[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Duh, I missed that entirely and only one page back, too. For shame.
Great build guide Slimjim! I learned a lot and will be kicking butt with her this weekend.[/QUOTE]
Thanks! She is one of my favorite characters to use by far. I should be getting a friend to record some gameplay from my POV here soon, so once I get that done and uploaded I will toss it in here.
[quote name='simosaurus']Someone, I think Slimjim, had a good build posted a few pages back. His tip about using incinerary ammo to explode with throw and follow up with a biotic explosion was good.[/QUOTE]
Thanks as well. I just recently started doing some guides to add to a thread on the BSN for builds and guides. I was lucky enough to learn from a lot of really good players, so I figured I would pass on what I could.
If anyone is interested I do have a few more that I have done. I have the N7 Fury, Human Engineer, Quarian Male Engineer, N7 Demolisher, and just made one last night for the Human Adept. Send me a PM and I would be glad to link you to them (don't want to flood this with my builds) and would be willing to work on a few more if there are any request.