McDonalds BB bucks

Ya know, In the time it makes me to write up a ton of envelopes, wait for them all to get delivered, pay a few tenspots in postage, then open the laters and deal withalkl those stupid little $1 stickers...

I could just work a little overtime at work and make quadruple the money.
I got $14 bb bucks from this last year. Normally I don't have a problem with weight, since I am a teenager with high metabolism, but after those 3 weeks of large fries, I noticed some weight gain. Which is pretty bad since most of the time when I eat, the weight stays there a little after I am done, but the next day it is all gone.

On top of that, after watching super size me, I am cutting down on fast food and sodas all together. Its not worth it for me.

Ever since I found this site, the bb bucks don't seem worth it. I get much better deals without eating unhealthy disgusting food.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Ya know, In the time it makes me to write up a ton of envelopes, wait for them all to get delivered, pay a few tenspots in postage, then open the laters and deal withalkl those stupid little $1 stickers...

I could just work a little overtime at work and make quadruple the money.[/quote]

shhhhhhhh! you're spoiling all the fun :wink:
Supersize me is retarded. Actually, 3 people took on the challenge eating nothing but McDonalds for the same period of time (I believe it was a 20/20 or Dateline story). None of them had the same effect because each RESPONSIBLY controlled what they ate. It's not fast food causing fat, it's quantity and how often.

Besides, like anything else is better these days. The ground is saturated with chemicals, environmental standards are piss poor, everything has a preservative, herbicide, food coloring, or additive to it, and just about everything can cause cancer these days.

Nothing is unhealthy unless you over-indulge.

Now, on topic of BB bucks, I think I'll see if an employee will slip me a case of large fry boxes through the back door...
I just got back and got 2 LARGE FRIES ..... GOT

2 BB BUCKS (2 bucks)
ANY Breakfast sandwitch (1 Buck)
Small pop (1 buck)
and 4 Junk game pieces (worthless)

Not bad for 3.50 .. at least made all the money back. Will get 2 more large either thursday or friday
[quote name='doubledown']I think people should watch the SUPER SIZE ME DVD before ordering all this McD's.[/quote]

i dont think anyone should watch that broke ass michael moore. i just thought the movie was horrible. im vegetarian anyway, and the fries make my tummy hurt. they used to inject beef flavor into the chicken nuggets, thats why they came out with the new ones.

looks like im going to have to find a fat girlfriend....
[quote name='EddieBelfour']
i dont think anyone should watch that broke ass michael moore. i just thought the movie was horrible. im vegetarian anyway[/quote]

...except Michael Moore had nothing to do with SSM; Morgan Spurlock did.

looks like im going to have to find a fat girlfriend....

Where's the challenge in that? Anyone can open the front door of their home and be greeted by one (applicable to US residents only :wink: ).
[quote name='PrivatePixel'][quote name='EddieBelfour']
i dont think anyone should watch that broke ass michael moore. i just thought the movie was horrible. im vegetarian anyway[/quote]

...except Michael Moore had nothing to do with SSM; Morgan Spurlock did.


no i meant he is like a broke ass mike moore, not mike moore, he (spurlock) may even been worse than moore

there is no challenge in nailing a fatty, at least she'd eat the fries and chicken selects, give you some brain and then you dont have to see her naked and you can get loot off games. perfect life.
[quote name='neopolss']Supersize me is retarded. Actually, 3 people took on the challenge eating nothing but McDonalds for the same period of time (I believe it was a 20/20 or Dateline story). None of them had the same effect because each RESPONSIBLY controlled what they ate. It's not fast food causing fat, it's quantity and how often.[/quote]

Therein lies the difference, and why the story conducted by 20/20 or Dateline is misleading. If the test subjects ate *responsibly*, it's possible that they won't have incurred the same level of weight gain or damage to one's health as Morgan Spurlock did. Also, if one's body is conditioned to the intake of fast food, whether regularly or infrequently, like any substance, the body becomes more tolerant of what it's willing to accept as sustenance, but just because there aren't any immediate effects, one can falsely assume that they're in reasonably sound health, when in actuality, they're not. Most of the harm is long-term and won't rear its head until the damage is already done.

Fast food does make people fat because of how it's prepared. As is the case with most fast food chains (pick any one), the most prevalent method of food preparation is the use of oil in some manner, i.e. usually the food is fried. If you think you're getting the leanest cuts when you order a burger, guess again. Just because the commercial says 'Angus beef' doesn't mean that the cut came from the finest cattle, regardless of what Burger King says (check this link for a better explanation). In addition to the saturated fat from the beef, there's also the problem of simple carbohydrates in white bread and pasta. People are under the assumption that by limiting carbs that the weight loss will be expedited - wrong! The body loses essential nutrients when their carb intake is minimized, worse if eliminated altogether. To suggest that moderation is the key to better health is only half of the story.

Besides, like anything else is better these days. The ground is saturated with chemicals, environmental standards are piss poor, everything has a preservative, herbicide, food coloring, or additive to it, and just about everything can cause cancer these days.

There are healthy alternatives, but the selection is limited (especially in major supermarket chains) and cost significantly more than typical brand name equivalents. Organic food choices are available, and for those whom vegetarian diets aren't an option, there's free range meat. Bison and ostrich are healthier, but they do cost more because of limited production and availability. If people are willing to invest a little time and effort, they can become better educated with their food choices. It also doesn't hurt to be adventurous.

Nothing is unhealthy unless you over-indulge.

You need to do some serious homework if you subscribe to this belief.
(ba da baa ba ba) I'm lovin it.

Sorry, I just had to. I know where I am going for lunch. I can careless about the prize pieces, I will post my pieces up in here so if anyone wants one PM me.
i also love how mcdonalds always has "hip hop" appeal to thier commercials, like the one where dude scratches that egg mcmuffin record. raw.
[quote name='neopolss']Supersize me is retarded. Actually, 3 people took on the challenge eating nothing but McDonalds for the same period of time (I believe it was a 20/20 or Dateline story). None of them had the same effect because each RESPONSIBLY controlled what they ate. It's not fast food causing fat, it's quantity and how often.[/quote]

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the point of the movie was to illustrate the fact that eating irresponsibly, (like so many people do,) can cause problems. If you eat only fast food for a month but still limit your caloric intake so you burn off those calories daily you're sure as hell not going to gain weight.

I spend nine hours a day in an office. Tack on the two hours spent driving, the hour getting ready for work and the eight hours I spend sleeping, that's twenty hours basically sitting on my ass. I don't have time for exercise during the week and if I were to eat fast food every day, it's a sure bet I'll gain weight.

People look at documentaries and get pissed off when they find out the truth has been stretched. Watch a documentary like you would a work of fiction. Films are put together to get a point across.
[quote name='siamesellama'][quote name='neopolss']Supersize me is retarded. Actually, 3 people took on the challenge eating nothing but McDonalds for the same period of time (I believe it was a 20/20 or Dateline story). None of them had the same effect because each RESPONSIBLY controlled what they ate. It's not fast food causing fat, it's quantity and how often.[/quote]

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the point of the movie was to illustrate the fact that eating irresponsibly, (like so many people do,) can cause problems. If you eat only fast food for a month but still limit your caloric intake so you burn off those calories daily you're sure as hell not going to gain weight.

I spend nine hours a day in an office. Tack on the two hours spent driving, the hour getting ready for work and the eight hours I spend sleeping, that's twenty hours basically sitting on my ass. I don't have time for exercise during the week and if I were to eat fast food every day, it's a sure bet I'll gain weight.

People look at documentaries and get pissed off when they find out the truth has been stretched. Watch a documentary like you would a work of fiction. Films are put together to get a point across.[/quote]

if someone needs to watch a film to realize that eating mcd's for "three squares" a day isnt a good idea, shit once a week isnt. point or no point, that was a BAD flick

yay fat girlfriends and bestbuy bucks
[quote name='EddieBelfour']
if someone needs to watch a film to realize that eating mcd's for "three squares" a day isnt a good idea, shit once a week isnt. point or no point, that was a BAD flick[/quote]

Have you ever exagerated something to prove a point?
[quote name='siamesellama'][quote name='EddieBelfour']
if someone needs to watch a film to realize that eating mcd's for "three squares" a day isnt a good idea, shit once a week isnt. point or no point, that was a BAD flick[/quote]

Have you ever exagerated something to prove a point?[/quote]

yeah duke i like to write- make this another thread before we get killed for taking it off topic :!:
[quote name='EddieBelfour'][quote name='siamesellama'][quote name='EddieBelfour']
if someone needs to watch a film to realize that eating mcd's for "three squares" a day isnt a good idea, shit once a week isnt. point or no point, that was a BAD flick[/quote]

Have you ever exagerated something to prove a point?[/quote]

yeah duke i like to write- make this another thread before we get killed for taking it off topic :!:[/quote]

This thread is already way off topic.

You seem to be really against Super-size me.

Let me say this, in my teens and 20's I used to eat a lot of fast food. My metabolism was high and I was always in pretty good shape. As soon as I hit my early thirties, boom! All of a sudden I got flab! I had to serious change my diet and I have made a strong effort in avoiding fast food and sodas. Now I am slowly losing weight.

If I had seen "Supersize me" in my twenties, I would have said that the movie was bullshit too. But now that I am in my early thirties, my perception of the film is different.
Wasnt one the points of that film to challenge the fact that McDs came out publically saying that their food was healthy and nutritional? They guy was trying to make a point that all these huge food corporations trying to sell us crappy cheap food so they can get get rich are lying through their teeth to get the job done. If they say its healthy, why not eat it 3 times a day? If you order, and they offer to supersize it, it cant be all that bad to accept, right? Fast Food is a huge strain on your body. Sure, many have gotten used to it so their bodies adjust but the fact is this stuff can cause serious problems. I studied nutrition in college and I would suggest anyone who thinks a "few supersizes" wont be damaging needs open a book and see what going on. Now that Im finished being dramatic, heh heh...
Oh, sorry about that. Didn't notice. But then, if I didn't notice, maybe your local McDonald's employee won't either... :)
[quote name='PrivatePixel']the BBB can be used in conjunction with the GGC coupon, but this only applies to games $19.99 and up.[/quote]

Are you sure about this? I thought it said you couldn't use either in conjunction with another offer.
[quote name='supadupacheap'][quote name='doubledown']I think people should watch the SUPER SIZE ME DVD before ordering all this McD's.[/quote]

It be fun to buy the supersize me dvd there WITH McDs/BB codes. :lol:[/quote]

[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='mkelehan']Okay people, I propose a compromise. We all see Super Size Me after the BBB promotion runs its course. This way, we save all sorts of money at Best Buy, AND we're not disgusted by the food.

Here's a little extra incentive this week only:[/quote]

Coupon is limited to the DC and Maryland area, just so you know.[/quote]

No, they have em here in NY too
[quote name='Xevious']
This thread is already way off topic.

You seem to be really against Super-size me.

Let me say this, in my teens and 20's I used to eat a lot of fast food. My metabolism was high and I was always in pretty good shape. As soon as I hit my early thirties, boom! All of a sudden I got flab! I had to serious change my diet and I have made a strong effort in avoiding fast food and sodas. Now I am slowly losing weight.

If I had seen "Supersize me" in my twenties, I would have said that the movie was bullshit too. But now that I am in my early thirties, my perception of the film is different.[/quote]

Metabolism changes as you get older as well as exercise tends to decrease. I have a high metabolism and in my teens I never went over 155 pounds (I'm 6'2'). Played basketball all the time.

At age 29 when my wife was pregnant I gained 30 pounds. Mostly because she didnt cook as much and we ate out more often. At that point I hardly exercised at all.

My point? Well that supersize me is pretty much taking things to extremes to make it's point. But there are ALOT of factors involved. Like in my example above metabolism changing as you age as well as exercise.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Ya know, In the time it makes me to write up a ton of envelopes, wait for them all to get delivered, pay a few tenspots in postage, then open the laters and deal withalkl those stupid little $1 stickers...

I could just work a little overtime at work and make quadruple the money.[/quote]

Getting this back to video games, there are some things people are overlooking.

First, it takes 74 cents not 37 cents to get a game piece. You need to send a self-addressed stamped envelope inside a stamped envelope. Suddenly, we're talking about 74 cents on the dollar (provided you don't win). That may suddenly push this past the useful threshhold since the TRU B1G1 starts soon.

Still, I guess the roughly one time a week I snag some sort of fast food, I'll probably grab Mickey D's so I guess their promotion worked on me.

[quote name='sterlingice'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Ya know, In the time it makes me to write up a ton of envelopes, wait for them all to get delivered, pay a few tenspots in postage, then open the laters and deal withalkl those stupid little $1 stickers...

I could just work a little overtime at work and make quadruple the money.[/quote]

Getting this back to video games, there are some things people are overlooking.

First, it takes 74 cents not 37 cents to get a game piece. You need to send a self-addressed stamped envelope inside a stamped envelope. Suddenly, we're talking about 74 cents on the dollar (provided you don't win). That may suddenly push this past the useful threshhold since the TRU B1G1 starts soon.

Still, I guess the roughly one time a week I snag some sort of fast food, I'll probably grab Mickey D's so I guess their promotion worked on me.


74 cents to get at least one best buy buck in return isnt a bad return on invenstment at all. if you do this one hundred times a week and happen to luck out and get a rare piece, you hit the jackpot
[quote name='mkelehan']Here's a little extra incentive this week only:[/quote]

A medium sized drink is 21 oz? Holy crap..

Large size fries I'm down for whenever, hell, supersize that, but I'd be set with just a $1 small soft drink. Thats why I never upsize anything, get a few more fries but a huge ass tub of pop to go with it.

I did get the large size 3pc chicken select meal today though. Embarassing just being handed that huge ass drink, let alone what a supersize would be. The other day I saw a lady finish her supersize drink and go back to ask for a refill :shock:. Insane.
[quote name='Slade555'][quote name='mkelehan']Here's a little extra incentive this week only:[/quote]

A medium sized drink is 21 oz? Holy crap..

Large size fries I'm down for whenever, hell, supersize that, but I'd be set with just a $1 small soft drink. Thats why I never upsize anything, get a few more fries but a huge ass tub of pop to go with it.

I did get the large size 3pc chicken select meal today though. Embarassing just being handed that huge ass drink, let alone what a supersize would be. The other day I saw a lady finish her supersize drink and go back to ask for a refill :shock:. Insane.[/quote]

lol damn. she must be fat eh?
[quote name='smellhasreturned']i got a large fry and my mom got one 2. i got 2 best buy bucks.

i must save up for freedom fighters[/quote]

Too bad it's OUT OF STOCK at Best Buy

Also, when did McD's French Fries turn to poop. They used to be great, now they are WAY TOO salty....I had to brush most of it off to make them edible. The Chicken was decent though....which is surprising since I truly dislike McD's most of the time (although, lunch time sucks around here at work so Itried them....I may get Chicken again)
[quote name='doubledown'][quote name='smellhasreturned']i got a large fry and my mom got one 2. i got 2 best buy bucks.

i must save up for freedom fighters[/quote]

Too bad it's OUT OF STOCK at Best Buy

Also, when did McD's French Fries turn to poop. They used to be great, now they are WAY TOO salty....I had to brush most of it off to make them edible. The Chicken was decent though....which is surprising since I truly dislike McD's most of the time (although, lunch time sucks around here at work so Itried them....I may get Chicken again)[/quote]

I still love their fries - often they just don't have enough salt on them.

I think you had some strange luck.
[quote name='Sartori'][quote name='doubledown'][quote name='smellhasreturned']i got a large fry and my mom got one 2. i got 2 best buy bucks.

i must save up for freedom fighters[/quote]

Too bad it's OUT OF STOCK at Best Buy

Also, when did McD's French Fries turn to poop. They used to be great, now they are WAY TOO salty....I had to brush most of it off to make them edible. The Chicken was decent though....which is surprising since I truly dislike McD's most of the time (although, lunch time sucks around here at work so Itried them....I may get Chicken again)[/quote]

I still love their fries - often they just don't have enough salt on them.

I think you had some strange luck.[/quote]

Nope, it's everyday. Just yesterday at this time I got a meal with large fries and the fries were smothered in salt. I had to wipe off EVERY SINGLE fry, and I even had a co-worker try them and he said they were disgusting. This is an everyday thing anymore.
Their pops are very very small compair to the place i used to eat back in the early 90s HOT N NOW. This place rocked. Super large pop 89 cents the pop was the size of a 2 litter... They was mostly located in michicgan

I miss that place they had good cheap food ......... Going back today to get 2 more fires (if i dont get anything good it probally be the last)
[quote name='cyberlian'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar'][quote name='cyberlian']I'm probably going to die and go to hell today because i ate so much junk from mcdonalds today... like 2 1/2 large fries chicken selects and apple pie... pissed me off because those stupid, over-priced selects didn't have the bb bucks on them yet.. bottom line... spent $13.50... got $3 bb bucks, rip-off, scam, screwed what ever you might call it... this was not a good deal...[/quote]

Two and a half large fries!?!?[/quote]
My girlfriend managed to eat half of the fries i got her before i engulfed the remainder...[/quote]

[quote name='dracula'][quote name='sterlingice'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Ya know, In the time it makes me to write up a ton of envelopes, wait for them all to get delivered, pay a few tenspots in postage, then open the laters and deal withalkl those stupid little $1 stickers...

I could just work a little overtime at work and make quadruple the money.[/quote]

Getting this back to video games, there are some things people are overlooking.

First, it takes 74 cents not 37 cents to get a game piece. You need to send a self-addressed stamped envelope inside a stamped envelope. Suddenly, we're talking about 74 cents on the dollar (provided you don't win). That may suddenly push this past the useful threshhold since the TRU B1G1 starts soon.

Still, I guess the roughly one time a week I snag some sort of fast food, I'll probably grab Mickey D's so I guess their promotion worked on me.


74 cents to get at least one best buy buck in return isnt a bad return on invenstment at all. if you do this one hundred times a week and happen to luck out and get a rare piece, you hit the jackpot[/quote]

Anyone else going to try this? I'm thinking seriously about buying two books of stamps and mailing out 20 SASEs. You'll earn at least $5 in BB money and like drac said, if you get lucky, you can earn way more. Paying 74 cents is a helluva lot cheaper than buying a large fry.
[quote name='lebowsky'][quote name='dracula'][quote name='sterlingice'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Ya know, In the time it makes me to write up a ton of envelopes, wait for them all to get delivered, pay a few tenspots in postage, then open the laters and deal withalkl those stupid little $1 stickers...

I could just work a little overtime at work and make quadruple the money.[/quote]

Getting this back to video games, there are some things people are overlooking.

First, it takes 74 cents not 37 cents to get a game piece. You need to send a self-addressed stamped envelope inside a stamped envelope. Suddenly, we're talking about 74 cents on the dollar (provided you don't win). That may suddenly push this past the useful threshhold since the TRU B1G1 starts soon.

Still, I guess the roughly one time a week I snag some sort of fast food, I'll probably grab Mickey D's so I guess their promotion worked on me.


74 cents to get at least one best buy buck in return isnt a bad return on invenstment at all. if you do this one hundred times a week and happen to luck out and get a rare piece, you hit the jackpot[/quote]

Anyone else going to try this? I'm thinking seriously about buying two books of stamps and mailing out 20 SASEs. You'll earn at least $5 in BB money and like drac said, if you get lucky, you can earn way more. Paying 74 cents is a helluva lot cheaper than buying a large fry.[/quote]

Lats year fatwallet ABUSED this policy. Fatwalleters would send in hundred of SASA's and get back a hundred or so back at the cost of seventh four dollars.

However, as I said, it's not worht it. It'll probably take you a half hour to do twenty letters. Remember that they must be hand written. Then it's going to cost you $15 to mail them up fornt. Then you have to wait and hope thay haven't run out of stamps. I think their supply of stamps for SUSE will be intentionally low. Even if they can fill your orders, if somehow one or two of your suse's gets lost or misrouted then you're down to an $18 return.

You may even get lucky, get all your letters back, and lets say you hit the jackppot for a $10 sticker. Then you'll get $29 back and double your expenditure. But you'll also probablky spend another half hour of dealing with those stickers and everything else involved with the envelopes.

So we're looking at an hour of work for at best $15 of gain. I could work an extra hour or two at work, make just as much or more, be able to use it in any store I want, and not have to worry about the wait.

I hit MCD's on Saturday usually. I might go out of my way and try the small chicken select. I always get a lagre fry for a buck-fifty. But unless you live in Vermont this isn't really worth it from a cost in time to value returned.
I went to BB to try to combine the GGC and $1 in BBB. The computer wouldn't let it happen. So, if you can combine the GGC with BBB, good for you... but it doesn't work at the Columbia, MD location at least.
[quote name='mkelehan']I went to BB to try to combine the GGC and $1 in BBB. The computer wouldn't let it happen. So, if you can combine the GGC with BBB, good for you... but it doesn't work at the Columbia, MD location at least.[/quote]

The GGC is a coupon. The BBB is also a coupon.

The register doesn't allow for two coupons to be used on the same order. I found this out last night when I went to do the exact same thing. They did a price change for me on the post-GGC price down by $1, as a courtesy.

They're both coupons, so you can't use both at the same time. If they classified the BBB as a gift card, then you could. Which isn't how it is.
[quote name='Slade555'][quote name='mkelehan']Here's a little extra incentive this week only:[/quote]

A medium sized drink is 21 oz? Holy crap..

Large size fries I'm down for whenever, hell, supersize that, but I'd be set with just a $1 small soft drink. Thats why I never upsize anything, get a few more fries but a huge ass tub of pop to go with it.

I did get the large size 3pc chicken select meal today though. Embarassing just being handed that huge ass drink, let alone what a supersize would be. The other day I saw a lady finish her supersize drink and go back to ask for a refill :shock:. Insane.[/quote]

In High school I used to easily drink one almost two 2-Liters a day of Mountain Dew. I lost weight also (No it wasnt puberty for the assjack going to say that) while doing it mainly due to being pumped up all the time...

Now I have gotten away from pop although the Dew craving happens every couple of weeks. I would probably blow up like a balloon if I drank that much now.
[quote name='hansolox1']Did they let you use multiple BBBs at the same time?[/quote]

Only had one with me at the time, so I'm not sure. If I had to guess, as they classify them as coupons, I'd bet you can only use one of them at a time.
bread's done