Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

[quote name='shrike4242']Does anyone think it's worth going back
to Mars
to pick up a missing weapon mod? Probably be an hour or so worth of backtracking.[/QUOTE]
I missed the Mattock AR in the Grissom mission, and the next time I went to the Citadel it was available to purchase in one of the stores. So the same may apply to mods.

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Has anyone invested in the weapons at the Spectre Requisitions console? They are mighty expensive, but because I'm an insane completionist, I have a ton of money. Curious if any of them are worth the investment.[/QUOTE]
I bought the Paladin pistol. It's an upgrade over the Carnifex though not an enormous one. I've heard that the Black Widow is a good buy for Soldiers and Infiltrators.
[quote name='shrike4242']Does anyone think it's worth going back
to Mars
to pick up a missing weapon mod? Probably be an hour or so worth of backtracking.[/QUOTE]

it should just show up in your spectre requisition terminal Infact if you missed anything on the missions besides Medi-gel or credits, it will be there. So side quests involving you to pick up stuff during a mission will be there in the terminal if you missed it.

Javelin and the Black widow are beasty sniper rifles. I take out brutes with a black least on SP.

Geth Pulse Rifle is pretty nasty in its own right. accurate and great firing rate.
[quote name='integralsmatic']Javelin and the Black widow are beasty sniper rifles. I take out brutes with a black least on SP.

Geth Pulse Rifle is pretty nasty in its own right. accurate and great firing rate.[/QUOTE]
I really want to get a Black Widow or some kind of Spectre pack sniper, I went back to using the Mantis because my Infiltrators can do insane damage well above and beyond what they initially started out with.
Through an odd turn of events, I wound up with multiple codes for the Argus Assault Rifle pre-order DLC. I've already entered one, but I was wondering if I entered the 2nd one, would I get a second Argus for my party to use?
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']I'm so conflicted.

Do I sabotage the genophage cure or do I go through with curing it?

Think about it this way

who are you more concerned about pissing off, the salarians or krogans? ;)
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']I'm so conflicted.

Do I sabotage the genophage cure or do I go through with curing it?
Your decisions dictate who fight with you.
Reading wiki this never happened to me.
Eve will collapse and die due to complications coming from having the genophage cure being based on incomplete data. This will cause several krogan clans to fall into conflict over who was responsible for Eve's death, providing an excuse for many to act on long-standing feuds and reducing the "Krogan Clans". Also, if the quest to disarm the rearmed turian bomb left over from the Krogan Rebellions is left uncompleted, then the bomb detonates and Shepard will recieve a message from the Urdnot leader stating that Eve has died.
At the conclusion of the mission, should Shepard cure the Genophage, she states her birth name to the Commander and says that they will always be friends.''

She died for me and I let mordin cure the krogan's but I was able to stop the bomb later on.
Unlocked the Krogan Soldier earlier this morning.

Krogan+Claymore creates one nasty combo to the belly of all bosses.

Purge Fortification: +80% melee boost
Heavy Melee: +50% melee Krogan skill, +20% melee bayonet
Claymore: 50.1x8 (400.8 if all hit) , +17.5% dmg shred mod

Plus you can get more melee bonuses from the Rage skill.
[quote name='GUNNM']why are you asking then? Either you want A to fight with you or B? Is it really that hard of a decision?[/QUOTE]

Um...he's not asking. He's talking about the emotional investment he has in the story...
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite place to invade your privacy on the Citadel...

She's on the Citadel in the docking bay as soon as you arrive there the first time. She's a war asset if you let her become an imbedded reporter aboard the Normandy and can help improve other assets by cutting interviews with Shepard.

Has anyone invested in the weapons at the Spectre Requisitions console? They are mighty expensive, but because I'm an insane completionist, I have a ton of money. Curious if any of them are worth the investment.[/QUOTE]

The Black Widow is the best gun in the game for an infiltrator and soldier. And the proper way to use it is to zoom out then zoom in again after every shot. You can take out 3 normal guys in the span of like 7 seconds if you're fast enough.

Oh and it shoots THROUGH people too, just line them up like Indiana Jones.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']'s all I gotta say...

I chose the "synthesis" ending. What happens if you choose to destroy the Reapers or control them?

Exact same pile of bullshit, basically. fucking space magic, no Harbinger confrontation, no proper Epilogue except for the stupid fucking kid and his molester, who the fuck knows what happened to the Normandy or why it was in flight when it should have been the fleets at Earth - just one steaming pile of rushed crap.
finally got the unwavering achievement for beating all the levels on gold. now all that's left is the last half of my insanity run and it'll be time to start over from one.
I've had decent luck with the spectre packs - 2x carnifex which is what I use and a +1 permanent cobra missile! Still no geth shotgun - my nephew who I always play with has a 2x one though and it's pretty badass. Still want to get an asari adept and krogan soldier too. Really enjoyed the turian sentinel - didn't touch the sentinel in the demo but I love it now. I'm playing a ton of multiplayer and haven't done hardly any of the single player yet!
Am I the only one that has never been able to enter the Spectre shooting range? It crashes during load every time.

That and the facial import glitch are proof of what happens when your QA department has to go from xbox exclusive to multi sku launch.
[quote name='evanft']What's a good bonus power for Vanguard?[/QUOTE]
My Vanguard builds are pretty straight forward. Human and Asari anyway.

For the Asari, skip Stasis entirely and the Weapon Damage bonuses. Focus on Power and Force bonuses, max out Radius and Grenade cap on Lift Grenades, Barrier/Shield bonus from Fitness and Power and Force from Asari Training with the Weapon Damage or Heavy Pistol reduction being either way.

For the human I skipped Shockwave, maxed out Power and Force on Nova. Same build otherwise.

The way I play a Vanguard is to soften up targets first and then start the Biotic Charge chains. If I use Nova I wait a second after the Biotic Charge then hit it so I can hit the next Biotic Charge. Always roll around, especially if you jump into the middle of a bunch of enemies. Usually it'll take a second for them to realize you're in their range and switch targets to you, take the time to roll back and soften up another target before doing a Nova.

The hard part about being a Vanguard is not dying. The rest is all secondary, a good Vanguard will be constantly using Biotic Charge to fly around the battlefield like a crackhead with a teleporter. Everybody knows what a bad Vanguard looks like.
[quote name='evanft']What's a good bonus power for Vanguard?[/QUOTE]
I picked Shield Drain for a bonus power so I had an option for dealing with shields and synthetics.
all items available from mp card packs and their rarity level
Consumable Common (Blue)
- Cobra Missile Launcher (more in Veteran/Spectre packs.)
- Thermal Clip Pack (more in Veteran/Spectre packs.)
- Ops Survival Pack (more in Veteran/Spectre packs.)
- Medi-Gel (more in Veteran/Spectre packs.)
- Ammo Bonus Items (Level 1 in Recruit/Level 2 in Veteran/Level 3 in Spectre)
- Weapon Bonus Items (Level 1 in Recruit/Level 2 in Veteran/Level 3 in Spectre)
- Armor Bonus Items (Level 1 in Recruit/Level 2 in Veteran/Level 3 in Spectre)

Common (Blue)
- M-3 Predator
- M-23 Katana
- M-4 Shuriken
- M-92 Mantis
- M-8 Avenger
- SMG Scope
- Pistol Scope
- Pistol High-Caliber Barrel
- Assault Rifle Percision Scope
- Assault Rifle Magazine Upgrade
- Sniper Rifle Spare Thermal Clip
- Shotgun Smart Choke
- Shotgun High Caliber Barrel
- Shotgun Blade Attachment
- Human Characters

Uncommon (Silver)
- M-5 Phalanx
- M-22 Eviscerator
- M-9 Tempest
- M-12 Locust
- M-13 Raptor
- M-27 Scimitar
- M-97 Viper
- M-29 Incisor
- M-96 Mattock
- M-15 Vindicator
- Phaeston
- SMG Ultralight Materials
- Pistol Piercing Mod
- Assault Rifle Stability Damper
- Sniper Rifle Extended Barrel
- Sniper Rifle Enhanced Scope
- Shotgun Shredder Mod
- Turian Soldier
- Salarian Engineer
- Turian Sentinel
- Quarian Infiltrator
- Asari Vanguard
- Drell Adept

Rare (Gold)
- Consumable Item Capacity Increases
- Respec Card
- M-25 Hornet
- M-6 Carnifex
- Geth Pulse Rifle
- Geth Pulse Shotgun
- M-300 Claymore
- M-98 Widow
- Arc Pistol
- Disciple
- Graal Spike Thrower
- M-37 Falcon
- M-76 Revenant
- Collector Assault Rifle* (color is gold, but you have to have a code to unlock)
- Asari Adept
- Krogan Soldier
- Krogan Sentinel
- Quarian Engineer
- Salarian Infiltrator
- Drell Vanguard

Ultra Rare (Black/N7)
- Black Widow
- M-358 Talon
- M-99 Saber
- M-77 Paladin
- M-11 Wraith
- Javelin
- Scorpion
I finished Tuchanka and then returned to the Citadel.

After completing the attack by Cerberus on the Citadel and killing Udina, I noticed that a number of the side missions like finding evidence for the Ambassador of relatives or Barla Von's mission disappeared. Does that mean I'm no longer able to do them?

And dammit at all these losses thus far... :cry:
[quote name='Raccoon2117']I finished Tuchanka and then returned to the Citadel.

After completing the attack by Cerberus on the Citadel and killing Udina, I noticed that a number of the side missions like finding evidence for the Ambassador of relatives or Barla Von's mission disappeared. Does that mean I'm no longer able to do them?

And dammit at all these losses thus far... :cry:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dotCody']
Exact same pile of bullshit, basically. fucking space magic, no Harbinger confrontation, no proper Epilogue except for the stupid fucking kid and his molester, who the fuck knows what happened to the Normandy or why it was in flight when it should have been the fleets at Earth - just one steaming pile of rushed crap.

There is a huge thread about it on the Bioware official forums. Lets just say almost universal dislike.
I'm so pissed off when I met Kelly in the Citadel that I didn't tell her to change her name. If you tell her to do it, does she survive the Cerberus attack or does she still die?
[quote name='MSUHitman']Correct.[/QUOTE]

And even though it says he's in the Commons, I can't find Barla Von.

Given that I didn't do the side mission he gave me, does that mean he's dead and it's a glitch?
Some quick questions...

I haven't followed the online aspect of ME3 at all and have no interest in it... so my first question is, should I care? Is there any benefit to the single player by playing online (unlocking new levels, new story arcs, etc.)? Will I miss out on anything in the single player if I don't redeem my online pass?
[quote name='Raccoon2117']And even though it says he's in the Commons, I can't find Barla Von.

Given that I didn't do the side mission he gave me, does that mean he's dead and it's a glitch?

Once you get off the elevator at the commons head to the far left and he's at the counter of the banking/shopping area on that end of the commons. He disappears once Act 2 begins and you lose the war asset his side mission provided.
[quote name='MSUHitman']
I'm so pissed off when I met Kelly in the Citadel that I didn't tell her to change her name. If you tell her to do it, does she survive the Cerberus attack or does she still die?

She survives and thanks you.

There's nothing funnier than getting kicked from games as a Drell Adept. Especially when you out perform an Asari Adept no less. Since I can't find a dedicated team to play with I guess it's time to stack up on Vet packs, go on revive strike and really hone my solo game. Pretty pathetic how I can't seem to escape the overly sensitive ultra competitive alpha male attitude even in the co-op scene because there's a leaderboard involved.
[quote name='Vinny']Some quick questions...

I haven't followed the online aspect of ME3 at all and have no interest in it... so my first question is, should I care? Is there any benefit to the single player by playing online (unlocking new levels, new story arcs, etc.)? Will I miss out on anything in the single player if I don't redeem my online pass?[/QUOTE]
When you go into your War Assets screen and it shows the 50% readiness modifier for your asset score... playing multiplayer raises that percentage. And you can 'promote' maxed multiplayer characters which translates them into war assets.

[quote name='gbpackers94']EDI looks so fucking cool.[/QUOTE]
I find she looks a lot cooler with clothes on, especially the Eva Core outfit you get for her with the Prothean DLC. I wish you could make her wear it on the Normandy.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']
She survives and thanks you.

There's nothing funnier than getting kicked from games as a Drell Adept. Especially when you out perform an Asari Adept no less. Since I can't find a dedicated team to play with I guess it's time to stack up on Vet packs, go on revive strike and really hone my solo game. Pretty pathetic how I can't seem to escape the overly sensitive ultra competitive alpha male attitude even in the co-op scene because there's a leaderboard involved.[/QUOTE]

send me a friend request. I'm up for some no-drama/just ass-kicking MP!!
My thoughts on the ending.

I echo the majority of the feelings that the ending really, really, sucked. I loved the game till the end. Maybe better then ME2. But I think I know why It sucks: Because Bioware is going to offer a new ending/continuation DLC to make all the fans happy. For a price of course.
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[quote name='dotCody']
Exact same pile of bullshit, basically. fucking space magic, no Harbinger confrontation, no proper Epilogue except for the stupid fucking kid and his molester, who the fuck knows what happened to the Normandy or why it was in flight when it should have been the fleets at Earth - just one steaming pile of rushed crap.

I watched the other endings on YouTube, and yeah, the same, exact thing happens basically, which is kind of stupid. Kind of weak endings for an epic game and series. I'm not sure what you mean by "space magic," though.

Oh, and saw this as a comment on a YouTube video...

"Yo dawg, I heard you don't wanna be killed by synthetics so I made some synthetics to kill you every 50k years so you won't be killed by synthetics".
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[quote name='chubbyninja1319']send me a friend request. I'm up for some no-drama/just ass-kicking MP!![/QUOTE]

Sent and sent. Hit me up anytime you want play. I'm down for any difficulty because I really want the Falcon AR and Quarian Infiltrator. Ironically enough I just met an awesome random who helped me mop up two Geth Golds with that class. It truly is top tier.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']My thoughts on the ending.

I echo the majority of the feelings that the ending really, really, sucked. I loved the game till the end. Maybe better then ME2. But I think I know why It sucks: Because Bioware is going to offer a new ending/continuation DLC to make all the fans happy. For a price of course.

While the endings aren't great, I loved the game so much, I'm not letting it bother me too much. The entire game up until the very end was epic. And watching two of my favorite squadmates from the series, Mordin and Legion, sacrifice themselves to save the galaxy really tore me up inside.

I wouldn't be surprised if there is some kind of DLC epilogue. Or if BioWare decided to scrap the idea of the trilogy being all to Shepard's story and it continuing somehow, considering that two of the endings have the tease of him surviving.
[quote name='dotCody']
Exact same pile of bullshit, basically. fucking space magic, no Harbinger confrontation, no proper Epilogue except for the stupid fucking kid and his molester, who the fuck knows what happened to the Normandy or why it was in flight when it should have been the fleets at Earth - just one steaming pile of rushed crap.

you confront Harbinger (and in the end the Catalyst whom speaks through the answers of teh reapers far more than harbingers heralding of Apocalypse), when he blows the crap out of Hammer team, The epilogue is in your flashbacks, at this point in the series, the explanation of your actions and the post credit scene i felt were remarkably well done. The symbology of the child existing and speaking of the Shepard Legend is a full circle from not only the Child in the beginning that gets blown up showing your entire purpose and sacrifice was a success, but the overall mythos of the Reapers started as a fairy tale. Your actions provide a new legend to start the new cycle. One of hope and synthesis instead of turmoil and destruction.

The Normandy crash lands and those that were on baord saunter out. It was escaing the blast because it is the fastest ship in the galaxy for the most part and Joker was trying to save them, standing there and taking it wouldnt have done much.

I just finished my first playthrough, and this game, and series, has oficially entered my book as the best piece of narrative entertainment on any medium I have seen. All I can think of when I was making my decision on the ending was
(I wanna see Liara and my little blue babies)
and almost selected the ending where I thought that might happen. I loved the
communications tech at the last mission letting you call and say your goodbyes, it made me wonder what each of them was doing as i ran through the No Mans Land.

Truly a piece of greatness and I am honored to have played them.... now to do it again.
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and now i will be playing the shit outa MP, Chubby i saw your invite last night but was zoned in to complete SP, anytimes im playing now and you toss me an invite, i am all for it and will hop in party. I got a bunch of gear from spec packs and gonna work on kickng ass in MP so i can get the gold acheivs
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[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']
I watched the other endings on YouTube, and yeah, the same, exact thing happens basically, which is kind of stupid. Kind of weak endings for an epic game and series. I'm not sure what you mean by "space magic," though.

Oh, and saw this as a comment on a YouTube video...

"Yo dawg, I heard you don't wanna be killed by synthetics so I made some synthetics to kill you every 50k years so you won't be killed by synthetics".
Space magic = the ending where synthetics and organics are combined together, magically.
[quote name='Freemason']
you confront Harbinger (and in the end the Catalyst whom speaks through the answers of teh reapers far more than harbingers heralding of Apocalypse), when he blows the crap out of Hammer team, The epilogue is in your flashbacks, at this point in the series, the explanation of your actions and the post credit scene i felt were remarkably well done. The symbology of the child existing and speaking of the Shepard Legend is a full circle from not only the Child in the beginning that gets blown up showing your entire purpose and sacrifice was a success, but the overall mythos of the Reapers started as a fairy tale. Your actions provide a new legend to start the new cycle. One of hope and synthesis instead of turmoil and destruction.

The Normandy crash lands and those that were on baord saunter out. It was escaing the blast because it is the fastest ship in the galaxy for the most part and Joker was trying to save them, standing there and taking it wouldnt have done much.

I didn't understand any of that.
Space magic = the ending where synthetics and organics are combined together, magically.

Eh, sorry. Can't get too worked up over that. We play video games, where tons of shit happens without explanation. Did you really want them to come up with a science behind the combination? That would have only been interesting if Mordin was still around to explain it in your game.

Part of me is almost enjoying...

...watching the massive nerd rage over the endings. I don't know. I always considered myself a massive nerd, and I love this series, and I definitely don't think the endings were good...but come on. People are losing their shit over a video game ending.
[quote name='dotCody']
Space magic = the ending where synthetics and organics are combined together, magically.

I didn't understand any of that.[/QUOTE]

Which could be why you were so upset at the ending lol.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']When you go into your War Assets screen and it shows the 50% readiness modifier for your asset score... playing multiplayer raises that percentage. And you can 'promote' maxed multiplayer characters which translates them into war assets.

Thanks. It's pointless for me then since I don't have Gold... guess I'll be missing out.
[quote name='Vinny']Thanks. It's pointless for me then since I don't have Gold... guess I'll be missing out.[/QUOTE]

Technically you won't really be missing out since if you do just about everything in the game you'll have well over 6-7,000 war assets which at 50% readiness will still meet the 3,000 maximum
Just found out there's another way to respec your MP characters besides promotion which forces a respec of the entire class (annoying to say the least). The catch? It's a rare frickin' card item attached to the already exceptionally questionable luck based unlock system.

Why they couldn't have made it available alongside the packs sporting a high price tag is beyond me. ;\
bread's done