MODS PLEASE LOCK - The Wii VC Games - Volume 1

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[quote name='mykevermin']If it's true, I'm not really impressed. If so, what it means if we presume every title sold went to one Wii console and one alone, that 1.5 million Wii users have tried out the VC. That's about 33% of all Wii users. I'm not sure whether I'm impressed by that number or if I'm not.

OTOH, (and this is pure estimation), I'm willing to say that many Wii users own more than one VC title. I have three, personally. If you double the number of VC titles per console from 1 to 2, then you halve the number of consoles that have downloaded titles thus far, and are hitting 16.5% of Wii consoles that are using the VC at this point

Considering that the Wii is a gaming system, I can't imagine that anyone on this planet owns a Wii console but no Wii games. With no data available, and 4 million+ Wiis sold, I would estimate the "store bought software" usage rate to approach damn near 100%.

Now, I don't know how to examine if the 33% or 16.5% is accurate, or if it's lower than that (that people who do use the VC are downloading 4-5-6+ titles). That said, none of us know Nintendo's expectations for the VC performance.

It's pretty underwhelming to me, the 1.5 million sales number. Then again, since they waited until a few days after releasing LttP to produce this number, it makes me even more skeptical - what did the numbers look like at 11:59AM this past Monday morning?[/quote]

The real question is how many Wiis are actually connected to the internet. Not everyone has a wireless access point (and a wired option is not easily accomplished right now). If the VC numbers are even close to accurate, I think they could be pretty impressive given the amount of Wiis that are online, which I bet is less than 50%.

I don't think Nintendo has released how many unique Wiis have connected to the WiiConnect service, and until those numbers are known (which is likely never, unless it is impressive), 1.5 million VC downloads could go either way.
I don't think that sales number is so outrageous. Some of my friends who bought Wiis are the "non-gamer" type who haven't played video games since the NES days. They seem quite eager to buy the games they haven't seen since childhood. And as much as I like to rail against VC prices, my friends have no idea what I'm talking about. The $5-8 prices are actually quite attractive in their eyes. I know that right now all of them have at least two VC games (SMB and LOZ) on their Wiis.
[quote name='lebowsky']The real question is how many Wiis are actually connected to the internet. Not everyone has a wireless access point (and a wired option is not easily accomplished right now). If the VC numbers are even close to accurate, I think they could be pretty impressive given the amount of Wiis that are online, which I bet is less than 50%.

I don't think Nintendo has released how many unique Wiis have connected to the WiiConnect service, and until those numbers are known (which is likely never, unless it is impressive), 1.5 million VC downloads could go either way.[/quote]
"Nintendo also noted that nearly 1.4 million Wii systems had been connected to the Internet, and 1.5 million Virtual Console games had been downloaded or purchased."

1.4 million connected out of 3.19 million Wii's sold isn't very impressive, so that might explain the low amount of VC games purchased.
[quote name='daroga']

1.5 Million VC games downloaded worldwide.

Even at only $5 a pop... that's... that's a lot of money for little work.[/QUOTE]

Big numbers means more companies will see opp. for $$$ for little work and we'll get more and more VC games.

I'm excited!

Can't wait until SE starts dumping their games because who loves money more than Square Enix? Nobody!

And actually, that number of Wii's online isn't so bad... like someone else noted, alot of people who Nintendo targets this system to probably don't know the first thing about wifi, and getting a wired connection takes alot of work atm.
1.5 million, thats incrediable with all the fucking garbage (well not worth the money) on there. Just wait till Mario RPG, OOT, and others ship (plus more Wii's get sold), Nintendo is going to the bank.
[quote name='mykevermin']If it's true, I'm not really impressed. If so, what it means if we presume every title sold went to one Wii console and one alone, that 1.5 million Wii users have tried out the VC. That's about 33% of all Wii users. I'm not sure whether I'm impressed by that number or if I'm not.

OTOH, (and this is pure estimation), I'm willing to say that many Wii users own more than one VC title. I have three, personally. If you double the number of VC titles per console from 1 to 2, then you halve the number of consoles that have downloaded titles thus far, and are hitting 16.5% of Wii consoles that are using the VC at this point

Yeah, I agree - I was a bit surprised they were that LOW. I, too, have 3 VC games right now but have been tempted to get many more than that. I will have 4 next Monday for sure - and at well over a 500 point average I might add (2 N64, 1 SNES, 1 NES).

But I have no reason to doubt those numbers - simply because they seem low to me. I mean, they could have come out and said 3 million and we'd probably believe it (though perhaps be a bit more skeptical). I would have figured every Internet-connected Wii would have one or the other of Mario 64 or SMB - that would be 1.4 million, apparently, right there. But I think the reality is probably lots of people with 3+, and even more with 1 or none.
I've been buying a lot more VC games than I thought I would. I would probably buy everything (Not Urban Champion) if they cut the price of all the games in half, but that'll never happen... unless they have a sale or something.
Just played some more Gunstar (after only playing it on release day ;) ) this morning. Good times :) I never played it back in the day, but I totally got the "playing at my friends house with chips" vibe from gradeschool ;)
I think the number of VC titles will rise once more of the casual gamers get hold of a Wii. I havea few friends that love the idea of getting a Wii (after they played Wii Sports) and they are the type of people who haven't owned a console since the SNES. I know that they will probably get more of the VC games than the newer games.

Personally, I've bought more than I thought I would: SMB, SM64, Alien Crush, Super Castlevania and Military Madness. I'll pick up Zelda as soon as I'm done with Twilight Princess and maybe MK64 (how does it compare to Double Dash?)
Yeah, I only expected to buy one, maybe two VC games for a while. But right now I have Bomberman '93, Super Castlevania IV, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and Gunstar Heroes. I need more points so I can get Mario Kart 64 in a few days.
Updating everyone on Streets of Rage: I asked a PR contact over there about it, and he said, "Soon, very soon! Probably 1st week of Feb, it will be up, maybe mid-Feb."
[quote name='ViolentLee']Updating everyone on Streets of Rage: I asked a PR contact over there about it, and he said, "Soon, very soon! Probably 1st week of Feb, it will be up, maybe mid-Feb."[/QUOTE]
I would be happy for the announcement but I cant find a fucking points card for the life of me (dont own CC), and since I now have to buy MK64 for a LAN on Wed, I will be out of points :(
[quote name='ViolentLee']Updating everyone on Streets of Rage: I asked a PR contact over there about it, and he said, "Soon, very soon! Probably 1st week of Feb, it will be up, maybe mid-Feb."[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Can you say, if you know, if it was Sega's call or Nintendo's call to not release these games this past Monday? Just out of curiosity, I'd be interested to see if Nintendo wants to strongarm the VC market by isolating their releases (not that many would buy Streets of Rage over Link to the Past anyway), or if Sega was afraid of being lost in the shuffle by being released with such a strong title.
[quote name='mykevermin']Thanks. Can you say, if you know, if it was Sega's call or Nintendo's call to not release these games this past Monday? Just out of curiosity, I'd be interested to see if Nintendo wants to strongarm the VC market by isolating their releases (not that many would buy Streets of Rage over Link to the Past anyway), or if Sega was afraid of being lost in the shuffle by being released with such a strong title.[/QUOTE]

For the sake of the VC, I hope it was Sega's choice. The last thing we need is an arrogant pushy Nintendo again.
[quote name='munch']For the sake of the VC, I hope it was Sega's choice. The last thing we need is an arrogant pushy Nintendo again.[/QUOTE]

Amen to that.
[quote name='munch']For the sake of the VC, I hope it was Sega's choice. The last thing we need is an arrogant pushy Nintendo again.[/quote]My guess is that it was mutual.

Nintendo: Alright, we're releasing LttP this Monday. You still want your games to hit the date or not?
Sega: Um... no.

Still some "strongarming," but Nintendo can dictate their own release schedule since there are very few 3rd party games that would actually detract from the AAA first party releases.
[quote name='daroga']My guess is that it was mutual.

Nintendo: Alright, we're releasing LttP this Monday. You still want your games to hit the date or not?
Sega: Um... no.

[quote name='lordwow']QFT.[/quote]

make fun of me, but what the fuck does QFT mean?

Edit: oh snap, now I know, quantitative feedback theory.
[quote name='tiredfornow']make fun of me, but what the fuck does QFT mean?

Edit: oh snap, now I know, quantitative feedback theory.[/QUOTE]

Quoted for truth.
Gonna pick up a points card at BB tomorrow if they have a GGC, otherwise I'll just buy it online. Gotta pick up LTTP and maybe a shmup.
Well, I just got my NP in the mail and lately they've had a Virtual Console Reviw section. As well, each time they've had all the current games on there in the review.

Anyway, the news is that they have:
Alien Crush
Bonanza Bros.
Comix Zone
Military Madness
Street Fighter 2
Donkey Kong Country
Gain Ground
Legend of Zelda: LTTP
R-Type 3
Streets of Rage
Super Castlevania IV
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario World
Soldier Blade

So it looks like DKC, SMW, and the sega games are the ones still yet to show up.
OK, I'm totally clueless on any of the Mario games between SMB and SM64. The multiple GBA re-releases only serve to confuse me more. What, exactly, is Super Mario World? I have SMB 3 (I think) on GBA that my kids play constantly. I know the GBA and original SNES games were numbered differently (or even more confusing - have 2 numbers, the original and the GBA version number). Someone *please* clear this up for me! And is Super Mario World something I'm going to want to download? What about Donkey Kong Country? I have DKC 2 on the GBA - another that my younger son plays all the time (I wasn't aware these were ever SNES games or whatever - thought they were created for the GBA :lol:). I'm looking for games they will want on the VC (Mario Kart 64 is a no-brainer, the rest I'm not sure of).
[quote name='mykevermin']Thanks. Can you say, if you know, if it was Sega's call or Nintendo's call to not release these games this past Monday? Just out of curiosity, I'd be interested to see if Nintendo wants to strongarm the VC market by isolating their releases (not that many would buy Streets of Rage over Link to the Past anyway), or if Sega was afraid of being lost in the shuffle by being released with such a strong title.[/quote]I think it was a mutual choice, Nintendo probably saw hey our last few VC mondays, not so good on the $ wise. Maybe if we throw in ALTTP people will buy more VC games. Now Nintendo probably collaberated with Sega telling Sega that we want to release ALTTP, after stores holding back Wii's for the 21st and well we need something to keep the intrest high, and well Sega agreed because well Nintendo was kinda getting pushy a little bit, but also at the fact if people see ALTTP they might get interested in the shop channel and maybe buy the genesis stuff.

You watch, next week they are probably going to release DKC and Streets of Rage just because I am buying MK64 this week and will be out of points, I will not find a points card and I will be bitching until I could get one, you watch they will do it.
[quote name='io']OK, I'm totally clueless on any of the Mario games between SMB and SM64. The multiple GBA re-releases only serve to confuse me more. What, exactly, is Super Mario World? I have SMB 3 (I think) on GBA that my kids play constantly. I know the GBA and original SNES games were numbered differently (or even more confusing - have 2 numbers, the original and the GBA version number). Someone *please* clear this up for me! And is Super Mario World something I'm going to want to download? What about Donkey Kong Country? I have DKC 2 on the GBA - another that my younger son plays all the time (I wasn't aware these were ever SNES games or whatever - thought they were created for the GBA :lol:). I'm looking for games they will want on the VC (Mario Kart 64 is a no-brainer, the rest I'm not sure of).[/quote]

SMW = super mario world for super nintendo.
I think its super mario advance 2 on GBA.
SMB3 = super mario bros 3 for NES.
it's the one with the tanooki :D

donkey kong country is the one with just donkey kong/diddy kong.. not dixie, not that other big galoot either.

SMW is defintely worth it.
DKC as well.

hope that helps ya!
[quote name='io']OK, I'm totally clueless on any of the Mario games between SMB and SM64. The multiple GBA re-releases only serve to confuse me more. What, exactly, is Super Mario World? I have SMB 3 (I think) on GBA that my kids play constantly. I know the GBA and original SNES games were numbered differently (or even more confusing - have 2 numbers, the original and the GBA version number). Someone *please* clear this up for me! And is Super Mario World something I'm going to want to download? What about Donkey Kong Country? I have DKC 2 on the GBA - another that my younger son plays all the time (I wasn't aware these were ever SNES games or whatever - thought they were created for the GBA :lol:). I'm looking for games they will want on the VC (Mario Kart 64 is a no-brainer, the rest I'm not sure of).[/quote]

Super Mario World was the pack-in that came with the SNES. It is near Mario perfection. It and SMB3 are the two best in the series. Yes, you will NEED Super Mario World!

Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, and 3 were all SNES games. All of them are pretty good, if not a tad overhyped. I would say it's worth your money if you don't have it on another system.
Now all the VC needs is Earthbound (and Mother 3) and I won't need any of my consoles anymore.

We need some Lost Levels on the VC also. I'd love to play the original NES version
I was finally able to locate a Classic Controller, and I have to say it's definitely worth it if you have a decent amount of VC games.

It's nice not having to hook up the Gamecube controller whenever I want to play A Link to the Past.
[quote name='yukine']I was finally able to locate a Classic Controller, and I have to say it's definitely worth it if you have a decent amount of VC games.

It's nice not having to hook up the Gamecube controller whenever I want to play A Link to the Past.[/quote]
You still have to "hook up" the CC. I don't leave it attached to the Wiimote at all times. (however my GC control is always plugged in)

It's good not actually being tied to the system though.
[quote name='dallow']You still have to "hook up" the CC. I don't leave it attached to the Wiimote at all times. (however my GC control is always plugged in)

It's good not actually being tied to the system though.[/quote]
Thank you, Captain Obvious.

I leave my Wii Remote next to me, so it's just much more convenient as my Wii has to be pulled out to connect a Gamecube controller to it. I don't have a Wavebird, but I'd still say pick one up if you want a controller that has a similar feel to the SNES pad.
[quote name='yukine']I was finally able to locate a Classic Controller, and I have to say it's definitely worth it if you have a decent amount of VC games.

It's nice not having to hook up the Gamecube controller whenever I want to play A Link to the Past.[/QUOTE]

agreed. ive had one since launch, but i never used it (always used my wavebird) until link to the past came out. i think ill start using it for all pre-n64 games. i think that the analog stick (on the gamecube controller) is better for 3d games like Mario 64 and ill be sure to try both when mario kart 64 comes out.

oh and in case you are wondering im going after the 3rd crystal in LTTP. im amazed at how much i can remember in the game, i havent played it for a few years, and i havent beat it in even longer.
[quote name='seanr1221']If you have the Zelda Collectors disk there really is no point to buying OoT on the VC right?[/QUOTE]

I have no idea what differences there could be. At the very most, perhaps you could play OoT with the classic controller?
[quote name='seanr1221']If you have the Zelda Collectors disk there really is no point to buying OoT on the VC right?[/quote] I forgot, does the Zelda Collectors disk version pause for a split second everytime you go to the menu? I remember the Master Quest version that you got when pre-ordering Wind Waker did that. I found that annoying enough for me to consider the VC version, but other than that I don't see the point.
[quote name='io']OK, I'm totally clueless on any of the Mario games between SMB and SM64. The multiple GBA re-releases only serve to confuse me more. What, exactly, is Super Mario World? I have SMB 3 (I think) on GBA that my kids play constantly. I know the GBA and original SNES games were numbered differently (or even more confusing - have 2 numbers, the original and the GBA version number). Someone *please* clear this up for me! And is Super Mario World something I'm going to want to download? What about Donkey Kong Country? I have DKC 2 on the GBA - another that my younger son plays all the time (I wasn't aware these were ever SNES games or whatever - thought they were created for the GBA :lol:). I'm looking for games they will want on the VC (Mario Kart 64 is a no-brainer, the rest I'm not sure of).[/QUOTE]

From oldest to newest:

Super Mario Bros aka "Super Mario Bros 1" - NES

Super Mario Bros 2 - NES (Super Mario Advance on GBA)

Super Mario Bros 3 - NES (Super Mario Advance 4 on GBA)

Super Mario World aka "Super Mario Bros 4" - SNES (Super Mario Advance 2 on GBA)

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - SNES (Super Mario Advance 3 on GBA)

You probably will want Super Mario World. People go back and forth over whether SMB 3 or SMW is better, either way they are the two best in the series.
I'll just probably sell the Collector's edition and download the VC games. I'd make like $20 going that way, assuming it doesn't drop in price, which I doubt it would.
Ok we know MK64 is coming tomorrow, but will anything else be coming along with it? I still want to get MK64 (now I don't need it because my friend is bringing his Wii to the lan so we could play warioware :D and he will download it), I want to save my points because I can't find fucking points cards, but it is MarioKart 64, ahh.
Dang it... I'm feeling the pull to get Mario Kart 64, but I can't for the life of me get a sense for how it will feel playing it on the Classic Controller or the Wavebird...
[quote name='daroga']botticus' post wasn't a rumor, it was GoNintendo's publishing of the NoA press release. ;)

But thanks for the direct link. :)[/QUOTE]
Oops. :bouncy: So how 'bout that direct link?
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