Megazell's Free And Legal PC Games List!

[quote name='jackuars']Are there any games like Diner Dash or Recettear for free?[/QUOTE]

What genre to those games fall under?

Also check out the resource section because a lot of iOS games are free on the PC through services like IntelAppUp, JogoBox and others.
[quote name='Megazell']What genre to those games fall under?

Also check out the resource section because a lot of iOS games are free on the PC through services like IntelAppUp, JogoBox and others.[/QUOTE]

Those are not iOS games, Recettear was an extremely huge hit PC game. Diner Dash is also popular. They are something like Strategy, Time Management, Role Playing & Simlulation Games. Check out in Google, or Wikipedia article.
[quote name='jackuars']Sequel to, A Day in the Life of Bob: - Another Day in the Life of Bob

Add that too :)[/QUOTE]

Cool - Thanks for the link.

I thought those other games were on mobiles. My bad. I will see what I can look up.
Post Update.

This game is no longer in open beta.

[quote name='Megazell']

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - Yes

Theme: Navel Warfare

WHY should I download this strange, unfamiliar game?

We’re pretty sure that Spocean is the only game in existence that simulates Napoleonic-era naval warfare from a first person perspective.

I don’t really care about navals or Napoleans.

Fair enough. I do think you would enjoy the strange, retro-futuristic “woodpunk” art style though.

no. I don’t think I would. This has been good, but I’m going to go watch cats falling off of–

Wait! You may have no interest in history or art, but you are a PC gamer, and the fact that you’ve found your way to this shady corner of the internet tells me that you’re probably pretty hardcore, and most likely pretty desperate to find a ray of hope in today’s abyss of recycled gameplay.

Go on.

Online first person shooters haven’t changed much in the past decade. With a few exceptions, new coats of paint are usually just slapped onto the same basic premise: Two opposing teams wander around the same environment and murder each other until a token objective is completed. Conflict is direct, direct, direct.

Spocean is fundamentally very different. Teams start on two separate ships, fire cannon shot at each other, and then try to board when they have the advantage.


THEN they murder each other.

Ah! Ok, that sounds interesting.

You should try it. Spocean might just be exactly the game you’re looking for.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP or higher
CPU: 2.0 Ghz
Memory: 2 Gb
Video: 256 Mb
Hard Drive: 344 Mb

Download it here -





Gameplay Video

--> Click Here!
Protector II - Reclaiming The Throne
Protector III
Protector IV - Mercenary

Strategy/Tower Defense
Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - No
Netbook Friendly

Theme: Fantasy


Deep strategy game involving depth, deceptively simple to play, yet so many avenues and strategies to master. Protector is a game that will steal your free time and leave you feeling happy to have lost it.

Protector II - Reclaiming The Throne

An evolution in defense gaming, Hire your units and manage their development as you destroy hordes of mindless creatures!

Reclaiming the Throne adds many new ideas and enhances several old ones to bring you a greatly improved Protector experience.

Protector III

Featuring a brand new campaign along with the return of advanced hero units. Strategic defense gameplay with a great RPG twist.

Protector IV

The ultimate Protector experience. Protector 4 takes the now classic gameplay and expands on it massively. Work as a mercenary for 11 different factions using 46 unique units. Hire your entourage from a selection of 100 heroes and use them to slay monsters, earn rewards and collect powerful treasure across the entire kingdom of Arkandia!

Finish your Protectomon collection and uncover ancient artifacts for your heroes with the help of Arkandia Jones the explorer.

System Requirements

OS: Any
CPU: 900 Mhz
Memory: 64 Mb
Video: 64 Mb

No Heavy Download Need - Browser Based -

Gameplay Video

--> Click Here!
Making stuff for free. For all!



Working on a digital distribution like service similar to Tiggit and STEAM.

Memomrix Pilgrim and myself have been making games like Just Shoot and other stuff for the CUBE 2 community. We decided to try and make this thing.

This program will allow users to download and play freeware games from within the client. It will also support save support. As you leave games that you have saved content - you will be given an option to email yourself a copy of that save file.

When you return to the game on say another computer or a re-installation you can reload your saves and keep playing from where you left off.

It's called U.Rage -

Originally, it was intended to help port freeware games to console or mobile devices but has since been re-purposed to explore the glory that is PC gaming!

I'll keep ya posted and for those of you on Mac and Linux rigs (not VMs) I could use your help with testing.
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U-Rage sounds like the feeling you get when you use Ubisoft's Uplay.

A client for freeware stuff is an interesting idea, but there's already Desura where you can place free games so I kind of wonder why reinvent the wheel?
[quote name='Motoki']U-Rage sounds like the feeling you get when you use Ubisoft's Uplay.

A client for freeware stuff is an interesting idea, but there's already Desura where you can place free games so I kind of wonder why reinvent the wheel?[/QUOTE]

Desura is awesome but they do not have a lot of freeware games that I and Memorix Pilgrim like to play. Also Desura does not back up saves like U.Rage will do. Also you won't need U.Rage to play the games - it's just to find and download them.
Free-to-Play is A-OK - Posted on March 20, 2013 by Chris

Let’s talk about free-to-play games.

I mean, really talk about them. Pick them apart. Analyze them. Maybe even learn a few things.
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[quote name='Megazell']Free-to-Play is A-OK - Posted on March 20, 2013 by Chris

Let’s talk about free-to-play games.

I mean, really talk about them. Pick them apart. Analyze them. Maybe even learn a few things.
I can't figure out a way to comment on the actual blog page, so I guess I'll do it here.

The article is interesting, but I think the author gets a lot of points wrong.

First off, he conflates F2P with a free demo, like the demo period on XBLIG games. I think there's a big difference between a game demo, which is upfront about it being only part of a game, and you can get the full game with no restrictions for a price, and a F2P title which presents itself as complete and free, and then hits you repeatedly for purchases to "complete" to experience, or just make it tolerable. It's the lie of some F2P titles that upsets people.

Then he argues that F2P purchases are just a monetization scheme, similar to better graphics, using established IP, or even fan service. The difference, however, is that companies use better graphics, etc. to make their games appealing to players, by enhancing the game experience or giving the players what they think they want, so that they'll buy the game, recommend it to friends, etc. F2P, by contrast, often uses methods that detract from the game experience and deny the players what they want, with the fix being a purchase. So while both game developers are out to make money, developers using the traditional model have to do so by pleasing the gamer, while F2P titles often do so by annoying the gamer.

The argument the PC gamers can "pay-to-win" by buying better computers or faster internet connections is only correct to a point, and only with fast-twitch games. Any turn-based game isn't going to give an advantage to a person with faster PC or internet, and console games even smooth out the hardware edge. Moreover, some F2P games blatently let people earn higher scores. This Wired article details someone getting the world record in a F2P game after spending $25 on it:

The author mentions spending on crystals in Triple Town, and how that's not a bad thing. The thing is though, the creator of Triple Town specifically limits how many items you can buy in a given round of the game, and that gamers playing for free earn the in-game currency used to buy such items. So a player can't simply buy infinite crystals to get the high score in Triple Town. This was by design by the developer, so the people paying for the in-game coins wouldn't have an edge. As the Wired article above points out, not all F2P games restrict purchases this way.

The author says "playing a f2p game seriously is all about figuring out how to get as far as possible by spending as little as possible. It becomes a hardcore min/max strategy game, and figuring out the strategy is really fun." He's basically spinning the tension of constant purchase decisions as fun.

Going back to Triple Town, I play the game for free. The main restriction this creates is the number of moves I can make. I have a limited number that regenerates over time. The only "strategy" involved is waiting for more turns, basically exiting the game and returning to it later. This isn't fun, it's annoying, but its an annoyance I endure in order to keep playing the game for free. I could pay a one-time fee to get unlimited turns, but I'd rather pay for free. But make no mistake, the waiting game I have to play isn't a serious strategy game on its own, and it's NOT fun. For another example, here's a review of Real Racing 3, where the reviewer feels that the artificial waiting times in the game detract, not enhance, the playing experience:

Overall, I agree that not all F2P titles are evil. However, it very much depends on how the game tries to monetize its players. Path of Exile is a F2P game where the game truly is free to play. There's no restrictions to playing the game for people playing for free, and the only advantages people paying get are cosmetic. This has turned out to be a profitable strategy for them, as fans of the game are paying for the cosmetics simply to support the studio and show their appreciation. It lets people pay because they feel like the game deserves it, not because they have to in order to progress or make the game tolerable:
[quote name='marsilies']I can't figure out a way to comment on the actual blog page, so I guess I'll do it here.[/QUOTE]

Yeah - I ran into the same problem. I don't think they have it enable for guest or new users.

[quote name='marsilies']The article is interesting, but I think the author gets a lot of points wrong.

First off, he conflates F2P with a free demo, like the demo period on XBLIG games. I think there's a big difference between a game demo, which is upfront about it being only part of a game, and you can get the full game with no restrictions for a price, and a F2P title which presents itself as complete and free, and then hits you repeatedly for purchases to "complete" to experience, or just make it tolerable. It's the lie of some F2P titles that upsets people.[/QUOTE]

I think you have a point with this. I do have some reservations about the demo stance but I want to talk a little bit about "F2P games that lie." I think that going into a F2P game should come with some knowledge that you will be prevented form getting the full experience unless you pay into it - with the exceptions of F2P games that have NO cash involved items/services. About Demos - I think that with the climate of the current retail gaming market that one is never truly sure if they are getting the FULL GAME. I saw this because DLC blurs the lines in a lot of ways for the retail gaming scene. While there are different types of DLC - one is usually left with the question of whether they "need" this DLC to get the full experience of the full game.

[quote name='marsilies']Then he argues that F2P purchases are just a monetization scheme, similar to better graphics, using established IP, or even fan service. The difference, however, is that companies use better graphics, etc. to make their games appealing to players, by enhancing the game experience or giving the players what they think they want, so that they'll buy the game, recommend it to friends, etc. F2P, by contrast, often uses methods that detract from the game experience and deny the players what they want, with the fix being a purchase. So while both game developers are out to make money, developers using the traditional model have to do so by pleasing the gamer, while F2P titles often do so by annoying the gamer.[/QUOTE]

I think some F2P games do use the annoying tactic but that seems to be fading, IMO. I've notice a lot of F2P titles go more into content/experience barrier route like Banner Saga and others like it. You get to play but you are just locked out of a certain type of content - in this example SP. That's not really annoying but more of a honest selling tactic. You get the MP for free to play with no problem or restriction. If you are curious about the other side, you going to pay. Which is a model I would much rather see flourish. I think the days of "lie" F2P are coming to end as F2P is becoming mainstream and ppl are getting wise to the tactic and difference btw F2P types.

[quote name='marsilies']The argument the PC gamers can "pay-to-win" by buying better computers or faster internet connections is only correct to a point, and only with fast-twitch games. Any turn-based game isn't going to give an advantage to a person with faster PC or internet, and console games even smooth out the hardware edge. Moreover, some F2P games blatently let people earn higher scores. This Wired article details someone getting the world record in a F2P game after spending $25 on it:[/QUOTE]

We good on this.

[quote name='marsilies']The author mentions spending on crystals in Triple Town, and how that's not a bad thing. The thing is though, the creator of Triple Town specifically limits how many items you can buy in a given round of the game, and that gamers playing for free earn the in-game currency used to buy such items. So a player can't simply buy infinite crystals to get the high score in Triple Town. This was by design by the developer, so the people paying for the in-game coins wouldn't have an edge. As the Wired article above points out, not all F2P games restrict purchases this way.[/QUOTE]

Sounds awesome.

[quote name='marsilies']The author says "playing a f2p game seriously is all about figuring out how to get as far as possible by spending as little as possible. It becomes a hardcore min/max strategy game, and figuring out the strategy is really fun." He's basically spinning the tension of constant purchase decisions as fun.[/QUOTE]

I was actually in this camp. I loved loved loved loved finding ways to play 100% and yet still get best gear and kill other paying players in combat in games like AVA and others. I never did buy anything from the game itself but I used all the codes the company emailed and those that other players gave me + finding and unlocking stuff was fun for me. Not so much anymore. I fell out of online MP with strangers as a whole and I have been enjoying LAN and online play with ppl I know in RL + webgames....+ DooM + webgames :) But I did have fun doing the best I could with the free stuff I found. I never felt like the other side was way over my head with stats that I could not win.

[quote name='marsilies']Going back to Triple Town, I play the game for free. The main restriction this creates is the number of moves I can make. I have a limited number that regenerates over time. The only "strategy" involved is waiting for more turns, basically exiting the game and returning to it later. This isn't fun, it's annoying, but its an annoyance I endure in order to keep playing the game for free. I could pay a one-time fee to get unlimited turns, but I'd rather pay for free. But make no mistake, the waiting game I have to play isn't a serious strategy game on its own, and it's NOT fun. For another example, here's a review of Real Racing 3, where the reviewer feels that the artificial waiting times in the game detract, not enhance, the playing experience:

Overall, I agree that not all F2P titles are evil. However, it very much depends on how the game tries to monetize its players. Path of Exile is a F2P game where the game truly is free to play. There's no restrictions to playing the game for people playing for free, and the only advantages people paying get are cosmetic. This has turned out to be a profitable strategy for them, as fans of the game are paying for the cosmetics simply to support the studio and show their appreciation. It lets people pay because they feel like the game deserves it, not because they have to in order to progress or make the game tolerable:[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Like I said earlier the new methods of F2P are going to gain traction and we are going to see more and more players picking the route they want as the older models either change or go offline.

Thanks for your thoughts!
Thread Update.

Pages 104 to 105 updated.

New Games.

Rick Dangerous
Fix-It Felix Jr.
Because it's fun, Fay
Tastes Like Spelunky
Super Cartographer
Many Paths To The Golden Heart

Life has been extra very awesometastic as of late. So awesometastic that I've been finding less and less time to enjoy video gaming like I use to. This thread is always on my mind and when I have time I will be updating it. I did however play Triple Town and find it to be quite awesome! Thanks for the lead on this game marsilies.

U.Rage has an open beta for those that want to try it out - It's not at the place we want it to be but it's getting there -

Enjoy ppl, enjoy!
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Thought I would put this here...

Many freeware developers do this via their donation buttons or sections in their my personal life a lot of my personal success from relationships to how I got my home to education scholarships and more etc came from giving, trusting and asking others for help and giving it back.
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URage update. After a few week of attempting to work on U.Rage - Decided it's too daunting of a project to do right now with the limited amount of time I have. So it's now just a network to showcase Memorix Pilgrim's games. Check it out if you like.

Currently updating page 106 and trying to get some games in from time to time.

Front page is still a disaster with some of the listing sections. Tried to fix it today and it's not working. The edits have not be saved since before the upgrade but it's looking bad. I have been slowly updating my side site on wordpress but I am also working on a F2P title along with other non-digital endeavors.

Not sure if this version of CAG is final yet but if it is - I may abandoned the front list and just keep posting as the original format that I started with.

Probably worth telling people that if they are having issues reading this thread (yellow text etc) they can change the theme in the footer of this page back to dark.

Probably worth telling people that if they are having issues reading this thread (yellow text etc) they can change the theme in the footer of this page back to dark.
Done. Been meaning to type that but I've been extra airheaded as of late :)

Just returned from a vacation. I am still doing a lot of work on the thread but I will be porting over the games for the moment to the wordpress site as the linking is still not working 100% like it use to (links to the games in the genre list to the actual post). Also I've had little to no time to check out all of the awesome freeware games coming out as two of my graphic novels have been greenlit and my third is currentling being inked. With that said my free gaming time has been to playing as oppose to hunting but that will return once everything else dies down.

For those of you looking for NEW free games I highly suggest RPS (Rock, Paper, Shotgun Free Stuff section) and Indiegames Free desktop games section. Those teams do a way better job of staying up todate than I could possibly do on my own.

Phew phew phew.

FREE or fuck it Forever!


Cheers Ppl!

Games on Pages 1 to 15 have been removed the list.

Those games that still had working links were put in my wordpress site.

I am going to be cleaning up this list as I go and changing this format into something easier to update and maintain.

Has anyone here checked out 'No Room Left In Hell' - Great horror FPS shoot with a Romero Zombie feel.


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Looks like there was hiccup with the changes made to this thread.

Needed a mod to reset it. Still working on it but seems like a big mess for a bit.

My wordpress site is rocking nicely - link in the sig - Check it out and like some games there if you are fond of them.

Giving away some free STEAM codes that I got for vets of CAG:

Sanctum 2

Magicka + DLC

Orcs Must Die 2

Cheers and happy holidays,


Edit - All games given away!

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^ The return :)

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Why did I post this? First off - making an account with GOG gives you 12 free games. They also hand out free retails games for a weekend here and there and those that took part end up keeping them.

This is retail gaming done right.

If they supported Linux...I would have no trouble giving them my money based on the principles they put forth.

DRM Free.

100% Money Back Policy.


Thanks to @Vaaco from CAG Friends.


Two days ago, Fallout games were on promo (for free) on gog. If you did not get them, here are gift links for you and good people you know:

Every code has three games: F1, F2 and F:tactics.
After the end of the year, it will be impossible to buy them on gog."

I have 5 (3 games each) codes - Let me know if you want in on the.

Edit - Gone!

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L4D 2 is now free on STEAM.

It's free until tommorow 10am PST.

This is not a time trial. You will own the game if you get it before that time above!

 Link -‎


Megazel, you're the ultimate source of freeware PC games for me. 

Could you please make a list of the Best Free PC Games that were released in 2013, in your opinion. 

If not, could you please share what's the Best ones' you played that were released in 2013

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I used to play the games listed as green (top picks) in this forum, but you've taken the list down. When will it be re-uploaded, so I could access them?

1) No Room In Hell

2) Gun Godz

3) Return to Tolagal

4) Loot Clicker

5) Candy Box

6) Megumi Quest

7) Null Divide +

^ Those were the games that stuck out for me in 2013. Once I started playing them I could not put them down.

bread's done