Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

Hmmm... is the reward for successful completion totally worth it? I played through Tali's mission to get her on my squad right after failing that one so I'd hate to have to do that over. I haven't been saving at all - I usually just let the game auto-save for me.
[quote name='javeryh']Hmmm... is the reward for successful completion totally worth it? I played through Tali's mission to get her on my squad right after failing that one so I'd hate to have to do that over. I haven't been saving at all - I usually just let the game auto-save for me.[/QUOTE]It's 2500 credits, 125 XP and 5000 units of palladium, so in the grand scheme of things, it's small change.

Completely up to you if you want to go through it again to try and complete it.

In regards to saving, the game will auto-save when you start a mission usually, and as you can have 20+ saves (I think it's 30 or so) within the same slot on your system, you can rotate through them as much as you'd like. I tend to save often and repeatedly, just in case something goes badly or to try out different conversation options.
I just started playing me2 from my backlog and holy shit it's good! I had deleted my me1 game saves but somehow it was still able to use the character I completed the game with.
[quote name='typical guy']I had deleted my me1 game saves but somehow it was still able to use the character I completed the game with.[/QUOTE]
Yup, ME2 actually loads a hidden autosave that the game creates after you finish ME1 (but before making the final Anderson/Udina choice, which is why you need to make it again at the start of ME2). Hold on to those ME2 saves though, I think ME3 will do its import from a conventional save since ME2 allows for open-ended post-campaign play.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Yup, ME2 actually loads a hidden autosave that the game creates after you finish ME1 (but before making the final Anderson/Udina choice, which is why you need to make it again at the start of ME2). Hold on to those ME2 saves though, I think ME3 will do its import from a conventional save since ME2 allows for open-ended post-campaign play.[/QUOTE]I'm wondering if the hidden save that is likely there from ME2 gets checked and updated with post-campaign play, though there's only one way to find out and we won't get that until the end of this year.

Which reminds me, I wonder if one of the variables tracked in ME2 for ME3 would be
if you kill off Samara by assisting Morinth and letting her live during Samara's loyalty mission. I'd imagine it might piss off the asari a bit if they found out you were responsible for the death of one of their justicars.

Another one that came to mind is
if you destroy the colony to save the spaceport during the Javelin missile launch mission, since you're only able to save the colony or the spaceport, with the colony being the Paragon choice and the spaceport being the Renegade choice.
So what are the essential DLC packs? Or at least the ones with missions and achievements (I'm not too keen on downloading weapons or upgrades that I feel should be on the disc).
[quote name='javeryh']So what are the essential DLC packs? Or at least the ones with missions and achievements (I'm not too keen on downloading weapons or upgrades that I feel should be on the disc).[/QUOTE]
Zaeed - The Price of Revenge (15G)
Kasumi - Stolen Memory (15G)
Overlord (25G)
Lair of the Shadow Broker (200G)

Lair of the Shadow Broker is absolutely essential, it's as good or better than anything in the main game. Zaeed and Kasumi are also great, plus you get them as characters to use throughout the rest of the game. Kasumi's loyalty mission also contains one of the very best guns in the game for any class that depends on SMGs. Overlord, IMHO, is actually a little overrated. It's fun and the story is neat, but it doesn't really tie into anything else in the game, there are no lasting rewards from it, and extended vehicle sections drag it down a bit. Still worth playing but it's no Shadow Broker.

[quote name='shrike4242']Which reminds me, I wonder if one of the variables tracked in ME2 for ME3 would be
if you kill off Samara by assisting Morinth and letting her live during Samara's loyalty mission. I'd imagine it might piss off the asari a bit if they found out you were responsible for the death of one of their justicars.

Another one that came to mind is
if you destroy the colony to save the spaceport during the Javelin missile launch mission, since you're only able to save the colony or the spaceport, with the colony being the Paragon choice and the spaceport being the Renegade choice.
First one, I sure hope so! It's such an intriguing choice, and since it didn't end up making much difference in ME2, I really hope they explore it in ME3.

Second one, possibly not, since there was a glitch in that mission that probably caused a lot of people to select the opposite of what they intended. I'm thinking they might just punt that one.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Zaeed - The Price of Revenge (15G)
Kasumi - Stolen Memory (15G)
Overlord (25G)
Lair of the Shadow Broker (200G)

Lair of the Shadow Broker is absolutely essential, it's as good or better than anything in the main game. Zaeed and Kasumi are also great, plus you get them as characters to use throughout the rest of the game. Kasumi's loyalty mission also contains one of the very best guns in the game for any class that depends on SMGs. Overlord, IMHO, is actually a little overrated. It's fun and the story is neat, but it doesn't really tie into anything else in the game, there are no lasting rewards from it, and extended vehicle sections drag it down a bit. Still worth playing but it's no Shadow Broker.[/QUOTE]

Thanks - so it sounds like I can buy them now and they will integrate into the game? That's pretty cool. I might have to bite this weekend.

EDIT: It looks expensive to get them all!

Zaeed - The Price of Revenge (15G) (FREE)
Kasumi - Stolen Memory (15G) (560 points/$7)
Overlord (25G) (560 points/$7)
Lair of the Shadow Broker (200G) (800 points/$10)

So $24 for everything? The entire game can be bought brand new for $20 now, right? Maybe I'll just get Lair of the Shadow Broker and Kasumi for now...
[quote name='javeryh']Thanks - so it sounds like I can buy them now and they will integrate into the game? That's pretty cool. I might have to bite this weekend.[/QUOTE]
That's right. Shadow Broker can only be done after you reach a certain point that's roughly 1/3 of the way through the campaign, but the other three can be done right from the start.
[quote name='javeryh']Thanks - so it sounds like I can buy them now and they will integrate into the game? That's pretty cool. I might have to bite this weekend.

EDIT: It looks expensive to get them all!

Zaeed - The Price of Revenge (15G) (FREE)
Kasumi - Stolen Memory (15G) (560 points/$7)
Overlord (25G) (560 points/$7)
Lair of the Shadow Broker (200G) (800 points/$10)

So $24 for everything? The entire game can be bought brand new for $20 now, right? Maybe I'll just get Lair of the Shadow Broker and Kasumi for now...[/QUOTE]You missed a sale during the end of December where all of them were reduced to less than 300 points each, so if you're looking to get them, I'd make sure to get LoTSB and Stolen Memory without question. The endgame in Stolen Memory is one of the best battle sequences IMO, and the whole story for LoTSB is the best of the game, without question. As Ryuukishi said, the SMG you get at the end of Stolen Memory is worth it right there for any class that relies on the SMG, since it adds longer range and a lot more punch compared to the other SMGs.

Zaeed's loyalty mission is a decent one, and it's worth going through twice for Paragon and Renegade options, IMO. You get a passable heavy weapon out of it and it's free, so it's not all bad.

Overlord you can wait on until it ends up on sale, mainly since it's quite different than the other DLC packs. I enjoyed it, though LoTSB and Stolen Memory are better.

[quote name='Ryuukishi'] First one, I sure hope so! It's such an intriguing choice, and since it didn't end up making much difference in ME2, I really hope they explore it in ME3.

Second one, possibly not, since there was a glitch in that mission that probably caused a lot of people to select the opposite of what they intended. I'm thinking they might just punt that one.[/QUOTE]I'm tempted to go the "opposite" path for the first one I mentioned in my current playthrough, just to see what happens long-term into ME3. I haven't done it yet, so that's still up in the air.

For the second one, I didn't run into that glitch, so I ended up saving the ones I planned on for both times through.
Oh btw anyone notice any NBC promos and the chick who voices them? I'm like that sounds like Ashley Williams from Mass Effect aka Kimberly Brooks.
OK, so last night I finished up
Tali's recruitment mission and what's her name said I had a message from the Illusive Man so I went to talk to him and it ended up forcing me into a mission on a Collector ship that was deserted but of course turned out to not be so deserted and I died like 10 times fighting a giant bug looking thing that kept regenerating its barrier.

Anyway, I finished the mission and unlocked an achievement for "Ghost Ship" but I was then asked to do the IFF mission (which I declined). Am I at the end of the game? Already? I still have to do everyone's loyalty missions except Garrus and Jacob and I still need to recruit 3 more team members! I'm guessing this is the point where I should do ALL side missions before doing the IFF mission or trying to go to the Omega 4 relay, right?

I just want to make sure I do all the side missions and build up my characters as much as possible before I try going to the end of the game. The Collector ship was VERY hard for me and I'm wondering if it was because I completely suck or if my team wasn't strong enough (or maybe a combination of both)...
Yes, that's the point to do all side missions etc. you have left.

After the IFF mission you'll have a chance to pick up another party member. After that you can talk to them and then do their loyalty mission. But you don't want to do more than that before moving onto the end game mission that comes up after the IFF mission or you'll have negative consequences for waiting.
javeryh, the
Reaper IFF mission
is the endgame portion that you don't want to do until you've done all the side missions, recruited all of the crew and done their loyalty missions. When you do that mission, you're pretty much forced into the endgame, though you can do other missions after doing that mission. However, if you do it that way, there's some bad consequences that can occur if you have missions yet to do after that mission.

And as Ryuukishi said, the Collector ship is one of the hardest points in the game. I did it not too long ago on Hardcore and it repeatedly kicked my ass at one point until I worked through it. Even on Normal I know it was the hardest point in the game that I'd run into and it wasn't easy.

From where you're at, make sure you do your other recruitment missions and loyalty missions before you move to the
Reaper IFF mission.
Thanks guys - I have a TON of possible side missions to do so I'll start working through those tonight. Too bad I can't play in front of the kids - the wife is working all day and we are stuck playing Kirby's Epic Yarn!
[quote name='javeryh']Thanks guys - I have a TON of possible side missions to do so I'll start working through those tonight. Too bad I can't play in front of the kids - the wife is working all day and we are stuck playing Kirby's Epic Yarn![/QUOTE]We're all happy to help get you properly sucked into the game. ;)

Just to give you an idea of where I'm at in comparison, this is what I've done:
Done all recruitment missions (save one extra one that comes up later).

Have done the following loyalty missions:

Have yet to do the following loyalty missions:
(one extra additional mission)

Bonus DLC missions:
Lair of the Shadow Broker

Side missions:
About half done for non plot-world missions, about all plot-world side missions done for plot-worlds I've been to.

Obviously still have the Reaper IFF and endgame.

That has me about 30-32 hours worth of time spent so far.
Just wanted to say Mass Effect 2 is definitely on my top 5 Best Games of XBOX 360. I'm very hype for ME3, and ME2 still has a ton of replay value, even today.
I just finished my first full playthrough (all DLC included) last week, pretty awesome game! I'm bummed that I missed a couple of achievements but hey, that's what my second go at it is for right? ;)
[quote name='shrike4242']When you do that mission, you're pretty much forced into the endgame, though you can do other missions after doing that mission. However, if you do it that way, there's some bad consequences that can occur if you have missions yet to do after that mission.

Though you can do
Legion's loyalty mission after that point without penalty since you don't get him until the IFF mission.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Though you can do
Legion's loyalty mission after that point without penalty since you don't get him until the IFF mission.
[/QUOTE]That's true, though javeryh isn't to that point yet. :ziplip:

We'll make sure to remind him of it when he gets everything else done and is about to get to that point.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Though you can do
Legion's loyalty mission after that point without penalty since you don't get him until the IFF mission.
Even with that, you have to be careful. I fucked myself over on my first run.

I didn't activate Legion as soon as I got him - I activated him after the crew was captured, then did his loyalty mission, resulting in me losing half my crew first go 'round (though I kept my whole squad intact).
Ah, I didn't know you could do that.

Hopefully Bioware doesn't put any of that kind of crap in ME3. You should never have timers (much less hidden ones you don't know about!) in WRPGs which are by natures games meant to be at least semi-open ended in the gameplay and encourage dicking around doing side quests etc.
Nah, I very much approved of the timer. How it worked out in my case was pretty lame, but the idea behind it was great. In any sort of "save the world/universe/kingdom/whatever" game, being allowed to dog fuck and faff about going through random caves or whatever really kills the story for me.

What? The hordes of Oblivion are besieging every single city in the province? Sorry, I'm trying to find a unicorn so I can sacrifice its horn to a daedra. Then I'm gonna go fight in the arena for a few hours. I'll get back on the "gates to hell opening up every twenty metres or so" later.

What? We missed the Darkspawn army by a day or so, and now they're sacking the capital? Sorry I spent the last week chasing down hooded couriers and doing jobs for some guy named "H" that I met in a bar for money I didn't even need any more.

What? I missed Saren by a fucking minute? Sorry, I spent the last hour trying to drive my tank up a hill to get the last heavy metal deposit. I heard you got a bonus if you had them all when you transferred your save over, so... hey, sorry thousands of people who died in the ensuing battle.

That's a large part of why I heart games like Planescape Torment or the Playstation Breath of Fire games so much. You're not trying to save the world. You're just trying to save yourself.

And when you're doing that, who cares if you spend half your time doing sidequests for a gorgon prostitute?

EDIT: Also, I thought the timer (which was not hidden in the least) was actually kind of clever in the very first Fallout game, where you had 100(?) days to find a water purifying chip or everyone in your home vault died. I doubt anyone ever failed to find the chip in 100 days without actually trying for that just to see, but it's still a pretty clever way to comment on the corrupting effects of the world (all those time-eating sidequests) on innocent people (your blank-slate vault dweller). Narrative through gameplay fuck yeah.
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I suppose that's a fair point. But I still mainly play WRPGs to dick around.

Mass Effect I do like the story a lot more than say Oblivion or Fallout 3 which has pretty lame stories, so I see your point more with ME2 than those games which had thin/bland stories and were more about the questing and exploring.

But still, game stories always pale in comparison to a great book or movie so I like being able to play however I like without having those kind of ramifications. I was ok, because I didn't mind some mild spoilers and played a month or so after launch so I was aware of the timer etc. But I'd have been very annoyed if I'd gotten screwed. And I hate having to be paranoid and juggle a bunch of saves in case you mess something up like that.

I know some are all about just playing and living with outcomes on their main character--and find that part of the appeal of the game. But I like to keep my main character straight paragon, keep everyone alive etc.. My secondary playthrough I don't give a crap and don't bother with having a bunch of saves etc.
I did Mordin's loyalty mission last night. It was pretty fun.
I also liked meeting up with Wrex.
One thing I've noticed is that I'm still accumulating Renegade points unintentionally. I'm trying to play as a straight Paragon but sometimes the conversation choices I make lead to Renegade points. I might do the Grunt mission next since it's right there.

I also obviously took Mordin on the mission and it was the first time I've used him - he had 18 points to use for upgrading! Do all of the characters level up as I go thorough the game? If so I may mix it up a bit instead of taking Jacob and Miranda on every mission... Mordin and Miranda did some awesome damage when I combined their powers!
[quote name='javeryh']I also obviously took Mordin on the mission and it was the first time I've used him - he had 18 points to use for upgrading! Do all of the characters level up as I go thorough the game? If so I may mix it up a bit instead of taking Jacob and Miranda on every mission... Mordin and Miranda did some awesome damage when I combined their powers![/QUOTE]
Yes, the whole squad levels up with Shepard. It's also possible since the Shadow Broker DLC to respec squadmates' talent points, so you can feel free to experiment a little.
Just finished my Mass Effect play through and booted up Mass Effect 2, can't wait to get going. Since I got rid of my 360 that had my previous play throughs of ME1 before ME2 came out I never had a chance to import a character into ME2 so I'm pretty excited about it. I've also never done a renegade play through so I'm looking forward to that as well.

My ME1 play through was fun as hell and I'm sure this will be better. This game is too damn awesome, and it's draining all my spare time.

Me: (Answers Phone) "This is Shepard, I need patched through to the Council"
Friend: "What the hell? I was just wondering if you want to go to the basketball game tonight?"
Me: "If you were in the middle of saving the entire human race and having sex with aliens I'd never ask something so trivial of you" (hangs up phone)
[quote name='javeryh']I did Mordin's loyalty mission last night. It was pretty fun.
I also liked meeting up with Wrex.
One thing I've noticed is that I'm still accumulating Renegade points unintentionally. I'm trying to play as a straight Paragon but sometimes the conversation choices I make lead to Renegade points. I might do the Grunt mission next since it's right there.[/QUOTE]Keep in mind that conversation options at the bottom of the wheel can lead to Renegade points, depending on what they are. When it's an "Investigate" branch of the conversation wheel, that's not anything that will give you P/R points, though when it's a "normal" conversation, ittems in the lower-right of the wheel (and sometimes the lower-left) of the wheel are ones that go towards Renegade points. Don't forget that interrupts that come up on-screen for events are Paragon when they're initiated by the left trigger (and have the Paragon logo) and Renegade when they're initiated by the right trigger.

My first ME1 run was all Paragon with a tiny of Renegade, though my second ME1 was all Renegade with a little bit of Paragon. It's impossible to go completely 100% either way without picking up some of the other in ME2.
[quote name='shrike4242']Keep in mind that conversation options at the bottom of the wheel can lead to Renegade points, depending on what they are. When it's an "Investigate" branch of the conversation wheel, that's not anything that will give you P/R points, though when it's a "normal" conversation, ittems in the lower-right of the wheel (and sometimes the lower-left) of the wheel are ones that go towards Renegade points. Don't forget that interrupts that come up on-screen for events are Paragon when they're initiated by the left trigger (and have the Paragon logo) and Renegade when they're initiated by the right trigger.

My first ME1 run was all Paragon with a tiny of Renegade, though my second ME1 was all Renegade with a little bit of Paragon. It's impossible to go completely 100% either way without picking up some of the other in ME2.[/QUOTE]

OK, that makes sense. I know not to pick the right trigger Renegade options when they show up - I was mainly referring to the conversation choices. I tend to want to hear all of the dialogue so that is why I'm selecting options on the bottom of the wheel. It's also a little confusing - for example,
on Mordin's mission he was involved in something horrible to the Krogan (and immoral pretty much any way you slice it) but I wanted Mordin to be loyal so I wasn't sure if I should pick the conversation options where I sympathize with him or the ones where you denounce his research (which would seem to be the "Paragon" choice). Also, it was really tough to not take the Renegade choie and kill those Krogans! The right trigger prompt was on the screen for a solid minute just begging me to do it

I've also just started paying attention to the achievement list and there are quite a few I have left to do - mainly around taking out the enemies like the punch and shoot one or using warp to break shields, etc. I hope I still have time to get these! I'm also now hoping it's not too late to get the No One Left Behind achievement as well as Paramour.

EDIT: This game is freaking awesome. The more familiar I get with the controls and the weapons the better the battles become.
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It's hard to get all those achievements in one playthrough. I played as a Soldier on my main playthrough and got the punch and shoot and other general ones done, and an Adept the second time to do the power related ones. Though it's also needed to be using your squads power to get them quicker (user party members Warp, Incinerate etc.).

It might could be done in one playthrough, but only if you were actively trying to do the things for a long part of the game.

I got them all during my 2nd playthrough. Only achievement I lack in the game and DLC is beating the main game on Insanity. Just don't have the patience for that one.
[quote name='javeryh']OK, that makes sense. I know not to pick the right trigger Renegade options when they show up - I was mainly referring to the conversation choices. I tend to want to hear all of the dialogue so that is why I'm selecting options on the bottom of the wheel. It's also a little confusing - for example,
on Mordin's mission he was involved in something horrible to the Krogan (and immoral pretty much any way you slice it) but I wanted Mordin to be loyal so I wasn't sure if I should pick the conversation options where I sympathize with him or the ones where you denounce his research (which would seem to be the "Paragon" choice). Also, it was really tough to not take the Renegade choie and kill those Krogans! The right trigger prompt was on the screen for a solid minute just begging me to do it

I've also just started paying attention to the achievement list and there are quite a few I have left to do - mainly around taking out the enemies like the punch and shoot one or using warp to break shields, etc. I hope I still have time to get these! I'm also now hoping it's not too late to get the No One Left Behind achievement as well as Paramour.

EDIT: This game is freaking awesome. The more familiar I get with the controls and the weapons the better the battles become.[/QUOTE]First time through the game playing as Paragon, I didn't pick any of the Renegade interrupts. This time around, playing as Renegade, I'm picking all the interrupts, to see how it'll go through. And the one you're mentioning, it does help out a lot to get through that sequence, though not critical.

As dmaul suggested, you can use your squadmates to help out with the biotic-based achievements, though No One Left Behind requires careful planning that we can help you with, and Paramour, well, that one you're on your own for though I'm sure you can figure it out. ;)
[quote name='javeryh']It's also a little confusing - for example,
on Mordin's mission he was involved in something horrible to the Krogan (and immoral pretty much any way you slice it) but I wanted Mordin to be loyal so I wasn't sure if I should pick the conversation options where I sympathize with him or the ones where you denounce his research (which would seem to be the "Paragon" choice). Also, it was really tough to not take the Renegade choie and kill those Krogans! The right trigger prompt was on the screen for a solid minute just begging me to do it
Man, following these conversations is making me wish I could go back and play the game again with a clean slate. :) It's just as awesome the second, third, or... seventh time through, but there's just something special about experiencing the story fresh and puzzling through the tough decisions where you're not sure how everything is going to pan out. God I cannot wait for ME3.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Man, following these conversations is making me wish I could go back and play the game again with a clean slate. It's just as awesome the second, third, or... seventh time through, but there's just something special about experiencing the story fresh and puzzling through the tough decisions where you're not sure how everything is going to pan out. God I cannot wait for ME3.[/QUOTE]Just going through the game from an all-Paragon approach to an all-Renegade approach is hugely enjoyable as a comparison.

Just some points that stick out in my mind:
You have Jacob's father shoot himself in the head at the end of Jacob's loyalty mission instead of allowing him to be arrested by the Alliance.
You allow Zaeed to kill Vido by setting him on fire with a spent thermal clip.
Allowing Garrus to kill Sidonis during his loyalty mission after dragging it out and not using the Paragon interrupt to prevent Garrus from killing him.
Going through all the Renegade points in talking with Donovan Hoock when doing Kasumi's loyalty mission gives a much more different flavor to the conversation.
Popping Elenora in the head when you run into her during Samara's recruitment mission with the Renegade interrupt and finding out your were right after all.

Those were just some ones to pop into my mind when thinking back the differences, though going Renegade makes Shepard into a much more opportunistic and money-motivated character. I think going from Paragon playthrough to Renegade playthrough has been more savory than the reverse, as you can see what it would be like going from bad to good.

I know when ME3 rolls around, I'll be doing that the same way to keep the Paragon and Renegade pathings I've worked though going down the same ways.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Man, following these conversations is making me wish I could go back and play the game again with a clean slate. :) It's just as awesome the second, third, or... seventh time through, but there's just something special about experiencing the story fresh and puzzling through the tough decisions where you're not sure how everything is going to pan out. God I cannot wait for ME3.[/QUOTE]It's just as good the 24th time around, believe me :lol:

Part of what you mentioned, though, is why I like helping people so much with their playthroughs - especially the "first timers". I sort of get that feeling again like I'm heading in to all of this blind, and I like to keep people just as uncertain of the outcome as I was the first time :cool:

There's nothing wrong with picking up a bit of renegade here and there. Having renegade points doesn't mean that you have fewer paragon points. It's only in the places where you have the choice of getting either paragon or renegade that things really matter, as choosing renegade there will have the effect of lowering your paragon total.

But, say, for that fight with the krogan on Mordin's loyalty mission? Since the renegade interrupt is the only option, interrupt away.
Alternate Appearance Pack 2 is apparently available for download on the Japanese Marketplace.

Three costumes for 160 points, like Pack 1. This time it's Miranda, Tali, and Grunt.


I wonder if this means we'll get it here on Tuesday?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Alternate Appearance Pack 2 is apparently available for download on the Japanese Marketplace.

Three costumes for 160 points, like Pack 1. This time it's Miranda, Tali, and Grunt.


I wonder if this means we'll get it here on Tuesday?[/QUOTE][quote name='AIM Conversation between Arikado and I on 4/17/10']

*talking about an alternate costume for Miranda*
X (3:19:45 PM): something simple
X (3:20:38 PM): and the armor wouldn't be like Ashley's armor
X (3:20:40 PM): female tank
X (3:20:49 PM): just something a scout or recon soldier would wear
Arikado (3:21:02 PM): that would be pretty cool[/QUOTE]Totally called that one :cool:
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Totally called that one :cool:[/QUOTE]
I never minded the catsuit personally, but it will be nice to have another option for Miranda. I know a lot of people are bugged by the fact that she (as well as other squadmates) goes into combat wearing a civilian outfit rather than armor of some type.

Tali seems like a wasted opportunity if it's just a recolor, but I'll reserve judgment until I see the whole thing. Not sure what to think of Grunt yet-- cool looking armor, but that headgear thing...
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I never minded the catsuit personally, but it will be nice to have another option for Miranda. I know a lot of people are bugged by the fact that she (as well as other squadmates) goes into combat wearing a civilian outfit rather than armor of some type.

Tali seems like a wasted opportunity if it's just a recolor, but I'll reserve judgment until I see the whole thing. Not sure what to think of Grunt yet-- cool looking armor, but that headgear thing...[/QUOTE]Just because it doesn't look like armor doesn't mean it isn't armor.

She's one of Cerberus' top operatives, and I'm sure they'd prefer her having something lightweight and protective than some sense of an armor package.
[quote name='shrike4242']Just because it doesn't look like armor doesn't mean it isn't armor.

She's one of Cerberus' top operatives, and I'm sure they'd prefer her having something lightweight and protective than some sense of an armor package.[/QUOTE]
Fair enough, but explain Jack then. :)

In all seriousness, I think it's a valid objection that "in real life" these people would be going into battle wearing generic-looking hardsuits with full head and face covering, like they did in ME1. But since it's a videogame I'm cool with outfits that are stylish/sexy/distinctive rather than strictly practical.

NVM-- I posted an image from the BioWare forums that I thought was a full-body shot of Miranda's new outfit. But on closer examination it doesn't exactly match the banner on XBL. Maybe it was just a PC mod. Looked cool though!
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Also, biotics can create shields, so they can probably get by with less armor.

But of course the real reason is the majority of gamers are still guys and fewer/more revealing/form fitting clothes on female characters appeals to a large chunk of that demographic.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Also, biotics can create shields, so they can probably get by with less armor.

But of course the real reason is the majority of gamers are still guys and fewer/more revealing/form fitting clothes on female characters appeals to a large chunk of that demographic.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Fair enough, but explain Jack then. :)

In all seriousness, I think it's a valid objection that "in real life" these people would be going into battle wearing generic-looking hardsuits with full head and face covering, like they did in ME1. But since it's a videogame I'm cool with outfits that are stylish/sexy/distinctive rather than strictly practical.

NVM-- I posted an image from the BioWare forums that I thought was a full-body shot of Miranda's new outfit. But on closer examination it doesn't exactly match the banner on XBL. Maybe it was just a PC mod. Looked cool though![/QUOTE]You didn't ask me to explain about Jack, just Miranda. ;)

I end up using Jack's costume from the AAP #1 mainly because her outfit without it before you make her loyal and have her get her loyalty outfit gets a little disturbing at times.

Miranda's loyalty outfit looks a bit less catsuit-ish, so I'm assuming it's some type of ballistic fabric like kevlar in all of her outfits.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Also, biotics can create shields, so they can probably get by with less armor.

But of course the real reason is the majority of gamers are still guys and fewer/more revealing/form fitting clothes on female characters appeals to a large chunk of that demographic.[/QUOTE]Unfortunately, that's the case, especially with some of the camera angles used when talking with her in her office. :shock:

[quote name='javeryh']Seriously. WHERE ARE THE NUDE CODES, BIOWARE/EA??? :lol:[/QUOTE]That's only if Acclaim did Mass Effect, and crossed it with BMX XXX. :lol:
I'm just waiting for the final big DLC. I want to do one more playthrough so I have all the male Shepard romance options open.

The fact that that is my biggest concern amongst all the quest choices you make in a game makes me question my own masculinity. Thanks Bioware.
[quote name='shrike4242']That's only if Acclaim did Mass Effect, and crossed it with BMX XXX. :lol:[/QUOTE]
That would be Massive Effects.

[quote name='Anexanhume']The fact that that is my biggest concern amongst all the quest choices you make in a game makes me question my own masculinity. Thanks Bioware.[/QUOTE]
I'm eagerly waiting for a chance to pay BioWare $2 so I can dress up my dollies in some new outfits. So... right there with you.
Just got this for PS3. Been having a lot of fun, it's much better then other shitty Bioware games like Generic Age: Origins.

Couple of questions for insanity.

1. Running through Normal with a Soldier seemed to be pretty easy. I almost always had Garrus/Miranda and I rarely had any problems. Stick with soldier for insanity? Are Garrus/Miranda good teammates during insanity?

2. I always get 50/50 on this one. Should I import Shepherd from my previous game and start at level 30 via NG+? Or is it easier to just start insanity from scratch? I should note the PS3 has a NG+ glitch where you don't get your weapons from the previous playthrough.

3. Is it worth doing a lot of the sidequests during insanity? I.e. should I do the DLC, or is it not worth it?
bread's done