Metroid: Other M - The CAG Thread

[quote name='KingBroly']
Secret Boss + Escape Sequence

Ah, I was hoping for something further. That was an enjoyable sequence, moreso than any other part of the game, IMO.
Every time a game has people defending the control scheme while others pan the same, I am reminded of Steambot Chronicles.*

*Not a good thing in my opinion.
There is nothing broken about the control scheme. It's just very different and takes some time to get used to.

Anyway, I can't remember how to get to the room that is in the southwest area of Sector 1. That is the last upgrade I need to get in Sector 1.
[quote name='icedrake523']There is nothing broken about the control scheme. It's just very different and takes some time to get used to.

Anyway, I can't remember how to get to the room that is in the southwest area of Sector 1. That is the last upgrade I need to get in Sector 1.[/QUOTE]

The lock-on feature is very broken, IMO. At best, it managed to work. At worst you were lucky to figure out which way was up. I don't mind using the remote for moving or even pointing to move into first person, but I had an extremely difficult time throughout the game of locking on. The slightest movement of the remote and suddenly I was looking skyward. And no, my remote is not broken. I finished playing through MPT, Red Steel 2, and several other remote-heavy titles and never had an issue.
Oh geez,
she encounters Ridley, who she's single-handedly beaten, what, like three or four times now? And instead of "you again?" she starts sobbing, and reverts to the emotional state of a little girl, where even Daddy can't snap her out of it, and would've got herself killed if her pal hadn't saved her? I'm sorry, f*** this bull****.

What confuses me most is the Metroid fans who are defending this because its like the manga. If this is how she is in the manga, I don't even want to touch it.
I thought Spoony's rant was interesting, being a guy who admits he's never really been a Samus fan, and is equally upset about the sexist characterization.

Also, as far as likening this game to Fusion: there's a major difference between being given an assignment by the Federation or being given directions on what to do and where to go to complete an objective, and being told to limit even non-destructive abilities and not activating them yourself
even when your dying because of it. Following orders out of respect is one thing, but continuing to follow even when its killing you is like some weird masochistic power control thing.
I think people would be upset if they ever saw Boba Fett or Batman being portrayed in that manner.

Yeah yeah, it's just a game, I know.
[quote name='Cheapskate']Oh geez,
she encounters Ridley, who she's single-handedly beaten, what, like three or four times now? And instead of "you again?" she starts sobbing, and reverts to the emotional state of a little girl, where even Daddy can't snap her out of it, and would've got herself killed if her pal hadn't saved her? I'm sorry, f*** this bull****.

What confuses me most is the Metroid fans who are defending this because its like the manga. If this is how she is in the manga, I don't even want to touch it.
I thought Spoony's rant was interesting, being a guy who admits he's never really been a Samus fan, and is equally upset about the sexist characterization.

Also, as far as likening this game to Fusion: there's a major difference between being given an assignment by the Federation or being given directions on what to do and where to go to complete an objective, and being told to limit even non-destructive abilities and not activating them yourself
even when your dying because of it. Following orders out of respect is one thing, but continuing to follow even when its killing you is like some weird masochistic power control thing.
I think people would be upset if they ever saw Boba Fett or Batman being portrayed in that manner.

Yeah yeah, it's just a game, I know.[/QUOTE]

I thought Samus' reaction was because she thought she finally beat Ridley for good in Super Metroi. But here is again having successfully been cloned and a strong chance he'll continue to come back in some form or another

And fuck Boba Fett. He is without a doubt the most overrated fictional character in history.
[quote name='icedrake523']
I thought Samus' reaction was because she thought she finally beat Ridley for good in Super Metroi. But here is again having successfully been cloned and a strong chance he'll continue to come back in some form or another

I'd agree if maybe this was the second or third time she face him. The second time would be like "omg, I thought he was dead!" and the third time would've been the "omg, he's never going to die!" one...after four or five, it becomes "dammit, not again." So no, it doesn't really make sense. Unless she's had a breakdown ever single time she's face him and we just never saw it...but those previous times, she didn't have someone to snap her out of it, so I kinda doubt it.
When you say you just watched someone else play the game after a while to draw conclusions, you kinda lose your message (in regards to the Spoony One's review).

Ridley thing, 2 points, even though they're probably retreads:
Samus' parents were killed by Ridley in front of her as a child. I'm sure you would find this traumatic as well, and if you came face to face with someone like that, you would probably have a similar reaction. Now the whole 'she's fought him before' thing, in Zero Mission, she had this freaked out image frame when Ridley shows up (basically same thing here, but it's longer) and at the opening of Super Metroid, you lose to Ridley (or that's how it's supposed to go). She snaps out of it on all occassions to kick his ass and go on with her life. Here, you're thinking Ridley's dead for the entire game (even though they showed him in the trailer last year), and so does she, so she has no reason to think he's coming back, ever because she basically dropped a planet on him. So she freaks out about it, but she does snap out of it and kicks his ass once again. It's not like she was expecting Ridley to show up at any of these points in time, and hence the reason she has a nervous breakdown, even for a moment.

Authorization thing
Yes, the Varia Suit one is incredibly stupid. Incredibly. But saying that's entire justification for saying she's a submissive dog is bullshit. If the Varia Suit was on top of that volcano and Adam told her to go get it (scenario: she lost her power-ups again) it'd have the same impact, you'd still be following Adam's orders, but you'd be less pissed about it even though you were dying the exact same way because you'd want that power-up, even if meant dying over it.
[quote name='icedrake523']There is nothing broken about the control scheme. It's just very different and takes some time to get used to.[/QUOTE]

Just because you(royal "you") get used to a broken control scheme doesn't mean it wasn't broken to begin with.

[quote name='thelonepig']The lock-on feature is very broken, IMO. At best, it managed to work. At worst you were lucky to figure out which way was up.[/QUOTE]

Locking is just one issue. You have an enemy charging you but for some reason the game has decided to lock you into the guy behind this one. Moving backward and shooting forward is an issue, necessitating running in lots of circles. You are staring at an enemy in 2d yet when you flip the Wiimote to 3d you are suddenly admiring the wall behind you, checking out the floor or sky while getting blasted in the head. Broken. Broken. Broken.

[quote name='KingBroly']If they put a Nunchuck in your hands, they put on a reticle on screen, and suddenly the game becomes impossible to play because there'd be way too much stuff to point and shoot at. [/QUOTE]

Not quite. Why would you need a reticle to use the analog? Picture the game the exact way it is now just sub out the D-Pad with an analog stick. You play the game the same way except your Wiimote is now pointed at the screen at all times. In this scenario you could tap C or Z to go in/out of 1st person mode instead of flipping the Wiimote around.

The controls are inexcusable, and this will sound really harsh but defending it when there were clearly other options on the table, is an apologist stance to take. I'm 5 hours or so in and the controls are tolerable at best. I've gotten used to them, but that's certainly not what you want from a supposed triple-A title from Nintendo.

I know there are a few here that like to shit on Shadow Complex, but so far it outclasses Other M in nearly every department. The only things I can give Metroid the edge for is story (yeah, emo-Samus sucks, but it's something new for Metroid) and boss battles. So like Okami did Zelda better than Zelda, Shadow Complex does Metroid better than Metroid.

*flame suit on*
If you're discussing gameplay, I'd agree, but if you're discussing story, all that matters is seeing the story...holding a controller while taking in the story isn't going to give you some sort of additional insight.

[quote name='KingBroly']Ridley thing, 2 points, even though they're probably retreads:
Samus' parents were killed by Ridley in front of her as a child. I'm sure you would find this traumatic as well, and if you came face to face with someone like that, you would probably have a similar reaction. Now the whole 'she's fought him before' thing, in Zero Mission, she had this freaked out image frame when Ridley shows up (basically same thing here, but it's longer) and at the opening of Super Metroid, you lose to Ridley (or that's how it's supposed to go). She snaps out of it on all occassions to kick his ass and go on with her life. Here, you're thinking Ridley's dead for the entire game (even though they showed him in the trailer last year), and so does she, so she has no reason to think he's coming back, ever because she basically dropped a planet on him. So she freaks out about it, but she does snap out of it and kicks his ass once again. It's not like she was expecting Ridley to show up at any of these points in time, and hence the reason she has a nervous breakdown, even for a moment.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, because your version of characterization still makes no sense to me.

Authorization thing
Yes, the Varia Suit one is incredibly stupid. Incredibly. But saying that's entire justification for saying she's a submissive dog is bullshit. If the Varia Suit was on top of that volcano and Adam told her to go get it (scenario: she lost her power-ups again) it'd have the same impact, you'd still be following Adam's orders, but you'd be less pissed about it even though you were dying the exact same way because you'd want that power-up, even if meant dying over it.
No, because in one instance you're risking your life to acquire an item that you may find useful later, and that you want for yourself even if there's also some AI telling you to get it (what's she going to do, skip it just for the sake of disobeying?), and in the other instance you're risking your life not using something you already have just to prove to your master that you will obey any command even if it hurts you. Maybe they should've added a voice over with her talking about how she enjoys the pain and feels like she deserves it, at least then the sequence would've made some odd sort of sense.
[quote name='Corvin']
Not quite. Why would you need a reticle to use the analog? Picture the game the exact way it is now just sub out the D-Pad with an analog stick. You play the game the same way except your Wiimote is now pointed at the screen at all times. In this scenario you could tap C or Z to go in/out of 1st person mode instead of flipping the Wiimote around.

The controls are inexcusable, and this will sound really harsh but defending it when there were clearly other options on the table, is an apologist stance to take. I'm 5 hours or so in and the controls are tolerable at best. I've gotten used to them, but that's certainly not what you want from a supposed triple-A title from Nintendo.

I know there are a few here that like to shit on Shadow Complex, but so far it outclasses Other M in nearly every department. The only things I can give Metroid the edge for is story (yeah, emo-Samus sucks, but it's something new for Metroid) and boss battles. So like Okami did Zelda better than Zelda, Shadow Complex does Metroid better than Metroid.

*flame suit on*[/QUOTE]

When I say putting a Nunchuck in your hands put a reticle on screen at all times I look at history. How many Wii games that have you use a nunchuck have a reticle on screen? A LOT. If you consider the fact that the game has a reticle in first person, the natural design choice for them would be to put that reticle on screen at all times so if you switch to/from first person, you always know where you are on screen.

Listen, I'm not saying the Varia Suit thing isn't bad. I just said it was. I just get the feeling that you think they turned Samus into some kind of slave or something because of that one instance.
Very early into it.. but I can honestly say this is probably the first wii game that I can probably keep playing through... presentation and cinematics alone.. finally something with high production values from nintendo.

I did enjoy the original Metroid Prime games as well... but I did not get too far into them.
While I don't agree that the controls are totally broken, they are less than ideal. Like a lot of what I've played so far, they seem poorly thought out. In general, the game really lacks the polish that one usually gets from a Nintendo title. In the lack of polish area, I really hate:
The pixel hunt sequences all suck, but poorly textured green blood on poorly textured grass? Seriously WTF? Also why the unexplained control changes in the bathrooms? There is power-up in at least one of them, but I'm stuck in this dumbass tank control scheme when I enter them, and all of my abilities are disabled.

[quote name='Corvin'] Picture the game the exact way it is now just sub out the D-Pad with an analog stick. You play the game the same way except your Wiimote is now pointed at the screen at all times. In this scenario you could tap C or Z to go in/out of 1st person mode instead of flipping the Wiimote around.

The controls are inexcusable, and this will sound really harsh but defending it when there were clearly other options on the table, is an apologist stance to take. I'm 5 hours or so in and the controls are tolerable at best. I've gotten used to them, but that's certainly not what you want from a supposed triple-A title from Nintendo.

I know there are a few here that like to shit on Shadow Complex, but so far it outclasses Other M in nearly every department. The only things I can give Metroid the edge for is story (yeah, emo-Samus sucks, but it's something new for Metroid) and boss battles. So like Okami did Zelda better than Zelda, Shadow Complex does Metroid better than Metroid.

*flame suit on*[/QUOTE]

I'm currently in the ice sector and agree with most of the above. Especially the fact that so far Shadow Complex was a much better Metroid game than this one. So far this feels like a crappy Tecmo action game with the Metroid theme pasted on. The game simply has too much repetitive combat that boils down to (dodge to gain full charge, shoot, repeat ad infinitum) and far too little exploration. A couple of boss battles have been quite good, but most of the combat is tedious and overly repetitive. However, I'm plowing through because I've been assured by a friend that it really opens up and actually feels like a Metroid game later.

I will say that the actual transition from third person to first that I dreaded so much because of my Super Paper Mario technical problems at least works as it is supposed to. After that I dug out SPM and it now works as well so something environmental has changed on my end.
[quote name='Corvin']Just because you(royal "you") get used to a broken control scheme doesn't mean it wasn't broken to begin with.[/QUOTE]

If the controls were broken, the game would be unplayable. That clearly isn't the case as I just 100%'d it a few minutes ago. I wouldn't have had the patience to do that if the controls were broken.

I hate having to tap Up on the d-pad/analog stick in Muramasa, but that doesn't mean the controls were awful or broken, just something I had to get used to.
[quote name='icedrake523']I hate having to tap Up on the d-pad/analog stick in Muramasa, but that doesn't mean the controls were awful or broken, just something I had to get used to.[/QUOTE]

Awful and broken are different. I agree that the Muramasa controls aren't broken, and that you can get used to them and actually play. However, the choice of using up to jump in a game that has double jumps and a float/hover descent was simply AWFUL.

Similarly, I don't think the controls in Other M are broken, but I do think certain aspects of the control scheme are awful. (and unnecessarily so).
Like....? It's hard to argue against no examples. Tank controls I can give you since I thought they were terrible, but after the opening part of the game they drop the mechanic outside of elevators (which you aren't doing in anything anyway so it's hard to argue for/against it in those situations).

Also, as a sign of good faith towards the thread in hopes to lighten the mood, I present a web comic from Brawl in the Family:
I don't think I mentioned but I 100%'d it tonight.

The secret boss was fun and the escape sequence was good. However, both were pretty easy. The next Metroid game needs Kraid. Ridley gets all the attention and Phantoon came back. Kraid deserves some love. Screw Draygon, though. Only reason I'd want him to come back is so I can beat his ass in 10 seconds in 3D.

I need to play again because I missed so many missile upgrades I could have gotten as soon as I got in the room.

I'll start my next playthrough when I get my Monoprice package that has the attachment to use an analog stick on top of the d-pad.
I don't think the secret boss is "canon". I think it's there just because it's cool. Maybe you could say it's canon, but I'm not really going to pay attention to it. Also, I got a 2:34:97 on the Escape Sequence. So with some luck, I'll be able to get 2:35:XX soon, and thus my goal will be completed. I made a mistake on that last run though, so if I can correct that mistake I should get something like 2:35:25.
Still, I'd like to see Kraid make a return.

By the way, with regards to this...

[quote name='KingBroly']Story part
James is the deleter. When KG is pushed into the lava, you can see that the deleter's helmet number is faded. James' helmet has a faded number. KG might be the one missing, but that might be because they didn't find his body, and I don't think they're going to look in lava to find it ;)

When is KG pushed into lava? I don't recall that
[quote name='icedrake523']
Still, I'd like to see Kraid make a return.

By the way, with regards to this...

When is KG pushed into lava? I don't recall that
It is the 2nd cutscene after she determines there is a deleter. It seems kind of out of place at the time it happens. I think that's why i didn't remember it.
In Theater Mode, I believe
it's Chapter 17 or so.
Could be mistaken since I haven't looked at the whole thing.
[quote name='KingBroly']Like....? It's hard to argue against no examples. Tank controls I can give you since I thought they were terrible, but after the opening part of the game they drop the mechanic outside of elevators (which you aren't doing in anything anyway so it's hard to argue for/against it in those situations).

Also, as a sign of good faith towards the thread in hopes to lighten the mood, I present a web comic from Brawl in the Family:

That was kind of my point earlier when I pointed out the difference between broken and awful. There is no need for argument. Whether controls are broken is objective, and I fully agree that the controls are not objectively broken. They will work.

However, like I said, I think certain aspects of the control scheme are awful. Whether or not they are awful is a SUBJECTIVE opinion about whether they are well laid out and comfortable to use. There is really nothing to argue about.

As far as specifics that I don't like about the controls, most of them have already been laid out in the thread. I simply don't like the use of the dpad instead of the nunchuck for movement in 3d space. I also don't like using the d-pad for both movement and dodging. Since dodging plays such a large part in the combat of the game, I would much rather it be mapped to a button. (such as the c or z on the nunchuck). Using B for both free look and lock on was unnecessary as free look should have just been turned on when you make the switch. Unlike others, using A for the morph ball change doesn't bother me.

I'm sure you have a long list of rebuttals as to why these things work for you, but it doesn't really matter as the complaints are simply my opinion. My opinion is that these were poor choices, and that opinion is based on my first hand experience playing up to the ice sector so far. I'm obviously not alone in my opinion as there have been plenty of others that have disliked the scheme.

PS- Do they ever explain WHY you switch to tank controls in the bathrooms for apparently no reason at all? Is it just so they had some large views of Samus in third person to show off their model in prerelease footage?

Similarly, my take on the combat is simply opinion. I just don't like games like Bayonetta and the 3D Ninja Gaidens (I liked the originals). So FOR ME, the introduction of so much combat of the DODGE, CHARGE, SHOOT, REPEAT, REPEAT, FINISHING MOVE variety is tedious. It is obvious that some people like it, but for me that is not Metroid. If that is how Nintendo wants to make future Metroids that is fine, I'll just be skipping them like I skipped finishing the stylus controlled Zelda's on the DS. I've got plenty of other stuff to play.

On the other hand, the story that everyone railed about is not actually bothering me. I'd really like to see what from her past is unveiled so they have me hooked in.
Even after I 100% everything, I still hate the first person controls (and the tank sections, but I think at this point everyone agrees they were bad). Plus I really dont like having to lock on for missiles. Samus never needed to lock on in Super Metroid, so why does she now?
Does it really matter if she needs to lock onto enemies or not? In Prime you had to charge Super Missiles, so I'm guessing it's that premise. With the exception of doors and two fights, Super Missiles are in large, useless since regular missiles are just as good.

As for the perspectives switching in those small areas, it's probably because those areas are very compact and you probably wouldn't be able to see anything in them otherwise. They're supposed to be "detective" areas where you find stuff, but besides one large segment, the two rooms that feature it only produce 1 item.
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[quote name='KingBroly']

Ridley thing, 2 points, even though they're probably retreads:
Samus' parents were killed by Ridley in front of her as a child. I'm sure you would find this traumatic as well, and if you came face to face with someone like that, you would probably have a similar reaction. Now the whole 'she's fought him before' thing, in Zero Mission, she had this freaked out image frame when Ridley shows up (basically same thing here, but it's longer) and at the opening of Super Metroid, you lose to Ridley (or that's how it's supposed to go). She snaps out of it on all occassions to kick his ass and go on with her life. Here, you're thinking Ridley's dead for the entire game (even though they showed him in the trailer last year), and so does she, so she has no reason to think he's coming back, ever because she basically dropped a planet on him. So she freaks out about it, but she does snap out of it and kicks his ass once again. It's not like she was expecting Ridley to show up at any of these points in time, and hence the reason she has a nervous breakdown, even for a moment.

Authorization thing
Yes, the Varia Suit one is incredibly stupid. Incredibly. But saying that's entire justification for saying she's a submissive dog is bullshit. If the Varia Suit was on top of that volcano and Adam told her to go get it (scenario: she lost her power-ups again) it'd have the same impact, you'd still be following Adam's orders, but you'd be less pissed about it even though you were dying the exact same way because you'd want that power-up, even if meant dying over it.

I'm not at the point where you fight Ridley, but from what Ive read, it shows her as a little girl in tears when he appears. This scene would work if this was their first encounter. However, her having a nervous breakdown takes away from the strong characterization of Samus. She has defeated him MULTIPLE times, making her reactions completely out of place and stupid.

As for the authorization, yes, fundamentally it is the same as finding items, but the way they handle it is STUPID. If the suit was in a volcano, it would be different because YOU DON'T HAVE IT.

The game is good, not great or excellent like other Metroid games. I hope this doesn't hurt the production of future Metroid games.
This is turning into the NSMB Wii thread with all the talk about controls.

While I am enjoying the game thus far, I agree that it seems to lack the polish Nintendo games are known for. In one instance my health bar showed up in a cutscene (eventually disappeared though). Collision detection can be iffy when fighting bosses (and evading into corners). While the camera is mostly appropriate, sometimes it can be annoying when fighting an enemy who runs off-screen.

This may just be me, but when you jump onto an enemy's head to shoot it, I find that sometimes I can't pull it off if my gun is already fully charged (have to discharge and charge again).

And in terms of player models, it seems like only Samus is the one with a high polygon count.
When seeing that girl in Sector 2, at certain parts she looks much better rendered. Don't spoil her identity since I'm not there yet. :)
As someone who has no preconceptions of Metroid games, or at least not much, I'm looking forward to seeing what I think of the game, the controls, etc. My copy is (slowly) on its way from amazon. I can't wait to try it out.
[quote name='Lone_Prodigy']This is turning into the NSMB Wii thread with all the talk about controls.

While I am enjoying the game thus far, I agree that it seems to lack the polish Nintendo games are known for. In one instance my health bar showed up in a cutscene (eventually disappeared though). Collision detection can be iffy when fighting bosses (and evading into corners). While the camera is mostly appropriate, sometimes it can be annoying when fighting an enemy who runs off-screen.

This may just be me, but when you jump onto an enemy's head to shoot it, I find that sometimes I can't pull it off if my gun is already fully charged (have to discharge and charge again).

And in terms of player models, it seems like only Samus is the one with a high polygon count.
When seeing that girl in Sector 2, at certain parts she looks much better rendered. Don't spoil her identity since I'm not there yet. :)

Sometimes you won't shoot an enemy because they're not weak enough. They'll just knock you off. For the most part, enemies/boss won't damage you unless they're attacking, even if you touch them. It's just how the game works.
[quote name='icedrake523']If the controls were broken, the game would be unplayable. [/QUOTE]

Fair enough. I was using broken as an exaggeration on how shitty, I think, they are. :)

[quote name='Jasonofindy']That was kind of my point earlier when I pointed out the difference between broken and awful. There is no need for argument. Whether controls are broken is objective, and I fully agree that the controls are not objectively broken. They will work.

Very true. The controls work, but they are not optimal, effective, precise or ideal in any shape or form. I'm just about done with the game and really it's the only real complaint I have(other than the Wii showing its SD age). I didn't mind the story, Adam's mind control or the combat. I'm down for trying new things in the older franchises so I'm open. They just need to dump those ridiculous controls.
^ good thing I tend to read the last post in threads. Thanks for the heads up.

How many hours does it take for the first playthrough?
I don't think he spoiled anything.

First playthrough took me 8 hours, 20 minutes, 100% took me 11:20. Hard Mode took me 5:30.
So, I finished it, and I'm confused about something.
Who was the deleter? That sort of faded away once Adam died. I was sort of thinking that there wasn't one and the whole thing that started the deleter rumor (the soldier in the snowy place) was MB. But, then there was a scene of a body being kicked into the lava and now I'm back to being confused.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']So, I finished it, and I'm confused about something.
Who was the deleter? That sort of faded away once Adam died. I was sort of thinking that there wasn't one and the whole thing that started the deleter rumor (the soldier in the snowy place) was MB. But, then there was a scene of a body being kicked into the lava and now I'm back to being confused.

It was James. Didn't matter though, as they were all dead in the end
Just finished my first playthrough. 61% collection and my time was 9:12. Not terrible I don't think. I really liked the game. The controls were frustrating at some points, but not all the time. Definitely not broken by any means. My biggest trouble was executing the lethal strike on the guys with two legs who shook the screen a bit. I really liked the story and didn't find anything sexist about it. Then again, I'm the guy who didn't think anything about RE5 being racist. Who knows...

Anyway, I agree with IGN's 8.5/10. Good, solid game. Definitely not the best, but not bad by any stretch.
[quote name='jacobeid']Just finished my first playthrough. 61% collection and my time was 9:12. Not terrible I don't think. I really liked the game. The controls were frustrating at some points, but not all the time. Definitely not broken by any means. My biggest trouble was executing the lethal strike on the guys with two legs who shook the screen a bit. I really liked the story and didn't find anything sexist about it. Then again, I'm the guy who didn't think anything about RE5 being racist. Who knows...

Anyway, I agree with IGN's 8.5/10. Good, solid game. Definitely not the best, but not bad by any stretch.[/QUOTE]

Those guys are simple:
Freeze them to the floor first. The later ones with spikes at least. Earlier ones can be done whenever
. Also, please do
the after-credits thing
[quote name='KingBroly']Those guys are simple:
Freeze them to the floor first. The later ones with spikes at least. Earlier ones can be done whenever
. Also, please do
the after-credits thing

In regards to the first part,
I would do that, but still sometimes I wouldn't jump on them to finish them. More like jump over them. I probably just suck haha. This was my only control complaint though.

And as far as the second part,
I did the epilogue and went back to get Adam's helmet and the escape sequence. Is there more?
[quote name='Lone_Prodigy']^^thanks for the spoilers. Well I'm out of this thread until I beat it.[/QUOTE]

What? I didn't spoil anything, but I guess you won't know that until later.

[quote name='animalspinners']Ha, he didn't spoil anything at all... he was just making a joke about the authorization.

Exactly. Damn there are some sensitive folks in here. :lol: Like animalspinners said, it was a joke in reference to Samus bowing to Adam's every command.

[quote name='animalspinners']
I only wish it was something that interesting.[/QUOTE]

:lol: True.
It might be a stupid way to introduce powers (I had no problem with it, even the infamous one because it's not that tough of a section), but they have the decency to explain it, unlike some things. Although for Power Bombs
he could've just said 'They'll fucking kill us if you use one'

Honestly, the next Metroid game should just have her start out with no powers and when reporters stupidly ask what the explanation is they could just say 'why do we need to?'
I got my copy today from amazon and, coming into this as a Metroid newb, I have to say that I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far. I'm a few hours in, I guess. Not sure exactly. I'm exploring sector 1 and am most of the way done through that I believe. I haven't had any issues with the controls at all. They seem to work great. I don't have any problems using the dpad in a 3D space. I even had one of the over the shoulder view bits and it didn't cause any issues. The combat is fun and I like the exploration. The game does, so far, seem pretty easy. Some of the controls are a little confusing when explained. There is something it said about using the dpad to point at a foe and fully charge to do a lethal attack, or something like that. I'm not sure what they are talking about there.

The story... it's not terribly smart, but then I've yet to play a video game that had a story that wasn't some degree of pretty damn stupid. Usually a large degree. They move the game along, and that's all they need to do IMHO. It's a game.
bread's done