Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

I've lost on that a couple times. That 5000 ISO is so tempting, I wonder if my Hood is strong enough. The key is denying green, but I haven't been able to yet. I was close in my first attempt, but they used a Loki trickery team-up that wrecked me.
Speaking of team-ups, while the nodes this event have been much better for me overall, I have seen some tough team-ups, ones that I have rarely seen the AI use before. Ones that hurt. Usually right at the end of the match, as I am near full health and trying for a big finish, then I lose half my team health and limp out and have to either use heals or wait 30+ mins to continue. Oh, well... I don't have far to go for yellow Spidey, so I am not stressing too much. Then I can do some runs in Tex-Mex and maybe pull 300 for the anniv token.

Also, wondering if Deadpool is really worth it now... In the Loki/Ares/Rags node, where you get DP at 5/4/4 (mine was L105, iirc, the same as my boosted oBW), I found that rather than using his red for a paltry 65% health reduction, I would wait for Wolvie's to fill up and use that instead. And I was using oBW purple to skill steal, so I never had the chance to cast Whales Cubed. Granted, by the time DP gets leveled up, I will most likely have a different 3rd than oBW, but can anybody who has some covers on DP attest to his usefulness? I know how useful the other 3* I am holding onto have, but not sure about DP. Thx!

Speaking of team-ups, while the nodes this event have been much better for me overall, I have seen some tough team-ups, ones that I have rarely seen the AI use before. Ones that hurt. Usually right at the end of the match, as I am near full health and trying for a big finish, then I lose half my team health and limp out and have to either use heals or wait 30+ mins to continue. Oh, well... I don't have far to go for yellow Spidey, so I am not stressing too much. Then I can do some runs in Tex-Mex and maybe pull 300 for the anniv token.

Also, wondering if Deadpool is really worth it now... In the Loki/Ares/Rags node, where you get DP at 5/4/4 (mine was L105, iirc, the same as my boosted oBW), I found that rather than using his red for a paltry 65% health reduction, I would wait for Wolvie's to fill up and use that instead. And I was using oBW purple to skill steal, so I never had the chance to cast Whales Cubed. Granted, by the time DP gets leveled up, I will most likely have a different 3rd than oBW, but can anybody who has some covers on DP attest to his usefulness? I know how useful the other 3* I am holding onto have, but not sure about DP. Thx!
Deadpool has arguably the best active purple move in the game now since all the changes.

I have been maxing mine out for that very reason. His Red kind of sucks especially because 65% isnt 65% because there is a "max damage" amount it can do which really gimps it but still at max then you can do about 3,300 damage early on. The big key to his red is that it only costs 6 red so that means two matches right in a row in the beginning and you already have knocked off 3k damage on a high level. Deadpool's red is far more cost effective and meant to moreso soften up enemies early on compared to most other red moves.

His black then too is really helpful especially paired with Hood because Hood has such a low health pool and is so easily taken down that having DP able to hop in and take the hits is great.

Currently Deadpool is the character I am working on maxing him out right now. At like 112 or so now I believe and just 2 covers away from max.

They also changed the flashing tile animation and added some dog holding a bone logo to the start up screen with the most recent update.
Lol dude did you just now notice this? Iggy has been up there for a while. Always next to the Demiurge logo.

Here's Why......LINKO!

So the anniversary has been a pretty good event. More golds than I thought I'd have. In the past day or so Ive got a green devil dino, Red Patch, Yellow Invisible woman. On top of all the other goodies.... Paid my 50 HP for an anniversary token, GOLD! Unfortunately turns out it was just a red hulk, false alarm. Also looks like the deadpool tournament has varying degrees of interest, I guess its cause of Devil Dino. So many from anniversary tokens that its amazing he's a 4* character. Im mainly interested in the anniversary progression rewards. 10 pack anniversary tokens? I wonder if I can make that in 6 days, when I have a tough enough time making the heroic 10 pack in a season.

So with all this iso, I have decided that Im going to try and move all my 3*+s up to a minimum of level 95. Why 95? So they're above 94 & I can find them without digging through the 2*s. I was looking at my 3* Daken, Patch, and Sentry and although they can be leveled up way past 100, they're still in the 60-90 range. This needs to be corrected. Then again Id love to have a level 200 sex force, he's at 170 now and finally has more health than Punisher/Psylocke. At 166 they top out at 6800, at 170 X-force is sitting at just shy of 7000. I wonder if he ever gets up to Panther/Steve Health?

I could have sworn that Iggy icon just got added with the latest update (he wasn't there on the Doc Ock start up screen....right?)

I think I need to do that with my three stars as well. Pretty sure I could level both Daredevil and Spidey up past 95. But then again, it's DD and spidey. Doesn't quite seem worth the ISO.

almost made top 50 in the deadpool tournament (over 700 points!) but kids bedtimes took much longer than expected, so I had to bow out.

Should have played more on the deadpool vs MPQ repeat event but it's really hard to concentrate at both at the same time. I wanted the Dino more. (Even though I figure I'll never see another cover for him. ie Beast, Colossus, Invisible Woman, etc_

I could have sworn that Iggy icon just got added with the latest update (he wasn't there on the Doc Ock start up screen....right?)


almost made top 50 in the deadpool tournament (over 700 points!) but kids bedtimes took much longer than expected, so I had to bow out.

Should have played more on the deadpool vs MPQ repeat event but it's really hard to concentrate at both at the same time. I wanted the Dino more. (Even though I figure I'll never see another cover for him. ie Beast, Colossus, Invisible Woman, etc_
I think you might be right about the Ock screen... I don't remember seeing Iggy there back then, either. Not sure if I was just too distracted with Doom summoning demons on me as it launched... dunno...

I am still too n00b to do well in PvP, so I did not even start until after I crested 25K in PvE. Thankfully, I was able to do that, and not make top 150. I know that sounds weird, but I don't need yet another 1-cover 3*, even if it is GSBW. But I did need Moonstone's red (yes, I am not going to dump her yet... she was just too much fun when I played her powered up with only 2 covers... and that was just purple and black!). Now she is at 4/3/3 due to all of the covers I am getting of hers this Anniv Event (almost feels like a female Juggs, yuk yuk yuk), and I have two black covers in the wings that I am most likely going to sell.

Speaking of black covers, that is the consolation prize in the just launched Combined Arms PvP event. :wall:

And as far as Tex-Mex goes, it was hot n heavy even in my bracket. Top 10 were all over 900 pts. I had no chance of getting Top 25 (like I was briefly, and painfully, when Psylocke red was the Top 25 Prize). Heck, I didn't event have a chance at Top 100! But, I pushed as good and I could. Got 220 points. Placed 301. YISS!!! I did not need another purple mHawkeye, so the 2x chance at getting something I do need was more than welcome, lol! So far this event I have had to sell off no less than 3 extra mHawkeye purples and 1 extra blue. Have him sitting at 5/1/5 waiting for 4 reds. I decided to claim two other blue covers I got recently, since I might start pumping him up once I get only 2 more reds. We'll see...

Not to gloat, but I guess my bad token pull luck is getting a little bit better... or it could just be the odds with these anniv tokens. I pulled a red Colossus out of the DP vs MPQ Villains subevent reward today, immediately followed by a yellow Ares from the 1* token from the 25 pt Tex-Mex reward. Suh-weet! So, there is still hope on a nice 3* cover for you!

So, due to the ISO doubling, my current benefactors of this anniversary party are oBW 3/5/2 L70, Thor** still 5/2/4 L60, Wolvie** 3/3/3 L60, and Ares 2/4/2 currently L47. I have 9k ISO right now, so I am trying to decide who to give it to. I am tempted to give it to Ares since he has been stuck at 47 for some time now, but I have been told before (several times, in fact, in this very thread) that I need to get oBW to 94 ASAP, so she is the most likely candidate. She has been saving my hide very often these last few days, and I know she needs more survivability, since she got owned very early on in the DP/Hulk/Dino node. Still not sure how I pulled out that win, but I did... with only 100 hitpoints left in Wolvie and 300 in DP! It was harrowing, but sooooo worth the 5k ISO. And yes, that was my 3rd attempt at the node. 8-[

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Oh, fuck you MPQ.

So I stopped playing w/ maybe an hour or so before the tex-mex tourny ended. Hey, I'll be safe I have 701 points, and I'm in 40th place.

Turn the phone on after putting the kids to bed and exercising, and  I lost 58 points and dropped to 101st place.  No Dino cover for me.


Got one anniversary token from all this. Spent it. Got a useless Johnny Storm. Decided to gamble 50 HP

It came up w/ Purple Devil Dino. 

Now I just need to decide if he's worth spending 400 HP on to create an extra slot.

I feel you, elder... I also got a HT** cover yesterday, so now I have 1 of each color. That was from a gifted anniv token, so I spent the 50 hp for a daily deal one.

What'd I get?

Moonstone, black.

As you said, fuck MPQ!!!

Damn, balanced arms, no 1 star, can't play. I'm 25 hp from a new roster slot, I'll probably cave and buy some since I'll need the slot for Devil Dino anyway. Then I'll have to cash in my standard tokens and see who I end up with.
My money is on Jugghead. In the little time I have been playing, I could probably have maxed him 4x. Venom only 2.5x. "Only", lol. Or Yelena... I think maybe 3x for her.

In other news, I went ahead and redeemed the red Dino on my Steam acct and ran him through Chapter 1 (I had not even played Doom's final node yet, that is how n00b the acct is). Took 5 tile swaps and the match was over. Did not even have a chance to activate his skill, lol. Methinks I will spend some time this week blazing through the prologue on my Steam acct to get all that juicy 400 ISO. Not sure if the game will balance due to having a carry on the team. We'll see. But he has pretty much made the whole prologue "Trivial"... kinda feels a bit like cheatin'. 8-[

I also decided to spend 50 hp on another anniv token (which is not really a good idea on a fresh acct, but whatever), and got mHawkeye red... not upset that I got trolled with a Hawk, but upset that my Steam acct is sooooo damn lucky, lol! My phone Hawk is still 5/1/5... :p

Not to gloat, but I guess my bad token pull luck is getting a little bit better... or it could just be the odds with these anniv tokens. I pulled a red Colossus out of the DP vs MPQ Villains subevent reward today, immediately followed by a yellow Ares from the 1* token from the 25 pt Tex-Mex reward. Suh-weet! So, there is still hope on a nice 3* cover for you!
You have had by far the best luck for pulls out of everyone here so shut your face : P

I didnt have time to play much in the PvE at the end like I had hoped and then in turn also completely spaced on the Deadpool PvP. Which means I got crap rewards, no rewards and then now I can't get the Season rewards as I missed one of the few tourneys. Ugh.

To add insult to injury now. I have opened a total of I believe 10 Anniversary packs and have gotten nothing but 2 stars from all of them. Awesome.

I also caved and opened up all the 27 tokens I had saved up because I wanted SOMETHING from the game last night and all I got out of it was a Red Punisher which is obviously useless to me.

I give up.

Damn, balanced arms, no 1 star, can't play. I'm 25 hp from a new roster slot, I'll probably cave and buy some since I'll need the slot for Devil Dino anyway. Then I'll have to cash in my standard tokens and see who I end up with.
Don't forget there are a ton of 1*s in the prologue if you haven't gone back to farm them. Should be able to have a decent number of covers for someone with a small bit of work.

I placed 14th in Tex-Mex with 1102 points. Top person in my bracket had a whopping 2053. If I wanted top 5, I needed better than 1800. Just, wow. Not really looking forward to Combined Arms, it devolves into a grind fest against high HP characters. Still, want that 10 pack, and I could use the one last green cover for Ragnarok (in a 'I don't have five yet' kind of way).

My tokens have been hit and miss. I did grab the one cover I didn't win, so my Dino is 1/1/1. Also managed another Nick Fury yellow (3/0/2) and the 7000 ISO pull. Pulled a Sentry, but of course in the one color I don't need. Still, seems like the tokens are coming fast and furious with these events, so even a 10% useful percentage isn't too bad.

New PvE up, Venom Heroic. This was a top voted event? And the powered up characters are painful - 3*s are GSBW (good), Beast (ugh) and Stormhawk (ugh). I'm thinking GSBW and Modern Hawkeye are going to be the go-to characters (although there might not be enough purple on the board), with maybe Modern Cap for countdown tile cleanup. I may end up leveling up a 2* for the first time in ages.
I also caved and opened up all the 27 tokens I had saved up because I wanted SOMETHING from the game last night and all I got out of it was a Red Punisher which is obviously useless to me.
Man, your willpower sucks. :twisted:

The Heroic token character drops get updated in less than a week. I'm now sitting on 46. If nothing else, it'll be an ISO infusion for someone.
Man, your willpower sucks. :twisted:

The Heroic token character drops get updated in less than a week. I'm now sitting on 46. If nothing else, it'll be an ISO infusion for someone.
I just had such terrible luck in the game and then in other stuff the other day I really needed a boost of something! And those tokens did not help...

But yeah I keep getting a steady stream of ISO between all those tokens and the doubled ISO acquisition rates and so now my Deadpool is at a usable level now at 120 and quickly going up since he is all I am focusing on right now. Ideal build in my mind for him is 5/5/3 though looking at everyone's Deadpools I am the only one close to maxing so I couldnt see what other people would build. He is 5/3/3 right now and I am going to buy another purple once I get him to 130.

Looking over team synergy I feel like Thor, Deadpool and Hood are going to be a great combo. All match colors are covered, though no usable blue move.

Deadpool will fire off his quick reds early on and store up purple. He also will jump in the fray to protect my fragile Hood. Then Thor can be the general powerhouse building up yellows and then ultimately his green. Then Hood will be there for a basic usable black but more importantly keeping the AP down from the other team. Then by mid game then I should have purple and green ready and with those two moves I should be able to wipe out entire teams.

Also, I feel like Patch would go well in place of Thor because then I can be tanking with patch and healing and still have a nice usable Green. Then I could use yellow for Hood's Twin Pistols.

Also yeah this PvE is LAME. Especially with Steve as the rewards! That being said though I feel like many of you are very close to maxing out Steve so hopefully everyone can get what they need out of it and have a kickass Captain America on their team like me : D

I'm not interested in Rags as a reward for this 1-2-3 star event. But I would like to get enough anniversary points to work my way up to another Devil Dino token perhaps.

Is today the last event? Crap. No way I'm getting up to 1200.

Is today the last event? Crap. No way I'm getting up to 1200.
Nah. There's a tile for the overall anniversary like the seasons, second tile on the Versus screen at the moment. About four and a half days. There should be a third when this one is done, Balance of Power (the one where everyone is the same level). Another one that I hate grinding through.
Balance of Power should be fun. 1-2-3 Star is worthless to me. Will be grinding the PVE but it seems the nodes are hard.

I really hope the anniversary event leaves enough room for a hulk event.  I mean if heroic Venom is a "fan favorite" then the hulk event has to be on the top of the list and they're saving the best for last.

Feels like GSBW has really been pushed on us this go around. Maybe its just me.  I know I got a GSBW purple from annie tokens, then she was the reward for deadpool, and she's the top progression reward.  Which isnt bad since she's pretty decent.  As far as a third support character her useable purple making green skill is quite nice. 

Speaking of Annie tokens, they're treating me well, I think the 40% 3* rate is really working.  Im getting Invisible womans though, first a yellow now a green.  I think she's up to 10 out of 13 on her powerset now. Basically on par with my x force. My Devil Dino is 1/0/1 so there's that, wiggle those baby arms dino!

Now for the current running events.  Ugh Im gonna have to waste ISO on powering up some 1* & 2*s.  But I guess I shouldve see that coming.  Its events like the combined arms where they force you not to be able to use your pure 3* roster.  Im guessing this was a "fan favorite" too?  Anyways is the heroic venom is a limited roster event? I didnt look. 

So having to pick teams for the combined arms is a bitch since all my 2*s arent maxed out since I sold them off.  Rewards are Rags, which I wish they'd give him a third power to make him viable again.  I know its going to be a yellow, I dont care, he's a decent character just make him useful again.  Having said that I could use a green myself.  1 green and 5 reds....

If you dont have any 1*s and really need one, those are everywhere.  The heroic event probably has tons of standard tokens right?  I got rid of my storm since I got a Stormhawk from an anni token.  Now my lone 1* is IM35, which is good since he's in the heroic event.  Just played a round of combined arms and my team of IM35, 2* wolvie, Falcon, werent too shabby.  A little overkill on the protect tiles, but thats not a bad thing. Oh and how many time will I be cursing at Juggs?  Thats usually the go to 1* for events like this. 

I really wish theyd put a anniversary simulator or something on, I want another way to get anniversary points.  I dont think I'll do enough tournaments for the 10 pack.  Also why is venom heroic giving out Venom tokens? The Deadpool event didnt give out deadpool Vs tokens, even though they were available for purchase.  Well having said all that, Spidey Sense tells me Steve will be powered up next event, which hopefully will be hulk!

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Now for the current running events. Ugh Im gonna have to waste ISO on powering up some 1* & 2*s. But I guess I shouldve see that coming. Its events like the combined arms where they force you not to be able to use your pure 3* roster. Im guessing this was a "fan favorite" too? Anyways is the heroic venom is a limited roster event? I didnt look.
Yeah, the top PvP events were Combined Arms and Balance of Power. I guess for anyone who hasn't gone fully 3*, these style events probably look great. I just see them as drawn out slugfests. I don't know if I have it in me to do two more 1k PvP runs.

And yes, Venom Heroic is limited roster with a rather uninspiring selection of characters. I mean, my GSBW is maxed, and can make criticals for Hawkeye, but I'm going to miss having a decent tank/support.

I really wish theyd put a anniversary simulator or something on, I want another way to get anniversary points. I dont think I'll do enough tournaments for the 10 pack. Also why is venom heroic giving out Venom tokens? The Deadpool event didnt give out deadpool Vs tokens, even though they were available for purchase. Well having said all that, Spidey Sense tells me Steve will be powered up next event, which hopefully will be hulk!
The official forums are up in arms about the token situation. Neither anniversary event is giving anniversary tokens in progress or reward, unlike the last two. Looks like the only way to get more are through purchases or the overall PvP progression/placement.
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Steam account: I hate you. 

Green Doc Ock from my anniversary tokens.  Which somehow I won from getting to 300 anniversary points in the progression rewards from Tex Mex & Anniversary.  Funny I opened up steam and was hit by a wall of red -48 from losses in Tex Mex.  I guess I won some, progression rewards counted it, gave me prize, & since I won said prizes they didnt take em back. Thats fine.

Oh well purple hawkeye works for my steam account & I promptly sold off Doc Ock, I have no room, no hp, and quite frankly Im not going to use him any time soon.

So it figures the forums going crazy for something stupid.  I mean sure I like the anniversary tokens too, and 50 HP wont hurt me daily.  But each event has ALWAYS had their own tokens, nothing to get all up in arms about now.  Geez you give people an inch and they go batshit crazy. 

So thats the reason we're gonna have dumpy events.  No matter what the event is, these people need to learn it wont help out. Combined arms or Balance of power still means people are gonna run with a Patch/Daken/filler character.  Combined arms its 2* Daken With 3* Patch.  Balance of power 3* Patch, 3* Daken.  It doesnt change much of anything really, but yeah I guess it looks good on paper.

I need to level up my Daken so I can be one of those guys hahah

We need another Daken reward event, mine is so weak : (
Which one? 3* or 2*? If you have your 2* you could be one of those guys right now with patch!

The event Id want? A anything goes no limits event. ie if I want 3 of the same skins on my team, dammit Im gonna have it! All three widows on 1 team all at once! Although if I did that Id probably want yelena instead of Modern widow. But think about that 2* & 3* Daken on the same team with a Patch.... Oh lord! Or a X-force, Patch, Astonnishing Wolverine Combo! Why dont we get an event like that? It would be sheer chaos. Oh and to be a super bitch, everyone is equal or powered up. Oh yeah, let the insanity begin!

Which one? 3* or 2*? If you have your 2* you could be one of those guys right now with patch!

The event Id want? A anything goes no limits event. ie if I want 3 of the same skins on my team, dammit Im gonna have it! All three widows on 1 team all at once! Although if I did that Id probably want yelena instead of Modern widow. But think about that 2* & 3* Daken on the same team with a Patch.... Oh lord! Or a X-force, Patch, Astonnishing Wolverine Combo! Why dont we get an event like that? It would be sheer chaos. Oh and to be a super bitch, everyone is equal or powered up. Oh yeah, let the insanity begin!
You know I only have OBW as my non 3*!

And yeah that does sound pretty awesome in a crazy way hahah

Why dont we get an event like that?
Because I would hate you forever for putting that out in the ether. We already have the problem of two goons of the same level and not knowing which one owns a countdown. Sentry bombing would be even worse than it is now. I can take down a Sentry/Hood/required, but that relies on only having to beat Sentry once, and chewing up a low HP Hood first.

Even without Sentry, you have Cap/Hulk/X-Force/Torch/etc. Remember the triple Deadpool node once they started jumping in front of each other?
Scored 500 HP from annie token.
WOW Congrats on that! I mean a 3* cover is great but 500 HP, thats just awesome. You could get another roster slot or buy more anniversary tokens, Very lucky indeed!

You know I only have OBW as my non 3*!
With all these 2*s powered up and limited rosters, I still dont know how you do it on events. Was about to dump 2* Cap (AGAIN) but I see he's powered up & Ive learned to use my 3*. I know its a pale comparison, but still cap is cap.

Anyways whats up with all the moonstones? She's like the most pulled token? I really hope they funbalance her soon she needs it.

So Off topic statements coming up:

Ive been playing Batman Arkham Orgins Blackgate, it was on sale, so why not? Its not bad for a Batman metroid-vania game. What its really making me want is an Assault on Akrham game now. There are just too many hints at the Suicide Squad in this game not to warrant it. And although the movie is at Arkham and the game is in Blackgate it partially feels like they're going hand in hand. Then again both the movie and the game use the Batman Arkham logos from the game series so it feels more tied together.

Having said that, go watch that movie, its pretty good!

Remember the triple Deadpool node once they started jumping in front of each other?
No, did that happen? They really had a triple deadpool node? I missed that somewhere I guess.

Anyways yes I want it to happen. Sentry with Daken and Laken. All powered up. Your ass is screwed! Thank me now.

No, did that happen? They really had a triple deadpool node? I missed that somewhere I guess.

Anyways yes I want it to happen. Sentry with Daken and Laken. All powered up. Your ass is screwed! Thank me now.
Yeah, it was the last Simulator PvE, I think.

And jeez, didn't even think about the match generators.
Question, since the game updated I noticed the back button was now replaced with an option button in the upper left hand corner.  Ive now been closing out the app using the phones back button. On steam the exit button is in the options menu.  I havent found it in the mobile version.  My phone was running sluggish so I went to look at my running apps.  MPQ was hogging 188MB worth of memory.  I had to force close the app.  Anyone else seen this or noticed it?

Personally I've been seriously glad to have that back button disappear. Seemed like its sole purpose was to make me watch the 5-second into animation again.

The 1/2/3 event finally gave me an excuse to put some ISO into my jugs. ~12k to max him was well spent given the fun of playing different combos with him.
Anyone else noticing team-ups don't drop as often?  I used to get one every match, now I barely get any, I was down to 10 when I asked for some.  At least with the limited rosters, we should be able to share some easily.  Although Tigger gave me junk.  :whistle2:

Anyone else noticing team-ups don't drop as often? I used to get one every match, now I barely get any, I was down to 10 when I asked for some. At least with the limited rosters, we should be able to share some easily. Although Tigger gave me junk. :whistle2:
I noticed it as well but just assumed it was my garbage luck in the game lately hahah

Anyone else noticing team-ups don't drop as often? I used to get one every match, now I barely get any, I was down to 10 when I asked for some. At least with the limited rosters, we should be able to share some easily. Although Tigger gave me junk. :whistle2:
From the R62 release notes:
* Boosts may now drop after missions. Team-Ups drop less frequently.

I'm so used to being fully stocked on teamups, and now I never have even 10. At least we'll get more of the old-style boosts now.
Personally I've been seriously glad to have that back button disappear. Seemed like its sole purpose was to make me watch the 5-second into animation again.

The 1/2/3 event finally gave me an excuse to put some ISO into my jugs. ~12k to max him was well spent given the fun of playing different combos with him.
I *constantly* hit the back button when leaving PvP to check on PvE... no idea why, but I just feel PvE should be the home screen. I guess it is nice that it leaves off where you left it for those who dedicate themselves to one or the other.

I have been getting a lot of Shield disconnects. Thankfully, none mid-game recently. Had that happen twice. Nothing worse than being on the last enemy with less than half health, and you have at least 50% on all, and then reconnect to find three downed characters. I can understand why D3P would put that in the game, to prevent ppl from force-closing when losing in PvP, but seriously... it sucks.

As far as force closing goes, I play it on an iPhone (work provided, since they decided to jump into the 20th century... somewhat), since MPQ was showcased on the main page of the App Store when I got the phone, so I decided "why not?" On the iPhone, I double-tap the home button and then slide MPQ up to force close it, which I have to do more often than I would like.

I have an S3 for my personal phone, and one day I will get the gumption to set up a fakebook acct then i will DL MPQ on it and then I can sync the two together. Would be nice if we could sync to Steam. Love that UI. All that info, without sliding or tapping (much). Soooooo nice. And flashing enemy symbols when they have enough AP to cast a skill? INVALUABLE!!!

Anybody play on a tablet? Does the UI mirror the phone UI, or do they have a landscape option to emulate Steam?

I really wish I wouldn't have dumped the 5/5 L1 Juggs I had now that we have this 123 event. I never even used him. Oh, well... I have been using mBW/Thor/Spidey, but have been considering using IM35/oBW/Spidey. And slugfest it is... that very first seed-team match seemed to drag out forever! I have only done 3, and then had someone challenge me, which I won and got 34 points for, so that was nice. I wanted to get to 300 again, which I think is a good score considering 5 most covered 3* all have only 3 covers (Psylocke, Colossus, Spidey, Steve, and Pun). I picked Spidey for the protect tiles, since Colossus' yellow does not negate nearly as much as the protects do, and Steve's are too costly for only 2-covers. I haven't compared the numbers to see if Pun's boosted damage can stack up against Thor's, but that would be my only other option for 3*, I think.

And these Venom nodes... waiting for the rubberbanding... soooo few points. But finally putting mHawkeye to use. Got 8 CD tiles from two 5-way matches back to back... was able to take down two goons without even trying! Was very exciting! lol

Just got HT*** black from a Anniv Token. My HT** is only 1/1/1... Should I replace him? Or sell the HT***?

This Venom Heroic is slow goin, tho it does appear the nodes are starting to increase in point value. I am not even 1/10th of the way to the end, but that part does not matter so much. Would love to get some more Steve, but missing out on the 3 essential nodes has all but guaranteed me another Moony, which will make her 5/3/3 for me.

Really looking forward to the 3k reward, tho... my second red for mHawkeye. Too bad the Thor cover is red, as that is the only color I have maxed, and the only color I don't want maxed, lol. Cap** red will further his progression towards usability, making him 2/3/2 for me. Shooting for the 15k 2* token, that will be nice.

Anybody else think it is strange that the 10k reward is 2000 ISO, whereas the 20k reward is only 1000? Not sure if it is always like this (I don't usually pay attn to the amount of ISO rewards, just grab 'em and go, lol), but seems weird to me.

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Anyone else noticing team-ups don't drop as often? I used to get one every match, now I barely get any, I was down to 10 when I asked for some. At least with the limited rosters, we should be able to share some easily. Although Tigger gave me junk. :whistle2:
From the official forums:
At current (we can always alter the odds if we need to), you have a 20% chance to get a Boost post battle. If a Boost doesn't drop, you have another 20% chance to get a Team-Up from that battle. Also don't forget that you can send and receive Team-Ups with your Alliance mates.
Anybody play on a tablet? Does the UI mirror the phone UI, or do they have a landscape option to emulate Steam?
I play on an iPad. Same as the phone UI, no landscape. My oldest son plays on Steam, and I'm jealous of the interface. However, still not clear why they haven't implemented the Facebook linking for free stuff.

Just got HT*** black from a Anniv Token. My HT** is only 1/1/1... Should I replace him? Or sell the HT***?


Anybody else think it is strange that the 10k reward is 2000 ISO, whereas the 20k reward is only 1000? Not sure if it is always like this (I don't usually pay attn to the amount of ISO rewards, just grab 'em and go, lol), but seems weird to me.
If your 2* version is that low covered and you need the spot, I would say keep the 3* instead. Occasionally 2* gets boosted for events, but it's not like it would help him much at the covers you have. If nothing else, even one more 3* cover will make him slightly better than the loaner in the next HT PvP.

I think the rewards are strange in general during the anniverary, but I haven't particularly noticed the ISO amounts. Looking at the forums (which keeps records of events), looks like the last Heroic had a similar layout - higher ISO reward in the middle versus the end.
After complaining about the low drop rates, I managed to get three or four team-ups this morning.  Nothing that great, but at least usable.  I've seen an issue twice in the Venom event where I have played a node, beat it, but when I beat another node, the point total is where it was before the first node.  Like the points didn't actually get added or something.  When I go to both nodes, their values are lower, so they have been beaten recently, but I only get credit for one in my total progress.  Somewhat sucky, especially if I want to make it to 25k.

I ALWAYS hit that back button as well hahah

And my garbage luck continues.. I am at I believe 11 anniversary tokens now and all of them have been 2*s!


Oh and I really like my 3* Torch, though Johnny has been boosted quite a bit over his 3* counterpart. I personally would get rid of the 2*, which I did. The first event he came out in he was required so I collected his covers that event and then as soon as it ended I sold him off haha

And the Venom event is just one bit event right, no subevents?

And the Venom event is just one bit event right, no subevents?

I never used the back button for anything except accidentally watching the splash screen.

Also, got another Barney with my daily anniversary token, so I had to use him in a prologue match. Made me laugh, and I actually got a match using it once!


That is almost half of the HP needed to just buy whichever cover you want outright. I will trade you my 8 Moonstones I got from my tokens so far!
I have plenty of moonstone and OBW. But yes, that 500 HP was a nice surprised considering i have been getting 2* from the annie. My Heroic pulls have been better. 3* Daken, 3* Sentry.

The Venom PVE doesnt have a good pt payout and the nodes are yellow for me. Essentials are only giving 900 pts.

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If your 2* version is that low covered and you need the spot, I would say keep the 3* instead. Occasionally 2* gets boosted for events, but it's not like it would help him much at the covers you have. If nothing else, even one more 3* cover will make him slightly better than the loaner in the next HT PvP.
Oh and I really like my 3* Torch, though Johnny has been boosted quite a bit over his 3* counterpart. I personally would get rid of the 2*, which I did. The first event he came out in he was required so I collected his covers that event and then as soon as it ended I sold him off haha
I guess I'll go against the grain on this one. SO my thoughts.

  1. That I love 3* HT, he's awesome yes.
  2. While beginning transition from 1* to 2* to 3*, you'll get a lot more 3*s just because there are more.
  3. Most of the guys will tell you, "Hell yeah you want the 3* ALWAYS!" While yes in theory, when we started playing there was no 2* HT & most of the 3*s hadnt been introduced. So our rosters are more filled now. Most of us say if we started from scratch we'd do so much differently, but now we're looking only at out expanded rosters.
  4. My Steam account got a Doc Ock, I have a 1 cover Punisher, Hulk, Hood, Ragnarok, Dr. Doom. I sold off Rags, Doom, and Ock. One cover 3* won't be as effective as a 3 cover 2*. So I understand how to manage roster slots for a new account with limited roster space.
So here's the deal, we can give advice for this, but ultimately its your call. How much will this 1 cover 3* HT help you over the 1/1/1 2* Human torch? I have my 3* at ~100, My 2* not so much, although I do have him at a decent level. He's usually more boosted for events than the 3* version and when boosted he's at about the same level as his 3* counterpart. The thing about him being boosted is at ~100 he's more powerful than his 3* version. Ive done a comparison when they were side by side.

So when you ask yourself should I keep x 3* just think, although youd LOVE to have all 3*s right now, a 2* that will get boosted will be more useable than a 1 cover 3* (unless its an essential character!). When you have a good enough roster of 2*s that get you tons of HP/ISO from progression rewards in PVE events, then you can move to building up your 3*s & being competitive in PVP tournaments.

If the Alliance scores in the top 100 for the anniversary events we all get a Devil Dino cover. (oh, we're calling him Barney now?

2000 points is the progression reward for him.

We could all get two covers if we push a little harder.  (Deadpool cover at 1200. I'll nab that this afternoon)

I think an inter-alliance event would be fun. Take on each other. Lowest score gets booted? (Not sure what the winner would get)

If the Alliance scores in the top 100 for the anniversary events we all get a Devil Dino cover. (oh, we're calling him Barney now?

2000 points is the progression reward for him.

We could all get two covers if we push a little harder. (Deadpool cover at 1200. I'll nab that this afternoon)
Barney = purple dinosaur = Devil Dino's purple move.

If the Alliance scores in the top 100 for the anniversary events we all get a Devil Dino cover. (oh, we're calling him Barney now?
All depends on the color you get

Green- Rex

Purple- Barney

Red- Mushu

Wait, Mushu? I think someone's got somehting to say about that....


So, official forums:

We’re aware of an issue with the Anniversary versions of Combined Arms and Heroic: Venom where the wrong versions of tokens were being given out for progression rewards. We don’t want to change rewards for these Events since some users have already gained these rewards and it would be unfair to only allow those who hadn’t yet gained them to get the Anniversary tokens.

So, what we’ve decided to do is make the rewards for the upcoming Thor (Goddess of Thunder) Lightning Rounds contain Anniversary Pack tokens for both progression and placement rewards. This will allow players to get more Anniversary tokens with progression rewards and as a way to get many more by fighting and placing well in each of the available Lightning Rounds.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Captain's Log, Supplemental
These Lightning Rounds replace the ones normally available this week. They should be going up either the 16th or 17th depending on some last minute shifts.

Reward structure for the LRs: As always, pre-release means that you should have grains of salt on standby as contents may shift during flight.

25 - 280 Iso-8
50 - Standard Token
100 - 500 Iso-8
200 - Standard Token
300 - 1000 Iso-8
500 - Anniversary Token

1 - Anniversary Token x3, 2000 Iso-8, 25 Hero Points
2 - Anniversary Token x2, 2000 Iso-8
3 - Anniversary Token, 2000 Iso-8
4-5 - Anniversary Token, 1000 Iso-8
6-10 - Standard Token x3, 500 Iso-8
11-15 - Standard Token, 200 Iso-8
16-20 - 200 Iso-8
20 person LR brackets, make top five for an Anniversary Token. Nifty. Progression might be iffy, but maybe it'll be longer than the hour and a half?
bread's done