MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Thread: UFC/Strikeforce

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[quote name='Pavel6969']Fedor just signed with Strikeforce. I said it before, he will never end up in the UFC. Guess we will get to see Fedor fight Rogers this fall.[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm curious what will happen when his contract with M-1 is up. He'll be about 34 then, but we'll find out if he even has an opinion of his own. I hated all his comments throughout this whole ordeal. It was like he could care less about anything. They even asked him about the quality of competition since he's such a great fighter, and he responded with "I don't think of myself as a great fighter".

The reporter then made the mistake of asking "Well, if you don't think you're a great fighter, who do you think are great fighters?'. To which Fedor says "I don't think of fighters as being great." Jesus...really??? I know he's always been all business, but at least act like you enjoy it. I'm getting worried that in 30 years, we'll find out that the Russian mob forced Fedor into fighting and that his real dream was to perform with the Russian ballet.
[quote name='Pavel6969']Fedor just signed with Strikeforce. I said it before, he will never end up in the UFC. Guess we will get to see Fedor fight Rogers this fall.[/QUOTE]

he will he would have signed to fight for UFC if his greedy ass manager didn't want 50% of the UFC franchise.
[quote name='Pavel6969']Fedor just signed with Strikeforce. I said it before, he will never end up in the UFC. Guess we will get to see Fedor fight Rogers this fall.[/QUOTE]

Wonder how long Strikeforce will survive now?

Think of this; Rings, Elite XC, Bodog and Affliction all got in bed with M-1; they all went under. PRIDE if they ever did co-promote with M-1 also goes out of business; but regardless of co promotion Fedor was their HW Champ. That means M-1 has been a part of AT LEAST 4 business’s that went out of business, if not 5 assuming PRIDE had any type of co promotional deal with M-1 at any time during their dealings. M-1’s track record is horrendous, and this deal is potentially going to hurt StrikeForce more than help.
I'm excited that Fedor signed with Strikeforce, but it's also a little disappointing. Obviously, the competition that he's going to face in Strikeforce isn't going to be the same as he's going to face in the UFC. Off the top of my head, I can think of three guys who Strikeforce will pair him against: Brett Rogers, Fabricio Werdum, and Alistair Overeem. Brett Rogers is still very young and quite possibly one dimensional, Alistair Overeem hasn't defended his belt in close to two years, and Fabricio Werdum is similar in style to Minotauro Nogueira, and I think we all know how Minotauro and Fedor has worked out over the years.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']Wonder how long Strikeforce will survive now?

Think of this; Rings, Elite XC, Bodog and Affliction all got in bed with M-1; they all went under. PRIDE if they ever did co-promote with M-1 also goes out of business; but regardless of co promotion Fedor was their HW Champ. That means M-1 has been a part of AT LEAST 4 business’s that went out of business, if not 5 assuming PRIDE had any type of co promotional deal with M-1 at any time during their dealings. M-1’s track record is horrendous, and this deal is potentially going to hurt StrikeForce more than help.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's the story I'd like to see pushed. How are they 50/50 partners with these companies, yet come out unscathed? More than anything, it would appear that they just leech off of them until there's nothing left to drain. Did they actually ever put up any money to help put on any of these events? Or is providing Fedor their idea of contributing?

My guess is that in the contract, M-1 ALWAYS gets paid. Meaning, if it cost Affliction $5 million to put on a show, and they made $6 million from that show, M-1 gets $3 million, so Affliction only ends up with $3 million...or a loss of $2 million. Now, I'm sure this isn't the exact formula, but you get the idea. The way Vadim talks, I seriously doubt M-1 is putting up equal money to help put on these events. Making vague comments like this just reeks of BS:

We are very pleased that we found a reliable partner and I feel that Strikeforce and M-1 can support each other on many things

My wish is that Fedor's last 3 fights with M-1 will cause Strikeforce to go under, and then the UFC can sign him and the rest of the worthy Strikeforce fighters, without M-1. It's a long shot, but a guy can dream.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']

My wish is that Fedor's last 3 fights with M-1 will cause Strikeforce to go under, and then the UFC can sign him and the rest of the worthy Strikeforce fighters, without M-1. It's a long shot, but a guy can dream.[/QUOTE]

I understand what you're saying here, but I couldn't disagree more. I don't think competition is ever a bad thing, and honestly, Strikeforce is the only true U.S. competitor to the UFC. I don't see how it going under would be a good thing. I feel like Strikeforce provides a great alternative to UFC as it stands.
[quote name='BoSoxFan900']I understand what you're saying here, but I couldn't disagree more. I don't think competition is ever a bad thing, and honestly, Strikeforce is the only true U.S. competitor to the UFC. I don't see how it going under would be a good thing. I feel like Strikeforce provides a great alternative to UFC as it stands.[/QUOTE]

Haha, yeah I know. I was conflicted even as I typed that last part. I do believe competition is a good thing, but I also believe businesses should be ran the right way. I guess I feel like if Strikeforce is willing to get into bed with M-1 and their ridiculous demands, they deserve what they get. And selfishly, I'd also like to see all the best fighters under one roof. It would really make for some incredible cards. Other than that though, I agree with you.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Haha, yeah I know. I was conflicted even as I typed that last part. I do believe competition is a good thing, but I also believe businesses should be ran the right way. I guess I feel like if Strikeforce is willing to get into bed with M-1 and their ridiculous demands, they deserve what they get. And selfishly, I'd also like to see all the best fighters under one roof. It would really make for some incredible cards. Other than that though, I agree with you.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, for sure man. Can you imagine the cards that the UFC could put on if they had some of the top tier talent from Strikeforce or, for that matter, Dream? That'd be incredible. I definitely see what you're saying with M1. It really does seem like they run that company like the Russian mob. We'll see if they manage to wreck Strikeforce like they have everything else they touch.
[quote name='BoSoxFan900']Yeah, for sure man. Can you imagine the cards that the UFC could put on if they had some of the top tier talent from Strikeforce or, for that matter, Dream? That'd be incredible. I definitely see what you're saying with M1. It really does seem like they run that company like the Russian mob. We'll see if they manage to wreck Strikeforce like they have everything else they touch.[/QUOTE]

I'm conflicted I like competition but then you get into the BS that led to part of the downfall of boxing(multiple organizations refusing cross-org fights). Honestly, I can't wait to see how the UFC will counter promote Strikeforce.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']Well I don't think Fedor is ever coming to the UFC after this

he is a very good fighter, but his managment is fucking stupid. Oh well fuck it, got some good UFC cards coming up. Predictions for 101?[/QUOTE]

Penn vs Florian: I can't stand the guy to be honest, but I'll say BJ.
Spider vs Forrest: I say Forrest in a huge upset.
Sadollah vs Hendricks: Sadollah
Grove vs Almeida: Almeida
Neer vs Pellegrino: Neer
I'm pretty much picking the upsets this time.

Penn vs Florian: Florian..he's my favoriteee
Silva vs Griffin: I'm torn on this but I really think Griffin is going to pull it out.
Sadollah vs Hendricks: Sadollah
Grove vs Almeida: I think Groves has been training correctly from his interviews and I love his BJJ
Neer vs Pellegrino: Pellegrino has surprised me before and I'm picking him for this one.
Penn vs Florian: BJ but I think Florian will put up a great fight.
Spider vs Forrest: I like Silva but can't go against Griffin.
Sadollah vs Hendricks: Sadollah really liked him in TUF and been waiting for him to fight again.
Grove vs Almeida: Grove does have great BJJ think he'll pull this one out.
Neer vs Pellegrino: Toughcall I think I'll go with Neer though.
The undercard results are pretty good.

I loved how Leites was booed again...i'm sure he will be cut knowing dana whites feelings about him.
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Yeah, this card has been disappointing so far, and just as I was about to post that the Sadollah fight might be decent, well... we all saw what happened.

There was no way this card would top the awesomeness that was UFC 100, anyway.
The Amir fight was really heartbreaking. I felt bad for him. Actually...I always feel bad for the shit the refs have to take after making the decisions
Well shit... That was good while it lasted. Silva straight punked out Griffin. He had his hands down and was daring Forrest to hit him in the face, but Forrest got his shit rocked 3 times.

I liked how Silva had Assassin's Creed 2 (double the double-ass) on his ass.
Lost all respect I had for forrest.

Silva is the man. That was epic. Love how he took the hit, dodged two and dropped him. Well played Silva. Well played.

Hoping for Penn in this fight.
Yes Forrest got beat, but to toss him under the bus and lose all respect for him is a little harsh, Silva holds his title and record for unbeaten streak for a reason. Forrest just had a very, very, very bad night.

BJ Penn is BACK!!!!!
Meh, I didn't really like him in the first place, and that was just a bitch move. At least show some respect and stick around after the match.

And he didn't only got beat, he got dominated. Silva made him his bitch.

AND, for someone who prides himself on having heart to just beg for mercy before Silva even attempted to attack him again was dissappointing. Basically, this was not the way I was hoping the fight to end at all.

Okay fight, 4th round was good but the rest was meh. Glad Penn pulled it off.
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Ugh...worst UFC I've seen in a long time. I'm just glad the Yankees won today and I bowled a 165 in my first time throwing a real bowling ball in 4+ years today (thank you very much Nintendo, haha).

So, we had 3 unanimous 30-27 judges decisions, 2 "I'm going to charge in like a maniac and hope I hit something" counter KO's, and 1 actually good, smart, strategic fight. Forrest's performance was so pathetic people on Sherdog are accusing it of being fixed. Can't wait till Dana has to field those questions from reporters.

My personal opinion is Forrest fought like a tard and seemed to base his strategy around his image/what the crowd wanted to see, as opposed to what could actually defeat Silva. For all the hype that "fighting someone as big as Griffin" got, everybody somehow failed to mention how fighting someone as fast as Silva would affect the fight.

Forrest acted like he was fighting Stephan Bonnar again with the way he was throwing those wild, looping, slow-motion bombs. Silva would have none of it, and just bopped him on the cheek. Ridiculous. People are bagging on Forrest for running out of the octagon (some even saying he had diarrhea, haha), but my guess is, aside from being humiliated, it still rung his bell pretty good.

Disappointed that Florian lost, but at least he gave it his all. Unless your name is GSP, taking BJ Penn down is like trying to uproot a tree stump with your bare hands. Kenny's strategy was sound, but he just didn't have the power to raise the mutant.
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Its just crazy how Silva made forest look like a slob. He had no respect for his stand up game. Just stood right in front of Forrest egging him on.

On a sad note I'm watching Florian cry in his locker room. Feel bad for him but i think he definitely underestimated Penn.
Silva was showing off for Roy Jones Jr. who was supposed to be in attendance. I must say it was a boxing clinic by Silva, and I liked how he opted to not fight on the ground.
[quote name='Ronzilla']Anybody watch the Sotiropolous vs Roop fight? AMAZING technical work. That was a GREAT fight.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was awesome, great job by the aussie with the ground game, and to be honest I'm shocked roop made it out of the first round after that huge flurry of punches.

He's like what 3-0? I think he's got a great future in MMA for sure.

Also, forgot who was fighting, but I didn't hear anything from you guys on that early call. (sadollah I think his name was?) thoughts on that? Good call or bad call by the ref?
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