MLB 2010 Discussion Thread

[quote name='JStryke']Dammit. I know that the Giants are still up 3-2, but the sooner the Phils are eliminated, the better.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. The pressure is on the Giants to close it out in 6.
[quote name='javeryh']Agreed. The pressure is on the Giants to close it out in 6.[/QUOTE]

As a Giants fan, who realizes the Bay Area is under some type of curse or hex that will never be broken, I think the Giants have to take Game 6.

Cain just can't pitch in that joke of a stadium.
I dont think it is the end of the world for Giants if there is a game 7, since Matt Cain is their most consistence pitcher this year and Hammel is the worst of the big 3.
I hope the Yankees do win today because that means the Rangers have to pitch Lee in Game 7 and if the Rangers win and the Phillies move on we don't have to face Lee in Game 1. That would make me very happy.
[quote name='JoeJohn']I think the yanks going to win today.[/QUOTE]

That won't make a difference unless they are able to get Cliff Lee on their payroll before game 7.
Well, the Yankees need to do something on offense to even make Game 7 a reality.

Of course, the thing about one game is that anything can happen...and often will. I always think back to Game 7 of the '01 World Series. Schilling had been disgusting all throughout the playoffs, including his starts against the Yankees, and through 6 innings, New York couldn't do anything. But Clemens held his own, and the Yankees scratch out runs in the 7th and 8th. Then, of course, the man who didn't blow postseason saves blew the biggest one of his career.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']First Vladdy and now Nelson. I am so fucking happy right now![/QUOTE]

Does this take the sting out of the Cowboys being so shitty this season?

I came into tonight with one foot dragging, but I'm fully on the Rangers bandwagon now.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Does this take the sting out of the Cowboys being so shitty this season?

I came into tonight with one foot dragging, but I'm fully on the Rangers bandwagon now.[/QUOTE]

Yes it does. I probably have been to 100 Ranger games so this is a really nice feeling. I still love the Cowboys and hope they turn things around, but this is just amazing. The fact that this is uncharted territory factors in as well. The Boys have three rings since I have been alive, so seeing a team like the Rangers go deep and have a chance to win is just a little more rewarding.
I don't know how the Yankees won 2 games. Their starting pitching was atrocious (save for Pettitte) and their offense was equally terrible. Just a pathetic showing all around.

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I sure hope that wasn't the last time we see Mariano Rivera pitch. Would be horrible to see him go out pitching a rather meaningless inning.[/QUOTE]

Why would it be? He still has time on his contract.
Nope, his contract is up.

Congrats to the Rangers' fans. Not that I hold anything against you, but as I said earlier, I hope the Giants advance and win the WS, just because it would mean a lot to a close friend of mine.
Alright, Mariners and Nationals... time to step up. :lol:

I never would have thought the Rangers would beat the Rays and Yankees this postseason.
Yankees will try again next year with a quarter billion dollar roster and Rangers will beat them again with a roster that costs a fifth of that
MLB is a joke and all about the money with these 162 game seasons

I like baseball, I don't like MLB
I'm happy for the Rangers, it's always nice to see different teams win. To be honest, I don't see the Phillies or Giants beating the Rangers in the WS. Hopefully the Phillies make it, but if they don't I'd rather the Rangers win not just because the Giants would have beaten the Phillies but it's a long time coming for the Rangers.
[quote name='tcrash247']Hopefully the Phillies make it, but if they don't I'd rather the Rangers win not just because the Giants would have beaten the Phillies but it's a long time coming for the Rangers.[/QUOTE]

The Giants haven't won the WS since before the Rangers existed.
I hope the same.

Also, maybe I'm just crazy, but I get a gut feeling that Texas will win it all. Just as long as it's not the Phils though. Phuck the Phillies. :D
Woohoo! Congrats to all the Rangers fans! I have been a bandwagon fan of the Rangers since the playoffs started, and I gotta say even I am excited.
[quote name='joejohn']yanks going to win easy over the rangers.[/quote]

[quote name='joejohn']yanks going to win easy over the rangers.[/quote]

[quote name='joejohn']yanks going to win easy over the rangers.[/quote]

[quote name='joejohn']yanks going to win easy over the rangers.[/quote]

[quote name='joejohn']yanks going to win easy over the rangers.[/quote]

Happiest day of my fucking life.

I am so fucking happy. Best day of my life.
[quote name='Undertaker4eber']For anyone interested MLB's site has both the blue and red Texas hats with the WS Patch in stock.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I bought a BP hat the other day, but I totally wanted one of those the second I saw it.
Ehh...Texas deserves it. Yankees did basically nothing in this series to show that they had any intent of winning another world title. If it's not Mariano's last time pitching, I have a strong suspicion it could be Pettitte's. Even with as well as he did this year, he had to grind through that injury, and I'm sure the last few months of the season weren't too enjoyable for him. I could really see that weighing on him.
[quote name='Tony208']Yankees will try again next year with a quarter billion dollar roster and Rangers will beat them again with a roster that costs a fifth of that
MLB is a joke and all about the money with these 162 game seasons

I like baseball, I don't like MLB[/QUOTE]

What the hell does money have to do with the Yankees not winning the ALCS? As far I know it was terrible pitching behind C.C and a lackluster Penn..but also give credit to a Hot Texas Ranger team. They just played better this series.

im done arguing money and the yankees. Its the easiest thing to make fun of the pinstripes but people who do use that insult know absolutely nothing on how the Yankees operate financially.

[quote name='n8rockerasu']Ehh...Texas deserves it. Yankees did basically nothing in this series to show that they had any intent of winning another world title. If it's not Mariano's last time pitching, I have a strong suspicion it could be Pettitte's. Even with as well as he did this year, he had to grind through that injury, and I'm sure the last few months of the season weren't too enjoyable for him. I could really see that weighing on him.[/QUOTE]

They have soooooooo many pitching questions going in to next year. They need to rebuild that penn ASAP. Robertson just doesnt cut it. It could just be a bad year but they need help terribly there.
Yep, bullpen definitely sucks. The Yankees went into the postseason with freaking Boone Logan as the lefty and Mitre as the long man. For next year, give Kerry Wood another shot and sign 2 or 3 proven relief arms. Chamberlain was supposed to be the next big thing but he sucks. Robertson is probably better than Chamberlain but he doesn't show up in big games.

Congrats to Texas. Good pitching always beats good hitting. Hope the Phillies lose so the WS winner would be a team who hasn't won it recently.
[quote name='integralsmatic']What the hell does money have to do with the Yankees not winning the ALCS? As far I know it was terrible pitching behind C.C and a lackluster Penn..but also give credit to a Hot Texas Ranger team. They just played better this series.

im done arguing money and the yankees. Its the easiest thing to make fun of the pinstripes but people who do use that insult know absolutely nothing on how the Yankees operate financially.

The thing with unbalanced pay rolls, no salary cap etc. isn't really born out in the playoffs.

In a 7 game series the talent difference doesn't matter so much. What matters is the long haul over the season as teams with high payrolls have a lot more depth and ride out injuries, slumps etc. better.

Hence why they're pretty much always in the playoffs, why the Braves made it 14 straight years--most of which they had owners making them the 2nd or 3rd highest payroll etc.

Don't always win in the playoffs as any thing can happen in a series, but the smaller market teams seldom make the playoffs, especially if they're in a division with one of the big spenders.

The Rays are the notable current exception. But if they can't raise payroll beyond the $63 million or so they will lose Crawford and other key players to free agency, just like the 2004 Marlins team etc.
And a salary cap would not change that much at all. The Yankee would still spend the absolute max, and bad teams would still spend $50 million or less. You have to remember that, unlike other sports, baseball only has 8 teams, a little more than 1/4th, make the playoffs. So, unlike basketball or hockey, where half the league makes the playoffs and small market teams make it all the time, you're still going to have the issue of small market teams being unable to beat out the bigger market teams for the division. That's why baseball expanded the playoffs and introduced the wild card. And usually, the wild card works out great to get some lesser known teams in the mix. Unfortunately, in the AL, the wild card usually just ends up being whoever lost the AL East.
Yeah, as I said before, a salary cap on it's own isn't good enough.

There has to be a team salary minimum too, and hopefully lead to contracting some teams that can't spend enough to be competitive. Another part of the problem is talent is spread to thin, compounded by most top athletes in the US opting for football or basketball instead of baseball, unlike in the past when baseball was really America's sport.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, as I said before, a salary cap on it's own isn't good enough.

There has to be a team salary minimum too, and hopefully lead to contracting some teams that can't spend enough to be competitive. Another part of the problem is talent is spread to thin, compounded by most top athletes in the US opting for football or basketball instead of baseball, unlike in the past when baseball was really America's sport.[/QUOTE]

Well, I cannot argue with you there. Baseball has definitely been impacted by the rise of other sports. Compact that with constant expansion, and yes, the talent pool is certainly not deep. I would be all for contraction. I was all for it back when they wanted to contract the Expos and Twins. Of course, the Twins went on to become a perennial playoff contender, but at the time, they were not.

I don't necessarily disagree that a lot could be done to make baseball more competitive, but I just don't see it happening. The union will fight a salary cap until the bitter end, and a lot of teams will balk at the idea of a salary minimum. As much flack as Selig gets, especially for being so pig-headed on replay, I do think he has done everything he can (wild card, expanded revenue sharing, luxury tax, etc.) to make the game as about as competitive it will get for a very long time.

Like I said, I do think contraction would help a bit, especially in terms of pitching. You have plenty of guys sitting out in big league bullpens who simply do not belong. And honestly, that is where teams like the Yankees get their gaudy offensive numbers during the regular season. You play a bad team in the middle of July. They work the starter hard and chase him by like the 6th, and now you got some guy who barely skated by in AAA pitching to A-Rod and Cano.

Of course, the problem with contraction is who do you contract and are they going to go quietly. I think you all remember Pohlad wanting waaaaay more than market value for the Twins.
[quote name='integralsmatic'] They have soooooooo many pitching questions going in to next year. They need to rebuild that penn ASAP. Robertson just doesnt cut it. It could just be a bad year but they need help terribly there.[/QUOTE]

Two words: Cliff Lee.
[quote name='madbst']For next year, give Kerry Wood another shot and sign 2 or 3 proven relief arms.[/QUOTE]

Extremely, extremely doubtful that Wood is a Yankee next year. The way he pitched in New York, he earned a gig as a closer somewhere. I don't see him staying as the set-up man. Would love it if he did, but I doubt it.
Honestly, on a team with this payroll, Cliff Lee shouldn't be needed. It disgusts me that every media outlet in the world is saying he is. But the blame for that falls squarely on AJ Burnett. Burnett is a piece of trash who is getting paid more than a lot of aces in the league, and he can't manage an ERA under 5. Guys like Pettitte and Hughes did what they could do for their respective ages/experience levels. Sabathia was more than fine. And Vasquez or whoever else you pencil in at #5 is not going to factor into whether or not you win a championship.

I'd even go as far to say AJ Burnett was the sole reason for the Yankees failure this year. Yes, there were games where the team didn't hit, but when you've got a #2 who goes out and gives up 4 runs in the 1st inning, it makes you start pressing at the plate...which creates bad habits that carry over into multiple games. It also causes you to get into your bullpen by the 4th or 5th inning and burns guys out...which carries over into multiple games. It's beyond pathetic that AJ Burnett got outpitched by a 24 year old in his first full year starting and a 38 year old who doesn't throw harder than 90 anymore.

So now, the Yanks "need" to bring in another what, they can make Burnett the #5 starter? It's ridiculous. Personally, I'd love it if they could trade him for some bullpen help, but I know they'd have to eat most of the contract. But at least then he'd be contributing to the team.
You know, I was just about to say that it was a little crazy to blame this all on Burnett, but in all honesty, you're nearly right. A lot of the blame needs to be laid on his shoulders. The rotation looks a lot different if he was at least decent this year. People forget that he pitched two gems in Game 2 of both the ALCS and WS last year. Yeah, he also threw out two duds later in both series, but still, that's Burnett. You take the good with the bad. This year, obviously, it was a whole bunch of bad.

In the end, though, another year going by simply made this team look older. Also, many of them don't seem to have the same passion they had last year. It's like, for many of the newer guys, they won their championship, so they're content. A-Rod slid back into his postseason rut, for example, and didn't seem to have that passion he had last year where he was all the place, making great catches, taking bases, and getting every big hit.

The Rangers just wanted it more, and you could see it in everything they did.
bread's done