MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Thread: UFC/Strikeforce

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Did yall see the first Facebook fight where Kim Winslow stopped the fight for no reason at all? They really need to revoke her reffing license.
[quote name='bigpimpin24']I thought he let it go on a bit too long myself. I also was not impressed at all at the caliber of the fight. Way too many wild punches and both of them having their hands at the waist like that is just asking to get KO'd by a half decent striker.[/QUOTE]

As bad as Sicilia was with just winging very wild punches, Marcello was even worse with his defense...if you can call it was to keep his hands down, chin straight up in the air, and sway his head back. I was surprised it took Sicilia that long to knock him out.
Holloway showed some nice striking out there. He was too cautious though because he could have finished it a few times. Still a good performance.
Well I look like a big dummy picking Brookins. I figured he would use a strong clinch game with some dirty boxing against Oliveira. Instead he tried to strike and got beat up then taken down and subbed...good win for "do Bronx".
Nice comeback by Kampmann. That short right hook on the temple was the beginning of the end for Ellenberger. Kampmann has good technical striking but he gets hit way to much in his fights...shots that he shouldn't be getting hit with. He really needs to work on his defense.
[quote name='shotgunshine']Congrats man. I need to get into this betting thing.[/QUOTE]

Oh hey! Thanks, man. :) Once my attitude towards betting changed from "just for fun" to "should probably be more serious," I stopped listening to MMA podcasts and only visit Sherdog for news I miss (and other websites for news for the OP).

Gonna shout-out Luca Fury (@GamblingFury) on Twitter. Nice, honest guy who a.) first piqued my interest in gambling, b.) actually gives good advice to people starting out. He and Fight Ghost (@Fight_Ghost) host The MMA OddsCast on iTunes. My own paranoia prevents myself from listening to anything MMA, but both guys are honest and very knowledgable. :)

For myself, I just review fights, take notes, and make decisions. I think casually training in grappling and Muay Thai has helped see some things that others may miss. So, I guess my advice is to watch fights and train if you can. (And have good luck, of course.)
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Striking at Throwdown. Grappling at Sergio Penha's academy. :)

I've been meaning to try Gilbert Yvel's Dutch kickboxing class at Throwdown. Starts later, which is good. Sorta intimidating yet awesome to be taught by Yvel. When Kampmann retires, that generation of kids will have a fantastic teacher if Kampmann opens a gym or leads that area for Xtreme Couture. Same about St-Pierre, even Kos, especially Cormier, Lauzon, and a bunch of others.
EDIT: UFC game sales have been only decent. Makes sense that THQ would sell the license to EA. EA can actually afford the risk. One way to boost sales would be to have an exclusive on-disc Madden demo with every copy of EA UFC that unlocks a special team/uni/player/etc. in the new Madden. (EA, PM me for my checking account info. You're welcome.)

The Dot com has been updated. I think one of the most interesting happenings is Rory MacDonald calling out BJ Penn. Penn has a questionable mind where he could psyche himself out even before fighting MacDonald. He did so against Georges St-Pierre, arguably Jon Fitch, and a few others. I think MacDonald just brutalizes Penn unless Penn manages to land something in the clinch before MacDonald takes him down and beats him up. Higher chance of BJ hurting Rory on the feet than submitting him on the ground. I'd be interested to see the lines. Possibly Rory at around -200 and Penn at around +125.

The purported news that Anderson Silva has injured his right knee has been making the rounds for about a week or two. I can't help but compare this to when news broke, before their first fight, that Silva had injured his ribs. Of course, this could just be psychological warfare by Silva's camp. I believe Sonnen is a diligent worker and trains hard regardless of his opposition. But, if this rumor is true, an injured knee is not something I would want to have against Chael Sonnen.
[quote name='Maklershed']EA MMA was soooo good though.[/QUOTE]

It was a good game, my main problem with EA is the online pass thing they try to do, actually that doesnt even bother me that much if it wasn't for the fact that they can turn off the servers for a game whenever they want to which makes a games online only good until EA deems otherwise.
[quote name='icp_00_111']It was a good game, my main problem with EA is the online pass thing they try to do, actually that doesnt even bother me that much if it wasn't for the fact that they can turn off the servers for a game whenever they want to which makes a games online only good until EA deems otherwise.[/QUOTE]

Which I found out the hard way. I only had it a few months before EA turned off EA MMAs servers.
[quote name='icp_00_111']It was a good game, my main problem with EA is the online pass thing they try to do, actually that doesnt even bother me that much if it wasn't for the fact that they can turn off the servers for a game whenever they want to which makes a games online only good until EA deems otherwise.[/QUOTE]

EA seems unreliable for game servers. (Not that I play the multi, but still, that's a bummer for those who do.)

The UFC engine is the best anything Yuke's has ever done. Sure beats their terrible wrasslin engine. However, I hope with EA as their backer, that Yuke's refines the grappling part of their engine. While the grappling system is good, the controls can be awful. I freakin' hate rotating sticks. Speaking of rotating sticks, now they can borrow EA MMA's SUB system. Prettier aesthetic with slightly better controls. Oh, and TDs and TDD need to be revisited. I'm not a fan of violently destroying my controller by simulating a Rosy Palm. Yeah, you can counter TDs with uppercuts and knees, but in motion, blocking TDs is a pain.
Im not sure how to feel about EA making the UFC games now. There was some good things I liked about EA MMA but imo there was more bad then good. I'll reserve judgement though until the game comes out...I just hope they don't decide to do yearly updates like Madden.
Some treasured quotes Dana had about EA Sports when trying to make an mma game.For your enjoyment from a few years ago.

"White remarks, "EA Sports told us, 'You're not a real sport. We wouldn't touch this thing. We want nothing to do with this.'" The UFC instead partnered with THQ to develop UFC Undisputed 2009 "We put our asses on the line, THQ and the UFC, to make a video-game deal in the worst economy in the world," White told reporters in July 2009. "We go out there and do this thing, and it's successful, and now God-damn EA Sports wants to do a video game."

""If you do business with EA, you won't be in the UFC""
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[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Who listens to anything Dana White says and takes it seriously?[/QUOTE]

Fixed. He's a decent hype man, but sinks to the level of douchebag stereotypes way too often for a guy of his supposed corporate level. I get laughs from him because alot of his responses sound like some teen going on a rant because somebody teabagged him in Halo.
For the EA thing, they told him to fuck off so he just returned it to them. No biggie, they will try to make the most of it now that they are partners. Also since Randy Couture was exclusive to EA he should be in the next UFC game.
[quote name='DT778']For the EA thing, they told him to fuck off so he just returned it to them. No biggie, they will try to make the most of it now that they are partners. Also since Randy Couture was exclusive to EA he should be in the next UFC game.[/QUOTE]


And, 80-percent of the time I agree with what Dana has to say. I disagree with small issues, here and there, but the last time I flatout disliked something he said or did was when he posted a video on YouTube referring to Loretta Hunt as a "stupid cunt." As the President of the most important MMA promotion in the world, that was inexcusable, too far, and completely disgusting.

All things put into perspective, I'm glad he's accessible, open, and honest. Sure beats the the presidents of other sports, companies, and businesses. Those are easily his best qualities. And just remember: Dana only owns nine-percent of Zuffa. The Fertittas own the majority.

And if I were M1, I'd be open to having Fedor in EA UFC if Zuffa allows it. But, seeing how they operate, they'll probably want "M1" in the title and 90-percent of the profits.
Dana is a good face for the UFC with his obnoxiousness, alot of people love listening to loud mouths and he can be a pretty strait shooter even though he is wrong alot of the time. I like him probably about 70% of the time the rest of the time I just wonder what he is thinking. Joe Silva now that is the guy that keeps the gears moving behind the scenes and is a pretty kickass matchmaker.

Maybe in the new game they can have UFC, Pride and Strikeforce, then we can fight as the ladies too, I wonder if we would be able to use them in Pride and soccer kick other women, that could be pretty crazy.
He says one thing and goes and does another so often that I don't even listen to what he says most of the time. Only when it is "offically" announced do I even bother to raise up my head.
Yeah, I actually really like Dana too. Sure, he gets upset and says some things he may regret later, but we've all done that. He talks like a fan and is passionate about what he does. I'd much rather have a guy like that than some phony, robot, social-medialite businessman. Yeah, he occasionally puts his foot in his mouth, but I have to give him credit for continuing to be himself no matter what. He's always struck me as a blue collar guy that you could shoot the shit with and he wouldn't be looking down his nose at you the entire time. If other companies had a little more of that, maybe so many of them wouldn't be going out of business.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, I actually really like Dana too. Sure, he gets upset and says some things he may regret later, but we've all done that. He talks like a fan and is passionate about what he does. I'd much rather have a guy like that than some phony, robot, social-medialite businessman. Yeah, he occasionally puts his foot in his mouth, but I have to give him credit for continuing to be himself no matter what. He's always struck me as a blue collar guy that you could shoot the shit with and he wouldn't be looking down his nose at you the entire time. If other companies had a little more of that, maybe so many of them wouldn't be going out of business.[/QUOTE]

I do think he comes off as a bit of a "common man" in the sense that he wouldn't be acting snobby towards a regular guy, but there is no doubt that a lot of people don't like him or anything he says. Maybe he isn't a typical "rich guy" but he acts like a fool way too often and needs to be more professional. The UFC isn't some run of the mill local circuit promotion after all.
Dana is kind of a tool and says some embarrassing things sometimes(I still remember the corny "Do you wanna be a fuckin fighter" speech) but at least hes passionate and seems to really care about this business, the fighters, and the fans.
[quote name='shotgunshine']Dana is kind of a tool and says some embarrassing things sometimes(I still remember the corny "Do you wanna be a fuckin fighter" speech) but at least hes passionate and seems to really care about this business, the fighters, and the fans.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how much he cares about the fighters and he barely cares about the fans, but the business, he would die for that $$$. :rofl:
Mobile, at the moment. Peeped my Twitter feed.

-Brian Stann is out of headline fight with Hector Lombard

-Big speculation that Brock Lesnar will fight this year

-BJ Penn has apparently agreed to fight Rory McDonald

-Charlize Theron loves MMA :)lol:)

Quick rundown of thoughts: 1.) I want to see Silva plug in Bisping against Lombard just to see Bisping get his head knocked off, 2.) Lesnar speculation is like Penn; Zuffa tossing money for moneymakers because of injuries to big names, 3.) MacDonald by UD, 4.) She is an attractive lady.
Penn should stay retired or at least face an easier opponent for his comeback fight. Everyone knows his problems...he looks good in the first round then badly fades. Thats never going to change and Rory can easily go three rounds if he needs to. He should take a dominating decision.
I kinda think that Cung Li should fight Lombard, his opponent had to pull out recently too. I wish BJ would stay retired or fight at a lower weight class, Rory seems just too big and strong for Penn to be able to win against. It is a shame he never fought at 145, his frame looked like he could have made the weight and he could have been really dangerous there.
Le would work. Bisping is already scheduled to fight Boetsch at UFC 149 in Calgary. Hell, I'd do Belcher-Lombard. Belcher stopped Paul Harris in R1 while taking no damage. Belcher beats Lombard, and he just might fulfill the potential many thought he had prior to the injuries and surgeries.

Oh, and hey, Mauricio Rua-Brandon Vera is set for UFC on FOX 4. It's the freakin' main event. In 2012. Brandon Vera. The person who was cut by the UFC now returns to main event a FOX card. A giant "WTF" in neon fluorescent lights. Injuries, man.
[quote name='Chase']Le would work. Bisping is already scheduled to fight Boetsch at UFC 149 in Calgary. Hell, I'd do Belcher-Lombard. Belcher stopped Paul Harris in R1 while taking no damage. Belcher beats Lombard, and he just might fulfill the potential many thought he had prior to the injuries and surgeries.

Oh, and hey, Mauricio Rua-Brandon Vera is set for UFC on FOX 4. It's the freakin' main event. In 2012. Brandon Vera. The person who was cut by the UFC now returns to main event a FOX card. A giant "WTF" in neon fluorescent lights. Injuries, man.[/QUOTE]

Wow...that is a terrible main event...and for the Fox card. I personally thought Lombard-Stann was a bad one as well..not because it wouldn't of been a great fight with pretty much a guaranteed knockout but because the last Fox show(Diaz vs Miller) while a great fight and great card overall...did a horrible rating for prime time tv. I was really baffled UFC wasen't going to try to use a huge name that casual fans know. Stann could've maybe worked, with his background and all...if it would've been promoted properly...but Shogun and Vera is not going to work at all. UFC needs to be very careful if this show does another bad number..which it almost certainly will now.
Also, and I had completely forgotten this, Machida is fighting on the card. Wouldn't you have Machida and Shogun do a rubber match? That can be promoted easily and maybe give causal fans a reason to tune in. I hope UFC changes there mind on this fight. Its really horrendous.
Boetsch vs Lombard is the matchup now, Bisping is hurt. Man, fighters have been getting hurt left and right lately, I wonder how much of that goes to increased drug screenings. I know it is a sport that beats up your body badly I just havent noticed this many injuries until lately.
Sucks to have the headline changed to the UFC in LA since I'm going to be headed to that one. Shogun I don't mind seeing, but I can't stand Vera as a fighter. I think this is going to be a boring match if Shogun can't match the intensity of the Henderson fight, because Vera can't bring it.
Shogun/Vera is murder, they hate Brandon at the UFC.

Lombard/Boetsch is an even worse matchup for Boetsch as he has a smaller chance of a KO against Lombard then he did against Bisping.

Silva/Franklin could be a surprising win for Silva. I don't trust Franklin at all, he's very shot and Wanderlei is always game.

MacDonald/Penn is pretty easy fight to call if Penn doesn't KO Rory in one round.
[quote name='Chase']Le would work. Bisping is already scheduled to fight Boetsch at UFC 149 in Calgary. Hell, I'd do Belcher-Lombard. Belcher stopped Paul Harris in R1 while taking no damage. Belcher beats Lombard, and he just might fulfill the potential many thought he had prior to the injuries and surgeries.

Oh, and hey, Mauricio Rua-Brandon Vera is set for UFC on FOX 4. It's the freakin' main event. In 2012. Brandon Vera. The person who was cut by the UFC now returns to main event a FOX card. A giant "WTF" in neon fluorescent lights. Injuries, man.[/QUOTE]

belcher's hand is broken.
[quote name='paz9x']belcher's hand is broken.[/QUOTE]

Ah, okay. Thanks for the heads up. :)

I've been making fun of Bisping on Twitter for the last two days. Sorta suspect that he's "legit injured" but didn't pull out of the Boestch fight until Lombard needed an opponent. Bisping is Zuffa's UK star. No way they'd sacrifice him to Lombard. Bisping still panics when he eats hard strikes and his back heads straight for the fence. That said: Bisping is bigger with better technique, and could out-point Lombard. Just because I hate Bisping as a human being doesn't mean I'll discount his skills. (He's still a piece of shit, tho.)

Could be because I love fights but outside of Broughton potentially holding down Mitrione and stealing a decision and Vera headlining his demise, I think UFC on FOX 4 is still a good card. I have interest in Mike Swick's return against DaMarques Johnson. I'm a big Joe Lauzon fan. His fight with Terry Etim should be fun. Phil Davis draws a debuting Wagner Prado—who I have great interest in seeing how he fairs against UFC-level talent. Travis Browne and Ben Rothwell derails the hype train for one of them. I think Browne is tough but Rothwell has a great chin. Browne may earn a decision if Rothwell tires. Machida-Bader is throwaway. Machida should win—but, oh boy, if he loses.

Fights today. :) Anyone place any bets? I did. (Check my Twitter for the main one.) If you haven't yet done so, I highly-recommend subscribing to The MMA OddsCast. Outside of myself, I only place trust in the opinions of Luca Fury and the OddsBreaker team. It's the only MMA podcast in my iTunes subscriptions. Now, to be honest with you guys, I have only listened to the first episode, mostly because I don't like to cloud my thoughts with MMA opinions outside of the ones I form while doing my due diligence—but I actively chat with Luca on Twitter and constantly see him winning money on bets he discussed on the show. I'm in the 50s for the Pick Em, but he's in 20s and has been in the Top 3. I swear by him for MMA betting. He's a pro gambler who knows his stuff.
Injuries man... seems like another fighter pulling out everyday.

I think Lesnar is just trying to make his WWE storyline look real with peaking interest out there.

I'd like to see BJ just go back to 155.He just doesn't look so great at 170 rather it being outsized or his conditioning seeming to suffer more at welterweight.At 155 seems like he has to work to get there a little more and has to put in more effort.
I enjoyed tonights card for it being an FX event. Grice, Wineland, Pyle and Silva put on quite a show. I stepped out before the main event started but I was pleased with what I saw. I've got a soft spot for Wineland lately and am glad he dodged the potential cut (would have been his third loss)

First time watching Erick Silva fight and it was pretty entertaining. He struck me as one of those fighters that gets the crowd going just because of all the stupid things he tries to pull. He threw quite a few spinning back kicks, lol.

Grice also showed why it is best you come from a wrestling background. Garcia had absolutely nothing for him. Post fight talk Grice seemed a bit disappointed just because of the "boos" he was getting, but honestly he shouldn't have been. How he mixed his striking and wrestling was pretty awesome. He really was working and was definitely not trying to LNP.
I wonder if this loss will get Garcia cut or if they'll give him one last make or break match. To his benefit, he has 2 MotN honors with Phan but he also has a sub loss and two straight UD losses for 3 straight losses. 1-3 in the UFC with the only win being an debatable split decision. I guess they could try to book a rubber match with him and Phan (with an equally bad 1-3 UFC record) and hope for one more MotN, but I just don't know.
I hope they cut Garcia. I personally have nothing against the guy, but his fighting style is atrocious to watch. Im also pissed because hes gotten so many decisions that he never should have gotten. He is simply not a UFC caliber fighter...Dana loves guys that fight like that though so its possible he gets one more chance. I still didn't understand how he was the betting favorite. If I was a betting man(and maybe i'll be one soon) I would've bet the house on Grice.

Chase, or anyone else, what are some good betting website(s) yall use?
Some quick random thoughts:

Great win for Wineland. I went back and forth a bit on this one but I thought Jorgensen would take it by mixing up his striking and wrong I was. We'll see what ends up happening but I was very impressed with Wineland and it looks like he could become pretty good contender. His two UFC losses are to Joseph Benavidez and Uriah shame in that.

Erick Silva looked great as well. I picked Brenneman because I thought he would be a bad style match up for him since Silva has never really been tested by a good wrestler(at least not in the UFC, never seen his other fights) Plus him blasting both his opponents in the first round, I was wondering how his cardio would hold up if it went past a round...we still dont know since it didn't get that far. Good win for him though. I'd love to see him and Rory Macdonald fight.

Ian McCall looked a step slower then DJ throughout most of the fight. I dont know how much he normally rehydrates but there was a tweet he sent where he said he gained 25 pounds in less then a day after making weight. If he does that for all his fights then fine but if that was his first time doing that, it probably wasen't the best idea to try it out for that fight.
[quote name='shotgunshine']I hope they cut Garcia. I personally have nothing against the guy, but his fighting style is atrocious to watch. Im also pissed because hes gotten so many decisions that he never should have gotten. He is simply not a UFC caliber fighter...Dana loves guys that fight like that though so its possible he gets one more chance. I still didn't understand how he was the betting favorite. If I was a betting man(and maybe i'll be one soon) I would've bet the house on Grice.

Chase, or anyone else, what are some good betting website(s) yall use?[/QUOTE]

I don't like Garcia much either. The Chan Sung Jung fight pissed me off when he got the UD.

I use for my bets.
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