Naughty Dog's The Last of Us - Left Behind Single Player DLC Out Now!

I hate playing multiplayer with suck ass teammates. I usually have a good team, but this last one was horrendous.

I really hate it when games forget to tell you about mechanics or neglect to visually teach you them by showing you.
You're a Souls series lover. C'mon, man!
I'm not talking tactics; that's entirely different. I'm talking core mechanics of how weapons can be used. Imagine if in Demon's Souls they never taught you how to riposte. Sure you could go the entire game and never use it, but what if you discovered it after you beat the game and thought how many times it would have helped? That's pretty much what happened to me here and finding out about it from a guide of all things is bad in my book of game design 101.

I just made it back to the school in survivor mode and I think I'm thoroughly fucked lol. Anyone who has made it past this point knows what's coming up for me, but I'm bingo on almost everything. No bombs, no molotovs, no shivs, no health packs, 3 rounds of handgun ammo, 3 shots of shotgun, and 5 arrows.

Good odds for any Regulator. :lol:
I stumbled upon this by accident. It ended up being very useful.

@Jodou Have you been able to gather all of the collectibles while playing on survivor?

Oh lord the part where you play Ellie literally gave me a headache it was such bullshit...

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Finally finished this today, and I thought the ending was perfect. There were so many parts toward the end where I expected to be disappointed, but the game pleasantly surprised me every time. Played through on hard with listen mode disabled and loved it, definitely looking forward to trying out survivor difficulty.

Call me crazy, but I totally agree with all of the glowing reviews.

@Jodou Have you been able to gather all of the collectibles while playing on survivor?
Yep, so far so good. I've been following a guide as it's being written, so having little breaks in between is nice. I just finished the library again and it was every bit as painful as normal, but this time without listen mode was intense. Even so, I'm about halfway through the game again and I'm already burning out on it. This game just isn't that good for repeat playthroughs, unlike Uncharted has always been for me. Going to have to get a new record player, but the stealth gameplay needed polish and feels too repetitive.

Just beat it, one comment about the ending-
Joel just damned the whole human race and lied to Ellie right? fucking stupid.

Just beat it, one comment about the ending-
Joel just damned the whole human race and lied to Ellie right? fucking stupid.
Yeah, I didn't like the ending either. I think I mentioned this already but for me a more satisfying payoff would have been never finding the fireflies and realizing they were the 'last of us'. That despite all their efforts and hardships, the human race was extinct. And who knows, maybe Joel gets dirty with Ellie to produce immune offspring. :lol:

Just beat it, one comment about the ending-
Joel just damned the whole human race and lied to Ellie right? fucking stupid.
Yeah, I didn't like the ending either. I think I mentioned this already but for me a more satisfying payoff would have been never finding the fireflies and realizing they were the 'last of us'. That despite all their efforts and hardships, the human race was extinct. And who knows, maybe Joel gets dirty with Ellie to produce immune offspring. :lol:
I was very satisfied with the ending. Although the game may not have offered a "feel-good" resolution, the events leading up to the finale not only make Joel's decisions very believable, but they also allow the player to sympathize with the ruthless survivor as he dooms the rest of our race.

I mean, Joel has lost everything - on multiple accounts. At the time when Tess is taken from him, there is virtually no reason for him to go on. The promise that he makes with Tess to deliver Ellie is the only thing pushing him forward. However, unbeknownst to Joel, his time with Ellie will give him a new reason to live. Over the course of their journey, the post-apocalyptic conditions have each character hanging on to one another for survival. And when the Fireflies force Joel's hand, he is not willing to let go.

What I find ironic is that if the Fireflies would have handled the situation differently, I believe the resolution would have also been much different. I believe Ellie would have been okay with sacrificing herself for the survival of of the human race, and if given the chance to speak with Joel about her decision, I think he could have been able to accept it as well.

It's weird... in a way the story is the opposite of Romeo & Juliette, where the two protagonists get to live on together; however, the story is very much still a tragedy and one that you don't quite feel good about.

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I just finished the 2nd half of the Hotel,
where you fall down to the basement and holy hell, the point where you try to start the generator scared the shit out of me.

This is the type of game I'd want to get the platinum trophy for but I simply cannot see myself beating this on Survival... much less Survival+.

Actually Survival + is easier as all your stats carry over. Survival was hell on earth though :(
Oh... is that what the + means? I didn't realize the + was for "New Game +", I thought it meant that more insane shit was added. Durr... :lol:

In that case, I can't see myself beating it on Survival... I had a ton of trouble with a lot of fights on Normal.

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Just finished.  What a great, beautiful game.  Like another poster said, I've just been sitting here reflecting on the game for a while, unable to do anything else.

At a little over the halfway mark of this game I couldn't see what the fuss was about.  Enter new area, sneak, get mad when sneak mechanic sucks, kill stuff, move to new area.  I hated Ellie, hated Troy Baker's lame accent, hated the gameplay, hated that some guy was shooting me with a machine gun and I couldn't pick it up after I killed him.  Then something clicked, and I couldn't stop playing.  I realized most of the character stuff I hated for the first half of the game actually had a huge payoff later, and I loved it.  And unlike some of you, I thought the ending was perfection.  What a great game - can't wait to go through again on Survivor now.

I also had to laugh at the three whole trophies I unlocked on my playthrough.  Guess I should have used a guide!  I kind of like a game that doesn't reward you with trophies/achievements every time you complete a new chapter in the story, though.

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Any of you pro wrestling/WWE fans? Because I just found this and took a pic of it and put up the WWE PPV logo for comparison.

Coincidence? Maybe. Most likely some Wrasslin fan that works for Naughty Dog or maybe it's a common font? I don't know but as a wrestling fan I found it pretty cool.


I was very satisfied with the ending. Although the game may not have offered a "feel-good" resolution, the events leading up to the finale not only make Joel's decisions very believable, but they also allow the player to sympathize with the ruthless survivor as he dooms the rest of our race.

I mean, Joel has lost everything - on multiple accounts. At the time when Tess is taken from him, there is virtually no reason for him to go on. The promise that he makes with Tess to deliver Ellie is the only thing pushing him forward. However, unbeknownst to Joel, his time with Ellie will give him a new reason to live. Over the course of their journey, the post-apocalyptic conditions have each character hanging on to one another for survival. And when the Fireflies force Joel's hand, he is not willing to let go.

What I find ironic is that if the Fireflies would have handled the situation differently, I believe the resolution would have also been much different. I believe Ellie would have been okay with sacrificing herself for the survival of of the human race, and if given the chance to speak with Joel about her decision, I think he could have been able to accept it as well.

It's weird... in a way the story is the opposite of Romeo & Juliette, where the two protagonists get to live on together; however, the story is very much still a tragedy and one that you don't quite feel good about.
It's not that it wasn't feel good, it was a stupid ending. You already poked holes in it alone with your ideas. It was just awfully convenient how things played out and to me that's lazy writing. I mean, why even tell Joel what was going on until it was over? Most of the reason I hated it was because it just gave another reason to extend an already long game even longer. At that point I was just ready to be done with the game and wasn't liking the direction it was taking anyway. Quite frankly they could have both died trying to escape and I wouldn't have cared because the whole thing was just stupid IMO.

I know I'm not doing a good job explaining why I didn't like it and that's because I just can't point at one specific reason why. It was just a collection of feelings at that point that turned me off to it.

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I was very satisfied with the ending. Although the game may not have offered a "feel-good" resolution, the events leading up to the finale not only make Joel's decisions very believable, but they also allow the player to sympathize with the ruthless survivor as he dooms the rest of our race.

I mean, Joel has lost everything - on multiple accounts. At the time when Tess is taken from him, there is virtually no reason for him to go on. The promise that he makes with Tess to deliver Ellie is the only thing pushing him forward. However, unbeknownst to Joel, his time with Ellie will give him a new reason to live. Over the course of their journey, the post-apocalyptic conditions have each character hanging on to one another for survival. And when the Fireflies force Joel's hand, he is not willing to let go.

What I find ironic is that if the Fireflies would have handled the situation differently, I believe the resolution would have also been much different. I believe Ellie would have been okay with sacrificing herself for the survival of of the human race, and if given the chance to speak with Joel about her decision, I think he could have been able to accept it as well.

It's weird... in a way the story is the opposite of Romeo & Juliette, where the two protagonists get to live on together; however, the story is very much still a tragedy and one that you don't quite feel good about.
It's not that it wasn't feel good, it was a stupid ending. You already poked holes in it alone with your ideas. It was just awfully convenient how things played out and to me that's lazy writing. I mean, why even tell Joel what was going on until it was over? Most of the reason I hated it was because it just gave another reason to extend an already long game even longer. At that point I was just ready to be done with the game and wasn't liking the direction it was taking anyway. Quite frankly they could have both died trying to escape and I wouldn't have cared because the whole thing was just stupid IMO.
Frankly I thought it got pretty stupid right when they ran into the insane cult in the woods where you had to fight guys who somehow had great aim and vision in a fuckING BLIZZARD and kept going downhill from there

Frankly I thought it got pretty stupid right when they ran into the insane cult in the woods where you had to fight guys who somehow had great aim and vision in a fuckING BLIZZARD and kept going downhill from there
EXACTLY. I think that was part of it too. I think after the Fall events the game just had a different vibe and that shift in direction threw me a bit. I mean it was so painfully obvious what was going on and you just had to play along and humor them. Thinking about it now, I started to lose interest in the story at that point too so you're spot on.

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SPOILER ( not sure how to use spoiler tags on mobile, so heads up) I was also initially skeptical of the ending, as I usually prescribe to the philosophy of the needs of the many out weight the few, but realize the fireflies had a shot at a vaccine, not a cure. The majority of the populace is dead, and its not like you can cure current infected. Besides, the fireflies are obviously not very pure of heart themselves, so they may just use the vaccine as a ploy to gain power. Ultimately, the commentary behind the ending is that when people have lost their moral compass, humanity loses its worth. Throughout the game its stressed that morals have no place in survival, but when there is a bleak chance it can be restored, what's the point when people have already lost their way? Joel sees what people have become, and realizes this. Adam Sessler mentioned in his review that the idea of anthropromorphcentricism, or the idea that humans are the center of life, is wrong, and I agree. Remember the monkees and giraffes? They were fine, even though the world as WE know it had crumbled.
I agree with most gameplay complaints, but I find myself liking the ending more as the week goes by. I think they goofed up a bit overall by trying to mix gameplay sequences with story progression, such as by
canonizing Joel's massacres instead of just pretending he sneaked by and took out a couple, maybe. It was a little silly when you could hear the bandits talking about how he and Ellie were killing everyone like some renegade super soldiers.Still, I think the emotional and philosophical parts of the storyline and ending were presented well, if, perhaps, curtly. Maybe giving the Firefly leader (forgot her name) further character development would have made her actions more palatable, instead of a very brief set of audio recordings, etc, at the end. And the introduction to the whole story was incredible. Very creepy when you're playing the daughter at the beginning. Anyway, it's the ending (Spring chapter) that felt rushed to me, whereas the whole "Your Fireflies are in another castle" plotline got old fast.

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I'm not sure what is wrong with me...

I just cannot seem to bring myself to play this game anymore... but I'm also unsubscribing to the thread since spoilers are in about every post now. 

I can't believe how many people already played through this. I just got my pre-ordered copy from Amazon last night, didn't get release day delivery. I was intriquied by the high scores so I bought a full priced game, the first in quite a long time. I played about an hour last night. I'm really digging the atmosphere so far. I've got a lot more to see. Can't wait. 

Ultimately, the commentary behind the ending is that when people have lost their moral compass, humanity loses its worth. Throughout the game its stressed that morals have no place in survival, but when there is a bleak chance it can be restored, what's the point when people have already lost their way?
You know, that makes a lot of sense. IF that's what they were trying to convey, they did a shit job of it. Had I picked up on something like that though I would have felt much more satisfied with the outcome.

Good post.

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Actually the monkeys were not fine...
It was stated they technically have a strain of the infection, but aren't affected. In one of the logs, you find out the fireflies tried to use the monkees to reverse engineer a vaccine as well, but failed. I think Ellie remarks once of how thankfully there are no clicker monkees XD
It was stated they technically have a strain of the infection, but aren't affected. In one of the logs, you find out the fireflies tried to use the monkees to reverse engineer a vaccine as well, but failed. I think Ellie remarks once of how thankfully there are no clicker monkees XD
Maybe it was a nod to Outbreak, but the monkeys were just carriers after being infected.

Anyone bought the LE guide? Is it worth it? I bought the uncharted guides and enjoyed them. Havent bought this game yet coz of backlog but im thinking of buying the guide for it now. Hehe! Thanks
Finally got to give this game a go and holy crap Naughty God has delivered again. I'm up to the E3 Demo part and I'm loving every second of it so far. I started on hard and turned off listen mode, kinda ran into a few jams because of it but Its the only way to go IMO.

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After playing the game for about 5 hours this weekend I kind of poo poo'd it here on the thread.  HOWEVER, I'm about 85% through it and I must say this game just continues to get better.  This game really is incredible and I feel badly for judging it too harshly in the beginning.  I think it was partially the perfect scores that came through that had my expectations through the roof.  I also find that for me this game is best played in two hour windows, however it's getting harder and harder to put down as I move towards the end.

I haven't tried multiplayer and know nothing about how it's setup but I can't wait to try that when I finish the single player.

Yay! More people like this game!

Given how long it's taking me to finish the SP, I'll probably never beat the MP. I still don't understand how it works...

Greatest game of this generation IMO. The game is absolutely amazing and a true work of art. Naughty Dog has never disappointed and this is their best work.
Anyone else playing this in the dark with their headset on blast? It's so intense especially with listen mode off haha. But damn, the combat in this game is so brutal and satisfying. I love throwing a brick in someones face and then pounding on them with ma bat lol

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This game definitely defines intense!

The meme I saw the other day of holy shit there is two of them is so true. Clickers are so intense. Definitely one of my favorite games this gen!
Anyone else playing this in the dark with their headset on blast? It's so intense especially with listen mode off haha. But damn, the combat in this game is so brutal and satisfying. I love throwing a brick in someones face and then pounding on them with ma bat lol
I was playing with lossless 5.1 surround. I turned it off before I finished the hotel. :whistle2:s Good old stereo is enough for me!

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Anyone else playing this in the dark with their headset on blast? It's so intense especially with listen mode off haha. But damn, the combat in this game is so brutal and satisfying. I love throwing a brick in someones face and then pounding on them with ma bat lol
Headset on, lights off, listen mode off. I can't imagine playing any other way.

However, listen mode in mutliplayer is such an amusing way of punishing the kids that go in playing this like a FPS. I was expecting it to turn the multiplayer into a campfest, but most players seem to be taking an aggressive stealth approach, so it's pretty satisfying.

Anyone else playing this in the dark with their headset on blast? It's so intense especially with listen mode off haha. But damn, the combat in this game is so brutal and satisfying. I love throwing a brick in someones face and then pounding on them with ma bat lol
Headset on, lights off, listen mode off. I can't imagine playing any other way.

However, listen mode in mutliplayer is such an amusing way of punishing the kids that go in playing this like a FPS. I was expecting it to turn the multiplayer into a campfest, but most players seem to be taking an aggressive stealth approach, so it's pretty satisfying.
I guess I'm just lucky. Every time I've played multiplayer, I've been paired up with awesome teammates. Everyone sticks together, everyone pitches in to revive downed players, and everyone is on the ball with strategy. Haven't lost a game yet.
How do you guys check how far into the game you are? I've seen some of you post percentages, but I don't get where you check that.

I checked IGN's guide and I'm only at The Suburbs, which is the half way point and I've clocked in 13 hours (mostly screwing around). At this rate, I'll never finish this game.

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It's on your save file.

And I've already passed you again on survivor mode lol.  Playing through a couple of sequences that were all out shootouts reminded me just how fun this game can be when you're not having to deal with the derpy stealth system.  I realized that I hated all of the Pittsburgh stuff because it's non-stop stealth or die, with way too many enemies in each area.  Checking my stats I saw I have like 50 headshots combined and something like 250 chokeouts.  That's a lot of sneaking around. : \

You're coming up on the fun parts now though; lots of sniping fun!

Cool, thanks. I only get to play for an hour a day during the weekdays so I should probably stop screwing around.

Anyone else playing this in the dark with their headset on blast? It's so intense especially with listen mode off haha. But damn, the combat in this game is so brutal and satisfying. I love throwing a brick in someones face and then pounding on them with ma bat lol
Headset on, lights off, listen mode off. I can't imagine playing any other way.

However, listen mode in mutliplayer is such an amusing way of punishing the kids that go in playing this like a FPS. I was expecting it to turn the multiplayer into a campfest, but most players seem to be taking an aggressive stealth approach, so it's pretty satisfying.
I guess I'm just lucky. Every time I've played multiplayer, I've been paired up with awesome teammates. Everyone sticks together, everyone pitches in to revive downed players, and everyone is on the ball with strategy. Haven't lost a game yet.
I've only ever had one of those really bad players on any given team, and I consider myself lucky. Any time a game has gameplay that veers off from the more hectic shooter style, it's a huge gamble as to whether people will pick up the different playstyle or try to force the usual on everyone. So far most of the people I've encountered online really get into the teamwork aspect of the game, which is awesome.

I like the multiplayer. Any chance you think they may add clickers or infected into it? Think it would be cool besides just hunting the other team you have to worry about the infected as well. I'm also hoping the dlc single player adds to the story.
I was just thinking last night how crazy something like survivors mode could be if you also had infected roaming the maps. Something like that would probably be a nightmare to balance, but it could make for some really intense multiplayer scenarios. I'm definitely looking forward to hearing what they have planned as far as dlc goes.

I was just thinking last night how crazy something like survivors mode could be if you also had infected roaming the maps. Something like that would probably be a nightmare to balance, but it could make for some really intense multiplayer scenarios. I'm definitely looking forward to hearing what they have planned as far as dlc goes.
I think they should have done something like that, in some shape or form. Maybe in the middle of a game, play some screams/clicker sounds and stop all the activity for a few seconds, and have the in game characters stop fighting and say "oh shit, clickers/zombies... what do we do?". Then, all players would get to vote to either a) work together against a larger group of enemies and share all rewards or b) or have a massive free for all with fewer zombies (and maybe send more of them towards the winning side or increase the drop rate for the losing side).

But I haven't played the MP yet so I'm guessing there's probably something wrong with that idea...

So the game is getting more praise lately, and that's good and all, but is it a very linear experience? Lot of "go here, do this" with the illusion of an open landscape due to the environments?

So the game is getting more praise lately, and that's good and all, but is it a very linear experience? Lot of "go here, do this" with the illusion of an open landscape due to the environments?

Yes. A game that's this detailed isn't going to leave much room for a lot of free roaming and predetermined scenes.

Just beat the game the credits are rolling and wow what an experience, this is hands down the best game of this generation. Hands Down! Naughty Dog may have ruined gaming for me cause how the fuck am I suppose to go back to games after playing this? I can't figure out how to spoiler my texts (I'm dumb) so I'll leave specific moments out. But man, everything was just perfect, the dialog, the characters, the voice acting, the gameplay, the soundtrack. Just everything, holy crap. I gotta admit I was very skeptical when this game started getting all these perfect scores cause the same thing happened with UC3 and I was very dissapointed with that one. Not that it was bad or anything, it just didn't live up to the hype for me. This game does and surpases it, damn! I can't wait to see what Naughty God comes up with next for the PS4. Now I'm off to play some MP.  :bouncy:

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bread's done