Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

Kind of surprised it's coming so late, but then they do have the Dragon Age expansion to get out for 3/16. Which is fine by me since I love that game as well.
After a lot of playtime/experimenting with all the different classes and different builds, I've come to a conclusion on how I'd rank the classes in the game. I know in a thread this large that there will be like one person who agrees with this list, but that's what a discussion board is here for, right? :)

In order of effectiveness (the ease in which I completed Insanity), I'd say:

Reasoning: Engineer easily gets the top position because of two words: Combat Drone. Every enemy is susceptible to the Combat Drone, which means that they'll be showing you and your squadmates their back throughout any given fight with proper usage. The Soldier, especially when combined with Tungsten Ammo, just rips apart every enemy like you were playing on Normal. The only reason I rank this class lower is because of the lack of offensive powers that come in handy in certain parts of the game. The Vanguard is a beast if you can learn how to use it correctly. By definition it is high risk, high reward - and you'll quickly learn this if you choose to play Insanity with a Charging Vanguard. Playing through Insanity as an Adept is like a chess match - setting up future moves with Singularity and using tactics to whittle away at the number of attacking enemies. The only thing that the Sentinel suffers from is a strong weapon. It has the ability to handle any situation that the game throws at it, with the amazing set of abilities that are offered. Finally, the Infiltrator really doesn't do it for me when compared to everything else. Tactical Cloak is almost always used as a "ditch the fight and go find cover" tactic, instead of an offensive power. Without the Incisor Sniper rifle, I feel like the Infiltrator gets the short end of the stick until you're able to reach Illium (which is not exactly too early in the game) and receive the Viper rifle.

In order of fun (highly subjective):

Reasoning: I'll start from the bottom and go up. The Infiltrator and Soldier classes are too gun-based for my tastes. The Infiltrator does have Incinerate, which is a nice start, but I really don't feel like I have enough powers when I'm using either of the two classes. The Sentinel class, like I mentioned above, just doesn't have the firepower to put it over the top of the other classes. Adept may be the most tactically demanding class in the game. It's very entertaining coming up with new combos and new ways of detonating enemies, throwing them off ledges, or just rendering them useless out on the field. The Engineer has the ability to handle most, if not all, enemies with its powers and provides the best squad member that money can buy: the almighty Combat Drone. The Vanguard..well..I'll just sum up in one word: CHARGE!

As a sidenote for both lists: when I mention a certain class, I obviously understand that there are numerous ways to use each one. The ones I used and talked about are what I like to call the "pure" classes, meaning that I used the classes' passive and unique abilities to determine how to play that class - Charging Vanguards, Adrenaline Burst Soldiers, Combat Drone-wielding Engineers, etc.
Honestly I'd say you are on point for the most part in both respects. I'd only flip flop the first four on Insanity due to personal preference as I can kill faster with a Vanguard & Adept than any other class. A Soldier without APA I would definitely drop to 4th place otherwise (as much as I hate to admit) it is fine where it is. I'm 11 hours into the play-through and already capable of picking up the IFF due largely in part to Rush + APA + Vindicator/Viper & Mantis with a meager amount of upgrades. If anything Engineer probably provided me with the most strategic experience of them all outside of AC Vanguard. Pistol combat and drone spam won't get you very far until you've gotten your bearings straight on it.
Late March?? What the F salad... that is lame.

Oh well, that picture of the Hammer Head DLC made me not really want it as much. Looks like you'll be stuck in a confined space and unable to get out. Dumb.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Late March?? What the F salad... that is lame.

Oh well, that picture of the Hammer Head DLC made me not really want it as much. Looks like you'll be stuck in a confined space and unable to get out. Dumb.[/QUOTE]

That's another month of waiting. You'll survive. I don't understand how people can bitch about FREE content. Did you even see the other pictures?





There aren't even any gameplay details about the Hammerhead aside from the controls. How can you label it as "dumb" already?
Because you can observe from the screenshots what it is. It's essentially the Mako scenes on - Noveria, Virmire, Illos and Feros. I (note the "I") was wanting more of a planet exploration type of gameplay. And this is just Commander Shepard with a different skin, no abilities and no squad mates. Yay...

So it's just like the missions we already experience (the side world missions in ME2) but you start as a tank. Eh seems pointless. And I don't have to just "like" it because it's free.

And I foreshadowed this moment:
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I'm hoping the Hammer Head DLC will be good and add some much wanted exploration to the game. I have big fears that I will be riding the hover tank in areas around the same size as some of the outdoor anomaly sections or it will be like when you ride the mako on Noveria... I'd be greatly upset if that happens.[/QUOTE]

When I played the "Bring Down the Sky" DLC, I was impressed by how much they improved the open world driving sections of Mass Effect. And I was looking around wondering how amazing they will improve it for ME2. But, sadly - they lost the sense of scale in ME2 which was one of my favorite things about ME1. And I was hoping this DLC pack would bring some of that scale back and it looks (from the screens) to make it feel even smaller.
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The only surviving squad members of Bioware's Shep play-through were Zaeed, Grunt and Samara. No ship upgrades and no one was loyal, haha. I still can't believe he managed to survive but I can't wait to see how this demonic save will play out in ME3. Playing as a disgruntled jackass really left a bad taste in my mouth. Everything about this play-through felt so wrong especially handing the ship over to Cerberus. ;(

Well... I'm glad that's over. Now to start up a new Sentinel from scratch in ME1. There's a lot I've been missing from that game anyway.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']LOL.

The only surviving squad members of Bioware's Shep play-through were Zaeed, Grunt and Samara. No ship upgrades and no one was loyal, haha. I still can't believe he managed to survive but I can't wait to see how this demonic save will play out in ME3. Playing as a disgruntled jackass really left a bad taste in my mouth. Everything about this play-through felt so wrong especially handing the ship over to Cerberus. ;(

Well... I'm glad that's over. Now to start up a new Sentinel from scratch in ME1. There's a lot I've been missing from that game anyway.[/QUOTE]

Hehe yeah that is what I'm trying to do with my playthrough right now.

Glad we got word on the Hammerhead DLC it looks pretty sweet. I just hope I don't encounter a Thresher Maw, I still have nightmares of them just popping out of the ground.:cold:
Have fun!
It's almost fool proof when everyone isn't loyal because you are guaranteed to lose a party member after every scene. Just make sure you forgo all ship upgrades if you intend on killing just about everyone. What's worse is I made the crew escort themselves for extra dick points so none of them survived. Not even Dr. Chakwas which surprised the hell out of me. The ship is so empty now I'm starting to get the creeps living in it. I miss Tali and Garrus the most. ;'(

I'm also a bit confused as to why Sheploo was without a love interest in the game (no portraits and no welcome back kiss) because I could have sworn Liara filled that role. :whistle2:k

Ah well... I took offense to the kiss anyway. Who kisses someone with their eyes open? How f*cked up is that?
[quote name='halfbent']Not enough to stop me from cashing in for $52 credit. =P[/QUOTE]

Hell yeah, I'll buy this back in a month when it's down to 40 or 35 (hopefully), and knock out the new DLC. I can part with this amazing game for a month, especially considering my backlog.

Would love to see some more Acheevos for Hammerhead too.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Have fun!
It's almost fool proof when everyone isn't loyal because you are guaranteed to lose a party member after every scene. Just make sure you forgo all ship upgrades if you intend on killing just about everyone. What's worse is I made the crew escort themselves for extra dick points so none of them survived. Not even Dr. Chakwas which surprised the hell out of me. The ship is so empty now I'm starting to get the creeps living in it. I miss Tali and Garrus the most. ;'(


On my renegade playthrough, I had almost all the fish in the fish tanks and Kelly was feeding them. I let her die and when I went back to the Captain's quarters after the game, all the fish were floating upside down. I was sad.
hehe yeah
I wanted to save Kelly (lost her on my first playthrough because I wasn't fast enough) and then followed the renegade action and lost everyone of my crew. The ship does feel a lot emptier and dead, great job Bioware.:applause:
[quote name='halfbent']Not enough to stop me from cashing in for $52 credit. =P[/QUOTE]

Where are you getting $52 in credit at? That's a steal!

Also, I've read it takes about 35 hours for the first play-through for a normal person. Anyone know how fast a run through would take on the hardest level, just aiming to beat the game without redoing all the side missions?
[quote name='rywateska']Where are you getting $52 in credit at? That's a steal!

Also, I've read it takes about 35 hours for the first play-through for a normal person. Anyone know how fast a run through would take on the hardest level, just aiming to beat the game without redoing all the side missions?[/QUOTE]

10 - 15 hours for me on Insanity doing only one loyalty mission and with a class I hadn't used yet. Keep in mind I had ran through the game on that difficulty setting four times before then so experience played a factor.
35 hours is a fair estimate a first playthrough, I suppose (if it's taking into consideration time spent gathering resources, completing all the N7 missions and side missions, etc.). If you add the Insanity difficulty on top of a first playthrough, I'd say you're adding up to 2 more hours - depending on how quickly you pick up the style of the game and (maybe) how good you are at shooters.
Thanks for the information... 10-15 hours on insanity sounds almost enjoyable at this point. I'm about 22 hours in and the side missions are dragging on and on. I want to get everything out of the story for this first run-through in order to have my story fleshed out for ME3, so putting up with a few extra hours should be worth it in the long run.

Another thing, you can keep your upgrades and credits as you progress into the next save, right? Any suggestions/recommendations on how to take on insanity from the get-go?
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']35 hours is a fair estimate a first playthrough, I suppose (if it's taking into consideration time spent gathering resources, completing all the N7 missions and side missions, etc.). If you add the Insanity difficulty on top of a first playthrough, I'd say you're adding up to 2 more hours - depending on how quickly you pick up the style of the game and (maybe) how good you are at shooters.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I spent just under 43 on my first play through on normal, doing everything. I just did WAY too much scanning and had a shitton of minerals left over. Hate to think of the hours I wasted on that before realizing there were tons more minerals in the game than you ever need.
[quote name='rywateska']
Another thing, you can keep your upgrades and credits as you progress into the next save, right? Any suggestions/recommendations on how to take on insanity from the get-go?[/QUOTE]

You'll start with 50,000 of each mineral and 200,000 credits IIRC. Don't keep your upgraded weapons, I think you keep your character upgrades if you do a new game +, but not if you start a new character (just get some bonus squad points maybe?--I didn't pay that much attention).
[quote name='rywateska']Thanks for the information... 10-15 hours on insanity sounds almost enjoyable at this point. I'm about 22 hours in and the side missions are dragging on and on. I want to get everything out of the story for this first run-through in order to have my story fleshed out for ME3, so putting up with a few extra hours should be worth it in the long run.

Another thing, you can keep your upgrades and credits as you progress into the next save, right? Any suggestions/recommendations on how to take on insanity from the get-go?[/QUOTE]
You do not keep upgrades or credits as you go into a New Game +.

My strongest advice for how to take on Insanity (for your first try) is to not do it on New Game +, unless you are really seeking a challenge. New Game + basically turns the Insanity difficulty into "Insanity +" by making the enemies even tougher than they would be if you imported a ME1 character or started fresh on Insanity.

As far as gameplay tactics, though: make sure you are able to handle any enemy and any situation. Nearly every enemy has at least Armor or a Shield as protection, so having Warp and/or Overload (on more than one person in your squad) is highly recommended. What class do you plan to play as? That could help me give you better advice.
Just realized, in addition to the Hammerhead DLC, the official Mass Effect site says that a new heavy weapon will be available on Cerberus before the end of the month.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']You do not keep upgrades or credits as you go into a New Game +.

My strongest advice for how to take on Insanity (for your first try) is to not do it on New Game +, unless you are really seeking a challenge. New Game + basically turns the Insanity difficulty into "Insanity +" by making the enemies even tougher than they would be if you imported a ME1 character or started fresh on Insanity.

As far as gameplay tactics, though: make sure you are able to handle any enemy and any situation. Nearly every enemy has at least Armor or a Shield as protection, so having Warp and/or Overload (on more than one person in your squad) is highly recommended. What class do you plan to play as? That could help me give you better advice.[/QUOTE]

Ah, that stinks. I wanted to reach the level 30 achievement too. I'll be pretty darn close though by the time I finish the game. Maybe it'll only take a few levels to get through to 30, and then if I'm having trouble, restart a new save.

I'm playing as a soldier by the way.
[quote name='rywateska']Ah, that stinks. I wanted to reach the level 30 achievement too. I'll be pretty darn close though by the time I finish the game. Maybe it'll only take a few levels to get through to 30, and then if I'm having trouble, restart a new save.

I'm playing as a soldier by the way.[/QUOTE]
Regarding the Level 30 achievement: If it helps, anytime you make a new character after beating ME2 that character will receive a 25% increase in the amount of XP gained from doing each mission. If you are right on the edge of hitting 30 after having completed the main game, then you will most certainly hit 30 on any subsequent playthrough (assuming that you do as much in the following playthroughs as you did in this one, or close to it).

Regarding the Soldier for Insanity: the absolute best/most important/galaxy-saving advice I can give you is to train your Soldier to have Armor-Piercing Rounds as his/her bonus talent. As far as anything else, pick the Revenant Light Machine Gun when you come to that point in the game and upgrade the hell out of it to be able to massacre any group of enemies you come across. Also, take Miranda with you wherever you go. If you find her ugly/repulsive/bitchy/stupid or whatever then you'll have to try and suck it up :lol: but the fact that she's bringing Warp + Overload to the table as well as boosting your weapon damage even more makes her your right hand (wo)man. The third person in your squad just depends on the mission, really. The amount of damage that an Armor Piercing Ammo Soldier can do (especially when it's upgraded to Tungsten Ammo) is off the charts. You'll hit some rough spots early on (before really being able to upgrade much), but you should be alright through the last half of the game.
For infiltrators...
Step 1: Take the widow.
Step 3: Hey, when did everyone die?
Or this.

Incidentally, if you take the widow as a soldier, Xecutioner's advice re: bonus power isn't quite applicable. Your primary weapon is a one-hit kill on most targets, so armour-piercing rounds aren't quite as useful as they'd normally be (though I did still use them at one point).
[quote name='kylerg']What are some good Infiltrator builds for ME2?[/QUOTE]I prefer:

Heavy Disruptor Ammo - 4
Cryo Ammo - 0
Assassination Cloak - 4
Incineration Blast - 4

AI Hacking - 1
Assassin - 4
Tungsten Ammo - 4

Reasoning: Heavy Disruptor Ammo (+60% damage against synthetics or Shields) + Tungsten Ammo (+70% damage against Armor and Health) give you superior damage against 99% of the enemies you will encounter throughout the game. I prefer the increased weapon damage, longer Sniper Slowdown duration, and increased power damage of the Assassin passive ability. Also, I think Assassination Cloak goes hand-in-hand with the Assassin specialization. Incineration Blast is for crowd control (Husks, Varren) and the one extra point into AI Hacking is much more useful than one point into Cryo Ammo.

[quote name='The Crotch']For infiltrators...
Step 1: Take the widow.
Step 3: Hey, when did everyone die?
Or this.

Incidentally, if you take the widow as a soldier, Xecutioner's advice re: bonus power isn't quite applicable. Your primary weapon is a one-hit kill on most targets, so armour-piercing rounds aren't quite as useful as they'd normally be (though I did still use them at one point).[/QUOTE]To supplement this: AP rounds still come in handy for your backup weapons (Heavy Pistol and SMG) which you may/may not use - depending on how much ammo you have at any given time. It's nice to have a passive ability as your bonus, though, so you're not wasting precious cooldown for the Cloak or Incineration Blast.
It sucks you are not allowed to have an opinion on DLC when its "free". It was suppose to be in the main game and I paid $80 for it. Why can't I express my concerns?

Not that I'm part of the debate (or whatever's going on) regarding the DLC, but:

I think it goes back to the buildup of ME2 and how there were swarms of pure speculation on various things that may/may not be in the game. Even non-important ideas such as the inclusion of the red veins in the near-death indication were way overblown by people who only saw one screenshot of the veins, which led to a large amount of "BioWare is ruining Mass Effect" rants by hoards of people. I'd be surprised if you found one thread that complained about those red veins now in the BioWare forums, because once people actually witnessed that feature they realized how wrong they were when they were so quick to jump to conclusions.

I don't really mind/care what people want to imagine any DLC featuring or playing like - sometimes speculation is fun and provides for interesting discussion. Others may hold on to the don't knock it before you try it way of thinking, though.
tried the squad point thing and when i did it it reset my points but my "stats bar" remained empty

on other glitch or weird moment i went to hack a device on the wall and i was ABLE to access and hack it twice giving me 4k instead of just 2k (when it happened i tired a third time but it pulled me out!)
Loving all this free DLC.

Personally I think Bioware and EA nailed it in regards to how to discourage used game sales. I'm not saying "YES, WE MUST STOP USED GAME SALES!" but I think this has been the best method thus far. Continually adding free DLC for people who bought new copies is way better than other companies who have tried "one-time only" deals such as Gears 2 with the Flashback map code. The keyword there is "continually."

I understand they'll hit a point where cost > benefit but I hope its not for a few more months and not until after we got 1 or 2 more DLC packs.
Yep, if you want to lose less sales to used copies, this is probably the best way to do it. Find a way to reward people for buying the game new. And giving free access to worthwhile DLC is a great way to do so.

And I say that as a person that's gotten the majority of my games off Goozex the past couple of years.
[quote name='Anexanhume']I still find the veins annoying. If they were insistent on a mechanic to warn the player, it could have been something else.[/QUOTE]
Well, I didn't intend to say that everyone loved it - just that the importance placed on it during all the speculation didn't even come close to its importance in-game.

At least it's providing a negative reinforcement for you and hopefully making the amount of times you see the veins decrease substantially (thus making you better and better at the game).

I think after one playthrough I stopped noticing them altogether. Then again, I've pretty much mastered the ability to stay away from seeing the veins :cool: (aside from Charging Vanguard play on Insanity, which is constantly vein-filled).
[quote name='Anexanhume']I still find the veins annoying. If they were insistent on a mechanic to warn the player, it could have been something else.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I was put off by the cheesy looking veins at the beginning but I eventually ignored them. It seems like they put those in to aid people who are color blind and cannot see the tint of red on screen. But, it seems like they could have just added the option.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']
I don't really mind/care what people want to imagine any DLC featuring or playing like - sometimes speculation is fun and provides for interesting discussion. Others may hold on to the don't knock it before you try it way of thinking, though.[/QUOTE]

Yea thanks. I'm not dissing on the game at all, it is just that I really enjoyed the open world exploration in the first game and "Bringing Down the Sky" started to really get it right. I was hoping for more polished content in that sort of vein (no reference to the onscreen veins).

Also - for those that really like the news of the Hammerhead DLC: Why do you like it exactly? Are you just excited to experience driving the tank? Or is it because it is just "more missions"? Would you prefer more on foot missions opposed to this limited drive and shoot homing missiles one? I find that people did not like the Mako because it was fun driving and shooting crap, but it was fun exploring worlds and seeing the individual climates while stumbling across artifacts that would some times have stories that go along with them. I never thought people were just wanting a tank simulator.
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[quote name='bs000']
On my renegade playthrough, I had almost all the fish in the fish tanks and Kelly was feeding them. I let her die and when I went back to the Captain's quarters after the game, all the fish were floating upside down. I was sad.

how do you get fish tanks?
[quote name='guyver2077']how do you get fish tanks?[/QUOTE]

You can buy fish from the Citadel. I forget the name, but the store to your immediate right after you pass through C-Sec security.

And my own questions:

How the hell do you get into the VIP room on Omega? The dude just keeps telling me its not my type of place? Also, what should I do with the ID I found while in the Citadel? Also, the AI told me to go to the C-Sec office because "something" (I can't remember) just walked through security - this happened as I was making my way to the Normandy after Garrus' loyalty mission. Halp.
Yar. And you get fish in store on Illium, too.

You go into the VIP club during Samara's loyalty mission. Password's in the apartment.

On ME3:
Anyone get the feeling it's gonna go the Dragon Age route? There's a storm a-comin', so let's go across the galaxy and get all the allies together! Head off to Tuchanka, help Wrex and Grunt unite the krogan. Head off to the Citadel, convince the Council that shit just got real. Head off to the migrant fleet, convince them to reconcile with the geth/help them beat the geth. Rachni, Alliance, etc.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']And my own questions:

How the hell do you get into the VIP room on Omega? The dude just keeps telling me its not my type of place? Also, what should I do with the ID I found while in the Citadel? Also, the AI told me to go to the C-Sec office because "something" (I can't remember) just walked through security - this happened as I was making my way to the Normandy after Garrus' loyalty mission. Halp.

You only enter the VIP room on Omega during Samara's loyalty mission to talk to her daughter. With the ID in the Citadel, you'll want to find two Asari who are sitting on a bench together. From the door where you first enter the Citadel (near Captain Bailey), take a left, and they should be sitting on a bench in the hallway area. Not 100% sure about the last question, but if you have Thane in your party, Edi was probably reminding you that his loyalty mission is also on the Citadel and to talk with Bailey about it.
[quote name='kimbaka']
You only enter the VIP room on Omega during Samara's loyalty mission to talk to her daughter. With the ID in the Citadel, you'll want to find two Asari who are sitting on a bench together. From the door where you first enter the Citadel (near Captain Bailey), take a left, and they should be sitting on a bench in the hallway area. Not 100% sure about the last question, but if you have Thane in your party, Edi was probably reminding you that his loyalty mission is also on the Citadel and to talk with Bailey about it.

Ah. That's probably it, in regards to my final question.

[quote name='The Crotch']On ME3:
Anyone get the feeling it's gonna go the Dragon Age route? There's a storm a-comin', so let's go across the galaxy and get all the allies together! Head off to Tuchanka, help Wrex and Grunt unite the krogan. Head off to the Citadel, convince the Council that shit just got real. Head off to the migrant fleet, convince them to reconcile with the geth/help them beat the geth. Rachni, Alliance, etc.
[/QUOTE]Me :cool:
another question since you guys know this game inside out..

Im going the paragon route on my 2nd play through. How is it that i can heal the facial scars without paragon?
[quote name='guyver2077']another question since you guys know this game inside out..

Im going the paragon route on my 2nd play through. How is it that i can heal the facial scars without paragon?[/QUOTE]You receive the Med-Bay Upgrade research from Dr. Chakwas via email very early on (after your first recruitment mission, perhaps?) and can spend 50k platinum to buy it. Once it is bought, you can use it in the Med-bay on the Crew Deck of the Normandy.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']You receive the Med-Bay Upgrade research from Dr. Chakwas via email very early on (after your first recruitment mission, perhaps?) and can spend 50k platinum to buy it. Once it is bought, you can use it in the Med-bay on the Crew Deck of the Normandy.[/QUOTE]

Does that affect anything in-game at all besides your appearance by the way? I already did so I have to live with it, but I have no idea what some of the effects could be.

X, you're actually a better source than google is when it comes to ME2. Dunno if that's awesome or just sad...
It's for appearance only. If you're going for 100% paragon it's moot as your scars will heal.

If you go renegade they get worse, so it's just a matter of whether you want to fix them or not. Certainly not worth mining to do, but if you have a ton of platinum left (it's 50K for the med bay upgrade) it's worth it I guess since there's nothing else to spend it on.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Does that affect anything in-game at all besides your appearance by the way? I already did so I have to live with it, but I have no idea what some of the effects could be.[/QUOTE]Just your appearance. I made the mistake of spending all those resources to buy it on my first playthrough thinking that it may
help Garrus or Zaeed
or that it would have some impact on the endgame.

X, you're actually a better source than google is when it comes to ME2. Dunno if that's awesome or just sad...
Let's go with "awesome" for now :cool:

Honestly, though, there are people who are much more helpful than me out there compiling weapon damage statistics, locating/listing upgrade locations, making instructional Insanity video guides for the different classes and so on. The Mass Effect Wiki really is like the bible of the series - containing pretty much all the information you need to know in either game. I link to there a lot and read through there from time to time. Other than just being good at keeping all the information bookmarked/saved, you should know firsthand how much I play the game (probably everytime you sign on to XBL) :lol:. The only thing I've really contributed on my own is the build guide I posted earlier this month (link in my sig), but since there's about a million different ways to build your characters and still have fun it's pretty unimportant.
bread's done