Monado: Beginning of the World / Xenoblade (Wii) Pre-Order @ amazon ($59.99)

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Before coming in here to complain MSRP isn't a deal, please listen for a bit!

There is an increasingly growing campaign, spanning multiple forums and gaming sites (NeoGaf, IGN, GoNintendo, Kotaku, Destructoid, Gamefaqs, Nintendoeverything, and more), trying to get Nintendo to listen up and release this (+The Last Story and Pandora's Tower) in the U.S.

The campaign includes snail mail writing, e-mail, phone calls, facebook, and twitter and the turn-out has been beyond all expectations thus far. Comments on Nintendo's Facebook had passed 1,300 in just 24 hours.

But actions speak louder than words, so to convey that Nintendo fans really want this, people have decided to show for it by pre-ordering on amazon -- hoping to get it to the #1 sales rank in video games from #12,000+


Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #30 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#5 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

See this too:

So the deal is this, please pre-order it to help get it released in the U.S. Remember: actions speak louder than words.


It costs nothing to pre-order! also, if the game does come out, the MSRP will surely drop to $49.99.

Edit -- Update #1:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #25 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#4 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

Edit: Update #2:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #24 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#3 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

Edit: Update #3 on amazon sales rank:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank:
#16 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#3 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

Edit: Update #4 on amazon sales rank:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank:
#9 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#1 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

Edit: Update #5 on amazon sales rank:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank:
#4 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#1 in Video Games > Wii > All Games
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Ugh, the three titles specifically are just pissing me off and all the more reason I'm caring less and less about the wii-u. Sure, zelda and mario will be great, -again-, but can I really trust this company to give me quality titles when they're developed? The simple fact is that the triple threat ps3/360/pc combo is where western developers are flourishing. Quite frankly that's where mostly everything decent from japan is going too.

If you want me to get excited for your system with a better outlook for core gamers, it's hardly very admirable to keep games that look great, with some nice reviews behind them, from ever coming to these shores.
Man, I had this preordered for like a year, finally gave up and cancelled it a couple months ago. Looks like a great game, but it's just not coming to the US.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Man, I had this preordered for like a year, finally gave up and cancelled it a couple months ago. Looks like a great game, but it's just not coming to the US.[/QUOTE]

Yeah it's hilarious when these stories started to pop up. "Wait, this IS coming out in europe?" That's ridiculous. I saw some footage of the game and was honestly impressed, with a god damn wii game. I haven't been impressed with a wii game for like a year.
[quote name='Vortextk']If you want me to get excited for your system with a better outlook for core gamers, it's hardly very admirable to keep games that look great, with some nice reviews behind them, from ever coming to these shores.[/QUOTE]

Great graphics and nice reviews only go so far, though. Nintendo would rather put out another game that will actually sell at least a million copies. Xenoblade simply doesn't fit into that category. So while it's a shame it's not scheduled to come out here, I understand why they aren't bringing it. There's not much left to play on Wii outside of a few key releases, so I preordered it hoping they'll change their mind.
Thanks OP. I had forgotten about this game. I was really excited for it years ago. I'll preorder with the intent to purchase.
Great work guys. Dont give up, at very least it sends a message of a growing problem they face. If they want the hardcore, especially with the coming WiiU this is a good example of them needing to prove it very easily on a barren system.
I don't disagree, but the situation is their fault and the whole thing about wii-u focusing on the core gamer is bull shit. They can't do it now, they won't do it later and the ports will be of games released earlier on other consoles which will all but completely dry up as soon as everyone else pushes ahead with hardware again. I'll buy it for the one off games and nintendo properties, eventually, but will just be disappointed again.
[quote name='specialist']It'd be cool if this little campaign worked, but it prolly won't. Thank Satan for my softmodded Wii.[/QUOTE]

But only one game so far is currently on track for a definite european release, this one. Atleast for someone desperate or willing to go that far, you will be able to play in english. Soft modding won't help much for a japanese game though...I don't play imports in another language, I fail to see the value in it if I can't understand anything. I know some people do go that route but it's not really viable for me.
[quote name='Vortextk']But only one game so far is currently on track for a definite european release, this one. Atleast for someone desperate or willing to go that far, you will be able to play in english. Soft modding won't help much for a japanese game though...I don't play imports in another language, I fail to see the value in it if I can't understand anything. I know some people do go that route but it's not really viable for me.[/QUOTE]

Last Story was also on NoE's post E3 release list and is scheduled for 2012 there. If you softmod your Wii you'll be able to play both eventually, whether Reggie wants you to or not.
[quote name='crazydom2']Last Story was also on NoE's post E3 release list and is scheduled for 2012 there. If you softmod your Wii you'll be able to play both eventually, whether Reggie wants you to or not.[/QUOTE]

I kind of read that, but it seemed very "maybe..kinda..probably" vague, but if true that makes me happier yes.
[quote name='Jawmuncher']I'd rather have Last Story over this.

Why is there no big rally behind that one to get localized.[/QUOTE]

Actually the rally right now is to get Xenoblade, LS, and Pandora's Tower
It's for all three games, the "rally" you speak of is because amazon has this on their pages to be pre-ordered and is MUCH older than last story, not to mention with a freaking european release coming anyway so the work has been/will be done anyway.
[quote name='crazydom2']Last Story was also on NoE's post E3 release list and is scheduled for 2012 there. If you softmod your Wii you'll be able to play both eventually, whether Reggie wants you to or not.[/QUOTE]

But aren't you susceptible to having your system bricked if you softmod? I'm sure it's probably easy for experienced people but what about everyone else?

This is one reason why I miss cheat code devices, which made freeloading easy as hell.
I placed my pre-order for the cause. Let's hope us gamers can actually make a difference and get this brought over.
I preordered too. Since Amazon doesn't charge your card unless it ships, there isn't much risk here if you later find a better deal (assuming it makes it here).
I got this response from an email i sent to nintendo:


Thanks for contacting us. I can see why you want to see games like Xenoblade released here in the Americas, but at this time we have no new information to offer or announcements to make regarding this game.

I realize this is disappointing, but your comments have been documented and made available for other departments here to use as they see fit. We appreciate hearing what our consumers find important.


Shane O'Neil
Nintendo of America Inc.
I still have my preorder from Sept 2009 for this. Its an old preorder from the ECA (I think thats what it was called) days.
[quote name='thisboywillbreak']Great graphics and nice reviews only go so far, though. Nintendo would rather put out another game that will actually sell at least a million copies. Xenoblade simply doesn't fit into that category. So while it's a shame it's not scheduled to come out here, I understand why they aren't bringing it.[/QUOTE]

I don't understand, really. I mean sure, I could see why they might not bring it here if it were only released in Japan, in Japanese. But if they're releasing it in Europe, that means that they've already done the most difficult, expensive part of bringing it over, the translation and the dubbing/subtitles/whatever. Any other localization it would need beyond that is fairly trivial in comparison. Sure, it wouldn't sell a million copies, but even 50k-100k copies or whatever wouldn't be that bad given the fairly minimal additional effort required. Nothing like having a property that you've already invested the time and money in, and then just not bothering to leverage it just because it won't be the next Zelda.

Honestly, if they don't think it's worth the effort for them, they should call up Atlus or NISA or whoever and see if they'd be interested in distributing it. I'd bet that if it were made reasonable financially for them to do so (i.e. if Nintendo doesn't make the licensing fees so high as to make it unmanageable), one of those companies would jump on it.
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[quote name='arcane93']

Honestly, if they don't think it's worth the effort for them, they should call up Atlus or NISA or whoever and see if they'd be interested in distributing it. I'd bet that if it were made reasonable for them to do so, one of those companies would jump on it.[/QUOTE]

Woah that's a lot of logic dude, nintendo apparently don't want no logic! Yeah when you think about it, if atlus got hold of some or all of these you can imagine a website being put up, some crazy pre-order bonuses crap with as much word of mouth advertising by way of simple website stuff, articles and social networking as they could do.

They'd get a pretty good cast of voice actors, do as much as they could to promote it without spending hard money on it and possibly trying to appeal to people buying this day 1 or atleast new with incentives.

I mean jesus christ how many games can you put things like "from the creator of the final fantasy series" on it? Regardless what that means today or the clout it holds, you can see NISA's name on last rebellion. I think when your name is on something like that, being able to put out The Last Story would be like licensing mass effect 3 in effect, quality wise.
[quote name='johnmirra']I got this response from an email i sent to nintendo:


Thanks for contacting us. I can see why you want to see games like Xenoblade released here in the Americas, but at this time we have no new information to offer or announcements to make regarding this game.

I realize this is disappointing, but your comments have been documented and made available for other departments here to use as they see fit. We appreciate hearing what our consumers find important.


Shane O'Neil
Nintendo of America Inc.[/QUOTE]

In other words you wasted your fucking time
Xenoblade has always looked interesting to me and it looks pretty amazing for a Wii game. The system needs a game like that to be released here. I just placed my preorder and I definitely plan on buying it, either from Amazon or a local store if it ever gets released.
Pandora's Tower lucked out because there are more interesting games from Nintendo of Japan that didnt get a US release
I see this blowing up in everybodys face. From what I've read on this and other forums, a lot of people are pre-ordering it just to support people that do want the game and JRPGs in general even though they won't buy the game at launch.

It might get this game released, but it's gonna harm any future campaigns like this and JRPGs coming stateside. Not only that but the games release would be after the EU release so there are lost sales from the modded Wiis.

I'm not preordering because I probably wouldn't buy this game till it hits $25
I don't know. I think most people that are going out of their way to preorder actually want the game. And if the game sells well which it probably would, it'll help future campaigns like this.
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']I'm not preordering because I probably wouldn't buy this game till it hits $25[/QUOTE]

Odds are if this is released, they won't release a lot. Just be careful not to miss out on it if it actually comes out.
Wasn't there a story about 6 months ago that Ignition asked Nintendo about licensing some of these games since they wont bring them over and were more or less laughed at?
[quote name='Vinny']But aren't you susceptible to having your system bricked if you softmod? I'm sure it's probably easy for experienced people but what about everyone else? [/QUOTE]

It's pretty difficult to actually brick a Wii with softmodding nowadays. Most guides include measures to have a backup of your Wii's raw data so you can reboot it should something go wrong along the way.

[quote name='Vortextk']But only one game so far is currently on track for a definite european release, this one. Atleast for someone desperate or willing to go that far, you will be able to play in english. Soft modding won't help much for a japanese game though...I don't play imports in another language, I fail to see the value in it if I can't understand anything. I know some people do go that route but it's not really viable for me.[/QUOTE]

Well I don't speak or read Japanese, but if a game has a big enough following you can almost always expect a fan translation somewhere along the way. Having a modded Wii helps you experience this. Just look at Fatal Frame IV.

[quote name='Celsius'][/QUOTE]

"Success" should be declared after the game is officially coming out, imo.
Yeah I just learned of the fatal frame IV translation because of these games. I found that weird, considering how long some snes games took people. I thought the actual hacking into the code would be tougher, though maybe there is less to do compared to an rpg(which I would assume would again be a lot of translating for these titles). Maybe there are just more people able to translate these days because of anime translators too, I don't know.

Like the european releases, an awkward way to get the game in english but definitely something that's possible.
I love how Nintendo will release boatloads and boatloads of horrible shovelware that no one in their right minds would pay for, let alone play, but bringing over titles that are actually decent that gamers might want to play is out of the question. Seriously, how many games have come out for the Wii in the last six months that were even worth playing? Like, three, if even that many.
Pre-ordered!! I hope we can make this happen. I think a few of these sought-after games are actually getting released in Europe, which is cool but doesn't help unless one has a European Wii (or access to one).

Thanks for doing this. I really don't understand this constant theme over the last, what, 20 years? 25? this hesitancy to release this type of game here. I guess there just isn't enough money in it?
I support all the people shouting in nintendo's general direction, and i'm one of them, but NOA will simply do what the japanese head company says and put their blinders on and continue pushing Wii Play Motion and Sonic and Mario Olympics this year.

They will not listen to you, they do not care about a few niche games that will sell 20-30k copies, no matter how little effort is required to distribute them.

They simply do not care. They have this mistaken idea that the "causal gaming" trend on consoles is more than a fad.

Those casual gaming folks are and will continue to run to the apple devices for an even cheaper and shittier fix. They're not going to pay you $50, $30, or even $10 for anything ever again, nintendo. They're paying scam artists like the Angry Birds guys $1.
[quote name='CaoPi']$59.99, really?[/QUOTE]

No? Of course not? Obviously not? If this were to hold and the game comes out and these pre-orders shipped, it would drop to 49.99 minimum.
tbqh nintendo is an ostritch with their head in the sand.

Look at how long you guys used friend codes for example... look how long your online experience has been shit. Look at how bad your store sucks compared to psn and xbla.

Nintendo executives dont have a clue... they will just keep churning out zelda, mario and pokemon games til the end of time and be happy with all those boatloads of money they are making.

I think as a gaming company they have failed and apple will supplant them with the casual crowd that won them in total units sold this generation. Note that their game attachment per unit sold is absolutely abysmal and has nothing to do with piracy.

Im not saying you are wasting your time. I think they will notice your efforts... for a second anyway... then they will greenlight the next zelda/pokemon/mario game and then spend the rest of the day thinking about what they are going to spend their millions on.
I think that's the joke though. "We don't want to put this out in america"

SO LICENSE IT TO SOMEONE. Cheap licensing fee + 0 localization costs > Keeping it in japan. There is a way, somehow, for nintendo to make money from this, with 0 possibilities to then lose money.

It will be interesting to see the shovelware/casual game market for wii-u considering the massive market apple has captured. You kind of have to wonder who will be buying tens of millions of wii-u's if we can't get these games and your parents are playing games on their phones now.
well its not just apple... lots of people playing games on android phones and tablets and google seems to want in on the game too in terms of possibly making a gaming portal.

then there are facebook games and those are technically f2p (lol at the people who spend hundreds a month on facebook games)

I really dont see where nintendo has a future as it is now with the way the market is going.

Probably why they are panicking and coming out with the Wii U...
Well for an example, apple is kind of rocking out those games, but sure phones in general and super casual facebook..well, crap.
I'm a hardcore cheap ass gamer, I would never spend more than $19.99 on any game, willing to wait months, YEARS, for any game to go down to that magic number.

Having said that, because I support good games, with this one rare exception, I will do an unthinkable act, and pre-order for Xenoblade; paying full price for a day-one purchase.
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