My backlog is beyond enormous. I had a very bad collecting problem that I developed shortly after discovering this website. Initially, I bought a 360 in 2009 after being out of the gaming scene for almost two years. New to the idea of buying games for way less than retail, I was ecstatic with the finding of this website.
But then, I discovered the art of flipping, and before I knew it, I built enough GameStop credit to buy a PS3 (heaps of games from goHastings B2G1 for $1 sales. I believe the exact promotion was $20 credit for games on a select list, and these games were more than easy to find three for $20 ish during goHastings sales.)
Then GameStop flipping wasn't enough because I discovered online trade-in programs, like Amazon and Gazelle's programs (I sure do miss old Gazelle
). Once I made that discovery, I combined eBay's Bing Cashback program, trade-in programs, and goHastings B2G1 for $1 sales to make my backlog stupid big. With old school Gazelle, I could sell the most valuable game or two of an eBay lot, and come away with a ton of games for cheap. Same deal with the goHastings sales, get two for keeps, flip a valuable one (think Gazelle was giving $42 for Dante's Inferno at one point with a month to get the game to them).
I was consumed with looking for deals and flips. I spent a lot more time on these forums and eBay than I did playing games.
A few months after this, I learned of Amazon Warehouse. Needless to say, Amazon Warehouse in conjunction with my collecting habits combined to make my situation even worse. I found a $55 DS Lite, $95 PSP 3000, and a $130 ish Sports Resort Wii Bundle last Summer. I think around this point is when Gazelle's trade-in values went down the drain, and I took a step back to see exactly what I was doing. I still buy more than I should, but I am nearly as bad as I was a while ago.
Regardless, I was going to spend my money somewhere. I've a habit of saving my spending money and splurging on big purchases eventually. Know for fact that my Mustang would be heavily modified, and who knows what I would have done to my Camaro.
Back on topic, though, I own 550 ish games, and I've only beaten 67 of them. To be fair, some of these are PS2, Xbox, and GameCube games that were shared between my brother and I.
TLDR version: discovery of CAG + discovery of flipping + development of collecting problem = 550 game backlog.
my backlog/collection