Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

(Oh god, what am I doing in this thread?)

I saw some people freaking out about what the big shots over at EA said about "appealing to a wider market." Like spid said, it's probably just buttering up the delay for the investors. I doubt with the extra 3-6 months they gained with the delay, they'll throw in a half-assed multiplayer component or strip down every RPG element already implemented. That would make the final product suffer. I'm guessing the delay was mainly for polish (they really wouldn't want another bugfest like DA2 was), plus a better, less crowded window for launch.
[quote name='Arikado']I saw some people freaking out about what the big shots over at EA said about "appealing to a wider market." Like spid said, it's probably just buttering up the delay for the investors. I doubt with the extra 3-6 months they gained with the delay, they'll throw in a half-assed multiplayer component or strip down every RPG element already implemented. That would make the final product suffer. I'm guessing the delay was mainly for polish (they really wouldn't want another bugfest like DA2 was), plus a better, less crowded window for launch.[/QUOTE]

I think your right. At least I hope so...
[quote name='spid']The important quote to get is who was speaking, and who was being talked to.

"Speaking during an investor Q&A today, Riccitiello explained that Mass Effect 3 will boast greater mass appeal than its two predecessors. "

When a CEO is talking to investors he is telling them what they want to hear does not mean anything beyond what we already heard is being changed.[/QUOTE]

I believe this is the truth. I will keep the faith. They can't screw up ME. They just can't.
Couple of tweets from Christina Norman for those that think the sky is falling:

I've been asked if we increased our dev time for ME3 to dumb it down, if we were dumbing it down wouldn't we need less time?

Let me make this simple: we are improving both the RPG and Shooter aspects of ME3
This is why I'm sticking to what Christina Norman and Casey Hudson say as the "real" truth about the development. They've not been shy about sharing details about the game, and keeping things under the vest when they're spoilerific. Good point about the "dumbing it down" taking less time than making it even better.

CEO and other C-level employees aren't people we should be listening to about the reasons for delays.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I believe this is the truth. I will keep the faith. They can't screw up ME. They just can't.[/QUOTE]

The series has come too far, they can't screw up the epic final! Can they? I enjoyed DA 2 much more than DA:O and people say that was "dumbed down". I enjoyed the story a bit more in ME 1 but liked the gameplay in ME 2 better.

I would think ME 3 will be the best of both games in the series.

I do agree with that Bioware/EA is just trying get that spit shine polish and avoid the holiday rush of Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, Battlefield 3, CoD, etc.. They can have it come out after the holidays and still sell like gangbusters.
Amazon just sent me an email about the delay on ME3, with the new delivery date showing as 04/04/12. Since that's a day after a Tuesday (04/03/12), that might be the "valid" delivery date for the moment. I'm sure it'll move up to actually be in Q1 2012 later on this year.
I just beat the Arrival DLC
Seemed very predictable to say the least. Kinda disappointed.
I managed to get all the achievements and I finally got the Power Gamer achievement, so that's a plus. I still need to do an Insanity run as well as a Hardcore Shadow Broker run.

That'll be...interesting to say the least. Am I looking forward to ME3? Yes. But Arrival kinda soured the mood a bit. I guess the delay will help me forget about it.
[quote name='KingBroly']I just beat the Arrival DLC
Seemed very predictable to say the least. Kinda disappointed.
I managed to get all the achievements and I finally got the Power Gamer achievement, so that's a plus. I still need to do an Insanity run as well as a Hardcore Shadow Broker run.

That'll be...interesting to say the least. Am I looking forward to ME3? Yes. But Arrival kinda soured the mood a bit. I guess the delay will help me forget about it.[/QUOTE]Why did you think
think it was predictable
and soured you a bit?
I find it amusing that most of the images of Shepard from all the ME3 coverage have had him holding a Mattock. Must be a pretty good rifle. ;)

Looks like it just you and me left in the thread shrike. Everyone outside the Loo has retreated to their ME3 spoiler bunkers.
oh wtf?? i want miranda!!!! idgaf about ashley.

EDIT: just realized that kaiden died in virmire(??) in my ME1 playthrough. i think i had to decide between ashley and kaiden?? and i chose ashley so my shepard can sleep with her.

EDIT#2: just realized again that my shepard slept with liara and not ashley, cuz i remember them kissing when they met in ilium in ME2. i think i triggered that romance scene by accident because i wanted to have my shepard to sleep with ashley
[quote name='Ryuukishi']*crickets*

Looks like it just you and me left in the thread shrike. Everyone outside the Loo has retreated to their ME3 spoiler bunkers.[/QUOTE]

I prefer not to post with my pants around my ankles

*goes back to ME3 info*
[quote name='Ryuukishi']*crickets*

Looks like it just you and me left in the thread shrike. Everyone outside the Loo has retreated to their ME3 spoiler bunkers.[/QUOTE]I'm not worried about the spoilers. I'd rather go in better-informed about ME3 than the Tha X / Arikado tactic of bunkering.

I'm sure we'll get more of them showing up as time goes on, since we have until Q1 2012 now.

[quote name='Anexanhume']I prefer not to post with my pants around my ankles

*goes back to ME3 info*[/QUOTE]A visual I wasn't expecting. :whistle2:s

Thanks for sharing?
Fox News is gonna go ape-shit.

Myself, I don't really care! ME is all about choices, why not have more?

I wonder if this means that every squad member can be romanced?
Choice is definitely good, it does seem a little weird though that after being straight in ME1, Ash and Kaidan are going to... what, suddenly remember that they were really bi the whole time? :lol: Or is Shepard just so overwhelmingly sexy in ME3 that he can make straight people go gay for him. I guess we'll see.
[quote name='giantqtipz']Haha my shepards gonna romance a krogan. Or a salarian[/QUOTE]
Possibly considered a spoiler:
The article does state that there will be no new romance options, only characters that Shepard was already able to romance in ME1 and 2.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Possibly considered a spoiler:
The article does state that there will be no new romance options, only characters that Shepard was already able to romance in ME1 and 2.
[/QUOTE]Do you think that means
that if you had a romance in ME2, you're carrying it forward into ME3, or that you have the same characters available you did in ME2 (Miranda/Jack/Tali & Jacob/Thane/Garrus) as options this time around? What about those that were loyal to their ME1 LI and didn't romance anyone in ME2? Also, what about those that had Liara as their LI in ME1, shifted to a new LI in ME2 and reconciled with her during LoTSB?
[quote name='shrike4242']Do you think that means
that if you had a romance in ME2, you're carrying it forward into ME3, or that you have the same characters available you did in ME2 (Miranda/Jack/Tali & Jacob/Thane/Garrus) as options this time around? What about those that were loyal to their ME1 LI and didn't romance anyone in ME2? Also, what about those that had Liara as their LI in ME1, shifted to a new LI in ME2 and reconciled with her during LoTSB?
My feeling is that romance in ME3 will focus on developing your existing romance from ME1 or 2, and/or dealing with the rivalry situation for players who "cheated on" their ME1 LI in ME2 (if you want to call it cheating, though I bet Ash and Kaidan will). I kind of don't think you'll be able to begin a brand new romance at all, or the option will be very limited. That will suck for new players I guess, but I would think that the vast majority of people playing ME3 will be continuing from a previous game, and if they're interested in romance, they'll be importing one. It seems like a waste of resources to write whole new romance scenarios for the last game. (Although, I guess, without a brand new romance scenario, where does the gay romance come in? Hmm... I'm not sure what to think now.)
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Possibly considered a spoiler:
The article does state that there will be no new romance options, only characters that Shepard was already able to romance in ME1 and 2.

It's also been announced that there will be a gay romance option, so it would appear that that statement it up to interpretation.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
My feeling is that romance in ME3 will focus exclusively on developing your existing romance from ME1 or 2, and/or dealing with the rivalry situation for players who "cheated on" their ME1 LI in ME2 (if you want to call it cheating, though I bet Ash and Kaidan will). I kind of don't think you'll be able to begin a brand new romance at all. That will suck for new players I guess, but I would think that the vast majority of people playing ME3 will be continuing from a previous game, and if they're interested in romance, they'll be importing one. It seems like a waste of resources to write whole new romance scenarios for the last game.
Since the character pool seems slimmed down from ME2, and they've admitted about making a tighter game from a quantity of characters perspective, I think you may be right in ME3 not having the ability to make a new romance.

With the ME2 romance options, there seem to be numerous options, working from the no romance at all angles, all the way to ME1 romance, "cheated" on ME1 romance with ME2 romance.

I'm sure there's some flow chart at Bioware with all the possible options. ;)

[quote name='Salamando3000']
I was taking all this to mean that any Shephard can romance anyone from the previous pool of romance options
Possible, though we're not sure if we have all six of those characters back in the game yet.
[quote name='shrike4242']
Since the character pool seems slimmed down from ME2, and they've admitted about making a tighter game from a quantity of characters perspective, I think you may be right in ME3 not having the ability to make a new romance.
Except that when I first wrote that, I wasn't thinking about the gay angle... If they say gay romance is possible, and since it's not possible to be continuing a gay romance from a previous game (not counting femShep-Liara as a "gay romance" here since BioWare doesn't seem to), then there must be some capacity for creating a brand new romance from scratch (with a returning character).

Jack is the only character IIRC who specifically said that she is straight in ME2. Do any of the other characters in ME1 or 2 specifically shoot you down if you try to pursue a same-sex romance option with them, or do the dialogue options just not exist? I wonder how much they're going to have to retcon to allow for same-sex romance in ME3.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Except that when I first wrote that, I wasn't thinking about the gay angle... If they say gay romance is possible, and since it's not possible to be continuing a gay romance from a previous game (not counting femShep-Liara as a "gay romance" here since BioWare doesn't seem to), then there must be some capacity for creating a brand new romance from scratch.
In that case, then I think that must be the case.

I'm still wondering if we'll only have the options in that case for the ME2 previous options, though out of that pack of six, I can only really see Jack going to play for the same team. I would guess we should have new options from new characters we run into within ME3. Also, since we're having Ashley and Kaiden show back up again, I can't see them going the same team route as well.

I think we'll certainly get more info about this going forward, and I'm sure it'll be dissected to death in the Bioware forums.
[quote name='shrike4242']
I'm still wondering if we'll only have the options in that case for the ME2 previous options, though out of that pack of six, I can only really see Jack going to play for the same team.
Ironic, then, that Jack is the only character (IIRC) that specifically shoots down a same-sex romance with Shepard. I think she even uses those words, that she doesn't play for the girls' team. :lol:
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Ironic, then, that Jack is the only character (IIRC) that specifically shoots down a same-sex romance with Shepard. I think she even uses those words, that she doesn't play for the girls' team. :lol:
She does mention that specifically, though she's also the only ME2 LI that has mentioned that she has played for the same team in the past.
[quote name='shrike4242']
She does mention that specifically, though she's also the only ME2 LI that has mentioned that she has played for the same team in the past.
Doesn't she just talk about being in a threesome with a dude and his girlfriend? Not exactly the same thing as being a lesbian.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Doesn't she just talk about being in a threesome with a dude and his girlfriend? Not exactly the same thing as being a lesbian.
I think she mentioned that they shared Jack, which would make me think it's a bit more than just that. I'd have to go find the dialogue in question, though as that was with my Sheploo and done quite a while ago, I don't remember the specifics off-hand.

Regardless, I think things will be getting a bit more complicated in the romance area with ME3.
[quote name='giantqtipz']seriously... the last 5+ posts are hidden behind the spoiler tag..[/QUOTE]
lol that's exactly what I was thinking.

Let's go ahead and reserve the spoiler tags for actual spoilers; i.e. information pertaining to events in the 3rd game's story. If someone is going to consider a feature as broad as the inclusion of same sex relationships or that there will be no new characters with which to have relationships then they probably shouldn't be participating in a forum discussion about the game.
Just a question. Is anyone else like me and not anticipating this game?

Now hear me out.

I loved Mass Effect and I couldn't praise it more, finally a sci-fi RPG that was awesome (I know there have been others KOTOR, Chrono Cross ect, but this was the first on the ground soldier type I can recall right now). It got a lot of things right, customizable weapons, armor, abilities, and modifiers were what I craved. The missions were good, I liked the mako (it was fun to me) and he story was awesome. After playing it I couldn’t wait for more.

Then Mass Effect 2 came out.

I beat the game but I didn’t enjoy it. The story was good but that's all I can say in its praise. The game-play was no longer like that of Mass Effect it was closer to a shooter. The RPG elements were dumb-ed down and stripped out, and the exploration missions were all but gone in the main campaign. In the place of all this we got a shooter that I can only surmise was prompted because of the success of Call of Duty and similar games. The shooting became a main aspect of game play, constantly ammo starved and ducking behind cover. What happened to the old system of heat that allowed careful management, but never left you wanting for ammo? Was there some ban on weapons that don’t need constant heat sink exchange between the first and the second game? Also if they are just heat sinks, not clips, why can’t I pop off a few rounds when I’m out and just over heat a lot faster? The powers global cool downs, while short, made me feel under powered compared to the last game. The grenade system as well, I miss the old disc grenades; it was a viable tactical move to blow it just over cover. Also the hunt for minerals was the most tedious thing I have ever experienced in a video game, to constantly scan all the planets just to scrape enough mineral together to get your upgrades. I much preferred the on planet sections where I would have to scout terrain to find what I needed. The weapons, while looking cool we disappointing. I wanted to be able to find multiple types of weapons and make that age old RPG choice DMG over ACC but that was not in the cards. The same for armor, a few choices you get the best DEF and you are done. No bullet types (not counting powers) no sights, no cool downs, nothing to make a gun uniquely mine. This also affected my companions I loved developing all their add ons, attachments, and armor to suit what i needed them for in a fight, now it’s just skins.

I want to be excited for Mass Effect 3 but what they changed in Mass Effect 2 soured the whole series. I still play and love Mass Effect. I recently saw a story about how Bioware noted that some people missed the RPG elements that I talked about, and to appease them offered some weapon customization. A nice gesture but I can see it as being no more than chose from 3 stocks, 3 barrels, and 3 sights all with a slight effect.

A lot of this was getting it off my chest, I am not the only one in my group of friends that feels this way, however I know some that feel the reverse. That Mass Effect 1 sucked and Mass Effect 2 got it right. I am not the judge to tell anyone else what they should like and this all comes down to my preferences. However I think that with Mass Effect Bioware started out on a great thing and chose to make the money grab and killed it. They did the same with Dragons Age 2, after Dragons Age Origins was a success they thought they knew better and set it further from a RPG and closer to an action game with RPG elements. It’s like going from Oblivion to God of War. Or in the case of Mass Effect from Fallout to Brink.

Thanks for your time.
Bioware did get some criticisms about moving the gameplay in ME1 from "you got some of your shooter in my RPG" to "you got your RPG in my shooter" in ME2. I understand the appeal of moving it more towards a shooter than a RPG in a number of ways, though I think they went a little too far. Did I think it made ME2 a bad game? Not at all.

I think ME3 is going to have a nice fusion between ME1 and ME2 gameplay types and that it'll bring things together nicely. Until we start seeing some gameplay footage, it'll be just assumptions for a while.

We'll probably see something at E3 about ME3, and that should hopefully put things in a more clear light about how it's going to play and work.
bread's done