ミ★  Only wants listed... If you have something, LMK and maybe we can work it out! 

Get your ass to TLP's.

^^^^ Depends on what you are looking at. I just added pics of them. Please PM me letting me know what ones you may be interested in.
[quote name='dv8mad']^^^^ Depends on what you are looking at. I just added pics of them. Please PM me letting me know what ones you may be interested in.[/QUOTE]

All of them. I don't know what the market value is on them.
Greetings from the dead. Just wanted to congratulate you on the growing family and give fair warning that we may be doing business again very soon. I also wanted to say that it was a wise move to do a start up but you probably should have picked a friendlier URL.

-One of the original guys to bother dv8 to ship Japanese stuff

This should jog your memory:
[quote name='Tsukinikawatte']You mean Xenogears... Millennium collection. I'm hurt inside despite knowing it wasn't you intention...[/QUOTE]

LOL, fixed. Sorry to dash your hopes and dreams to the ground, steamroll them and light them on fire.
[quote name='dv8mad']LOL, fixed. Sorry to dash your hopes and dreams to the ground, steamroll them and light them on fire.[/QUOTE]

It's ok, you're still my fav man in japan.
[quote name='cgxcswim']Really want the Purple Heart but I've spent too much money in TLP and your lowballs lol.[/QUOTE]

That'll teach you! :whistle2:#
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bread's done