Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

Well... I'll be damned. I finally found a god damn new shotgun while trying to recruit Samara. It's about time. It's a Scimtar Assault Shotty laying on desk so you can't miss it.
If there is a marketplace link for Zaeed that'd be nice. I get the game tomorrow but would like to download everything before hand (and preferably without having to register with the evil ea).
[quote name='DomLando']For anyone that got the DLC for the game early the other day through, does it work? And do I have to do anything in particular to get all the DLC to work? Thanks in advance for any info.[/QUOTE]
Nope. I just had them all in my queue, had them download to the HDD on Monday, and the next evening when I played I was able to access all of them; the guns, armor and the Normandy crash site mission. Just be sure to check your messages once you get onto the Normandy since I think that's how some of them are added to your armory.
My squad is suicidal.

I pointed one to came next to me and then I was wondering why the enemies were looking off in the distance... Then here she comes taking a big circle across the battlefield out in the open when all she had to do was walk forward 10 feet and crouch.

They have done other things like that.

Also I don't know why they HAVE to stand up and shoot when they are clearly out numbered. What I mean is, lets say a mech has them pinned behind a low wall... Why are they so aggressive? Why do they have to stand up to fight back and get mowed down in 2 seconds? It would be more tactical for them to just wait there and draw the fire and let me reposition or something.
I've pretty much played all day yesterday and I've done everyone's loyalty except
Samara, Geth, and Zaeed. I don't even have Legion yet, though, so I need to track him down first.

Gaining loaylty is a hell of a lot easier than I thought it would've been. My only kind of tough loyalty mission was Thane's, I failed it the first time. :(

I think now I'm going to go to sleep for a couple of hours and after I get some cleaning done I'll play more. :D
[quote name='coolsteel']Scanning planets is about as fun as watching paint dry[/QUOTE]

It is no different than driving that thing around. The mako = the scanner, the signal thing going crazy = seeing something on the ground, getting out and grabbing the shit = sending out probe.

Same boring shit but I think the scanning thing is much quicker.
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^Exactly. I can't understand much of the scanning hate when it was equally tedious in the original. I dare say more so because unlike now back then it was slower, much more painful, and didn't serve much of a purpose to your mission besides fattening your wallet. Now we get instant gratification via weapon, player, and ship advancement without having to deal with the headaches of Mako exploration.

Sounds a hell of a lot like progress to me.

I also agree than gaining loyalty is a breeze in this game once you've adapted to most combat situations so I've been switching up party members to add overall length to the process. I honestly hope there's enough side quests left over to make up for it.
[quote name='coolsteel']Scanning planets is about as fun as watching paint dry[/QUOTE]

I prefer to watch paint dry.

If this scanning system is progress, I hope they take a step BACK in Mass Effect 3 and not even bother with these useless time sinks for materials. Have us do raids, or fight in an arena type thing for prizes, anything that involves more of the great tactical shooting and less of the materials grind.

The scanning system is the only thing I truly dislike about this game.


Ahhhhh make it stop
If scanning was as quick as the PC version, then it wouldn't be so bad. Even with the scanning upgrade (which does barely anything what so ever), the unupgraded PC version is like 3 times faster...

Anyhow, I'm not quite sure how I'm going to accomplish the Warp Specialist achievement. Having trouble trying to get Incineration Specialist too since half of them don't seem to count.
[quote name='Draekon']If scanning was as quick as the PC version, then it wouldn't be so bad. Even with the scanning upgrade (which does barely anything what so ever), the unupgraded PC version is like 3 times faster...[/QUOTE]

Good to know................ :bomb:
So everyone wants upgrades handed to them!? If you want decent upgrades in new technology or whatever you have to put in some work and that work is scanning planets for materials. If you put in the time you get the rewards. You dont have to do it and that is what makes it so great. If you want to stick to shooting people and story line stuff then you can. If you want to go out of your way for a richer/more rewarding experience you can do that too. You guys are bitching about something you dont even have to do.
Dear Bioware,

Thank you for allowing my little Adept to gain Assault Rifle speciality. The game just got 10 times easier. And more badass.

Yours truly,

[quote name='whiptcracker']I miss the Mako :([/QUOTE]

Don't say things you don't mean :p

Man. The first Mass Effect, I pretty much had to force myself to play the first 12 hours before I stopped. I kept hearing how good it was and how it keeps getting better and better, but the game IMO was just not good so I gave up before I hit the point where "the game gets really good" and from what I've seen from videos in later portions of the game, IDK if that point really exists....

But ME2? Damn. I had to force myself to go to sleep for work last night. The dialogue trees seem more interesting and the gunplay is actually fun, unlike the first ME. The hacking mini-games are dumb and simple, but I'd rather have them be simple than overly complex just to get 1,000 credits or something nominal.

Glad I opened up the CE version I got after I was on the fence, the game is worlds better than the first, at least from where I stand.

Anywho, how do I travel to further star systems? I wanted to go to the Normandy Crash Site, they tell me I need more fuel, I get more fuel, I travel out of the system, then they tell me there wasn't enough fuel....something I missed or is it simply something I'll have to wait to do?
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Don't say things you don't mean :p

Man. The first Mass Effect, I pretty much had to force myself to play the first 12 hours before I stopped. I kept hearing how good it was and how it keeps getting better and better, but the game IMO was just not good so I gave up before I hit the point where "the game gets really good" and from what I've seen from videos in later portions of the game, IDK if that point really exists....

But ME2? Damn. I had to force myself to go to sleep for work last night. The dialogue trees seem more interesting and the gunplay is actually fun, unlike the first ME. The hacking mini-games are dumb and simple, but I'd rather have them be simple than overly complex just to get 1,000 credits or something nominal.

Glad I opened up the CE version I got after I was on the fence, the game is worlds better than the first, at least from where I stand.

Anywho, how do I travel to further star systems? I wanted to go to the Normandy Crash Site, they tell me I need more fuel, I get more fuel, I travel out of the system, then they tell me there wasn't enough fuel....something I missed or is it simply something I'll have to wait to do?[/QUOTE]

The crash site was one of the first things I did. I got full fuel and then just went to the outer ring and it took me to a different map and then i flew to the planet with the crash site.
[quote name='Malik112099']The crash site was one of the first things I did. I got full fuel and then just went to the outer ring and it took me to a different map and then i flew to the planet with the crash site.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm...I'll try it again when I get home.
[quote name='Malik112099']So everyone wants upgrades handed to them!? If you want decent upgrades in new technology or whatever you have to put in some work and that work is scanning planets for materials. If you put in the time you get the rewards. You dont have to do it and that is what makes it so great. If you want to stick to shooting people and story line stuff then you can. If you want to go out of your way for a richer/more rewarding experience you can do that too. You guys are bitching about something you dont even have to do.[/QUOTE]

When you've seen and briefly experienced something faster, easier, and more efficient... it easily makes it all the more torturous. It's also still a lot of work on the PC by the way. :p
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Don't say things you don't mean :p

Man. The first Mass Effect, I pretty much had to force myself to play the first 12 hours before I stopped. I kept hearing how good it was and how it keeps getting better and better, but the game IMO was just not good so I gave up before I hit the point where "the game gets really good" and from what I've seen from videos in later portions of the game, IDK if that point really exists....

But ME2? Damn. I had to force myself to go to sleep for work last night. The dialogue trees seem more interesting and the gunplay is actually fun, unlike the first ME. The hacking mini-games are dumb and simple, but I'd rather have them be simple than overly complex just to get 1,000 credits or something nominal.

Glad I opened up the CE version I got after I was on the fence, the game is worlds better than the first, at least from where I stand.

I do mean it. I liked being able to explore other planets in the system, and once you learn to zoom in on targets using the Mako shouldn't be a problem. Didn't feel any more awkward to control to me than the warthog from Halo. My biggest issue was that the planets were extremely generic and used the same templates.

Instead of just creating more interesting places to explore, they just completely removed that part of the game. That's the only thing that bothers me about Mass Effect 2, the problems of the first game, like Inventory/loot collecting, side planet exploration, etc, instead of putting more effort into making these features work they're just gone now. I liked messing around with armor/weapon upgrade slots and the Mako.

Still love the second one so far more than the first.
I am a 57 in ME1 playing through on HxC, any chance I can get to 60 in this playthrough? Think I am half way-- only have about 7 mainline missions done.
What level is everybody playing on? I am playing on Hardcore and it feels like Normal. I die time to time but I haven't had any problems getting past a stage after 2 or 3 tries.

Slight spoilers I guess. Different party members do not like eachother? Are you able to do all of the loyalty missions in one playthrough?
I'm also playing on Hardcore, and I am glad I did. Definitely feels fairly normal. I hit a few rough spots, but I think that mostly had to do with me playing an adept, whereas I am generally a guns-a-blazing guy. As I get more use to abusing the powers, everything goes smoother.
Yeah, Amazon e-mailed me my Inferno Armor code as well. I ended up getting another $10.00 promo credit and the code. Weird.

Not sure if this has been answered in the thread yet, but is there any incentive to choosing the same class when transferring a save? Like bonus skills or anything? I'm thinking of picking another class than Vanguard this time around.
[quote name='yukine']Yeah, Amazon e-mailed me my Inferno Armor code as well. I ended up getting another $10.00 promo credit and the code. Weird.

Not sure if this has been answered in the thread yet, but is there any incentive to choosing the same class when transferring a save? Like bonus skills or anything? I'm thinking of picking another class than Vanguard this time around.[/QUOTE]

No, they're just bonuses for level, cash, paragon/renegade.
[quote name='yukine']Yeah, Amazon e-mailed me my Inferno Armor code as well. I ended up getting another $10.00 promo credit and the code. Weird.

Not sure if this has been answered in the thread yet, but is there any incentive to choosing the same class when transferring a save? Like bonus skills or anything? I'm thinking of picking another class than Vanguard this time around.[/QUOTE]

No incentive. Personally I switched from Vanguard to Adept since the ability tree has been changed. No lift or adrenaline boost as far as I can tell. I played through by lifting then shooting with the shotgun skeet shoot style, that doesn't appear to be the way to play Vanguard in ME2.
[quote name='whiptcracker']No incentive. Personally I switched from Vanguard to Adept since the ability tree has been changed. No lift or adrenaline boost as far as I can tell. I played through by lifting then shooting with the shotgun skeet shoot style, that doesn't appear to be the way to play Vanguard in ME2.[/QUOTE]

Pull is almost the same thing as lift. Lift shoots them up vertically, whereas pull just pulls the enemy towards you, slightly aloft. No fall damage, but the rest is the same.
FYI: For all the crybabies - upgrade the mineral moves at least 3 or 4 times faster after you upgrade it.....I am mining planets in a quarter of the time now
[quote name='Malik112099']FYI: For all the crybabies - upgrade the mineral moves at least 3 or 4 times faster after you upgrade it.....I am mining planets in a quarter of the time now[/QUOTE]

I upgraded it yesterday and I saw pretty much no improvement from the before and after. A friend of mine who also got the CE like I did also did not see any noticable improvement either.

There are a lot of people who saw no improvement after upgrading. So I guess if it did indeed work for you, then you're one of the lucky ones.
[quote name='Draekon']I upgraded it yesterday and I saw pretty much no improvement from the before and after. A friend of mine who also got the CE like I did also did not see any noticable improvement either.[/QUOTE]

Are you using both sticks to rotate?
[quote name='Anexanhume']Are you using both sticks to rotate?[/QUOTE]

Yes, but I'm talking about the actual upgrade itself. Both sticks made it move slightly faster to begin with, as did moving it to the right edge of the planet.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Pull is almost the same thing as lift. Lift shoots them up vertically, whereas pull just pulls the enemy towards you, slightly aloft. No fall damage, but the rest is the same.[/QUOTE]

I prefered having them suspended in the air while I shot them than having them glide towards me. Adept is working well as Singularity holds them up, stays in the area for awhile and can get multiple enemies at once.
Yeah I saw a very noticable increase in scanning speed after the upgrade, but I'm using both sticks to rotate the scanner and planet as Anexanhume just suggested.
[quote name='Draekon']I upgraded it yesterday and I saw pretty much no improvement from the before and after. A friend of mine who also got the CE like I did also did not see any noticable improvement either.

There are a lot of people who saw no improvement after upgrading. So I guess if it did indeed work for you, then you're one of the lucky ones.[/QUOTE]

You sure? That shit moves noticeably faster for me the same amount of time I was putting 5-7 probes down I am now depleting planets

this is how fast it moves for me after upgrading (maybe a tad bit slower):
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[quote name='Malik112099']FYI: For all the crybabies - upgrade the mineral moves at least 3 or 4 times faster after you upgrade it.....I am mining planets in a quarter of the time now[/QUOTE]

No kidding? It still sucks ass after the upgrade. I don't know why people are defending this obvious flaw in an otherwise amazing game.

Looks like that youtube video is of the PC version. Obviously the 360 version is inferior when it comes to scan speeds....
[quote name='Dasflikko']No kidding? It still sucks ass after the upgrade. I don't know why people are defending this obvious flaw in an otherwise amazing game.[/QUOTE]

I dont see how it is a flaw. BioWare is making you do work for improvements to the ship, weapons, etc. You put in some time in a less than wonderful thing and it rewards you with wonderful things. I fail to see the problem. I like it. Makes me feel like I am accomplishing these things as I upgrade them and it also makes me pick and choose what I want upgraded.

Why is no one bitching that they arent handing out Squad Points like it's candy? You have to work for them and then decide how you want to use them.
[quote name='Malik112099']
Why is no one bitching that they arent handing out Squad Points like it's candy? You have to work for them and then decide how you want to use them.[/QUOTE]

It's the loss of granularity. As bioware defended on their forums, they could make level 500 the cap, it's just a matter of scale. However, when your skills get so coarse that you end up in a hard place deciding if those extra 4 points are worth it, that's not a good thing.
[quote name='Malik112099']You sure? That shit moves noticeably faster for me the same amount of time I was putting 5-7 probes down I am now depleting planets

this is how fast it moves for me after upgrading:


I'm not even remotely close to that speed. That speed there is probably about a 500% improvement minimum over the speed I'm going now. I also know for a fact that I have the upgrade as it's listed under my already upgraded window and I just recently went to talk to everybody again to make sure that I have all their recommended upgrades in my research window. All I have left for ship upgrades is the armor and medical bay as I've purchased everything else.

If you get that speed or really close to it on the 360 after upgrading, then my playthrough is bugged as is my friends.

EDIT: Here's the scanning speed I'm still going at (Except a tiny bit faster because I use both sticks and the side of the planet to move a little quicker):
[quote name='Draekon']I'm not even remotely close to that speed. That speed there is probably about a 500% improvement minimum over the speed I'm going now. I also know for a fact that I have the upgrade as it's listed under my already upgraded window and I just recently went to talk to everybody again to make sure that I have all their recommended upgrades in my research window. All I have left for ship upgrades is the armor and medical bay as I've purchased everything else.

If you get that speed or really close to it on the 360 after upgrading, then my playthrough is bugged as is my friends.

EDIT: Here's the scanning speed I'm still going at (Except a tiny bit faster because I use both sticks and the side of the planet to move a little quicker):[/QUOTE]

The link the other guy posted was from the PC version it looks like. I think it moved a lot faster on that system compared to the 360.
My speed is the same as your Draekon, after seeing the PC version obviously it wasn't meant to be so slow so i'm wondering if a patch will be issued in the future. Fat lot of good that does me now mind you but it will speed up future play throughs.
[quote name='NamPaehc']The link the other guy posted was from the PC version it looks like. I think it moved a lot faster on that system compared to the 360.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it was the PC version as it displayed the mouse icon below the planet. The PC version is what I got an early look at courtesy of a friend of mine (as I posted pre-release in this thread), so I know the 360 isn't quite as fast as the PC. On top of that, the youtube link isn't as fast as my friends was going at the time that I saw it so I can only conclude that the upgrade does in fact greatly increase your speed. Since some people are reporting it working on the 360, I can only say that my version (CE Disk) or playthrough is bugged (as is another one of my friends who also has the 360 version).

[quote name='Malik112099']Ok...I just took this video and this is me scanning the planet after the upgrade on the Xbox 360:

this is seriously at LEAST 3 times faster than before the upgrade


To me, that's the same speed I had before and after the upgrade. When you hold down the scan button, the speed hasen't really changed nor when you don't hold it down. I guess when I get my second playthrough I'll do a closer comparison. I could probably also get my friend to produce before and after shots of the PC version to see if there's really suppose to be a big difference between the two.
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[quote name='Draekon']To me, that's the same speed I had before and after the upgrade. When you hold down the scan button, the speed hasen't really changed nor when you don't hold it down. I guess when I get my second playthrough I'll do a closer comparison. I could probably also get my friend to produce before and after shots of the PC version to see if there's really suppose to be a big difference between the two.[/QUOTE]

While scanning it goes at least twice as fast. I think the main purpose was to increase the speed while not scanning which is more than noticeable. I just constantly tap the left trigger while scanning until I see a spike on the graph. If you are constantly holding down the left trigger to scan the planet I dont know what to tell you other than that's a fool's game. If you notice in the video I do the tap method with the left trigger and it makes scanning a pretty quick task.
bread's done