Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Honestly I'm still surprised they managed to screw them up this badly.[/QUOTE]
It would have been so easy to get it right... I mean, the rest of the game is so good, the writers' instincts are good 99% of the time. They just had to take a gamble on something 'artsy' for the ending. :lol:
LOL. Pretty much Ryu. The endings would literally take a 2 - 5 cut scenes and a handful of dialog to fix and that is exactly what makes this situation so mind numbingly difficult for a large majority of fans to swallow. It's either Mac screwed up horribly and no one could call him on it or they planned to milk us dry via DLC from the start. Not a good look by any length of the imagination.

The same thing sort of happened in DA2 though where the writers were so proud of what they achieved and adamant in selling their story to you that it sabotaged party builds. I can swallow a mediocre story (IMO) if the overall package justifies the time spent. Just for the love of all that is holy in this world don't let it ruin the replay value and dictate how I choose to play your games. It totally killed what little enthusiasm I had to delve back into it and I haven't since.

Btw has anyone noticed the new pack in MP? It's all equipment but only available for a limited time. I certainly hope they plan to release new packs periodically because I'm already starting to get bored, the unlock odds are terrible, and at this rate I'm never going to get a Quarian Infiltrator.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']LOL. Pretty much Ryu. The endings would literally take a 2 - 5 cut scenes and a handful of dialog to fix and that is exactly what makes this situation so mind numbingly difficult for a large majority of fans to swallow. It's either Mac screwed up horribly and no one could call him on it or they planned to milk us dry via DLC from the start. Not a good look by any length of the imagination.

The same thing sort of happened in DA2 though where the writers were so proud of what they achieved and adamant in selling their story to you that it sabotaged party builds. I can swallow a mediocre story (IMO) if the overall package justifies the time spent. Just for the love of all that is holy in this world don't let it ruin the replay value and dictate how I choose to play your games. It totally killed what little enthusiasm I had to delve back into it and I haven't since.

Btw has anyone noticed the new pack in MP? It's all equipment but only available for a limited time. I certainly hope they plan to release new packs periodically because I'm already starting to get bored, the unlock odds are terrible, and at this rate I'm never going to get a Quarian Infiltrator.[/QUOTE]

oddly that was my first unlock lol... I just need the Salarian Engineer, I have never seen one yet playing or unlocked!! I'll have to check out the MP pack. I actually enver get old of it, each game is different and i just enjoy playing the different ME classes and blowin shit up.
Ugh... I wish we could trade because though I absolutely LOVE my Salarian Engineer and he's quite adequate for Gold Geth runs nothing would speed up the process more than Sabotage spam. The game loves rubbing it in though by giving randoms in my games a crack at it while stacking me up with back to back Quarian Engineer unlocks in Spec packs. Terrible. ;(

Decoy is the shit though for real. High learning curve with a healthy dash of risk involved as it isn't 100% foolproof, but once you get the hang of it you can turn matches into shooting galleries for your team. It's awesome and works for every enemy type in the game.
They cut corners, plain and simple.
The ending scenes are practically the same except for the color explosion. They didn't give the ending enough thought. They could've cut corners anywhere else in the game (like multiplayer or shortening the campaign a little) but they chose the absolute worst place to do so, the ending. Most of the fans who haven't finished it yet wouldn't believe it if you told them how horrible the ending is. It was so perfect until then and there was like a 1 in a million chance that they could screw up as bad as they did and they did just that.
[quote name='Tony208']They cut corners, plain and simple.
The ending scenes are practically the same except for the color explosion. They didn't give the ending enough thought. They could've cut corners anywhere else in the game (like multiplayer or shortening the campaign a little) but they chose the absolute worst place to do so, the ending. Most of the fans who haven't finished it yet wouldn't believe it if you told them how horrible the ending is. It was so perfect until then and there was like a 1 in a million chance that they could screw up as bad as they did and they did just that.

You are just indoctrinated. :)
[quote name='Freemason']You are just indoctrinated. :)[/QUOTE]

That theory is for the people still in the denial stage :)
I'm at the bargaining stage. My wallet is wide open.
Just finished the game so i havent caught up on this thread but my feelings are this was a great game to play but the ending wasn't totally clear to me. Not finishing all of the side quests may be contributing but i felt bioware didn't do their job if i have to google boards for other people's interpretations.

So win for the gameplay. Total fail on the ending. Then again most game endings end up disappointing so just add this to the pile.
[quote name='Tony208']That theory is for the people still in the denial stage :)
I'm at the bargaining stage. My wallet is wide open.[/QUOTE]

What we need to do is to stop fighting each other and fight together, against the Reapers! lol

I'll admit it, I'd open my wallet for more Mass Effect goodness. I think im gonna replay my last save and choose to
destroy the Reapers
. Then start ME1 over and do a trilogy run. After a few days of MP grinding, see if I can get to 150 N7, only about 110 now with only one promotion so far, wanna get my Sabotager up to 20!!
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I truly wish randoms would stop hording their damn equipment in games... ESPECIALLY during objective rounds WHEN COMPLETING THEM IS THE ONLY WAY WE'RE ALL GETTING PAID.

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I truly wish randoms would stop hording their damn equipment in games... ESPECIALLY during objective rounds WHEN COMPLETING THEM IS THE ONLY WAY WE'RE ALL GETTING PAID.

At least you're not meeting people who blow all their rocket launchers on wave 4 of gold. That a guarantee you'll lose later on.
Oh... I've met plenty of those already. The Three Stooges type who can't hold one frickin' doorway by themselves so I get flanked to hell and back until we lose. Or the terrible tacticians who try to order everyone around until they realize no one give a shit and rage quit while downed on the opposite side of the map. One of the reason I don't bother with mods anymore. If we make past the sixth wave without me juxing and decoying entire hordes I know it was a miracle.
lol sounds like fun, i have yet to play gold so not sure what builds i want to try in them, but i literally take 1st in EVERY Bronze match i play so find it disturbing there are just as many asshats in Gold as Bronze. But then again, they are not awesome CAGS either. I want to unlock thr revenant to try with my Turian Soldier with marksmanship and the Turian weapon bonuses... i use the Black Widow with it too and hardly use his other powers. The Turian Sentinel I built the same and just use the armor for the bonuses and and oh shit button then load up the weapon damage... or go Heavy Pistol and use te shit outa warp and overload.
I've been steering clear of this thread as to not get spoiled. But FYI...the datapad app is up on ios. You can up your galactic readiness via an in app minigame. Very cool.
I heard Turian Soldier can actually transform the Revenant into a USEFUL gun via Marksman, but I haven't unlocked the gun yet. I know it's pretty nasty with the Falcon though (too bad the gun is so damn heavy). I also read the entire nerf thread on BSN. Let's just say I'm taking the Gears 3 approach when it comes to purchasing DLC until further notice. LOL @ co-op nerfs though for real... especially when what was targeted barely affected the community and could be easily avoided.

Instead they nerf that rather than addressing the real problem which is increasing the terrible odds of their unlock system. Of course... we all know why that won't ever happen (hint: it's green with presidents on it). Only a matter of time before Decoy is next because the loudest branch of any developer's forum community always gets exactly what they want. Pathetic.

Sucks though that Snipers and Heavy Pistols are still top tier while SMGs are remain garbage, ARs that aren't named Mattock or X'd out are horribly underpowered, and Shotguns remain hit or miss. I don't know what the hell they were thinking by buffing Geth as well. Hunters were already a pain in the ass to deal with as is but increasing their movement speed THAT much while cloaked? Really? ...Please.
A good shotgun like the Claymore can one shot even on gold if you use/spec/upgrade properly :)

Oh it's fun to one shot engineers and centurions
I'm not sure what to make of this.

Sounds like you guys would get pissed playing with me. I only played a few times (lvl.12 engineer) and I seem like the weak link when we're having problems. Still, I've been able to win a few levels.

I usually try to stay close to somebody and help them out while covering them. Trying to stay back and spawn drones while spaming incinerate and overload.
The real question for those who have been following that brand of speculation is
what are consequences of Control or Synthesis if Shepard was in fact indoctrinated and coerced into it? You could literally make a new game or at the very least a full expansion of out him/her redeeming themselves for such a critical error in judgement.
Looks like it's time to officially come out of the bunker :cool:

Interestingly enough, one of the first things I said to myself regarding this thread was "I'm going to have my hands full with the discussion over the endings".

I can remember the big uproar over the end of Mass Effect 2, and some of the waves of discussion that a certain few aspects of that game generated throughout various communities. I also remember having to correct/explain/elaborate on a lot of the parts of the ending for some people (on a daily basis), especially those who were absolutely fixated on one and only one way of looking at the events of the endgame.

This time around, though, the issue is much larger and much more widespread. Over the weekend, some clear lines were drawn in the sand over the issue of the endings - and it looks like it may have even spread to this thread (still have a lot of catching up to do). I'm going to refrain from shoving opinions/beliefs/theories down people's throats like I did for ME2, and I will definitely not try to convince anyone of anything. My position regarding the endings is pretty firm, though I will admit that I'm still looking at a few things under the microscope and doing quite a bit of personal analysis. I'm not going to declare what "side of the fence" I'm on or even if I'm in the same neighborhood as the two prevailing groups. There's a little bit of truth in most of the major camps regarding the endings, and I don't think it's important for me to label myself as being part of one or the other.

What I will say, though, is that this game has exceeded my expectations on practically every level (and they were already super high to begin with), and it has more than earned the spot for best game ever in my heart and mind. I'm pretty much completely satisfied in every area, including MP which I have been playing like crazy as of late. Pure 100% emotional roller-coaster ride through the entire game.

It's good to be back.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Looks like it's time to officially come out of the bunker :cool:

Interestingly enough, one of the first things I said to myself regarding this thread was "I'm going to have my hands full with the discussion over the endings".

I can remember the big uproar over the end of Mass Effect 2, and some of the waves of discussion that a certain few aspects of that game generated throughout various communities. I also remember having to correct/explain/elaborate on a lot of the parts of the ending for some people (on a daily basis), especially those who were absolutely fixated on one and only one way of looking at the events of the endgame.

This time around, though, the issue is much larger and much more widespread. Over the weekend, some clear lines were drawn in the sand over the issue of the endings - and it looks like it may have even spread to this thread (still have a lot of catching up to do). I'm going to refrain from shoving opinions/beliefs/theories down people's throats like I did for ME2, and I will definitely not try to convince anyone of anything. My position regarding the endings is pretty firm, though I will admit that I'm still looking at a few things under the microscope and doing quite a bit of personal analysis. I'm not going to declare what "side of the fence" I'm on or even if I'm in the same neighborhood as the two prevailing groups. There's a little bit of truth in most of the major camps regarding the endings, and I don't think it's important for me to label myself as being part of one or the other.

What I will say, though, is that this game has exceeded my expectations on practically every level (and they were already super high to begin with), and it has more than earned the spot for best game ever in my heart and mind. I'm pretty much completely satisfied in every area, including MP which I have been playing like crazy as of late. Pure 100% emotional roller-coaster ride through the entire game.

It's good to be back.[/QUOTE]

I havent gotten to the end yet but so far I agree with you. This game has had me more emotionally invested than any other game I can think of, and I have ended up enjoying the MP a lot as well.

Now on an unrelated question I was going to post anyway...does anybody know if Galactic Readiness carries over for different Sheps? Or when I start my renegade Shep (doing paragon right now) will the meter be back at 50%?
I've got a ton of missions in my journal that involve something along the lines of "find X, give to Y" (X being something to help improve the heating, something else to uplift the spirits of some aliens, etc.). These don't seem like important missions, one of them I completed by scanning/excavating something from a some planet. Are these side quests important for war assets?

I'm seriously not sure I want to even bother trying to get the best ending anymore. Most of these side quests suck. I guess EA wanted to make it as miserable as possible for people who aren't buying their online pass (or have Gold... or time, in my case).
[quote name='GamerDude316']Now on an unrelated question I was going to post anyway...does anybody know if Galactic Readiness carries over for different Sheps? Or when I start my renegade Shep (doing paragon right now) will the meter be back at 50%?[/QUOTE]
I'm sure it applies to all of your characters, since it's displayed right on the title screen before you've chosen a savegame.
gg - gotdott.

yeah, they really buffed's not impossible but you don't want 4 quarians on your team anymore. You have to have something that break armor.

We ran into a bunch of tightwad equipment players, if you're going to play gold it should be a requirement to equip up at least ammo.

2 spectre packs, no mantis is up to V now. If this keeps up, I think the mantis will just out perform a low lvl widow...maybe I should just keep buying recruit packs until I max it.
I dont understand why the MP takes so long to load when the game is already on 2 fucking discs. This might be petty but shit like this infuriates me, if the idea is that someone will spend a large amount of time in the MP and you dont do enough to stream line it.

Other than that I found out that I need to play on the harder setting in order to be engaged in the MP. Running around with my Krogan was pretty fun even though I still have no real idea what the overall purpose of horde modes are suppose to be. Also this game seems to be extremely elitist and will boot anyone not the right level out....which begs to question why do they have them join random games?
Ok so wait. Instead of giving an ending, Bioware is pretty much ensuring that the only way to get the rest of the story is through DLC? Thats so unethical, but great business.
I'm gonna give BW the benefit and highly doubt they planned this. Any DLC they released would likely sell well. They didn't have to entice people by having crap endings. They simply dropped the ball. They tried to go for something artsy and ambiguous, but it just comes off as lazy and uninspired...
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I'm gonna give BW the benefit and highly doubt they planned this. Any DLC they released would likely sell well. They didn't have to entice people by having crap endings. They simply dropped the ball. They tried to go for something artsy and ambiguous, but it just comes off as lazy and uninspired...[/QUOTE]
idk dude. None of the endings are really actually endings. Their just a jumbled series of scenes. There is an ending there, but your going to have to buy dlc to make sense of it lmao.

So if buy the dlc in order to decipher an ending to a game I already bought, does that mean bioware has indoctrinated me?
"I didn't want the game to be forgettable," Hudson told Digital Trends. "Even right down to the sort of polarizing reaction that the ends have had with people - debating what the endings mean and what's going to happen next, and what situation are the characters left in."

"That to me is part of what's exciting about this story. There has always been a little bit of mystery there and a little bit of interpretation, and it's a story that people can talk about after the fact."

So basically, "We just wanted get everyone freaking out over it" and "Any publicity is good publicity" confirmed. There's your explanation-- they were aiming for controversy, not closure or player satisfaction. I guess they got what they wanted.
So I rented ME3 and mostly played the MP so far.
Is it worth it to get the first 2 and do the single player before doing the SP on Me3? Or does it really matter in the end?

Also if you go pretty much straight through how long does each one take estimated?
[quote name='SnoT']So I rented ME3 and mostly played the MP so far.
Is it worth it to get the first 2 and do the single player before doing the SP on Me3? Or does it really matter in the end?

Also if you go pretty much straight through how long does each one take estimated?[/QUOTE]
It's worth it to go through the earlier ones first, or at the very least ME2 (2 and 3 have largely similar gameplay, 1 is very different and you might find it slower/clunkier).

I'd say, for a straight shot through, not bothering to be particularly completionist: 12 hours for ME1, 20-25 for ME2, 25-30 for ME3.

Not sure if this lol image has been posted yet:
[quote name='Soodmeg']I dont understand why the MP takes so long to load when the game is already on 2 fucking discs. This might be petty but shit like this infuriates me, if the idea is that someone will spend a large amount of time in the MP and you dont do enough to stream line it.

Other than that I found out that I need to play on the harder setting in order to be engaged in the MP. Running around with my Krogan was pretty fun even though I still have no real idea what the overall purpose of horde modes are suppose to be. Also this game seems to be extremely elitist and will boot anyone not the right level out....which begs to question why do they have them join random games?[/QUOTE]

It either takes a very long time to load or not at all. I haven't noticed once the game goes under way it takes too long to load...sometimes it takes a while to join a game you're invited to. I'm guessing EA/Bioware didn't realize how popular the MP would be and hopefully their improve things on their end.

Yeah, bronze is now like a launch pad to get your low lvl character just high enough to join silver + games. Though it is very satisfying to be able to throw biotics and fire off rounds at the enemy with great effectiveness.

As the overall purpose of horde modes? cooperative combat...competitive MP is really only enjoyable (for most) when you're challenged by other ppl of the same skill level (or if you're pwning the other team). for the elitist attitude towards the MP. it's gonna happen everywhere, i laugh when I get booted because they probably had a bad experience with vanguards, turians (i'm talkin to you phoenix), and whatever other class combo prior. I'm glad there's an option to kick though. If you're in a group of 3 and about to do reaper gold...and some greenhorn wonder joins randomly at lvl 1. It's much easier to kick'em then send him a msg and hope he leaves.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']So basically, "We just wanted get everyone freaking out over it" and "Any publicity is good publicity" confirmed. There's your explanation-- they were aiming for controversy, not closure or player satisfaction. I guess they got what they wanted.[/QUOTE]

What they should have done is if you chose the destroy option, Shepard wakes up, having broken the indoctrination and proceeds to actually stop the reapers.

The DLC situation will be interesting though, because if they want it to be some post main-quest content, the DLC will require a finished game to unlock. I don't think any pre-ending DLC will satisfy anyone.

Still, some people have mentioned getting messages from squadmates in the datapad app after they finish the game where they talk about coming to see Shepard. Who knows at this point.
Yeah, those post-ending text messages are strange. Almost seems like leftovers from a previous draft of the ending that never got disabled.

If it's true that this is all some giant tease by BioWare, and there's going to be an expansion that explains/retcons the existing ending and gives us something different instead... That might be even more offensive then them just saying "This was our artistic vision, deal with it."
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Yeah, those post-ending text messages are strange. Almost seems like leftovers from a previous draft of the ending that never got disabled.

If it's true that this is all some giant tease by BioWare, and there's going to be an expansion that explains/retcons the existing ending and gives us something different instead... That might be even more offensive then them just saying "This was our artistic vision, deal with it."

Well, to be honest I'm a lot more receptive to the indoctrination ending given

1) Star child is a form familiar to Shepard. So something must be reading his psyche and determining that's a form that will make him sympathetic.
2) Foreshadowing. The last dream Shepard has about the child, it shows him embracing the child and going up in flames.
3) Shepard never asks any questions that you get to choose. Most importantly, defying the star child is not an option.
4) The thing closest to defying (destroy) is the only ending in which you can see him alive, apparently on earth, not the citadel. This suggests he broke the indoctrination.
5) In star child's voice, you can hear Meer's and Hale's voices layered in there. Suggesting it is Shepard talking to himself within the confines of his mind.
I agree that the ending sequence is a jarring, surreal shift from everything that came before, both tonally and philosophically. Dreamlike even. I even floated the idea earlier that the Normandy sequence could be interpreted as a representation of the crew's deaths.

It wouldn't surprise me to hear later that the ending was purposely designed to be ambiguous and support fan theories like "It's all taking place in Shepard's mind" etc.

I'm just not sure why any of that should make me feel better. :lol:
I haven't been in here as there are people who play the game faster than me and I'm only at
now after 34 hours of play so I'm right at the end as I only have 2 story missions and 1 side mission before the point of no return according to the guide. Didn't want to click the wrong spoiler tag.

That being said, I need to play A LOT of MP to get my galactic readiness from the 70's to 100% so I can have my strength above 5k for the "best" ending so if you see me on in the next few days, I want to MP! :)
Also, it's weird to me that
people are comparing the ending to the Matrix movies. It was clear as early as the second Matrix movie that the writers didn't really have a compelling vision for how to expand their universe or continue the story past the first film, that they were introducing new characters and subplots as a stalling tactic and throwing lots of ideas at the wall hoping something would stick. Whereas BioWare told a coherent and compelling story right up until the last minutes, when they decided to take a jarring left turn and everything went to hell.
Triple post FTW.
Does it make anyone else sad that other CAGs who haven't finished the game yet keep talking about how to get the "best" ending? I want to be like, "Just do what you want, your final EMS score makes virtually NO difference in how the ending plays out." :lol:
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
I agree that the ending sequence is a jarring, surreal shift from everything that came before, both tonally and philosophically. Dreamlike even. I even floated the idea earlier that the Normandy sequence could be interpreted as a representation of the crew's deaths.

It wouldn't surprise me to hear later that the ending was purposely designed to be ambiguous and support fan theories like "It's all taking place in Shepard's mind" etc.

I'm just not sure why any of that should make me feel better. :lol:

Which would have been fine if they had eradicated the plot holes and not demolished player choice and effort.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']So basically, "We just wanted get everyone freaking out over it" and "Any publicity is good publicity" confirmed. There's your explanation-- they were aiming for controversy, not closure or player satisfaction. I guess they got what they wanted.[/QUOTE]

LOL @ Typical BioWare response. They never f*ck up, never apologize, and I guarantee they'll hide behind sale numbers and awards to shield themselves from any constructive criticism. I'll give the ME team credit were it's due for not throwing a hissy fit and outright insulting their fan base in interviews like DA's did, but this honestly isn't any better. I will however thank them for making the decision of moving on from universe that much easier. As far my interest in the company lie I'll stick around for DA3 since I'm seriously interested in how they will handle multiplayer if those rumors hold weight. After that? Swayze.

I was genuinely going to support them via DLC and full achievement score this game, but now I'll finish up my remaining profiles and continue to unlock grind in multiplayer because their incarnation is the only way I can enjoy Horde mode. That in itself is a miracle and worth a substantial amount of respect.
[quote name='Anexanhume']
Which would have been fine if they had eradicated the plot holes and not demolished player choice and effort.
What's really surprising is that
they could easily have made everyone happy. Most BioWare games have different ways the story can end. They could have included a triumphant ending, a bleak ending, an arty/ambiguous ending, and everything in between, based on player choice. But... they didn't.

Anyone want to talk about what we did like? :)

Couple of things for me:

I loved the new Normandy. The blue and red lights everywhere really looked great, and I loved the way they showed the rebuild as a work in progress with wall panels missing, wires strung along the floor, etc. Great sense of place, reminded me of the Ishimura undergoing cleaning and repair in Dead Space 2.

Liara. I like her anyway, but I did feel like the shift her character made from the eager science nerd in ME1 to the hard-bitten badass commando in ME2 to be a bit jarring.
I absolutely loved how ME3 let her show that the naive, nerdy Liara was still there beneath the cold exterior. I loved her scene showing Shepard the time capsule, and her "gift" for Shepard right before the endgame was one of the most touching, emotional moments I've ever experienced in a game. At that moment I deeply felt the strength of their friendship; and it was possibly my single favorite moment in the Mass Effect series.

EDI was just too funny. Shepard's face when she talked about forgetting to recycle the oxygen, then a beat, then the deadpan "That was a joke" was just perfect.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']So basically, "We just wanted get everyone freaking out over it" and "Any publicity is good publicity" confirmed. There's your explanation-- they were aiming for controversy, not closure or player satisfaction. I guess they got what they wanted.[/QUOTE]

HAHA, wow, what bullshit. The endings aren't polarizing. That would entail that opinion is split down into the vast extremes. It isn't. People either think the endings completely suck, or they think that they were passable. I have yet to find one person who was blown away by them.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Anyone want to talk about what we did like? :)


Pretty much the whole god damned game.

High points:

1. Mordin singing his song sadly as he prepares the shroud. So melancholy and touching. Perfect end for his character and one of my favorite moments in the game.

2. Storming the reaper (for the hammers) on Tuchanka. Epic as hell.

3. Server mission with Legion. Reminded me of the part I liked best in Overlord. Followed by his sacrifice.

4. Liara's attitude towards Shepard. My shepard romanced Ash but you could tell Liara felt a love towards Shepard but had the maturity to restrain it and just really value their friendship.

5. Thane making Kai Leng turn tail and then making fun of him for fleeing from a dieing Drell.

Funny moments:
1. Tali getting hammered.
2. Walking in on Tali and Garrus.
3. EDI.
4. Helping refund guy.
Did like? It's ME2.5 like I expected so from a game play standpoint I wasn't terribly impressed, but they delivered on all fronts when came to character development and squad banter. The characters you care about completely blur the line between fact and fiction. They seriously feel like real people you've known for years. That's a serious accomplishment. I bought this game for the lore and I finished it completely satisfied in those respects.

There's no question BioWare can write their damn asses off when they feel like it which is why I expected so much better than what went down, but there's no question this is a good game. I'd be the first to argue otherwise along with the rest of you.
bread's done