Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

[quote name='chubbyninja1319']But the ME2 dlc is so darn good, how can your play the game and NOT play the dlc?[/QUOTE]

I can see someone not wanting to play the hammerhead stuff (and the first part of overlord consequently). The rest is ace though.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']But the ME2 dlc is so darn good, how can your play the game and NOT play the dlc?[/QUOTE]

Only Firewalker is bad. The rest MUST be run-through at least once its all great and adds to the story a lot
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']But the ME2 dlc is so darn good, how can your play the game and NOT play the dlc?[/QUOTE]

because I was originally unaware after you complete the main story in ME2 you can continue to mine, do side missions etc. I beat the game, reloaded did all the side missions and went to save humanity and found out how much thnigs changed because I lingered.

so if i want to import my progress, I'd need to play it again knowing what I know and acting accordingly. 20-25 hours isn't bad at all, so I will certainly do the DLC just trying to see when and where I will fit it in the timeline.
[quote name='100xp']because I was originally unaware after you complete the main story in ME2 you can continue to mine, do side missions etc. I beat the game, reloaded did all the side missions and went to save humanity and found out how much thnigs changed because I lingered.

so if i want to import my progress, I'd need to play it again knowing what I know and acting accordingly. 20-25 hours isn't bad at all, so I will certainly do the DLC just trying to see when and where I will fit it in the timeline.[/QUOTE]ME1 wouldn't let you go past the endgame into stuff you missed, so if you wanted to do BDTS or Pinnacle Station, you had do that before you went to Ilos.

ME2 will let you do DLC post-endgame, so you can go back and do missions after the endgame.

Not doing LoTSB or Kasumi's Stolen Memory would be a mistake, for what they give you at the end of each.

I think my total gametime with all of the side missions, loyalty missions and DLC was around 56 hours total, though I think 5-6 hours of retries, unnecessary planet scanning and the like could be cut out of that amount of time.

Stolen Memory is about 1-2 hours in length.
Overlord is 1-3 hours in length, depending if you go for achievements or not.
LoTSB is about 2 hours in length.
Arrival is about 1-1.5 hours in length.

LoTSB and Stolen Memory provide enough bonus items you can use later in the game that it's worth doing them before the end of the game. Especially Stolen Memory.
[quote name='100xp']how long does the ME2 campaign take to finish with all the upgrades? just the main storyline w/out the DLC.[/QUOTE]

Probably 20-25 hours as noted.

This was my 3rd time through and I think my save is at 34 hours--but that's with doing the Overlord, Firewalker and, Zaeed and Kasumi DLC, all the anomaly detected side missions etc., and going through all the dialogue again since I hadn't played the game in nearly 2 years.

Still have to do Shadow Broker and Arrival DLC, and then I'm ready for ME3, as that will finish recreating my main 360 playthrough.
[quote name='shrike4242']ME1 wouldn't let you go past the endgame into stuff you missed, so if you wanted to do BDTS or Pinnacle Station, you had do that before you went to Ilos.

ME2 will let you do DLC post-endgame, so you can go back and do missions after the endgame.

Not doing LoTSB or Kasumi's Stolen Memory would be a mistake, for what they give you at the end of each.

I think my total gametime with all of the side missions, loyalty missions and DLC was around 56 hours total, though I think 5-6 hours of retries, unnecessary planet scanning and the like could be cut out of that amount of time.

Stolen Memory is about 1-2 hours in length.
Overlord is 1-3 hours in length, depending if you go for achievements or not.
LoTSB is about 2 hours in length.
Arrival is about 1-1.5 hours in length.

LoTSB and Stolen Memory provide enough bonus items you can use later in the game that it's worth doing them before the end of the game. Especially Stolen Memory.[/QUOTE]

thanks for the detailed rundown.

i'll be starting over w/my soldier on PT2 and probably set the difficulty to normal. I dont have the patience to try it on insane w/a higher lvl character...I'm on a schedule. :D this way I can knock out the other achievements, prep the world, and do the DLC's...and not have to planet scan as much as I'll already have some resources.

thanks for the tip on Stolen Memory and LOTSB. depending on how fast I go through the game I'll see if I can fit in the other DLC before I trigger the last event.

I needed a break from ME3 demo MP so I don't get too attached to my soon to be wiped progress.

If you carry over your save from ME2 > ME3 are you stuck with the class you played previously?
[quote name='100xp']If you carry over your save from ME2 > ME3 are you stuck with the class you played previously?[/QUOTE]
I think they've confirmed that you'll be able to change your class and appearance, just like in ME2. Apparently you'll also get some bonus skill points to spend right off the bat depending on your imported character's level.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I think they've confirmed that you'll be able to change your class and appearance, just like in ME2. Apparently you'll also get some bonus skill points to spend right off the bat depending on your imported character's level.[/QUOTE]


I might have to make 1st contact with a different female this run through.
[quote name='100xp']thanks for the detailed rundown.

i'll be starting over w/my soldier on PT2 and probably set the difficulty to normal. I dont have the patience to try it on insane w/a higher lvl character...I'm on a schedule. :D this way I can knock out the other achievements, prep the world, and do the DLC's...and not have to planet scan as much as I'll already have some resources.

thanks for the tip on Stolen Memory and LOTSB. depending on how fast I go through the game I'll see if I can fit in the other DLC before I trigger the last event.

I needed a break from ME3 demo MP so I don't get too attached to my soon to be wiped progress.

If you carry over your save from ME2 > ME3 are you stuck with the class you played previously?[/QUOTE]To clarify, LoTSB gives you a new biotic ability and a way to re-spec your squadmates when you finish it. Stolen Memory gives you a new team member as well as the best SMG in the game when you finish it. That's why I think they're "required" to be played in the course of the game. Overlord and Arrival don't give you anything worthwhile except for XP, money and achievements.
[quote name='shrike4242']To clarify, LoTSB gives you a new biotic ability and a way to re-spec your squadmates when you finish it. Stolen Memory gives you a new team member as well as the best SMG in the game when you finish it. That's why I think they're "required" to be played in the course of the game. Overlord and Arrival don't give you anything worthwhile except for XP, money and achievements.[/QUOTE]

yeah, i remembered ppl saying how good the rewards were in those 2 DLC' having sexah squadmate would be nice. I'll try to iron those out sooner than later.

funny...a cilent just called and her name is EDI.
There are also some upgrades (tech upgrade in Kasumi, I think one of each in LOTSB). And you can upgrade stuff to 6/5 and 7/5 and get the extra bonuses.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']There are also some upgrades (tech upgrade in Kasumi, I think one of each in LOTSB). And you can upgrade stuff to 6/5 and 7/5 and get the extra bonuses.[/QUOTE]I think there always seems to be at least one upgrade in each of the DLC missions, save Firewalker.
I'm wayyy late to the party, but can someone point me in the direction of some of the in-game (multiplayer?) bonuses you can earn before it comes out?
[quote name='drktrpr1']I'm wayyy late to the party, but can someone point me in the direction of some of the in-game (multiplayer?) bonuses you can earn before it comes out?[/QUOTE]

You can't earn anything prior to release, unless you consider the recruitment packs from the mass effect app on facebook. It all gets erased once the game comes out.

[quote name='Ryuukishi']"From Ashes" pics from Facebook:

Spoilers, I guess? These are officially published screenshots from the game that depict its people and places.[/QUOTE]

What the hell is that gun that the Jamaican is firing?
[quote name='Anexanhume']
What the hell is that gun that the Jamaican is firing?
It's awesome, that's what it is.

Some other observations:

- Collectors are back! I KNOW YOU FEEL THIS
- Fight w/ Cerberus at Citadel C-SEC
- Alternate armors look sweet, especially on Liara
[quote name='drktrpr1']I'm wayyy late to the party, but can someone point me in the direction of some of the in-game (multiplayer?) bonuses you can earn before it comes out?[/QUOTE]

you're basically getting knowledge of 2 maps and how to effectively combat the enemy known as cerberus...and if you play enough of it and level up you get an idea of how you want to level up your character(s).

I'll level up my human soldier different this time if I planned to keep him. I read about the promotion system before retiring throw away classes.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
It's awesome, that's what it is.

Some other observations:

- Collectors are back! I KNOW YOU FEEL THIS
- Fight w/ Cerberus at Citadel C-SEC
- Alternate armors look sweet, especially on Liara

Awesome catch on
C-Sec, I glossed right over that. Agreed that the alternate armors are badass, especially Liara's. They upped her hotness in this game. The pic with Mr. Prothean fighting collectors was interesting. Like...he's the last one (an assumption) and knowing what they are....You feel bad for the guy.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Awesome catch on
C-Sec, I glossed right over that. Agreed that the alternate armors are badass, especially Liara's. They upped her hotness in this game. The pic with Mr. Prothean fighting collectors was interesting. Like...he's the last one (an assumption) and knowing what they are....You feel bad for the guy.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']
They upped her hotness in this game.
Impossible! It was already at maximum. At least, it was over 9000.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
It's awesome, that's what it is.

Some other observations:

- Collectors are back! I KNOW YOU FEEL THIS
- Fight w/ Cerberus at Citadel C-SEC
- Alternate armors look sweet, especially on Liara
I already assumed that the Collectors would be back. Hopefully just the foot soldiers and no more fucking Praetorians.

Also, the "Banshee" (an Asari turned into a husk) continues to look frightening with every single pic they show of them.

Guess we run into Cerberus on the Citadel if they're going to attack C-Sec, which is a bonehead move and then some.

Kaiden and Vega look a little too alike in that first pic. Long lost cousins?

The Prothean's weapon looks like an AR-sized version of the Collector particle beam.

Liara's armor looks a little odd in that picture with the Atlas, almost like she's had the right leg armor blown off. If that's armor that's intact, someone should be flaking her and attacking that missing armor area.

Overall, pretty good shots and nice to see it's not DLC we have to pick up if we're getting the CE.
We all gripe about the Phantoms in the MP demo, but those Banshee's already give me nightmares. I have a feeling they're going to be brutal.

Can't wait!! :whee:
Those Banshee's remind me of the Siren's in Killing Floor.
Probably going to be a real bitch just like'em too.
Question about ME 1. I'm trying to finish up my achivements on ME 1. I'm playing on Insanity right now and I need the ally achievements for Tali, Liara, and Ashley.

I'm playing as a soldier and I know that I can take only two with me but the it is pretty tough. I have been bringing Ashley and Liara so far, but I can't open any encryption crates! Any advice?

From: Alliance News Network Information Partners

September 14, 2186

Cerberus expansion deemed “significant threat”

By Iris Dunnigan

CITADEL – A report by the salarian Special Tasks Group, warning of the increasing danger of human-supremacist group Cerberus, is garnering attention in the halls of the Citadel Tower. ANN has agreed not to publish the classified report’s contents, but experts within the STG, speaking on condition of anonymity, warn that what was once considered a small and extremely select group has grown drastically in size and power. “There has always been a segment of the human population that believes the Council government is lying to them,” said one agent. “Cerberus exploits that fear.” A confiscated recruitment video included in the report states the Cerberus mentality plainly: “Other species may talk with us, trade with us, even live with us, but when a crisis comes, we are on our own.”

Critics of the report are quick to point out its flaws. “This report covers ground that Spectre intelligence has already covered,” said one Tower insider. ”We know Cerberus has the ability to field many troops, build a stealth frigate, and conduct groundbreaking research. It’s been clear for months, even years, that Cerberus is growing in numbers, but when it comes to how Cerberus are able to do all this, STG only says, ‘we don’t know yet.’ It is past the point where that is acceptable.”

Link to Bioware Blog:
From the Bioware Forums, from a member of the development team:

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to give you some info that may or may not be encouraging :) we've noticed a healthy amount of debate around the reinforcement pack system and the random nature of unlocks.

In the demo, we recognize it can be difficult to unlock exactly the race/class/weapon you want to use without considerable play time.

What I can tell you is this: although the system is not likely going to go away, the demo has approximately half of the unlockable content that is present in the full game. While I can't speak to the chances of getting a very specific unlock, in general you should see more/better rewards from the packs you earn.
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[quote name='js1']Question about ME 1. I'm trying to finish up my achivements on ME 1. I'm playing on Insanity right now and I need the ally achievements for Tali, Liara, and Ashley.

I'm playing as a soldier and I know that I can take only two with me but the it is pretty tough. I have been bringing Ashley and Liara so far, but I can't open any encryption crates! Any advice?[/QUOTE]When you're done with the mission, go back and bring either Tali, Garrus or both of them and then you should be able to open up the crates.

I always did a "clean up" run after the mission was done to clean up those items, since they were useful items, either to use or to sell.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']From the Bioware Forums, from a member of the development team:

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to give you some info that may or may not be encouraging :) we've noticed a healthy amount of debate around the reinforcement pack system and the random nature of unlocks.

In the demo, we recognize it can be difficult to unlock exactly the race/class/weapon you want to use without considerable play time.

What I can tell you is this: although the system is not likely going to go away, the demo has approximately half of the unlockable content that is present in the full game. While I can't speak to the chances of getting a very specific unlock, in general you should see more/better rewards from the packs you earn.[/QUOTE]

I guess that's good news and bad news. I have yet to unlock any race other than human and I've put in a ton of hours on the demo...way too much for a demo. It seems like everyone else who has played at last 5 hours has gotten an Asari or Turian.
[quote name='simosaurus']I guess that's good news and bad news. I have yet to unlock any race other than human and I've put in a ton of hours on the demo...way too much for a demo. It seems like everyone else who has played at last 5 hours has gotten an Asari or Turian.[/QUOTE]

Saw my first Quarian the other day. So, I think I've seen all the races at this point. I've only unlocked humans and an asari.
[quote name='shrike4242']When you're done with the mission, go back and bring either Tali, Garrus or both of them and then you should be able to open up the crates.

I always did a "clean up" run after the mission was done to clean up those items, since they were useful items, either to use or to sell.[/QUOTE]

Cool, thanks for the help!
[quote name='simosaurus']I guess that's good news and bad news. I have yet to unlock any race other than human and I've put in a ton of hours on the demo...way too much for a demo. It seems like everyone else who has played at last 5 hours has gotten an Asari or Turian.[/QUOTE]

all the goodies aren't intended to be unlocked in a week's worth of playing. i think ppl tend to want to unlock everything within the first weekend of playing, achievements, bonus content, etc. this isn't any different. in fact most games with a campaign and a mp mode can be finished in a weekend.

my N lvl is about 80 something and this is just the demo, I haven't unlocked the Krogan but I've gotten all the other races for the most part and multiples of some of them which unlocked additional appearance features...4 special wpns and multiple upgrades for each.

recruit packs are easy to obtain. if 2 infiltrators can duo bronze w/sniper riflies in 18 mins 4 players with avg + gaming skills should plow through that in the same time or less. Besides, Veteran packs are what get you a guarenteed uncommon or better. recruit packs are more for impatient ppl who like to gamble or just dont care and want ammo and medi gel.

I'm fine with the buying system, i know ill get 100+ hours of MP ME3 on bronze and silver alone for sure and add that to my galatic readiness.
Bronze is a breeze finally, and on my first three tries I got two more races! Last one I need is the Asari. Love the biotic powers, and it's beating me up trying to unlock them. What's the best build for Asasi?

I tried out the drell vanguard. Don't get it. Starting barrier strength of 300? I was getting wiped out like crazy! The other ones I played with today either did the same or stayed back and mashed on pull.

Got into a good groove with a random guy in matchmaking. We did both stages on bronze, just the two of us, with neither of us being knocked down once. We got 15k bonus for "all waves survived". Seems like that bonus only works if all players never get knocked down. He was using a lvl16 Krogan and I was a level 13 salarian. Pinky and the Brain. :) The infiltrator class is great in multi, I would cloak run into a crowd and revive a teammate before running back out.
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[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Bronze is a breeze finally, and on my first three tries I got two more races! Last one I need is the Asari. Love the biotic powers, and it's beating me up trying to unlock them. What's the best build for Asasi?

I tried out the drell vanguard. Don't get it. Starting barrier strength of 300? I was getting wiped out like crazy! The other ones I played with today either did the same or stayed back and mashed on pull.

Got into a good groove with a random guy in matchmaking. We did both stages on bronze, just the two of us, with neither of us being knocked down once. We got 15k bonus for "all waves survived". Seems like that bonus only works if all players never get knocked down. He was using a lvl16 Krogan and I was a level 13 salarian. Pinky and the Brain. :) The infiltrator class is great in multi, I would cloak run into a crowd and revive a teammate before running back out.[/QUOTE]

there really isn't a best build but to be able to be effective and not go down quickly...I suppose the worst build would be investing heavily in melee damage but never using it.

it's really up to your play style, the nice thing about the humans in each class is, they're the you could essentially have 1 for randoms and 1 for party play, and the other two for whatever tickles your fancy if and when you unlock them.

I hope there's a lot more wpns to unlock in MP vs what's been seen so far.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Bronze is a breeze finally, and on my first three tries I got two more races! Last one I need is the Asari. Love the biotic powers, and it's beating me up trying to unlock them. What's the best build for Asasi?

I tried out the drell vanguard. Don't get it. Starting barrier strength of 300? I was getting wiped out like crazy! The other ones I played with today either did the same or stayed back and mashed on pull.

Got into a good groove with a random guy in matchmaking. We did both stages on bronze, just the two of us, with neither of us being knocked down once. We got 15k bonus for "all waves survived". Seems like that bonus only works if all players never get knocked down. He was using a lvl16 Krogan and I was a level 13 salarian. Pinky and the Brain. :) The infiltrator class is great in multi, I would cloak run into a crowd and revive a teammate before running back out.[/QUOTE]

You tend to want to spam biotics as Asari so travel light. Pimp out a phalanx and you're set.
Played the multiplayer for the first time last night.

I had a rough go of it the first couple of rounds, but once I got accustomed on how my guy moves around and the weapons he had, I didn't have much of a problem at all. Biggest adjustment though was melees. I was eventually able to time and position the third one so I'm not doing some special punch at air anymore.

I managed to level my Human Male Adept to level 9. Didn't really get any weapons unlocked, but I did unlock a Krogan soldier.
[quote name='gotdott']You tend to want to spam biotics as Asari so travel light. Pimp out a phalanx and you're set.[/QUOTE]

Same with vanguard. Then you can charge + nova then charge again almost immediately. A vanguard like this will dominate the score.
[quote name='gotdott']You tend to want to spam biotics as Asari so travel light. Pimp out a phalanx and you're set.[/QUOTE]

the max you can get for recharge time is +200%, i can get +194 for the AR (avenger) and +174% with the sniper rifle (mantis). Unless you're investing in the hvy pistol asari training, i don't think you'll see the difference between +194% and +200% in recharge time.

...that's just how i roll though.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Same with vanguard. Then you can charge + nova then charge again almost immediately. A vanguard like this will dominate the score.[/QUOTE]

Not against 15 phantoms :p

[quote name='100xp']the max you can get for recharge time is +200%, i can get +194 for the AR (avenger) and +174% with the sniper rifle (mantis). Unless you're investing in the hvy pistol asari training, i don't think you'll see the difference between +194% and +200% in recharge time.

...that's just how i roll though.[/QUOTE]

Gun preference definitely is a factor yea, I just find getting headshots with a pistol easier for me (my phalanx x has higher damage and less recoil than any of my ARs) and on gold where it takes significantly more shots to bring anything down I panic less if I have steadier aim. On the other hand my squad mate rolls with the widow and is so comfortable with it he can quick scope with the same accuracy as my pistol shots. The general idea I was trying to say though was keep your load light so you can spam ;)
[quote name='Anexanhume']Same with vanguard. Then you can charge + nova then charge again almost immediately. A vanguard like this will dominate the score.[/QUOTE]

Yep, i just run a Carnifex with scope and extended barrell, so my 19 Krogan soldier has Carnage every 2.7 seconds, with 1100 health and 1400 shields, rage boost, and 2 shot kills... the Krogan Soldier is a beast... too bad after probably 30 veteran packs i STILL have not unlocked another race yet.
It's looking like we actually have option to not wear the helmets on some of the armors this time? some of them (like inferno and such) were too bulky/stupid looking in ME2 and I wanted to have option to use cool armors without the helmets, so that's cool to see.

also, can anyone tell me exactly what, or if, anything carries over from MP demo into ME3? I'm at level 10 and wondering if its worth keep leveling up, if none of it carries over I'll probably just stop playing and wait for the game to come out.
[quote name='gotdott']Not against 15 phantoms :p

Gun preference definitely is a factor yea, I just find getting headshots with a pistol easier for me (my phalanx x has higher damage and less recoil than any of my ARs) and on gold where it takes significantly more shots to bring anything down I panic less if I have steadier aim. On the other hand my squad mate rolls with the widow and is so comfortable with it he can quick scope with the same accuracy as my pistol shots. The general idea I was trying to say though was keep your load light so you can spam ;)[/QUOTE]


I have yet to attempt gold w/a squad vs a bunch of disorganized randoms.

I think for the asari adept i took the 20% more headshot dmg perk as well.

it's funny, my copy of ME2 has about $20 worth of tolls infront of it, it's cheaper for me to buy a new copy...and even crazy cheaper to get it from BB using the gamer mag coupon. alas, I will not have time to play ME2 before ME3 comes out due to my work schedule.
bread's done