My kingdom for Captain America Super Soldier!! or something from my list..

it's really hard to sell that dlc cuz all the gamestop employees (scavengers) take out the unused vouchers that people trade in with the game when they don't like it, or don't have internet, and sell them on here for cheap cuz they have 10 - 15 copies. pisses me off cuz the people buying the used game should get that voucher, not some greedy gamestop employee that already gets to take home & play all their "new" games for free (which is the SOLE reason GS guts their games, as an employee perk. anyone that tells you it's for shelf space is told to say that by management). they are doing that alot these days. most of the people listing more than 5 of any dlc item is scavenging (some even go to rental stores & pick out the dlc cards).

anyway, chances of selling that dlc is slim on CAG. just a heads up.

I usually don't sell off my DLC but I haven't really noticed anyone hoarding them where I live. When I go into GameStop and they have left over DLC codes they usually put them on the counter, I usually only take one if it's for a game I have:cool:
[quote name='OldSchool77']Bump...

I usually don't sell off my DLC but I haven't really noticed anyone hoarding them where I live. When I go into GameStop and they have left over DLC codes they usually put them on the counter, I usually only take one if it's for a game I have:cool:[/QUOTE]
yeah, but those are probably preorders. i mean like alan wake (new) came with a download card for the 1st dlc, or bulletstorm epic edition content slip, or any online pass (which is required to play online in many games, especially sports games). say i didn't play mortal kombat online, so i never used the kombat pass (which is sealed inside new copies); then, i get bored of it, or completed it, & i trade it into gamestop with that kombat pass still in my game box unredeemed (which costs 10$ - 15$ if you have to buy it seperately). that pass should be kept in the box for the customer that buys that game from gamestop used.

gamestop employees actuall sift through every game & take out anything like that to use for themselves, or to trade away for profit (most common since they get so many of the same item). those employees shouldn't have the right to take them out and put them on the counter for random customers (if that is what you were talking about, & not gamestop exclusive preorder stuff that is not packaged inside a game).

alot of folks at my local game xchange leave codes they don't use in the games they trade in, specifically to reward the next buyer, as those employees aren't encouraged to steal them out of games they buy on behalf of their employer. if it's imcluded in the game that gets sold to gamestop, the next buyer should get that content, whether they pay extra or not. some games may still have them, and others may have been used up by the 1st purchaser. just because gamestop offers the same amount of TIV, with or without the bonus content, doesn't mean gamestop employees should be able to poach them from the games traded in to their employer. gamestop already lets teir employees check out any game they want to (1 at a time, but still) as a perk. it's so prevalent, the new employees are told it's ok, and continue doing it like it's part the the incentive plan for employees.

sorry to rant again, but i can't stand how they get away with that. gamestop doesn't discourage it, as i know managers that do it on a regular basis. i could think of several analogies, but i won't waste y'alls time. it's a dishonest pravtice & it shouldn't be done, imho.

btw, congrats on getting enslaved back. it sucks you endud up paying probably double what you had it for normally. i hope you replay the earlier missions, or ay least a little so you can remember where the story was. you were right at halfway, according to achievements. i hope you end up liking it, then we won't be polar opposites, lol. enjot, man.

I just watched the trailer for Halo 4, all I can say is FINALLY! I love playing as Master Chief, hopefully we don't have to have a kinect to play it though ;)
i hope being kinect enabled doesn't detract from the quality of the non-kinect parts of the game (a la the actual game, lol). they do have to take away resources that could go to making the game better without kinect (money, developers, etc), but i've been making that same argument about multiplayer taking away from singleplayer oriented games' quality for a while, but unfortunately, you'll never know.
Damn, I just read something about the new Wii U. I personally think the console is going to suck since the controller makes all the difference. I don't want to hold something the size of a textbook in my hands to play a game. Also the graphics are going to be on par with the PS3 and Xbox360 which came out a long time ago.

Supposedly the new Aliens Colonial marines is going to come out for the Wii U, it's going to be a sequel to Aliens and the Wii U controller screen will be the motion tracker:bomb: I wonder if I could buy it just to play that game and then return it:lol:
[quote name='5of9']Was thinking of buying a Kinect.

thankfully reason returned.[/QUOTE]
i've been there, and have since returned, also.
Glad to see that you retained your sanity and didn't give in to the controllerless controller craze :lol: I plan on getting an Xbox360 soon since Kmart is having a $60GC deal. I just won Halo 2 LE from a lowball sale, I though the Halo 2 multiplayer servers went offline? I've actually played Halo 2 one and a half times so far, I have the PC version ;)
[quote name='twztid13']bumptacular.

btw,halo2 xbox servers did go offline, oldschool.[/QUOTE]

Aw, I know the PC servers are still on but I thought I had heard that the Xbox servers were down:cry:. I need to get at least one month of Live Gold I guess just so I can try the other Halo games I just bought before they go offline then. Hopefully I can still get in on that 1 month $1:roll:
bread's done