Modern Warfare 2 CAG Clan - Wednesday/Friday @ 7PST/10EST

[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']lol, Aladdin.

And I agree. I'd definitely go back to MW2 if this fixes things. Even if it's just for a week with little to no glitchers.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I figured the Aladdin reference was well worth it, especially with all the over hyping it's getting. I love MW2, it just holds up so well even compared to everything else.

[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']You like trying to start up fights with me don't ya...for some reason.

ANYWAYS, I'm not certain if Blops was really intended to destroy MW2 and its fanbase considering they were made by different development crews. Now, MW2 was supposed to take everyone from MW1, but they were both made by IW. As far as the patch goes, all I'm saying is that IW has been idle for too long IMO and should have been working on security and overall community support long ago instead of just fixing the hack-fest that the game's become simply because most think its practically unplayable.

If IW would have kept interest in the game like they should have the game may not have become a hack-fest (as I said earlier). Up until this patch, it has felt like IW had abandoned the game long ago.[/QUOTE]
I'm not picking a fight, it's just something that I'm seeing that you do. If it doesn't affect you, you form an opinion, post about it in no particular preference and it just doesn't really matter. In the context of all things, the posts I've been making in regards to MW2 are strictly for those of us whom have played together and have an interest in continuing to play together or in your own words, the "community". You may have no interest in seeing a patch put out because you seemingly have moved on, which is great since you think patching the game is stupid. Sooo... why do you care enough to post that it's too late? Is it to draw attention to the drama behind the scenes, the suffering and closeted agonizing of never having enjoyed one of our CAG nights and the raging guilt to follow?

It's just one of those things that just strikes a chord. Let somebody else have hope for MW2 and the skeleton crew that is IW in their probably one and only shot left at redemption.
[quote name='Mad39er']

I'm not picking a fight, it's just something that I'm seeing that you do. If it doesn't affect you, you form an opinion, post about it in no particular preference and it just doesn't really matter. In the context of all things, the posts I've been making in regards to MW2 are strictly for those of us whom have played together and have an interest in continuing to play together or in your own words, the "community". You may have no interest in seeing a patch put out because you seemingly have moved on, which is great since you think patching the game is stupid. Sooo... why do you care enough to post that it's too late? Is it to draw attention to the drama behind the scenes, the suffering and closeted agonizing of never having enjoyed one of our CAG nights and the raging guilt to follow?

It's just one of those things that just strikes a chord. Let somebody else have hope for MW2 and the skeleton crew that is IW in their probably one and only shot left at redemption.[/QUOTE]

There's no problem with me posting an opinion about a game that I worshipped and my thoughts about their patch. ALL I WAS SAYING, is that the patch SEEMS to be too late considering how long it has been since the last patch came out, and what has been going on since that previous patch.

Nothing much more then that. And I certainly hope that you aren't holding the CAG clan so high above everything else that you would consider the idea of me being agonized about having rarely played with the clan? I like the guys here and this is a discussion thread for the most part, there is no reason to try and make me an outcast simply because my schedule does not match yours...
[quote name='nakanenui']So its Wed night, is there any interest in trying to get a game together?[/QUOTE]
I scheduled a set of races in GT5 for tonight. I honestly am waiting on the patch from IW before I jump back into MW2. The patch is necessary, I really really don't want to have anybody else hacked on a night that I organize. I felt bad enough getting Syn, Oscar and Electric along with myself hacked.

Edit: Apparently the patch is supposed to be submitted today to Sony for certification. I hope soon it's done.
[quote name='nakanenui']KZ3, damn still need to complete the online portion of KZ2 (anyone, anyone, silence, lets boost this shit).

Ok, no MW2 tonight.[/QUOTE]
Sorry, meng. I really want to but I'm also twilighting right now and I'd be shit with a gun if I could stay awake. My cold is just kicking my ass :cry:
[quote name='langdon_alger']I have KZ2, I'd be up for some boosty type behavior.[/QUOTE]

sent you a PM about setting up a boost session, maybe Friday night. If anyone else wants in, we are going to try for the 1% trophy... going to be a grind fest.
hi guys, interesting news my pre order for the new mortal comabt was cancelled here in sydney the guy at the shop told me the game was refused classification .. so i guess that means the game got higher than a ma here.. or what they call MA+15.. they guy told me that when that happens the game gets recalled/banned and they have to remove all merchandising items and cancel all preorders.

If i can get the time zone thing straight i might hop on with you guys one night/day

i finally got into a routine here which took a little longer cause ofthe typhoon/hurricane/flooding that went on here and. i manged to take some really good pic of the damge and surroundings after some of the events. ill see if i can pm them to some of you or post them in a album if i can get ti to work.

the only i miss really is football i had a heck of a time to trying to find a sports bar type place that was showing the super bowl apparently soccer is football here weird huh
[quote name='teknobeavr']
the only i miss really is football i had a heck of a time to trying to find a sports bar type place that was showing the super bowl apparently soccer is football here weird huh[/QUOTE]

Langdon's drunk. ;) I was in London for a month during football season and the whole "football" vs "American football" thing confused me the whole time....and they were offended if I said soccer.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Several matches were played today and no glitches or hacks, I assume the patch came out?[/QUOTE]
Did you have to download the patch? It just got submitted and IW posted saying it takes like a week or two. If you didn't download the patch and it's not 1.07, then no, the patch did not come out.
[quote name='Mad39er']Did you have to download the patch? It just got submitted and IW posted saying it takes like a week or two. If you didn't download the patch and it's not 1.07, then no, the patch did not come out.[/QUOTE]

I don't think I had to download a patch, maybe I was just lucky.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']I don't think I had to download a patch, maybe I was just lucky.[/QUOTE]
There's been mixed reports on the IW forums of no hacked lobbies and all lobbies are hacked. There is also a lot of people saying that they're toning down their cheating towards game saving moments, like calling in care packages or air support when their team starts losing. There is an interesting video out there that I saw of a link that was scrolling across hacked peoples screens.

He goes through the VIP menu and such. I mean it's really interesting what they did but how they ruined the experience is 200 times worse. These are the people that should be devving to support the game and not destroy it.
[quote name='Mad39er']There's been mixed reports on the IW forums of no hacked lobbies and all lobbies are hacked. There is also a lot of people saying that they're toning down their cheating towards game saving moments, like calling in care packages or air support when their team starts losing. There is an interesting video out there that I saw of a link that was scrolling across hacked peoples screens.

He goes through the VIP menu and such. I mean it's really interesting what they did but how they ruined the experience is 200 times worse. These are the people that should be devving to support the game and not destroy it.[/QUOTE]

Reminds me of all the hacks you could do in the original half life. I had so much fun when certain rooms where just dedicated to mods. Thats what they should do with this game. Like.....add all the goofy cheats like golden eye on N64, but just separate them from the ranked matches and such.
[quote name='GTmaster39']Reminds me of all the hacks you could do in the original half life. I had so much fun when certain rooms where just dedicated to mods. Thats what they should do with this game. Like.....add all the goofy cheats like golden eye on N64, but just separate them from the ranked matches and such.[/QUOTE]

These days I hear the hacks aren't so fun that were hitting MW2...
Patch to roll out Tuesday. I'll be following it as soon as it launches, Friday game night if anybody is interested and everything is safe.
[quote name='Mad39er']Patch to roll out Tuesday. I'll be following it as soon as it launches, Friday game night if anybody is interested and everything is safe.[/QUOTE]

Count me in!
[quote name='SynGamer']Assuming PSN is back online by 10PM EST, I'm up for some CAG night...[/QUOTE]
I was going to play some GT5 until you posted that. I really don't have the energy to grind races for money tonight. I'd much rather pwn scores of noobs with my C4 skills. It's gotten to the point where it really looks like I'm cheating/hacking with some of the kills I've pulled off. Game on, broham.

Edit: I nuked some n00bs yesterday and got called a haxxor, all is right in MW2!
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My class ends at ~9pm CST.....I'll try to hop on for a few afterward....doing remote GT5 grinding now....although I'm done with the NASCAR races.....all of my guys suck. How do you have a 5 second difference in lap times....wrong thread for this griping....
What, Mad turns into Noobkill? What is the world coming to.

Sorry didnt join you guys last night, I am really trying to get the damn 1% Valor trophy for Killzone 2 this week. If anyone else wants/is able to help out, I could use a couple people willing to be canon fodder for like an hour.

Begin Off TOPIC from MW2
RANT ON: Stupid MODs are still jumping into boosting sessions and booting/warning/banning for cheating. You want to talk about cheating, I want to talk about spawn camping, its even worse in KZ2, cant even spawn without immediately getting blown the f up by a grenade, bazooka, etc cause the other team just sit outside the spawn point. The only way to get this trophy is to spawn camp (hope you get on the team who can lock down the spawns first) or boost. I mean thats the only way this game seems to get played is both teams try to push the other team back into their spawn so that they can noob toob the initial spawn point. RANT OFF.
edit: If you help me get the 1% I will be your canon fodder for your 1% attempt. For 10 minutes games 1v1 can average out about 200-300 points, and only need about 6k-7k points for the week to get the trophy. But if I can get 3 people who want to run into my bullets, 10 minutes can average 700-1000 points.

End Off TOPIC from MW2
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[quote name='nakanenui']What, Mad turns into Noobkill? What is the world coming to.

Sorry didnt join you guys last night, I am really trying to get the damn 1% Valor trophy for Killzone 2 this week. If anyone else wants/is able to help out, I could use a couple people willing to be canon fodder for like an hour.

Begin Off TOPIC from MW2
RANT ON: Stupid MODs are still jumping into boosting sessions and booting/warning/banning for cheating. You want to talk about cheating, I want to talk about spawn camping, its even worse in KZ2, cant even spawn without immediately getting blown the f up by a grenade, bazooka, etc cause the other team just sit outside the spawn point. The only way to get this trophy is to spawn camp (hope you get on the team who can lock down the spawns first) or boost. I mean thats the only way this game seems to get played is both teams try to push the other team back into their spawn so that they can noob toob the initial spawn point. RANT OFF.
edit: If you help me get the 1% I will be your canon fodder for your 1% attempt. For 10 minutes games 1v1 can average out about 200-300 points, and only need about 6k-7k points for the week to get the trophy. But if I can get 3 people who want to run into my bullets, 10 minutes can average 700-1000 points.

End Off TOPIC from MW2[/QUOTE]

Sounds like someone has changed too many diapers. Thank god I am beyond that stage.

Then again, maybe you just need a drinking binge with Mad. :)
Was fun playing Saturday night with you guys. Brought back some good memories, and new ones. Damn you mad and monkeyd for getting nukes and leaving me left out... grrr. I dont know why my connection was so crappy. Between a 1 bar and 2 bar ping, I just cant compete. Had to leave because I was only going to get more pissed at the lag.
Sony is now enforcing the 3.60 update and let spoofers log in for a week now to flag them for removal. What this means for us is MW2 hacking/cheating is coming to a close. IW will be patching MW2 again with the remaining security holes and that's scheduled to come out around the time of the XBox/PC patch.

There is still some hackery going on, it's not on the same scale though. Current MW2 cheats are constant UAV, speed hacks, radar hack, wallhack, aimbot and a few others but upranking, deranking and unlocking challenges are not doable. So they can't screw up your game but they can force themselves to be host, which should also come to an end since you need 3.55 to run at least one set of newly devloped MW2 hacks.
[quote name='Mad39er']Sony is now enforcing the 3.60 update and let spoofers log in for a week now to flag them for removal. What this means for us is MW2 hacking/cheating is coming to a close. IW will be patching MW2 again with the remaining security holes and that's scheduled to come out around the time of the XBox/PC patch.

There is still some hackery going on, it's not on the same scale though. Current MW2 cheats are constant UAV, speed hacks, radar hack, wallhack, aimbot and a few others but upranking, deranking and unlocking challenges are not doable. So they can't screw up your game but they can force themselves to be host, which should also come to an end since you need 3.55 to run at least one set of newly devloped MW2 hacks.[/QUOTE]


I haven't run into any of those hacks, I think, in the Search & Destroy games I've been playing. Is the constant UAV/radar for the hackers only or for everyone? I MIGHT have run into that one last night, but I might just be being paranoid.

I was in the little building above Bomb Site A on Storm and I could hear 1 guy on the other team, and I'm pretty sure I heard him say "...there's a guy over there by A building".

I had just run in there and I got Quickscoped just as I entered the warehouse where B is. Maybe he was on the ground floor of A, or that red building in the back and saw me run in.
MW 2 is so much better than Black Ops... if the hacking has died down I'm going to resume playing.

How is the original MW as far as hacking goes? I prefer it to MW 2 so I'd like to play that too.
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']Source?

I haven't run into any of those hacks, I think, in the Search & Destroy games I've been playing. Is the constant UAV/radar for the hackers only or for everyone? I MIGHT have run into that one last night, but I might just be being paranoid.

I was in the little building above Bomb Site A on Storm and I could hear 1 guy on the other team, and I'm pretty sure I heard him say "...there's a guy over there by A building".

I had just run in there and I got Quickscoped just as I entered the warehouse where B is. Maybe he was on the ground floor of A, or that red building in the back and saw me run in.[/QUOTE]PSX Scene blew up with spoofers reporting that they can't sign on with 3.55 any more and various other hackers, specifically Mathieulh reported that the authentication code changed and that Sony was theoretically allowing spoofers to sign in to flag them, shortly after his tweets, 3.60 went live fully and spoofers got fucked.

I've also ran into 2 hacked lobbies personally, the first being a harmless one where the got hacked the score to end the match in 1 kill. The second being constant UAV and increased speed on the opponents team with Combat and Ivanova, where two were running around MLC Knifing and homing in on us instantly, we ended that match losing 7500 to 3300, which I can easily score 40 kills on Favela against MLC scrubs. I've also noticed a lot more subtle hacking, in that people are killing me where they shouldn't be noticing me at all or they're leading me coming around a corner while in ADS. Mind you I run Cold Blooded and Ninja with a silenced AK, these hacks ignored those perks.

Hackers decide who receives their hacks, basically they can decide if their whole team gets it or just them or their buddy. They were up until this point, WAY WAY more subtle in their hacking.

[quote name='willardhaven']MW 2 is so much better than Black Ops... if the hacking has died down I'm going to resume playing.

How is the original MW as far as hacking goes? I prefer it to MW 2 so I'd like to play that too.[/QUOTE]Original MW will be supported in IWs efforts to patch their games now that Sony has taken steps to secure the platform. As per fourzerotwo's twitter.

[quote name='nakanenui']Sooooo, game on tonight?[/QUOTE]
Hell yeah, the majority of the bigger hacks are disabled since not being able to sign on with their current CFW. So we should be able to get some pwnage on.
[quote name='jmbreci']I'll be on ~10 CDT to test out my new headset / mic for a few matches...[/QUOTE]You betta.
Installed the 2 map packs for you guys so we're not limited to the basic maps. Figured it'd be about time to brush those off.
Maybe you should have only done the first one, oh well. Be on after the baby goes to bed. No more noob smashing since noobs dont buy map packs...
Shouldn't have to be mentioned but since I nubbed it up and did this myself, for those of you with surround sound set ups, make sure you change your audio settings manually.

Since getting my new 5.1 set up I've been playing MW2 more but something felt odd and not perfect. I was getting more kills and tracking people well but clearly not as well as a couple of clanmates did in the past. I had a hard time telling where sounds were coming from at like 75% certainty but it definitely felt improved over the simulated surround sound from my TV. Changing the receiver to Action Game settings helped it a bit more but it wasn't 100%.

Yesterday I decided to check my audio settings and found that the PS3 defaults to 2.1 audio output via HDMI. In addition to that it doesn't enable Dolby decoding by default. My receiver was upscaling the 2.1 into surround sound and it tricked me because it showed all 5.1 speakers used, which they were but they weren't getting fed their proper channels. In addition to all of that there are a ton of formats not enabled by default, so check your speaker and receiver specs/manuals and set it up properly.

Originally I was at -25db and it sounded decent with +50-70% more accuracy than simulated surround sound. As soon as I switched the audio output and enabled the proper format, I had to lower my receiver to -35ish db as the room was now shaking and it sounded like a war broke out. I was smoking people left and right, tracking their footsteps with deadly accuracy of like 85-95%. I never need to use a UAV because I can hear where the opposing team is firing from and just head in that direction.

Active listening is definitely an acquired skill but I've been doing that since my 6th Prestige or so, the only hard part is you have to actively recognize what those footsteps are on. Snow steps sound different from cement steps and metal steps, if you can figure out where those are spatially in relation to you, it's fucking beast mode. The real interesting part is when people are hunting you down because there's nothing more invigorating than taking out an entire enemy team flooding your position.

When the next MW2 patch rolls out, the only people left standing will be those with surround sound set ups, be it a headset or a 5.1/7.1 system. Aimbotters and radar hacks are going to pay dearly for their lack of skill.
Im going to be re-buying mw2 this week, now that the hacks are disappearing, id like a change of pace from black ops even tho i feel black ops is the superior game, i just want a change of pace from black ops with its lag and framerate issues.
Ran into a hacked lobby. I was actually fortunate enough to know of the hacker before it got started, somebody on the IW posted about julianportman doing his hacks and so I got it on camera. The video is processing right now but here's the link.

You can view the radar hack active in the radar screen and he randomized the spawns, took out the game timer and turned on respawns for Search and Destroy.

Edit: After checking my score, yeah, it screwed up my score and I've got a stupid amount of points. My kills remain the same though, thankfully they can't add or subtract. I jumped from a score of around 230k positioning I want to say to now in the top 90k. Scores can still be screwed with sadly.
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I sure hope things get cleared up soon, if thats the case. I hate being stuck at my current level. No ninja, barely got cold blooded, need my AK, lol.
[quote name='nakanenui']I sure hope things get cleared up soon, if thats the case. I hate being stuck at my current level. No ninja, barely got cold blooded, need my AK, lol.[/QUOTE]
I want to say I probably grinded pretty hardcore to reach 10th relatively quickly but the last two levels were quicker than the rest. I never really had an issue plowing through the Prestiges after my third Prestige though. My first two I was trying to be ultimate sniper and my last two I've been an AK whore. Once you start killing scores of people, the levels just roll on in, so I'd say just focus on getting killstreaks set up to give you tons of kills early on because that's where all your levels are going to be. An easy one to do would be 5/7/9 because all you'd have to do is purchase 7 and 9. I regularly go like 3-10 to 1 running 5/7/9. I get less kills on average going for a nuke more than anything else.
Until I get headphones, Im playing with no sound, so that could explain a bit of my low scores, and the 2 bar... lol. I am done trying to fix that connection, nothing I do helps. Probably have to get a different router first. Or plug the router after the switch.
bread's done