MS Puts Embargo on Kinect Reviews, Andy McNamara Weighs In

[quote name='diddy310']Err..where is Move sold out?[/QUOTE]

I actually saw a walmart sell four moves and there nav controllers in two hours. It spooked me senseless that people were buying it.
Kinect is going to be the Virtual Boy of this generation. I'm betting it will be $50 by Xmas 2011......if not sooner.
[quote name='jh6269']Ok, I think Kinect is going be total garbage; from what I've heard on various Podcasts and from Ars Technica, it does not work at all. [/QUOTE]

What podcasts are you listening to where you heard this and where did you see this on Ars Technica? I assume you are exaggerating for effect, but am interested if anyone was actually dumb enough to say that.
[quote name='jkanownik']What podcasts are you listening to where you heard this and where did you see this on Ars Technica? I assume you are exaggerating for effect, but am interested if anyone was actually dumb enough to say that.[/QUOTE]

I had heard it on the CAG Cast, PS Nation (you can discount this one if you want b/c it's a PS only podcast), Final Score, pretty sure the BombCast.

As for Ars, here are 2 links. Maybe I read it in the comments where Ben was saying that he had played with both Kinect and Move and the Kinect was not working well.

You can move the statement into the category of completely my opinion if you want, but from everything I have heard about Kinect, it's not going to be pretty. But I'll concede that it's pure speculation (I have not played Kinect personally, so all I know is complete hearsay).

Still, that's not my main point, which is that Move is not the same as Kinect because it actually works as it's supposed to (You can at least corroborate that point with the two links I posted).

EDIT: Found the main link:

This article is what pretty much gave me the opinion that Kinect will be garbage.

[quote name='"Arstechnica"']At E3 we were invited to a Microsoft party to try out a series of Kinect games, and Turn 10 was demoing the Kinect hardware with Forza. They couldn't tell us if this was going to be a new game, if it was going to be a patch, or when it was coming... it was just a tech demo at that point. I held out my arms and pantomimed turning a steering wheel and was delighted to see the car turn just as I expected to. The effect was wonderful, and felt great. The only problem was that the game handled acceleration and braking for the player. We were only told that they were looking at multiple ways to handle acceleration and braking. After pressing for specifics and getting none, the room became a bit tense. It was hard to believe that the team behind one of the best racing games ever made, published by Microsoft, could give us no idea about how we would tell the car to go faster. Could it really be possible they didn't have the answer yet?
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[quote name='JasonTerminator']Yay! Perhaps they'll release that awesome Star Wars game on the Wii, like it should have been in the first place.[/QUOTE]

Did you just refer to that stupid, scripted, non-functional, Dragon's Lair-esque non-game thing they showed at E3 2009 as "awesome," or are you talking about something else that I'm not aware of?
Is it actually considered motion control or is it movement tracking? seems like wiis and sony move are the former and kinect the latter.

[quote name='joshnorm']Well you could argue that Fallout New Vegas reviews were pushed back until release and some still haven't been released but that is what a 80+ on Metacritic?[/QUOTE]

Thats a massive game which takes time to play through and review and maybe it was late getting from the publisher for review since they wanted to get bugs out of it.
I'm hoping for a spectacular crash and burn. Hopefully next year's E3 will actually be interesting, instead of just about Move/Kinect.
M$ marketing is working to a certain degree. My 9 & 6 year old boys both want Kinect. They have seen the commercials and my only defense is that we don't have a 360 in the house.
Maybe embargo wasn't such a bad idea, apparently Oprah made sure this thing will be a seller. I wonder how much she cashed in. People are sheep and sheep are stupid.
[quote name='seanr1221']So you formed your opinion based off a tech demo at E3.

And they say it feels great in the blurb you posted. Cool story, bro.[/QUOTE]

He said it feels great but there's no way to accelerate or brake. In other words, the game has to be compromised because the fundamental mechanic of the game can't work with Kinect.

Also, there's a lot of other bad press about it if you care to find it. It's definitely not like all the commercials where it's 1:1 and 4 people are dancing and it's doing whiz bang stuff.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Did you just refer to that stupid, scripted, non-functional, Dragon's Lair-esque non-game thing they showed at E3 2009 as "awesome," or are you talking about something else that I'm not aware of?[/QUOTE]

I assume hes talking about that 90's arcade star wars game that had you dueling vader with a lightsaber in first person, among other things
[quote name='jh6269']He said it feels great but there's no way to accelerate or brake. In other words, the game has to be compromised because the fundamental mechanic of the game can't work with Kinect.

Also, there's a lot of other bad press about it if you care to find it. It's definitely not like all the commercials where it's 1:1 and 4 people are dancing and it's doing whiz bang stuff.[/QUOTE]

Oh, ok. The beta Forza game they tried was a finished product, and they were playing on a finished Kinect.

Remember, this was written at a time where Kinect couldn't tell if you were sitting.
[quote name='jh6269']
2) Move is currently sold out and backordered everywhere.

Where do you live? Move is overstocked in every store around here.
I'm wondering how many "paid" reviews we'll be seeing during the Kinect launch. I know I'll be skeptical of any glowing reviews personally.
[quote name='jh6269']
2) Move is currently sold out and backordered everywhere.

I'll just stop with the big 3. I've never ever seen it sold out.

I hate kinect as much as the next guy, but you can't just make up bullshit...
[quote name='mtxbass1']I'm wondering how many "paid" reviews we'll be seeing during the Kinect launch. I know I'll be skeptical of any glowing reviews personally.[/QUOTE]

Oh, every positive review is BS...I wish I knew this before so i can be skeptical of every good review.:applause:
[quote name='mtxbass1']I'm wondering how many "paid" reviews we'll be seeing during the Kinect launch. I know I'll be skeptical of any glowing reviews personally.[/QUOTE]

I wanna see some infomercial style "reviews" with various people tools from the industry talking about how it's going to change everything. Bonus points if they're smiling huge and there's new age music playing in the background.
[quote name='ninja dog']I wanna see some infomercial style "reviews" with various people tools from the industry talking about how it's going to change everything. Bonus points if they're smiling huge and there's new age music playing in the background.[/QUOTE]

I just want a real video review on it. I want someone to sit down, start a game up, and show exactly how it works. No bs, no filler, just straight up show me how well Kinect works with the game. Surely that's not too much to ask of someone like IGN or Giantbomb...
[quote name='Izod517']Where do you live? Move is overstocked in every store around here.[/QUOTE]

Thats because its Bham , AL lol everyone living here is broke including me lol.
GiantBomb will definitely do something like that. And they'll probably dedicate a bombcast to it.

but jeez, this close to release and all we have is a lot of smoke and mirrors--I think we know what that means. Nintendo was open about how the Wii worked and demoed it quite a bit, Sony was open about Move and have demoed it all over the place, but now MS is mum about Kinect and have kind of demoed it in one store in CA, where impressions were meh.
[quote name='ninja dog']GiantBomb will definitely do something like that. And they'll probably dedicate a bombcast to it.

but jeez, this close to release and all we have is a lot of smoke and mirrors--I think we know what that means. Nintendo was open about how the Wii worked and demoed it quite a bit, Sony was open about Move and have demoed it all over the place, but now MS is mum about Kinect and have kind of demoed it in one store in CA, where impressions were meh.[/QUOTE]

I agree about the smoke and mirrors. MS should be trying to get this in the hands of gamers well before launch. Where are the scheduled events at Best Buy, Walmart, etc? For Microsoft to have spent 500 mil on marketing, they sure aren't getting it in the hands of potential customers.

It is definitely the trend lately that if your game/product sucks, you put an embargo on it until release day. That's a damn shame really.
[quote name='ninja dog']

I'll just stop with the big 3. I've never ever seen it sold out.

I hate kinect as much as the next guy, but you can't just make up bullshit...[/QUOTE]

I corrected myself a few posts afterward. However, I checked Amazon, SonyRewards, SonyStyle, and since it launched up until about 2 or 3 days ago and it was either sold out or said it would take 1 to 2 weeks. Maybe it was the times I checked, I don't know. And, I was looking for the individual controllers, because I already have the camera.

I just checked Amazon and Walmart and the individual Move controller is out of stock 7:30 PM Central time. I guess that's what my issue was, because I'm not trying to buy the bundle or the system + Move bundle.
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[quote name='seanr1221']Oh, ok. The beta Forza game they tried was a finished product, and they were playing on a finished Kinect.

Remember, this was written at a time where Kinect couldn't tell if you were sitting.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's going to be great when Kinect will be able to look at your foot and tell how hard you're pushing down to the floor and accelerate accordingly. And when you move your foot over and press the invisible brake peddle, it will stop the car. It's going to be great. :roll:

Anyway, I guess we'll see. If it really does do that, I'll be very surprised.
[quote name='mtxbass1']I'm wondering how many "paid" reviews we'll be seeing during the Kinect launch. I know I'll be skeptical of any glowing reviews personally.[/QUOTE]

A lot. Remember MS is spending half a BILLION on marketing. Half a billion is a shit load of money and I guarntee you a good portion of it went into greasing a lot of palms.

Thats 500 million dollars. I just cant imagine that much spent on just marketing alone. They are paying some serious cash out to get good reviews I have no doubt about it.

Although they may not technically be bribing reviewers with cash in hand but I am quite sure they are inviting reviewers to some really plush place to get a personal demo of the system with plenty of food, staff on hand, booze and Im sure some "gifts" for the reviewer.
[quote name='gargus']Although they may not technically be bribing reviewers with cash in hand but I am quite sure they are inviting reviewers to some really plush place to get a personal demo of the system with plenty of food, staff on hand, booze and Im sure some "gifts" for the reviewer[/QUOTE]

Does anyone else remember like about a year ago, the FTC made some kind of announcement, or enacted some new rule, that said that these blogs need to be upfront about what they received from the company when they do articles/reviews on a product? I just wonder if we'll see anything about what was given to these guys when the IGNs, and the like, give Kinect perfect scores.

These types of bribes and stuff are getting really ridiculous, and more commonplace. There was that trip to Hawaii for some game not too long ago, MS gave a bunch of press people free XBOX Slims at E3, Epic Mickey is giving a bunch of sites and bloggers a free vacation to Disney Land to spend time with Warren Spector. This is just out of control.
Anyone remember Shane Bettenhousen from 1-up saying that Microsoft essentially bought every gaming mag journalist out there with free games, free 360s, and like 3-4 years of live for free? That's hot right there. Wouldn't surprise me if Microsoft gave them more free 360s, more years of live, kinect and a sombrerro full of money.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Yeah every store I go to in STL is sold out of the Move controller by itself, but they have plenty of bundles.[/QUOTE]

Weird. All the single move controllers are gone "saw three sold in two hours" and the navs are surprisingly popular. However the bundles are the most easily available. Might just buy that and sell the eyetoy I have.
[quote name='Paco']and a sombrerro full of money.[/QUOTE]

HOLY SH!T a whole sombrerro? I'd definitely give a 10/10 for a sombrerro full of $100 bills. :lol:
Game Informer and Andy MC have no room to complain about anything.

They get so many exclusives it's pathetic .

Boo hoo, they didn't get their way one time .
[quote name='Paco']Anyone remember Shane Bettenhousen from 1-up saying that Microsoft essentially bought every gaming mag journalist out there with free games, free 360s, and like 3-4 years of live for free? That's hot right there. Wouldn't surprise me if Microsoft gave them more free 360s, more years of live, kinect and a sombrerro full of money.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to...the world?
[quote name='Richlough']Game Informer and Andy MC have no room to complain about anything.

They get so many exclusives it's pathetic .

Boo hoo, they didn't get their way one time .[/QUOTE]
But it's not just Game Informer, most websites and publications have yet to get a Kinect for review purposes as well. I find that a bit worrisome, usually new hardware is sent out to reviewers well before launch.
[quote name='seanr1221']IGN posted up an unboxing video of the review unit they received.[/QUOTE]
That's great, but you have to wonder why it took Microsoft so long to have those units sent out? And what are the chances of IGN having Kinect game reviews up before retail? Probably pretty low, it's just a little disconcerting how Microsoft is holding any Kinect information so close to their chest until the release date.

By the way, have you tried the Kinect out yourself? You seem kind of quick to defend it.
[quote name='yukine']But it's not just Game Informer, most websites and publications have yet to get a Kinect for review purposes as well. I find that a bit worrisome, usually new hardware is sent out to reviewers well before launch.[/QUOTE]

They're treating it like it's an entire new platform .

Everyone makes it out to be like MIcrosoft is some kid hiding a bad report card or something .
[quote name='Richlough']They're treating it like it's an entire new platform .

Everyone makes it out to be like MIcrosoft is some kid hiding a bad report card or something .[/QUOTE]
But then why did reviewers have the Move weeks before release? Sony is treating the Move like a new platform as well. Hell, reviewers had the Wii well before release.

Indeed, but you can't blame people for thinking something is up when they are being so coy about the whole thing.

I'm honestly very interested in the Kinect, and I want it to be everything that Microsoft has promised. But the way Microsoft is going about the release of the device raises some serious red flags for me. It is hard to get too excited for a product when they seem to lack confidence in it.
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T-minus 75 hours and counting and I've yet to see a Kinect commercial. Meanwhile, I can count on one of the Kevin Butler Move commercials being on Sunday Night Football a minimum of once a hour for the last month. Just saw one last commercial break during the World Series. Where's this $500M ad budget? Did they blow their wad on Oprah and Ellen?
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[quote name='yukine']

By the way, have you tried the Kinect out yourself? You seem kind of quick to defend it.[/QUOTE]

Nah, just find it funny how everyone is quick to bash pretty much, well, everything before it comes out.
[quote name='yukine']But then why did reviewers have the Move weeks before release? Sony is treating the Move like a new platform as well. Hell, reviewers had the Wii well before release.

Indeed, but you can't blame people for thinking something is up when they are being so coy about the whole thing.

I'm honestly very interested in the Kinect, and I want it to be everything that Microsoft has promised. But the way Microsoft is going about the release of the device raises some serious red flags for me. It is hard to get too excited for a product when they seem to lack confidence in it.[/QUOTE]

I actually think they have a ton of confidence in Kinect, considering the budget they allotted for advertising. Anyways, I don't see the problem with barring reviewers from releasing reviews prior to its launch. From what I can tell previews are still allowed.

Besides, the reviews will come out eventually, some probably on the first day of Kinect's release. In my experience, most people who buy video games/systems on the first day do so regardless of what any reviewer has to say.
The thing about the marketing is that I'd guess that MS is much less concerned about first day sales than they are about the next month and a half.

Remember, this is their big Christmas item, and the people this is being marketed to aren't running out to get it right away. Trust me, for those talking about not seeing commercials... you'll be sick of seeing them by the end of November.
[quote name='yukine']Well I'll be damned, a Kinect game review is up, Sonic Free Riders:[/QUOTE]
LOL! WTF does touching the other person (relax. . .) have to do with a multiplayer mode? That's the most random thing I've ever heard of being thrown into racing. . .no, ANY game. Neither kids nor adults should be subjected to this. Just buy a skateboard and go outside.



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