Most Disappointing game you thought would be incredibly fun?

all the xenosaga games. I played them all and enjoyed them. But I was strongly disappointed because xenogears is the shit. And Xenosaga is not the shit. Its just like...mild amusement.
Ys: Ark of Nypticrap

thought it be great, but turns out the only good things is the nicely drawn female characters.

frustrating to have to jump around to get treasure boxes only to find out what is in it is crap. what a waste of time.
I could not wait for Fable for come out on the XBOX. I was so pumped, needless to say 10 hours later I was disappointed ;)

The other game i was disappointed in was Max Payne 2 for the PC. The first was amazing and the second one sucked!

And of course State of Emergancey

Ultima IX sucked big dokey diks
PsiOps: The Mindgate Conspiracy.

I know a lot of CAGs and gamers love this game but when I popped it in this weekend I was really dissapointed. Very frustrating, especially box stacking puzzles that use your telekenesis but also have a steady stream of respawning soldiers to attack you. I gave up 3 levels in.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']Haha, I was thinking the same thing.[/quote]
And i was also thinking the same thing, but since i didn't get the game (i have a 60gb ps3), i didn't think it would be okay to post.

So.....I was disappointed with Road Rash 3d, for ps1. (Yea, i really harbor grudges.)
[quote name='heavyd853']Waiting for someone to say gtaIV, c'mon its been out for almost 12 hours now![/quote]
Me as well. I just didn't get the game, as after reading about the issues, and having a 60gb ps3, i didn't want to risk buying it.

so....I offer Road Rash 3d for the ps1 as my nomination for most disappointing game. (yea, i harbor grudges.) the genesis games, and the first game for the ps1 were all good versions. (the 1st ps1 road rash was a great port of the 3do version, and actually played much better than the 3do version it was a port of.)

I was so psyched for roadrash 3d, and they had great video previews in the OPM demo disk, and the reviews said it was awesome, and it SUCKED. The control was awful, virtually unplayable. The reviewers were on crack.

Then the last installment of the series arrived, Road Rash Jailbreak, and the reviewers said it stunk. I nearly didn't pick it up, but then remembered that the reviewers were on crack last time, and gave it a shot. It is awesome, and the version that Road Rash 3d should have been. i have since loaned the version to many people, and they all have said iRoad Rash Jail Break is a great game, even if they had never played a ps1 game, and were used to ps2 games.

so...road rash 3d for ps1, stinks and is very disappointing. Road Rash jailbreak for ps1, the best road rash game ever, including the genesis versions. It just rocks.

Thanks for reading. (I know all my posts are too long. I just can't stop typing. and this is nothing compared to all the thoughts in my head i don't write down.)
hey you know what that reminds me I didn't really love GTA3. I guess it was disappointing because I was a huge fan of GTA and GTA2. I'm one of the few who preferred the top down gameplay. I got GTA Advance in my backlog.
[quote name='Wolfkin']hey you know what that reminds me I didn't really love GTA3. I guess it was disappointing because I was a huge fan of GTA and GTA2. I'm one of the few who preferred the top down gameplay. I got GTA Advance in my backlog.[/quote]

That actually reminds me of how much I liked the top-down camera option in GTA3. It's no substitute for the 2D GTA style, to be sure, but it sure was cool. I've never been able to think of a good reason why they left it out of VC/SA/GTA4.
[quote name='lodmaxus']
And of course State of Emergancey

Ultima IX sucked big dokey diks[/QUOTE]

I just- I can't... what. the. fuck.
[quote name='zengonzo']What are the eight ways, again?[/quote]

Well, when I have a group over to play Rock Band, there's no energy. The other guys and myself are mostly just slogging through it to satisfy the one guy who keeps dragging us into the game. Even with the DLC that we've bothered to check, the song selection is simply dismal compared to GH3. GH3 had a decent enough ratio of songs that were just plain fun to excuse all the crap. Rock Band doesn't even come close to that. Folks will even deign to play Co-op GH3 with me even though I struggle with hard and they're fucking Expert level musician types simply because it is fun.
[quote name='wolfboy68']
so....I offer Road Rash 3d for the ps1 as my nomination for most disappointing game. (yea, i harbor grudges.) the genesis games, and the first game for the ps1 were all good versions. (the 1st ps1 road rash was a great port of the 3do version, and actually played much better than the 3do version it was a port of.)

I agree 100%, I hated Road Rash 3D after loving the Genesis versions and I also loved Jailbreak. Something about the choice of bikes gave it a breath of fresh air.
[quote name='CriscoKidd']Ocarina of Time(to be fair, I didn't play it very far. But it didn't make me want to esp after ...)[/quote]

I loved every minute of Ocarina of Time, but it's much more fun once you get about 10% into the game.

Oh yeah, and Grand Theft Auto 4 was disappointing in my book, though disappointing in that I was expecting a lot more with all of the perfect ten ratings. It's still excellent, just nowhere near as good as Ocarina.
I played OoT on the cube so I've heard how great it was . Maybe that's why I never found it boring. I'm worried for the opposite reasons about Majora's Mask. On the other hand I saw a friend of mine playing that one back in 64 days adn It looked awesome.
Majora's Mask takes some getting used to. I didn't like it at first with the whole having to reset the stupid clock every couple of hours (especially when you get to the end of a dungeon but there's not enough time to get the boss). It also didn't help that it ALWAYS corrupted my memory card and erased my other games. But once I got a 1st party card, I was able to breeze through it and it became much more enjoyable, especially the boss battles.
I'll have to say Valkyrie Profiel 2: Silmeria is a disappointment. I just start the game recently and I'm wondering if I just wasted my time with it. I'm at chapter 4 of 6 and the game just seems like an overall chore more then anything. The battle system is nice but the game just becomes overwhelming without the right equipment and then you need time to get such things. It's ridiculous most the time, enemies are crazy without using stats on them and our attacks are pathetic without proper skills/equipment. Maybe there's an easier way or I just need to grind to get better skills/items. So I'm sitting here thinking if I should even bother anymore or move onto something better.
[quote name='Gil64']Black.

Not the worst game, but not what I expected. The lack of multiplayer was a huge factor for me.[/quote]

Oh yeah.

I kept reading how this game would make you feel like you were in a movie with plenty of crazy gunplay and exploding cars.

Movie my ass, it felt like a half-assed merc sim.

The constant gunfire, annoying map-based objectives, and random missle launcher snipers gave me a headache in less then 2 hours. I rarely quit on games but this was an exception.
[quote name='camoor']Oh yeah.

I kept reading how this game would make you feel like you were in a movie with plenty of crazy gunplay and exploding cars.

Movie my ass, it felt like a half-assed merc sim.

The constant gunfire, annoying map-based objectives, and random missle launcher snipers gave me a headache in less then 2 hours. I rarely quit on games but this was an exception.[/QUOTE]

Aww, you making me question it. It's in my backlog and might play it soon. I'll admit, I played it a bit just to try it out and it didn't seem as 'great' as they claimed.
[quote name='Dark Zero']Aww, you making me question it. It's in my backlog and might play it soon. I'll admit, I played it a bit just to try it out and it didn't seem as 'great' as they claimed.[/quote]

I kept on hearing it was gun porn.

Honestly, the weapons in Killzone were way cooler.
[quote name='Dark Zero']Aww, you making me question it. It's in my backlog and might play it soon. I'll admit, I played it a bit just to try it out and it didn't seem as 'great' as they claimed.[/QUOTE]
I vouch for it. It was compelling enough for me to play all the way through -- albeit that was before games like COD4 and Halo 3 came out. Still, I have fond memories of it.
The PS1 version of Need for speed.
Original 3do was soooo much better, even with the lower framerate and less tracks.
bread's done