Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

Started a new game with an Adept, I'm planning to specialize in the shotgun. And I'm going to put some restrictions on myself like no Locust SMG. Should be interesting!
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Started a new game with an Adept, I'm planning to specialize in the shotgun. And I'm going to put some restrictions on myself like no Locust SMG. Should be interesting![/QUOTE]Why specialize on the shotgun? You already have crowd control with Singularity and Stasis, as well as good short-range punch if you have the Phalanx. Only reason I can see is the Geth Plasma shotgun, which has some mid-range punch.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Started a new game with an Adept, I'm planning to specialize in the shotgun. And I'm going to put some restrictions on myself like no Locust SMG. Should be interesting![/QUOTE]
I take it this isn't an Insanity run? Why use a gun at all? ;)
[quote name='shrike4242']Why specialize on the shotgun? You already have crowd control with Singularity and Stasis, as well as good short-range punch if you have the Phalanx. Only reason I can see is the Geth Plasma shotgun, which has some mid-range punch.[/QUOTE]
Just for fun I guess. I watched a great YouTube video of a shotgun Infiltrator who used cloaking to get into close range, and I thought I could put a slightly different spin on the same idea by using Singularity to lock the enemies down. I'm planning to use the Eviscerator and Scimitar, not the GPS-- my whole idea is just to play around with how to use CQC as an Adept. :)
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I take it this isn't an Insanity run? Why use a gun at all? ;)[/QUOTE]
I'm playing on Veteran so far. Insanity was fun as hell, but I think once was enough for me. :lol:
The Mass Effect action figures are supposed to be out next week. Anybody have interest in these? I'd like to get a Shep, but his face is kind of busted. Too bad they cancelled series two because I'd love a Garrus fig.
I wonder why they never released the comic from the PS3 version on 360 and PC. It seems like such a good idea to bring that over.

Secret Language:
I want to start a Fem Shepard run, but I don't want to run through Mass Effect 1 because the framerate sucks
[quote name='KingBroly']I wonder why they never released the comic from the PS3 version on 360 and PC. It seems like such a good idea to bring that over.

Secret Language:
I want to start a Fem Shepard run, but I don't want to run through Mass Effect 1 because the framerate sucks
[/QUOTE]I'd like to see it, though I'm sure it's findable on YouTube and the like. I may end up with ME2 on the PS3 at some point when it's super cheap, so I'm sure I'll see it then, if not before.

Speaking in tongues:
I didn't have any real framerate issues when I played ME1 twice, both times I had the game copied to the HDD. Maybe the occasional dip when there were a lot of enemies on screen, though there weren't that many I could think of.

I enjoyed the ME1 to ME2 playthrough the two times I did it, though you should only worry about doing a ME1 to ME2 playthrough if you're planning on bringing a character into ME3, or are OK with the questions at the beginning of ME2, which semi-defaults to Renegade playthrough behaviors.
[quote name='KingBroly']I wonder why they never released the comic from the PS3 version on 360 and PC.[/QUOTE]Obvious answer is obvious: because ME1 is available on both platforms.

[quote name='KingBroly'] It seems like such a good idea to bring that over.[/QUOTE]Bringing the interactive comic over to 360 and PC isn't a good idea because it would eventually make people go "Hey, I can spend 30 minutes with this or 30 hours (and $5-15) with the game" - causing thrifty/lazy people to miss out on one of the greatest experiences of this generation of games.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']The Mass Effect action figures are supposed to be out next week. Anybody have interest in these? I'd like to get a Shep, but his face is kind of busted. Too bad they cancelled series two because I'd love a Garrus fig.[/QUOTE]

Haha the action figures are fail, it doesn't even look like the default Commander Sheppard.
Finished my Insanity playthrough while finally getting to all of the DLC. Not that I am saying anything we already don't know, but what an epic. Anyone who still tries to say that games are not an art form should really be strapped to a chair and made to watch someone playing ME2.
[quote name='KingBroly']Secret Language:
I want to start a Fem Shepard run, but I don't want to run through Mass Effect 1 because the framerate sucks
Unknown dialect:
Just start fresh in ME2 and be a Renegade, Jennifer Hale makes a better Renegade than Meer anyway.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']The Mass Effect action figures are supposed to be out next week. Anybody have interest in these? I'd like to get a Shep, but his face is kind of busted. Too bad they cancelled series two because I'd love a Garrus fig.[/QUOTE]

I want all of series 1. What do you mean they canned Series 2?! THat had Miranda and Garrus in it!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Bringing the interactive comic over to 360 and PC isn't a good idea because it would eventually make people go "Hey, I can spend 30 minutes with this or 30 hours (and $5-15) with the game" - causing thrifty/lazy people to miss out on one of the greatest experiences of this generation of games.[/QUOTE]

I say this is one of those "Give people the rope and if they want to hang themselves, let them" moments. Adding in the interactive comic would have benefits for those of us who actually did play the first game, but don't want to replay it just to make one or two decisions differently. Plus it allows people to enter the series with 2 without going in completely blind. I'd much rather risk people "missing out" on 1 than ignore the series alltogether.

And besides, a PC gamer can still skip over ME1 if they want to. There are repositories of Mass Effect 1 saves people uploaded that cover a wide array of decisions...femshep, maleshep, renegade, paragon, romanced X, let X die...whatever. They can simply take the file, import it to ME2, and go along their merry way.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Finished my Insanity playthrough while finally getting to all of the DLC. Not that I am saying anything we already don't know, but what an epic. Anyone who still tries to say that games are not an art form should really be strapped to a chair and made to watch someone playing ME2.[/QUOTE]Damn, doing LoTSB and Arrival on Insanity isn't an easy feat by any stretch. Impressed, I am.

I still have an Insanity playthrough taunting me as the only ME2 achievement that I don't have yet. I'll do it before I do ME3, though I think the ME2 Insanity achievement is an easier one than doing Insanity on ME1.
[quote name='Hell Monkey']I want all of series 1. What do you mean they canned Series 2?! THat had Miranda and Garrus in it!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Bioware and DC Direct didn't get along....there was some badmouthing by Bioware on their forums. I guess they aren't happy with the way DC is handling either production or the development or something. So......series 2 was cancelled. Crying shame, those figs looked loads better than series 1. There is hope, tough, with ME3 coming out.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Bioware and DC Direct didn't get along....there was some badmouthing by Bioware on their forums. I guess they aren't happy with the way DC is handling either production or the development or something. So......series 2 was cancelled. Crying shame, those figs looked loads better than series 1. There is hope, tough, with ME3 coming out.[/QUOTE]

They will probably just go to Neca Toys since they seem to do every other video game figure already and the quality and likeness are pretty good for the most part.
[quote name='shrike4242']Damn, doing LoTSB and Arrival on Insanity isn't an easy feat by any stretch. Impressed, I am.

I still have an Insanity playthrough taunting me as the only ME2 achievement that I don't have yet. I'll do it before I do ME3, though I think the ME2 Insanity achievement is an easier one than doing Insanity on ME1.[/QUOTE]

Going in, I was thinking about not bothering with the DLC on Insanity, because of the things I had heard. I actually didn't have that hard of a time with it, though. The major pains for me were the Firewalker missions, just because of the lack of saves, and some of the Collector sections, especially earlier encounters with them.
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[quote name='shrike4242']Damn, doing LoTSB and Arrival on Insanity isn't an easy feat by any stretch. Impressed, I am.

I still have an Insanity playthrough taunting me as the only ME2 achievement that I don't have yet. I'll do it before I do ME3, though I think the ME2 Insanity achievement is an easier one than doing Insanity on ME1.[/QUOTE]

Well I have to disagree with you there, I thought Insanity was easier with ME1 than ME2 mainly due to having a slew of tactical options at your disposal. In ME2 you only can use one power at a time which is a big difference.
[quote name='The Crotch']Personally, I found ME2 a bit easier, if only because there was no god damn knockdown in it.[/QUOTE]

True and I never understood why you couldn't manage your squad when you were being knocked down. For that reason you really have to take out biotic enemies first and I died a few times on Noveria, let alone one time when I was just constantly knocked down and couldn't do anything about it!, with that certain boss fight. ;)
Yeah, not being able to give orders while on the ground was a pain in the tits. The Benezia fight was alright since you had a lot of room to maneuver, but I had a lot of trouble doing the biotic hostage fight as an infiltrator.

Enemies using immunity were pretty fucking bullshit, too. That krogan boss at the end of Liara's dig site can suck a big bag of dicks.

Now, granted, your abilities were a lot more broken in that game than they were in ME2, too. Holy fuck lift was awesome.
Played through the LotSB and Arrival DLC on my 2nd character so now I'm officially done with both my playthroughs. Wish it was time for ME3 to come out already!

Finally got a romance going for my female Shepard as well...with Thane.
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[quote name='The Crotch']Yeah, not being able to give orders while on the ground was a pain in the tits. The Benezia fight was alright since you had a lot of room to maneuver, but I had a lot of trouble doing the biotic hostage fight as an infiltrator.

Enemies using immunity were pretty fucking bullshit, too. That krogan boss at the end of Liara's dig site can suck a big bag of dicks.

Now, granted, your abilities were a lot more broken in that game than they were in ME2, too. Holy fuck lift was awesome.[/QUOTE]

Haha yeah I had a lot of trouble with that one too and then I learned, by looking it up online, if you just ran through the ship past the enemies you'll then trigger the conversation with the leader. :booty:

I don't think there are any places in ME2 that let's you just ignore enemies and run to the checkpoint, other than the end with the first time you check out a collector ship. Could be more but I can't think of any and I think that shows you the difference in quality in ME1 & ME2.
[quote name='Spybreak8']I don't think there are any places in ME2 that let's you just ignore enemies and run to the checkpoint, other than the end with the first time you check out a collector ship. Could be more but I can't think of any and I think that shows you the difference in quality in ME1 & ME2.[/QUOTE]
There are a few in ME2. One in particular that I took advantage of on Insanity was the YMIR mech at the end of Zaeed's loyalty mission. If you flank it and sprint to the door switch, the fight automatically ends.
Yeah, there were definitely a couple of areas where you could do that. Also, there's the fight on Horizon against the two scions and a shit load of husks. You can save yourself a massive headache by just standing near the entrance to the area, sending your team ahead, and picking off the Scions, preferably with a sniper rifle. The fight doesn't actually begin until you walk down the stairs, so the scions stay in their hiding place and the husks never appear.
So I decided to start a Fresh Insanity Run
FemShep, Soldier
and I just got Archangel. Please tell me that was the hardest recruitment mission because if it isn't...
I'd say stay away from any missions that have heavy Mechs so Subject Zero's recruitment mission would be tough, as well as Archangel's loyalty mission. The key to insanity is to drop the enemies before they can get to you, because if the enemy is within close proximity you're going to have a real hard time since you're shields go down so fast.
I only have 1 Recruitment mission remaining that I can do and that's Jack's, so I think I'm a bit screwed ATM. I went with Barrier as my skill because I knew it'd come in handy (and it has). The most annoying enemy I've faced so far is the Pyro. Damn thing gets me in a stun lock and I can't do a thing about it.
After getting over the initial, "Holy shit! Motherfuckers do a lot of damage! Also, armour/shields/barriers everywhere!" in my one and only insanity run (New Game + Soldier), I actually found it pretty easy. A lot of that probably had to do with the fact that I had the Widow from the start, and that gun is eighteen different kinds of balling as fuck.

So, uh... really, if you're playing as a soldier, consider going hard down the sniper route. Great DPS and unbeatable range.

And with the exception of one particular pyro on Archangel's recruitment (dude who's always around the fucking corner when you go to the left shutter), I don't think I ever took damage from a pyro. Just strip the armour and have a squadmate overload it.
[quote name='The Crotch']And with the exception of one particular pyro on Archangel's recruitment (dude who's always around the fucking corner when you go to the left shutter)[/QUOTE]
I love that guy. I remember playing on Insanity, turning the blind corner, and just instantly getting raped by fire before I could even see the Pyro. I had to just laugh. I like to think that BioWare put that one incredibly blind/random/cheap death spot in the game just because it's funny.
And that spot always fucks up targetting, too, so hitting him with powers (always the best way to deal with a pyro) is touchy as fuck, too.

Damn you, that one guy!
Yeah I hated that spot, couldn't deal with him unless you hurdled over the cover but then you're flame bait.
I actually played Insanity with a new character and aside from the very beginning it's doable.
Finally jumped into this after two playthoughs of ME 1. I started as a Vanguard for the rush power, its just too cool. However, I'm playing on normal and noticed I'm not near as invincible in ME 2 as I was in ME 1 on normal. I've actually died twice and am only through Omega.

I loved the part where you find out
Archangel is Garrus.
Never saw that one coming. I don't know if I like the thermal clips aspect - I enjoyed my unlimited ammo in ME1.

Any advice on weapons? I really don't like the burst pistol and the magnum pistol runs out of ammo too fast.
To all the ones out there that have done an Insanity run, what's the best choice of starting an Insanity run?
* New game as a ME1 import, as long as I've done a Level 50+ ME1 character?
* New game from scratch without the ME1 import?
* New game+ from an existing completed ME2 game?

I've pretty much decided on Soldier as my Insanity run class, unless someone can give me advice to go with Sentinel, Engineer or Infiltrator over Soldier.

[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']Finally jumped into this after two playthoughs of ME 1. I started as a Vanguard for the rush power, its just too cool. However, I'm playing on normal and noticed I'm not near as invincible in ME 2 as I was in ME 1 on normal. I've actually died twice and am only through Omega.

I loved the part where you find out
Archangel is Garrus.
Never saw that one coming. I don't know if I like the thermal clips aspect - I enjoyed my unlimited ammo in ME1.

Any advice on weapons? I really don't like the burst pistol and the magnum pistol runs out of ammo too fast.[/QUOTE]Having done a Vanguard playthrough as my first ME2 playthrough, the Vanguard does get very enjoyable once you get up to the point of upgrade charge to Heavy Charge and knocking a YMIR backwards. :D

You may end up dying if you get into a spot with a Charge that ends up being a bad tactical position with someone flanking you or getting you in a corner. You should follow the tactic of Charge - Shotgun - Melee - move to the next target via Charge, rinse repeat. As you work up to Heavy Charge, you'll be able to get some shield recharge when you do a Charge, so it'll be useful for attack as well as escape from the first target to the next one, with some shield recharge.

Weapon choices:
Shotgun - Either the Eviscerator or the Geth Plasma Shotgun. Eviscerator is a good all-around shotgun with a higher ammo capacity than the Geth Plasma Shotgun, though you have to purchase the Firepower pack to get it (worth every single XBLM point).
SMG - Take the time to do Kasumi's Stolen Memory as soon as you can, because you get the best SMG in the game while doing that mission, especially since it has longer effective range than the other two you can run into during the game.
Heavy Pistol - The Phalanx pistol from the Firepower pack is the best one you can get, plus it has an integrated laser sight. In the meantime, the Carnifex you get while you're on Omega is the best one without the Firepower pack.
Heavy Weapon - Depends on what you have available to you at the moment, though out of the options at the beginning of the game, the Arc Projector was the one I found most useful and used most often.

When you get further in the game, the list above may change a bit, though that's a bit later into the game. ;)

In the change from the cooldown aspect in ME1 versus the thermal clips in ME2, it ends up being a wash on the pros and cons of both. ME1, you could keep going as long as you watched your heat carefully, and never had to worry about ammo. ME2, you can go full-tilt firing without worry about overheating, though you have to track down thermal clips. As the game goes on, it won't be as much of an issue as you think, so long as you rotate through your weapons and not just stick it only one weapon.
ME1 import is easiest. Playing as a New Game + means enemies are scaled to level 30, but you don't have all your upgrades, so things are a little hairy for a while. There's nothing undoable about it, especially since you keep your extra gun (you do not get to take a second extra gun later on, however; what you had on your previous run is what you're stuck with).
I've been talking about a ME2 insanity run forever. STarted one a few months back, but never finished it. I think I"m going to get my ME1 port up to level 60 first (and maybe beat that game on hard while I'm at it), then port it over for the ME2 Insanity playthrough.

Maybe I'll let Kaiden live this time.......... ... nah!
Any enemies that stay in cover are no problem. It's the ones that rush and flank (YMIR mechs, Pyros, FENRIS mechs, husks) that will give you nightmares.

[quote name='shrike4242']I've pretty much decided on Soldier as my Insanity run class, unless someone can give me advice to go with Sentinel, Engineer or Infiltrator over Soldier.[/QUOTE]
Engineer is my favorite class to play, especially with sniper rifle training. Hang back, hurl powers to soften 'em up, then go for the headshot. On Insanity, the Engineer is basically made of paper (poke your head out of cover at the wrong time = instant death), so you will become a surgeon with the cover system.

Soldier is great too though, can't go wrong with that. You just need to take special care to pick your squadmates to have the proper protection-stripping powers for each mission.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Soldier is great too though, can't go wrong with that. You just need to take special care to pick your squadmates to have the proper protection-stripping powers for each mission.[/QUOTE]
If you're Soldier on Insanity, make sure you take Reave as your bonus power, and bring Miranda on every mission you can.
bread's done