see three opponents with one level 141.

I think tanking works still, but it might not be as drastic as it used to be. I'm going to try it at the outset of the cage match when I start, and hopefully I can manage to offset the wins I get somewhat. Maybe I can get back in the top 50 for a PvP.
Yeah I did the same and am now set with a terrible team to tank in the current tourney and I have lost like 15 matches at least since last night! Haha

So... we all need to have a graduation ceremony guys!!

My Thor finally hit 141 this morning!! : P

He will gladly take presents in the form of PayPal if you so desire! ; P

I only played in the last 20 minutes of the Sentry tournament.  Even with a measly 270 points I placed 46th. (Or so I thought. Appearently in the 3 minutes left in the event i dropped down to 55. w/o being attacked)

Wasn't interested in a patch cover anyway.

Now, to focus more on the Simulator or the try to work towards that 10 token Season two reward pack?

I only played in the last 20 minutes of the Sentry tournament. Even with a measly 270 points I placed 46th. (Or so I thought. Appearently in the 3 minutes left in the event i dropped down to 55. w/o being attacked)

Wasn't interested in a patch cover anyway.

Now, to focus more on the Simulator or the try to work towards that 10 token Season two reward pack?
I would focus on the Simulator because of all the rewards you get immediately. Tons of ISO, HP and tokens. There is still time in the Season 2 event to pull up enough points for the 10-pack.

I always play the other events and then in my inbetween time I focus on Season 2 stuff.


Just got my server issue ISO and HP. Now I am at 1450 HP!

Speaking of large sums of HP, who bought our 20th slot in the Alliance?!?

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! ! ! Thanks Koju : ))

I am glad someone else stepped up because I told myself I was not spending another dime on the Alliance haha

Hopefully now at 20 members we can really get into the Alliance rewards!

CAGvengers, assembleeeeee!

I wish I had time, perhaps I will with my workload lightening up this summer for a bit, but I really want to do a splash image for our Alliance making use of all the top MPQ characters/ our favorites.

Hmmm....... I already am thinking of some cool compositions...

! ! ! Thanks Koju : ))

I am glad someone else stepped up because I told myself I was not spending another dime on the Alliance haha
I used some of that crazy Target trade credit to buy some email-delivery iTunes credit that is on sale this week. Figured it counted as part of my gaming budget.
Felt like celebrating the end of my 3*-from-token dry spell, and knew I couldn't let 1250 HP sit until 2000 when there are covers to buy.

Pulled a Blue Falcon with a Simulator token, so that was nice. Not on my short list for leveling, but it was a cover I could use.

And man, I am seriously loving this round of Simulator with Punisher. Very few of my nodes last more than a few turns, and I don't think I'll mind grinding. Cage Match, on the other hand - my Patch just isn't tournament ready. I'm trying the retreat trick for a while, setting up matches to beat later instead of using skips.
Felt like celebrating the end of my 3*-from-token dry spell, and knew I couldn't let 1250 HP sit until 2000 when there are covers to buy.

Pulled a Blue Falcon with a Simulator token, so that was nice. Not on my short list for leveling, but it was a cover I could use.

And man, I am seriously loving this round of Simulator with Punisher. Very few of my nodes last more than a few turns, and I don't think I'll mind grinding. Cage Match, on the other hand - my Patch just isn't tournament ready. I'm trying the retreat trick for a while, setting up matches to beat later instead of using skips.
I am in the EXACT same boat as you.

I am just BLAZING through the Simulator fights barely losing any health at all and each just taking a few turns. I am balancing pretty easily between 7-20 overall in the event as well which is nice.

And my Cage Match is a poop tank team with Daredevil and Sentry. I played up until like 275 points and then set my tank team and despite losing about 20 matches now total, I am still not in the last bracket! haha

Thanks Koju, really awesome of you to do that! Now we've got 20 spots strong....Although Broly lets his alter egos jump in those spots. An4lwrecker? Really Broly.

I am going to have to redeem my ass big time in the simulator. I was going to make a big push last night and complete all the nodes. Nah I decide to actually go out last night. Come home and log in, nothing but standard tokens. Im like Shit when did the events end!?!?!?? Now I'm ranked almost 400. :\ Im not even going to talk about my rank on that Sentry tournament, Thankfully I dont really care about patch. Im going to cuss horribly if I miss out on the Black panther covers I need.

And man, I am seriously loving this round of Simulator with Punisher. Very few of my nodes last more than a few turns, and I don't think I'll mind grinding.
Its times like this Im glad to have chosen Punisher to level up to 141, He's boosted to 231 in this round of sub brackets. All I can think is Bwahahaha 1 Molotov cocktail & its usually all over. I finally got the black punisher progression reward. Now the choice boost black to 5 or sell it. Red at 5 has served me a hell of a lot better than I ever thought. Especially now in the event, 1 red usually kills anyone in normal mode regardless of health.

Although Broly lets his alter egos jump in those spots. An4lwrecker? Really Broly.

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Its times like this Im glad to have chosen Punisher to level up to 141, He's boosted to 231 in this round of sub brackets. All I can think is Bwahahaha 1 Molotov cocktail & its usually all over. I finally got the black punisher progression reward. Now the choice boost black to 5 or sell it. Red at 5 has served me a hell of a lot better than I ever thought. Especially now in the event, 1 red usually kills anyone in normal mode regardless of health.
I sold both Blacks that I got.

The strike tiles you make with green are better than the chance of more spawning from a lowered countdown with black.

Plus not having red at 5 is just dumb because in PVP it is SUPER helpful.

The way we have our Punishers specced I think is the best.

The way we have our Punishers specced I think is the best.
I had to go look that up, I didnt realize we were both at 4/4/5, since I thought you had 5 in green & I knew you had the extras black.

Ok we're on the same page. Level that bad boy up, he's really useful in PVP. Ive noticed in my PVP matches, he's replaced Ares/Thor in the OBW/Ares or Thor/ Tournament character matches. Since he's been around longer than 3* Thor, I guess people finally got to that point where he was leveled up high enough to be useful.

Ive been reading once you get a 3* up to level 100+ they are finally able to replace a level 85 2*. Im weighing my options on that case. Sometimes I say yes, sometimes no. However my level 79 Classic mags has roughly the same amount of HP as my level 85 OBW. So my Hulk,Black Panther, Classic mags team actually does have a higher health pool than if I did run with say OBW/Ares/Punisher. So I guess its character dependant?

I had to go look that up, I didnt realize we were both at 4/4/5, since I thought you had 5 in green & I knew you had the extras black.

Ok we're on the same page. Level that bad boy up, he's really useful in PVP. Ive noticed in my PVP matches, he's replaced Ares/Thor in the OBW/Ares or Thor/ Tournament character matches. Since he's been around longer than 3* Thor, I guess people finally got to that point where he was leveled up high enough to be useful.

Ive been reading once you get a 3* up to level 100+ they are finally able to replace a level 85 2*. Im weighing my options on that case. Sometimes I say yes, sometimes no. However my level 79 Classic mags has roughly the same amount of HP as my level 85 OBW. So my Hulk,Black Panther, Classic mags team actually does have a higher health pool than if I did run with say OBW/Ares/Punisher. So I guess its character dependant?
Mine is already maxed.... *insert troll face here* haha : P

I feel like the biggest question when replacing OBW is how much damage will you be able to do with Blue, Black or Purple matches? With espionage I do over 300 total damage for matches with that whereas my current alt team without OBW does like 80 per match haha.

The lack in power from those matches to me at least, is extremely noticeable and I feel like that will be my biggest hurdle when I officially replace her.


Just a heads up guys, if there is any big event this weekend I am going to be COMPLETELY M.I.A.

I volunteer at the Illinois Leadership Seminars as a Senior Coach and I will essentially be without a phone from Thursday afternooon until Sunday night. I REALLY hope there isnt another one of those BS Blue Doom events that I missed last time I didnt play a weekend!!

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I pulled a Red Three star Thor from just a random heroic token. (Figured I'd spent the 100 HP).

He's got  4 red now.

Doing the simulator modes. Only makes sense to do the Punisher Nodes. They're worth about 1100 and the normal ones are worth 150. I'd have to do 10 of those to make them even up.

I pulled a Red Three star Thor from just a random heroic token. (Figured I'd spent the 100 HP).

He's got 4 red now.

Doing the simulator modes. Only makes sense to do the Punisher Nodes. They're worth about 1100 and the normal ones are worth 150. I'd have to do 10 of those to make them even up.
That is lucky!

In the end though if you ever get him leveled to max you will likely have him with only 3 Red if possible, but regardless more Thor the better! : P

My two star Thor has 5 red. It's a cheap power (think it only takes 9 red?) Does plenty of damage, and feeds the next strike.

(And yes 150 * 10 = 1500. It's just an example to show the futility of doing the non-character specific nodes)

...but regardless more Thor the better! : P
You say that now until the inevitable 3* Thor Nerf comes and then they bring out 4* Classic Thor


Had they not already nerfed 2* thor to make 3* Thor I wouldnt even think this way. But they're already nerfing 3*s for being too powerful & IW was the last 4* they released. Trust me, I feel a Classic 4* Thor will be coming.

PS. rumor mill has it a change to OBW is coming too, something horrible that will have people go Hulk Smash. If people didnt see the OBW crutch ever being pulled away, after what happened to spider man, you had to be blind.

A note from the noobside:  Now that No Holds "Not Hearthstone Arena, We Swear!" Barred has opened, MPQ seems to be giving away Hero Points like pennies on Halloween.

I think they really want me to try their dumb competition, but I'm holding steady to only use HP on slots.  Latest craziness was the "sorry we screwed up the tournament stuff" MP & ISO bonuses they gave out today.  I think it was 100 MP and 1,000 ISO.

Not sure if this is new or not, but I'm at 18 card slots, and the next option to buy more is now only available as a 2-slot combo pack for 500MP.  I'm at about 350 right now.

Being a slacker means never having to face level 141 covers :).  I've never even seen anything past 80, and the only games I lose are ones that I've streaked too long using previously-weakened characters.

Maybe it'd be best for some to reset their game and not play so hard?

A note from the noobside: Now that No Holds "Not Hearthstone Arena, We Swear!" Barred has opened, MPQ seems to be giving away Hero Points like pennies on Halloween.

I think they really want me to try their dumb competition, but I'm holding steady to only use HP on slots. Latest craziness was the "sorry we screwed up the tournament stuff" MP & ISO bonuses they gave out today. I think it was 100 MP and 1,000 ISO.

Not sure if this is new or not, but I'm at 18 card slots, and the next option to buy more is now only available as a 2-slot combo pack for 500MP. I'm at about 350 right now.

Being a slacker means never having to face level 141 covers :). I've never even seen anything past 80, and the only games I lose are ones that I've streaked too long using previously-weakened characters.

Maybe it'd be best for some to reset their game and not play so hard?
hah they have actually done the No Holds Barred a long while back.

In terms of that combo for slots I definitely have not ever run into buying a two pack... I wonder if this was a new addition and most of us never realized since we all have a great deal of slots?

If you reset though, then you lose all the characters you worked for which would defeat the purpose! haha

My two star Thor has 5 red. It's a cheap power (think it only takes 9 red?) Does plenty of damage, and feeds the next strike.

(And yes 150 * 10 = 1500. It's just an example to show the futility of doing the non-character specific nodes)
You see a much greater increase by having Yellow and Green at 5 however. His Red is actually one of the most gimped attacks in comparison because it actually creates so few Yellow vs how many Green are created with the Yellow move.

Then in terms of damage output the other two are MUCH higher. Final note is that MANY other characters have much stronger Red moves and so having Thor focus on his Yellow and Green is more beneficial from a team synergy standpoint as well.

But yeah not being able to do the character nodes would be terrible this time around, sorry : / I played the main ones just to get the first batch of ISO and then after I did them all once I have focused solely on the character nodes.

On the bright side I got 4 Simulator tokens last time and got nothing of use! haha

I am hoping my luck changes with this one. I am in the same boat as last time; Top 2 in Hard and Top 10 in Normal so another 4. Fingers crossed I get something usable!!

Had they not already nerfed 2* thor to make 3* Thor I wouldnt even think this way. But they're already nerfing 3*s for being too powerful & IW was the last 4* they released. Trust me, I feel a Classic 4* Thor will be coming.

PS. rumor mill has it a change to OBW is coming too, something horrible that will have people go Hulk Smash. If people didnt see the OBW crutch ever being pulled away, after what happened to spider man, you had to be blind.
Make the 4* Beta Ray Bill instead, and I'd be happy.

And yeah, the inevitable OBW nerf is half the reason I'm playing PvP without her. She is super useful in PvE, so she usually is on my team for that, but my PvP is usually Hulk/Punisher + the featured.
Make the 4* Beta Ray Bill instead, and I'd be happy.
You know how much that would screw people up if it was bill? Hey why is classic Thor got a horse face? Who is horse face thor? I swear I dont even want them to go there.


Side note, thanks to me having a life & missing out on 1 sub bracket completely; I am fighting an uphill battle trying to get to 75. I was 389 last night, finally grinded to 189 before I went to bed. Woke up at 209 and now have grinded to ....what crap....195, it went up again. I swear this is a grindathon like no other & Im only making slow headway. Ive grinded almost all nodes to 100. Im in the top 5 for both normal & hard (actually #3 in both). I dont know what else to do to catch up. Im gonna miss out on Panthers black, I know it. AT least the alliance it at #75 though.

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Hung on to #1 in normal, after it was clear I wasn't cracking the top 10 in hard. Ended up somewhere in the mid-20's. Should be good for 4 recruit tokens, and I'd be happy with a red Punisher pull, like Broly got.

Koju, thanks for opening that last slot! Clearly helped, as we're in the top 100 already!

CMags is the character for the bonus nodes this time around. 

Hung on to #1 in normal, after it was clear I wasn't cracking the top 10 in hard. Ended up somewhere in the mid-20's. Should be good for 4 recruit tokens, and I'd be happy with a red Punisher pull, like Broly got.

Koju, thanks for opening that last slot! Clearly helped, as we're in the top 100 already!

CMags is the character for the bonus nodes this time around.
I should be getting 4 tokens again and I just really want Mags!

That is the only character I can use at this point from the Simulator ones. I would literally poop my pants here in the office if I pulled 2 or more Magnetos haha


Damn Doom Lightning Round!

I am sitting here trying to sneak in some battles at my desk on my phone haha

One day I will have plenty of time to give to a Lightning Round and will actually place high, I am determined haha

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I should be getting 4 tokens again and I just really want Mags!

That is the only character I can use at this point from the Simulator ones. I would literally poop my pants here in the office if I pulled 2 or more Magnetos haha
Then I hope you only pull 1. Heaven knows you didn't bring a change of underwear to your day job.

I should be placing in the top 50 for both simulator modes. Hopefully getting me something decent from the two tokens.

I said I would just do the quick seed teams in the Lightning Round but am still fighting them at almost 250 points total now.... o_O

I need to actually do work MPQ!

At this rate I actually could place if I had a bit more time!!

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I can't get squat from these tokens. At least I am getting ISO and HP plus then the BP covers soon.

I got Storm, Capt., Hawkeye and Widow.


Used all the ISO to start leveling up Mags since he is used here. Only got him to 37 with my current iso : /

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Yep my luck has offically run out.  5 Sim tokens, placed #2 in Hard and top 5 in normal.

All 5 tokens, all 2*....  Only saving grace was I sold off M. Hawkeye, Astonishing Wolvie, & Bagman.

So I needed those covers to rebuild my new ones & only had to sell off a classic storm.

So Hey Classic mags, how you doing buddy.  Looks like Im happy I got you here. Although I was getting too used to buffed pun, now Im sitting here wondering why he only does half the damage :cry:

Lol and wanting us to get away from OBW, yet she's buffed in this event.  And Im making progress, I guess I'll grind like hell today, Im up to 150!

Also, I am preemptively telling everyone that I hate Koju before he posts here and exclaims his glorious luck... #superjealous
Luck Most Glorious! :whee:

Maybe there really is something to the whole 'spending real money' theory. It was about time for my luck to change. Probably also helps I had 4 simulator tokens. Other two tokens gave me ISO in the form of covers I don't need.


I said I would just do the quick seed teams in the Lightning Round but am still fighting them at almost 250 points total now.... o_O

I need to actually do work MPQ!

At this rate I actually could place if I had a bit more time!!
I fought my way to the top of a lightning round once, and got absolutely squat as a reward. Those lightning tokens still have just over an 80% chance of giving you a 2* cover.
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Luck Most Glorious! :whee:

Maybe there really is something to the whole 'spending real money' theory. It was about time for my luck to change. Probably also helps I had 4 simulator tokens. Other two tokens gave me ISO in the form of covers I don't need.
Yeah that is true. Your case just helps prove even more that when money is spent in game our luck seems to be increased.

Bastards. That can be seen two ways.

They increase the luck and so people are like 'oohhh I should buy more.'


You could look at it as if people who spend money are going to spend money period. If you give them better or worse luck it doesnt really matter because statistically if they are gong to spend it they are going to likely continue to. So from that point of view I would say it is against our theory and makes our gained luck a coincidence... but the evidence is definitely stacking up...

Out of my 4 tokens, 3 were 3*, 1 was shit, but only 1 was one that I really needed.

In order of tug:

Green Pun (now at 5) - Wanted and needed

Red Rags (now at 4) - Needed, couldn't have cared less

Red IM40 (was at 5) - Didn't need

Forget what color MoHawkeye - Obviously poop in cover form

I have Mr. Castle at level 115 now, where he actually might be of some use outside of boosted events.

I fought my way to the top of a lightning round once, and got absolutely squat as a reward. Those lightning tokens still have just over an 80% chance of giving you a 2* cover.
Lightning rounds are a joke, I did that too, made it up pretty high. All for what? A lightning round token? As usual it wasnt worth crap, so what was the point again? I just play 2 rounds for a standard token, then just let my guys tank.

Green Pun (now at 5) - Wanted and needed
Whenever I hear Pun, I think about this guy....and this song describes me and the simulator....almost in the double digits!


bread's done