Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

Heh. Nah I don't really need another Xbox copy. If I could get it on PC and have the DLC work on both versions I could justify the purchase to myself. That's what I did with ME2.

$50 for the ME1 CE in good condition is a steal! I happily paid $100 for my copy a couple years ago. Nice job completing that collection of CE's.

The one piece of ME DLC that I don't have but want is that Collector armor from ME2. I stupidly sold it on ebay for $45. Sure, I got a good price for it, but still. That was dumb of me.
yeah, I lucked out bigtime. Ordered a "good" ME1 CE off of Amazon Warehouse Deals for $50.xx and it came in pretty much mint condition with all content. I was pretty stoked, lol. I paid full retail for the ME3 CE at relase though which wasnt very CAG smart of me :wall:

If you can find a new copy of the ME2 CE for PC (it's easier to find than a sealed 360 copy anyway!), the code in there will unlock the DLC for the 360 version as well.
really? I didnt know that. The PC edition has been cheap in the past, maybe itll go down again.

$50 for the ME1 CE in good condition is a steal! I happily paid $100 for my copy a couple years ago. Nice job completing that collection of CE's.

The one piece of ME DLC that I don't have but want is that Collector armor from ME2. I stupidly sold it on ebay for $45. Sure, I got a good price for it, but still. That was dumb of me.
Ehh I had the thing unlocked and never used it, mainly due to it covering my Shepard's face. The guy who worked on the animations during dialogue talked about how they made it so that whatever the player chose, that'd be what they get in the animations. Well everyone was like yeah but I can't see my dude/dudet's face so I'm not gonna use that armor set. They fixed it for the 3rd game though.

Even at the sake of losing stat boosts I didn't wear helmets in ME2. Plus I'm partial to the default N7 armor and rarely change it in any of the games.

I'm really itching to replay these games. It's been too long. Maybe after Fable Anniversary.
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I never wore the helmets either, even on Insanity it wasnt much more of a challenge without a helmet on.

Chubby, I'm dying to replay now as well.  I actually booted up ME2 last weekend just to play the Suicide Mission!  Maybe if I can grind through Dishonored and Kingdoms of Amalur by the end of the month I'll reward myself...

I stumbled across this, thought it was kinda funny......


Even at the sake of losing stat boosts I didn't wear helmets in ME2. Plus I'm partial to the default N7 armor and rarely change it in any of the games.
Yup, doned the tech visor because it gave a bonus and I could see the face lol. I unlocked and loved the assassin hood/facemask but I never wore it.

Yikes... At that point why even write a Mass Effect fanfiction, why not just change the names and make it your own 400-page science fiction novel. It worked for that 50 Shades of Grey person.

Lol yeah I tried to read it but I got as far as shirtless Garrus, which was in the character customization section. His "blueprint" has been viewed more than 60K times. Also he refers to this as a patch, a 400 page patch, which I'm guessing would be cut up more than just two downloads like the Extended Cut was lol.

I'm torn. I am curious what this guy came up with. But the entire topic *still* annoys the piss out of me. Why do some people feel so butt hurt by the ending of a video game (when it was damn good to begin with)? Craziness.
I tried skimming it, and the first two places I landed were a sketch of shirtless Garrus and a romance scene with Khalisah bint Sinan al-Jilani.


It's apparently 539 pages now.

In other news...I'm really jonesing for a Garrus figure. Are these still available in any stores or are the jacked up online prices the only way to buy?
It's apparently 539 pages now.

In other news...I'm really jonesing for a Garrus figure. Are these still available in any stores or are the jacked up online prices the only way to buy?
Unfortunately, I haven't seen PAK Garrus at his launch price for a long time now. I imagine you'll have to suffer at least a slight premium to pick him up :/

I had to bite the bullet on Femshep recently, myself. Her price was going nowhere but up too.

The Funko Garrus is a cool little figure. Its a little chubby thing, but it looks a lot better in real life than the pics on the internet. Grunt is cool, too.
Yeah, my girlfriend got me the Garrus funko as a Xmas present (well the preorder was before Xmas anyway) and it looks pretty sharp next to my N7 mug. I might bite on a play arts Garrus though if I can find one sub $100...not looking likely though :(
Yeah, I was aware that the PC DLC will work on 360, but I'm too cheap, I guess, to hunt even that down. Honestly, I don't like the look of the armor and I was able to get through on Insanity without it, so I figure I'm good now. It's really too bad the trilogy pack didn't pack in more DLC for these games. Like a true definitive edition.
You could hope they pull a Dragon Age and make all the promo DLC free for a limited time I guess.
Wouldn't that be sweet?  I always wondered why they turned ALL of the DA DLC free for a time.  Maybe they realized they weren't going to make much more on it so, "here ya go fans, we love ya!"??  I suspect the ME DLC is still making money so that's not a realistic option, from a business standpoint.

By the way, this is the point when I really enjoy coming to this thread.  It was the same with the ME2 thread.  After the hype of the game has died away and a handful of pretty hardcore ME fans stick around to chat and share cool stuff related to the series.  Good times.  Looking forward to the build-up for ME4.  :)

The ME DLC must still be selling well, everyone was surprised it wasn't in the 12 days of Christmas sale on XBL.

I think I'm going to start another ME3 run soon, this time with my ParaGade Shep. Gotta finish Lair of the Shadow Broker and Arrival first though.
I'm feeling the pull of ME1 again lately, I think I might do another playthrough soon and pick up a couple more squadmate-specific trophies.
I'm feeling the pull of ME1 again lately, I think I might do another playthrough soon and pick up a couple more squadmate-specific trophies.
I have all the squadmate achievements but still a few class/weapon specific ones to get (maybe I'll finally do a ME1 build that uses the Sniper Rifle!), plus I finally got Pinnacle Station a few months back so all the cheevos for that.

I'm currently in the process of finishing up my ME3 multiplayer banners. Just Map Mastery (gold waves) and N7 mastery to go. Then it's time to finish up my ME3 insanity run and then back to ME1 to grab the last of my squadmate cheevos and engineer powers. I literally never get tired of playing this series.

Wouldn't that be sweet? I always wondered why they turned ALL of the DA DLC free for a time. Maybe they realized they weren't going to make much more on it so, "here ya go fans, we love ya!"?? I suspect the ME DLC is still making money so that's not a realistic option, from a business standpoint.
I was meaning all the promo DLC for preorders & junk that's not available in any way that makes EA money.
I'm currently in the process of finishing up my ME3 multiplayer banners. Just Map Mastery (gold waves) and N7 mastery to go. Then it's time to finish up my ME3 insanity run and then back to ME1 to grab the last of my squadmate cheevos and engineer powers. I literally never get tired of playing this series.

I still haven't played the Citadel DLC. Is it really as goofy as it sounds? I was totally immersed in the universe playing through the whole trilogy and all it's DLC. I played my Femshep as serious and hardcore as possible, so I'm really reluctant to dive into the last DLC episode of ME3, especially for $15. Warranted or not?

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I still haven't played the Citadel DLC. Is it really as goofy as it sounds? I was totally immersed in the universe playing through the whole trilogy and all it's DLC. I played my Femshep as serious and hardcore as possible, so I'm really reluctant to dive into the last DLC episode of ME3, especially for $15.
It is pretty goofy. The whole thing is basically fanservice for people who are really immersed in the characters and relationships. It's not like it's all jokes or anything, but it definitely takes itself less seriously than anything else in the game. Even the "serious" mission parts have more one-liners and stuff like that than normal.

It is pretty goofy. The whole thing is basically fanservice for people who are really immersed in the characters and relationships. It's not like it's all jokes or anything, but it definitely takes itself less seriously than anything else in the game. Even the "serious" mission parts have more one-liners and stuff like that than normal.
Bummer, that sounds pretty off putting to me / fans whom love the franchise for its epic story.

Possibly. I was always way more interested in Shepard's squadmates and their stories than the Reaper plot, so it was perfect for me.

It's one of the (many) reasons why ME2 is my favorite game, it sort of put the whole Reaper plotline on hold so it could delve really deeply into the characters and world apart from that.

Nah, the Citadel is fantastic on so many levels and if you can't appreciate the humor, I'd argue you don't get the series anyway. It might be tough with a hardcore renegade Shep, but its worth $15, no question.
It's just sort of odd that the whole context of ME3 is like dark and f us we're all dead. Citadel felt like a dream, there's hope again and nothing else matters other than just hanging out with the crew, while of course doing that one infamous mission together as well.

I agree ME2 really got the formula right, aside from having an intermission with the main story, but doing the loyalty missions for each character really went far and beyond what I thought they would when everyone bonds at the end with the suicide mission. How epic, aside from that odd boss fight, and varied the ending of ME2, a whole playthrough where everybody died! still haunts my memories, was too.

I still haven't played the Citadel DLC. Is it really as goofy as it sounds? I was totally immersed in the universe playing through the whole trilogy and all it's DLC. I played my Femshep as serious and hardcore as possible, so I'm really reluctant to dive into the last DLC episode of ME3, especially for $15. Warranted or not?
It's somewhat goofy, but it is also great fan service and has the MOST content out of any ME DLC's IMO. I had a smile on my face the whole time I played it, its easily worth $15 (that may also be influenced by the fact that I used some of those Target Black Friday 2012 $10 MS Points cards for it as well :D).

bread's done