Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

[quote name='Ryuukishi']All right... it's early in the week... where's my ME2 DLC fix?!


What he said x 2. I need to know where my gaming time is best spent considering all of the titles coming out this month. Chop chop Bioware! Monday is as early as this week is going to get damnit.
Yeah, I'm not picky at all about frame rate etc. really, but ME1 definitely had issues with slowdown, pop up etc. for sure. I played with the motion blur and grain both off--so that made it worse. but I preferred the cleaner graphics even with more framerate hiccups since it wasn't an FPS, fighting game etc. where they screwed up the gameplay.

Also looking for that DLC announcement. Finished Assassin's Creed 2 and will move on to Fallout 3 later this week when I get some free time, but would love some more ME2 DLC to play as well.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']What he said x 2. I need to know where my gaming time is best spent considering all of the titles coming out this month. Chop chop Bioware! Monday is as early as this week is going to get damnit.[/QUOTE]Make that x3 for me. I guess x4, with dmaul's comment above.

I'm taking the week off from starting something new after the 50 hours I put into ME2, and then figure out what's next.

I'd bet we'll see something tomorrow about the DLC, though I'm sure it'll be a month or more off before we get to download it. :cry:
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[quote name='shrike4242']I'd bet we'll see something tomorrow about the DLC, though I'm sure it'll be a month or more off before we get to download it. :cry:[/QUOTE]
No doubt. It would be nice if they gave us something right away as a consolation prize, like a new armor set or costume pack.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']No doubt. It would be nice if they gave us something right away as a consolation prize, like a new armor set or costume pack.[/QUOTE]I'm sure they could whip up Alternate Appearance Pack #2 without much of an issue, hopefully as free DLC.

Since we have Thane, Garrus and Jack with Pack #1, who would be next for Pack #2? I'd put in a vote for Tali, Mordin, Samara and/or Miranda.

Maybe a new paint scheme for the Hammerhead? :lol:
The DLC was just announced, and it is the Equalizer Pack and it will cost 160 MS Points.

Cerberus doesn't just need a hero - they need a one-man army. That's why the Equalizer Pack adds the Capacitor Helmet, Archon Visor, and Inferno Armor to Shepard's armor locker. The Capacitor Helmet stores power for kinetic barriers, allowing Shepard's shields to recharge faster. The Archon Visor manages omni-tools and biotic amps, reducing the recharge time of Shepard's powers. The powered Inferno Armor speeds up Shepard's movements and increases his tech and biotic power damage, additionally stress analysis software even gives him an edge in negotiations outside of combat. The Equalizer -- when the armor goes on, the gloves come off.
Equalizer Pack announced for 160 points.

Cerberus doesn't just need a hero - they need a one-man army. That's why the Equalizer Pack adds the Capacitor Helmet, Archon Visor, and Inferno Armor to Shepard's armor locker. The Capacitor Helmet stores power for kinetic barriers, allowing Shepard's shields to recharge faster. The Archon Visor manages omni-tools and biotic amps, reducing the recharge time of Shepard's powers. The powered Inferno Armor speeds up Shepard's movements and increases his tech and biotic power damage, additionally stress analysis software even gives him an edge in negotiations outside of combat. The Equalizer -- when the armor goes on, the gloves come off.


EDIT: fuck you X.
I'd like to see Miranda (blond hair! and maybe some thick body armor to assuage her critics), Legion (repaired), and Samara (Asari commando armor).

ETA: Well damn. Now I wish I hadn't have bought an Inferno Armor code off of eBay. Funny that the pack includes an armor set and two helmets-- that you won't be able to wear at the same time as the armor set.
Images of all the equipment in the Equalizer Pack:

[quote name='Arikado']EDIT: fuck you X.[/QUOTE]No one's more on top of their ME game than me, shame on you for forgetting that :cool:

[quote name='Ryuukishi']I'd like to see Miranda (blond hair!).[/QUOTE]It's a pretty popular texture mod on the PC:
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I'd like to see Miranda (blond hair! and maybe some thick body armor to assuage her critics), Legion (repaired), and Samara (Asari commando armor).

ETA: Well damn. Now I wish I hadn't have bought an Inferno Armor code off of eBay.[/QUOTE]Heh. All good options for possible costume packs.

Though, the DLC pack would have been nice a week ago when I was playing mid-game. :whistle2:s I guess it'll be for 2nd and subsequent playthroughs.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']No one's more on top of their ME game than me, shame on you for forgetting that :cool:

It's a pretty popular texture mod on the PC:

It's a Yvonne Straharski. :drool:

She does look better IMO with the dark hair as Miranda. With blond hair, I keep thinking of her on Chuck.
Thanks for the pics, I wasn't able to get them to load on the ME2 site. That helmet actually looks pretty badass. I'd probably get this if I didn't already have the Inferno Armor, but since I do, eh... I don't know.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Thanks for the pics, I wasn't able to get them to load on the ME2 site. That helmet actually looks pretty badass. I'd probably get this if I didn't already have the Inferno Armor, but since I do, eh... I don't know.[/QUOTE]You'll get it. You know you will. :D
[quote name='shrike4242']You'll get it. You know you will. :D[/QUOTE]
Yeah, who the hell am I kidding. It's only $2. :)

In the future they probably need to refrain from announcing stuff like this in advance. All of the hype and speculation about a Liara expansion pack just makes this seem even more meager in comparison.
Though this DLC was obviously not what some people expected (Liara DLC announcement, extra missions, etc.), I think it's alright. Also, I have ~200 MS points to burn, so this purchase is pretty easy for me.
...Meh. If it were Blood Dragon paired with the Incisor for the same price (or almost any price for that matter...) then regardless of the visor and helmet being thrown in I'd buy it without a second thought. Shame it isn't because we're probably just paying for Inferno alone which if I were interested in I'd have had it at launch. Your tease game is on point as always Bioware but after I finish my ME1 Sentinel play-through I'm not likely to pick ME2 back up for a few more months. May is teeming with quality releases as it is so please step your DLC game up with the quickness so I can finally get my money's worth out of this game.

Back to the Reach beta for me and if that continues to irk me then ME1 it is.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Yeah, who the hell am I kidding. It's only $2. :)

In the future they probably need to refrain from announcing stuff like this in advance. All of the hype and speculation about a Liara expansion pack just makes this seem even more meager in comparison.[/QUOTE]Very true. Any mission-based DLC would be much more work that something like two pieces of armor not previously released and one that already has, so that takes a bit more time in coming. This type of stuff, they could whip up in a week or two.
[quote name='Malcolm3000g']ahh im good with my collector's armor :)[/QUOTE]
I think the Terminus is the best set that they've released so far. Seems to me that shield bonuses are a lot more valuable than health bonuses-- if you're spending very much time with your shields down and your health exposed, you're playing it wrong. :)

Collector armor does look pretty awesome though.
I honestly don't expect the Liara DLC to be any bigger than Bring Down The Sky was in terms of scope and content so I don't see much point in delaying it for E3. Not really that huge of an announcement IMHO.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
In the future they probably need to refrain from announcing stuff like this in advance. All of the hype and speculation about a Liara expansion pack just makes this seem even more meager in comparison.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, this is not a big/important release.

I don't know if I'm going to purchase this or not. $2 is cheap, but I don't know that I'd ever use this stuff. At least it's more useful than alternate appearance packs.
Started playing today. Love the combat, graphics, and UI, but there are some things I don't like:

- Can't change guns while on mission
- Need to buy fuel
- Have to actually move ship around instead of just selecting planets
- Mining

Other that those things it's great. Those are some really bad design decisions, though.
[quote name='evanft']- Can't change guns while on mission
Actually, many missions contain gun lockers that will let you change your loadout on the fly. They generally give you one right after you acquire a new gun, in case you want to switch back to the old one I suppose.
From Bioware board:

Here are some stats:
Capacitor Helmet
Reduces the delay before shields start regenerating by 10%

Archon Visor
Reduces the recharge time of your powers by 5%

+the look badass.

For those of you who want the Incisor - trust me, we're listening. More info on that at a later date.
Also, stay tuned. We're still working on (bigger) stuff for you guys. Not just item packs.

I think I actually am going to pass on this... :p The thought of paying for the Inferno Armor again just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Already have the Inferno Armor, and $2 for 2 helmets just isn't worth it. Any doubters still left that the free DLC train is long gone now? Makes me a sad panda.

I'd pay for some more content, but this is nickel and dime crap.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']From Bioware board:

Here are some stats:
Capacitor Helmet
Reduces the delay before shields start regenerating by 10%

Archon Visor
Reduces the recharge time of your powers by 5%

Eh, sounds pretty weak on both accounts. Gonna pass if it's not something I'll use regularly.

[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Any doubters still left that the free DLC train is long gone now? Makes me a sad panda.

I'd pay for some more content, but this is nickel and dime crap.[/QUOTE]

Yup, totally agree, this is nickel and diming almost at its worst (still not horse armor). I really hope the free DLC train comes back at some point, though. There is no reason why little additions like this one can't be given out for free. I'll pay for substantial DLC missions, and I'll pay a lot for an expansion, but don't sell me this crap for $2.
Does anyone else think it's weird how Bioware makes this heavily character-driven, dialogue-focused game, and then keeps giving us more new ways to cover up our characters' faces?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Does anyone else think it's weird how Bioware makes this heavily character-driven, dialogue-focused game, and then keeps giving us more new ways to cover up our characters' faces?[/QUOTE]Let's see, pick any of the following and you're covering up your face completely:
Collector Armor
Inferno Armor
Blood Dragon Armor
Death Mask
Breather Helmet
Recon Hood

Somewhat to mostly covering up your face:
N7 Helmet
Kuwashii Visor
Umbra Visor
Sentry Visor
Capacitor Helmet
Archon Visor

I guess it pays to cover up your face, since there's bonuses for use of any of those items.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Man, seems like people want to eliminate any RPG elements completely. And just have it be a linear style game that progresses like Uncharted.[/QUOTE]

I think they pretty much nailed the balance for me in ME2.

Maybe they could add in a loot system to help solve the money issue. But if they do, I don't want a cumbersome inventory system like ME1, or even like Oblivion with it's weight limit etc. Just let me carry whatever I pick up.

Other than that, I though they nailed it. I'm a shooter fan first and WRPG fan second though, so I can see why people with the opposite view would feel differently.
[quote name='shrike4242']Let's see, pick any of the following and you're covering up your face completely:
Not to mention the opaque sunglasses for Thane and Jack.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Not to mention the opaque sunglasses for Thane and Jack.[/QUOTE]I guess Appearance Pack #2 will be sunglasses for all?
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Images of all the equipment in the Equalizer Pack:

No one's more on top of their ME game than me, shame on you for forgetting that :cool:

It's a pretty popular texture mod on the PC:

You can get her blonde; watch the show Chuck! It comes on 8/7 central on NBC!!! And seeing as how it is being slaughtered in the ratings it needs all the viewers it can get!!!

I think that mod kinda looks shitty though.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']
I think that mod kinda looks shitty though.[/QUOTE]Especially when compared to the "real deal". Brunette is the way to go for her character.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Especially when compared to the "real deal". Brunette is the way to go for her character.[/QUOTE]They originally had her as a blonde when starting the design of the character, mainly because Yvonne is a blonde. They decided early on that the character worked better with the dark hair and I agree with the decision.
Miranda's a marvel of character design IMO. Everything about her oozes sex, but stops just short of 'slutty' where you wouldn't believe her as a serious, career-driven woman. Even her sleeves are sexy.
i love that people were paying 40 dollars for inferno armor on ebay, and it will be 2 dollars for inferno armor plus additional pieces of armor. fantastic! the collectors armor i pray never becomes something you can buy.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Miranda's a marvel of character design IMO. Everything about her oozes sex, but stops just short of 'slutty' where you wouldn't believe her as a serious, career-driven woman. Even her sleeves are sexy.[/QUOTE]:drool:



Though, the big thing is that she's the ice queen going up to a certain point, and after that, it all changes. And that's the appealing part.

[quote name='James1221']i love that people were paying 40 dollars for inferno armor on ebay, and it will be 2 dollars for inferno armor plus additional pieces of armor. fantastic! the collectors armor i pray never becomes something you can buy.[/QUOTE]Some of us just had it as a pre-order bonus.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Does anyone else think it's weird how Bioware makes this heavily character-driven, dialogue-focused game, and then keeps giving us more new ways to cover up our characters' faces?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Already have the Inferno Armor, and $2 for 2 helmets just isn't worth it. Any doubters still left that the free DLC train is long gone now? Makes me a sad panda.

I'd pay for some more content, but this is nickel and dime crap.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dmaul1114']Meh, don't care about armor etc. so no purchase for me.

Oh well, on to Fallout 3 it is![/QUOTE]

[quote name='Ryuukishi']I think the Terminus is the best set that they've released so far. Seems to me that shield bonuses are a lot more valuable than health bonuses-- if you're spending very much time with your shields down and your health exposed, you're playing it wrong. :)

Collector armor does look pretty awesome though.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, I usually didn't wear any armor pieces because yeah it would cover up my customized face. Also I got the Inferno Armor from Amazon, or it was the CE, so do I get a discount lol.

I'd actually pay for the Terminus armor and the singularity gun though! I need more weapons, always need more weapons!:bouncy:
I hope the just have a ME2 deal of the week sale, seems like 160 ms points isn't much but...we're CAGs. I think I OD'd on ME2 and DA:O. Same with Kasumi, I'd buy if it were on sale as well.
Sorry, I know that this is the Xbox forum, but the PC side of CAG comes and goes really quickly.

A lot of the Cerberus DLC covers PC and 360, but does that apply to the paid DLC?

I own PC, but would rather make the purchase with MS points I already have in the bank over purchasing a set amount of Bioware points. The whole system is pretty much crap, as the points for existing DLC do not even add up.
bread's done