Most Disappointing game you thought would be incredibly fun?

some really great responses.. i want to anwser a few..

N64 games generally piss me off. considering i played all these games "way too late" (say 04-06) I just really couldn't get into many of them. like SM64, this is supposidily one of the best Mario games of the series.. yeah Camera sucks.. I remembered why I hated early 3d games.. this goes for the 64 Zelda titles as well. the camera and aiming really pissed me off and how everything was mapped to those two buttons (if i want to jump i want to hit a jump button, not my "action" button) but there were some 64 games I generally liked, for instance, SW Racer was a pretty good game, and smash bros was OK. I even liked Quake 2 .. it was ugly as hell, but it wasn't bad.

I really miss 2d Nintendo, they made the best games had the best level designs yet we don't see any good work anymore.. NSMB and Super Princess Peach are steps in the right direction, but I mean they have a VC on the Wii , start popping out new SNES games already.. we want them.

oh yeah..

Star Fox never did it for me.. not on the SNES and not on the DS.. i should love this series yet I hate every one of their games.
Phantasy Star Online 3
Phantasy Star Universe
Final Fantasy III for the DS
Metroid Prime Hunters
Every Tony Hawk after the 2nd one. It used to be so Fun.
Call of Duty 4 - multiplayer was pretty lame
Shadow of the Colossus - Just couldn't get into it
Any Madden or NCAA game - fun for a week or so, or with a friend, but other than that it's boring
I will start with saying I plan to go back when I don't have anything else to do or I'm bored and give the game another shot.

That being said, a few months ago I downloaded Super Mario 64 on the VC after I beat Galaxy and was itching for more Mario. After everything I had heard, I thought it was going to be the best thing ever (I had an N64 for years, but for whatever reason never played SM64). Maybe I'm just doing something wrong (quite possible), but the damn camera pisses me off to no end. I can't stand it. Right now I don't even remember exactly what it was about the camera that pissed me off, but I know I wanted to through the controller in frustration, so decided to just stop playing. Everything else about it I liked, so I know I'll play it again. Maybe someone can give me tips with the camera or something, I don't know.
I am not at all saying this game is bad...

But Super Mario Galaxy. I just couldn't get into it. Was really boring to me. Probably because I have so many other games I want to play over it. But I was expecting it to be nonstop fun that I couldn't even put it down...

And SKATE, I thought that game would be a lot more entertaining then it was... boring... Oh and Okami, I was hoping to be taken away with that game. But I could barely keep my eyes open. And FFXII. I've heard rave reviews about it so I tried playing it and I couldn't even get past the first hour, way to slow and ugly.

I sometimes feel like I am starting to not like games.

Oblivion, I keep trying to like this game and it just bores me too tears.

Oh I agree!

And Mass Effect. Could not go any further then about 30-50 mins in... had nothing in me that wanted to.
Again, I don't say these games are bad in any way. Just that I was expecting to have uber amounts of fun with them.
Virtual On: Marz for PS2. Loved it in the arcades and thought "Gee, how can you fuck it up when this game has two analogs? Especially when Dreamcast version did it so well as well." Boy, was I wrong. Sooooo wrong.

Tales of Symphonia, boring and overly cliched.
some really great responses.. i want to anwser a few..

N64 games generally piss me off. considering i played all these games "way too late" (say 04-06) I just really couldn't get into many of them. like SM64, this is supposidily one of the best Mario games of the series.. yeah Camera sucks.. I remembered why I hated early 3d games.. this goes for the 64 Zelda titles as well. the camera and aiming really pissed me off and how everything was mapped to those two buttons (if i want to jump i want to hit a jump button, not my "action" button) but there were some 64 games I generally liked, for instance, SW Racer was a pretty good game, and smash bros was OK. I even liked Quake 2 .. it was ugly as hell, but it wasn't bad.

I really miss 2d Nintendo, they made the best games had the best level designs yet we don't see any good work anymore.. NSMB and Super Princess Peach are steps in the right direction, but I mean they have a VC on the Wii , start popping out new SNES games already.. we want them.

oh yeah..

Star Fox never did it for me.. not on the SNES and not on the DS.. i should love this series yet I hate every one of their games.
Phantasy Star Online 3
Phantasy Star Universe
Final Fantasy III for the DS
Metroid Prime Hunters
Every Tony Hawk after the 2nd one. It used to be so Fun.
Call of Duty 4 - multiplayer was pretty lame
Shadow of the Colossus - Just couldn't get into it
Any Madden or NCAA game - fun for a week or so, or with a friend, but other than that it's boring
[quote name='Ecofreak']*Concurs*

I'll also throw in my vote for FFXII. Story was about as interesting as the old school plots. I think the lack of an over-arching story (at least to me) really hurt the experience.

Rez. It's great since I have the Trance Vibrator for my girlfriend, but as a game it's kinda bleh.[/quote]

I know I'm going pretty far back in this thread but........ seriously?

I would think that at the very least you'd say Rez was innovative enough not to be a disappointment.
Your one picky mother fucker. (although some of those games are bad)

Halo 1 (I understand the guys on this site who are younger than some of us older guys and gals think this game is the holy grail, but its not. With a shallow story and nothing special I am amazed how this became such a phenomena)
Halo 2 (see above)
Halo 3 (seriously you would think after 3 they would get it right.


I'm going to have to disagree. I love the story is Halo, it feels so alive to me (maybe moreso becuase i read the books). The only thing disappointing is how Halo 3 took a great story and....well, sh*t on it.
I played through Halo 1 for the first time recently (thinking of writing a short review of it soon) and I enjoyed it. The pacing was pretty good and the story kept me interested, even if it felt like a Half-Life knockoff at times. I think it's incredibly overrated, but I also don't live in a dorm where I can have 16-player deathmatches till dawn or anything like that.

I'm looking forward to playing 2 and 3 eventually.
CoD 4 - just not that great.

SSBB - SO MUCH fuckING HYPE!!! People having orgasms at the thought of it, and cutting themselves when it got delayed. I played it and guess what? It was Smash Bros. That's all. Just Smash Bros. Nothing too different, nothing too new. Fun, sure, but not ,"HOLY fuckING SHIT I TOOK A YEAR OFF OF WORK TO PLAY IT LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!! BRAWL CODE PLAY WITH ME 98347982436!!!!!!!!!!!"
Halo 1-2-3

I hate all of them. Went in ok on halo 1, then about an hour in I realized it was just a sub par console shooter..then 2 came out and didn't change anything..and 3 came out and just made stuff shinier.. It's the exact same game, that legions of people have blown a ton of money on :(
[quote name='lunatic_pandora']CoD 4 - just not that great.

SSBB - SO MUCH fuckING HYPE!!! People having orgasms at the thought of it, and cutting themselves when it got delayed. I played it and guess what? It was Smash Bros. That's all. Just Smash Bros. Nothing too different, nothing too new. Fun, sure, but not ,"HOLY fuckING SHIT I TOOK A YEAR OFF OF WORK TO PLAY IT LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!! BRAWL CODE PLAY WITH ME 98347982436!!!!!!!!!!!"[/quote]

I find your post amusing, because of the games title.
I thought Assassins Creed was going to be a lot better than it turned it. It never captured my attention, and from what I understand, each city has basically the same layout and missions.

I had high hopes for Def Jam Icon. I loved Vendetta and Fight for NY. Heck, if it was a HD version of Fight for NY, that probably would have been enough for me. Overall, I liked it enough to finish the game, but I was still disappointed overall.
Game that sucked because of Hype.
Assassins Creed.
God of War:Chains of Olympus.
Halo 3
so many more.....
Manhunt 2 - i enjoyed the first one, but dear lord this was shit and a half

COD 4 - never really been my cup o tea
[quote name='lunatic_pandora']?[/quote]

You were hyped for Smash Brothers, and then you said you played it and it was....SMASH BROTHERS!!!!!WTF.

I don't know what you were expecting.
[quote name='InuFaye']You were hyped for Smash Brothers, and then you said you played it and it was....SMASH BROTHERS!!!!!WTF.

I'd assume he was expecting it to add a lot more new wrinkles, rather than be more of the same with slightly better graphics and a gimped online mode.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I'd assume he was expecting it to add a lot more new wrinkles, rather than be more of the same with slightly better graphics and a gimped online mode.[/quote]

I mean maybe if he didn't read the previews. The previews all said it played exactly the same. It was on the wii he should have known exactly what he was getting.
[quote name='Nowell']Halo 1-2-3

I hate all of them. Went in ok on halo 1, then about an hour in I realized it was just a sub par console shooter..then 2 came out and didn't change anything..and 3 came out and just made stuff shinier.. It's the exact same game, that legions of people have blown a ton of money on :([/QUOTE]

I think you're misreading the title.

It's not "what's the most popular game franchise you hate?", it's what did you think was going to be incredibly fun.

I'm going to guess you weren't looking forward to 2 or 3.
[quote name='InuFaye']I mean maybe if he didn't read the previews. The previews all said it played exactly the same. It was on the wii he should have known exactly what he was getting.[/QUOTE]

Still easy to get sucked up in the hype (especially if you read sites like this packed with fanboys) and not pick up on such things from previews etc. until you actually play it.
Final Fantasy XII. Kept an eye on that game's development for years, but in the end, it was too long and dull. Never finished it, either.
World of Warcraft - i bought it and thought it was gonna be awesome i played it for a week and closed my account. I just couldnt get into it.
FF XII- im a huge FF fan. So i was really looking forward to FF XII. I played the demo and hated it.
[quote name='zewone']I think you're misreading the title.

It's not "what's the most popular game franchise you hate?", it's what did you think was going to be incredibly fun.

I'm going to guess you weren't looking forward to 2 or 3.[/quote]

Nah, don't get me wrong, after all the mega hype that Halo1 got, and the same for Halo2 and 3, I was excited for them. But then I got my hands on them and..ehhhh.

After the let down of the first one, I got excited for 2 and 3 hoping maybe they were going to make something out of it, only to get the same game :(

Can also add FFXI to that list. Man, I was pumped to get that on launch day. Ran to the store, snagged my copy..waited like 3 hours while it installed with that rediculous launcher. Finally got in game and was like...ewww... And who remembers Horizons? The little MMO that couldn't? I spent like 5 months talking that game up to all my friends, only to quit after the first 2 hours playing. Sadface.
[quote name='crushtopher']
Shadow of the Colossus - Just couldn't get into it

That's a good one that slipped my mind. Think I only got past the first 6 Colossi. Not sure why I even bothered with it since it's a game full of boss fights and I generally hate boss fights...
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']State of Emergency.[/QUOTE]

Man, there's a such level of hate for State of Emergency that you might as well call it Mario Kart Double Dash. I'm in the minority and really loved SoE. Going in I had no illusions about what the game would be. Running through a mall arcade style destroying stores and killing hordes and hordes of people... how can you go wrong with that?

I think the root problem was that everyone expected SoE to be a sprawling epic on the level of GTA when the game never set out to be anything like GTA.

Regarding the overall topic I really wish gamers would be more weary of games that have an attached gimmick like a movie tie-in, comic book characters, or some new concept that sounds great on paper but works poorly in the actual game.
[quote name='InuFaye']You were hyped for Smash Brothers, and then you said you played it and it was....SMASH BROTHERS!!!!!WTF.

I don't know what you were expecting.[/quote]

I personally was not that hyped up. I don't even have a Wii, so all I thought was, "That sounds pretty cool." But all my friends with Wiis were checking the updates every night, filling me in on random little facts about it (Final smashes, the whole "the guy who wrote FFVII storyline wrote Brawl storyline" thing, etc.), so I thought that there might be a whole new aspect to it or something. But I was wrong. A few weeks after it came out, I played it, and it was... Smash Bros. With new characters and stages and stuff. Maybe I just didn't check out ever little facet of the game or something, but I didn't see too many new things or ideas.
Zack & Wiki.

Pirates? OMGYAY!
Treasure Hunting? I love treasure hunting!
Suspicious Undead Pirates? Best kind.
Monkeys? Not my favorite thing, but can't go wrong with them.
Golden Monkeys/Bells? Classy.
Rabbits? Okay, sure!
Rabbits named Johnny Style? NICE.
Jacking off motions with the wiimote while you're actually cutting down a tree? Teehee!

Requiring that the player know how everything works without touching, moving, looking directly at, or otherwise experimenting on anything in the level; and any of the above three is a docking of points at best and often an instant death and restart that could possibly ruin the game at worst?

I had to put another game in and go on a genocidal spree to make the hate for that game go away. And now I have to do it again, now that I've thought about it.
[quote name='crushtopher']Call of Duty 4 - multiplayer was pretty lame
Shadow of the Colossus - Just couldn't get into it

That's funny. I have SO many games I cannot get into but the ones that really got me where (the top 2):
COD4 Multiplayer
Shadow of the Colossus.


And if we are talking about MOST hyped game (for yourself) that was SUPER disappointing then I'll say:

The most insanely hyped game I was waiting for every single day non stop looking at things was Lineage 2. I was so fricken hyped for that game, obsessed! I would create videos/wallpapers/banners ect for it. It was pretty sad. I was a moderator of a Lineage 2 forum ect. ect.

And when it came out. I thought it was terrible (after level I got to level 20) really sad. =(
Oblivion - I'm not a fan of the game's moral beliefs, which completely clashes with my "touch everything" style of playing that took out a lot of fun when I'd accidentally pick up others' stuff and get beaten to death for touching their cup. That and the people can't forgive you for anything, so I'd get lectured for touching that cup like I murder thousands of innocent people.

Twilight Princess - While I enjoyed it for a bit, the incredible sense of deja vu killed it about 12 hours in. Add in too many rupees with a tiny wallet and underwhelming wolf parts and it had too many problems with the small things for me.
Zack and Wiki- An adventure puzzler that penalizes you for making the smallest mistakes by giving you insta-death? fuck that.
Nintendogs- This was actually fun for a few hours, but after that, there was zero new content.
Valkyrie Profile 2- The first one was one of the best RPGs ever made. Why they turned one of the most ingenious battle systems of all time to something completely new (and crappy) is beyond me.
Final Fantasy XII- Everyone was saying how good it was. Then it turns out there's zero story, crap characters, and a subpar MMO-esque battle system. Somehow I got myself to play 38 hours of this pile before shutting it off for good.
Kingdom Hearts- Atrocious camera and battle system in an action-RPG=do not want.
Jeanne d'Arc- Some battles were ridiculously stupid and the difficulty bounced everywhere from mission to mission. Level 5 should not make SRPGs.
SILENT HILL 4- Imported this so I could play it ASAP as a huge fan of the series. Turns out it was total crap. Then I posted about its shittiness on CAG before it was released here and no one believed me.... until they experienced the horror themselves.
Shadow Hearts: From the New World- Also imported this because SH is (was?) one of my favorite series of all time. They took about twenty steps backward from SH2. Horrible dungeon design, lame story, worse battle system. No wonder why there's never been a SH4.
Super Mario Galaxy- Everyone was like, OMGOMGOMGOGM BEST MARIO GAME IN DECADES. Then I try it. Horrible camera and controls + nothing really that awesome = very mediocre game IMO.
Wild Arms 4- All I have to say is: WTF? They completely ruined the exploration and tools system of the series and replaced it with crap platforming elements. The story and characters were also incredibly bad. Can't believe I got myself to finish it.

Edit: Details now included.
I'm gonna have to say Dead Rising. I thought that game was going to be incredible, but it turned out to be one of those titles that's fun to mess around with for about an hour and then you never want to play it again. Also, Tony Hawk's Underground 2. I really loved every entry in the series prior to that, but that title was just a piece of shit.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Twilight Princess - While I enjoyed it for a bit, the incredible sense of deja vu killed it about 12 hours in. Add in too many rupees with a tiny wallet and underwhelming wolf parts and it had too many problems with the small things for me.[/quote]

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was frustrated by the money in this game. It seemed like I was leaving tons of rupee chests behind because they wouldn't fit in my wallet, yet whenever I needed to buy something early on, somehow I didn't have enough money. Then when I finally got the bigger wallets, I realized there was nothing worth buying.
[quote name='metaly']I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was frustrated by the money in this game. It seemed like I was leaving tons of rupee chests behind because they wouldn't fit in my wallet, yet whenever I needed to buy something early on, somehow I didn't have enough money. Then when I finally got the bigger wallets, I realized there was nothing worth buying.[/quote]
Yeah, after a certain point, you couldn't go anywhere without them popping out of every orifice and item around, which cheapened everything that shops had because you didn't care if you wasted money on frivalous things.
Zelda:Twilight princess... i loved ocarina on the 64, but this.... this disappointed.

Final Fantasy 12. I loved 7 and 8,... so was excited to jump into this, GOD its horrid in my opinion. By the 4th chapter i just didnt give a shit anymore about any of the characters aside from balthier (who was cool through-out). And the summoning system blows ether-chunks if you ask me.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Zack and Wiki- An adventure puzzler that penalizes you for making the smallest mistakes by giving you insta-death? fuck that.[/quote]Sounds like it follows in the King's Quest legacy of adventure games.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']
Super Mario Galaxy- Everyone was like, OMGOMGOMGOGM BEST MARIO GAME IN DECADES. Then I try it. Horrible camera and controls + nothing really that awesome = very mediocre game IMO.

You do realize that it's blasphemy to speak out against Galaxy, right? The Nintendo fanboys will throw fireballs at you.
Brawl I was disappointed by mainly because the online is SOOO atrocious. Like I was expecting at least a scrap or something close (meaning a quarter at best) to XBox Live, but instead it's just simply awful. 2 Minute brawls and can't save the data of people you've battled against (considering it can even connect) and I honestly feel the lag shouldn't be THIS awful whenever I play (I have no problems with 8 player Team Fortress 2 games, but two player game with a friend and it comes to a screeching halt). Plus unless you call and set everything up with friends is only way to get a good hold of things. Goddamn, Nintendo really would've been better off just taking out the feature because it literally disappointed me THAT bad.
[quote name='lunatic_pandora']I personally was not that hyped up. I don't even have a Wii, so all I thought was, "That sounds pretty cool." But all my friends with Wiis were checking the updates every night, filling me in on random little facts about it (Final smashes, the whole "the guy who wrote FFVII storyline wrote Brawl storyline" thing, etc.), so I thought that there might be a whole new aspect to it or something. But I was wrong. A few weeks after it came out, I played it, and it was... Smash Bros. With new characters and stages and stuff. Maybe I just didn't check out ever little facet of the game or something, but I didn't see too many new things or ideas.[/quote]

Sounds like someone didn't do their research...
Smash Bros online is very bad. I went into a random battle today with only one opponent and no CPU and I STILL GOT LAG. I am close to thinking of selling my Wii now and get a PS3.
FF9. There are just too many missable items and tedious mini games. I didn't like the character design and the story didn't grab me. I finished it, but didn't care enough to do all the side quests.
bread's done