Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

I finished my very 1st playthrough Mass Effect 1 last night. I LOVED it! I'm almost torn on if I should start up ME 2 right away, because I have a renegade character that I'm working on right now. I'm afraid that if I jump into ME2 I might not go back to ME1.
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wow, i should have recorded this. this is the biggest bullony i have every seen. i witnessed two things

first i watched as a vorcha healed all of his health and armor, while incapacitated on the ground and inches from death :| (i mean instantly)

you wont believe this one...... you wont. i was using cyro on the vorcha and the last one left was shooting at ME WHILE FROZEN
[quote name='Malik112099']I youtube'd the Tali romance scene and I was like holy shit I am gonna see what she looks like! Fail.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Bioware trolled everyone pretty hard with that one. Maybe we'll see it in ME3. Part of Tali's charm is the mask though, so I wonder if they'll ever show her face off.
One thing I wish they could have fixed is how quickly you can crouch behind cover. Playing on Insanity, there have been a couple of times where I have been in a firefight and I'll need to get some cover because of how quickly your shields/armor/health depletes. Anyway, I find some decent cover and press A and nothing happens. Then I find myself furiously tapping A because I know all my hard work is about to be all for naught when I get smoked. And of course, to my dismay, I get killed because of some strange proximity rule to the cover that could have kept me going. Frustrating...
[quote name='Arikado']Yeah, Bioware trolled everyone pretty hard with that one. Maybe we'll see it in ME3. Part of Tali's charm is the mask though, so I wonder if they'll ever show her face off.[/QUOTE]
Well, they should make it much harder to get the reward to see her face. I thought when
I chose Tali over Miranda, there would be dire consequences and Miranda would not talk to me again ect. Or if I took Miranda Cerebrus would portray me. But then I hear at the end you can go back and forward between the two? That is pretty lame.

Also -
do they ever explain why the collectors randomly shoot down/stalk the normandy?? I was really expecting the reapers/collectors to reveal the reason they were after Shepard. There wasnt mean twists in this game...
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[quote name='Arikado']Yeah, Bioware trolled everyone pretty hard with that one. Maybe we'll see it in ME3. Part of Tali's charm is the mask though, so I wonder if they'll ever show her face off.[/QUOTE]

They've successfully backed themselves into a corner by putting it off for this long in my opinion. Now Quarians either have to be reasonably attractive to appease their fan base or never leave their enviro-suits. :cry:

Or... they could pull a super douche move and unveil her face when she's a crusty old woman or a few short breaths away from certain death. Who knows?
[quote name='timesplitt']wow, i should have recorded this. this is the biggest bullony i have every seen. i witnessed two things

first i watched as a vorcha healed all of his health and armor, while incapacitated on the ground and inches from death :| (i mean instantly)

you wont believe this one...... you wont. i was using cyro on the vorcha and the last one left was shooting at ME WHILE FROZEN[/QUOTE]

Thats nothing wait till you meet one of the Blue suns guards who continues to shoot rockets at you....even when he's collapsed and dead on the floor. Or Shepard and his squads amazing ability to fall UP...and get stuck in the air. Not to mention the fact the first time I did Tali's loyalty quest, for some reason the Main hall was missing all the character and I was left talking with air, and the
never loaded until I restarted a save...If I didnt have the CE Game guide I would have missed a vital part of the quest and story. :bomb::bomb:

My favorite glitch by far though was when my squad decided to turn on me and conentrated all their fire on me, and then ran up and started to butt me in the head with their guns....didnt hurt me but it was pretty funny.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Well, they should make it much harder to get the reward to see her face. I thought when
I chose Tali over Miranda, there would be dire consequences and Miranda would not talk to me again ect. Or if I took Miranda Cerebrus would portray me. But then I hear at the end you can go back and forward between the two? That is pretty lame.

Yes, you can go back and forth. And
apparently you can break it off with both and the picture of your ME1 love interest will be turned back up in your quarters again.

I think it's good personally, the romance angle is a minor part of the series and that gives the flexibility to easily change what you want to import into ME3 without having to replay to change that one thing.
Was anybody else somewhat disappointed in...

Legion's insertion into the plot? The way his character trailer made it sound, you were going to stalked by him and need to unravel the mystery as to why he was after you. Instead, they just kind of trust him at you. The character itself was quite entertaining, and he ended up being in my end game party. That makes his story even more disappointing in my opinion.

His coy response to why he had a piece of the N7 armor was classic, by the way.
Not really as I didn't know anything about any of the new characters before playing it as I avoided spoilers like the plague.

I did think they should have added him in another mission earlier rather than one that starts the end game clock running so you could spend more time with the character vs. just the loyalty mission and on to the finale if you want to
save the crew
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Was anybody else somewhat disappointed in...

Legion's insertion into the plot? The way his character trailer made it sound, you were going to stalked by him and need to unravel the mystery as to why he was after you. Instead, they just kind of trust him at you. The character itself was quite entertaining, and he ended up being in my end game party. That makes his story even more disappointing in my opinion.

His coy response to why he had a piece of the N7 armor was classic, by the way.
Legion's entrance into the game is absolutely fine with me. If you pay close attention to the conversations you have with him, he reveals that he has been stalking you (mentions going to Eden Prime, Noveria, Feros, Ilos, Therum, and uncharted worlds looking for you). Also in his conversations he reveals why he is after you - because you defeated one of the heretics' gods, an Old Machine. The lack of an answer about why he chose to bear the N7 armor shows that he's not only obsessed with you, but that he's evolving as a Geth. Although he does come into the mix at the later part of the game, I believe Mass Effect 3 will be Legion's time to shine...if you kept him alive.
I did pay close attention to his conversations. Between the trailer and what is said in the conversations, you have the groundwork for an interesting sub-plot. Instead, he's just thrown into the game right before the ending sequence.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']
I did pay close attention to his conversations. Between the trailer and what is said in the conversations, you have the groundwork for an interesting sub-plot. Instead, he's just thrown into the game right before the ending sequence.
My apologies, then - it just didn't seem like it since you didn't see the connection between what the devs said in the Enemies Trailer and the experience you have with him in-game.

With Legion you get unique conversations with NPCs, at least 4 or 5 conversations with him on your ship, an important loyalty mission, and even a good chunk of the Treason mission is different with his presence in the Migrant Fleet - what more could you ask for? His role heavily outweighs that of anyone else you recruit, and they were able to relay that importance in just a small part of the game. I feel like they should be commended for that, instead of ridiculed for the amount of time he's on your ship as compared to everyone else.

I'm fairly certain that Legion's late arrival is due to the fact that he's not as necessarily important to stopping the Collectors as he is to the overall goal of stopping the Reapers. Like I said before, Mass Effect 3 will be his time to shine - due in part to some of the decisions you make in this game and what becomes of the Quarian/Geth tension in ME3.
Yeah, but again the problem is...

You get him so late you don't get to see a lot of the NPC conversations, talk to him much etc. if you want to save the crew. Can do that stuff afterwards I suppose, but I wrapped everything up before doing the IFF mission, so it was just his loyalty mission then beat the game. Oh well, will get more time with him in DLC I suppose as I'll do all that on this play through as it's my main (well only current as I never replayed ME1) playthrough for the series.
I started playing and forgot about the whole save problem. I didn't think it would have that big of an impact on me but I have not started up my 360 up again. really deading those first 4hrs again :/
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, but again the problem is...

You get him so late you don't get to see a lot of the NPC conversations, talk to him much etc. if you want to save the crew. Can do that stuff afterwards I suppose, but I wrapped everything up before doing the IFF mission, so it was just his loyalty mission then beat the game. Oh well, will get more time with him in DLC I suppose as I'll do all that on this play through as it's my main (well only current as I never replayed ME1) playthrough for the series.
I was able to retrieve Legion, do his loyalty quest and Tali's, talk to people on the Citadel who respond to him being with you, and still have the chance to save the entire crew. If you want to "max out" your Legion time, it's all about the order you do things in - which is the beauty of multiple playthroughs :cool:
I suppose, I just have a hard time with multiple playthroughs for longer games. I don't have all that much time (or willingest to keep putting free time into games vs. other hobbies I enjoy more) to replay something when I could be playing something for the first time.

But I'll get to use him more in DLC so it's all good--assuming the DLC is more substantive this time. And I didn't think he was anything special anyway from the little I had him in my party.

Tali and Samara were my standard party at the end to go with my Solider Shephard. Pretty much the same as the first game where I had Tali and Liara most of the time.

I may try and do a renegade playthrough down the road--but probably not for a long time--maybe closer to ME3 as a refresher. I don't like playing as a bad guy, but that's the only way I'd replay it as I don't need to do a paragon playthrough again.

So it's shelved until DLC for me.
In regards to the end game
Would i have had to do the final mission immediately after the Normandy Crew gets kidnapped to have everyone survive at the end? According to that bioware ME2 thread, some will die if you don't do the mission right away. Just wondered how that has worked out for everyone. I have beaten this game and Mordin died and my Crew died because i sent them off alone. I only watched one person get liquified...just wondered if that hurts your chances for getting the achievement.
So, did anyone find
Aria's weapon cache she gave you after that Patriarch mission? I know she said she'd forward the coordinates or something, but I didn't notice anything on the Galaxy map.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']So, did anyone find
Aria's weapon cache she gave you after that Patriarch mission? I know she said she'd forward the coordinates or something, but I didn't notice anything on the Galaxy map.
[/QUOTE] really wasnt a big deal.
[quote name='Malik112099'] really wasnt a big deal.[/QUOTE]
What was there?

I mean, I thought I'd done everything in my Paragon playthrough, but I didn't get it on that playthrough either. If it's not anything that's that big of a deal then I'll just not bother with tracking it down.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']What was there?

I mean, I thought I'd done everything in my Paragon playthrough, but I didn't get it on that playthrough either. If it's not anything that's that big of a deal then I'll just not bother with tracking it down.[/QUOTE]A 3-5 minute mission where you face 3 heavy mechs. The quicker you kill them, the bigger the reward you get (I think just more money).
In a nutshell you have to defeat a team of three heavy mechs activated by your arrival before they destroy your prize which are 20 crates filled with whatever Eclipse has stored in them. The more crates you save the more money and exp you'll net as a reward.

It's more or less just another forgettable throwaway side quest. Easy money and experience depending on the difficulty but otherwise lacking in every area. After 10 or so attempts of absolute failure I decided to stay away from it on Insanity until I've properly leveled up.
[quote name='BackInBlack']In regards to the end game
Would i have had to do the final mission immediately after the Normandy Crew gets kidnapped to have everyone survive at the end? According to that bioware ME2 thread, some will die if you don't do the mission right away. Just wondered how that has worked out for everyone. I have beaten this game and Mordin died and my Crew died because i sent them off alone. I only watched one person get liquified...just wondered if that hurts your chances for getting the achievement.

I don't think saving the crew matters for the achievement. If you'd kept Mordin alive you'd have gotten it I think.

I sent him back with the crew and the crew and he lived. Sounds like you got that fast enough, the 1 person that gets liquefied is a colonist from Horizon and that happens no matter how fast you get there. If you're late you'll see the crew getting liquefied.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']
In a nutshell you have to defeat a team of three heavy mechs activated by your arrival before they destroy your prize which are 20 crates filled with whatever Eclipse has stored in them. The more crates you save the more money and exp you'll net as a reward.

It's more or less just another forgettable throwaway side quest. Easy money and experience depending on the difficulty but otherwise lacking in every area. After 10 or so attempts of absolute failure I decided to stay away from it on Insanity until I've properly leveled up.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that one stunk. I did it but didn't know it was Aria's. Just came across it when I was scanning all planets to be sure to do all the anomaly missions.

I'd wondered what happened to that stock pile too as I never noticed anything in my assignments or map after Aria mentioned it. Didn't realize that crate quest was it.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Was anybody else somewhat disappointed in...

Legion's insertion into the plot? The way his character trailer made it sound, you were going to stalked by him and need to unravel the mystery as to why he was after you. Instead, they just kind of trust him at you. The character itself was quite entertaining, and he ended up being in my end game party. That makes his story even more disappointing in my opinion.

His coy response to why he had a piece of the N7 armor was classic, by the way.

That sucks for you. I did not see anything about ME2 before I played it
so Legion was a HUGE surprise and it was awesome. He is one of my favorites
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']
In a nutshell you have to defeat a team of three heavy mechs activated by your arrival before they destroy your prize which are 20 crates filled with whatever Eclipse has stored in them. The more crates you save the more money and exp you'll net as a reward.

It's more or less just another forgettable throwaway side quest. Easy money and experience depending on the difficulty but otherwise lacking in every area. After 10 or so attempts of absolute failure I decided to stay away from it on Insanity until I've properly leveled up.[/QUOTE]

Seriously? I've done that mission on both so far then, I found it by accident. Well, that is quite saddening, I was hoping for something really awesome.
Haha. This thread is somewhat hilarious to someone who has not yet gotten the game but doesn't want to read the spoilers. Every thread is like

I was disappointed when *spoiler*.

Yeah, well the *spoiler* was not as bad as *spoiler*

But the only reason the *spoiler* was because the *spoiler* *spoiler-ed* the *spoiler*

And I thank everybody for going to the trouble to make it spoiler free.


Getting the game on Wednesday! Was waiting until I went back to finish the first one, and now I'm ready.
[quote name='DrMunkee']Haha. This thread is somewhat hilarious to someone who has not yet gotten the game but doesn't want to read the spoilers. Every thread is like

I was disappointed when *spoiler*.

Yeah, well the *spoiler* was not as bad as *spoiler*

But the only reason the *spoiler* was because the *spoiler* *spoiler-ed* the *spoiler*

And I thank everybody for going to the trouble to make it spoiler free.


Getting the game on Wednesday! Was waiting until I went back to finish the first one, and now I'm ready.[/QUOTE]
Yea, but
pizza is good
no problem for putting the spoilers up! But, it wont matter me thanking you here
but whatever!
As for my romance experience
I first hooked up with Tali but then I went all knight and shining armor on Jack but Miranda seems to be off limits. Ironic considering I wanted to hook up with Miranda from the get go (esp for my paragon character).
So can you
romance Jack, Miranda, Tali, and your assistant all in the same playthrough after you beat the game? I'm going after Miranda, but I just did a few N7 missions and romance dialogue is popping up for Jack and Tali. I picked that I had feeling for Jack to see what would happen and she told me to leave, ending the conversation. When I talked to Tali, two options came up, saying I didn't want to be exclusive or I only wanted to be with her. When I picked only her, she told me I would have to choose between her or Miranda. Should I leave those alone or will it mess up my chase after Miranda if I decide to keep choosing the romance dialogue options for those two? As for the assistant, I already had dinner with her way back, so I can bang her after I beat the game right?

Also, is there a list somewhere of what decisions will affect ME3, and in what way? I've read a bit that your romance from ME1 will get messed up if you pursue an interest in ME2.
[quote name='Blackout']So can you
romance Jack, Miranda, Tali, and your assistant all in the same playthrough after you beat the game? I'm going after Miranda, but I just did a few N7 missions and romance dialogue is popping up for Jack and Tali. I picked that I had feeling for Jack to see what would happen and she told me to leave, ending the conversation. When I talked to Tali, two options came up, saying I didn't want to be exclusive or I only wanted to be with her. When I picked only her, she told me I would have to choose between her or Miranda. Should I leave those alone or will it mess up my chase after Miranda if I decide to keep choosing the romance dialogue options for those two? As for the assistant, I already had dinner with her way back, so I can bang her after I beat the game right?

Also, is there a list somewhere of what decisions will affect ME3, and in what way? I've read a bit that your romance from ME1 will get messed up if you pursue an interest in ME2.

Well I:

-Had Kelly up for dinner pretty early on
-Did the casual sex scene with Jack
-Had the sex scene with Miranda right before the final mission
-Then after the ending I talked to Tali and choose her, then broke it off with Miranda and talking to Tali again triggered her scene

Whether you can do it all after beating the game I'm not sure, but from I think at the least you can keep switching between Tali and Miranda in my case, or ditch both and have the picture of your ME1 romance choice (if you imported a character) appear face up again in your quarters.

I haven't tried it, but read that elsewhere, and talking to Tali does give an option to stick with her or call it off so it seems that is true.
I don't know how you switched between Tali and Miranda multiple times. I tried and when I broke it off with Tali her and Miranda would just tell me they are busy... so thanks for that! >_
Here's how I sexed Jack, Miranda, and Tali, all in one playthrough.

Had sex with Jack when she was saying, "Why do you keep coming around? If it's just about sex, just say so.".

After that, you cannot romance Jack, but hey, at least you got some.

Then, romance Miranda for the rest of the game, until she says, "I'll come by next time it's quiet."

Then romance Tali until she tells you to break it off with Miranda.

Then before you go through the Omega 4 Relay, Miranda will sex you up, and it's good.

After beating the game, tell Miranda you can't be with her, then go back down to Tali and have some.

Too bad I have to play through again just so I can have a save where I stay faithful to Ash...
[quote name='SpockBlocker']
Too bad I have to play through again just so I can have a save where I stay faithful to Ash...[/QUOTE]

I don't think you have to. I think you can just break it off with Tali. Talk to her again and you have the option to break it off as it's too much trouble with her being a quarian.

Then Ashley's picture should be upright again. Now whether that has a different impact in the 3rd game vs. not sleeping with anyone there's no way to know.

But there does seem to be the option after beating the game to keep switching between Miranda and Tali (maybe Jack as well if you didn't do the casual sex encounter), or to ditch them and go back to the ME1 romance based on the picture).

But again, as I said above I haven't tried for sure on the last part, so try for yourself. Just make a save, ditch Tali and head up to the cabin and see if Ash's picture is upright again for you.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yea...
I don't know how you switched between Tali and Miranda multiple times. I tried and when I broke it off with Tali her and Miranda would just tell me they are busy... so thanks for that! >_
[quote name='BackInBlack']In regards to the end game
Would i have had to do the final mission immediately after the Normandy Crew gets kidnapped to have everyone survive at the end? According to that bioware ME2 thread, some will die if you don't do the mission right away. Just wondered how that has worked out for everyone. I have beaten this game and Mordin died and my Crew died because i sent them off alone. I only watched one person get liquified...just wondered if that hurts your chances for getting the achievement.

Same thing happened to me.
I thought I did everything right, but apparently Mordin died. Kinda feel shitty, because I liked him and I don't know why he died.
So yeah, this is pretty fucking annoying.

Just did Zaeed's loyalty mission on my insanity playthrough. Chose to save the workers and let Vido get away. My paragon is just under 80%, but I figured it wouldn't be a problem. Well, I don't get the option to charm Zaeed at the end of the mission, meaning I don't get his loyalty and there's no way to win it back from what I understand.

I don't get it. I did his loyalty mission extremely early in my original playthrough with next to no paragon. Insanity doesn't affect the charm/intimidate requirements, does it? Even if it does, it wouldn't affect it from next to nothing to needing almost full paragon or renegade.

Guess I'm reloading the mission and letting the workers burn. fuck.
i am no longer a tali fanboy and i have crossed over


i wana sex you up. :drool:
[quote name='Arikado']So yeah, this is pretty fucking annoying.

Just did Zaeed's loyalty mission on my insanity playthrough. Chose to save the workers and let Vido get away. My paragon is just under 80%, but I figured it wouldn't be a problem. Well, I don't get the option to charm Zaeed at the end of the mission, meaning I don't get his loyalty and there's no way to win it back from what I understand.

I don't get it. I did his loyalty mission extremely early in my original playthrough with next to no paragon. Insanity doesn't affect the charm/intimidate requirements, does it? Even if it does, it wouldn't affect it from next to nothing to needing almost full paragon or renegade.

Guess I'm reloading the mission and letting the workers burn. fuck.

No, you dont have to, I
Saved the workers, and got loyalty at the end. I did his loyalty mission half way through the main game, but I got the achievement for getting his loyalty after telling him to forget about the blue sun leader at the end when the debris is stuck on his leg. its like the super paragon choice (top left option on the speech choice wheel)
[quote name='yukafls']No, you dont have to, I
Saved the workers, and got loyalty at the end. I did his loyalty mission half way through the main game, but I got the achievement for getting his loyalty after telling him to forget about the blue sun leader at the end when the debris is stuck on his leg. its like the super paragon choice (top left option on the speech choice wheel)

I'm aware of that. I see the option, but it's grayed out. Like I said, I had next to no paragon whenever I jumped into his mission early on my original playthrough, but I still managed to charm him and get him loyal even after saving the workers.

I don't get what the difference is here. Maybe more paragon is required for situations as you complete missions, as in it scales up? I don't know.
[quote name='Arikado']
I'm aware of that. I see the option, but it's grayed out. Like I said, I had next to no paragon whenever I jumped into his mission early on my original playthrough, but I still managed to charm him and get him loyal even after saving the workers.

I don't get what the difference is here. Maybe more paragon is required for situations as you complete missions, as in it scales up? I don't know.

Yeah im not sure then, you must have to have a lot of paragon to use the grayed out option
The end of the game
This is how I saved every single crew member, and had my entire team survive.

Make sure every squad member is loyal before going through the Relay. When your crew is kidnapped, go right through the relay, don't waste a second doing anything else. If you wait to go through, somebody will die, and it'll probably be Kelly, if not more people as well.

When you're splitting up into two teams, make somebody reliable the leader of the 2nd squad. I chose Garrus, because he is a veteran. I chose him the second time as well.

I chose Legion to be the one going into the ducts, as the tech specialist. I didn't want to risk Tali; she is precious to me.

I had Jack make the biotic barrier, because she is the biotic goddess on the team. I don't care how awesome Miranda's ass looks.

That's pretty much it. Just have everybody loyal, don't waste time before going into the relay, and make smart choices for the roles of your squad members at the end.
It sounds like a classic case of random bullshit/glitching to me, Arik. I succeeded in his loyalty mission a short time after Omega recruitment with barely 35 - 40% Paragon and 20% Renegade on Insanity. My Adept is a new low level profile and I'm pretty sure it was either right before or immediately after your visit to the
Horizon settlement.

You should have succeeded unless you've mistakenly stumbled onto a way to screw yourself via conversation branches or side quests. >_>
[quote name='SpockBlocker']The end of the game
This is how I saved every single crew member, and had my entire team survive.

Make sure every squad member is loyal before going through the Relay. When your crew is kidnapped, go right through the relay, don't waste a second doing anything else. If you wait to go through, somebody will die, and it'll probably be Kelly, if not more people as well.

When you're splitting up into two teams, make somebody reliable the leader of the 2nd squad. I chose Garrus, because he is a veteran. I chose him the second time as well.

I chose Legion to be the one going into the ducts, as the tech specialist. I didn't want to risk Tali; she is precious to me.

I had Jack make the biotic barrier, because she is the biotic goddess on the team. I don't care how awesome Miranda's ass looks.

That's pretty much it. Just have everybody loyal, don't waste time before going into the relay, and make smart choices for the roles of your squad members at the end.

Did all that and
Mordin Solus died. I didn't assign him to do anything in the endgame and he definitely was loyal. I'm pissed.
[quote name='Arikado']So yeah, this is pretty fucking annoying.

Just did Zaeed's loyalty mission on my insanity playthrough. Chose to save the workers and let Vido get away. My paragon is just under 80%, but I figured it wouldn't be a problem. Well, I don't get the option to charm Zaeed at the end of the mission, meaning I don't get his loyalty and there's no way to win it back from what I understand.

I don't get it. I did his loyalty mission extremely early in my original playthrough with next to no paragon. Insanity doesn't affect the charm/intimidate requirements, does it? Even if it does, it wouldn't affect it from next to nothing to needing almost full paragon or renegade.

Guess I'm reloading the mission and letting the workers burn. fuck.
[/QUOTE]I know that you're usually all Paragon, but this provides a good platform for me to talk about my experience with the Paragon/Renegade options anyways:
In ME2, it's no longer about having a certain part of your Paragon/Renegade meter full in order to have access to some of the super Paragon/Renegade options. I'm fairly certain that the options only show up based on the % of Paragon/Renegade choices that you've made during the playthrough as a whole.

For instance, on a playthrough where I went back and forth on Paragon and Renegade choices, I had about half the Renegade meter full and nearly max Paragon. Because of this, I was not able to break up the Miranda/Jack fight after beating their loyalty missions. I was also not able to choose the super Paragon/Renegade option for Zaeed's mission, as well as some other spots in the game that require the super Paragon/Renegade answers.

However, when I do playthroughs where 8 or 9 times out of 10 I make a decision one way or the other, none of these problems with choosing the super Paragon/Renegade option arise. That proves to me that those super answers are all about consistency, rather than pure quantity.

In your case, though, I'm pretty sure that you are consistently Paragon. If that is the case, then I don't know what went wrong :bomb:
bread's done