Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

I feel dirty saying this, but I got sucked into the MP operation and didn't even see much of Citadel. My new apartment is pretty dope, though!
Lol so I ahh, had a party and sent out some invites:


Also I want that group shot as a poster damnit!

This was a 5 out of 5 DLC for me. The overall experience was great, there were so many places where you got Bioware's fine detail too, truly a fan service.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I feel dirty saying this, but I got sucked into the MP operation and didn't even see much of Citadel. My new apartment is pretty dope, though![/QUOTE]

Getting your plats done?
So is this worth a $15 buy? i got tomb raider today so i dont really want to divide my attention for DLC if i dont have to. i got love for mass effect 3 even though the ending was being hated by everyone. the ending couldn't ruin the game/series in its entirety for me. So, Citadel DLC $15: yay or nay?
So, really really great DLC.

The "main quest" was nice and meaty, great scenery, interesting and surprising twists and overall just a fantastic sendoff for Shepard and the squad. Too many hilarious lines to even begin to mention (although if I have a single complaint, it's that the script went a little too heavy on the jokes and cheesy one-liners, especially at the beginning). It might not have been quite as epic as LOTSB, but it was close, and I think it has a lock on second-best Mass Effect DLC, if not best. (Single best moment:
EDI's derp face as the Normandy is hijacked and she loses her connection to its systems. OMG.

The other content... just whoa. If you are like me and the banter and squadmate interaction is your favorite thing about Mass Effect, then your prayers have been answered. I mean there is a whole LONG mission where you just throw a party and hang out with everybody. In addition to a ton of other mini scenes that focus on a particular squadmate. Great lines and stellar voice acting all around as always. Romance content could have been a bit more substantial (don't expect the world here)... But look, this is a FEAST of the characters we love just being themselves and hanging out with each other.

I've barely scratched the surface of the combat simulator, which seems very substantial, and I played the entire thing without Wrex in his guest starring role (on account of I shot him over that whole genophage thing... whoops). So I feel like I could play this again and have a totally different experience (unlike Omega).

I don't know if I'm quite ready to say that this is the best DLC of the series but at the very least it is a worthy successor to Lair of the Shadow Broker, and there truly is a LOT of content here for your $15 (again unlike Omega). Highly highly highly recommended. If you love the characters, the interaction, and the humor, prepare to enter hog heaven.

[Anyone know the name of Maya Brooks' voice actress? I swear I recognize the voice.]
So if I'm going to do a New Game Plus playthrough of this game with the new DLC I haven't touched yet (Leviathan that I bought on Black Friday and Omega that I will soon get but still holding out for a sale) should I just go ahead on do Citadel now as I would have to play a LOT of game to be able to access it on New Game Plus (after start of Act 2) ?

Consensus seems that I should play this now then go into New Game Plus to do Leviathan and Omega, right?
Welp, just got what I can only assume will be my last Mass Effect achievement. What a run. I found this DLC highly satisfying and consider it a great send off. The writing in here only enforces the fact that they know their fanbase. Regardless of conditions that may have influenced this game pre-DLC, it's clear to me that BioWare was dead on making things right.

I know not everyone will feel this way, but I consider Citadel to be a love letter to the fans, and I was happy to read it.

Anyone else totally out-pullup Vega?

Also, drunk shower Grunt is my favorite moment of the trilogy. Who's a space cowboy? ME!
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Just finished the main portion of the DLC. Still have a ton to do with the
squad interactions, meeting up with old squaddies, and anything else I'm missing. That will have to wait until tomorrow... I need to get some sleep! Some thoughts so far, though:

This thing was pure cheese and fan service... and I absolutely loved it. The ending controversy really burned me out for a while (not just with how much I hated it pre-EC, but the debates and the gaming media response really gave me a headache), but the Citadel DLC... I think it has capped off this year-long struggle I've had with what I really thought about ME3 as a whole. I can't stay mad about the game or about how BioWare chose to end their series, not when they're capable of writing this piece of content that had me grinning the entire time. You can tell the writers really had a blast with it. Plus, I got to roll with my old ME1 crew of Wrex and Tali. That's worth the $15 alone.

Really can't wait to see what all I've missed so far. I've already got to
watch Fleet and Flotilla with Tali and even hear her sing a bit... that was kind of out of nowhere. Still no in-game maskless scene with her, though. Would have been a nice way to make up for the stock photo, but that was probably too much to hope for. Wish there was something a little more substantial with her, but I don't think I've seen all of her content yet.

I think I'm just going to pretend that this DLC is what happens after
high EMS destroy
, with some headcanon adjustments. :lol:

Hearing The End of an Era (very appropriately named)
play with the crew walking away from the Normandy
is now one of my favorite moments of the trilogy. Right up there with emerging from Sovereign's wreckage in ME1 and the end run in ME2.
[quote name='theredworm']Getting your plats done?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, exactly. 2 of the 4 done. Vs Geth and Reapers. I'm not a platinum player, I pretty much only play on gold now. But I shouldn't have been so intimidated by platinum because its not that hard. In fact we jumped right in and got those two extractions without much trouble. I'll be looking to knock out the remaining two (Cerberus and collectors) over the next couple of days and I'll send ya an invite if you are on.
I agree that they were a bit too humorous at times with this DLC but I overall I enjoyed the (my favorite moments from this DLC)
flack Shepard got for "destroying" the Sushi Bar, the Volus Pizza Delivery Guy, finding a single Quasar machine in the arcade, Grunt passed out in the shower, Traynor finding a lufa in Anderson's bathroom, Joker's laugh after I asked EDI to dance, Joker's story of him on the Citadel, glyph's tie, the group shot where everyone says Normandy, heck even just walking around the Citadel -mind you the new adrenaline pumping plot twist mission
moments. :bouncy:

Shit I found out that
"Joker and Glyph insist that Shepard has a party. You need to be sure to say you will and prepare it.

Glyph secures funds for you to go and buy the party supplies needed. You can then send out invites via your private terminal, and select the "type" of party.

When the actual party is happening, you can change the tone of the party if you want, or you can begin playing card games with your guests or preparing snacks for them."

I was wondering about that as I changed up from relaxing to fun missing out on cards? Do they not play poker while drinking, heck strip poker even! I did hear everyone's hangover story -except Jack's, my LI, :p - in the end though.
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[quote name='Spybreak8'](my favorite moments from this DLC)[/QUOTE]

One of my favorite bits was
waking up the next morning and finding Javik sitting on the floor of the master bathroom (uh... did he watch me and Jack have sex?! :lol:), and thinking that the whole game was a dream. Poor guy!

I missed the options for cards and snacks also. Oh man, I am going to need to play through this lots of times. :D I actually tested something by reloading a save right before the party, and starting it again... and the group dialogues were different! So it must choose different clips every time, or at least in a different order.
Yeah, I got the feeling there were a ton of variables for the party. It also reminded me just how many people my Renegade-Shep let die, hahaha. Excited for my super hero vanguard Broshep to have a full roster there. I'm also wondering if the time at which you choose to celebrate has impacts on who's available.
I had one kinda big glitch, which I think is triggered by inviting someone up after procuring the party supplies but before having the party. I tried to invite Miranda up, but instead it started the party, and then after that, some of the invites were mismatched with who would actually show up, like I would select Invite James and Miranda would show up or something. And I can't watch the second Traynor scene because I got the email but it didn't add an "Invite Samantha" option.

So, my advice is do all your solo Invites either before you buy the supplies, or after the party is completely over.
I actually bugged the shit out of the combat sim. Wrex would just stand there staring at me like a puppy. My tac clock broke entirely. The red no-shield overlay stopped working. My omni tool vanished during heavy melees/incinerates. It was crazy. Had to restart the console to fix it.

Also, Spectre level challenge. God damn, ME. Making up for an easy Insanity mode?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']One of my favorite bits was
waking up the next morning and finding Javik sitting on the floor of the master bathroom (uh... did he watch me and Jack have sex?! :lol:), and thinking that the whole game was a dream. Poor guy!

I missed the options for cards and snacks also. Oh man, I am going to need to play through this lots of times. :D I actually tested something by reloading a save right before the party, and starting it again... and the group dialogues were different! So it must choose different clips every time, or at least in a different order.[/QUOTE]

Ahaha yeah I forgot that one,
I def had a grin the whole time going ahh man poor guy -it does make sense he'd be there since you have a hot tub and he enjoys proximity to water lol. His moment when he's asked to do a "vid" where Blasto makes an appearance and you had the minor race counsel with a script saying they found Javik in a refrigerator, I was dying on the floor.
. I also forgot about
the M-7 Lancer which I used heavily afterwards, free ammo! In the beginning I had fun ripping up enemies with the Spitfire that Joker kept telling me to get to the objective yet I didn't care lol

For those wondering I'd say this DLC is a combination of Stolen Memory/Shadow Broker/Pinnacle Station - maybe a little Arrival as you're solo in the beginning - and Overlord in sense of plot twist Mass Effect story imo.

I'm curious if anyone managed to save a certain Salarian, if he makes an appearance. :cry:
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M-7 Lancer
was awesome! What a great nod to Mass Effect 1!

I also thought BioWare was poking a little fun at themselves with
everybody fawning over Liara... and how BLUE she is... :lol:

I also got a strong Kasumi vibe from the casino mission, which was a great change of pace from the things you're normally doing in the game, just like the first part of Stolen Memory was for ME2.

Just wanted to say it one more time for anyone skittish about paying $15 for this after how short Omega was-- I think BioWare really took those criticisms to heart. There is a LOT of content here for the cost.

Oh, and did anyone else call that
the villain was a clone of Shepard
before the reveal? :cool:
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Oh, and did anyone else call that
the villain was a clone of Shepard
before the reveal? :cool:[/QUOTE]

Ha, yeah I felt they should have masked the voice, I knew right off the bat too, kind of deflated the big reveal.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Oh, and did anyone else call that
the villain was a clone of Shepard
before the reveal? :cool:[/QUOTE]

I dunno if I wasn't digging deep enough or what, but I didn't see it coming at all.
I loooove that Clone Shep mirrored your combat style though. Mine even one-shot me with a Black Widow once. That's some pretty cool combat tech.

Were you guys playing as bro Shep? On my fem playthrough, I'm pretty sure the voice on the screen was still male, so maybe that swayed me.
Yeah, I played as Paragon bro Shep. Will play as Renegade fem Shepard tonight, can't wait to hear Jennifer Hale's interpretation.

And yeah, my Shepard was a Vanguard so
clone-Shep was Charging all over the fucking place, dude would not stay still! :lol:
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Oh, and did anyone else call that
the villain was a clone of Shepard
before the reveal? :cool:[/QUOTE]

I should GO. I SHOULD go. *I* should go.
"Do I really sound like that?"


Oh yeah, and
after a respectable amount of spoiler time has passed, I am totally making an avatar out of Glyph in his bow tie.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Yeah, I played as Paragon bro Shep. Will play as Renegade fem Shepard tonight, can't wait to hear Jennifer Hale's interpretation.[/QUOTE]
Haha, exact same for me too. I actually started with my last save, so it was my Renegade Femshep, and quickly exited to the dashboard when I realized oh wait I'm Renegade after picking Paragon choices. They need little profile cards, kind of like when you import in saves and they tell you the important parts of the character you're building. I loose track of what I did differently with each.

[quote name='Arikado']I should GO. I SHOULD go. *I* should go.[/QUOTE]

I know right, lol would have loved to see the voice acting video on that one. Probably made a lot of people laugh in the studio.
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[quote name='Ryuukishi']Caution: Do not watch this video if you don't want to be spoiled on something IN. SANE. I have no idea how to actually achieve this, but... but... WHAT. THE. SHAQ-FU.

I don't even[/QUOTE]

Gotta be Femshep with no relationships throughout the trilogy, far as I understand. Javik and Vega are both available for one night stands.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Caution: Do not watch this video if you don't want to be spoiled on something IN. SANE. I have no idea how to actually achieve this, but... but... WHAT. THE. SHAQ-FU.[/QUOTE]

Hahaha, no way!

Taking your armor off to have sex? How primitive.
[quote name='Arikado']
Taking your armor off to have sex? How primitive.
It pretty much wouldn't be a BioWare game unless people had sex/went in the hot tub in their clothes!
fuck! I feel so out of the loop. Its like the ending of ME3 all over again where people finished and it took me a while to be able to join the converasation. I'll get there but this work bull-s is hampering my enjoyments, for reals.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']fuck! I feel so out of the loop. Its like the ending of ME3 all over again where people finished and it took me a while to be able to join the converasation. I'll get there but this work bull-s is hampering my enjoyments, for reals.[/QUOTE]

I know that feel...
Ahaha, as for that situation I see it going like:
S: How was it for you?
J: Well I've been frozen for 50,000 years, what do you think?
J: Eh, I've had better.

Add it to the wiki! haha
[quote name='theredworm']I just see this is how the game is supposed to REALLY end.[/QUOTE]
In a sense this is the best of both worlds... BioWare for whatever reason was convinced that the trilogy needed a messy/unhappy/downer/surreal/mindfuck ending (however you want to characterize it), and they've stuck to that [and, at least I would argue, used the Extended Cut to somewhat improve or refine what they were trying to convey], but now we ALSO get the feel-good, funny, hopeful, camaraderie-filled sendoff for Shepard that many/most fans wanted instead.
Yeah I read that Forbes review, I agree this could only have been achieved properly through DLC.

apparently there's a recording left by Mordin!
I missed that one.
Also didn't know that the old friends from ME1 that you can meet up with can be combat buddies and that Bioware made their tech trees to fit with ME3, quality.
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[quote name='shrike4242']So, I guess Citadel is a must-buy at 1200 pts and still hold out on Omega at 1200 pts?[/QUOTE]
If a light-hearted mission that doesn't take itself too seriously and places a LOT of emphasis on the characters just hanging out and talking sounds like what you want from Mass Effect, then definite yes. (Also, I feel like this will have a ton of replay value based on which squad members are present, choices you make, etc.)

The only reasons I would recommend paying $15 for Omega is if you are Aria T'Loak's #1 fan, or just a pure Mass Effect completionist.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']If a light-hearted mission that doesn't take itself too seriously and places a LOT of emphasis on the characters just hanging out and talking sounds like what you want from Mass Effect, then definite yes. (Also, I feel like this will have a ton of replay value based on which squad members are present, choices you make, etc.)

The only reasons I would recommend paying $15 for Omega is if you are Aria T'Loak's #1 fan, or just a pure Mass Effect completionist.[/QUOTE]Duly noted.

Though, I think at this point at Citadel being the last DLC, I guess it's time for the "complete" run in ME3 with all the DLC and not getting thrown back out to pre-Cerberus base at the end of the game?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']If a light-hearted mission that doesn't take itself too seriously and places a LOT of emphasis on the characters just hanging out and talking sounds like what you want from Mass Effect, then definite yes. (Also, I feel like this will have a ton of replay value based on which squad members are present, choices you make, etc.)

The only reasons I would recommend paying $15 for Omega is if you are Aria T'Loak's #1 fan, or just a pure Mass Effect completionist.[/QUOTE]

Hell, I was content just paying for Flare. Easily my favorite bonus power.
This catches me at EXACTLY the right time. Due a combination of work, 11 m.o. twins, and fear of the bad ending, I've yet to complete the game, currently with all side missions done, Omega and Leviathan DLC completed, just waiting to go on the Cerberus mission. What a treat to get this right when I needed it.
Citadel is all about the characters you've bonded over the years with and has a meaty adventurous side mission.

Yeah a few achievements to get in this one.
Plus there are some new weapons and mods obtainable with this DLC's missions.
Tons of in jokes, some that went over my head!
The song Liara plays on the piano is Vigil from ME1!
The Normandy dry docks in the Citadel like it did in ME1!
The I should go line is tied with Shepard's Mom (If you contact her in ME2, side quest, she ends the call later with I should go! lol
The mission itself is comparable to Omega, say 2 to 3 hours.

Another 2 hours at least for the party and solo character scenes.

Then for the combat simulator, I guess as long as you want...?
I was gonna say like how much the Forbes review stated but yah Raptr told me I played for 3 hours yesterday. It's hourly so 3.5 to almost 4 hours is my guess. I have a few things left just walking around and I barely touched the combat simulator, just because I just did Pinnacle Station's achievements for ME1 like a few weeks ago lol.
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With just the simulator alone, it certainly looks like this has a LOT more replay value than Omega and Leviathan put together.

Also, it seems that for the squad interaction and the "one last ride", it's quite worth it.
You know, I was only JOKING about wanting to play Low/High Stakes Quasar again.

Didn't think they'd actually call me on it :applause:
bread's done