Most Underrated Games of 2008


1 (100%)
So, 2008 was yet another great year in gaming. Inevitably though some games got lost in the hype of other games.

Which games are your underrated picks of 08?

Bangai-O Spirits - Just a really fun, unique game about blowing stuff up that I can really get into easily even at my most rushed or stressed pace.

Mario Kart Wii - I saw the screenshots of this game, and sighed. Looked so bland at the time, but this game really turned out to be my favorite MK yet. It fixed some some gameplay flaws like snaking of the past, while adding a very solid online. Not perfect, but a whole lot of fun.

Braid - For an indie title this got a lot of buzz, but I think it deserves even more given how impressive the puzzles and art design are. It's really an experience that's rare to find in games these days.

Endless Ocean - Really liked this game, but it kind of lost buzz rather quickly.
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[quote name='Malik112099']LBP, Braid and Mario Kart were huge.

You might as well have mentioned Smash Brothers, Fallout 3 and MGS4.[/quote]

It's all a matter of opinion. If you really think a game like GTAIV is underrated, by all means say so. :D
Grand Theft Auto IV!

Just kidding...

My vote goes to Valkyria Chronicles. A game that sucks me in this much doesn't deserve any less than a nomination for game of the year.
Wario Land: Shake It!- It feels like a 2D game, and it actually pretty good. It has really hard challenges that add to the gameplay.

Persona 4, although that may have got enough attention already. Fantastic story, gameplay and fun.

No More fucking Heroes- Best non Nintendo Wii game.

Saints Row 2
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Three for the DS come to mind, The Legend of Kage 2, Dragon Ball: Origins & Rune Factory 2.

If it's sales were lackluster, I'd also say Kirby Super Star Ultra. All are great games that should be played.
Condemned 2. Monolith improved the combat engine, and it is a much more refined experience than the first Condemned. Plus, it looks great, and is intriguing.

I have a feeling Banjo-Kazooie will be listed a lot in this thread.
[quote name='Chase']Condemned 2. Monolith improved the combat engine, and it is a much more refined experience than the first Condemned. Plus, it looks great, and is intriguing. [/quote]

I didn't play that either, but I was actually sad when I saw how quick it dropped in price after release. It was very much a strong title.
I think it's 10 bucks at Best Buy this Sunday. If so, for 10 bucks, it's well worth the money. I placed it at number 10 in my Top 10 of 2008.
The Legend of Kage 2 for the DS. Seriously, what an amazing action title! It really brings me back to the days of Shinobi and Ninja Gaiden.

And it is only $10 now at GameStop, it doesn't get better than that.
Lock's Quest - Seriously, WTF this game is great.

Pure - Just a great ATV racing game. Think SSX on wheels.

Valkyria Chronicles - Not super far in it yet, but so far I love it.
prof layton, boom blox, prince of persia, pure, de blob, blast works, witcher enhanced
and okami because it's that good
I felt The Club was highly underrated. It was by no means worth $60, but if the game released at a more suitable pricetag (say $39.99) it might have done better, though it dropped in price very fast. I still play it now and again on my PS3, but when I do get back into it I am sucked in for days. It's a challenging game high on replay value and just good ol fun.

That and Brothers in Arms Hells Highway. Though BiA was a known franchise, it dropped in price very fast because it released at the wrong time. Though it is a superior game to that of Call of Duty: WaW (single player wise), the constant delays hurt it (like any other game franchise).
Braid was hardly underrated. The fact that it got as much press as it did amongst a year of big budget games is a testament to this.
[quote name='leveskikesko']
Mario Kart Wii.[/quote]

I don't even see how this can be considered underrated, not even close.
Dokapon Kingdom. I have no idea why it fared as poorly as it did - or was just flat-out ignored - in a lot of the gaming press. Wii party game burnout, maybe?
Of the games I played, I'm gonna say lost odyssey. Best traditional Japanese RPG this generation by far.
To bad mistwalkers new rpg got canned.
Brothers In Arms Hells Highway is possibly the best shooter I have played this year, It is just so much fun and the production values are off the charts. I hope the next publisher for Gear Box lets them flourish instead of rushing them.

Tales of Vesperia was generally overlooked by the majority despite how awesome it is.

Silent Hill Homecoming has garnered tons of hate, But I do not see what is wrong with it. I really enjoyed it, as did several of my friends.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Underrated by the Public - GTAIV

Yakuza 2 as well though everyone knows I've never played it[/quote]
I'm surprised you didn't go for No More Heroes.

And yes my choice is No More Heroes. Main reason I still have my Wii.
Valkyria Chronicles was the best game of last year. I didn't know anything about it until I played it and it was great.

Other favorites were Boom Blox and Prof. Layton
:wii: No more heroes, boom blox, world of goo
:360: Bully Scholarship edition and Condemned 2
:ps3:Battlefield BC
:ds: Locks Quest and The World Ends With You
:psp: Patapon
Out of all the games I played probably No More Heroes. Gamespot gave it a nice rating but otherwise was generally ignored. Glad theres a sequel in the works.
[quote name='ninja dog']Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. Because everyone thinks its mediocre but me.[/QUOTE]

I liked it to so your not alone.
Paid full price and don't really regret it outside of not completely finishing it.
It's not often you get a good shooter outside of House of the Dead Overkill which I'm really going to want to pick up. The Wii needs more good light gun games. I tried Ghost Squad and couldn't get into it though.
I gotta say Valkyria Chronicles. It's definitely in my top 3 games of '08. Crying shame that it only sold like, 33k.
[quote name='bardockkun']I'm surprised you didn't go for No More Heroes.

And yes my choice is No More Heroes. Main reason I still have my Wii.[/quote]

I've said it so much I think it's starting to sound old, but yeah. same reason why I still have my wii as well.
Another really underrated game this past year was Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection for the Wii. I believe Shipwreck said the same thing on the latest CAGcast. It really is one of the best pinball games I've ever played.

I believe that's six times now that I've plugged PHoF:TWC,
not that I'm keeping track or anything.:lol::lol::lol:
I would say:
1. Valkyria Chronicles (IMO, best next gen RPG)

2. Resistance 2 (IMO, this is clearly one of the most fun FPS I ever played. While single player is good and competitive is good (but not the greatest), the online co-op is truly special. If people play online co-op with only two will hate it because you REALLY need 6 people to beat a stage (due to classes). Playing with around 6 people working together as a time providing ammo, healing characters, and using a shield to break through a cannon blast is truly awesome. That's where R2 really stands out is co-op).

3. MotorStorm: Pacific Rift (The course design is just really good and the good grows on you the more you play it. Full game is better than demo)

4. Mario Kart Wii (Most say it's terrible, but I found this to be the most fun Mario Kart ever)

5. Lost Odyssey (The story is so good and one of the best RPGs this gen)

6. Siren: Blood Curse (Very good and interesting survival horror. IMO, the best one until RE5 comes)

7. Buzz! Quiz TV (I was never into Quiz games, but I really loved it and found it addicting)

8. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm (while the game can get a little repetitive, the combat is too awesome and still great for a licensed game)

9. Sega Superstars Tennis (I played this quite a bit and found the Tennis fun. The full game is way better than the demo IMO)

10. Battle Fantasia (I'll admit it's not a perfect fighter, but I really enjoyed it. I imported the PS3 version from Asia)
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[quote name='VipFREAK']Too Human...

: puts on flame suit:[/quote]

not sure if you're serious or trollin but i enjoyed too human.
don't get me wrong it was bad and very very flawed but i had fun with it.
but i also enjoy Dynasty Warriors so my opinion can't be trusted.
[quote name='odintal']not sure if you're serious or trollin but i enjoyed too human.
don't get me wrong it was bad and very very flawed but i had fun with it.[/quote]

I was serious, I enjoyed it (co op anyway), but I figured people would think I was crazy and flame me. Happened once by a mod on another site. Classy.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I was serious, I enjoyed it (co op anyway), but I figured people would think I was crazy and flame me. Happened once by a mod on another site. Classy.[/quote]

yeah i've had a good time with it. i wouldn't really put it as most underated game of the year, it got a fair shake i thought.

i'd say STALKER clear sky.
bread's done