Modern Warfare 2 CAG Clan - Wednesday/Friday @ 7PST/10EST

not to try and piggy off of what Mad said, but I'll add my two cents if anyone is interested.

Generally, a lot of the "main" people in the CAG MW2 clan are very, very friendly. However, the same people are equally just as competitive. We all want to win badly and it's hard to rely on a teammate that you may know is the weakest link on a team.

A lot of us have found our own sort of niche as a team (Kefka and Snake are great all around players; Hito and Cyrus are good at defense or offense; Mad can adapt to whatever playing style he wants depending on margarita intake; other people run and gun; etc.) and as a result we're all complimentary to one another when playing. It becomes frustrating only when there are a bunch of "new" people who bring the overall team chemistry down.

We all want to have fun playing the game, but I'm pretty sure everyone of us would rather win than get pwned by a group of people that, skill wise, are inferior to our team. Just find what you're best at and do it with excellence. Otherwise I'll just javelin you to death.
Fourzerotwo via Twitter:

A playlist update on @xboxlive and @playstation for Modern Warfare 2 just went live. It adds Search & Destroy to 1st Person Team Tactical!
Mad, what is your build for when we play search? Was it UMP?

edit: Is it time to update the players list, since some may have advanced their skill from beginner to intermediate, or vice versa... I know I am not even close to expert.

Some skills that I need to work on:
quick scoping
finding a good build for team based games instead of a customized POS build that I am using because I need to level a weapon/perk/killstreak
A good starter class would be:

Scar-H (Silenced)
Sleight Of Hand
Stopping Power
Ninja (PRO)

Should be hopping on soon. Will edit when I do.

Still can not get over how IW says: "No, you can not headshot somebody because you use a silencer!"..... Really....?
I am running out of space on my HDD, should I upgrade it to a 500GB, and will it copy over all my users/gameshares and PSN/DLC items? Just worried that I may lose my map packs from Mad's group.
You could just re-download all your shit. That should NOT take up another gamesharing spot, due to it being the same exact PS3.
As one of the newer players (I wouldn't dare call myself an official clan member. yet.), I'll readily admit, it's as intimidating as hell playing with you guys. But like Mad & fred said, everyone is friendly, but really competitive. some tips for the newbest of the noobs:

-go for the objectives
-don't follow one of the 70+'s around, chances are, you'll attract unwanted attention to them.
-go for the objectives, maybe you'll end up drawing fire and exposing someone that a teammate can then pick off.
-don't run around like a spaz (took me the longest to learn this one). hang back, guard the objective, wait for someone to coming spaz-running near you, then...
-noob-tube their ass.

Usually, when I'm in a CAG game, I try to have a noob-tube class set up just because I know if I come up against a level +70+, therer's no chance I can hit them w/ the 2-4 bullets needed. I think one of evil's videos showed him using a noob tube w/ sleight of hand, and I copied that one. It's worked pretty well so far. well, that + danger close. or a cold blooded ninja w/silenced weapon, you'd be surprised how many kills you can get when someone runs right by you.

After some time playing with you guys vs. the other +70+'s, I have noticed that I play a lot better when I'm matched up against other lowly ranked players like me. So, sorry for dragging you down, but thanks for dragging me up ;)
After a long & hard search, I think I have finally found Mad's secret blog.


Old, but interesting, poll from IGN.


2009 review of console sales.
Quite honestly, I'm surprised that so few people are looking to start up a gameshare? They make a couple bucks, help out some other CAGers and get to flip the finger to Activision by having five people only pay $3 instead of $15.

Anyway, I think its funny seeing those fake PS3 version of Youtube "celebs". It never really occured to me until a while ago that most of the Youtubers that are popular don't play on PS3 at all, or at least don't post videos of PS3 matches.
I am nowhere near the expert and bow down to said above people. I had *one* good CTF match tonight where I capped 3 or 4 flags and sucked Chefs Salty Covered Balls in S&D. Part of my blowing in that tonight is the fact that I just changed back from tactical to standard since I was dying by a lot of knives. Shows WTF I know. Tonight...sheesh...ugh, know when you are stinking it least I did.

I am getting better at shooting and I suggest watching some of Snakes videos. The only other thing to add is if you are newer, do add a dedicated NoobTube class. I have mine set with either SCAR or ACR + grenade w/One Man Army, Danger Close and Ninja Pro with claymore as well....this is for those Ground Wars in Terminal. :(

Someone said you cannot headshot with a silencer attached? Guess you'd better take about about a dozen of my kills over the weekend with both the Scar and ACR. I should play on my fat & get some video of it...I've done long range headshots with each - including tonight.

One other random thought - Terminal ALWAYS turns into a noob tube fest - at least the last dozen times I've been in the clan and we've been thrown into it. Always in Ground Wars (why not just put us in Rust and get it over with!). I think Madder said they should do CTF in Rust.
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[quote name='nakanenui']I am running out of space on my HDD, should I upgrade it to a 500GB, and will it copy over all my users/gameshares and PSN/DLC items? Just worried that I may lose my map packs from Mad's group.[/QUOTE]

Back up your harddrive, then upgrade, then load your back up. You will NOT have to redownload anything. It was the easiest upgrade ever.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Quite honestly, I'm surprised that so few people are looking to start up a gameshare? They make a couple bucks, help out some other CAGers and get to flip the finger to Activision by having five people only pay $3 instead of $15.

After downloading the pack, I still definitely flip the finger to activision... even after it was shared at $3 each it's very lackluster.

Then again, activision is the same company that yanked the MUA2 DLC down without even a word until a week after they did it.... so they were already on my shit list.
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OK, I'm just going to randomly send a few of you frequent posters friend requests. It sucks playing by myself. I had a few TDM matches yesterday where I went 30-2 and 33-4 and my team still lost.
made a class like Kefka suggested with the not to bad with that weapon i will need to use it more often...thanks for the suggestion
an explanation for why I die so much:

i have painkiller and...
a ring on my johnson that vibrates every time I get shot, badabing. Oh yeah, and I rock last stand too.

On a serious note, work day is dragging at a slow pace.
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[quote name='LordKefka06']A good starter class would be:

Scar-H (Silenced)
Sleight Of Hand
Stopping Power
Ninja (PRO)

Should be hopping on soon. Will edit when I do.

Still can not get over how IW says: "No, you can not headshot somebody because you use a silencer!"..... Really....?[/QUOTE]

I think I'm going to give that class a try. I need to work on the SCAR, it's one of the guns I used a lot before my first prestige, but then after that, I just stopped using it for some reason.

Also, I need to finish mastering the TAR. Anyone have any FMJ kill tips? Usually I'm lucky if I can get one a match.
having played on a top-notch clan on COD4 on the 360, I can understand where the expert players are coming from, I have never played much CTF or S&D, mostly domination and TDM, and I am pretty aware that my skills lack towards some play types, still looking for that killer combo that works. That being said, I noticed on 360 and da3 that many times its not my skill or lack thereof, but that the opposing player(s) are seeing me before I see them, ie., that I am lagging behind in what the network is showing to me vis-a-vis the opposing team/player(s) by as much as 1/2 sec, which is more than enough to upset balanced play. Also, there are just certain standard play forms when playing dom., ie., take B, don't get too close to C and cause the opposing team to spawn out, and then break form when the it is apparent that we are winning huge and can individually go on killing sprees, a number of the CAGers don't seem to have figured out that basic strategy...
[quote name='Jmclark']I think I'm going to give that class a try. I need to work on the SCAR, it's one of the guns I used a lot before my first prestige, but then after that, I just stopped using it for some reason.

Also, I need to finish mastering the TAR. Anyone have any FMJ kill tips? Usually I'm lucky if I can get one a match.[/QUOTE]

Skip to 7:20. You can also do the same thing but on the other side.
[quote name='gkargreen']I noticed on 360 and da3 that many times its not my skill or lack thereof, but that the opposing player(s) are seeing me before I see them, ie., that I am lagging behind in what the network is showing to me vis-a-vis the opposing team/player(s) by as much as 1/2 sec, which is more than enough to upset balanced play.[/QUOTE]

We were seeing people late on the 360 version's of COD4 & MW2 by up to a full second or more in the kill cam & we had to shoot 2-3 steps ahead of players basically trying to guess where they were really at on screen. I'm not a noob to online gaming, i was in a sponsored clan for 3 years, did the whole MLG thing, and up until last week I was a member of a competitive 360 Battlefield clan.

I sent a BBB complaint about my LIVE experience on COD4 & Halo 3 a year ago & all MS did was blame it on my side of things I knew that wasn't the problem. LIVE didn't seem to start acting up for us until Christmas 2008 and we had been on LIVE since the original Xbox until we sold our 360 last month, our third 360 since 2006 by the way :(

We're playing on PS3 full time now :bouncy:
[quote name='retail sucks']We were seeing people late on the 360 version's of COD4 & MW2 by up to a full second or more in the kill cam & we had to shoot 2-3 steps ahead of players basically trying to guess where they were really at on screen. I'm not a noob to online gaming, i was in a sponsored clan for 3 years, did the whole MLG thing, and up until last week I was a member of a competitive 360 Battlefield clan.

I sent a BBB complaint about my LIVE experience on COD4 & Halo 3 a year ago & all MS did was blame it on my side of things I knew that wasn't the problem. LIVE didn't seem to start acting up for us until Christmas 2008 and we had been on LIVE since the original Xbox until we sold our 360 last month, our third 360 since 2006 by the way :(

We're playing on PS3 full time now :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

retail, I feel ya! 2nd 360 in 2 yrs, no more for that POS! And, interestingly, that is also about the time frame I noticed that "lag" problem, was frustrated as hell last week, not even getting out of the box! Last night, totally different, had my best games in a long time, couple of 8 killstreaks and 1 10+ killstreaks, that's a bit more like it! And da3, so much better than the 360, none of that Kennedy airport silence!
Just wanted to officially introduce myself. I go by M Rated on CAG and my PSN ID is xMERKURx , my brother (retail sucks- xxD78xx) and I have been on CAG for a few years now. I just recently got into PS3 and I have loved every minute of it. I have played console games all my life starting with the Atari 2600 which we still own and just converted from Xbox 360. I am good at most FPS's I play and would like to get in on the Modern Warfare 2 gaming nights. I usually play TDM but any game mode works. I do have a mic but I do not usually use it but I turn up the voice on my speakers so I can hear people. Just send me a friend's request
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Damn I wish I could have seen the Triple Kill from my frag grenade on Crash. Blind throws sometimes have great success. Especially on campers.
Uhh I added myself...I think?

Mostly snipe, and play GW for the most part. (more stuff going on)

On 360, before it died, I was level 70 Prestige 1, so right now I guess I would technically be Prestige 2, the red star prestige.

I'm on most of the time, add me if you want.

ALSO I DON'T HAVE THE NEW MAPS, nobody to gameshare with.

Also, with Gameshare do I NEED to be playing on the gameshare account to use the maps?
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']Uhh I added myself...I think?

Mostly snipe, and play GW for the most part. (more stuff going on)

On 360, before it died, I was level 70 Prestige 1, so right now I guess I would technically be Prestige 2, the red star prestige.

I'm on most of the time, add me if you want.

ALSO I DON'T HAVE THE NEW MAPS, nobody to gameshare with.

Also, with Gameshare do I NEED to be playing on the gameshare account to use the maps?[/QUOTE]

Kefka is putting another gameshare group together, so that you are interested I think that would make 5? But no, you just have to have that gameshare account as a user on your PS3 (dont erase it) and you can play it under any of your users.
[quote name='LordKefka06']A good starter class would be:

Scar-H (Silenced)
Sleight Of Hand
Stopping Power
Ninja (PRO)

Should be hopping on soon. Will edit when I do.

Still can not get over how IW says: "No, you can not headshot somebody because you use a silencer!"..... Really....?[/QUOTE]

If I'm not using 'Marathon' I don't use 'Ninja Pro' and just go for 'Commando'.
Hey so I'm not going to be on as frequent as I was because I'm going back for the summer and there is no internet in the area where I live and for this fall, I will be in Spain so I will be back next January. I will be on every now and then in the summer but not much.
BFMN! Bump For Margarita Night! Whoo!
Also BFGN!

[quote name='nakanenui']Mad, what is your build for when we play search? Was it UMP?

Some skills that I need to work on:
quick scoping
finding a good build for team based games instead of a customized POS build that I am using because I need to level a weapon/perk/killstreak[/QUOTE]

My build for Search is for the first round is usually my Runner, so Marathon/Lightweight/Ninja all pro, UMP w/Silencer, handgun w/tac knife, C4 and either stun or flash bangs. I'm moving onto a One Many Army opening class however, One Many Army/Lightweight/Ninja UMP or Sniper rifle for speed, Claymore and whatever grenades. Claymore one spot, switch to my stealth class which is Bling/Cold Blooded/Ninja Pro UMP w/silencer and FMJ, shotgun or stinger, claymore and flashbangs. The One Man Army opener lets me plant a second claymore without needing Scavenger once I switch to my other class and it just meshes better if the other team is rushing.

[quote name='LordKefka06']After a long & hard search, I think I have finally found Mad's secret blog.[/QUOTE]
Lets just say that that discussion has happened but I've never taken the plunge, a razor to the nethers is too much risk and nobody else will volunteer or be allowed to volunteer for that suicide mission.
I find S&D to be quite intense, but considering that I haven't logged on MW2 in a while I would be very worried about wasting 12 hours dead.

Although, S&D is a camper fest, so I know I would fare well in any situation :rofl:
Only got to play one match with you guys tonight. My parents made me get off the PS3 early because I have testing tomorrow. But Friday, I'm gonna say "screw my friends" (that end up joining my session anyways -.-) and play all night with you guys.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Should be on in the next 20.

Working on installing/patching WOW on my other comp.[/QUOTE]

Totally lame excuse for missing me almost getting my nuke. Actually, (for me) it was probably good you were not there stealing kills. ;) I must confess that my Predator Triple and several Harrier doubles & triples did help immensely. I was rockin with Scar w/fmj OMA/stopping power pro/ninja.

I'll be back on Friday and will record more...I think it is a waste recording TDM in Ground Wars....I meant to get that last Domination we played...but epic fail on my part.
If there is nothing going on work-wise tomorrow for me(since it's like fucking 48 degrees out) I'll be on after 10 am if anybody feels like playing. If not, I'll just be playing on my PSP or napping since my body just hurts these past two days.
I cant believe some of the randoms that join us, cause they just ruin games. Nothing like playing domination and having a dumbshit enter the enemy spawn and blow a good spawn control.

I guess working on FJM -> EM is only really worth doing for a particular gun, since prestige will just reset it, right? Would a better strategy be to pick a gun and do the 2500 kills/500 headshot challenge while not really focusing on the other attachment specific challenges (unless really desired to unlock a specific attachment)?
Just so you guys know, I randomly went offline when we were playing Search because I was attempting to fix my TV cables (I was getting lines going across my TV for some reason), and I accidentally unplugged the ethernet. FAIL.

Planning to download the maps tomorrow again.

[quote name='nakanenui']
I guess working on FJM -> EM is only really worth doing for a particular gun, since prestige will just reset it, right? Would a better strategy be to pick a gun and do the 2500 kills/500 headshot challenge while not really focusing on the other attachment specific challenges (unless really desired to unlock a specific attachment)?[/QUOTE]

Well, if it's a gun you like, I'd master it each prestige, unless it's really difficult, like the Vector. If you do that, the 2500 kill/500 headshots will come over time.

But that's another main reason that I hacked 10th. I wanted to master every gun, and not lose them. Right now I'm working on 300 kills with every weapon to get FMJ, then just using the guns like I normally would, but with FMJ. Like now, I'm finishing up the TAR and UMP.
im surprised no one added it yet:

new map pack - resurgence.
The Resurgence pack launches June 3 for Xbox 360, while PC and PS3 owners will have to sit tight for further details on their respective launches.

same bat price $15.

5 new/old COD4 maps, most likely more COD4 , hence the name resurgence.
The old maps are Vacant and Strike, while the new maps are called Trailer Park (a tight, constrained map), Carnival (a big fairground) and Fuel (a sniper's paradise).
Wow, all I can say is $30 for map packs, that is more than I paid for the game... I would be in Mad if you want to add the additional map packs, I canceled (deactivated) my paypal account (paypal sucks) recently but I will send you money one way or another.

Spec Ops: SkydiveJam and I tried but couldnt finish 'snatch and grab' last night, damn juggernauts appeared 3 in a row within a few minutes. Put one down, then the second one is already on us, wtf. If anyone is available today before BFGN and wants to give a hand would be much appreciated.
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bread's done