Michael Jackson Memorial 8/29/58 - 6/25/09

Watching it now. So far Queen Latifah read a poem dedicated to MJ written by Maya Angelou, Mariah Carey, Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Hudson, John Mayer performed.
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[quote name='Snake2715']What other persona's that the media now hates will there be outcry for when they die? I know MJ is the real deal in the sense of it probably being bigger than anything I can think of. I mean shit any of the recent presidents could get killed and it still wouldn't be this big, but what other personalities would the media flip so easily on?

For instance I am a Tyson fan, I think many discredit him, but the moment he dies it will go down in the history books as a sad day, no where near to this level of course.

Who else would have a big impact like this?[/QUOTE]
did anyone else "teach the world how to love"? then the answer is no
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Goddamn. His daughter brought me to tears. I was fine until then, but when she spoke I had to leave the room.[/QUOTE]

I missed it , what did she say?!?!?
She only spoke for about 30 seconds because she couldn't get through it. She said she loved her father a lot, really missed him, and then she lost it. At which point I'm pretty sure the entire world lost it along with her...
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']She only spoke for about 30 seconds because she couldn't get through it. She said she loved her father a lot, really missed him, and then she lost it. At which point I'm pretty sure the entire world lost it along with her...[/QUOTE]

damn, i will wait for the youtube posting or the clip somewhere on a news site.

sorry I was on hold off and on with the TSA :|
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Goddamn. His daughter brought me to tears. I was fine until then, but when she spoke I had to leave the room.[/QUOTE]
Me too I was in a client's office and i almost cried when she spoke.
Also Marlon Jackson's speech right before was tough too. Especially that one line "Michael, maybe now they'll leave you alone."

It wasn't until this memorial was over that it really hit me that Michael Jackson is dead. fuck...

RIP Michael.
Video of Paris, his daughter, speaking:


I lost it. I didn't watch the memorial, but I went on TMZ to look for clips, saw this, and just lost it.

[quote name='ph33r m3']fucked up move bringing the kid out....[/QUOTE]
I doubt that they forced her to speak. She probably wanted to. Prince Michael I & II didn't speak which leads me to believe Paris wanted to do it herself.
She clearly wanted to speak herself. Right before she spoke someone said Janet wanted to say something. Then just as Janet was about to speak Paris tugged on Janet's sleeve. Paris definitely wanted to speak, she just didn't realize how hard it would be for her. Poor kids...
Michael covered his kid's faces when they were with him. However, I have no doubt that they went out with other people uncovered and no one knew who they were.
Apparently it was Debbie Rowe's idea to have them wear masks.

There's been one or two times when they were photographed without masks or veils, but it was extremely rare.
It's not a bad idea. I have trouble believing it was Debbie Rowe's idea, though.

Also, about his kids, I was kind of surprised that Prince was chewing gum while on stage, right in front. Seems odd, while at a memorial for his own father.
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Besides Paris missing her father, the other thing I'll remember from this for some reason is Michael Jackson and Magic Johnson eating a bucket of KFC together.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Video of Paris, his daughter, speaking:


I lost it. I didn't watch the memorial, but I went on TMZ to look for clips, saw this, and just lost it.

I doubt that they forced her to speak. She probably wanted to. Prince Michael I & II didn't speak which leads me to believe Paris wanted to do it herself.[/QUOTE]

Not to be insensitive or anything, as I lost it too...but there has been enough mixed children throughout the centuries to tell if a kid is half white and half black.. Take OJ's kids for example


You can see they got a bit of OJ and a bit of their mother in their appearance.

to what we saw today:


btw this is the first time I have seen a picture of his kids unmasked.

DNA test will most likely reveal that she and the other kids are NOT MJ's children. However everyone in the world who loved MJ , including his family are going to accept those kids as family PERIOD. But any attempt by the kids to gain control over whatever MJ had left is going to be challenged by someone who will demand a DNA test and the truth will be revealed.

Again not to stur up trouble, but it's the harsh truth that the kids may have to face in the near future... was MJ really their biological or adoptive father? I pray for them and hope things work out for them.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Not to be insensitive or anything, as I lost it too...but there has been enough mixed children throughout the centuries to tell if a kid is half white and half black.. Take OJ's kids for example.[/QUOTE]
While I'm not going to get into the debate of whether or not the kids are his biologically (it doesn't matter. He raised them, therefore he is their father. His sperm or not. You saw the emotion on her face). This line here is pretty stupid. I'm sorry but there is no definite way to tell if a child is biracial. I'm biracial (half-Italian and half-black) and I have lighter skin than Paris does. Everyone who sees me instantly assumes I'm 100% white and is pretty shocked when I tell them I'm not. One of my best friends is also biracial, and she too is very light skinned. On the other hand I know biracial people that look 100% black.

So no, you can't tell just by looking at someone.
On the matter of inheritance it's not going to matter if they're his biological children or not; Michael specifically left 40% to his children, 40% to his mother and 20% to children's charities in his will. This is how the trust is divided up supposedly. The kids are not going to be left out, DNA completely irrelevant in that regard.
[quote name='Darrith']On the matter of inheritance it's not going to matter if they're his biological children or not; Michael specifically left 40% to his children, 40% to his mother and 20% to children's charities in his will. This is how the trust is divided up supposedly. The kids are not going to be left out, DNA completely irrelevant in that regard.[/QUOTE]

Yea this is true, if his will said 40% goes to the kids, then the courts will have to honor it.

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']While I'm not going to get into the debate of whether or not the kids are his biologically (it doesn't matter. He raised them, therefore he is their father. His sperm or not. You saw the emotion on her face). This line here is pretty stupid. I'm sorry but there is no definite way to tell if a child is biracial. I'm biracial (half-Italian and half-black) and I have lighter skin than Paris does. Everyone who sees me instantly assumes I'm 100% white and is pretty shocked when I tell them I'm not. One of my best friends is also biracial, and she too is very light skinned. On the other hand I know biracial people that look 100% black.

So no, you can't tell just by looking at someone.[/QUOTE]

That is true to some degree. With a lot of "mix'n' & match'n" these days you would be surprised... heck people think I am Middle eastern, yet my parents are from Costa Rica and Nicaragua...could there be some Middle Eastern in me? Possibly...

Maybe not the courts or any lawyer, but there will be people out there who will doubt if MJ was the biological father.

Lets wait atleast 10 years and then compare or let the truth come out on it's own...bet you Debbie is going to say something before then.... after that video of her getting pissy with the paparizzi the other day...it's only a matter of time.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']While I'm not going to get into the debate of whether or not the kids are his biologically (it doesn't matter. He raised them, therefore he is their father. His sperm or not. You saw the emotion on her face). This line here is pretty stupid. I'm sorry but there is no definite way to tell if a child is biracial. I'm biracial (half-Italian and half-black) and I have lighter skin than Paris does. Everyone who sees me instantly assumes I'm 100% white and is pretty shocked when I tell them I'm not. One of my best friends is also biracial, and she too is very light skinned. On the other hand I know biracial people that look 100% black.

So no, you can't tell just by looking at someone.[/QUOTE]
Yeah its no way you can tell my best friend is mixed Asian-Black and I didn't know until he told me. My GF is mixed Black-White she gets called spanish all the time. That aside those kids are MJ's kids no matter what DNA says He raised them. I'm sure its plenty people out there (myself included) that have parents who are not their biological parents, but they love them just the same or even more.
I'm not doubting whether or not they're his kids because we sure don't know the answer to that. I was just debating that one line about being able to tell if someone is biracial or not just by looking at him.
Another crazy theory is that all that stuff he did to himself over the years might have had some affect on his DNA and his sperm.
[quote name='Rocko']It's not a bad idea. I have trouble believing it was Debbie Rowe's idea, though.

Also, about his kids, I was kind of surprised that Prince was chewing gum while on stage, right in front. Seems odd, while at a memorial for his own father.[/QUOTE]

I saw that too. But it was the first time Prince has even been at a public event like that. And he may have simply been in shock over the whole thing- it was reported he was there when the doctors were trying to revive his father.

For people interested, here are some pics of the children unmasked in public from a year or two ago; like I said, this was definitely NOT the first time they have been photographed without masks in public. However, it is probably like the third time total, so yes it is rare.

It is very possible they are his biological children. I dated a half-Irish, half-black guy whose skin was about as light as Paris's. He told me (and I saw a picture of it) that he was blond when he was a child, but then his hair got darker. Someone else I know is half-black and has skin as light as mine.
Very touching funeral. I was moved by pretty much all of it, but I lost it when Paris gave her little speech. Very touching.

Btw, anyone have a pic of the stage while they had the spotlight on the mic by itself?
[quote name='Rocko']Anyone buy tickets to This Is It?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I did already. I was curious, but I'm iffy though, keeping my fingers crossed that it's decent.
I have been really thinking about getting tickets, but I still don't know. I just don't want it to be shit and get burned after spending ~$20 on tickets.
R.I.P. Michael. Thank you for forever changing American pop culture, and for all the great songs. You truly are a genius in your own right.
So, did anyone end up seeing This Is It? I went yesterday, and I thought it was fantastic. Michael definitely still had it. The show would have been amazing.
After seeing that movie, I'm pretty sure that any asking price for a ticket to that show would have been fair. The man was still on the ball and could keep up with any of his 20-something dancers.

I was personally geeking out over some of the stage tech they teased. I hope they show more about that stuff on the disc extras.
Not my style of music but I would be lying if I said I didn't ever listen to MJ. His music was coming out of speakers everywhere during the 80s. RIP, I'm sure you're moon-walking up in heaven now, or some high up place.
bread's done