Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

Looks like there are no further Anniversary PvE events, and powers are a little different:

Doesn't much matter at this point, she won't even be available to most of us for at least three months.
So they ended the anniversary out on a whimper huh? Crappy, they really couldve done a sweet anniversary event and just spread it out. Like the description says Venom & Devil Dino ate all the cake. We couldve have a wacky adventure where you just go through nodes trying to get the cake & the end node is a beefed up devil dino, Venom, and whoever else that likes cake. I mean make up a light hearted story about the heroes and villains coming together to celebrate the anniversary, everyone's powered up; That wasnt simple? The last day we're just screwing around with lightning rounds too huh?

But yeah big whoop, its like nick fury but we all knew that would happen. Im not gonna fall in love with a character I wont get for months on end. My Bag lady is FINALLY at a respectable 12/13 power set, how freaking long did that take? She was the hot young thang when she was released.

Having said that, so Thorbelina we're looking at what a 5/5/3 prefrerence on her powers? I think Red & Yellow for the damage is awesome. Her yellow at 5 is a must as it gives close to Lazy Thors cots aoe damage. I just am not a fan of the stun no damage moves. Im glad the tester Thortana is 5/4/4 lets you see the differences between blue & yellow from max. This helped me in my yellow power assessment, double damage at 5? Why the hell not?

Throrella's animations suck.

Seriously those bitches just need to hire me to do them haha my Masters is almost done and then I am tempted to be like alright listen, 'Lets do this guys, give me the job'

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So when you ask yourself should I keep x 3* just think, although youd LOVE to have all 3*s right now, a 2* that will get boosted will be more useable than a 1 cover 3* (unless its an essential character!). When you have a good enough roster of 2*s that get you tons of HP/ISO from progression rewards in PVE events, then you can move to building up your 3*s & being competitive in PVP tournaments.
Wish I would have read your post before making my decision for 2 reasons. 1) it makes sense for me, and 2) after deleting HT**, I got 2 more covers for him. Sigh... and I am most likely going to sell of HT*** when I need space.

Dude has a horrible roster. I'm going to boot him right now.
And of course my Kindle Fire freezes in the middle of a node. They really need to do something about that. Its kinda shit that my guys lose their health because the game froze. It knows I was in a battle why cant they tell if I retreated, won, or died and treat it for what it is?


Also dont forget the 3rd essential node on the top of the map, its after the regular node "A Tasty Treat" I always forget about that one & just focus on the 2 at the bottom of the map. Extra 1300 pts!
Didn't look at his roster, but thank you guys for not booting me or giving me grief during Venom event. Not being able to do those, not two, but THREE Essential nodes was severely debilitating. In the end, I was able to get to 15k (might have been able to get to 20k if I had timed the rubberbanding right), and that was with avoiding those horrible Rags nodes. I did both of them successfully, 2x on Bullseye node and 3x on Venom node, but the other 4-5x I got slaughtered, so I stopped taking the punishment. And what did I get for me effort?

8th mHawkeye blue...

I have gotten 2 very horrible d/c's right in the middle of matches. One right near the end of the event where Psylocke was the 120k progression reward. In the end it worked out for me, but they seriously need to fix their conn issues. I have the game telling me it can't connect due to bad conn, when everything else on my phone is perfectly fine.

idk, I wouldve liked something more interesting, but these character moves are getting sloppy. Just like Doc Ock before her, I swear they're just having kids do the powers or they're dialing it in. Anyways not someone I have to worry about for a while. I finally have 2 Nick Fury's & Im guessing they'll to the same with Thorvina, how else can we keep people interested in seasons?
I have come to the horrible realization that I went waaaaay too overboard doting over my first 4* toon... fed him much more ISO than he is worth (he is now L90). Too bad I can't have that many covers for a much more usable 3*. Oh, well...

Just found out the down side to this even if your opponent isn't playing her - Charge tiles give triple AP when matched. So you need to be careful against characters who benefit from the AP on the tiles she creates.

I like this 'weakness' better than the ones that drain your AP (IM40, Smash) or boost your opponent's AP (Ares, Panther).
THIS explains it! I was wondering hth she was able to cast blue THREE TIMES in a row!!! Ripped me a new one.That match was horrible. From very early on, I would only cast Power Surge in the same turn as Smite, as a finisher. But now that more ppl are putting tanks in their rosters, I am needing to devote attn to T4or a lot earlier in the match than I would like. I have done the same, tho... in 2 retribution matches, I put Dino in just knowing that he could soak up a bit more, and compensate for horrible green tile dmg.

Speaking of the retributions, after doing about 6 of these LRs, and placing Top 10 in each (well, it was sweet until I found out there were only 20 per... :p), with my two best showings a 5 and a 3, I finally did an LR from start to finish. What a ride! Got attacked soooo many times this run. Was able to get 2 retributions in, and ended up at around 143 points. Saw I was 3rd place and then the last match went long, so I could see and meaningful scores. Well, the other ppl in the bracket must have been fighting each other so much that they forgot about me, since I ended up F1RST!!! w00t!!! Sure, it is only out of 20, but first time ever being first in the game. Was an awesome moment.

So, I grabbed my 3 annies, and started up Xmas morning...

Sorry, Broly... all three gold... XD

Then reality set in...

Barney... d'oh... now my Dino is 2/0/3.

Laken... yay... wait... 1st cover... damn. My Daken is maxed (tho not capped), and during a Balanced match, more or less owned a Laken, tho I am not even sure what covers he had.

Colossus... YESH!!!! Yellow... awwwww... now he is 3/1/0. Was sure hoping for a second red or a fastball even, tho using fastball before 2 covers sounds way too painful.

Was happy today, tho, since I pushed a bunch of ISO into mnMags due to T4or's LRs. I had recently acquired a 4th purple cover for him, and today got his first blue from a PvP match, so he is now 1/4/2. That purple is king, seriously. Esp with T4or... and I was running mHawkeye as 3rd wheel. Nothing like Speed Shot polishing up where Smite leaves off, in case it comes in a bit under.

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Thorina is powerful. Need to take her out ASAP. On a side note, got 3 Dino covers from Annie tokens - 3 days in a row. 1/1/1

So you guys have been saying he's pretty useless?

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Thorina is powerful. Need to take her out ASAP. On a side note, got 3 Dino covers from Annie tokens - 3 days in a row. 1/1/1

So you guys have been saying he's pretty useless?
I'm at 0/2/2, his purple is useless, so naturally I've pulled 2 so far. He has a ton of health, but his moves are fairly limited.

Yeah Devil Dino is just a freaking joke and is not worth it really. 

Also I am really getting fed up with the fact that I am not getting anything but 2*s from all these freaking Annie tokens. I am at like 30 opened now and I got a gold pull ONCE and it was Purple Barney.

This game really wants me to stop playing : (

Thorina is powerful. Need to take her out ASAP. On a side note, got 3 Dino covers from Annie tokens - 3 days in a row. 1/1/1

So you guys have been saying he's pretty useless?
Devil is kind of like a 4* Juggernaut, with a silly purple and no red drawback. Fully covered in green and red does quite a bit of cheap damage. The benefit of purple is to slow down blitzers - long animation on a cheap power and high health = skips.

Got my Anniversary 10 pack. Three out of ten were gold, could only use two of them - red Devil Dino and yellow Cap Marvel. Third was green Patch, the only one I have maxed. Ah well. Placed fourth right now in my BoP bracket. Probably won't try to fight for fifth place finish (could use that cover award), because this event sucks.

That being said, GSBW/Thor/Hawkeye makes a good team, as does Daken/Hulk/Torch. And, well, same as Combined Arms, any strike tile generator and OBW.
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fuck . Played one match in BoP last night while  putting one of my kids back to bed, and used CStorm, MNMags, and OBW. Dominated that match... but in my wanting-to-get-back-to-bedness, I didn't think of the consequences of leaving them up as my defensive team. Lost over 150 points in just a few hours overnight, and may have screwed my chances at getting anything beyond that Deadpool cover. I was sitting at about 35 in my Annie bracket, and hoping for a good push to get that top-25 10-pack, but that seems like a distant memory now.

fuck . Played one match in BoP last night while putting one of my kids back to bed, and used CStorm, MNMags, and OBW. Dominated that match... but in my wanting-to-get-back-to-bedness, I didn't think of the consequences of leaving them up as my defensive team. Lost over 150 points in just a few hours overnight, and may have screwed my chances at getting anything beyond that Deadpool cover. I was sitting at about 35 in my Annie bracket, and hoping for a good push to get that top-25 10-pack, but that seems like a distant memory now.

My TF2 Sniper thanks you. :cool:

Easily the team I'm worst with, and there's no way I should have won that match.

For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about... screw off.

(Not really, but you should've been playing Hero Academy as your fall-back by now)

My TF2 Sniper thanks you. :cool:
Easily the team I'm worst with, and there's no way I should have won that match.
For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about... screw off.
(Not really, but you should've been playing Hero Academy as your fall-back by now)
Is anyone else having authentication issues with HA? I've been having trouble logging in over the past month.
My TF2 Sniper thanks you. :cool:

Easily the team I'm worst with, and there's no way I should have won that match.

For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about... screw off.

(Not really, but you should've been playing Hero Academy as your fall-back by now)
Damn! Yeah that game was yours I was just trying to hold out as long as possible and hope you would eff up hahah

Is anyone else having authentication issues with HA? I've been having trouble logging in over the past month.
Yeah I have been, that was why I haven't been playing it nearly as much because I could never actually get on when I wanted to play and would spend like 5 minutes trying to and then just give up.

Was able to get on yesterday (when they said my games with ltrain were about to expire) as well as this morning now to see ltrain murder me : P

Back to MPQ, went to buy my daily for the day (BP Yellow, FTW), and noticed that the Heroic splash screen has changed. 

Koju - Your drop rates have updated. Go nuts.

Bah, nothing else going on, Balance of power full on and going strong.  Over 12 hours left and Ive been hit for 93 points.  Serves me right for thinking Im a big shot and leaving a Laken, Sentry, Hood team for defense.  Then again I should know by now that it works for the computer but never will ever work for me!  Having said that, powered up Juggernaut, I freaking hate you.  Balance of power my ass, i dont see how Im getting rolled over by 1*s even if theyre powered up.

Cant seem to get a good time to end a LR.  Always finish top 10.  Either I dont get that last battle or someone else ninjas in last minute.

As far as goofing around and teamups Im having to say GSBW is awesome at her 5/3/5 build   Im having fun with her.  SO much so I went wacky and made a green generator team.  Hulk, Thor, GSBW.  Sniper rifles left and right and when Ares uses his green against me, well more green for me.  It may be a 1 trick pony building up green for sniper rifle but hell it does a shit ton of damage.  Just until that damn juggernaut comes in and kamikazes my whole team....I hate that fucker...

Unstable iso event up. Win 2* Captain Marvel, which so far looks better than the 3* version.

Ends in 6 days 11 hours, doesnt seem to have sub events, and Steve is the essential character.

They're taking it back old school with this one, this was the event that introduced 2* Captain America, we were all excited.  Wouldnt be until Steve Rogers and his 3* form before we all got the Cap we wanted. 

So where's my hulk event? That coming next?

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Honestly people who have never built a f2p game especially a model like this really shot themselves in the foot. Had half those 3*s been 1 or 2*s to begin with we wouldnt have this problem.

A fusion, combining, or leveling system wouldve been so much better than what they did with this game. As far as the cash grab game goes they did it perfect, make 75% of your characters rare or better so that players HAVE to spend some type of money to be progressive in the game.

I see more 2*s coming though, because they'll start to see new players with shitty unattainable rosters just crap out faster. Sure making it easy for newbies to get into the game will give them a short term boost, but long term it wont hold them. I mean look at who we just booted, shitty roster, couldnt play events, just wasnt viable. This will happen to many new players, so they're really gonna have to switch up and lose more long time players to survive. Remember the forums the huge wave of quitters? Id expect more with the changes that are inevitably coming.

Yeah, it's hard to get excited about a new two star character when I'm mostly using three stars.

Gee, someone who can only get to level 94 or someone who's at 160?

I've been skipping any Juggernaut teams in Balance of Power. he's way too dangerous at this 240 level.

I think we could be a top alliance during the next season and work our way towards getting a Lady Thor. We'd just have to concentrate more on earning points during each PvP event instead of just trying to jump in at the last minute to earn covers.

The Magneto PvP is live, starting the new season.  Prize is SHulk.

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Everyone else having fun on Balance of power?  Youd think the game was coming to an end the way people are playing it.  Every time I log in Im losing up to 90 points. Amazing how my team sucks even more amazing who Im getting beat by.  How can the computer control the opponents so well while they cant defend me for shit?  Ive hit the 600 25 HP progression reward 3 times now.  After the battle I learn I was attacked and no I didnt..... smh.....

Everyone else having fun on Balance of power? Youd think the game was coming to an end the way people are playing it. Every time I log in Im losing up to 90 points. Amazing how my team sucks even more amazing who Im getting beat by. How can the computer control the opponents so well while they cant defend me for shit? Ive hit the 600 25 HP progression reward 3 times now. After the battle I learn I was attacked and no I didnt..... smh.....
I didnt even want to bother with that crap hahah

I still haven't even started it yet and plan to just do a few quick ones at the end. Though honestly with my track record it is more likely that i will forget and not compete at all ; P

Everyone else having fun on Balance of power? Youd think the game was coming to an end the way people are playing it. Every time I log in Im losing up to 90 points. Amazing how my team sucks even more amazing who Im getting beat by. How can the computer control the opponents so well while they cant defend me for shit? Ive hit the 600 25 HP progression reward 3 times now. After the battle I learn I was attacked and no I didnt..... smh.....
I've only been attacked three times, won 2 of them. Using Hulk, BP, and Falcon. Haven't started the new events yet, not sure where to start.
So I started the Cap PvE, those nodes are pretty high level right away.  I dumped all my Iso in to my Steve, so he's around 120, but 45k was only half of what I need to get him to the soft cap of 140.

Everyone else having fun on Balance of power?
I shielded in the top 5 and totally forgot to check back in when it expired. Now I'm at 21, and not sure I want to fight back up, since I'll be happy with top 100 and only top 5 will make a difference to my cover situation. And with the odds on Anniversary tokens, not sure I need to improve my overall anniversary 'season' standing for one more token. I kinda want to play some Mordor tonight, so I think I'll cut my losses. I really wish they would implement some kind of 'Maximum Loss Between Matches', so you can walk away and only lose, say, 50 points between plays. Just in the last hour or two I've lost about 100 points.

In any case, I'm working on how to record my iPad screen when I redeem the tokens that isn't me holding my phone over it. Think I found something.
Okay, here's the video. Live vicariously through me in opening 46 Heroic tokens.

If you don't want to watch:
36 2*
9 3* (3 newer characters not in previous tokens)
1 4* (Nick Fury)
5 covers I could actually use, the rest are ISO.
Most awarded character: 2* Human Torch, with 7 covers.

Guess who forgot about the PvP?! Hahah you guessed it. Was too busy maxing out my character in Destiny. Finally got my Hard Raid Helmet and will hit the maximum level cap of 30 tomorrow now! : DDD

Koju, the video is private!! I refuse to read your spoiler, I want to see the video!!

I really wish they'd let you choose between the two versions of Mags for this event. My three-star guy only has one cover (with two levels).

Everyone else having fun on Balance of power? Youd think the game was coming to an end the way people are playing it. Every time I log in Im losing up to 90 points. Amazing how my team sucks even more amazing who Im getting beat by. How can the computer control the opponents so well while they cant defend me for shit? Ive hit the 600 25 HP progression reward 3 times now. After the battle I learn I was attacked and no I didnt..... smh.....
I did! But unfortunately, I was too hesitant to play. I did 1 seed team, which had a decent roster, then got met by a seed team with Patch, Sentry, and Shulk. Eff that. I also saw a Juggs, Hulk, and Dino team. Passed on that, too.

Since it was "balanced", I figured my best bet was to run with my max covers chars, just not mStorm due to frailty. I started with IM35/Daken/Moonstone, which went well, but then switched Moony out for Thor, since I wanted an extra heavy hitter after IM went down one round. I ended up using Thor's red more often than IM's, and IM's yellow for defense more often than Thor's yellow (remember, my Thor is off-balance at 5/2/5 and my IM is 5/5/3). And once I got the gumption, taking down Hulk teams was cake with Daken. I would just leave him for last and let him wreck himself. Hit him hard with Might and have him cast his Anger, then build up 10 strike tiles to unload my Chemical Reaction on.

Funny thing, anybody else notice Hulk's Smash seems to calc ally damage before enemy damage? After a huge green cascade from Anger, he is overloaded with green and cast Smash before Clap, I am assuming for greater effect. I have had it happen twice now where an AI Hulk downs himself with Smash before having the chance to take out any of my team.

Okay, here's the video. Live vicariously through me in opening 46 Heroic tokens.


5 covers I could actually use, the rest are ISO.
>10% returns? Not bad! Esp since they were not juiced up annie tokens.

In other news, I was doing Vault runs in Warframe last night, then spent some time with friends in GW2, so I didn't hit but 2 of the new PvE nodes before hitting the hay. Since I wanted annie tokens from LR rounds, I was doing those during the day, then BoP near the end. Then, I check my phone this morning and find that almost all the nodes have been changed up. Great! Finally taking the time to play, and the rubberbanding has been reset. Fun. A little notice would have been nice...

Have they done a "non-timed" subevent inside of an event map like this before?

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Quick question... I have about 14k ISO to spend. My Steve is only 2/1/1 and maxed at L55, so he is basically a meat shield at this point with his 7k+ PU hp. The only other usable PU's I have are cStorm 5/3/2 @ L60 and oBW 5/5/2 (dat black.. ugh!) @ L73.

I know, and respect, that I have been told repeatedly "oBW to 94 STAT!", but I need a damage dealer for this event. I guess I can sub in Thor 5/2/5 @ L75 on the non-essential nodes, but not sure how well that will take. I am now thinking I need to put some of that ISO into cStorm for the time being. 10.8k takes me to L70, so I can put the rest in oBW, which I know is not much.


OBW is boosted for this event. With the balanced PvP, bullseye was a great player with his auto Ada skeleton teamed with OBW pink
I'm within a week of the day 365 Devil Dino, of course it's a purple one.
It's supposed to be one of each color for days 365, 366, 367. I'm on day 360, but don't see past 365 yet.

Thunder - OBW is always a good investment. Yes, you need a damage dealer, but she needs to take blue, purple and black for that double damage. That being said, if you see that you're not doing enough damage, either focus on Thor or Ares, or put some effort into the MNMags/CStorm combo. Considering you already have CStorm leveled, get her and OBW to the soft cap, then start putting what you can into Mags. This combo only needs his purple, and his red is there just when you have extra AP. I personally prefer Ares as my 2* damage dealer, but that's only because he can take down just about anyone with enough green.
Thunder - OBW is always a good investment. Yes, you need a damage dealer, but she needs to take blue, purple and black for that double damage. That being said, if you see that you're not doing enough damage, either focus on Thor or Ares, or put some effort into the MNMags/CStorm combo. Considering you already have CStorm leveled, get her and OBW to the soft cap, then start putting what you can into Mags. This combo only needs his purple, and his red is there just when you have extra AP. I personally prefer Ares as my 2* damage dealer, but that's only because he can take down just about anyone with enough green.
If I had oBW at 5 black, there would have been no question in the matter. However, I have been getting an overabundance of her purple, which is now at 5 just to increase her soft cap, and I have even had to sell 2 covers. Just having 2 in black is really hurting her overall utility.

OTOH, due to some lucky recent mnMags pulls, he is now at 2/4/2 and can be maxed at L54. I suppose I can throw him in the mix when on a non-essential node to generate blue faster to cast Wind Storm more quickly, but I would have to soft cap him stat. At only L35, any stray bullet would pretty much down his un-boosted butt, lol.

I hear you about Ares... he can really clean up! Esp when I had him paired with Daken when they were recently boosted, they were pretty much unstoppable, even at his then low 2/4/1. I would usually save up to double green and double Daken blue, have at least 4 strike tiles on the board, and hit tough enemies with the Onslaught/Chemical Reaction 1-2-3. He is now 3/5/2 (again, to hit soft cap), and can be maxed to 70.

Anyway, I did end up pumping most of that ISO into cStorm, so she is now at 70 (and can max at 78), with Thor 75 (86) and oBW 80 (also 86) rounding out my "Top 3" (I am not counting Dino at 90, since, well, y'know...). Ares is still at 54, the last soft cap I took him to. I am back up to 8K ISO, which would take oBW to 85. I think I will still pump more into cStorm for the time being, since she can receives the most benefit from it. Sure, oBW's heal will get bumped with the levels, but it is not until I get more black that she will really benefit.

I am pretty much only considering oBW and cStorm right now due to event, since I am pounding the essential nodes hardest since they are the easiest available with the most points. And since my Steve is only 2/1/1, I have been using his skills more strategically to create combos rather than deal damage, While I could potentially keep the red out there pretty much all the time, saving the CD tile for a sacrifice 5th tile is a real thing of beauty. I can not wait to get red and blue to 3 where they can take out special tiles!

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How is the PvE going? I still haven't started it yet. I figured I have all the powered characters either max or nearly max level so I should be able to breeze through it in the 11th hour.


Hahah I scored a Yellow Colossus AND 600 HP. I was so excited I used my HP to buy another Purple Deadpool so now he is 5/4/3 and with the crazy influx of ISO lately I have not only maxed Patch at 166 but now Deadpool is sitting at a respectable 134. Hell, he came out in August or so right? It is now mid October... That is the fastest I have been able to level a new character like this so that is good, haha new personal record! ; P

How is the PvE going? I still haven't started it yet. I figured I have all the powered characters either max or nearly max level so I should be able to breeze through it in the 11th hour.
'Breeze' is a strong word. The scaling is crazy in this event, because there's nothing to reset the needle. The goons are mostly Maggia, the worst goons to fight when scaled. I wiped at least nine characters just on a Venom goon node because I couldn't clear their short timers fast enough to stop the crazy powerful strike tiles, never mind the direct damage from a Venom with 12k+ HP.

I think AP boosts are going to be a fact of life in this event for high scores. Considering the award is a two star, hard to justify the cost.
'Breeze' is a strong word. The scaling is crazy in this event, because there's nothing to reset the needle. The goons are mostly Maggia, the worst goons to fight when scaled. I wiped at least nine characters just on a Venom goon node because I couldn't clear their short timers fast enough to stop the crazy powerful strike tiles, never mind the direct damage from a Venom with 12k+ HP.

I think AP boosts are going to be a fact of life in this event for high scores. Considering the award is a two star, hard to justify the cost.
Damn, that isnt what I wanted to hear haha especially from you who has the strongest roster of us all!

Well since we as an Alliance are clearly holding our own without me participating even yet I will just wait until crazy late to hop in to the event and just hopefully play through a few nodes and score a cover or two. So long as we get one from the Alliance I will have it for the next event. And then if it is anything like Johnny I will just sell Carol off right away once a new 3* character needs that slot.

bread's done