Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

[quote name='integralsmatic']This.

It always comes down to the player.[/QUOTE]

To make it easier though I'd recommend any class/race with grenades. As you can spam them and resupply rather quickly if you stick by a supply point.

I play as a drell adept and will own the shit out of banshees and brutes by simply running up to them and nailing them with all 4 of my grenades.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Interesting article, but I don't think the comparison with ME2 is fair. While ME2's final mission incorporates a lot of cool choices and leads to a bunch of very different end states, the actual ending (everything after you stop controlling Shepard) is just as abrupt and open-ended as ME3's. The two important distinctions are that ME2's ending did resolve the specific story arc of that game (the Collectors were decisively defeated in a satisfying way); and that we all knew that ME2 was just the middle game in the trilogy and more answers were coming later, so it was okay that it ended abruptly on a "to be continued" note.[/QUOTE]

It's hard to compare them, but there are other distinctions. Your choices throughout the game have a large impact on the final mission. Didn't upgrade the ship? 3 squad mates dead right off the bat. You can choose to not have activated Legion, which limits the amount of successful choices on the assignment of the vents. If you didn't do loyalty missions? More dead squad mates. You defeat the Collectors. Shepard and crew have separated from Cerberus. Shepard walks around the damaged ship, looks off into the inky murk of space and somewhere out there....they are coming. Felt like it concluded it's story and set the stage for the Reaper invasion of three.

Could you imagine if the same principles applied? Your choices affect not only the story up until then, but what races show up in the final battle? Scenes of Krogan battalions running alongside those humans on Earth in the final moments. Rachni troops fighting back a Reaper? sigh. So much potential.

For the record, ME2 > ME3. ME2 makes my top 5 list all time.
Oh yeah I was just thinking about that. If I had to score these three games (from the time they were released) I would give Mass Effect 1 a 10, it was just one of a kind at the time setting the lore and characters so well (aside from the long elevator rides and graphical glitches), and Mass Effect 2 a 10, I thought it improved on many things (aside from having less story and giving us scanning mini-games/taking away the inventory) and Mass Effect 3 a 10 (aside from less sidequests and a controversial ending). HOWEVER, none of them are equal, each 10 is a different rating believe it or not. I too would say I rate ME2>ME1>ME3. I mainly think ME2 jumps over ME1 due to the improved combat and the focus on personal squad mate stories.

ME3>ME1>ME2 for me. It's all about the sci-fi story, and ME2 had the least in my opinion.

Just got my Engineer up to level 20. Now he'll sit on the shelf for a few days while I work on my Battlefield 3 soldier who is at lvl 17. I'm all set for Operation Raptor!
Hmmm, for me its very clear, ME2, ME1, ME3 or anything that doesnt have 3 first.

Other than ending the series its no where close to the other 2 in any category. I can already see this is one of these classic soodmeg times in which I am just baffled how people can ignore what is factually there.

In terms of an actual game 3 is extremely subpar. It had very little RPG elements (which is a disgrace since 1 and 2 had a ton) and the gameplay itself is little more than a generic corridor shooter. The journal system is horrid, the side quest are bland and forgettable and most are little more than fetch quests...go to this system and hit a button then return to me. Also of all of them 3 has the least amount of decisions that impact the story.

If it wasnt called Mass Effect it would be Generic Action RPG #4564564. Is the story telling better in 3? I think so but not much better than 1 or 2....we are talking about a random score of lets say a 9 for story telling for 1 and 2 and a 9.5 in 3. But the game itself is no where close to its predecessors. For me, to say that 3 is better than the first two stamps out any and all creative, risk, filling a niche, etc....3 is the most generic, most mainstream, most widely appealed, most casual of the series. Its like voting for mediocrity. 1 and 2 had tons of elements that didnt work but they still tried it...3 does nothing of any substance really....its like voting for 10 more call of duties to be made.

Not that I am trying to really spark a debate here but I am interested in knowing what creative someone used to put 3 ahead of the other two?
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ME3 (and it's not that close despite the bouncehouse ending) > ME1 > ME2

but they are all amazing games that I will never stop playing :3
[quote name='Arikado']In my opinion: ME3 (not counting the ending) > ME2 > ME1 > ME3 (counting the ending).[/QUOTE]

That's how I feel exactly.

I just bought ME1 and 2 on PC from the Amazon sale, now I just have to figure out how to edit the saves to have sexytimes with Ash as Femshep.
It is a close call out of ME and ME2. I have played ME more than ME2 so the order for me would have to be ME>ME2>ME3. However that might change to ME2>ME>ME3. I need more play time with ME2 first.

I really didn't like ME3 all that much. It just felt like they took the code they had for ME2 and changed some of it. Change the squad some, make the missions worse, make the mission log worse, make the way you get the missions worse, add not cut scenes, new dialog, new weapons, keep the same armor and add in multi player and you have ME3. The best part of ME3 to me is the multiplayer and that seems like it doesn't have much of a lasting appeal. If this was not a Mass Effect game I don't think it would be getting the scores it gets and I would say give it 6 months and the MP will be close to dead.
I'd say ME2 > ME3 >>> ME1. ME2 is the perfect game. ME3 is almost on the same level as ME2 but is dragged down slightly by the ending, the lack of variety in sidequests, and some story and gameplay elements that I just personally didn't enjoy as much as what was on offer in ME2. ME1 is top-notch in storytelling and characterization like the other two, but the gameplay is a mess.
I would say ME2>>ME1>ME3. Like many of you ME 2 was just so good/great even. From the excellent opening, improved graphics, gameplay, on and on.

I'm replaying ME 1 on Insanity right now(3rd time now) and I love the story the RPG-ness of it, but the graphics are pretty dated(more so noticeable after playing 3) and the gameplay is not as good.

ME3 Like some of you have said it just has not hooked me like the other two(I would assume it was the ending), but it is very similar to ME 2 in the graphics dept and gameplay(which is a positive), I like the upgrading of guns. The story main story was good(until the end).

I hated the way sidemissions were handled, I had a couple of glitches on missions that cost me the beat all beat all missions on Insanity achievement. The replay value is not there the way it is with the other games(Single player mode).

I just think the game was rushed and it shows and it stinks that they couldn't have waited until summer or even fall to released a more polished game that the series deserved(maybe a second playthrough will change my mind).

Either way I'm still a huge fan and look forward to whatever DLC comes out for the third game and to see what potential changes and updates are made to the game.
For the people that say Mass Effect 3 has very little RPG elements, let's break it down:
1) Most importantly we take the role of Shepard, the go ahead human that wants to unite an entire galaxy against all odds.
2) Secondly and to no lack in importance we have a narrative crafted around the player's decisions based on a moral/reputation system.
3) Third, being that this is in fact an RPG, the player is given multiple optional side quests to tackle whenever or if they see fit related to the lore of said game.
4) Forth, tied directly to choice each game imports the player's previous decisions and transforms the world in the current title based on said decisions.
5) Fifth, tied to weapons, which all have different stats and weight ratios that can be viewed within the UI, mods alter said weapons for specific attributes.
6) Sixth, the player can allocate a set of points into an abilities skill tree letting them unlock or even upgrade certain abilities (even having the option of 2 possibilities higher up said skill tree).
7) Seventh, the skill tree is directly related to the level of the character, a system that boosts the player's stats for health and shields depending on their level.
8) And finally exploration is a big factor in any RPG and esp Mass Effect, the player uses the Normandy to discover new locales or to travel to known regions of space.
9) Oh forgot combat, the tactical gameplay that usually consists of the main character and a set of allies in his/her party that directly correlates to the counter of enemy strengths.

Ah Yes, "Mass Effect 3 has very little RPG elements". We have dismissed that claim.
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I'd say if anything, ME3 has too many "RPG elements." :lol: To me, Mass Effect 2's skill trees, weapons, and upgrades were perfectly balanced and ideally streamlined. To appease the "needz moar RPG" crowd, BioWare added encumbrance, weapon mods, and more branching in the skill trees. These things all increase the appearance of complexity but (IMO) don't add any substantial gameplay value, but they did succeed in cluttering up the UI with more numbers, so, mission accomplished I guess.

[quote name='BSN post from 2 years ago']Exactly. There are two endings I wouldn't like for ME 3. One being a random GOD LIKE force that saves the Galaxy or another being that to defeat the Reapers, everyone has to become a primitivst and destroy the Relays, Citadel, etc. Both would make me pretty unhappy as those endings have been done to death.[/quote]
That is too funny. And sad.
I'm probably one of the few that liked the Mako from ME1. I still think they should've brought it back, but with a more limited use.
I just wish there was some way to get Dr. Chakwas to say, "YES! YES! Now they begin to understand!" That would probably make ME3 the best game ever.
[quote name='Rodimus']I'm probably one of the few that liked the Mako from ME1. I still think they should've brought it back, but with a more limited use.[/QUOTE]

Vega liked it, and possibly "Grizzly Bears"

Even though it was the least impressive both technically and in execution overall (I'm talking combat here mostly) I still rank ME 1 as my favorite of the series. I feel like Saren was the strongest antagonist of the series. The Illusive Man is a really cool character with complex motives but he never made me feel the way Saren did for some reason. It turns out that they were both similar in the end
(under Reaper control ect.)
but for some reason Saren struck a greater chord with me. Honestly I think the best thing about the Illusive Man is Martin Sheen doing his voice (and was awesome in doing it).

Maybe I feel this way because IMO ME 1 has the best storytelling in the series. To me it felt like with each game they started falling into a trap a lot of trilogies fall into, trying to build a story arc as you go until eventually you start losing focus and your story becomes a convoluted mess (see ME 3 lol). If you could take the gameplay refinements from ME 3 and "remake" ME 1 with them it would be the best game in the series by a mile. And since story is everything to me with this series I feel ME 1 was the best game in the series.
[quote name='cgarb84']Honestly I think the best thing about the Illusive Man is Martin Sheen doing his voice (and was awesome in doing it).[/QUOTE]
Martin Sheen did an incredible job as the Illusive Man. It always makes me a little nervous when a "live action" actor gets tapped for a voice over role (totally different skill set, and otherwise good actors often give wooden voiceover performances, see Disney's Miyazaki movie dubs for numerous examples), but I'd call his role as the Illusive Man one of the most impressive video game performances ever. His final scene was just brilliant no matter which outcome you go for.

On my first playthrough I had him kill himself, and thought that was really intense. But with my Renegade character I didn't have the option, and his last line "I wish you could see Earth as I do... It's perfect" was totally unexpected and genuinely moving. I already liked the character but just that one line reading seemed to give him a whole new layer of depth.
[quote name='Soodmeg']None...its the future son he is smoking a everlasting cigstopper[/QUOTE]
The cigarette is infinite, he just has to eject the heat sink occasionally.
I went though
Grissom Academy
on Monday night and really enjoyed it, just about as much as the
Rachni mission with the krogan
. The two main combat bits towards the end were giving me a bit of fits, especially the first one. Mainly due to some bad tactical planning and environmental clipping issues for the most part.

Though, I think I finally have the "new" Vanguard worked out with Charge/Nova/Melee/Heavy Melee/shotgun. Cryo ammo in the shotgun and incendiary ammo in the heavy pistol seems to be working well for me, especially with the sight of frozen enemy bits flying around after a headshot from the shotgun never getting old.

I do agree about the Mako, as I did like it much more than the Hammerhead, since it could actually take some punishment. Wouldn't mind seeing it back in some future DLC.
Say, is 5076 EMS good enough to get the "best" ending? And if I start
Assault the Illusive Man's Base
will it go down during? Or does it stay where you started at? I just don't want to get screwed up.
[quote name='Mr Dude65']Say, is 5076 EMS good enough to get the "best" ending? And if I start
Assault the Illusive Man's Base
will it go down during? Or does it stay where you started at? I just don't want to get screwed up.[/QUOTE]
4000 is what you need I think. Your readiness level will go down 1-2% per day. The Master and Commander achievement pops as soon as you go to Cronos Station. I would guess that the ending depends on EMS at the point you actually beat the game. So theoretically you could get M&C and go to Cronos Station, but not actually beat the game until several days later and not get the "best ending."
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Mako was total BS. Sooo glad to see it gone in the subsequent games. :lol: Sorry.[/QUOTE]


To me ME1 was a awesome game, but in ME2 it seemed everything for improved from the first game. Still ME1 had a lot of flaws, mainly the Mako. I rather just get thrown right into a area and battle it rather then drive all over the planet picking up items via Dance Dance Revolution button presses. The XBox version also had some frame rate issues that were fustrating to say the least. Planet Scanning wasn't exactly fun in ME2, but it sure beats driving around in that Mako.

Either way the entire series is awesome, but if I had to say what my least favorite game would be it would be ME1.

ME3>ME2>ME1 if ending is fixed/explained via awesome DLC. Right now ME2>ME3>ME1 with terrible ending and no DLC.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
4000 is what you need I think. Your readiness level will go down 1-2% per day. The Master and Commander achievement pops as soon as you go to Cronos Station. I would guess that the ending depends on EMS at the point you actually beat the game. So theoretically you could get M&C and go to Cronos Station, but not actually beat the game until several days later and not get the "best ending."

But you can always play MP and get it back up, yes? I just want to start
Beating the shit out of the Illusive Man!!!!!
I guess I'll go for it, and reload my save if it's fucked up.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']The cigarette is infinite, he just has to eject the heat sink occasionally.[/QUOTE]
Lol he obviously is using an e-cig or some would call it an omni-cig.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I was and am a fan of the Mako. I know I'm in the minority, but I like driving around and exploring.[/QUOTE]

Lol I spent so many hours jackknifed or stuck on the terrain. By god I'm going to be a space geologist damn it! :whistle2:\"

I think I respect Thrasher Maws more after driving the Mako around for a few minutes and then BAM instant underground TM kill. :fridge:
So... I know I'm late to the party but I just beat the game. And all I have to say is that I'm speechless. This is the worst ending I have ever seen. This is worse than the endings to NES games where all they say is "Congratulations, you beat the game!".

I've read so many things about bad it was and I figured I was prepared for the worst but my god, the ending to this game is an atrocity.

Who in their right might thought this was a good ending? Even a mentally retarded brick would know this is a bad ending...

After being so engrossed with the series, I cannot believe this is how it ends. Oh, yeah, I'm sure they'll have DLC and clear things up but no way in hell will I get over this. fuck you BioWare.
Son of a bitch, I got a Black Widow yesterday. I also got my normal Widow up to level 8. Now I can't tell which one I like more, but needless to say, I don't want to promote my Infiltrator anymore.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I'd say ME2 > ME3 >>> ME1. ME2 is the perfect game. ME3 is almost on the same level as ME2 but is dragged down slightly by the ending, the lack of variety in sidequests, and some story and gameplay elements that I just personally didn't enjoy as much as what was on offer in ME2. ME1 is top-notch in storytelling and characterization like the other two, but the gameplay is a mess.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree with this. I was surprised to see so many people put ME above either of the sequels.

Don't get me wrong...Mass Effect is the reason I bought a 360. I already had a PS3. But I loved Knights of the Old Republic, and Mass Effect looked like that on crack. I had to have it. I had the CE pre-ordered forever. And I loved it! I still love Mass Effect...

...but Mass Effect 2 killed it for me, in a way. I tried to go back to ME after playing the sequel, but I couldn't do it. The gunplay stinks. You can't arc powers around and over cover. The Mako, combined with the geography of some of the planets...ugh...bad memories. The only thing that stands up is the story. One could argue that it has the best story of the three games. The only reason I put ME2 above it is because I love Mordin and Legion.
[quote name='Vinny']So... I know I'm late to the party but I just beat the game. And all I have to say is that I'm speechless. This is the worst ending I have ever seen. This is worse than the endings to NES games where all they say is "Congratulations, you beat the game!".

I've read so many things about bad it was and I figured I was prepared for the worst but my god, the ending to this game is an atrocity.

Who in their right might thought this was a good ending? Even a mentally retarded brick would know this is a bad ending...

After being so engrossed with the series, I cannot believe this is how it ends. Oh, yeah, I'm sure they'll have DLC and clear things up but no way in hell will I get over this. fuck you BioWare.[/QUOTE]


For me its tough. ME2 has far better gameplay than ME1 (and the inventory isnt a MESS like ME1 ) but ME1's story is so incredible with Saren, Sovereign, Wrex, Kirrahe, etc. I think it just barely edges out ME2 IMO. ME1>ME2>ME3 for me.
[quote name='Vinny']So... I know I'm late to the party but I just beat the game. And all I have to say is that I'm speechless. This is the worst ending I have ever seen. This is worse than the endings to NES games where all they say is "Congratulations, you beat the game!".

I've read so many things about bad it was and I figured I was prepared for the worst but my god, the ending to this game is an atrocity.

Who in their right might thought this was a good ending? Even a mentally retarded brick would know this is a bad ending...

After being so engrossed with the series, I cannot believe this is how it ends. Oh, yeah, I'm sure they'll have DLC and clear things up but no way in hell will I get over this. fuck you BioWare.[/QUOTE]


For me its tough. ME2 has far better gameplay than ME1 (and the inventory isnt a MESS like ME1 ) but ME1's story is so incredible with Saren, Sovereign, Wrex, Kirrahe, etc. I think it just barely edges out ME2 IMO. ME1>ME2>ME3 for me.
[quote name='GamerDude316']

For me its tough. ME2 has far better gameplay than ME1 (and the inventory isnt a MESS like ME1 ) but ME1's story is so incredible with Saren, Sovereign, Wrex, Kirrahe, etc. I think it just barely edges out ME2 IMO. ME1>ME2>ME3 for me.[/QUOTE]

I agree with your ranking but for different reasons. I disagree on the gameplay aspects... ME1 is the only game in the series I'd consider an RPG. Yes, the inventory system was crappy but that didn't bother me much. ME2 was basically a shooter with some marginal RPG elements (best intro of the series and great story though) and ME3 felt like Gears of WaRPG. The 2nd and 3rd games just felt... dumbed down to me.

I completely agree with you on everything else though. ME1 and ME2 are still some of the best games I've ever played. I'm thinking about going back to ME1... landing on planets and exploring them using that shit-for-controls Mako, learning about the Protheians, meeting Sovereign, having to make that impossible decision near the end... such an awesome story.

Even if they fixed the ending, that doesn't change the fact that they made saving some allies based on completely asinine decisions.
[quote name='Vinny']I agree with your ranking but for different reasons. I disagree on the gameplay aspects... ME1 is the only game in the series I'd consider an RPG. Yes, the inventory system was crappy but that didn't bother me much. ME2 was basically a shooter with some marginal RPG elements (best intro of the series and great story though) and ME3 felt like Gears of WaRPG. The 2nd and 3rd games just felt... dumbed down to me.

I completely agree with you on everything else though. ME1 and ME2 are still some of the best games I've ever played. I'm thinking about going back to ME1... landing on planets and exploring them using that shit-for-controls Mako, learning about the Protheians, meeting Sovereign, having to make that impossible decision near the end... such an awesome story.

Even if they fixed the ending, that doesn't change the fact that they made saving some allies based on completely asinine decisions.[/QUOTE]

yeah I agree ME1 is more RPG than ME2. ME3 felt like a cross between Gears and COD and while I enjoy both of those games, thats not what I want in the ME series. ME1 also gets the edge for me because its galaxy feels bigger with more to explore in terms of planets (and I too liked the Mako over the scanning/Hammerhead that takes only one hit)
I want to say something about the ending:

If Bioware made a DLC ending/epilogue for this game, even if it was free, it's still bullshit. Lying to your customers is a big no no, even for "Artistic Integrity." Especially for something that is viewed to be the end of a story. A month wouldn't be enough time for customers to have a decision in the story making process, but not including a potential real ending on the disc that is accessible is just bad policy.

Bioware has ZERO guarantee that those customers will come back for that "ending" which is supposedly coming in April. They've ultimately cost themselves and EA a lot of money and support in the future because of whatever they're doing.

However, this isn't a the first time a major outcry like this has happened. Not even for a major franchise.
[quote name='KingBroly']I want to say something about the ending:

If Bioware made a DLC ending/epilogue for this game, even if it was free, it's still bullshit. Lying to your customers is a big no no, even for "Artistic Integrity." Especially for something that is viewed to be the end of a story. A month wouldn't be enough time for customers to have a decision in the story making process, but not including a potential real ending on the disc that is accessible is just bad policy.

Bioware has ZERO guarantee that those customers will come back for that "ending" which is supposedly coming in April. They've ultimately cost themselves and EA a lot of money and support in the future because of whatever they're doing.

However, this isn't a the first time a major outcry like this has happened. Not even for a major franchise.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree with you. I've already seen it. And it's already ruined for me. I can't imagine them being able to fix this in any way... even using the Dallas ("it was all a dream!") route.

But I honestly can't think of any other outcry that made a developer take back their own bullshit and admit that they fucked up and will try to fix it... which I also find to be complete bullshit- EA will just milk DLC until people give up and BioWare is shut down (yes, BioWare will be shut down going by EA's track record).
Dream ending? No no, around here we have the Indoctrination theory. If you're not familiar with it,
it states that everything that happened to Shep once she got blasted with Harbinger's laser happened in her head. The entire citadel scene is Shep trying to overcome the effects of the reaper's indoctrination. The final choice of Destroy corresponds to her breaking free of their control, whereas the other two have Shep becoming giving in.
Yeah, it's still not an ending, just a convenient "out" to allow Bioware to do another ending.

The most depressing thing about ME3 - consider the amount of time Bioware spent putting Chobot in the game as a character no one really asked for...and then consider the amount of time Bioware put into editing a stock image for Tali's face.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Dream ending? No no, around here we have the Indoctrination theory. If you're not familiar with it,
it states that everything that happened to Shep once she got blasted with Harbinger's laser happened in her head. The entire citadel scene is Shep trying to overcome the effects of the reaper's indoctrination. The final choice of Destroy corresponds to her breaking free of their control, whereas the other two have Shep becoming giving in.
Yeah, it's still not an ending, just a convenient "out" to allow Bioware to do another ending.

The most depressing thing about ME3 - consider the amount of time Bioware spent putting Chobot in the game as a character no one really asked for...and then consider the amount of time Bioware put into editing a stock image for Tali's face.[/QUOTE]

Really, I don't think they put in a lot of time for Chobot either, her character looks like Snooki, it looks like crap. Yeah that and I've heard or read that many people in the review business found it very strange to see Chobot in the game. Worth it?
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