NBA 2K9 League #2 3 Games due by 1-31=)

Yeah, we got kicked off the first time we tried. We played a second game after that (custom match) that we finished though. I got off to a hot start, and then we played pretty much dead even for the rest of the game. The early cushion helped me pull it off, although it got pretty tight in spots. Juan or Franky, if you could give me the win (vs. Pistons) when you get a chance, that'd be good. Also, the game Franky and I got disconnected near the end still needs to be reset. Not sure what 2K's logic on that one is. I can see counting a disconnected game, but considering they list the score correctly, not sure how they decided I should take the loss.
Me and Weavshow just had our second matchup and I finally beat Mr. Undefeated. I'm up for some more games tonight and tomorrow. I want to play teams that I haven't played like the Cavs, Hornets, Lakers, and Pistons.

Edit: Thanks, I learned something valuable from our first game. This time you did the 3 point chucking ;)
After the first game I learned to control the paint, just ask the Suns. I never let him get closer than 15-20 lol.
I broke out with a run and finally kept it. Hope to see you in the Finals :applause:
Again, I'd like to play those above mentioned teams because Weavshow is the only one to beat me and I am the only player that has beaten him!
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Yeah, we had a good match. Actually, I guess it wasn't so good considering I never got closer than 10 points. Talk about ice-cold - subtract Eddie House, and the rest of my guys combined to go 1-34 from 3-point range. Special mention goes it to Pierce (1-18) and Ray Allen (0-12). Okay, maybe that means I should've learned something, but still. They were good shots (for the most part) and Dudedizzle was playing a nice zone. With Yao guarding the paint, I didn't have much choice.

Anyway, good game man.
Just played against MSUHitman and lost 93-82. Zero defensive effort and poor rebounding on my side, no defense at all in the paint....he was scoring at will and some silly turnovers ( I want to pass the ball to my PG, not shoot it from my end of the court Z!) caused me the game. Every time I got close on the scoreboard he would pull off a run and I could not get it moving.

Good game Hitman!
Yesterday sucked. It wasn't totally under my control, though. I ended up not being able to sleep on Tuesday, but before I resigned myself to staying awake until leaving at 7 A.M., I messaged a couple people for games. I played 2 NHL league games, but no one from this league was available/awake.

My doctor's appointment was a standby one, which meant I'd get in to see the doctor whenever he had a ago between other appointments. So, having been awake for close to 24 hours already by the time I got to the office, I ended up waiting in an uncomfortable chair in the lobby with crazy people (shared physician/mental health clinic, public for the county- guess I get what I pay for at $37 a year/no insurance) from 7:30 A.M. till almost 4 P.M. Last time, it only took 2 hours. I slept for 15 hours after I got home. It had been a day from hell.

I'll be home all day today, though, so message me on Live. I'll respond if I'm on. If not, try CAG. I usually check things on here fairly often throughout the times when I'm home.
That's why I said to send a message. You can do that without me being on your list. If I'm on, I'll respond, or we can set a specific time via the board/thread.
I'm worried about FrankySox. He hasn't been on Live for 4 days. I called him, but got no answer.

I'm also worried about getting 3 games in by Saturday. Hardly anyone's made an effort to play with me. WeavShow did after I posted in here today, but we couldn't meet up at the right time, and XXXplosive messaged me while I was offline and sent another one 10 minutes later saying to forget it. fucking time zone differences.

EDIT: Hitman! Yes!
I played 2 games vs. Hitman earlier. He was the only one to beat me in the last league, and he beat me twice in this one. Both games featured each team gaining 10 point leads, but both were close throughout otherwise. He won the first by 5 points, and the second by 13, but that was mainly because he drained all the free throws he took when I intentionally fouled him. Great games, both.
I'm on the phone with FrankySox right now and he said he won't have internet access till Tuesday. Your 3 games will be due on Wednesday.
My bad, I though you needed a late night game time since you were talking about time zone differences. I'm avaliable now. If not let me know when you will be avaliable
Could somebody get a game in with Matt tomorrow please? Lots of times he sets his status to offline even when he's on because he gets disturbed by random people so much when he's showing as online. Just send him a message and see if he responds within 10 minutes after you send it.
All right guys, someone may need to take this league over and give one of the teams on the waiting list the Warriors. My internet will be up tomorrow, however my 360 broke again. I'm thinking it's a video card issue of some sort. I'm going to call them later today and see how much it will cost them to fix it. If it's close to 100 dollars I'm probably going to say screw it and not send it in. This is the second time in six months, I don't want to do this twice a year.

Anyways I'll post back here tomorrow to let you know for sure. I guess if Goodfella wants to completely take it over that's cool. As far as replacing me I can let everyone know tomorrow.
[quote name='FrankySox']All right guys, someone may need to take this league over and give one of the teams on the waiting list the Warriors. My internet will be up tomorrow, however my 360 broke again. I'm thinking it's a video card issue of some sort. I'm going to call them later today and see how much it will cost them to fix it. If it's close to 100 dollars I'm probably going to say screw it and not send it in. This is the second time in six months, I don't want to do this twice a year.[/quote]

I have no idea why I clicked on this thread (boredom I guess), but hasn't it been reported that if you can get your 360 to RR, even if there's something else wrong with it, MS will fix it for free? This might be an option for you. If that plan works, as soon as you get that thing back in working condition, I'd dump it on ebay/Craigslist, and pick up a brand new Jasper system from Dell or something. It might seem like a lot of work, but in the long run, you should come out ahead.
Wow, that sucks Franky good luck with that.

I think there are 2 of us on the waiting list. I still would be happy to join the league if franky has to drop.
You can give the spot to Soodmeg if Franky is dropping. I'm the other guy on the waiting list, but I don't want to be the Warriors.
We're dying right now, and if Franky drops we could be dead. Basically, the Warriors, Lakers, and Pistons need to step it up and get more games in. I have added all of them (Lakers list is full however) and rarely see them on (with the exception of MSUhitman being away for hours lol). We need to start enforcing a 2 games a week rule immediately because the league is definitely on the same path as the first.

EDIT: It seems as the Pistons and Hornets have gotten a good amount of games in, I guess I'm just never on at the same time as them. Basically, whenever I'm on, I can only play the same people: Weavshow, FrankySox, (Suns sometimes) and Juan C is on but I have never played him.
I'm on every day. My list is full, but you can still message me as I said before (and WeavShow/Xxxplosive did). Also, I created a silver tag as a second friend list- Matt Young 951.
I have an idea that should help us knock out a lot of matches quickly. We should all get together one of these nights and play 2 or 3 games or at least get a group of people that can agree to play one another...say for example 4 or 5 of us can get together on a Thursday and we can play against each other. This should help get a lot of matches played at once and we can finally look forward to the playoffs.
I'm going to need to be replaced. I'll be without a 360 for a while because the video card is shot.

I did buy a PS3 though so if any of you have one and want to play hit me up.
Cool, well not cool about your xbox but I am excited to take over a spot in the league. Shin said earlier that he didnt want the spot and only him and I were on the waiting list.

I dont know how to get into the league half through so someone is going to have to send me instructions.
[quote name='FrankySox']I'm going to need to be replaced. I'll be without a 360 for a while because the video card is shot.

I did buy a PS3 though so if any of you have one and want to play hit me up.[/QUOTE]


I was coming here to ask if anyone wanted to play at 3 Pacific/6 Eastern before the Lakers game, but it looks like this league is falling apart. Not to mention one of the people I play with the most on the 360 has switched to a system I don't yet own. Crap.
Yeah, if you guys send me a invite tonight I can get some games in....I can also get some games in after 3pm tomorrow.
[quote name='Immortal fWd']I really don't think the league is falling apart. Over half of the members have played at least 5 games. I think we'll be able to get through it.[/QUOTE]

Also, alot of people have tried to play their games almost every night but the problem is that our schedules don't always coincide with others.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Yeah, if you guys send me a invite tonight I can get some games in....I can also get some games in after 3pm tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Sood, you've got PM
Ugh, alright so I am having 2 problems right now.

1. In game it says I can not connect to the 2k servers and they are down.
2. I can not seem to log into the online portion of 2k it keeps saying that my account is already link and to go back to the forums to sign in.

Any help with this?
bread's done