Naughty Dog's The Last of Us - Left Behind Single Player DLC Out Now!

I made some decent progress this morning but I'm only in Chapter 3. I should be able to get a bit farther today (hopefully). I love this game so far. I haven't gotten a single trophy in this game though (nor do I know what they are).

I'll say this though: the story telling of this game far overshadows its gameplay (even if it is typical zombie apocalypse fare), but I'm not sure why so many people are taking this as a bad thing. The game's not broken in any way and does a great job of the whole "survival" aspect.
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Admittedly one moment I loved was Ellie yelling "Hey fucker!" and throwing a brick at a hunter and then I was just able to rush him.

I'm about 40% in right now. I think it might be a 7 or 8/10, but there are some issues.

My main gripes:

- The aiming is broken, just like UC3. That ruined that game for me, but here it's obviously not as big a deal because you don't have to shoot as much.

- They sometimes throw you into action set piece moments that force you to play in a fundamentally different way than the rest of the game, which typically means switching to playing it like it's Uncharted. 

- Too many stealth sections boiled down to "take down clicker, deal with rest however you like" with no real strategy needed after taking down the clicker.

- Not enough work benches for upgrading weapons. I don't know why this couldn't have just been another tab in the select menu.

- Some of the more difficult sections were frustrating trial and error instead of actually being fun.

- The parts where you have to boost someone up or move a ladder/board serve no purpose other than to make the game longer.

I made some decent progress this morning but I'm only in Chapter 3. I should be able to get a bit farther today (hopefully). I love this game so far. I haven't gotten a single trophy in this game though (nor do I know what they are).

I'll say this though: the story telling of this game far overshadows its gameplay (even if it is typical zombie apocalypse fare), but I'm not sure why so many people are taking this as a bad thing. The game's not broken in any way and does a great job of the whole "survival" aspect.
I looked at the trophies finally today. Personally I find them to be kind of blah. A LOT of completion trophies easy, normal, hard, survivor and then all their + variants. Then the 4-5 collections trophies and upgrade trophies. Then the MP ones which I most likely won't get. There is one interesting one I won't mention. I think part of it is to keep you in the game but still it makes for a fairly boring trophy hunter game. Also there are only 24 trophies total.

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Also, I've been saving all of my skill points to upgrade the first Shiv skill. (Its the one that lets you kill a clicker with a Shiv when it lungs at you instead of watching the load screen). And, well, its paid for itself already...

Any other skills that others fill are a must have? (I'm tempted by Weapon Sway... but I have no idea of its usefulness and skill points are just so hard to acquire in this game I'm a bit worried of picking it next.
What I found was I wasted my points on that ability because infected areas are pretty easy to beat with the hunting bow and molotovs. Shrapnel is in such high demand because it's scarce and used for bombs/shivs/melee upgrades that I found myself just resetting if a clicker managed to grab me. My recommendations for upgrades is get one listen mode upgrade FIRST because it's huge and I felt like an idiot getting it so late in the game. Then upgrade sway to its max because it's bullshit having to deal with the clunky aiming controls on top of sway. Beyond that upgrading listen mode is always useful but not a huge upgrade like the first one is. None of the others really stuck out as necessary and it's impossible to upgrade everything in your first game, so do plan your upgrades like they will be the last one.

Speaking of new game+, I was pretty pissed to find out you can't carry stuff over to another difficulty mode because I wanted to start survivor+ if I could. Yes it would make those difficulties easier but who the hell would replay normal mode again just to use their upgrades? If I had known that I would have just blown through normal and not bothered collecting anything since it wouldn't carry over. And I must be a sadomasochist because even though the combat is draining, I do want to see what survivor mode offers in terms of difficulty and possibly collect everything via a guide. I feel like half the difficulty of this game is that you can miss tools for upgrading and some of the upgrades are extremely powerful but locked behind upgrade walls, like for the hunting bow or better zoom on the rifle. I missed one set of tools in my playthrough, so I only got a few hours to play with some of the best upgrades and that really pisses me off.

If you want to avoid missing out like that here's a spoiler free guide on the locations. I'd recommend not wasting too many parts on the pistols you get early on because I honestly ended up not using them at all towards the second half of the game.

Oh and a note on the trophies for this game: I get what they did here. They made it so immersion is not broken at all with constant stuff popping up, so instead they're all locked behind completionist walls. There is only one trophy everyone will get naturally until you beat the game and everything else would require a guide. It's pretty shocking what some of the trophies require, such as not missing a single audio cue or even STANDING AROUND at the right time in the right place to trigger events. What I'd like to know is if they're tracked over multiple saves since the profile save is there for unlocking survivor mode, etc. Now to search for what the outfits look like before dropping the cash I made on stupid looking outfits. . .

^ Haha, sweet (Uncharted Gray Shirt and Ellie Jumpsuit w/ Jak Goggles):

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Finished the game today and basically played it in three 5 hour chunks. The first 5 hours were slow to get going but eventually picked up. The 2nd 5 hours were absolutely gripping and I couldn't wait, the last 5 hours were up and down. There were some great moments and some let downs. I was not a fan of the combat, but I wasn't really a fan in Uncharted either. Naughty Dog needs to take a page out of the new Tomb Raider to see how combat should be handled. I had a lot more fun with the game once I realized you could simply sneak past the enemies and get to where you need to and just avoid combat all together. My favorite section was Winter. A really good change and for some reason the enemies reacted to gun fire the way I would have expected but once that section was over, back to bullet sponges. Oh well, I was satisfied and it is still rare for me to complete a game within 7 days of purchase, so I guess I can say thumbs up. Also, to those of you shocked by all the perfect scores, let's be honest, when there are tons of people scoring on 5 and 10 point scale I can totally understand it. I would still give this game a 92-95 out of 100 so given how fresh the idea is for a game, I understand all the 5/5 and 10/10 scores.
Also, I've been saving all of my skill points to upgrade the first Shiv skill. (Its the one that lets you kill a clicker with a Shiv when it lungs at you instead of watching the load screen). And, well, its paid for itself already...

Any other skills that others fill are a must have? (I'm tempted by Weapon Sway... but I have no idea of its usefulness and skill points are just so hard to acquire in this game I'm a bit worried of picking it next.
Oh and a note on the trophies for this game: I get what they did here. They made it so immersion is not broken at all with constant stuff popping up, so instead they're all locked behind completionist walls. There is only one trophy everyone will get naturally until you beat the game and everything else would require a guide. It's pretty shocking what some of the trophies require, such as not missing a single audio cue or even STANDING AROUND at the right time in the right place to trigger events. What I'd like to know is if they're tracked over multiple saves since the profile save is there for unlocking survivor mode, etc. Now to search for what the outfits look like before dropping the cash I made on stupid looking outfits. . .
My plan is to try and clean up all of the collectible trophies during new game +. On the first playthrough I picked up 65 artifacts, 13 FF pendants, 10 shiv doors, 9 comic books, & 8 training manuals. I'll need to use a guide to clean up the rest. I also missed a lot of the optional conversations and most of Ellie's jokes. I'm not sure if the jokes or conversations will carry over. I only managed 3 trophies during my first playthrough. It is going to be difficult for me to play through this 4 times. After having a day to think about the first playthrough, I'm not sure I want to. I know I only need 3 playthroughs, but I don't want to try and do all of this during survivor mode.

^ Yeah, the platinum for this game is a bitch and asks too much of the average player IMO. I only wanted to collect everything because I think it unlocks more skins to use, which is probably stupid thinking about it now because I'd probably never use them in another playthrough lol.

I was not a fan of the combat, but I wasn't really a fan in Uncharted either. Naughty Dog needs to take a page out of the new Tomb Raider to see how combat should be handled. I had a lot more fun with the game once I realized you could simply sneak past the enemies and get to where you need to and just avoid combat all together.
See and this is my biggest gripe with the game because if you go down this path, you really don't need to scour for upgrades/parts/ammo. Isn't that supposed to be part of the game though? It's almost a means to an end, where you have to decide early on just how you want to play the game and stick to it. But in doing so you miss out on so much the game has to offer it's maddening.

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Not to far into the campaign but I'm enjoying the game. I played a couple hours of MP too. I usually hate third person multiplayer but I was actually getting into it which is surprising for myself.

Still not sure about all these perfect scores. I mean it's a great game but still...

The perfect scores are based on the storytelling and graphics.  I mean, I can honestly say I've never played a game so visually exciting as this.  The number of art assets alone are mindblowing and nothing is recycled when it comes to level design.  Sure you might notice every household belongs to the same family from the photos or likes the same music Sarah does, but other than that each area is built from the ground up.

See and this is my biggest gripe with the game because if you go down this path, you really don't need to scour for upgrades/parts/ammo. Isn't that supposed to be part of the game though? It's almost a means to an end, where you have to decide early on just how you want to play the game and stick to it. But in doing so you miss out on so much the game has to offer it's maddening.
This is where every person is going to be different because depending on what you want out of game will determine your enjoyment. I want a game that is engaging, tells a good story, and plays well. Was I expecting a game that realied so heavily on stealth? No, but I found it enjoyable none the less. I would have preferred combat that was more engaging, but in the day and age I am old enough to buy a new game whenever I feel like it and if a game isn't doing it for me I move on. I play too many games and don't finish nearly enough to care about collectibles so that is all moot to me. I thankfully never got into the E penis battle of trophies or achievements to care and so I will likely go back through and do a NG+ months from now and I bet the combat will be more manageable since you will have a lot of carry over. Since the trophies clearly indicate that you will need to play this game 3 times minimum, my guess is stealth and avoidance are really the recommended approach first time through and doing NG+ is likely where you can try out more combat. They probably should make this clear from the start, but that would make a lot of people unhappy who crave the action sequences Naughty Dog has come to be known for.
I've only played a couple hours so far, but I'm enjoying it. The graphics, animation, voice acting, and general "cinematic-ness" are all top flight, as expected. Not completely sure about the gameplay yet. I've already noticed the same quirk as Uncharted, where enemies are bullet sponges to a degree that's downright comical against the otherwise realistic atmosphere (normal human being in a t-shirt shrugs off two revolver shots to the chest? come on).

I also had to laugh at one section early on where I noticed a bunch of random waist-high walls in the room ahead of me. Hmm, I wonder if some enemies are about to spawn? :lol: Sure enough, they did. I've seen other third person shooters get reamed in reviews for being this obvious, but I guess the sainted Naughty Dog is above such criticisms. :lol:

I've already noticed the same quirk as Uncharted, where enemies are bullet sponges to a degree that's downright comical against the otherwise realistic atmosphere (normal human being in a t-shirt shrugs off two revolver shots to the chest? come on).
This is pretty much why I play most games on easy or normal these days (not that it was different in the past I just didn't know better) but making enemies absorb more damage is just cheap, not harder. Am I'm sure it's partially a processing issue, but smarter enemies are a real challenge and very few games do that.

Yeah same here though I don't feel they are as ridiculous as Uncharted.Though whenever possible I do close combat it seems more effective and save bullets for clickers and bloaters.

I really hope everyone saying this game doesn't deserve all the perfect review scores because they were based on story/visuals had the same complaints about Bioshock Infinite. I enjoyed infinite, but if you judge it based solely on it's gameplay, it's downright antiquated.

The first thing I did when I started this game was disable Listen Mode in the options. Fights might take a little longer, but it adds a nice layer of tension which fits the game perfectly.

I really hope everyone saying this game doesn't deserve all the perfect review scores because they were based on story/visuals had the same complaints about Bioshock Infinite. I enjoyed infinite, but if you judge it based solely on it's gameplay, it's downright antiquated.

The first thing I did when I started this game was disable Listen Mode in the options. Fights might take a little longer, but it adds a nice layer of tension which fits the game perfectly.
Antiquated? What from 2 years ago? Try playing games like FEAR, Prey, Perfect Dark Zero, The Darkness or Riddick because those are antiquated fps. Infinite may not be groundbreaking but the gameplay is smooth. LoU has been good but the gameplay CAN be a stumbling block.

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Is there a way to NOT use a melee weapon during combat? For most battles, I usually have a runner left over (thr really easy guys) and I'd love to just use my fists to take them out but Joel always uses his melee weapon. It wasn't as big a deal earlier but now that you can upgrade melee weapons for one hit kills, I fill like I'm wasting resources, even with bullets.

I also love bow physics in this game. I shot an enemy dead square in the face, it stuttered in pain, feel on its knees, and then fell forward on its face and the arrow was actually pushed through its head.:lol:

The perfect scores are based on the storytelling and graphics. I mean, I can honestly say I've never played a game so visually exciting as this. The number of art assets alone are mindblowing and nothing is recycled when it comes to level design. Sure you might notice every household belongs to the same family from the photos or likes the same music Sarah does, but other than that each area is built from the ground up.
I retract my statement. I just played some more of it [couple hours] and the game really picks up. I can totally understand the perfect scores. I just hope that something doesn't come along that ruins the game story wise.

I also like how at any time there's a real threat of dying. You kind of learn to skirt around enemies and how to take them out especially when you can start making more explosive things.

Is there a way to NOT use a melee weapon during combat? For most battles, I usually have a runner left over (thr really easy guys) and I'd love to just use my fists to take them out but Joel always uses his melee weapon. It wasn't as big a deal earlier but now that you can upgrade melee weapons for one hit kills, I fill like I'm wasting resources, even with bullets.

I also love bow physics in this game. I shot an enemy dead square in the face, it stuttered in pain, feel on its knees, and then fell forward on its face and the arrow was actually pushed through its head. :lol:
If you have nothing equipped than you can just pummel them with your hands and stomp.

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I really hope everyone saying this game doesn't deserve all the perfect review scores because they were based on story/visuals had the same complaints about Bioshock Infinite. I enjoyed infinite, but if you judge it based solely on it's gameplay, it's downright antiquated.

The first thing I did when I started this game was disable Listen Mode in the options. Fights might take a little longer, but it adds a nice layer of tension which fits the game perfectly.
Oh definitely and BSI was worse, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than this game. And speaking of disabling listen mode: it's off by default in survivor mode.

I feel like I'm now playing this game for the first time with listen mode off. Holy shit is this another level of tension since I can't just mark and execute enemies anymore. Now, I'm actually being forced to move through areas more quickly rather than risk being discovered. Items are no longer highlighted and I'm following a guide this time to make sure I pick up collectibles, only to find some places marked don't have items. I've only had one enemy drop an item so far as well, so it looks like I will really need to conserve this playthrough.

This is why I hate it when devs gate difficulties from players, because this mode was made for me. I'm enjoying myself way more on this setting and I wish I had played through on hard to begin with. So far I'm 20% in and haven't died yet, but I have a feeling that will change once I get to clickers. ;)

Is there a way to NOT use a melee weapon during combat?
If you have the brick selected you can use that as a melee weapon instead of your primary melee weapon.
If you have nothing equipped than you can just pummel them with your hands and stomp.
If I have the brick in hand, he'll smash their face with the brick (which breaks) and then he'll use the melee weapon. I didn't realize there was a way to not have anything equipped though. I don't think you can unequip a melee weapon. If you have a weapon, Joel will use it until it's destoryed and only then does he go back to his fists.

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First game I preordered in a over a year and Im happy I did. I have yet to touch Single player but just reading this thread sounds great! The multi is fun but man, you really need to conserve and work as a team instead of lone wolfing it. I love that aspect where it's actually a team that needs to stay together!

For those who've beaten it, how far am I? I've just reached the part after 
Sam and Henry die, and the text mentions it's "Fall."

I see people mention their percentage complete, but I've never seen anything that mentions that

is it some kind of shame, or look down upon to play video games on easy difficulty?
I certainly don't think so. Depends on the situation. For TLOU, I'm primarily interested in experiencing the story and atmosphere. Survival horror/stealth gameplay isn't necessarily my cup of tea. So Easy feels right. You can always replay it again on a harder difficulty (which I've done with many games that I first played on Easy).

All this talk of a ton of scripted events, stupid AI (expected in pretty much every game with a "partner") and some arbitrary aspects to the game make me very suspicious about it. I do buy into the idea that if the game is a bit of a letdown or has glaring issues it is because it got pushed out too quickly so it didn't collide with anything near PS4.

I rarely EVER pay over $20 for a game. I took a risk with this one because of the solid reviews and I trust Naughty Dog, and I'm regretting it thoroughly. I'm about an hour-and-a-half into it and it's sheer torture to play. I really hope it gets better at some point. I hate stealth games, that's the reason I avoided the entire Assassin's Creed series. I thought this was an action adventure game with stealth segments, not a stealth game with QTE segments. And the storyline is nothing that hasn't been done in a Hollywood movie or TV show that's just come out any given month (unless a sudden twist changes the entire theme and direction of the story later on down the line, which I guess is a possibility).

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I  find the limit of creating 3 of any item (which I didn't discover until recently because I've been hoarding that stuff like shivs and bombs for clickers and bloaters) ridiculously arbitrary. You have the usual magic backpack that already holds an unrealistic amount of stuff, why can't I make more than 3 of an item to have at the ready? It's just so artificial.

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Been trying to get through the MP portion first  before going into SP. Completed hunter journey (rank 54 of 216,690 when it happened) and currently on week 2 of firefly. Nice to see so many people enjoying the mp. 

I rarely EVER pay over $20 for a game. I took a risk with this one because of the solid reviews and I trust Naughty Dog, and I'm regretting it thoroughly. I'm about an hour-and-a-half into it and it's sheer torture to play. I really hope it gets better at some point. I hate stealth games, that's the reason I avoided the entire Assassin's Creed series. I thought this was an action adventure game with stealth segments, not a stealth game with QTE segments. And the storyline is nothing that hasn't been done in a Hollywood movie or TV show that's just come out any given month (unless a sudden twist changes the entire theme and direction of the story later on down the line, which I guess is a possibility).

Stealth game with QTE segments? Are we playing the same game?

Just finished the game and i really enjoyed it except for the end. I felt like they could have come up with something more interesting. The voice acting was great,and i really like all the characters throughout the game. I was a bit surprised with all of the perfect ratings considering how it started to get repetitive towards the end (though that's bound to happen with shooters) and some of the combat bugs. Half the time when i was sneaking i would go to grapple and i would somehow end up punching them or they would just ignore it and alert everyone. That's obviously frustrating when its a stealth based game. Despite that it was my favorite game that I've played so far this year.

I rarely EVER pay over $20 for a game. I took a risk with this one because of the solid reviews and I trust Naughty Dog, and I'm regretting it thoroughly. I'm about an hour-and-a-half into it and it's sheer torture to play. I really hope it gets better at some point. I hate stealth games, that's the reason I avoided the entire Assassin's Creed series. I thought this was an action adventure game with stealth segments, not a stealth game with QTE segments. And the storyline is nothing that hasn't been done in a Hollywood movie or TV show that's just come out any given month (unless a sudden twist changes the entire theme and direction of the story later on down the line, which I guess is a possibility).

Stealth game with QTE segments? Are we playing the same game?
It's a stealth game, with moments here and there where you mash a button to move an object, get a zombie off of you, etc.

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I rarely EVER pay over $20 for a game. I took a risk with this one because of the solid reviews and I trust Naughty Dog, and I'm regretting it thoroughly. I'm about an hour-and-a-half into it and it's sheer torture to play. I really hope it gets better at some point. I hate stealth games, that's the reason I avoided the entire Assassin's Creed series. I thought this was an action adventure game with stealth segments, not a stealth game with QTE segments. And the storyline is nothing that hasn't been done in a Hollywood movie or TV show that's just come out any given month (unless a sudden twist changes the entire theme and direction of the story later on down the line, which I guess is a possibility).

Stealth game with QTE segments? Are we playing the same game?
It's a sneaking game with segments where you mash a button to move an object, push a zombie off of you before it eats you, etc.

I see people mention their percentage complete, but I've never seen anything that mentions that
Percentage is exactly how far you are in the game. I'd say you're probably about 60-65% through.

So call me stupid but I just found out that you can use a brick to bash in clicker's skulls. The only way I found that out was from reading a guide. The tutorial explained I could use them to stun or distract enemies and it never occurred to me to mash square with it equipped to kill an enemy fast. I really hate it when games forget to tell you about mechanics or neglect to visually teach you them by showing you. Bad Naughty Dog, bad.

That said, I'm glad I found out now because it has really helped my survivor playthrough. There's a severe lack of materials and ammo so I'm having to conserve like crazy. This is the way the game is meant to be played and I'm having a ton of fun now that there's meaningful risk vs reward. Although, their stealth system is buggy as shit and had me raging earlier because runners were just spinning around when I was tip-toeing so slowly a snail passed me. I finally said fuck it to that segment and went in guns blazing. Seriously took me like 20 seconds of brain bashing to do what I was trying to do stealthily for 20 fucking minutes. This game could have used some serious polish in the stealth department because when the main focus of your game doesn't work, that's a fucking problem.

At any rate, I'm glad I forced myself to try survivor mode since it's way more fun this way. If only Naughty Dog wasn't retarded about locking difficulties away I could have been on my survivor+ playthrough right now. They could learn a few things from 4A games because I equate survivor to their Ranger mode in Metro: LL, which was available from the moment you hit enter for the first time.

I rarely EVER pay over $20 for a game. I took a risk with this one because of the solid reviews and I trust Naughty Dog, and I'm regretting it thoroughly. I'm about an hour-and-a-half into it and it's sheer torture to play. I really hope it gets better at some point. I hate stealth games, that's the reason I avoided the entire Assassin's Creed series. I thought this was an action adventure game with stealth segments, not a stealth game with QTE segments. And the storyline is nothing that hasn't been done in a Hollywood movie or TV show that's just come out any given month (unless a sudden twist changes the entire theme and direction of the story later on down the line, which I guess is a possibility).
I played about the first two hours and wasn't to impressed. I didn't consider it torture but I sure as hell didn't understand all the praise it was getting and then I got to a certain point [won't post it due to spoilers] and it got really fun and the story is so cinematic that it makes other games look ridiculous. The characters that are with you will comment on the littlest things you do. Going into a side room, picking up a note and reading, etc. The level of detail is amazing.

Just play it some more because the first few hours imo were boring and nothing special then it really picked up.

I rarely EVER pay over $20 for a game. I took a risk with this one because of the solid reviews and I trust Naughty Dog, and I'm regretting it thoroughly. I'm about an hour-and-a-half into it and it's sheer torture to play. I really hope it gets better at some point. I hate stealth games, that's the reason I avoided the entire Assassin's Creed series. I thought this was an action adventure game with stealth segments, not a stealth game with QTE segments. And the storyline is nothing that hasn't been done in a Hollywood movie or TV show that's just come out any given month (unless a sudden twist changes the entire theme and direction of the story later on down the line, which I guess is a possibility).

Stealth game with QTE segments? Are we playing the same game?
Grapple, shiv, struggle.

I wouldn't really consider it a quick time event but the definition of a QTE seems to have changed since when they where first introduced so I can see how some would consider it a QTE.

I rarely EVER pay over $20 for a game. I took a risk with this one because of the solid reviews and I trust Naughty Dog, and I'm regretting it thoroughly. I'm about an hour-and-a-half into it and it's sheer torture to play. I really hope it gets better at some point. I hate stealth games, that's the reason I avoided the entire Assassin's Creed series. I thought this was an action adventure game with stealth segments, not a stealth game with QTE segments. And the storyline is nothing that hasn't been done in a Hollywood movie or TV show that's just come out any given month (unless a sudden twist changes the entire theme and direction of the story later on down the line, which I guess is a possibility).

Stealth game with QTE segments? Are we playing the same game?
It's a sneaking game with segments where you mash a button to move an object, push a zombie off of you before it eats you, etc.
Practically any action game these days has some form of QTE in it. The way you phrased it makes it sound like it's a much larger part of the game than it really is, like Asura's Wrath, or that new game Ryse.

It sounds like you misinterpreted what the game was, but I hardly think it's fair to fault the game for that. I've heard survival horror, and that fits. I'm not particularly fond of stealth games either, but I'm having a hell of a time with this game, and you always have the option to fight your way through everyone if you want, you'd just better be a good shot. I think the same can be said for Assassin's Creed; I don't remember stealth being forced that much in those either, but it has been awhile since I've played one.

I guess I exaggerated when I said QTE. Point being, I didn't expect there to be much stealth at all. I understand it's a game about survival so ammo is scarce, but I'm just really, really, really bad with stealth. I spent an hour on one room with Clickers. I was about ready to throw my controller.

I agree about the story, it's getting better as I go on. The voice acting and animation during the cinemas are top notch, which is what I expected from Naughty Dog. I just wish I was having more fun. And I would be if stealth wasn't such a pain for me. I'm terrible with timing; I either rush it or I wait too long and miss my window to move forward.

I don't do rentals, but in this case, I wish I did. $60 is a bit much for a game that's this punishing for me. Hopefully it'll still have some trade-in value by the time I finish it, as I do want to finish it just to say I experienced it and I can discuss it more.

I guess I exaggerated when I said QTE. Point being, I didn't expect there to be much stealth at all. I understand it's a game about survival so ammo is scarce, but I'm just really, really, really bad with stealth. I spent an hour on one room with Clickers. I was about ready to throw my controller.

I agree about the story, it's getting better as I go on. The voice acting and animation during the cinemas are top notch, which is what I expected from Naughty Dog. I just wish I was having more fun. And I would be if stealth wasn't such a pain for me. I'm terrible with timing; I either rush it or I wait too long and miss my window to move forward.

I don't do rentals, but in this case, I wish I did. $60 is a bit much for a game that's this punishing for me. Hopefully it'll still have some trade-in value by the time I finish it, as I do want to finish it just to say I experienced it and I can discuss it more.
I understand; the first time I ran into a big group of infected, it seemed like it took at least a half hour for me to get past that room. Normally I'd just give up and play something else at that point, but I really wanted to keep playing TLoU. Just stick with it and you'll get better.

Hm... given all the complaining, I guess I'm the only one who thinks the game (at least the SP) delivers so far.
I'm still enjoying it despite some of the small things I've noticed that make me go "what?!"

It's still a fantastic game and fun. Love the tension certain areas create! Still at about 40%. Had a busy weekend so didn't get to play more than what I did Friday.

Also my first playthrough is normal with listen mode off cuz I'm hxc like that :p i joke but so far listen mode off isn't so bad!

I actually like what they did with trophies. I had noticed I wasn't getting any so I checked. Not bad for this type of narrative focus game!

I should clarify that I am enjoying the game, it's just not the "masterpiece" most reviews are making it out to be.

I've logged in 8 hours and haven't gotten far (chapter 4, I think?)... mostly beacuse I love fucking around. I've replayed quite a few battles, just beacuse... the library battle was insane. 

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I'm at about 50% of the way through the game, and right now I'm really looking for a reason to continue playing... I don't feel as though the game is too difficult. I just don't think it is very fun. And while I feel the Uncharted games took me to interesting places with interesting characters, this game is not even offering me that.

There is no doubt that the cutscenes look fantastic and character animations are often awe-inspiring, but right now I can't help but feel as though it's all just lipstick on a pig.

For those of you who played through to the end, is the story worth pushing on for? I mean I don't find it all that interesting up to this point. Does it get any better? 

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Logged 35 some odd hours and just beat survivor. It is good but I can defintely see it being one of the games that is a cult hit and many will think is overrated. I will say one thing I am glad that I can shut off my PS3 seeing as I got screwed with the auto-save glitch.

I just finished it. I'm really at a loss for words right now. This game was just so... wow. I'm not going to discuss much right now but, when I finished this game, I had this rare moment of reflection almost immediately after. Usually, I can't fully asses my time with a game right away. TLoU was the first game that, right away, I knew I'd played something really, really, special. It was an awesome feeling. Quite possible my new favorite game of all time. To all those that are struggling for motivation to keep playing, please do. IMO, it is more than worth the payoff.

I see people mention their percentage complete, but I've never seen anything that mentions that
Percentage is exactly how far you are in the game. I'd say you're probably about 60-65% through.

So call me stupid but I just found out that you can use a brick to bash in clicker's skulls. The only way I found that out was from reading a guide. The tutorial explained I could use them to stun or distract enemies and it never occurred to me to mash square with it equipped to kill an enemy fast. I really hate it when games forget to tell you about mechanics or neglect to visually teach you them by showing you. Bad Naughty Dog, bad.

That said, I'm glad I found out now because it has really helped my survivor playthrough. There's a severe lack of materials and ammo so I'm having to conserve like crazy. This is the way the game is meant to be played and I'm having a ton of fun now that there's meaningful risk vs reward. Although, their stealth system is buggy as shit and had me raging earlier because runners were just spinning around when I was tip-toeing so slowly a snail passed me. I finally said fuck it to that segment and went in guns blazing. Seriously took me like 20 seconds of brain bashing to do what I was trying to do stealthily for 20 fucking minutes. This game could have used some serious polish in the stealth department because when the main focus of your game doesn't work, that's a fucking problem.

At any rate, I'm glad I forced myself to try survivor mode since it's way more fun this way. If only Naughty Dog wasn't retarded about locking difficulties away I could have been on my survivor+ playthrough right now. They could learn a few things from 4A games because I equate survivor to their Ranger mode in Metro: LL, which was available from the moment you hit enter for the first time.
You're a Souls series lover. C'mon, man!

is it some kind of shame, or look down upon to play video games on easy difficulty?
I certainly don't think so. Depends on the situation. For TLOU, I'm primarily interested in experiencing the story and atmosphere. Survival horror/stealth gameplay isn't necessarily my cup of tea. So Easy feels right. You can always replay it again on a harder difficulty (which I've done with many games that I first played on Easy).
I primarily play games to relax at night. I'm more into it for the story and overall experience. I'm not looking to challenge or frustrate myself, so I usually play games on Easy.

That said, I've been playing TLOU on Normal and so far I have found it to be pretty fair. Like the Uncharted series, the enemies tend to be able to take an unrealistic amount of bullets to kill (but then again so does Joel). Other than that, Normal diff is well balanced.

On another note, Ellie is quickly becoming one of my all-time favorite video game characters. The voice acting, writing, and story of this game is phenomenal.

Well I am about 9 hours in and 54% done with the game and I am definitely liking it. I am not sure how much "fun" I am having but I am enjoying the details of the game, the characters, and the strategy involved in many parts. The scavenging and crafting works well and once you upgrade a few things (holsters) it makes combat more enjoyable. I am hoping the story continues to get better and does not follow a pretty typical path (at least in my head).

Things I do not like though are the enemy AI and enemy glitches. Maybe the most frustrating glitch (at least I hope it is) is when enemies will just freeze, completely stop searching and become undetectable with listening. I won't say which part but it was a pretty big set piece and I spent the entire time taking guys out silently I thought I cleared the entire map. I go up some stairs and a set of 4 guys are just frozen there. Suddenly they pop to life and I barely make it out after spending 30 min clearing this area. No idea where they came from, never showed up on 'listening", and were in an area I already cleared. This type of thing happens often I think.  Ellie gets in my way alot also. She ran in front of me once right as I was trying to grab a guy to choke him and it broke the grab and alerted him. The only other thing that is frustrating are the scripted parts that force straight combat when the game is not built that way. It is built for stealth and pop and run tactics not stand your ground type stuff. 80% of my death have come from these situations.

But dont get me wrong. At this point I would say top 3 game from 2013 this year so far. I am an Infinite fan and I loved Tomb Raider.

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I really hate it when games forget to tell you about mechanics or neglect to visually teach you them by showing you.
You're a Souls series lover. C'mon, man!
I'm not talking tactics; that's entirely different. I'm talking core mechanics of how weapons can be used. Imagine if in Demon's Souls they never taught you how to riposte. Sure you could go the entire game and never use it, but what if you discovered it after you beat the game and thought how many times it would have helped? That's pretty much what happened to me here and finding out about it from a guide of all things is bad in my book of game design 101.

I just made it back to the school in survivor mode and I think I'm thoroughly fucked lol. Anyone who has made it past this point knows what's coming up for me, but I'm bingo on almost everything. No bombs, no molotovs, no shivs, no health packs, 3 rounds of handgun ammo, 3 shots of shotgun, and 5 arrows.

Good odds for any Regulator. :lol:

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bread's done