Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

Just beat the game. I ended up having one person die and that was it. I guess to get the no one left behind achievement you need all of them loyal? I'm going to give it a try later but I'm not sure how I'm going to get enough pargon or renagade points to get all the dialog to keep all loyal.
I am glad you can change Shepard's appearance. From what I remember, my ME1 custom male Shepard was pretty ugly. The wait to play this is going to be hard. I wonder how fast walmart's service place is?

I've been wondering about something. Can you import a ME1 save game more than once? I'm thinking of keeping a loyal save and have one where I cheat. I'm trying to plan my playthrough.
[quote name='erehwon']I've been wondering about something. Can you import a ME1 save game more than once? I'm thinking of keeping a loyal save and have one where I cheat. I'm trying to plan my playthrough.[/QUOTE]

Yes, whenever you start a new game with an imported ME1 Shepard, you can change your previous facial appearance and class. The decisions you made in ME1 will still carry over, though.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']My Shepard that I imported from ME1. She's such a bad ass bitch!

So by bad ass bitch you mean stupid looking?

[quote name='MSUHitman']That's a bullshit answer and I hope she reads this. I may even PM it to her. If the technically inferior Dragon Age can have toggleable helmets on its armor sets there's no reason ME couldn't either. I wish I had sold the codes I got now instead of redeeming them.

This one issue may be enough for it not to win RPG/360/Game of 2010 on my podcast next year.[/QUOTE]

I think it's an acceptable answer. However, now that the fans have spoken we better not get any more helmet permanent armor.
I just finished
Mordin's loyalty mission, which was my last one.
I'm level 21 and because of the mission maxed out my Paragon. Am I good for the ending?
Story wise, the last mission I completed was going on the Collector Ship, but I'm going to do some more side missions before continuing.
I've read bits and pieces about what I need to have to make sure everyone survives.
Apparently the end game is on a timer so if you took your time getting there (which I did on my first playthrough), time = amount of missions you did after you acquired
the Reaper IFF
, then the
Normandy crew,
die. I can still see
Kelly's horrified face as she gets liquefied in the Collector's stasis tube
, shiver.
Apparently the best way to do the end is to use
Tech specialists like Tali or Legion, people with leadership skills like Miranda or Jacob, biotic badasses like Samara/Mornith (don't know if I got the sp right) or Jack. Anyone loyal can escort your crew. When in doubt use Legion, Miranda and Samara and Garrus, my strategy anyway.
Oh and by god I hate the Paetorian unit, esp on Veteran difficulty.:bomb:

My Imported Paragon:
My Imported Renegade:
Beat the game tonight, just a phenomenal game all around.

End game/achievement discussion:

Saved the crew and got the no one left behind achievement on the first try with the following setup:

-Had done all the loyalty missions and kept all the characters loyal, and did all the ship upgrades.

At the first part of the final mission:

-Sent Legion in the shaft at the start
-Put Garrus to lead the second unit.

At the 2nd part of the final mission:

-Picked Samara as the Biotic to maintain the field
-Picked Garrus to lead the diversion team
-Choose to escort the crew back, and picked Moridin to escort the crew to the Normandy

At the third part of the final mission:

-Choose to hold the door to fight off the collectors
-Took Samara and Tali with me


-Told the Illusive man to stick it and blew up the base.

In regard to the romance options:

My male Shepard was a real slut.

-Had Kelly up to his quarters for dinner.
-Had the casual sex scene with Jack
-Stuck with Miranda and had her sex scene before the final mission.
-After the mission and end credits talked to Tali and said I'd be exlusive to her, then talked to Miranda and broke it off, then talked to Tali and had her sex scene.

All in all, one of the best games I've played. Somehow I only got to level 28, despite importing a level 50 character from ME1, doing all the loyalty missions, all the N7 planet Anomaly missions etc. So I started a new game with that character to get the level 30 achievement. Got 875/1000 on the first playthrough. Will just get to level 30 and scrap that playthrough and then maybe make a new character to do a renegade playthrough--didn't do a renegade playthrough of ME1 unfortunately.
yea, i dont want to play ME1 for evertime i want to advance into me2, ive already played me1 like 4 times (SAME guy) so i will just have to make a guy from scratch every time using this one guy! if it comes to it I'll play ME1 casual and rail through it.
I can always be loyal to liara, just play thorough ME2(on casual :p) once without doing anything to whats that word, and boom play through me3 free achievement
these achievements were to easy. there needs to be achievements like play THIS class (all the way through). mate with all characters. upgrade ALL weapons.
Cerberus isn't a person right?
im not buying fish and im going to be careful with my gas/probes in the next one (playing on insanity)
does i get better armor/weapons in second playthrough not just money?
shadow broker
miranda's dad?
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Why would it matter if the achievements are too easy? Make up your own benchmarks, then. There was no "achievement" for knife-only runs in Resident Evil games. People just made it up for the challenge. Create your own challenges.
Started a new game with importing the same character. Got to level 30 in no time and got that achievement.

Tried playing on insanity, and got owned even early on, so gave up on that. Don't have the patience for that achievement.

Will eventually make a new character and play through as renegade with a female Shepard.
[quote name='timesplitt']-
yea, i dont want to play ME1 for evertime i want to advance into me2, ive already played me1 like 4 times (SAME guy) so i will just have to make a guy from scratch every time using this one guy! if it comes to it I'll play ME1 casual and rail through it.
I can always be loyal to liara, just play thorough ME2(on casual :p) once without doing anything to whats that word, and boom play through me3 free achievement
these achievements were to easy. there needs to be achievements like play THIS class (all the way through). mate with all characters. upgrade ALL weapons. The achievements were kind of like that for ME1 and it annoyed a lot of players so Bioware decided to change it for the sequel. I expect them to follow the same formula for achievements as they did in this game, and even if they did make those achievements you mentioned they still aren't hard to obtain and can be done in one playthrough with the exception of the romancing and classes.
Cerberus isn't a person right? No, Cerberus is a diverse business that only cares for humanity and the furthering of humanity up the universal food-chain.
im not buying fish and im going to be careful with my gas/probes in the next one (playing on insanity)
does i get better armor/weapons in second playthrough not just money? No. Not that I know of at least, I was told all of the armor/weapons can be had on any playthrough.
shadow broker
miranda's dad?
Nobody knows.

Okay, I'm not sure if all of these are questions are not, but I'll answer the ones that I think are questions.
^^ Actually there's a weapon (assault rifle) that can only be found on Hardcore/Insanity difficulty. Also there are weapons available to Shepard if you play a soldier class and even then you only get to pick one of three without the ability to pick a new one on subsequent playthroughs.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Apparently the end game is on a timer so if you took your time getting there (which I did on my first playthrough), time = amount of missions you did after you acquired
the Reaper IFF
, then the
Normandy crew,
die. I can still see
Kelly's horrified face as she gets liquefied in the Collector's stasis tube
, shiver.
Apparently the best way to do the end is to use
Tech specialists like Tali or Legion, people with leadership skills like Miranda or Jacob, biotic badasses like Samara/Mornith (don't know if I got the sp right) or Jack. Anyone loyal can escort your crew. When in doubt use Legion, Miranda and Samara and Garrus, my strategy anyway.
Oh and by god I hate the Paetorian unit, esp on Veteran difficulty.:bomb:

My Imported Paragon:
My Imported Renegade:

I dont think that with the crew has to do with the achievement for no one left behind. Also I thought that was part of the story and that happend no matter how long you took. I will find out in my next play through.
[quote name='sendme']I dont think that with the crew has to do with the achievement for no one left behind. Also I thought that was part of the story and that happend no matter how long you took. I will find out in my next play through.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it does have anything to do with that achievement but....
you can save the crew if you've done everything you wanted to before the IFF mission and jump straight into the Omega 4 Relay and start the last mission. You'll save them and have to pick a squad member to escort them back to the Normandy while the rest of you go on.

You can delay a bit after the IFF--I went to the Krogan world and bought an upgrade that I didn't have enough cash for and still saved the crew.
[quote name='lolwut?']
Also, in regards to romancing, I've read
that it's possible to get with all three girls, but I don't think I've seen any sure way to do so. Does anyone know? I've read that it has to do with the order you choose to do so, and in my case, I've gotten all the way with Miranda, I'm just waiting for a "quiet moment." I romanced Jack second, and right now the dialogue tells me I have to break it off; Tali came third, and the same thing. If I had to choose, I'd like to end it with Tali or Jack; the "sex scenes" don't matter, I know they all kind of blow.

Yep, you can get the sex scene with all three girls without any jumping to the dashboard, loading old saves to go back before the scene and go to the other girl etc.

I had the casual sex scene with Jack. Then I had the one with Miranda right before the end. Then after the credits you're back in the Normandy. I talked to Tali and still had the option to say I only wanted her, then went and broke it off with Miranda and went back to Tali and got her scene. Talking to Tali afterwards seems like you may be able to break it off with her and switch again, but I didn't try that option.
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To continue the posting of custom Shepards, I did dabble in making a custom male. I couldn't think of a better option to model my Renegade Shepard after than:
Arnold Schwarzenegger (T-800)
[quote name='dmaul1114']I don't think it does have anything to do with that achievement but....
you can save the crew if you've done everything you wanted to before the IFF mission and jump straight into the Omega 4 Relay and start the last mission. You'll save them and have to pick a squad member to escort them back to the Normandy while the rest of you go on.

You can delay a bit after the IFF--I went to the Krogan world and bought an upgrade that I didn't have enough cash for and still saved the crew.

I did't know that I was able to
save the doc and that was the only crew member I was able to save. I'm guessing you save her no matter what.
I ended up going to other plannets instead of going through the omega 4. My next game I will do all that first.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']To continue the posting of custom Shepards, I did dabble in making a custom male. I couldn't think of a better option to model my Renegade Shepard after than:
Arnold Schwarzenegger (T-800)

can you post the code to make that? I liked the look.
When is the point of no return?
Is it right after you complete the mission "Reaper IFF" or do you have time after that one to do all the side stuff without affecting who survives, etc?
[quote name='Blackout']When is the point of no return?
Is it right after you complete the mission "Reaper IFF" or do you have time after that one to do all the side stuff without affecting who survives, etc?

After you complete the mission to acquire the Reaper IFF, you can do one mission: Legion's loyalty mission. After that, you're pushed into a story sequence. After this, you must proceed with the main quest in order to save the crew. You can still do side missions, but that will get some of the crew killed. You can continue playing after the game is over, so if you have any side missions you want to do, save them until then.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']
After you complete the mission to acquire the Reaper IFF, you can do one mission: Legion's loyalty mission. After that, you've hit the point at which you must proceed in order to save the crew.

Thanks. I take it that I should get all the scanning and upgrades out of the way before taking on that mission.
[quote name='Blackout']
Thanks. I take it that I should get all the scanning and upgrades out of the way before taking on that mission.

You could still do scanning and upgrades after you beat the game, but if you want the upgrades for the last couple of battles then yeah, do them before you start that mission.

It's great that they put you back in the game after beating it so you can finish up side quests, do future DLC etc. on that complete game save. Unlike the first game where you had to load an old save or start a new game to play DLC etc.
Yeah, it's definitely a plus that they let you right back into the game. I hope that means we will be getting an expansion that could potentially expand the story.
[quote name='Blackout']
Thanks. I take it that I should get all the scanning and upgrades out of the way before taking on that mission.

Make sure your ship is fully upgraded before hitting the Omega 4 relay. Just to be safe, I'd suggest having every character's unique upgrade researched.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Yeah, it's definitely a plus that they let you right back into the game. I hope that means we will be getting an expansion that could potentially expand the story.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's what I'm hoping as well. I'd love to see this get full on expansions like Oblivion and Fallout 3 etc., and not some tacked on missions like ME1 got.

Would make the wait for ME3 much more tolerable!
[quote name='dmaul1114']
Yep, you can get the sex scene with all three girls without any jumping to the dashboard, loading old saves to go back before the scene and go to the other girl etc.

I had the casual sex scene with Jack. Then I had the one with Miranda right before the end. Then after the credits you're back in the Normandy. I talked to Tali and still had the option to say I only wanted her, then went and broke it off with Miranda and went back to Tali and got her scene. Talking to Tali afterwards seems like you may be able to break it off with her and switch again, but I didn't try that option.

Thanks for the response. I just decided it wasn't worth it being that there was not achievement or anything for getting with all three, and I went with Tali.

I'm surprised to see so many custom Shepards. Any attempts to make a version of my own came out looking like ass (in both 1 and 2), so I just went with the default.

A couple questions to all:

When doing a second playthrough, what exactly carries over?

What's the best way to approach the end of the game? Here's where I'm at:
I've beaten the Reaper IFF mission, and the whole Joker limping around the ship sequence, and the last thing I've done was wake up Legion and talk to him about the whole Geth virus thing.

If I've read what others have said correctly, I have to immediately do Legion's loyalty mission, and go straight to the story mode stuff or else my crew will start being killed off, correct?

Also, I've pretty much focused on upgrading Shepard's stuff, the Sniper Rifle, and the Assault Rifle (I'm a Soldier). The only ship upgrades I have left are the probe and fuel increases; I've upgraded the shields, armor, guns, and scanning. Am I all set as far as the ship goes? I should probably research Jack and Mordin's Special abilities, and do the final Krogan Vitality upgrade, right?

Final thing: I don't exactly know how the near-end missions are going to pan out, I just know that I've going to have to pick certain people to do certain things. Having said that, it's a given to chose Miranda/Garrus for leading and either Tali or Legion for the vents, amirite?

Whew, I think that's all I need answered. Thanks to anyone who actually reads through all this!
For the final sequence, I went with Tali in the vents, Garrus as the second squad leader both times, Jacob to lead the survivors out, and Jack to create the biotic barrier. I have read on numerous forums that, for some reason, people seem to be very unlucky with Mordin randomly dying when he is not part of your squad.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']
For the final sequence, I went with Tali in the vents, Garrus as the second squad leader both times, Jacob to lead the survivors out, and Jack to create the biotic barrier. I have read on numerous forums that, for some reason, people seem to be very unlucky with Mordin randomly dying when he is not part of your squad.

Excellent, this is definitely what I needed. Who else did you bring with you? Probably not a spoilder at this point, but to be safe:
Assuming those are the only parts where you have to designate a squad member too, I'm thinking I would bring Mordin and either Grunt or Thane. I usually always have Garrus and Grunt with me, unless I'm doing a loyalty mission
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, that's what I'm hoping as well. I'd love to see this get full on expansions like Oblivion and Fallout 3 etc., and not some tacked on missions like ME1 got.

Would make the wait for ME3 much more tolerable![/QUOTE]

As much as I'd love to see and play actual expansions on par with either of those games I'm not going to get my hopes up for it. Part of the reason I felt expansions were so successful with the latter games is because they were game play driven sandbox RPGs developed from the ground up to easily incorporate them. The whole undertaking just seems a little too ambitious even for Bioware.
[quote name='lolwut?']Excellent, this is definitely what I needed. Who else did you bring with you? Probably not a spoilder at this point, but to be safe:
Assuming those are the only parts where you have to designate a squad member too, I'm thinking I would bring Mordin and either Grunt or Thane. I usually always have Garrus and Grunt with me, unless I'm doing a loyalty mission

Check this out:

It's a discussion on the Bioware forums about what influences squadmate deaths. Should answer all of your questions.
I posted my end game strategy (which worked) earlier, but here it is again:

Saved the crew and got the no one left behind achievement on the first try with the following setup:

-Had done all the loyalty missions and kept all the characters loyal, and did all the ship upgrades.

At the first part of the final mission:

-Sent Legion in the shaft at the start
-Put Garrus to lead the second unit.

At the 2nd part of the final mission:

-Picked Samara as the Biotic to maintain the field
-Picked Garrus to lead the diversion team
-Choose to escort the crew back, and picked Moridin to escort the crew to the Normandy

At the third part of the final mission:

-Choose to hold the door to fight off the collectors
-Took Samara and Tali with me
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']As much as I'd love to see and play actual expansions on par with either of those games I'm not going to get my hopes up for it. Part of the reason I felt expansions were so successful with the latter games is because they were game play driven sandbox RPGs developed from the ground up to easily incorporate them. The whole undertaking just seems a little too ambitious even for Bioware.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I don't think we'll get anything that indepth either.

I just hope they put out something worthwhile this time. A series of a few missions that is an interesting side story not related to the main story at least.

Not just little standalone missions that have no real point at all.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, I don't think we'll get anything that indepth either.

I just hope they put out something worthwhile this time. A series of a few missions that is an interesting side story not related to the main story at least.

Not just little standalone missions that have no real point at all.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking there could be a sizable DLC that involves
the Quarian/Geth war, but that may not happen at all depending on what you did on the Migrant Fleet and on Legion's loyalty mission. Something like that is probably going to be held over for Mass Effect 3.

Bring Down the Sky in ME1 was pretty good, I thought. Disappointed the most you hear about it is on a news brief in ME2, though.
Bring Down The Sky IMO is a prime example of worthwhile DLC and a worthy departure from the main storyline of the first game. I wouldn't mind another one or any kind of side quest similar to those of the original. A large majority of them either had little entertaining quirks or enough depth to satisfy me and
the e-mails your Shepard can receive because of them
did rather well to reflect their underlying substance.
BDTS was decent. Just too short for the price. If they make some missions like that free DLC through the Cerberus Network I'd be happy.

If it's paid DLC at 800 pts or more I'd like something more substantial than one 90 minute or so sidequest.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Bring Down The Sky IMO is a prime example of worthwhile DLC and a worthy departure from the main storyline of the first game. I wouldn't mind another one or any kind of side quest similar to those of the original. A large majority of them either had little entertaining quirks or enough depth to satisfy me and
the e-mails your Shepard can receive because of them
did rather well to reflect their underlying substance.[/QUOTE]

Ah yeah, doesn't Kate send a mail if you let Balak walk to save the workers? Thought I remember reading that one. Still, would have been nice to run into Balak again somewhere and take him down.
If anyone still has extra codes laying around, throw them up on eBay. Seriously, my Inferno Armor sold for $25 and my CE Armor/Weapon sold for $45. I'm sure the Gamestop code also goes for ridiculous prices too and they probably won't last forever.
[quote name='Arikado']
Check this out:

It's a discussion on the Bioware forums about what influences squadmate deaths. Should answer all of your questions.

fuck, that's a lot to take in, haha. I guess
I don't have time to do Legion's loyalty mission right now then; I don't remember having an option to talk to him before the whole Joker sequence however, so that really blows :bomb:

Thank you for the link
[quote name='Arikado']
Ah yeah, doesn't Kate send a mail if you let Balak walk to save the workers? Thought I remember reading that one. Still, would have been nice to run into Balak again somewhere and take him down.

Yep. I was pleasantly surprised it and the news report about it as well. I'm sure resolving that loose end is one of many we'll get a chance to take care of in the final game. After all...
if we can run into a nobody like Fist of all people in Afterlife if you hadn't killed him then surely we'll get to settle the score with Balak.

I'm more excited about the prospect of joining forces with
the revived Rachni and reformed Geth forces. Not to mention whatever Krogan may ally themselves with your Shepard as well.
I'm also hoping we'll get a grand tour of the Flotilla and
finally get a chance to see what the Quarians really look like underneath those suits.

The last game is either going to be ridiculously awesome or disappointingly underwhelming. >_>
[quote name='lolwut?']Thanks for the response. I just decided it wasn't worth it being that there was not achievement or anything for getting with all three, and I went with Tali.

Some more on the romance stuff that I just read elsewhere:

Apparently you can keep switching back and forth. And if you break it off with all of them, the picture of your ME1 romance interest will be turned back up in your room on the ship.

So I guess you have flexibility of changing it so you can import different love interests into ME3 without having to load an old save and beat the game again with a different one etc.

Another nice touch IMO.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Yep. I was pleasantly surprised it and the news report about it as well. I'm sure resolving that loose end is one of many we'll get a chance to take care of in the final game. After all...
if we can run into a nobody like Fist of all people in Afterlife if you hadn't killed him then surely we'll get to settle the score with Balak.

I'm more excited about the prospect of joining forces with
the revived Rachni and reformed Geth forces. Not to mention whatever Krogan may ally themselves with your Shepard as well.
I'm also hoping we'll get a grand tour of the Flotilla and
finally get a chance to see what the Quarians really look like underneath those suits.

The last game is either going to be ridiculously awesome or disappointingly underwhelming. >_>[/QUOTE]

Heh... I didn't see Fist in Afterlife because Wrex was in my party in ME1. We know how that ended up.

I was talking to X about who will potentially be on your side in ME3. Obviously, the decision about the Rachni queen in ME1 could play a huge part in ME3. But then again, would the Krogan, or anyone for that matter, want to ally with the Rachni, regardless of the Reaper invasion? Same thing with the Quarians and the Geth, you know there will be some conflict there. Maybe how you handled the situation on the Migrant Fleet and what you did on Legion's loyalty mission will help. Plus, granted they survive and you eased the conflict between them, Tali and Legion have worked together now, which could at least help ease the tension between the two races.

I wonder if Bioware will show us a Quarian. They teased it so hard with Tali's romance scene in ME2. I'd love to see Tali's face, but they could just troll the entire community and do the same thing again in the next game.

With all of the conflicts shaping up from the first two games, ME3 is shaping up to be massive. Given how huge of a step forward ME2 was from ME1, I'm sure Bioware will pull it off.
[quote name='Arikado']
Heh... I didn't see Fist in Afterlife because Wrex was in my party in ME1. We know how that ended up.

I was talking to X about who will potentially be on your side in ME3. Obviously, the decision about the Rachni queen in ME1 could play a huge part in ME3. But then again, would the Krogan, or anyone for that matter, want to ally with the Rachni, regardless of the Reaper invasion? Same thing with the Quarians and the Geth, you know there will be some conflict there. Maybe how you handled the situation on the Migrant Fleet and what you did on Legion's loyalty mission will help. Plus, granted they survive and you eased the conflict between them, Tali and Legion have worked together now, which could at least help ease the tension between the two races.

I wonder if Bioware will show us a Quarian. They teased it so hard with Tali's romance scene in ME2. I'd love to see Tali's face, but they could just troll the entire community and do the same thing again in the next game.

With all of the conflicts shaping up from the first two games, ME3 is shaping up to be massive. Given how huge of a step forward ME2 was from ME1, I'm sure Bioware will pull it off.

I think the both of you are underestimating the power of true crises and its overwhelming tendency to precipitate change. Desperate situations often call for desperate alliances if only temporary at best though certainly tempered at worst. The fate of the entire galaxy is at stake here so only time I feel will truly factor in who, what, when, where and how said differences will be cast aside to eliminate the Reaper threat... permanently.

The very same threat our Shepards have been fortunate enough to subdue on his own but for how long will their luck last? They've already died once and if not for Liara's obsession combined with capital and tech of Cerberus their story would have certainly ended. It's time for the galaxy to wake up and start recognizing the writing on the wall if they want to survive this war.

If the final game doesn't present us with something even he/she can't conquer without a collective galaxy wide effort then I know I will be extremely disappointed. There's far too much at stake to continue relying on the talent of one man or woman to constantly take care of. It's time for the galaxy to stand up and fight for their right to survive.

My current concern are the dark intentions of the female Quarian admiral and how she plans to continue Tali's father's research to control the Geth. I'm not looking forward to her screwing up the first strong possibility of coexistence between the two groups since the Geth's creation.
i got to level 30 RIGHT when talking with illusive man the first time in the second playthrough.

i saw fist in afterlife, even though i could have swarn i whooped his tail end to death in ME1

[quote name='CaptainJoel']Okay, I'm not sure if all of these are questions are not, but I'll answer the ones that I think are questions.[/QUOTE]


just blurting out things to advance the thread, 2 were like questions
[quote name='lolwut?']
I don't have time to do Legion's loyalty mission right now then; I don't remember having an option to talk to him before the whole Joker sequence however

the game doesn't exactly tell you, hey you got a geth down stairs TALK to it. i did the same thing i walked to the galaxy thing and the thing started and i was like wait a minute, so instead of walking to that thing just go down to the medical area and talk to legion.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']
I think the both of you are underestimating the power of true crises and its overwhelming tendency to precipitate change. Desperate situations often call for desperate alliances if only temporary at best though certainly tempered at worst. The fate of the entire galaxy is at stake here so only time I feel will truly factor in who, what, when, where and how said differences will be cast aside to eliminate the Reaper threat... permanently.

The very same threat our Shepards have been fortunate enough to subdue on his own but for how long will their luck last? They've already died once and if not for Liara's obsession combined with capital and tech of Cerberus their story would have certainly ended. It's time for the galaxy to wake up and start recognizing the writing on the wall if they want to survive this war.

If the final game doesn't present us with something even he/she can't conquer without a collective galaxy wide effort then I know I will be extremely disappointed. There's far too much at stake to continue relying on the talent of one man or woman to constantly take care of. It's time for the galaxy to stand up and fight for their right to survive.

My current concern are the dark intentions of the female Quarian admiral and how she plans to continue Tali's father's research to control the Geth. I'm not looking forward to her screwing up the first strong possibility of coexistence between the two groups since the Geth's creation.
My opinion was that ME3 is going to turn out somewhat similar to Dragon Age: Origins (I know no one's going to like me comparing the two games), in that Shepard will have to forge alliances with as many races/factions of aliens that he/she can to take down the Reapers. I doubt it will come down to picking between Geth/Quarians, Krogan/Rachni, etc. like Dragon Age, but I see a resemblance in the building of a great army to stop this great force. I get the feeling that if this is the case, then we'll see our ME2 crew again in ME3 possibly helping us forge alliances:

Mordin and Captain Kirrahe (Salarian Special Forces)
Garrus (Turians)
Tali (Quarians)
Legion (Geth)
Wrex/Grunt (Krogan)
Liara and Samara (Asari, Asari Commandos and Justicars)
Ashley/Kaiden (Alliance)
ME1 Rachni Queen choice (Rachni)
ME2 endgame choice (Humans - Alliance/Cerberus)

...just to name a few.

There's no way Shepard + Normandy crew fights the Reapers solo - it has to be a galaxy-wide effort. Unless Shepard is really The One :twoguns:
bread's done