Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

[quote name='Anexanhume']
And yes, the potential it had for the end scene makes me weap. Although we wouldn't see a leviathan on earth unless they have some ships for their massive forms they're hiding. The real awesome epilogue scene would be to show infiltration teams planting artifacts and the reapers being controlled one by one and wrecking each other's shit. That would actually be enough to turn the tide of the battle without the catalyst in my mind, but I digress.
I actually kind of liked the way they left it,
with the Leviathans refusing to join the main battle but agreeing to waste any Reapers that entered their local area. Maybe mostly because it reminded me of Arthur C. Clarke ("All these worlds are yours, except Europa").
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I actually kind of liked the way they left it,
with the Leviathans refusing to join the main battle but agreeing to waste any Reapers that entered their local area. Maybe mostly because it reminded me of Arthur C. Clarke ("All these worlds are yours, except Europa").

The EMS description for it says they have infiltration teams who use the artifacts for that purpose.
[quote name='Anexanhume']
The EMS description for it says they have infiltration teams who use the artifacts for that purpose.
Hmm. Guess I misunderstood the last bits of dialogue because I had the impression that the Leviathan refused to help, except for letting Shepard go free and destroying any Reapers who got close to the Leviathan world.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I disagree with your second to last "con"
I think it have a lot of meaning to the reapers motives and made it more tangible.

[quote name='Anexanhume']
I don't see a problem with the synthetics vs. organics conflict. The Leviathan DLC underscores the fact that the reaper AI (catalyst) was seeded with a false assumption, thus all their subsequent conclusions would be flawed.

Like I said, I preferred knowing little about the Reapers. All I knew is that they had to be stopped. Synthetics versus organics was never as major of a theme as it is in the last ten minutes of the game or this DLC, which is why I'm still not sold on it. A DLC shouldn't have to explain "this is what we were going for all along!" That just shows, in my eyes, how badly they missed the mark in the actual game. Honestly, though, after the original endings and all of the fallout, I'm done wasting energy on being angry or disappointed. What we see is what we get and at least it makes a little more sense now. I'm just glad the content was enjoyable to play through.

[quote name='Ryuukishi']I actually kind of liked the way they left it,
with the Leviathans refusing to join the main battle but agreeing to waste any Reapers that entered their local area. Maybe mostly because it reminded me of Arthur C. Clarke ("All these worlds are yours, except Europa").

I think an extra slide at the end of the game showing a Leviathan starting to emerge from the depths would have been fine. That's all that would be needed to keep their ominous nature in tact and get the speculations flowing.
[quote name='Arikado']
Like I said, I preferred knowing little about the Reapers. All I knew is that they had to be stopped.
To roughly paraphrase Stephen King...

When the hero opens up the door and comes face to face with the five-foot-tall spider, the reader can't help but be relieved. Subconsciously, they always think, "Thank God it wasn't ten feet tall!"

And if that spider had been ten feet tall? They would have thought, "Thank God it wasn't fifty feet tall!"
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Hmm. Guess I misunderstood the last bits of dialogue because I had the impression that the Leviathan refused to help, except for letting Shepard go free and destroying any Reapers who got close to the Leviathan world.

I had the same confusion. I guess he wouldn't have been as emo and mysterious if he had said "sure jus hav yur doodz take mah crystal balls neer da reapaz an we'll mess they shiz up!"
Here's how the final conversation differs after completing Leviathan:
This sucks. I was just 10 points away from being able to download this so I cashed in my points from Bing. Now my password will not work.
[quote name='Anexanhume']I wasn't replying to that part of your quote. I was replying to the very last part concerning the Mcguffin/plot holes/etc.[/QUOTE]

And again, you missed the point completely. McGuffin/plot holes/etc. was in reference to the Crucible/Catalyst/Starbrat/whathaveyou. NOT, in any way, shape, or form, about Leviathan (thing) or DLC.

The "Leviathan of Dis" was never really explained. At least, not until Balak showed up in ME3 and TELLS you that it was really a DEAD REAPER.

Taken from the Mass Effect Wiki:
Provided he survived the batarian terrorist attack on Terra Nova in 2183, Balak will tell Commander Shepard that the Leviathan of Dis was actually a Reaper corpse that the Batarian Hegemony had transported to Khar'shan. After the failure of the attack on Terra Nova, the Hegemony accelerated research on the Leviathan, which then indoctrinated numerous batarian scientists and officials. The indoctrinated officials then sabotaged Hegemony defenses during the Reaper invasion in 2186, allowing the Reapers to easily conquer batarian territories and crush their scattered navy.

(only through downloading the Leviathan DLC)

After meeting with Dr. Garret Bryson on the Citadel, Shepard will learn from a recorded conversation between Bryson and Admiral Hackett that Task Force Aurora had been investigating the Leviathan of Dis. Bryson's real interest in the Reaper corpse is the entity that killed it, which he identifies as the true Leviathan.
[quote name='dualedge2']And again, you missed the point completely. McGuffin/plot holes/etc. was in reference to the Crucible/Catalyst/Starbrat/whathaveyou. NOT, in any way, shape, or form, about Leviathan (thing) or DLC.[/QUOTE]

The part I was originally quoting was you talking about Leviathan was explaining questions left wide open. You continued on to say it's time for them to explain the crucible, by extension, providing back story in a similar manner. I took you were equating the two and suggesting Leviathan was a last minute fix like a crucible explaining DLC would be. I took exception to that since Leviathan was referenced in the first game. You misunderstood me and thought I was arguing about the deleted scene, saying I wasn't on topic. Now you're saying Leviathan and the end game events aren't related at all. I am saying I am on topic because the Leviathan is directly related to the Catalyst and the star brat, given they created him. That's where we are now.
ponied up and bought the Levi DLC, my thoughts are:

Good Stuff but yeah i totally called it before i played it so was a little bummed i figured it out before even opening it. That being said, i really like how it cemented the lore into the story. It give a more complete playthrough story for those not coming into it with only the original fractions of story it will be a much more complete experience. It carries a lot of The Abyss feeling to it, the environments were again gorgeous, the story and characters tight, but i felt it had a little too much fluff in it and felt that my hand was being held just a tad too much. The NPC characters were pretty forgettable, not like David or some of the other DLC referenced characters in the past.

The encounters felt kind of "same old" and nothing really memorable in the combat department or events that spiced things up like the car chase or events of LotSB. Overall I enjoyed coming back to the games SP and getting more into the lore, i felt it brought a noticeable impact to the ME universe in the lore and story, and with the extended cut, feel it will provide a more complete game, even if we had to shell out another $10 for it.
Finally got around to playing Leviathan and overall I liked it a lot.
Had a problem when I was chasing Garneau and was forced to fight Reaper forces inbetween me and the door I needed to get to. The two Banshees would always take me out and at the end I finally just decided to see if I can open the door and pass them. Yeah they're all screaming and screeching, I hit the open the door and they just disappear.

I found the detective exploration part familiar to Shadow Broker and I liked it then too. The squad banter was appreciated as well, I used Edi with most of my missions because she accompanied me with this story line pretty much. The navigation through the level you had to get to Bryson was a bit dull and predicted. Oh path explodes and you are advised to find a different route, turn around and see a ladder. Ahh gee, you meant to say use the ladder instead.

The last level was a lot of fun I thought and again we see a bit of the multiplayer influenced into the objective of using the backpack from Cortez (Point A) to the sockets (Point B). The escorting of the AI was also used, in the previous level, which I thought was a neat little touch. Funny though I tried to dive right away without going over to Cortez, as this is what I saw in the previews, but then I realized oh I can't jump in the water yet as I need to go to the come here Cortez location lol.

The end sequence with Leviathan was great, I really liked the use of, like others said The Abyss, and the absolute fragility of Commander Shepard. I've seen too many oh this was a bad idea memes to not have that pop into my head as Shepard is super deep and facing face to face underwater to an obviously powerful force. I also questioned what would happen if something was below or above the Mech that Shepard was "piloting". Seriously one rock face in your way and you're f-ed. Glad Shepard had a straight shot vertically, yes suspend your state of belief here.

The Brutes fighting each other was neat and the actual footage of one of the Reaper ships being taken control of and crashing into the massive ocean was an enjoyable thing to watch. It's just sad that this is just an EMS number and not you know part of Reaper forces defects (is controlled) which puts up one hell of a battle in the end. One that could show the possible turn of the battle with the inevitable loss anyways.
[quote name='Freemason']sooooooo.. how about that indoctrination?[/QUOTE]

So long as we don't start going on about the who's right/who's not in the IT then sure, we can talk about that.

in the Leviathan DLC they call it "enthrallment".

But yeah, pretty neat that the Leviathans originated indoctrination and the Reapers sort of just copied them. Or the Leviathans built it into their Reapers. Which then used it against their creators. Which then probably tried to use it back against the Reapers. And the Leviathans lost that battle. And then the Leviathans figure to use a localized EMP-ish "pulse" to disable a Dreadnaught sized Reaper. *head explodes*
[quote name='dualedge2']So long as we don't start going on about the who's right/who's not in the IT then sure, we can talk about that.

in the Leviathan DLC they call it "enthrallment".

But yeah, pretty neat that the Leviathans originated indoctrination and the Reapers sort of just copied them. Or the Leviathans built it into their Reapers. Which then used it against their creators. Which then probably tried to use it back against the Reapers. And the Leviathans lost that battle. And then the Leviathans figure to use a localized EMP-ish "pulse" to disable a Dreadnaught sized Reaper. *head explodes*

I wanna see what
the leviathans were like in full force and would of had a nerdgasm to see them strolling into that last fight, say after Harbinger drops in and blows up Hammer Team, and whooped his copycat ass. Or as an alternate to the control ending allowed the Levi's to control the Reapers and end the harvest cycles and go back to being the Apex Predators of the universe, but with only 3 in number (that we know of) not whooped all of our asses.
[quote name='Freemason']I wanna see what
the leviathans were like in full force and would of had a nerdgasm to see them strolling into that last fight, say after Harbinger drops in and blows up Hammer Team, and whooped his copycat ass. Or as an alternate to the control ending allowed the Levi's to control the Reapers and end the harvest cycles and go back to being the Apex Predators of the universe, but with only 3 in number (that we know of) not whooped all of our asses.

I just really liked that
if you read the EMS description of the Leviathans, it says that other species go behind enemy lines with the artifacts and the Leviathans cause havoc through their enthrallment.
[quote name='Freemason']I wanna see what
the leviathans were like in full force and would of had a nerdgasm to see them strolling into that last fight, say after Harbinger drops in and blows up Hammer Team, and whooped his copycat ass. Or as an alternate to the control ending allowed the Levi's to control the Reapers and end the harvest cycles and go back to being the Apex Predators of the universe, but with only 3 in number (that we know of) not whooped all of our asses.

Yeah that makes more sense than what actually happens with Harbinger in ME3.
Interest in our beloved ME3 seems to be dying a bit. I wonder what this weekends N7 Operation will be and if it'll get many participants.
[quote name='Freemason']oh ill be answering the call, i'll also be answering to Borderlands 2 here soon... i hope Hackett is in that too.[/QUOTE]
Yep, I think there are a lot of soldiers due to be redeployed from Earth to Pandora in the next couple of weeks...
Operation: VIGILANCE (September 7th-9th) Unexpected attacks have taken out several squads and damaged vital Alliance equipment. We will deploy drones to repair damage and investigate the nature of these attacks.
Individual Goal: Complete up to and including wave 10 on any difficulty without using a consumable (medi-gel, ammo, Ops pack or Cobra missile launcher).
Allied Goal: Complete 250,000 escort missions on any difficulty.
Special Circumstance: None
Individual Goal Success: All individual players awarded a Commendation Pack
Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack
[quote name='shrike4242']You're used to that, so why is this any surprise?[/QUOTE]

Haha, I'm not sure what you mean, exactly. I've only solo'd a handful of times.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Haha, I'm not sure what you mean, exactly. I've only solo'd a handful of times.[/QUOTE]Most of the people in here, save when they're playing with other CAGs, always seem to end up being the solo act in a four-person chorus as the rest of the party ends up being a bunch of fuckwits.
[quote name='shrike4242']Most of the people in here, save when they're playing with other CAGs, always seem to end up being the solo act in a four-person chorus as the rest of the party ends up being a bunch of fuckwits.[/QUOTE]

Hahaha, now I gotcha. This is, unfortunately, very true.
Think he means REAL solo. As in, 1 person. Not 1 carrying 4.

This is going to be interesting. If I can drag myself back to playing it.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Haha, I'm not sure what you mean, exactly. I've only solo'd a handful of times.[/QUOTE]

Ironic that the world "handful" was used in regards to being used to soloing.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Looks like it just became Operation: Solo then.[/QUOTE]

you can probably do this faster in Operation: Normal. If someone's using consumables at this point in the game on normal...esp when the individual goal is in mind, they might need to find a new game.
Man, I tell ya. Jumping into MP after a while was still a lot of fun. I didn't see any of the CAG crew on, but the 2o2p crew was on in force (as usual). I find myself losing interest in this game lately (still best game ever IMO) but when I do play, it's like putting on that favorite fleece and it fits like a glove. If they would just do something to spice up MP, that'd be great.

Any rumors as to what's next for DLC?? SP or MP? We expect Omega to hit at some point, but I'd like to know what else they have cookin for MP.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Man, I tell ya. Jumping into MP after a while was still a lot of fun. I didn't see any of the CAG crew on, but the 2o2p crew was on in force (as usual). I find myself losing interest in this game lately (still best game ever IMO) but when I do play, it's like putting on that favorite fleece and it fits like a glove. If they would just do something to spice up MP, that'd be great.

Any rumors as to what's next for DLC?? SP or MP? We expect Omega to hit at some point, but I'd like to know what else they have cookin for MP.[/QUOTE]I'm sure any DLC that comes out for the next few months will probably be more MP maps + items.

SP DLC isn't probably going to hit until the end of the year or later, judging on how long it took Leviathan to show up. All the work on EC probably delayed Leviathan a bit, though they did pump out the ME2 DLC about every 4-5 months or so.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Man, I tell ya. Jumping into MP after a while was still a lot of fun. I didn't see any of the CAG crew on, but the 2o2p crew was on in force (as usual). I find myself losing interest in this game lately (still best game ever IMO) but when I do play, it's like putting on that favorite fleece and it fits like a glove. If they would just do something to spice up MP, that'd be great.

Any rumors as to what's next for DLC?? SP or MP? We expect Omega to hit at some point, but I'd like to know what else they have cookin for MP.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree. The MP is starting to feel stale to me. Even adding new characters and maps don't do much for me. I think a new enemy is needed along with some other play style. I'm really surprised the MP still has the number of the players it has.
i just got back in town from a business trip, am sick as holy hell, and gotta cover the next 2 days at work.. gonna try to aid the cause a bit but i reaaaallllly wanna die right now.
and yeah.. i see dudes in randoms lately burning missles on wave 1 in bronze... i can see this being a group afair or ill have to Krogaurd bronzes by myself.
[quote name='Freemason']and yeah.. i see dudes in randoms lately burning missles on wave 1 in bronze... i can see this being a group afair or ill have to Krogaurd bronzes by myself.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, this is one of the more complicated operations when you take into account that there is no f'ing way you can rely on randoms to get the squad goal. Get in with a fellow CAG or two or, like you said, solo on bronze.

Hope you feel better, man. I was sick for 4 days last weekend, but not on deaths door.
I tell ya, that anime might not be half bad. I'll eat up any piece of Mass Effect related media they put out, granted. But, I think Vega might end up being an interesting character. I like where they place this in the timeline and how they make sense of the "Forever Normandy" thing. My status on this one went from "very cautiously optimistic" to "hopefully optimistic"
[quote name='simosaurus']Well, looks like we failed.

I'm not surprised. It was a pretty dull objective so I don't think it really attracted those who had moved on to other games.[/QUOTE]

and it is hard getting those that do not to be rocket whores or wet their space armor at the first sight of a banshee. Personally, i think it was a great change of pace for an operation, just too much for those that have to rely on randoms.
I have to blame this failure as much on Bioware as Much as i do the community. It was a crap objective that wasn't worded clearly and frankly nearly impossible with randoms. They must revamp their approach to MP at this point. Luckily, I read a couple tweets from the dev team that star they are looking at how they approach the online community and good things are coming. We'll see.....
I didn't think we would get it. I didn't even bother trying once I found out no one could use them. This MP needs something more than just new characters, maps and guns from time to time. For me when I play I just don't care enough to play more than a few games like I did when the game first came out. I'm sure others are the same way.
I didn't try either, weekend was really busy w/personal things + diabloville 3.

Something the description is too vague or there's too much information to make it clear. Hopefully furture DLC will have maps w/multiple floors, turrets that can be used by both players and enemies, as well as more objectives.
bread's done