Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

ME2 was Ocean Eleven in Space?
I want that poster. ;)
First of all, that's an awesome poster, Spy. I especially like, "and Jane Shepard."

Also, more details on the MP DLC and changes coming tomorrow on the BW blog:

The more I hear, the happier I am about all of this. For instance, it is a little thing, but immediately delivering the Commendation packs is a great update.
That ME 1 prequel video is nice! Hats off to that team making that on a budget.

It does a good job of tying in the red sand topic, which is more explained and extrapolated on in the books.
Simosaurus told me there is a Volus Vanguard.

*openly weeps tears of joy* Bless you, Bioware, oh enabler of dreams!!!! Seriously, I can't wait to play tonight and this week!
Yeah, those Asari sound absurd. I want to hop on tonight, but I feel like Dishonored will have me all the way through. Post reactions if you guys get any new shit, I'm intrigued.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Simosaurus told me there is a Volus Vanguard.

*openly weeps tears of joy* Bless you, Bioware, oh enabler of dreams!!!! Seriously, I can't wait to play tonight and this week![/QUOTE]I guess the only downside is that you're yelling about being a biotic god with every attack?
i can only imagine a lot of ppl playing volus due to their size and ridiculousness...basically like ppl making gnome warriors in WoW.
[quote name='100xp']you'd think EA would sell the MP aspect of ME3 as a separate game this late in the game. 800 ms points, easy win.[/QUOTE]

the whole game is only $20 new right now

they could give the MP away for free by itself and just rake in money from people buying packs, ftp is the cool thing anyways right?

edit: wish I had farm up credits, with how firebase white was changed it's no longer a gimme
the geth bomber is insane btw
[quote name='theredworm']the whole game is only $20 new right now

they could give the MP away for free by itself and just rake in money from people buying packs, ftp is the cool thing anyways right?

edit: wish I had farm up credits, with how firebase white was changed it's no longer a gimme
the geth bomber is insane btw[/QUOTE]

giving away the MP for free defeats the purpose of the online pass, while they may make some $ on packs it would likely do more harm for their rep against ppl who bought it new...resulting in some very many angry fans...and ME fans can cause quite a stir.

maybe some form of advertising that ME3 MP is still alive and kicking to hook some more players. it's like TF2, so much mileage for me.
[quote name='100xp']giving away the MP for free defeats the purpose of the online pass, while they may make some $ on packs it would likely do more harm for their rep against ppl who bought it new...resulting in some very many angry fans...and ME fans can cause quite a stir.

maybe some form of advertising that ME3 MP is still alive and kicking to hook some more players. it's like TF2, so much mileage for me.[/QUOTE]

God, I'm still on TF2 almost every week. THE HATS. THE ROBOTS.
[quote name='Arikado']Playable volus... my mind is blown.[/QUOTE]

It's going to be like that bastard that always picked Oddjob in Goldeneye, haha.
How many people named their Volus Adept 'Biotic God'?

Can't wait to try out the new multiplayer. Unfortunately, work is getting in the way....
Holy shit, stat tracking is now a thing for ME3!
Edit: Ok the link isn't working, head to the Bioware social site to check em out.
lol I didn't know it was Bingo:
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[quote name='Spybreak8']Holy shit, stat tracking is now a thing for ME3!
Edit: Ok the link isn't working, head to the Bioware social site to check em out.
lol I didn't know it was Bingo:

I'd be excited if it was in the data pad app.
Don't let the collectors flank you, lol not good.

I'm loving the UI overlayed progress, like Gears and wow I can't believe I played 122 hours of ME3 multiplayer.
Yeah, the Collectors can be hard. I've found that you can shake the swarms if you roll/evade. It takes 3 or 4 rolls to shake 'em off. The key is to blaze through the barriers and armor as quickly as possible. And take out the scions first. Their "toss a bucket of grenades into your lap" move is a bitch!

I don't know what to make of the weather effects on Dagger. It's different, it mixes it up, but I can't say that I had more fun. It was just different. The changes to FBW really surprised me, though. I wonder how that'll change FBW Geth gold farming?

And lastly, I spent $11 in ms points + a bunch of credits and didn't unlock any of the new characters or weapons. :/ Oh well. I'll be back for more and there will be plenty of opportunities to unlock them.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Don't let the collectors flank you, lol not good.

I'm loving the UI overlayed progress, like Gears and wow I can't believe I played 122 hours of ME3 multiplayer.[/QUOTE]

I can't believe I've played over 400 hours!
Yeah no new char drops for me either, plenty of new appearances though...

A sandstorm with a Turret/Scion/Ravager/Atlas/Prime in the fog of war is something new that's for sure.
Just looked up some videos of the Volus. I'm sure I will never unlock the adapt. It looks like a fun class to play.
I'm surprised I only have a little over 70 hours in the game. I didn't know till after my last post that the Volus were ultra rare. That is going to be even harder to get. I might start cashing in my Bing points and use points to buy the packs now. I will have no issue with buying packs as long as they are not from points that I paid for with cash.
I noticed I I the new N7 HQ it says I have like 1174 hours in the game. That's away off. Raptr says I'm at like 230 and I know that's more103 accurate. Not a big deal but I don't like having to question stats.

Its cool how everyone it shows which operations you've participated in too. I can see those challenges taking g some time though.
I noticed in the new N7 HQ it says I have like 117 hours in the game. That's away off. Raptr says I'm at like 230 and I know that's more accurate. Not a big deal but I don't like having to question stats.

Its cool how everyone it shows which operations you've participated in though and I can see those challenges taking g some time.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I noticed in the new N7 HQ it says I have like 117 hours in the game. That's away off. Raptr says I'm at like 230 and I know that's more accurate. Not a big deal but I don't like having to question stats.[/QUOTE]
Maybe the N7 stat is only time you've spent playing the multi?
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I noticed in the new N7 HQ it says I have like 117 hours in the game. That's away off. Raptr says I'm at like 230 and I know that's more accurate. Not a big deal but I don't like having to question stats.

Its cool how everyone it shows which operations you've participated in though and I can see those challenges taking g some time.[/QUOTE]

Nah that's online time because yeah Raptr has me down for 234 hours of ME3 and about half of that is multiplayer for me.
So I'm rollin with a group of randoms on Gold and my team is all dead. So I play the run away (I'm a Salarian Engie) snipe, power, rinse repeat. I systematically take out enemy after enemy and there are like 5 enemies left when the hosts leaves. FFUUUUUUUUUU

So is progression tracked as a whole or just if you finish a round because I had so many headshots with my widow!

No new character classes unlocked, got collector rifle and N7 Shadow though. I want that Turian Havoc!
[quote name='theredworm']
then ran into someone that had "Lone Wolf" title for soloing 10 bronze 5 silver 2 gold and 1 platinum[/QUOTE]

Seriously, glitched perhaps (they found a loophole). How the hell do you solo Platinum!?:cold:
bread's done