Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

[quote name='gbpackers94']I think people forget how good bfbc2 is. But Mass Erect 2 is definitely the best game of the year hands down, imo.[/QUOTE]

Agreed on both fronts there, esp that Mass Erect 2 is hands down the best game. ;) :applause:
Man, this Firewalker took me three sessions to complete the mission where you have to get the 5 artifacts while fighting off some Geth- I fell asleep during my first two attempts because I was so bored.
[quote name='moojuice']Man, this Firewalker took me three sessions to complete the mission where you have to get the 5 artifacts while fighting off some Geth- I fell asleep during my first two attempts because I was so bored.[/QUOTE]:lol:

If you keep in mind that it was free to download and that it was mostly released as a type of "give us feedback on the Hammerhead" experiment, then I think you'll see that it's really not too shabby. If you look at it like something you'd pay 560-800 MS points for, then that's where you're subject to disappointment.
My secret shame... I've never finished the Firewalker DLC... not even once. :whistle2:# Vehicles in Mass Effect are something that I'm just not interested in.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']My secret shame... I've never finished the Firewalker DLC... not even once. :whistle2:# Vehicles in Mass Effect are something that I'm just not interested in.[/QUOTE]

I'm so glad they dropped most of the driving sections. :applause:
[quote name='Ryuukishi']My secret shame... I've never finished the Firewalker DLC... not even once. :whistle2:# Vehicles in Mass Effect are something that I'm just not interested in.[/QUOTE] :shame:
I kinda like the driving sections in the 1st game. It gave a better sense of exploration that the second game did not have..
[quote name='js1']I kinda like the driving sections in the 1st game. It gave a better sense of exploration that the second game did not have..[/QUOTE]

Although I've only played the first game briefly, and am about half way through ME2, I agree. I feel like my galactic exploration in this game hasn't gone beyond following a linear path through a base or shooting probes at planets for resources. Wish I could tear up some craters in a moon buggy freely!
[quote name='bsmiff']Although I've only played the first game briefly, and am about half way through ME2, I agree. I feel like my galactic exploration in this game hasn't gone beyond following a linear path through a base or shooting probes at planets for resources. Wish I could tear up some craters in a moon buggy freely![/QUOTE]
I always pretended I was launching orbital strikes at the planet when collecting resources, and each of the bars represented different races.

Ah, such good times.
I own ME1 & 2 but have not got a chance to play them. Seeing that ME2 is about out for PS3 and sort of back stories ME1. Would it be good time spent doing ME1 then ME2 via my 360 or should I sell those and buy ME2 on PS3 for the story, better graphics, DLC in it and just skip ME1?
[quote name='BREVITY']Question:
I own ME1 & 2 but have not got a chance to play them. Seeing that ME2 is about out for PS3 and sort of back stories ME1. Would it be good time spent doing ME1 then ME2 via my 360 or should I sell those and buy ME2 on PS3 for the story, better graphics, DLC in it and just skip ME1?[/QUOTE]

ME1 is a great game with a great story. No way the little recap on the PS3 will match the experience of actually playing through ME1 and importing that character into ME2. Plus you've already got them, so might as well just play them. The DLC was just on sale for cheap recently, and will probably go on sale again.

And only time will tell if the graphics are better. From reviews, a lot of 360/PC games that get ported over to the PS3 end up looking/running worse than on the 360.
ME1 on 360 is a technical nightmare. I don't know if the PS3 version's catchup comic will be as good as playing ME1, but I don't think the 360 version of ME1 is worth playing because it runs terribly.
[quote name='dmaul1114']And only time will tell if the graphics are better. From reviews, a lot of 360/PC games that get ported over to the PS3 end up looking/running worse than on the 360.[/QUOTE]
Digital Foundry did an analysis on the PS3 demo code, and the answer was not clear-cut. Some things were improved over the 360 version, others were worse off.
That is true. It's been a while since I played ME1, so I forgot about the slow down and Framerate issues.

That said, it's still a great game, and it's not coming to the PS3, so I'd still recommend playing it over just doing the PS3 version with the little intro.

A big draw of the story is importing a character and decisions you make through the series, and you'd miss that by just making some choices during the PS3 intro.
[quote name='BREVITY']Question:
I own ME1 & 2 but have not got a chance to play them. Seeing that ME2 is about out for PS3 and sort of back stories ME1. Would it be good time spent doing ME1 then ME2 via my 360 or should I sell those and buy ME2 on PS3 for the story, better graphics, DLC in it and just skip ME1?[/QUOTE]There's always going to be 3 different opinions when answering this question:

1. "Mass Effect is a trilogy, so why would you get the cliff notes from ME1 and then skip it to play ME2?"

- The focus of both games have been the story. Heavy dialog, cinematic cutscenes, overarching storyline(s) between ME1 and ME2, colorful characters, huge scope (in terms of being in a galaxy) - all words/phrases that define the Mass Effect series. In ME1, you have the chance to "create" this main character by choosing his background, his personality/reputation, what type of class he is, what he specializes in, etc. You forge the relationships that will blossom in ME2 and ME3, you set up the events at the end of ME1 that will carry over into the later games (where you will witness their repercussions), you gain knowledge on all of the other species and worlds around you, you explore environments that range from Earth's moon all the way to snowy, icy planets (like Hoth from Star Wars), and more. The beauty of the Mass Effect series is its ability to pull you into the story, allowing you to just sit back and absorb it all while you experience two of the more highly regarded games in modern gaming history. I don't see how you'll be able to experience this aspect of the game/series if you simply breeze through/past ME1 to get to ME2. I definitely don't see the appeal in just being told "You're Soldier X from Earth who has a Ruthless reputation", when you have the option to choose what you want to be. There's nothing better when it comes to playing a role in video games.

2. "Mass Effect 1 is better because it's an RPG and ME2 is just 'a shooter with no story that doesn't progress the series anywhere'."

- Frankly, the lousiest opinion(s) on the internet. Put as much stock into these opinions as you would with the paranormal magazines you see in checkout lines that talk about UFOs and the apocalypse. Those who choose to wield this argument forfeit any chance of presenting clear logic/reason, understanding, and perception of the game whenever they starting posting their opinions. I really don't even like mentioning this category, but I know somewhere on this site someone's ready to start posting this type of bullshit - whether it be the OTT, GGT, PS3 forums, or even in here.

3. "Mass Effect 1 is 'ugly', 'technically flawed/buggy', has 'terrible combat', 'the inventory system sucks', etc. Skip it and just play ME2."

- Another shitty opinion, but not quite as bad as #2 (only because there is some truth to what's being said). Yes, the textures sometimes take a second to load, and you may get stuck in an elevator once in a 30+ hour playthrough, and the cover system is not as fluid as some action games of today (i.e. Gears of War), and the inventory system can get cluttered - but they are in no way game-breaking. The quality of the story (and story-telling), characters, class and leveling system, atmosphere, and voice acting, combined with the feeling of being such a tiny spec in this brand new galaxy completely dwarfs any technical problem that you may/may not run into. That being said, it's only fair to mention that ME2 does improve upon all of these issues.


With all that in mind, if you feel like actually having some say in who your character is, what he's done in the past, and how people think of him now - then playing ME1 is well worth your time. ME2 is the better game, so of course it is more appetizing to play right now; but ME2 really owes a lot of its greatness to ME1 (and is not the same game without it). There's no way I could go into the middle of a series that receives praise for its story without spending some time from the beginning, personally.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']
2. "Mass Effect 1 is better because it's an RPG and ME2 is just 'a shooter with no story that doesn't progress the series anywhere'."

- Frankly, the lousiest opinion(s) on the internet. Put as much stock into these opinions as you would with the paranormal magazines you see in checkout lines that talk about UFOs and the apocalypse. Those who choose to wield this argument forfeit any chance of presenting clear logic/reason, understanding, and perception of the game whenever they starting posting their opinions.
Hear hear!
Agree wholeheartedly with number 2, except that I did think the story was much better in ME1 than ME2. But the gameplay was vastly better in ME2 for me--but I'm not a huge RPG guy so I was happy they streamlined the inventory, cut planet exploration and made the combat more shooter-like.

Number 3 I also agree on--but I do say 100% to play ME1 first. It would be tough to go and play ME1 after playing ME2 given the technical flaws etc. of the first game. Plus it just doesn't make sense to do it that way from a story standpoint.
Back in 2007 even with the technical issues, Mass Effect 1 was an amazing game.

I hate people who downplay it now adays, having played it a couple of years later. The first Mass Effect is still a great experience.
I didn't have nearly as many issues as people have reported about ME1, since I heard that most of them are less of an issue with it installed to the HDD.

Having gone through two plays of ME1, one complete and one in-process play of ME2, I can't see how you couldn't go through them from ME1 to ME2 to ME3 without the complete experience.
[quote name='BREVITY']Thanks for all the replies. I will play through ME1 & 2 on 360.[/QUOTE]

Good choice, if you're playing through them back to back rather quickly you can see the effects of your decisions better. :>
[quote name='js1']I kinda like the driving sections in the 1st game. It gave a better sense of exploration that the second game did not have..[/QUOTE]

I like exploration in games, but not when the planets are empty, repetitive and the vehicle controls like crap and takes for ever for the shields to recharge in combat.

That said the planet scanning wasn't that much better--though to be fair, I was silly and wasted way too much time on it my first play through and had 300K to 400K of everything but Element Zero which is rarer left at the end.
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[quote name='KingBroly']ME1 on 360 is a technical nightmare. I don't know if the PS3 version's catchup comic will be as good as playing ME1, but I don't think the 360 version of ME1 is worth playing because it runs terribly.[/QUOTE]

It was nowhere near that bad IMO. Lots of slowdown and some popup, but I didn't have many freezes or crashes at all, so it wasn't anything that really majorly impacted my enjoyment of the game.
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[quote name='Amblix']Good choice, if you're playing through them back to back rather quickly you can see the effects of your decisions better. :>[/QUOTE]

Yeah, nah I'd say if you tried that you might get burned out with Mass Effect.

So I started up another playthrough in Mass Effect to import into ME2 for the full Paragon playthrough I'm planning and I'm tackling Insanity. I had a hard enough time going against Benezia before, I am not looking forward to that asari commando s#(& storm lol. Playing as a Vanguard since I'm trying to get the Soldier and Sentinel ally achievements.
[quote name='Spybreak8']you might get burned out with Mass Effect.[/QUOTE]Ah, yes. Getting "burned out" with Mass Effect.

We have dismissed that claim.

I had not played any of the Assassins Creed games so I started with one and though wow I might get burned out on these. I flew through two and am now on the new one. Not burned out yet and its amazing! Hope ME will be the same way.
I get burnt out with any game after a while--which is why I only have 2 play throughs of ME2. I generally don't like to play two games of the same genre in a row if I can help it as well, much less sequels.
have a feeling im going to be starting my second me2 playthrough sometime soon, i feel kind of bad that i didn't play the first one but i feel like its too late to go back now
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Ah, yes. Getting "burned out" with Mass Effect.

We have dismissed that claim.


Hehe ok I'll say it a different way. Like Call of Duty Black Ops if you experience awesomeness all the time it dulls the effect (Yahtzee's words originally).
Hardcore on ME2 certainly does get you thinking more tactically when it comes to combat. The endgame with the Geth Colossus on Haestrom and the Collector ship firefights have been smacking me around a bit until I seem to find the right tactical gameplan to get through them.

In a completely unrelated note, once you have dead fish in the fishtank in the captain's cabin, can you restock them again once you manage to get Kelly to feed the fish when you're gone off-ship? If I'm remembering correctly, you can pick up fish from The Citadel, Omega and Illium, and so far, I've had two instances of dead fish. It happened the second time when I was on Illium and after I restocked the tank, she offered to feed the fish while I was gone.
[quote name='shrike4242']Hardcore on ME2 certainly does get you thinking more tactically when it comes to combat. The endgame with the Geth Colossus on Haestrom and the Collector ship firefights have been smacking me around a bit until I seem to find the right tactical gameplan to get through them.[/QUOTE]
I still stand by my statement that Mass Effect 2 is the only game in recent memory that is more fun on the hardest difficulty than it is on the default difficulty. Not just for the sense of having a challenge, but it's more rewarding and actually makes you better at the game and managing your squad and powers - rather than like most games where you just look for the quickest, cheapest way to get through the hardest difficulty in order to get the achievement and be done with it :cool:
finaly beat the last of the dlc yesterday, to bad kasumi is a dlc character, she quickly became one of my favorites!
after my second play through i think i'll start another me1-me2 playthrough... this game is to great
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I still stand by my statement that Mass Effect 2 is the only game in recent memory that is more fun on the hardest difficulty than it is on the default difficulty. Not just for the sense of having a challenge, but it's more rewarding and actually makes you better at the game and managing your squad and powers - rather than like most games where you just look for the quickest, cheapest way to get through the hardest difficulty in order to get the achievement and be done with it :cool:[/QUOTE]Not doubting that in the slightest, though sometimes, when it's seeming a little overwhelming in certain points, eventually you do think your way through the fight and get through it.

Getting killed repeatedly and often is a little annoying, however.
nothing is more frustrating than a kamikaze krogan

why was fist in ME2?, wrex kills him in ME1

also, i wish there was a custom class, where YOU choose any 8 skills from the entire list of skills. and that would be cool if they brought back the ability to have equipment attach to guns to "automatically" give them bonuses rather than having to use some kind of fire/ice ammo. (like permanent ice!)

here would be some of my skills
neural shock
ai hack
tactical cloak
tech armor
[quote name='timesplitt']nothing is more frustrating than a kamikaze krogan

why was fist in ME2?, wrex kills him in ME1

also, i wish there was a custom class, where YOU choose any 8 skills from the entire list of skills. and that would be cool if they brought back the ability to have equipment attach to guns to "automatically" give them bonuses rather than having to use some kind of fire/ice ammo. (like permanent ice!)

here would be some of my skills
neural shock
ai hack
tactical cloak
tech armor
wouldn't custom classes be way to overpowered? each class has its 1 main skill, if you could take every class's main skill it would make the game extremly easy.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I still stand by my statement that Mass Effect 2 is the only game in recent memory that is more fun on the hardest difficulty than it is on the default difficulty. [/QUOTE]

The Gears of War games in co-op are the only ones I've every enjoyed playing on higher difficulty.

I tried ME2, but just couldn't get into it. I've never really enjoyed the combat in RPGs. ME games are at least ones I play on normal rather than putting on easy so I can largely ignore the combat.

I just play more for the story, questing etc. ME2's combat is enjoyable, but I still didn't like the higher difficulties much as I hated having to be so careful and spend so much time waiting on shields to recharge etc. I've always preferred more action oriented games where I can just blast my way through combat sections rather than anything that requires much strategy or patience.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I've always preferred more action oriented games where I can just blast my way through combat sections rather than anything that requires much strategy or patience.[/QUOTE]

Yeah Insanity is much like a chess game which you need to think ahead and plan out how to counter enemies.
[quote name='timesplitt']nothing is more frustrating than a kamikaze krogan

why was fist in ME2?, wrex kills him in ME1

also, i wish there was a custom class, where YOU choose any 8 skills from the entire list of skills. and that would be cool if they brought back the ability to have equipment attach to guns to "automatically" give them bonuses rather than having to use some kind of fire/ice ammo. (like permanent ice!)[/QUOTE]A "custom class" would totally disrupt the balance of the classes, as well as getting rid of each class' unique "identity". BioWare did a great job in ME2 of making each class feel like its own entity by not allowing you to get Singularity with your Sentinel or Tactical Cloak with your Engineer. Each class plays very differently and, if you ask me, I think that's the way it should be. This custom class idea would negate all the progress they made from ME1 to ME2. Also, the cooldown meter would probably have to undergo changes, because there'd be no way you'd wait between Charging to put up your Tech Armor while wanting to equip your squad with Warp Ammo and use Shockwave on the hoards of Husks running at you and then use Incinerate to knock them all out, etc. Too many top-tier powers all fighting for one cooldown spot would be a terrible thing - and there's no reason to go back to ME1's cooldown system (again, they've made such great progress from ME1 to ME2).

Wanting all those amazing powers represented in combat is one of the biggest reasons that there is a squad of three in these games. If you really want all those powers represented, make an Infiltrator class (Tactical Cloak, Incinerate, AI Hack, Unity) and roll with Mordin (Neural Shock, extra Incinerate) and Samara (Pull, Throw) - that takes care of seven out of the eight powers that you mentioned.

[quote name='dmaul1114']The Gears of War games in co-op are the only ones I've every enjoyed playing on higher difficulty.

I tried ME2, but just couldn't get into it. I've never really enjoyed the combat in RPGs. ME games are at least ones I play on normal rather than putting on easy so I can largely ignore the combat.

I just play more for the story, questing etc. ME2's combat is enjoyable, but I still didn't like the higher difficulties much as I hated having to be so careful and spend so much time waiting on shields to recharge etc. I've always preferred more action oriented games where I can just blast my way through combat sections rather than anything that requires much strategy or patience.[/QUOTE]It's strange that you could be so turned off by ME2's combat while liking Gears' combat mechanics, when everyone compares the two like they were the same game. I suppose the whole impatient thing you mentioned could be a part of that, though.

ME2's combat is like a more interactive, action-packed chess match for me - especially with the Adept and Engineer classes.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']
It's strange that you could be so turned off by ME2's combat while liking Gears' combat mechanics, when everyone compares the two like they were the same game. I suppose the whole impatient thing you mentioned could be a part of that, though.

ME2's combat is like a more interactive, action-packed chess match for me - especially with the Adept and Engineer classes.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I like the combat in ME2, not turned off by it at all. Best combat in any RPG by far--it's not as good shooter wise as Gears though.

I just had no desire to play through on harder difficulties after briefly trying--I did do the DLC on the higher difficulty for the one achievement though.

Also otice with the Gears games I said I did those in co-op. I also had no interest in playing those on higher difficulty solo, but I had a buddy I love playing those games with so it gave us an excuse for more nights of "Gears and Beers." :D But generally, I hate hard games so I rarely every bump up the difficulty and more often bump it down.

That said, the impatience is part of it. You can play ME2 like Gears on normal, just using some cover and shooting the hell out of everything without a whole lot of thought put in to strategy, squad powers etc.--especially if you play as a solider. On higher difficulties you can't get very far that way. Gears on higher difficulty isn't really much different than on normal, just have to spend more time in cover and be a tad more careful.

I'm just not much for strategic games. Like Dragon Age that I'm playing now. I had no patience for dealing with all the squad tactics, micro managing stats etc. that was MUCH more cumbersome than the ME games, so I just dropped it to casual so I could enjoy the story and questing and not worry much about combat and leveling properly etc.

Just different strokes for different folks. I'm primarily an FPS gamer these days, and just play the odd WRPG on the side when I want a change of pace and something that's more store driven that I can kind of veg out to and escape for a few hours without the frustration inherent in shooters where you die a lot etc.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']ME2's combat is like a more interactive, action-packed chess match for me - especially with the Adept and Engineer classes.[/QUOTE]Going through as an Adept on Hardcore right now, yes, I'd agree with that statement. Especially in the sections I mentioned earlier, as I was relying on Singularity and Warp a great deal on the Collector ship. In other areas it's been Energy Drain (bonus ability), Warp and Singularity.

And as being an Adept, picking up Assault Rifle Training on the Collector ship and using the Mattock rifle have been a boon to longer-range combat options than before. The Locust is a must-have for any class without Assault Rifle and Sniper Rifle training, so it seems like it should make Stolen Memory one of the first missions you do as an Adept or any other class with SMG skills.
Has anyone had an issue with ME2 DLC not being playable by other gamertags on the same console? I purchased 3 DLCs on sale a few weeks back but did it on an alternative gamertag that I still had points on. When I try to play them on my main gamertag, they will not show up. I've never had this problem with other games' DLC. I contacted EA about it and they told me I was SOL and that I could only play it on the gamertag that purchased it. Both gamertags are on the same console but that did not matter to EA. I wish there was a disclosure about this before purchasing as I've never ran into this sort of DRM before.
beat my second play through, not looking forward to going through on insane, though i'll deffenitly be playing through a few more times!

my neighbor said that mass effect was a "women's game".... his favorite game is black ops.
I played the Overlord DLC, it was pretty good. Very lengthy I thought for the price. Would have been nice if it included some weapons and upgrades (all I found was a bone weave I think).
[quote name='Whizbang']Has anyone had an issue with ME2 DLC not being playable by other gamertags on the same console? I purchased 3 DLCs on sale a few weeks back but did it on an alternative gamertag that I still had points on. When I try to play them on my main gamertag, they will not show up. I've never had this problem with other games' DLC. I contacted EA about it and they told me I was SOL and that I could only play it on the gamertag that purchased it. Both gamertags are on the same console but that did not matter to EA. I wish there was a disclosure about this before purchasing as I've never ran into this sort of DRM before.[/QUOTE]
IIRC, it's the same on the Force Unleashed. That's how it was on my 360 anyways.
bread's done