Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

[quote name='Malik112099']"If you're reading this get the hell outta this place now!"

^^thought that was funny[/QUOTE]

"Oh, and tell your assassin to aim for her head. You know... because she doesn't have a heart."

Funniest thing I've heard outside of the wise ass in the ship's mess criticizing the cook after you've finished his side quest. Well... that, the Quarian lamenting over her love life on Illium and Joker's constant one-liners after every mission or complaints about EDY.

"So Commander we've got Garrus back! Oh I missed him... what with that big pole constantly stuck up his ass."

WHAT THE fuck!?!!?

I am at the encounter between
Morinth and Samara
and once they start
LOL. Same thing happened to me during this second play-through. Your best bet if you hadn't saved beforehand is to just restart the mission. It's pretty damn short and sweet anyway.
[quote name='Malik112099']The 41 second mark is fucking hilarious[/QUOTE]

When you come across the reporter in the sequel it's pretty good as well. It's great all the little ways they found to make the decisions from the first game feel like they had an effect a few years later.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']LOL. Same thing happened to me during this second play-through. Your best bet if you hadn't saved beforehand is to just restart the mission. It's pretty damn short and sweet anyway.[/QUOTE]

Yeah..i exited out to the dashboard and restarted the mission and the sound was fine
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Funniest thing I've heard outside of the wise ass in the ship's mess criticizing the cook after you've finished his side quest.[/QUOTE]
"It's like you used more food and less ass."

I love that line XD
My juvenile since of humor got a chuckle out of Edi's snide comment of "Probing Uranus" when scanning the planet in the local system. :D
I'm glad Bioware didn't take themselves too seriously and injected so much humour in this game. It really added a much needed element to the very somber tone of the main story.

It's great to see a lot more games actually make people laugh, humour has definitely been something that the gaming industry needed to work on.
Yeah, the game is hilarious at times.

Garrus: "You know me, I like to let off a little steam before I pop the heat sink."
Shepard: *just smiles*
Garrus: "Ok, that metaphor just went to a bad place..."
His story about resolving his differences with the female Turian was more so classic.

"Again, I had reach but she had flexibility."

Garrus has so much natural swag now it is borderline ridiculous. I adore the devs for kicking his personality up a notch in the sequel and I hope his brand of nonchalant wit and humor continues onto the last game.
My CE finally arrived from Amazon yesterday! With all the problems I've been hearing about the DLC and Cerberus Network I was expecting to run into a few of them. Loaded the game up, didn't even have to login to my EA account ... I guess maybe it did it automatically some how (I had been using it for Dragon Age), and all my armour and everything were there ready for me to download. No issues importing my level 58 Shepard either.

I'm about 4 hours in so far, and just loving it. Absolutely awesome!!
Mordin: "Can't talk. Trying to find out how an outbreak of scale itch got on the ship. Sexually transmitted disease found in varren. Implications are disturbing..."
You haven't heard pure comedy yet from Mordin until you've romanced Jack and continued on with the story after beating it.
He actually recommended techniques, various oils, etc. and tried to school me on how to prevent her biotic powers from accidentally killing my Shepard in bed!

...Absolutely unforgettable.
[quote name='Malik112099']can you bang more than one of the chicks in one play through?[/QUOTE]

I was pursuing this and...

Tali told me to break it off with Miranda.

And Mordin was easily my favorite character in this one. Very funny and very interesting. Reminded me a lot of Rorschach with the sentence fragments.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Unfortunately even while behind the helm of fictional characters in a damn video game my conscious instinctively guides me to morally sound decisions which results in a Paragon dominate experience. Full Renegade is akin to having teeth pulled without the benefit of anesthetic so I hope to actually follow through this time.[/QUOTE]

I'm the same way. I played my Infiltrator Shepard as paragon through both 1 and 2, but even if I was a renegade, I could never be a dick to Tali.
My biggest issue with going the full renegade route is that some of the choices are so over-the-top, it takes me out of the story. Like punching the reporter in ME1. Funny as hell, but it just seemed very stupid and random. I generally go with mostly paragon choices. The renegade choices I did make in this game did seem far more realistic, though. They mostly pertained to shooting people instead of talking, which definitely made sense.
[quote name='Malik112099']can you bang more than one of the chicks in one play through?[/QUOTE]

Nope. Just like in real life no matter how experienced of a player you think you are most women can always sense when you're involved with another one. The females in this game are no less aware of the obvious. :lol:
finished it this morning, going to have to do the suicide mission over as
no way in hell am I going to let Garrus kick the bucket, especially in such an underwhelming way (the bugs killed him)
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']You haven't heard pure comedy yet from Mordin until you've romanced Jack and continued on with the story after beating it.
He actually recommended techniques, various oils, etc. and tried to school me on how to prevent her biotic powers from accidentally killing my Shepard in bed!

...Absolutely unforgettable.[/QUOTE]
He does it for Tali too.
Legion performing The Robot is by far the funniest part of the game for me - edging above the advertisement for "Blasto: the first Hanar Spectre" and the various wisecracks made by/associated with Renegade Shepard.
[quote name='Malik112099']Can you bang Samara? I want to see her topless-ish. Her tits are nice but that are halfway between her neck and her crotch. Looks weird.[/QUOTE]

Nope. Strong possibility in the future though as she mentions in a conversation branch that any interest in her from a romantic stand point was welcomed. I too would take advantage as she is my definite favorite of the new squad.

No one outclasses Tali though for the record, of course. ;)

Rei: Does the conversation differ or is it much the same?
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Does the conversation differ or is it much the same?[/QUOTE]
All of the Mordin conversations regarding "stress relief" differ a tiny bit depending on your romance option. However, the funniest of these is if you make it to that conversation without having a clear romance subplot in place. If this happens, Mordin
subtly accuses you of being homosexual and talks about how you should put your interest into something/someone else. He even mentions that he's used to receiving a lot of interest. :lol:
It happened to me in my most recent playthrough and totally caught me off-guard.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Rei: Does the conversation differ or is it much the same?[/QUOTE]
Do you ever get to use all the shit you mine off the planets!? i upgrade every chance possible and right now i am sitting at:

Element Zero: 44687
Iridium: 369084
Platinum: 279162
Palladium: 354744

On my second playthrough do I get to keep whatever I dont use on the first playthrough?
[quote name='Malik112099']Do you ever get to use all the shit you mine off the planets!? i upgrade every chance possible and right now i am sitting at:

Element Zero: 44687
Iridium: 369084
Platinum: 279162
Palladium: 354744

On my second playthrough do I get to keep whatever I dont use on the first playthrough?[/QUOTE]
I start out with 60k of each resource (after importing ME1 character) and I go through all but Element Zero in no time. I am constantly in a desperate need of Iridium and Palladium.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I start out with 60k of each resource (after importing ME1 character) and I go through all but Element Zero in no time. I am constantly in a desperate need of Iridium and Palladium.[/QUOTE]

I am close to 30 hours in. I have maxed out a few weapons. I seriously dont see myself using this much stuff. I hope i do though.

EDIT: Holy shit the inside of the
is badass. Looks like something by H.R. Giger.
Does anybody know if I can have a relationship with Miranda, or anyone even, after having had uncommitted sex with Jack at the beginning of the game? I didn't romance Jack, we just fudged, so I'm hoping Miranda or Tali will give me a chance. Miranda is still flirting with me now, after her loyalty mission.
Just go for it and see what happens. I've noticed even when flirting with all of the male Shep's options at once Miranda is the ONLY one who doesn't seem to care, question or even notice it.

[quote name='guyver2077']whoa.. how do you hit jack?[/QUOTE]

Just like any other woman? Shower her with flattery, wit, looks, overall interest and sometimes money. Intelligence also works but it is generally overrated. ;P

Seriously though just continue chatting with her and finish her loyalty mission. You should open up new conversation as you finish missions so after a while she'll flat out ask what your deal is. When that time comes just choose the northeastern choice to get things going asap.

Or if you're just looking to hit not romance then follow the same plan but when she asks if you want a piece early on oblige her. The scene is definitely worth watching... but she won't want much to do with you after that.
ahh ok. guess i havent made it that far. im 10 hours in and right now im recruiting Dane (sp?) and i believe Mirandas loyalty mission is on this same planet
So yeah, I did Jack, but it was just about the sex. After that, I don't care much if she won't romance with me anymore, but I was wondering if that hit and quit will keep me from romancing Miranda or Tali...
Seriously. I never thought I would be involved in a convo concerning how to bang the most chicks possible in one playthrough on a video game on a forum. The days of finding Princess Peach and getting nothing more than a hug or kiss on the cheek are LOOOONG gone!
Speaking of romance I'm curious as to why the devs went to such great lengths to make it appear as though Liara...
no longer had any feelings toward your Shepard unless you chose a certain branch in the conversation. Almost as if they were giving you their blessing to cheat on her, haha. Considering her involvement surrounding your return I'm extremely interested as to how they plan to resolve her vendetta against the Shadow Broker and how your Shepard's choices will tie into it.

Until the next game I suppose I'll have to keep myself preoccupied with this, the new book coming out and searching for new issues of the comic online.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Speaking of romance I'm curious as to why the devs went to such great lengths to make it appear as though Liara...
no longer had any feelings toward your Shepard unless you chose a certain branch in the conversation. Almost as if they were giving you their blessing to cheat on her, haha. Considering her involvement surrounding your return I'm extremely interested as to how they plan to resolve her vendetta against the Shadow Broker and how your Shepard's choices will tie into it.

Until the next game I suppose I'll have to keep myself preoccupied with this, the new book coming out and searching for new issues of the comic online.[/QUOTE]

Through hints from the comic and Liara's conversation
I have a feeling that Liara hasnt been to chaste with herself either, seeing as Shepard is actually and truly dead, I believe something developed between her and the Drell guy she was with trying to track down Shepard's body. I mean, I dont blame her...Shepard is dead, she's gotta move on sometime.

We wont really know more until the next 3 issues of the comic come out.

and wow, this all really sounds like some sort of intergalactic Space soap opera.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Speaking of romance I'm curious as to why the devs went to such great lengths to make it appear as though Liara...
no longer had any feelings toward your Shepard unless you chose a certain branch in the conversation. Almost as if they were giving you their blessing to cheat on her, haha. Considering her involvement surrounding your return I'm extremely interested as to how they plan to resolve her vendetta against the Shadow Broker and how your Shepard's choices will tie into it.

Until the next game I suppose I'll have to keep myself preoccupied with this, the new book coming out and searching for new issues of the comic online.[/QUOTE]

From what I read on the Mass Effect Wiki about the romances relating to your spoilered comments....

If you don't do a romance in this game, you'll get a scene of Shepard looking longingly at the picture of your romance choice from your ME1 imported character (Liara in your case).

So it does seem that choosing a romance this time may have a negative impact on that ME1 romance choice in ME3.

I'm still trying to decide whether to choose Miranda or Tali or neither and stick with Liara personally. I'm leaning toward Miranda though.
I read that if you stay loyal to Ashley, as in not porking anybody in ME2, she will come back to you in ME3. That's if you're with Ashley in ME1, of course. Not sure about Liara. I didn't bother with her in ME1, I didn't wanna piss off Ash.
I doubt anyone would blame her given the circumstances. The level of venom in her voice combined with her wicked work ethic certainly suggests a little somethin'-somethin' developed along their journey and that those feelings may have been entangled in her history with your Shepard. Still pretty shady though if even after you've remained faithful and assisted her in revenge your canon Shep discovers she's completely fallen out of love with him. Pretty fucked up getting used and dismissed like that in the end.

Personally I just don't want her to double cross me or sacrifice the crew for that cornball on Omega. She seemed high strung and obsessed enough when you met her. I can only imagine how she'll react when she finally catches up with the Broker, but I'm sure they'll be a convenient little Paragon interrupt to defuse the situation.

Nice to know I can have Ash back on the team in the next game. I certainly missed her Bruce Campbell esque fem-swagger, inappropriate poetry recitals and natural tomboy-ish charm.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Yeah...
I doubt anyone would blame her given the circumstances. The level of venom in her voice combined with her wicked work ethic certainly suggests a little somethin'-somethin' developed along their journey and that those feelings may have been entangled in her history with your Shepard. Still pretty shady though if even after you've remained faithful and assisted her in revenge your canon Shep discovers she's completely fallen out of love with him. Pretty fucked up getting used and dismissed like that in the end.

Personally I just don't want her to double cross me or sacrifice the crew for that cornball on Omega. She seemed high strung and obsessed enough when you met her. I can only imagine how she'll react when she finally catches up with the Broker, but I'm sure they'll be a convenient little Paragon interrupt to defuse the situation.

Nice to know I can have Ash back on the team in the next game. I certainly missed her Bruce Campbell esque fem-swagger, inappropriate poetry recitals and natural tomboy-ish charm.[/QUOTE]

about ash...
after she pretty much broke my heart on Horizon, she sent me an email on my personal computer thing. if you read it, it's clear she still cares, and says she doesn't want to lose you again.
I did twice but I forgot to save a profile exclusively to import into ME2. I'll have to get around it when I have the time in the future. I'm nowhere near done exploring what this game has to offer just yet. After I'm done with the four profiles I've imported from ME1 and re-tweak my Infiltrator for Ash I plan on creating three more brand new profiles exclusively for ME2 including one in my likeness (or at least as close to it as humanly possible, heh). Probably pair it up with a Sentinel, Infiltrator or Engineer class. As much as I love my shotgun and biotic rape I've found I have a much richer experience when the difficulty is cranked up to the max. Plus I'm more of a tactician than a front line soldier anyway. ;P

[quote name='SpockBlocker']about ash...
after she pretty much broke my heart on Horizon, she sent me an email on my personal computer thing. if you read it, it's clear she still cares, and says she doesn't want to lose you again.

Always knew she was a softy at heart. Even working for Cerberus couldn't keep her away forever. Besides everyone on the Normandy was working for Shepard not the other way around damnit. I don't recall any mutiny attempts after I saved the crew and their collective asses so there you have it.
Yeah with my second playthrough thanks to one of my achievements I could pick a special ability for my Vanguard aside from Charge. I also got tons of money for importing in another rich ME1 character as well as a surplus of resources since I had a bunch from last time. It's cool that you don't have to scan a lot now considering you already did most of that in the first playthrough. I was shocked when I heard people lost men during the end sequence of the game. Everyone survived for me, well
not Kelly but I don't know if she survives normally or not. The Dr. just said I took too long and I did take my time so I plan to rush through to that mission on my second playthrough to see if it matters (have all upgrades though)
Another thing I've been wondering in regards to the sole remaining slot on the squad selection screen...
is that slot reserved for Morinth or another DLC exclusive party member?
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Another thing I've been wondering in regards to the sole remaining slot on the squad selection screen...
is that slot reserved for Morinth or another DLC exclusive party member?
There's a remaining slot? Mine are always filled up... Did it just open up recently? And Morinth takes Samara's spot if you take her.
Mine has been open ever since I started playing the game. I noticed the remaining slots right away. More so after recruiting the bounty hunter as he filled in the open slot next to Legion so naturally I'm wondering (if intentional) who's going to fill the last one next to Jack.

Pretty odd yours is completely full and not mine. :whistle2:k
bread's done